PORK PASTIES 1 recipe package pie crust mix --9-inch two-crust pie 3 1b. ground pork Has Grim Memories] 5 omon mm Seared oe Of Immigrants sons camps in Europe. All were under Mrs. Lyons' care during their first year in Canada. Jobs § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 3, 1960 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES ASTRA GROUP secretary is Mrs. William Cor- New Year at Simcoe Hall. The The regular meeting of the|bett and all Auxiliaries were ask-|president, Mrs. John Anderson, Astra group of the WA of Simcoe|ed to order from her rather than Street United Church was held in|send to Toronto. the ladies' parlor. Reports were given from the The meeting opened with the|secretary - treasurer and singing of a hymn followed by a : Bible reading by Mrs. Robert|Was given on Hess and prayer was offered by Mrs. Robert McLeod. Mrs. Walter Roe presided for the election of officers and the slate was presented by Mrs. R. H. Holden as follows: Mrs. Robert Currie; dent, Mrs. Robert McLeod; treas- urer, Mrs. Robert Hess; card , Mrs. Reginald Piper; reporter, Mrs. the presidents' passed that this course be re- peated each November for the ing office. President, qont's report for the past month sisted her at the Cub Leaders' press Lawrence; Mrs. Nicholas Gulenchyn; sponding secretary, Mrs. Bowman; pianist, Mrs. Davidson. This year's projects for the group will be a children's fashion show to be held in March, a rum-| duet. mage sale in April and a bazaar in November. | 4 Refreshments were served by leelkugton. Mrs. Robert Currie's group. Herbert Schuerman ARDENT WORKERS Arthur Bunker. Mrs. Ewart Clemence opened) PMA CLUB the meeting of the Ardent Work-| qu. regular corre- David Murray|ade Sunday, February 21. cor- responding secretary. A report|with regret benefit of all new presidents tak-|tive. vice-presi-|and thanked those who had as. Training Course in serving meals. The following announcements Neville|were made: Clergymen's dinner recording secretary,|on February 8; open house, Feb- ruary 13; Scout Leaders' Training Course February 20; church par- Each auxiliary gave a report, most of them reporting they will cater to their father and son ban- | After the meeting a pot luck lunch was served by Mrs. John|nancial statement. meeting of the| presided. The annual bridge party was discussed. Members decided to hold a bake sale. It was learned that Mrs. Lewis Hammil will be leaving the club training course and a motion|in the near future. The penalty officer, Mrs. Ger- ald Farrow, was extremely ac- Mrs. Peter Andrey entertained Mrs. Varnum gave the presi- with moving pictures which she took. on her trip to Florida. GIRL GUIDE COUNCIL The monthly meeting of the Di- vision Council of the Girl Guides Association was held in the Board 32 medium onion, chopped 1 cup carrots, diced 3% cup finely chopped celery 1 teaspoon thyme Salt and pepper to taste 'Brown ground pork and onion in hot fat. Cook carrots and cel- ery, covered, in small amount of boiling salted water until tender, about 5 minutes. Combine meat and vegetables; add seasonings and mix well. Roll out pie crust dough and cut into six 6-inch circles. Place a large spoonful of the meat mixture on each pas- try circle. Moisten edges of pas- try with cold water; fold into % circle and seal well. Cut slits in top and bake at 475 degrees F. until delicately browned, about 15 to 20 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. Makes 6 servings. Room of Guide House. Division = Ci issi , Mrs. R. E. Wilson, presided and in- troduced the new commission- er of South Dale District, Mrs. Russell Hayward. Mrs. John Naylor gave the sec- retary's report. Mrs, E. A, Mounce presented her yearly fi- Mrs. Wilson thanked the mem- were won by Mrs. |bers for their co-operation and and Mrs. support, during the past year and spoke of the healthy, growing con- dition of the Guide Movement in |Oshawa. It was announced that the an- ers' group of King Street United pjoacant Monday Afternoon Club|pual appreciation dinner will be Church with a hymn and prayer| .ncned with the president Mrs followed by a poem entitled "AlGeorge V, Lee presiding. |held in Christ Memorial Church LODGES AND SOCIETIES PRINCE PHILIP CHAPT. The January meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire was held at Adelaide House with Mrs. J. L. Beaton presiding. In tribute to the late Regent, Mrs. W. F. Mercer, one minute's sil-- ence was observed. Mrs. Beaton spoke of Mrs. Mercer's devotion to the chapter, her enthusiasm and wonderful ability to get along |on February 11 at 6.30 p.m. Miss with everyone she worked with Hungry and Fearful no kill, please." knees begging. Mrs. Kate Lyons had just put some brown powder, in a cup. a poison she had seen used in aljob. European concentration camp. cup for her guest. vice. MANY EMERGENCIES she dealt with many emergen-'to Siber had to be found fer each. When the girl finally was ready Actually it was instant coffee[to go to work, it was winter and and Mrs. Lyons was making a|there were deep drifts of snow. Mrs. Lyons bought a pair of over- It was one of the incidents re-(shoes as a farewell gift for her| called by Mrs, Lyons when she|guest and mentioned, in present- retired as director of women"s|ing them, that there was lots of work in the Edmonton office of|snow outside. the National Employment Ser-| BEGAN SOBBING i When the girl heard the word snow, she broke into sobs. Sh During her 18 years at the job|thought He was going to be sent a. Mrs. Lyons recalled one young Dra P ES EDMONTON (CP) -- "No kill, [girl who once had to hide in the P CusTom mare 4 ovens of a concentration camp to The young girl was on her(avoid the attentions of the Nazi gestapo, The girl was quite dis- turbed when she arrived and Mrs, Lyons took her to her own home The young girl thought it was/for a rest before finding her a "VENETIAN BLIND "DRAPERY TRiks HORWICH JEWELLERS 100,000 (| FARANCE New Your Prayer" by Mrs. Roll call showed a large atten- Edith Milne will be the guest|in the many offices she held in oshua Kinsey. . dance. The Scripture lesson was|speaker. ~|the community. The secretary's report wasiread by Mrs. Elwood Bradley. Monthly reports were received] The minutes of the previous given by Mrs. Frank James. The secretary and treasurers re-|from the following district com- meeting were read by the secre-| Treasurer's. report by Mr. Wil-iports were read missioners: Mrs. J. C. Stephen-|tary Mrs. C. G. Luke. Mrs. liam Ward. | Members reported to be on|son, Rosslynn district; MrS.|j uke announced that the tickets Business discussion followed. [sick list were Mrs. William Cal-|George Pearce, Parkwood dis-|for the Eaton's College Street Mrs. Frank Hortop was elected lison at home and Mrs. Fred A.| trict; Mrs W. A. Forsvthe, (Fashion Show to be held on Wed-| to the nominating committee, (Kalar in hospital. {Kingsway district; Mrs. W. E.|nesdav, March 9, would be avail- The devotional period was led] Favorite hymns were sung, and| Gardner, Adelaide district, Mrs. able at the February meeting. | by Mrs. Wilfred Harris. Mrs. Mrs. Henry Braund sang a solo. R. S. Hayward, South Dale dis-|The treasurer's report was given| Douglas Lander sang two solos Readings were given by Mrs, |trict. {by Mrs. Wesley Piatti. In the ab "When Song Is Sweet" and "Gal-| William Collins, Mrs. Duncan C.| Tt was announced that the Brow-/sence of Mrs. F. N. McCallum, | way Bay". {Nisbet and Mrs. Lloyd Burkett. [nie Fair will be held April 29|educational secretary, Mrs, Refreshments were served by| It was decided to invite a|2t Guide House. [Beaton read 8 leer Hom he the executive. |speakes ie Oe meeting in March | FRIENDSHIP GROUP " school at Calvin. Also thank-you OUT g April and May Z| The Friendship Group of King jatters from many of the pupils J. 1 co LS VXIIARIES EX ED. Refreshments were served by Street United Church WA met re-\to the Christmas treats and| ie BX Pr hy Mrs, William Callison and Mrs. [cently in the lower hall. |gifts sent to them by the chap-| Mothers' Avxjliaies mel recenl:'yymean Nisbet | Following dinner, Mrs. Harold|jor "yt was decided that baseball | ly with Mrs, Gordon Varnum,| [Bell, president, opened the meet: oquipment be sent to the school in president, presiding. | OSHAWA LIONETTES ing with a prayer. The devotional {ype spring. Mrs. Alfred Austin] Roll call showed 38 present. It| The Oshawa Lionettes held period was led by Mrs. Clarence ang Mrs "Harold Tonkin . were| was announced that the supply their first monthly meeting of the Scott. |appointed delegates to the an-| - The minutes were read by the|; 1 meeting to be held in Ham- |secretary, Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. j1ton in April, | Elmer Randall, the treasurer,| nfiss Flossie Coyte, Echoes! [gave the annual report. |secretary, stated that Mrs. W. F. | Mrs. Bell thanked the mem-|\ercer's name was being placed) {bers for the help given her during|,. the "Remembrarice" notice in the year. ; | Echoes magazine. | Mrs. Jack Perry installed the npg J. E. B. Shortt, secretary 11960 executive: President, Mrs. of Services at Home and Abroad, | Douglas Lander; vice - president, | gaye her report and Mrs. W. B Continues at both stores: SHOPPING CENTRE & 20 SIMCOE ST. S. SAVINGS from 20 10 50% Remington Electric Shavers Gent's Diamond Rings All Transistor Radio Gent's Bulova and Gruen Watches Pictured after their wedding | of Mr. and Mrs. George Gil- recently at Albert Street United | more and the bridgroom is the Church are Mr. and Mrs. Grant | . i Earl Derry. Formerly Miss | son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Derry, all of Oshawa. Myrna Rose Dianne Silmore, | he bride is the eldest daughter --Photo by Peter Ellins | Shop WOOLWORTH' First! BUY YOUR VALENTINE CARDS AND NOVELTIES NOW . .. Ladies' Diamond Rings Community Silverplate Crystal Ware and Glassware Fine Bone China Samsonite and Dominion Mrs. Wilbur Rusnell; secretary, white, Mrs. Harold Tonkin, Mrs Mrs. Clarence Scott: assistant/yw §' C Larmer, Mrs. C. G.| secretary, Mrs. Frank Train;|yuce' Mrs, A. S. Whattam, Mrs. | treasurer, Mrs. LeRov - Kellar;|y, 0 frwin offered their services| assistant treasurer, Mrs. H. S.(5¢ Fairview Lodge on February | Myers; flower convener, Mrs. (19 Mrs. Wallace Butler, Cana- J. E. Seymour; press Secretary, gianization and Immigration con-| j (Mrs. Alex. Nicholson; pianist,|yener announced that a court a, an Night | ould be held at Whithy on . y - | Thursday, February 4, at 2 p.m. | o (Salis ou Tuestey, February yen over one hundred new citi- " o0 te on ¢ i |zens would receive their papers. e close of the meeting, L. F. Mel hli d M Miss Marilyn Scott played some| irs. L. F. Mclaughlin and Mrs. | selections on the accordion. George E. Ansley offered to at-| tend the ceremony and hand out SUNSHINE GROUP {Bibles to the new citizens. The :| The regular meeting of the members of the Chapter will | |Sunshine Group of Simcoe Street|serve tea and sandwiches after) United Church was held recently the ceremony to the new citizens in the church parlors with thelin the United Church. president, Mrs. S. Sargeant, pre-| In the absence of Mrs. K. R. siding. |Wagg, Mrs. Alfred Austin read an Mrs. Donald Houlden and Mrs. interesting paper from Mr, Me- : [Clarence Hewer led in the devo-{Intyre Hood. The members were | tional period. Ipleased to learn that Mr. and| During the business part of the Mrs, Hood hope to pay a visit to] VALENTINE CUT-OUT BOOKS DOILIES. Pkg. res VALENTINE HEARTS CANDY. Lb, ...... ' GOLDCRAFT CHOCOLATES -- Heart Shape Box Order . . = VALENTINE HEART-SHAPED CAKES VALENTINE COOKIES Doz. Sau VALENTINE HEART SHARE LL 19° 89° 95° = §5¢ am AT OUR BAKERY COUNTER NOW . « « for Valentine Day Luggage Costume Jewellery relish dish. WEEKEND SPECIAL! Aluminum and glass butter dishes, sugar and cream, 9: Shopping Centre meeting several plans for the Oshawa some time this spring. HORWICH JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe St. South coming year were discussed,| The report of the nominating among them being a fashion show |committee for the officers for and hair styling in March and a/1960 was read by Mrs. A. S. What- Smorgashord in May. Severaliiam catering jobs were discussed al-| The meeting was brought to a s0. {close by the singing of the Na- Refreshments were served with|tional Anthem. |Mrs. Byron Worden and her| group in charge. | EXTRA PENALTY WHITCHURCH, England (CP) NEW SCHOOLS {An insurance agent who was fined HERTFORD, England (CP)--|£10 in this Glamorganshire town The Hertfordshire education com-|for stealing a wallet from a | pnt il 16,-| Woman's house, was ordered to mittee will spend more than £16. |," per "13 chillings for a , and | y Mr. and Mrs. Jack Russell, all (000,000 this year on building new ja}; _ sitter to look after the of Oshawa |schools, an increase of £2,000,000 woman's child while she was --Photo by Hornsby |over last year, testifying in court. | HAPPY LITTLE LINDA is the granddaughter of Mr. and Posing happily for the camera Mrs. Stanley Locke, Sr. is Linda Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Locke, Tenny- son avenue. Linda, who was two years old on December 10, of : nN yen Moo wf LER | CAS Look Your Loveliest For VALENTINE'S DAY Whether you like your hair long or short, we will create a style you'll love , . , a style to flatter. Visit our salon soon. Snip the style that suits you! HAIR STYLING 110 KING ST. EAST 0; Telephone RA 5-8631 For Appointment Porking ot Rear DOOR BUSTER BARGAINS NYLON SLIPS 1 99 DOOR OPENING SPECIALS NYLONS rastiiokes Cc Mock fashion sleeves. Rib- bed looped neck. ALL FIRST QUALITY. Reg. 498 .... All first quality. White end 7.99 SEAMLESS NYLONS FIRST QUALITY. Reg. 1.00 PR. 400 needle - 15 denier all 54 colors. Reg. to 3.98 TARTAN SLIMS LADIES' BLOUSES Son pions 3007 eli De 3% OFF All famous brands as above to match. All first quality. ALL COLORS & SIZES. Reg. 6.98. a Bulky ORLON CARDIGANS 6-44 White and colors. Sizes S, M, L. All first quality. Reg. 95 Ribbed neck, mock fashion. All first quality. All new 1 .99 Reg. 3.98 . ORLON CARDIGANS BAN-LON PULLOVERS Branded "Lady-An ne" quality. ALL COLORS & 2 [] 99 SIZES. Reg. 4.98 4.88 BEADED CARDIGANS first quality: 'Golden Crown' Brand. SIZES 14 TO 20. - 38 ) ORLON PULLOVERS shades. SIZES 16 TO 20. 9.99 "Kameo" "Regent". All first BAN-LON CARDIGANS Orlons and Ban-Lons. All h 99 TO 44. Reg. to 10.95 . Reg. 14.95 "LADY BERKLEIGH" FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS AND GOWNS ALL COLORS. 1 88 ALL SIZES. Reg. to 3.98 first quality new shades. 7.99 WOOL JUMPERS ALL WOOL SKIRTS 5.98 11 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 16. Reg. to 19.98 PHONE RA 3.7421 Straight cut, pleat in back. Sizes 8 to 20. Assorted colors. Reg. to 10.98. NEXT TO KRESGE'S pik