The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1960, p. 4

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Sydney Lockyer; press secretary, | "uw Ruskin Avenue. It included Mr. handcuffed to a constable just im- 1 t Mrs. Arthur Eliott. ourt Visits Justice F. H. Barlow of the On.|side the door. nnua 1232) S One Year Directors: Mrs. Cyril tario Supreme Court, 1 and am Davies, Mrs. W. Heron, Mrs. court clerk, all formally gowned, and a uniformed sheriff's deputy " At Brooklin BV, xo ves. C. vest) Witness Home [i243 umiomet seis deny cen, Ti, Dee, J, ora, (cor ln yyy gop tt 1 # 3 {Charles ey, Mrs. D. E. Ham. group er 2 By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Dyer, Mrs. Victor Parkin, Mrs. er, Mrs. Vernon Wilson. Malls. Witness Ju 3a Lio) Tr Rm nos gl -- The January|Varcoe, Mrs. Cyril Davies and... oui Davies entertained|had had a baby only a few days|pathologist, gave evidence on || meeting of the Brooklln Womenls|Mrs. Roberts. mated to Ont.|!hE meeting with colored slides of 240. So the court went to her. |'ests she had made on the al- the Township Hall with president|ario County Women's Institute winning exhibits at flower shows,| Taxis conveyed a 31 - member|leged rape victim. Lucien Bert- 'Mrs. C. DeJonge in the chair.|gepolarship Fund for 4-H Girls |10cal gardens and holiday scenes.'party to her home on west-end'rand, charged in the case, stood Correspondence included mnotice|Club. from Wilda Gordon, Home Econ-| myo annual meeting of the omist for Ontario County ofig ook in Horticultural Society Achievement Day for 4-B Girls scheduled to be held Monda: . y, was Gla io be held ai, Uikbriage High postponed until Tuesday owing to A letter was read frum Ys. bed: weather. pands and tetente LG hstitutes of Ont.|Were entertained to a pot luck sated Joten's astute of the! supper in the Christian Education Building of Brooklin United Addlaide Houde, home at St Church. Vice-president Mrs. F. M. WE WILL PAY THE COST OF YOUR GASOLINE TO AND FROM OUR TORONTO STORE George, Or memory of the foun. | Holliday. in the absence of presi- @ WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 6 x 9 CARPET OR OVER AND YOU WILL SAVE MANY \ © EXTRA $5. EVEN A SMALL SAVING REPRESENTS MANY HOURS OF HARD WORK-- ' _{dent, Mrs. Norman Alves con- Oe OE ean socidwd| ducted the business session and THINK IT OVER--TORONTO'S NOT THAT FAR AWAY, fo forward a contribution from the| secretary, Mrs. Arthur Elliott ted rt th 's Eppa EAH, ol, SOHO © SAVE 509% ON NAME CARPET BRANDS DURING OUR HALF PRICE SALE !! Tweedsmir compilations for 1960| Presentation of the T. Eaton ! as follows: Bandierata, Jagksd Holly 59 Jighest 0 was SPECIAL 9' ® 6' To. 29.95 hair seats; cultural ect, a|made to Mrs, Ceci es pores play--Tweed ir Histor |S} pson-Sears trophy to Mrs. ORIENTAL HALL AND lal Researeh; Senator Carine Sydney Loeiver. REPRODUCTION 9'x10°6"" . . 44.95 | star RUNNER Wilson citizenship project; scrap| The society re book on community project with|culture exhibits at Brooklin x 4 ' h pictures included and the A.C. Spring Fair; sponsored care of 9 x 12 49 95 W.W. essay contest. the village park: sponsored a A | a Ey . - a Mrs. C. De Jonge introduced bird house competition and a ' ' the guest of the afternoon, Mrs, [poster competition for junior Wine, Beige, Green 4 COLORS w. = Brown, Greenwood, new |pupils and classes for junior sec- ; 9 X 15 ce oo oo 64.95 district president of South Ont.|tions at flower shows. i J i J : i. 1 t| Bae Les ee oravatoa a7. Mrv. Coatles. Wit WALL TO PACKAGE DEAL so. [ ¢ heavy bberized underlay, beautiful tack- ° YD. a talks on procedures at women's | presei Bei Institutes in England and related son showed receipts $283.00; ex-| WALL Yous > " data on the newly elected presi-| penditures $244.20 lpoving a bal 4 #2 4 dent of the F.W.LO. Canada ance on hand of $38.70. 1 vio 7, OBL erg { |Mrs. L. G. Lymburner of Port| The list of officers for 1960 as NO CITY DRIVING . . . WE'RE AT THE EASTERN END OF TOWN "i hs J nr Colborne; and new! elected | presented by the nomination] ; : PROVED secretary-treasurer w Gerald committee, Mrs. Sydney Lockyer | OPEN THIS WED., THURS., FRI, SAT. 'TIL 10 P.M. Holder. and Mrs. R. V. Young were ac-| Dwight S. Simmons of Tor- | century mine hoist. Similar | model is on display at the As- | Members were asked to con-|cented as follows: EA T EMD gate, Sew prosident of the Js equipment, powered by water | soclation's annual meeting in |sider assisting with furnishings, President, Mrs. Norman fives; 4 Tear re a: wheel, was used in France as | Toronto today. i ng Wh gw Bgl tly Find Fy 2924 DANFORTH AVE. Th ATO examines scale model of 16th | late as the 18th century. The --AP Wirephoto |in the proposed new building for| Irs. Eric Green; secretary, Mrs. |§ the Ajax-Pickering District Schoo}| Arthur Elliott; treasurer, Mrs. | AT DUNBARTON Charch Plas SS ae i i, Si COMMUNION SERVICE Holy Communion was served by Service Is Held |For Minister |[s.omii fu fi assisted by elders Charles Wilson, [J PICKERING -- Friday, Febru- W. A. Heron, Allan Jones, Lloyd : h h ary 5th, is to be an official board Stephenson, Albert Hannan, Heber | nl e urc | meeting of Dunbarton, Fairport| Down and Ralph Milner. | Churches. The minister, Rev. J.| The senior choir provided music A : DUNBARTON -- The regular, The executive of the WA met |W. Wilkinson, for reasons of ill. With Mrs. Fred Brown at the 4) morning service of Dunbarton|at the home of Mrs, Harry Pearce|ness, has resizned as minister off OrEan, United Church was conducted by last Thursday. | these congregations and plan; YOUTH WEEK Mr. Donald Bell with a good| Sympathy is extended to the|for getting a successor will have| January 31st to February 7th is eo a i sf ; 3 3 = : kd > _-- A attendance on hand, Mrs. Vera Braybon family of Altona road, to be made. being observed as youth week and = A he ls dt bh we Freeman sang a solo, "Hear My|the Lawrence Davis family of J services Sunday morning, Feb- § : ik Prayer," accompan'ed by Mrs [Kingston road, and Dr. F. 8 DUNEARN PERSONALS Ta Ee To we Wilkinson at the organ. Hertzberg and family of the vil- Me shower Yas. ae for youth of the congregation. The pe Wa | Wi LL lage who have all recently had Mrs. G. Zawerucha of Spruce Hilllc G17, Young People's Union s ANNOUNCEMENTS family bereavements. Rd. at Mrs. M. Foxtons home| poy" g:cuts and Cubs will be in The official board will meet at| Mrs. Bellhouse has been visit- 00 Jan. sth. Friends and neigh-| attendance. Dunbarton church on Friday, Feb. ing at Lakefield bors had an enjoyable evening "mpg junior choir will provide 5 at 8 o'clock to discuss pastorall Mr. Younger of Fairport road and 1 fre. I Zawerucha received| pn, io under the direction of Mrs relations north, suffered a stroke on Mon- many lovely gifts. : Kenneth Holliday with Dianne i v : day and is now in the Rosebank The On-We-Go Junior Women's| Nesbitt at the piano and M DUNBARTON PERSONALS Nurs F Auxili : . | I's. Tre WA wet on Tharsday| UE ng Home Auxiliary meeting was held in/Fred Brown at the organ afternoon in the church parlors] Wally Hobbs while playing Dunbarton United Church on COMMUNICANT CLASS with the Circle Group in charge hockey suffeted 2 grokan thumb yesday, January 26th. Mrs. Wil-| A communicants' class will be of foe defations. "Me at ale es Mrs. Disk Gio of kinson conducted the installations| held Sunday Feb. 7 at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. John Zawerucha on the Trenton were visi ing at Mrs. [of officers for 1960, which are as re ears om he birth of a son on Jan. 25 in Ajax Oliver Gibb's on Sunday. follows: pres., Rose Stroud; vise: ~ WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION Howital, tie iy Mrs. Walter Willis attended the| pes, J, Hopkinson) corres. sec.,| The Women's Association will is 0 e ho ns on annual meeting of East Toronto|¥V chell; recording sec,, C.|meet Thursday, Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. the asc Line on S. 1a were Presbyterial at St. John's Pres- Green; treasurer, L. Dobbin; |in the Christian Education Build- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stirling hyterian Church. |pianist, M. Lynde; devotionaling. : : ii! ' : / i % and daughters, Patti and Bev. of DREW'S CHURCH convener, 1 Thompson; social] The Brooklin Bridge Club held oe a p he ky Each tender, flavourful cut of PORK Serborolgh; b a = ig dod the conveners, M. Hopkinson and M. is wealy games in the Township "i the y a i y ; : is lean, fine.grdined ond firm. Mr. Mrs. mas Dumond, | i 5 oN cg d : ; . , fine. vse au Mes. hint Nas visit-| regular morning worship service "pron, v 5) Nich igh scores recorded ed Mrs. Dumond's parents, Mr.|This was the conclusion of Youth| =. EA BE ro Carey and Mrs. Horner, at Barrie on/Week and the following _ young|31¢ Chute; official board re-| NORTH AND SOUTH Figo g + , J i : i Sunday. people assisted Mr. Kenne L/Presentative, R. Stroud. Mrs. R.| Mrs. W. Medland, John H. Wii il . A ai ed Ma meter Which svi you serve; he Gircle Group 1s catering to|Heron with the service. B fj{Pearce was the guest speaker of | Goodwin 75%; Mrs. Bovey, Miss y DAN i d b i i 3 ' i STEINBERG'S PORK is succulent the Kiwanis dinners for Febru-|Hansen, Ruth Miller, David Gris-| 02 Sve Dg 24 20 e on The| Bovey 71; Mrs. Cyril Davies, W. ¢ . h Ve i , g and sweet from the first juicy bite ary ley and Dorothy Erickson. The|STVALAGES ©. 2a brary. This| A, Heron 69%; John Millar, Ted La . glk : y | d | The 2nd Brownie pack of Dun-| full choir was in attendance | OT E2NIZaLioN 15 Joking Jorward Heron 69: Mrs. W. A. Heron, Mrs ys Ba | #N Yo he last fendes meriek ss barton had a skating party at the under the direction of Marion os Yes Sig Lia year, Nora Jordan 61. 8 wt and the PRICE IS RIGHT TOO! South - West Firehall on Friday MicCiement, organist and choir | nity who are interested in join.| EAST AND WEST evening. eader. |ing please contact any of the ex-| Mrs. A. J. Cook, Mrs. Floyd ecutive, Jones 73%; Mr. and Mrs. John over 72%; Mr. and Mrs. Ken- DRAMA WORKSHOP HOLD MEET neth Holliday 71%; Mr. and Mrs. Last Thursday evening the Uni-| Dave Coates 65%; Joan Bryson ted Church sunday school jeachers Shirley Saunders 57. : Dean To Visit I Aine & te home u SOCIAL EVENING RIB END CUT : FILLET END CUT ® H ry ¥ had # i a as follows: trimmed to satisfy the most discerning tastes! CENTRE CUT CHOPS EXTRA LEAN ¢ 18. On Saturday evening, January The Brooklin Women's Institute 23rd, Mrs. Marion McClement,| Sponsored a social evening of bd accompanied by Mrs. Eileen|cards and erokinole at the Town- AVERAGE AVERAGE owmanviiie Jackson Hil, sang in the Oak|ship Hall, Brooklin, Thursday, weioHt ¢ WEIGHT ¢ Room of the Union Station at the convened by Mrs. Gordon Hurst 318s 18. MH Jes TY : annual Burn's dinner of th -|and president, Mrs, C. DeJonge. BOWMANVILLE -- Jame s|tion into speech, diction, and the ery geots association. Rom) Draw prizes were won b -- Dean, noted director and adju-lart of criticism. Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Harris lis dicator, will be the guest of the| Anyone interested in these as-| 4c oy of ong Branch visited 5 3¢ Durham Drama Workshop Thurs-| pects of the theatre can contact| gion dg of the neighborhood on SIDE BACON! L8 PKG day, ai the Bowmanville Hig h{Doug. Rigg, director of recrea- Sunday. ; ™ . . vil i anvil ns " * School at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Dean will|tion at the Bowmanvi le Lio | Roger Cragg and Tommy For- A a soon HADDOCK 113eke FILLETS 39¢ TRE TOP QUALITY « JACK SPRATT - RINDLES TOP QUALITY . PRESSWOOD 1 1B CELLO PKG WIEN 39¢ demonstrate how to construct a Centre, or attend the Thursday 4 a | section of a "flat", used to block|nights session and get the benefit sythe Jr. have been ill with the ' {mumps this past week. ut wings and back stage. of the remainder of the workshop : ; : ' 2 schedule which will continue until| Winners of trophies for the Hor- i ORCHARD KING He will also demonstrate me-| ti. in May at the Bow- | ticultural year were Mrs. P. An. i thods of painting flats to 821 wid manville High School auditorium. 1;* gum the Simpson Sears the i ANORABED prove helpful to the group, most pURPOSEFUL BOOM phy; Mr. Stallan the = soclety's : v PN CHOICE of whom have had no experience, qr ACIER NATIONAL PARK, prize, 7 AY 15 OZ TN of stage carpentry. Mont, (AP)--Jets broke through] Grant Westlake injured his foot The workshop has been design- the sound barrier over this park (while tobagganing and is laid up. i i ed to deal with all phases of Monday and the sonic booms ' SWEET, TENDER, GREEN theatre, and so far it confined created safe snow slides, the air 1 a itself to direction problems. Now |force said. Two F-109 Delta darts Jil rami some of Ee dee pt. mice BN EE JOC SENS CHALET COFFEE woe 55 prmee vom technical problems involved injover sec gs putting on a play. A special ses-/snow was piled to dangerous| g CS WERE 4 Ton tf en el ee | EGCE= ii Gir 300517 iv | . PEP DGC FOOD 37758 SALADA gi Open Thursday YOUNG PEOPLE! SHOW THIS AD \ a /23¢ hss «75 ond Fridey TO MOTHER AND DAD! x, A L AMS wit ssonmosan 3/508 TOME TISSUE = 2/49, NORYH PLAZA TEENAGE TYPING CLASSES ---- } ois ee Ty EL : REA % Laundry Rinse 20x. 39. OPEN TO PUPILS FROM GRADES SIX, SEVEN, : ssommrroun A EIGHT AND ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS | ; 3 ona in vimann NESTLES QUIK 5 TD erone 6% 119 | : "WHI STREET * WHITBY OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE | 7 A= ORANGES : gm, nous; | Register and Start at Anytime Pe Aro BUNNY 1AM CLASSES ARE HELD 600D FOR t 2 voz 2 'Monday to Thursday 4:15 to 5:00 P.M. : = FOR ¢ Students Attends any two nights the fast, soothing GROWTH! RS mS ------ OR cough relief FAM 5 . 6 OZ. TINS Ol ; . i US ALL- ORCHARD KING OR Al. POUND PACKAGE AS 8. BAG OR 6 QUART +. | Saturday Morning 9:00 to 10:30 A.M. | Pinex starts controlling your cough LL-VEGETABLE CALIFORNIA U.S, NO. 1 FINEST GROWN EXTRA LARGE PRESHPAX FROZEN DAIRY-CO QUALITY ONTARIO GROWN OR | from the first hing sip... i Hl an oat | YELLOW QUIK i R 0 C ( 0 l -0 9 ORANGE JUICE BUTTER . 5 APPLES -- COUPON VALID TO COUPON VALID TO COUPON VALID TO inter SAT. FEB. 6 ond Students Attend on Session. proven in 50 years of cough relief, Blue SAT. FEB. 6 Tuition 1.00 Per Week A dled SEDs is " SUPPLIES . . . TEXT BOOK 1.50 bE X Bonnet inde onli se TYPING PAPER .15 1.65 Individual Instruction -- Modern Equipment 3 CONCENTRATED MARGARINE REGISTER BY PHONE RA 5-3375 9 READY-MIX a

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