The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1960, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 3, 1960 17 44--Houses & Apts. |44a--~Rooms For Rent (45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale | rete rates w-- re xn For Rent SINGLE room. also double room, twin| FOUR - Tom bungaiow and bath T00m.| PRIVATE SALE $12,900, five room bun-| PICKERING -- 32 acres fronting on| FIVE - room bungalow with attached | gy iles for Sale 50--Articles For Sale BIRTHS SRE he Suhr SUE ~ | beds, close to business section, hospital, 4 and Jat, a a) galow, three bedrooms, large kitchen, Highway 7 and side road, year Tound| garage, $10,900 buys this 47--Automobiles ~ MODERN apartment, four rooms and North General Motors, clean, no cook-| ushes, garage. Telephone 3. |large recreation room, close to school|springs, high well-drained land with brick home, oil heated, large land-|';5 HALF-fon Chevrolet panel, mnew| SUNBEAM electric razor parts, alse bath, in Bowmanville, central, immedi. ing. Apply 114 Elgin Street East. |THE family will thoroughly enjoy 1iv-|and bus stop. Preferably cash. RA| | view of sur ing country, scaped lot, "aluminum storms and snow tires and paint. Telephone RA|cutting heads, cords ete, for other ate possession, $60 a month. Apply Sam| ing in this three - bedroom brick Bun 3167 {ideal home sight and investment. only| se creens, immediate possession. Ror) 57488. makes of electric razors. Meagher's, MAUGHAN -- Bill and Joyce are Annis, 10 Division Street, 1 Bowmanville. ONE large furnished room, sink and|galow in North-West Oshawa. Close - - ---- -- $15,000 with $2000 down. Private sale. particulars, call Bill Miller, RA 8.5123, CX oKW two-tone station wagon, show 5 King Street West. RA 3.3425. = happy to announce the safe arrival of MARRIED couple or two working girls {stove in kitchen, suitable for ome or|all schools. Delightfully different itch, PRIVATE sale, 200d income home.|OL 5-4930, {Lloyd Realty, 101 Simcoe Street North, | condition 10,000 miles, fully LARGE d thelr son Gary William on Sunday, Jan El Pp Ph MArket 3.2312, two ladies. Ptivate entrance. Dial|en, stained trim throughout, charming, brick, eight rooms. with hardwood | Oshawa wry ate. Phone Tom, TV's at Parkway To viene 918 Sim- uary 31, weight 6 Ibs. 11% ozs. Thanks|lo share home. Phone y P14 RA 5.8023 after 5. | quality built and economically priced at| floors in attic: oil heated: garage; very |[DELIGHTFULLY different and spac. Xtras. priv [IVI Rt Parkway a to Dr, McKinney and staff Bowmanville. - 1812,500. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA cent 5 minutes from GMC th ious, six - room brick bungalow, ma. LOTS, 105° x 160°, at Courtice. Paved User 534d, Usbridde, after § p.m. ct ™ | FIVE - room, brick bungalow for Tent LIGHT housekeeping room, use of re- [Eon Plant, Must sell to settle estate. For hogany kitchen cupboards | ots. pi VE like to clean our stock of used om Don and Barbara are tice, immediate posses. |frigerator. Also two-room furni more information write Box 947 Osh- | throughout arge rooms, uy black and Bing tires like new, Man, bargains, three months happy to announce the birth of a daugh.|on 816i Couto or apartment. Centrally located. Apply 20| NEW SIXToom ranch bungalow, double awa Times. screens, divided basement. d. -- bre wo ane Older car. Telephone RA guarantee. Trio television, 171 Bond ter, Sandra Evelyn Elizabeth, OR| tome Elgin East, RA 5-4150 attached garage, two f divided jueres down. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA rik [Street Ea Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1960, at the Oshawa TWO - room apartment, kitchen and) a with finished recreation i NEW six-room brick bungalow with|5 9870. " a -------- ---- a tomb General Hospital. A sister for Deborah bedroom, no heavy wiring. Apply 151 TWO rooms, heated, SH entrance, | [Terms arranged. Apply to builder, 238|double garage on '4 acre lot, situated | er re ~ 36 NASH Rambler. estate wagon, cus-| HOUSE trailer, English Bluebird P and Cordon Oshawa Blvd. South elderly couple preferred, kitchen fa-!Kaiser Crescent, Oshawa. north of Greenbank on No. 7 and 12| APARTMENT land on Adelaide Street, OWN tom radio, tutone blue and white, low. finder, 16' 6" long, 6' 6" wide. Propane FOUR - room. apartment, heated, re. Silitics close to bus stop, Phone RA ~ room house on lot of 86 x 330 highway, oF hione YUkon 52762 or UX-|formerly Louisa Street. 180 frontage by $400 D mileage, economical family car, $1433) stove, oven and lights, reasonable price. frigerator and stove, washer and dryer ba |feet deep, on Simcoe Street North. For!bridge 2-99 Ja Adidng $19,800. Terms. Phone 6% MORTGAGING Seaway Motors, Whitby. Phone RA 8502. RA 3.2734 FURNISHED room with Kitchen, suit|/more information, phone RA 5-2753. EE 4402. FOR quality used «clothing, come es fio DEATHS FOUR rooms, and bath, heated, Hol jjsentieman, Phone RA 3.9235. |B UY or sell or rent property through, | Solid brick, Decorated, Alumi '48--Automobiles Wanted [12 william Street East. Also used and cold water, tile floors, built-in cup- ON Colborne Street West, large double |W. McAuley Real Estate, and join the | APARTMENT LOTS | *num storms ond screens | LAKESHORE A oto "Wreckers waht furniture. boards, TV aerial, heavy wiring, pri-|furnished moom, use of kitchen, or hundreds of satisfied clients whom we| / | W. T. Lomson Real Estate |cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, WINE and © vate entrance, North Oshawa, RA|Would board, young business gentlemen have had the pleasure of serving. For BUILDING HA 5.1161 or RA 35-1182. solid oak, low! CORY -- in Oshawa General Hos 57754, preferred, RA 3-4935. the Sea), Arr 2 Prince Street, N.H.A. approved, full pre- Ltd - gk 8 Church, RA pital on Monday, February 1, 0, pe ------ SINGLE room for tiem ntral (Osh 08 3 or Whitby aw 11 suites, nearly new. Resi- Id t RA 5-8831 - ET RT ¥O - bedroom apartment, complete gentleman, ce! d paid services, builders terms, FINE foods for less at Glecolf Super- Tomas Weary Cory cia Monk Stren), I { - - BUYING OR SELLING SEE yn arket. Ritson South, open daily to 10 38 ssau Street aS LS Sp ------------------ husband of the late Hattie Viola Han-(3el, COLIC i iocauion, heavy | ROOMS, Three Tarse wnraished, mew. ASW-Celina, five room bungalow, tres. "dential area, on main street RISTOW & OLSEN | p.m, Free parking and delivery. Free Soeks i his lis Ta late Me wiring, adults preferred, immediate pos. ly decorated, sink and cupboards, 728 Blete bain, garage, S700. ne dowh in Oshawa. All suites leased Realtors ! MACKIE MOTORS premiums with purchases. Self-serve Home, service in the chapel on Thurs LIL RA 13-9859. Cedar Street. RA 80228. So specifications under CMHC. -Tindall Call RA 8-5183, OL 5-4424 RA 5.6165 -- RA 5-3412 ED DI N Y RR. 4 KING ST. E meats, fruits, groceries. day, February 4, at 2 p.m. Interment NEW three "bedroom bungalow, rea. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail- Real Estate, 43 Bond Street West. RA oF RA 3.9207 19 Athol ¢ st. West Wi iv. eee 10 can RIGHEST prices paid for used furni- Union Cemetery. (The family will 'Pe sonable. Phone MOhawk 8-4609 after 5 able in private home; 82 Park Road 5.0429. - EALTOR - INSURANCE raspy Pha Lis ture, also sell and sxchange. Contact i ow A "ommunijty Furniture Store, rince at the funeral home Tuesday evening |North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671 eerie 5 P. TOP location, just $12,000. Close to Woes Community Furniture hi 35 m., Wednesday 2 - 5 p.m. and |Crg=--rrrr rm , three bedrooms, |SINGLE furnished Tedtoon for busi- school, bus. 1% storey brick home, with 82 SIMCOE ST. § a TE # Sl Pn oil heated, centrally located, $95. RA [ness man, in quiet home, breakfast garage. Gleaming hardwood and tile | RA 5- 5743 | SKATES, new and used, } inrgest selec: " 3.9343. optiona 38 C floors, large modern Kitchen eau tion in town. Most reasonable prices. WILSON. Sarah Atty uit IF 2 shop err" So et, fully landscaped. Must SPLIT LEVEL a. _ |Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street the Oshawa Gen ospi ON "two , furnished | in [TWO 3 » | appointment call Bill Swarbric} East, ness at or $12,200 | : re SPOT CASH WINTER sale of roo oa iy on Tuesday, February 2, 1960, Sarah private home with kitchen privileges, close to North GM plant Telephone | E22 or RA 3.3398. John A Ann Ellen Moore (of 124 Brock St referred. Phone RA 5-6823 after [RA 8-6890. ¥ ladies p! hood Ltd., Realtors. wallpaper, 10-roll bundles North, Whitby) beloved wife of the'g m LE TREE ae Form ERO 1 enan---- p-------- - NHA Resale. Nearly new, | Erle fli: piss yo oe Diliing HE voom house, three bedrooms, | |SOVoTIAITE Wi a 35 ACRES OF GOOD, ALA, VOR ABLE LAND 1 ultra modern, 3 bedroom PAID FOR 3 rat a allvaper: i r ( ith $s. 1 5 i - i H i. or Whitsy, Jack and Robert big living room and kitchen, all newly board Siena, sie King Street) 1 WITH EVER-RUNNING SPRING. SITUATED BE brick home with living-room Rc Cie ou fee tables (Bob) of Oshawa, in her 87h vear. |e 0, OL Telephone RA | NORTH Mary Sires -- Bedroom | RANCH BUNGALOW TWEEN OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE, SOUTH plus large family room in | Good, clean cors. Trade ub iia ardwood constuction, various 3 Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral |? So! ry Str wv room in ! walk-out basement. A home or down iens paid © tone designs, 14" plate glass tops, rea- Whitby for in the 3-3078 . _|warm, quiet home, newly decorated, $ - Eke ) SRA * Shape, on on ery 4 at| THREE - room, self - contained base. lise of teleph furnished. X11 bathrooms, $1450 DOWN FROM HIGHWAY 401. GOOD FOR SPECULA on lot 55 by 237' with its DODD MOTOR SALES sonable Sul] =A. 5-400. gr a and | use of telephone 5, $69 MONTHLY TION IDEAL FOR INVESTMENT. SUITABLE own beach, city sewer and 314 PARK RD. § BADY balgaint, Clearout of Jast yout 2 pm. Interment Mount Lawn Cem: ment apartment, private entrance lephone. R/ . - etery, Oshawa. Minister Rev bath. RA 57928 after 6 p.m ROOM for twd gentlemen, single beds, water. $85 monthly includes R 9 Armstrong corner store, William and Mary Streets. Decorated in oils, walk-out = FOR FARMING. UNDER PRICED AT $8,750. a I a, RA. 3-942! [Price, $1688; play pens, | Telephone RA 5-0906. ' 4 Py gig e bibl - basement with huge picture - | Call Art Weinberger RA hm |chairs, $7.88; strollers, $5.88. Wilson's GERROW FUNERAL CENTRAL FURNISHED room in good home, ven: iodo Sodded front and CALL JOHN WACKO, REALTOR 35333 or SUT e" RA 49--Automobile Repa mre, 3 Charen Stree Three or six room office suite tral. Breakfast optional. Suitable for back WT Lomson Reo 136 SIMCOE ST. S 3.7244 tw stove, Princess Pat; 1271 SIMCOE NORTH jacket heater; double CHAPEL with private facilities. Will re young lady. Apply 306 Gliddon. SA A odel to suit. Call RA 8-5123 |LARGE, - warm double room, single Slo'e ry tubs on rollers, all in Kindness beyond price mode ; \ beds with or without breakfast, kitchen RA 5.8831 RA 5- 6569 GOOD LOCATION % : 914. : ( Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd privileges, close to downtown, avail 380 PLUS IN ME Specialists in Ford Service ih TTT yet within reach of all 101 Simcoe St. N able immediately. Telephone RA 8-0852. ---- CO and parts. Wheel alignment, SNOW b wer, sligl eed. lor side. 7 room brick home, excellent wheel balance with latest hdd fl Sub cbte -- RA 8.5123 ROOMS by (h k, tiled she i > 5 oe RA 8-6226 cr. | ath, maid The week fig 1 oper a LLOYD REALTY $900. 00 DOWN condition, close to King, with type equipment. Newest type YSED {umiture, RA i! KIN T WEST ree For Rent Hotel J " , 2 electronic tune-up equipment, chides ep -- 390 KING STREE ES 440--Rooms TT rir ppg oe ust @ few minutes wolk to downtown area, 6 room brick, 2 modern garage $12,750 P equip SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- 1 ' F 3 pce. bath, nicel Moderate d t ap ------ TWO single rooms, one upstairs, one Une larse. unfurnished room, privad OSHAWA'S BUSIEST storey home, hot water heating with oil, 3 pce. bath, y derate down paymen |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, on main floor, suit gentlemen or ladies A 'Warren Avene. § 330 - - decorated, vacant now. To inspect call Ozzie Addison RA 3-2254 Call Art Weinberger RA BRAMLEY MOTOR | ete. For top cash offer, con- LOCKE' < FLORISTS Close to hospital. and bus. RA 8.6387 Biri dni REAL ESTATE FIRM 3.2333 or . RA SALES LTD ; Prince Street. Phone RA #1131 327 Kingsdale Avenue CENTRAL -- Well furnished, warm 3-2333 or evenings L ; Bn : Flowers or srrangements for LARGE furnished room, refrigerator, Dédrvom. Doard TRional; mich Some OPEN EVENINGS $1,500.00 DOWN 3-7244 PHONE RA 3-4675 Prompt IE Vidia Soiofs OF Wad Worst now for early delivery. Chair and table cupboards, sink, hot and cold water a r ee ~ x G 0 trall located, 4 oms private bath. close to 1GA store, for ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail AND SATURDAYS Large 6 room brick home, very centrally locate rooms 45A--Real Estate for Sale rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 North 3 i ok down, 2 up, oil heating, 3 pce. bath, new modern cupboards in ¢ . bus « couple. 219 abe in private home, 82 Park Road C s 4 ' 0. AS recta mere ------ Oshawa Shopping Centre jwo. gentiemen or dieing de. North, 57 p.m. RA 8-8671. $700 DOWN $700 kitchen, garage, some furniture including frig. and stove Move Or Exchange > Articles For Sale VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, West Sid = VE or two furnishe > 10 ht Call Ozzie Addison RA 3-2254 % re UNGRY! Order fish and chips, ham PAItS, attachments, brushes, guaran. est Jide THREE private rooms, suitable for ONE u two EE pa le runt For 10 bcres. of thoice land in right away. Call Ozzie ison -2254, SELL or ¢ exchange -- Restaurant busi- [ATG We deliver. 25c extra. Town teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. £ nurses or working girls, just north of nedr Donevan Collegiate or 'uke of hadi 5 thot xX ness, large living quarters, garage at " Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- PHONE RA 8-6555 hospital. Private entrance and bath, | Edinburgh School. Phone RA 5.7709. cost of Oshawa. with 66° COMMERCIAL tached. arge lot for house in Oshawa Lunch, 522 Ritson South, RA 5-897. _ asiy P: c di T "furnished Too y p ' istrict. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times. NINE - piece dining room suite, wal. alt fbn kitchen and dining room facilities. Tele-|ONE furnished room, suitable for lads frontage. 2V2 acres now ¢ 75 x 124 ft 6 | nut, reasonably priced. Telephone RA Pi typéw ,_eleciric IBM phone RA 8.0362 or gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street : 4 Right on Simcoe St. N. Lot with rQom brick i th lots of room 9 tvpewriter, adding machine with credit IN MEMORIAM rove unfurnished rooms. seli-contain. North. __ ii BE th ) "storey home, oil heating, 3 pce. bath, hardwood and tile |46--Real Estate Wanted yO RE Vi {*pewsiter, adding machinie witli eredit ed, ground floor, unheated, now 'vacant, s y 48 ; 1 fl o N ALL kinds _ of pi wanted Tor UBIC foot Kelvinator wi heap. RA 3-4434 3 : una A 0 RAS Br We Tomieiing Fooly Aol call and ask for Dick Youn rs, 'garoge. Excellent location for small business asking ALL kinds of property wanted for freezing unit, Moffat table {0p elec. oor ee pair $40 month] F t 3-4192 5193 500.00 down. Co-op listing. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, clients, some with all cash or your iric range. 1201 King East after 5 p.m, SENSATIONAL savings during our Jan RA 8-5123 equity. Call W. McAuley Realtor, 26 --~ wary Clearance Sale, 10-piece living FURNISHED room for rent, in quiet SINGLE and double rooms for gentle SMITH -- In loving remembrance of a|home, near Shopping Centre, gentlemen men with cooking privileges. Apply 133 NORTH DISTRICT Prince Street, Oshawa. RA 32512 or LLOYD baby carriage and matiress, room ensemble includes davenport and dear wife and mother, Edith Smith: preferred. Apply 240 Burk Street. RA Celina Street ROSSLAND RD. W Whitby MO 83231. White blue wing, Sood sondition. Best hiostesy chair, 3 tables, 2 lamps and WAY PES A it we ine will. {3200 ROOM ~-- furnished, one or two girls $1.000 DOWN No salary requirements necessary on this spacious 3 bedroom PHONE RA 5.8762 if you wish fo él RA 5.9595 ¥ P shades. scatter mat and magazine rack Within our hearts she liveth still TWO unfurnished rooms, stool and (kitchen privileges Close SGM and $1,000 DOW brick and stone bungalow, which includes many extras such as your property at a fair market price, . |All 1 [Dieses 3 nM ment size missed i lovingly remember hand bashbasin in basement, laundry |Shopping Centre. 'RA §5-2131 after 6.30 " clea low . +) = | Prudential * Trust Company Ltd. MUSKRAT "coat, , full ength, size N . 8 3 a he ] an J ving hand Dasibanly bn ASmeRl, AUN bia a ri For this clean bunga € hroom, colored fixtures, built-in vanity, exhaust fan in --we also grey Borg jacket, size 14. Both Slightly damaged -- stroller $5.88, play usband and famil acilities, Cora 21 ONE large front' room, furnished, one acre of land. Taxe nl k en, Pierson windows, storms, etc. Don't buy until you see like new. Phone RA 8-5885. pen $6, large roxatone crib $15, steel ty 1 flo housekeeping privileges ~ ph ai ptt -------- na. ' oni , ground floor, hou ping pri $78.00 per year and month this one first. Call Ozzie Addison RA 3-2254, URGENT FINDLAY, oil space heater. ed ooly bed 94, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Chureh casions if desired, use of phone. Telephone RA 3-4130 ly payments of $75.00. For three months, includes drum, platform, " SINGLE room for one gentleman, een appointment to see, call Irwin | | We need homes for sale, any | blower and pipes. Telephone RA 8-1708. SLEIGH harness | A tral. Apply 38 Nassau Street Cruikshanks ot RA 8-5123 LL y REALTOR orea. Cash clients waiting. KNITS achive, Semis pew! con Sze 3, ahit's skates, size 1 rs weateq g TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. ' |Gition. Apply 82 Montrave Avenue . kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink, Frigi 2 Monti mp - : daire and stove, close to hospital, down. REAL HOUSE VALUE W. T. LAMSON WE pay highest prices in the eily fof | PAINT, | Auteriol exterior, $198 ton, UNFURNISHED Three-room apart-| FOR SALE -- Used doors and windows, town, suitable for two girls. RA 5-5228 ix oor: bricl " : ------ : used furniture, Pretty's Used Fumi. (All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss ment: also bachelor apartment, both wrecking old building, apply at old - - > : REAL ESTATE ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, elf.c tral. MO 8-250 Co Jail o MO 8.2274 TAREE unfurnished rooms, sink and four bedroom : : : self-contained. Cen al, MO §-2503 unty Jail or phone MO 38-2274. cupboards in kitchen. Central. Apply 71 cist piece. bath, ¢ {CHAIN saw, 18 inch, Homelite brand, ONE fourburfier heavy duly Fange $1300 DOWN buys this five-room brick EXPERIENCED hairdresser will give Warren Avenue ee LLOYD REAL ESTATE Tomb: For Sale [new condition, used only about six sove, tale. top, Ile ever Nor BA hi situated on a large landscay 2 - on ---- - /. antenna C pr Jor -- I hours rivate, sacrifice for cas 4 " " ingalow, situ cold waves in your own home. For ap OS '59 DODGE Mayfair, 6.cylinder, stand. 19 d lot in one Of Whitby's better . I STOREY and half house, large lot buss For od lo Lo SR ha pointment phone 10 8-5367. e_|close to public separate and high and y ervice in ard transmission, radio, seat covers METAL ¢ Soubie Ded wilh 7 wpring aldeE rr spectacular "new Buccaneers! 2.5123 apd ask for Jim Cruikshanks.|ROOM and hoard for gentleman 901 schools. RA 39762 ormation, call and 3 5000 miles. Excellent condition, best of. uble 3 to 35 hp with two starting models. FA Ahity, 101 Simcoe Street North, | Walnut Street. MOhawk 8.4768 -- ee Dick Young, RA 8-5123 32 SIMCOE ST. $ DIAL RA 3-9329 or 5-655] fer, will trade, can arrange finance, | mattress. Also fifteen hole poultry nest|eom si a" choose yours now. Trade Oshawa. List with Lloyd then call your A Telephone RA 8-465 after 6:30. box to hang on wall, good as BeW.|..q terms, Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon -- RA 3-4484. --.. |at Verdun Road. FOR RENT -- Apartment, two rooms, | 2 ' i mover . I Lloyd Realty Ltd 58 PONTIAC Straio-Chiet, xi ellent an -- moire iissmm po ives ro sa ones veasuing on ana wien AJ SCHATZ Realtor EMERALD AVENUE condition. low mileage; one owner. no, 1% BASE accordion and nse. Ve wnINGH continental, ike ew, comioh tained apartment. unfurnished. Refrig-| on 0. 21.0 larger unfurnished aparte s - 3 bs Sas ol al trade .in. Phone Port perry J 53-2060. " rubberized cover, two 30-ineh air foam erator and stove supplied. Small child |TREIEEE S00 CIR Ho nd stove, Apply REALTOR 101 Simcoe St. N 1-year Sly Jnch syle bungglow ut listed immediate BO |i PLYMOUTH Belvedere conver 8.8354. __ {cushions with matching covers, $45. welcome, Phone MO 82776 231 Palace Street A RAL. INSURANCE RA 8.5123 sestion== ' wi ,250 down--balance on 1 A lible, tone, peach and black, V8 UNPAINTED | DOOKCRSES | y We with RA 8.0291. mortgage | ri ¥ the rchase of any piece unfinish. > JOR RENT -- Six. room otra | YOUNG Fentieman ooking "for SENE hi $i, 04 Power dite. TH, Hate famiture. Chest o drawers, $17; DEER Ek iB wie Li or Sh, : A] 8 of forest" South. Available February ING Bateman. Iook Hy LIST WITH LLOYD : i Raa Avmly Vendemniosen 68 Church Street. oJ RAS an ne Po EL WHITBY MO 8-3337 THEN cA York oven HARMONY ROAD NORTH dour nea, aks, SLs bOOkhNen, rep dition $225. RA 8.8584. 495 Beurling Ave. ckeri f ; [3 NY | 4 $22.01) 3-1504. 135 Beurling Av. Just off King Street East--cute 2-bedroom bungalow---large [Showroom condition. Must sell. "aepiy | Church Street. IDEAL for writer or small office, f FOR RENT Six-room apartment : yom bungalow, rez ! 9 Meadowvale Str -] : i NEW. thise - bedroom | ies iter 5 (ot water heating, central locaton. THE PRICE IS RIGHT ! } Kitchen with. separate dinette--Iarge living room--Ilodds of |i icadowvale Sweet. ______ Cams model dictaphions with traf p.m DoSuesson VAIL ) 4.3005 betwen Because. this S-veat-old'b OVER A QUARTER CENTURY cupboords--decorated--landscoped--storms and screens--stone | 7 SEDFORD Yan. Al Wesiamieay, NEW STEREO inv Ne Yes gain BY ah 3.30, use this 5-year-old bun- OF SE - ; pom o . This is e econ: | 3 y cylinde YOR RENT -- Three-room unfurnished | pop --pona--gormr-- il colow has three bedroom OF SERVICE thiow from bus stop--close to separate, public and high schools [omy unit, only $795. Seaway Moto use. Cost $250. A bargain at $37.50 eom- ) --asking only $11,500, after 5:30 call Joe Maga, RA 5-919]. | Whitby HI Fi SETS plete. Phone Ajax 40, d apartment, heat, hydro, hot water in-{ oo "ono Co ee Telephone MO 1] t r hutch cluded, at convenient location, parking |gOzier 20 SOPH EM . full basemen p and SCHOFIELD a 2 3 ; - A pply 701 Cochrane Street = ' 55 DODGE. tutone blue and white, |B. F. GOODRICH Stores tires, bat- space. MOhawk 835188 pr Whithy tuted on a 6 SAVE 5 YEARS OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS |matching interior, automatic, excellent |teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele FOR RENT --in new building one, = ' f Servic t e tires. Our low price only $595. Seawa {vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5-4543 and two bedroom apartments electri NEW w Siti 8 Pare iy TE , * cai schools and only a wb Insurance Associates Ltd IN HARMONY HEIGHTS Motor y y RADIO USED fires, most all sizes, $3 and up. equipied outlet and ample |, ..0 0" professional Building, MO 8 fr owntowr nd iy Only 1 left of th F | I | S. Ja J] y 4 B. F. Goodrich St RA 35-4543 i MO 83 91 S81 juilding 8 om dow w r "9 " nly left e ranch style bungalows built by S. Jackson | . Tudor, custom 1 radio, BLAS adic BBL arial dl ing. Vo 0 5 Ae wr 3731; evenings, MO 8-400 ¥eb 12 pecause the p 4 RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 & Son Ltd, in ,this good location--complete brick veneer |like mew tires, OEE rT I RECORD PLAYERS i car bed, playpen. ise of kitchen. MO 3.3167 from -- Large newly shes only $9 500 $1,500 down BARGAIN bungalow 3 with' partial stone fronts aluminum storms and Jeally good buy at 3783. Seaway Motors, TAPE RECORDERS dition RA 5-7903. + 4038 youd fou : S yartm he DARG/ 0 k ou need. Carrie reens, 2 aluminum storm doors, kitchen fan, ceramic tiled -- ATES, ne d used, 1 t sel A | built 4 frar room odded | al : k "37 PONTIAC, fordor, metallic green, | [SKA , new and used, largest se ox Y bdded lawns, Hollywood kitchen: $13,495 with s ANY UY, aan ater kiana sel reor $ 4 v f " ~ Srie ROL 1 spotless throughout, V.8, automatic, tion in town. pungalow, 2 1,864 down. Yes! the mortgage is only 6% custom radio, nearly new tires. Only THE DUTCH { Apely Drayton Cycle, 304 Bond Street $1645. Seaway Motors, Whi : p.m UPPER duplex, central Whitby, mod: by. Available ern, self-contained, private entrance, 5-300 Sehat n evening TV aerial. Adults preferred, MO 3-4807. | corm ee - ng room, kitchen a TRI-PLEX 41 EER contained. Central. 310 War 204. Chestnut Weer Mo bat! 1 ALLSTATE Auto Inurance. 8: Eo hot 1 ces, in ood condi PER eho oy oie WY Teil AJ, SCHATZ [ve bo om | 3Naw TiPieses nadir sinpinen on Lorsdowrs Drive, [AENEAN MUS SORE MERCHANT [SR po so |and nsman Hardware, meoe 3-250 8-2563 | ; personal service at your hom da r f balconies--3 stoves and refrigerators, e tec pers c our home c jerators, decorated, T.V. aerial, 32802 South, RA 3-425. FOR RENT -- new two - bedroom un- SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary i PHOTO CO-OP or . window ceramic tiled. bathirooms--month p » of $285 | ! Re ae E . ( nthiy income o 285. Ideal for 51 PLYMOUTH, tutone coral and 171 BOND ST. EAST ONE wine floral Tug, 6 ft. 9 in. by 9 ft; monthly. ~ Call furnished apartment, heat, water, new tanks installed. Walter Ward . 805 | 2 . | 9%, INC joor } 3 1 the older o ati 2S t \ and ) . outlet supplied, $95 per month. 603204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563 ; Ie retired: person wonting 9 home and an income to | ynite, padded dash, excellent tin ind, 72 and one blind Green Street, MO 8-3762 poultry also feathers wanted " ple 5 Te] Jupp ement your pension. Coll us to see these apartments and sound mechanicaily, A-1 t 101 in. RA Savon V --h duty ch saw t e e aid Jake ' $7,500 a {enry et us show you an: easy, pleasant way of living Our I rice $995. Si y FoR. RENT at heavy d fut Shain, ; ¥ His Het ori pai a : $7 5 y, ple w tw price 5. Seaway Motors, FURNITURE TABLE top range, bedroom suite, day, er hou $0 custo) 0 Ni 'pe 3 ng nA ting. Wilde Rental Service, MORaWK | goer ampere food N.H.A. RESALES 5.0243 After "5:30 coll Tr SE ery Clearance Sale !! | double bed complete, ehest of drawers, B3 fown payments W._ McAuley Realtor $1200 DOWN Gi Lioyd M RA 5-6983 Dick B RA 243 |with aerial and installation, transistor y bind 196 Ritson Road South. Be 2 ywn payme W. McAuley 0 . 0 J Lioyd Metcalf, R 5 ick Barriage,. RA 8 8 , tr ' erms \LEX D HENRY. ¢ al Contractor, MO 8.3231. Oshawa RA 3-2 Z J A LITTLE BEAUTY Joo Mage, RA 5.9191 Moric page oA 2 7610 models from $49.95. Teras 85 down 10% TO 509% OFF ! :. 19 tions. Cement. Carpen- pon ~ - = - = , - 4 2 {Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Streal FL SAMPLES CE steel Jack posts, $6 each, two MM RENT Box and cabin trailers Ma x Brick and Ca WITH INCOME West. RA 5.8511 OOR ry, $5 ? : CHESTERFIELDS power saws, drills, grinders, sprayer + pa gen n. board op ets. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 3 forn wood, Fenced ond 2 k burcelow with ERR - -- 5 Br Be, a is T. Lomson Rea wy [dome roof, compietely' powered, oo BEDROOM SUITES Abstainer. MO 8.2429 -- -- Estate Ltd ol on : Phone RA DINING ROOM SUITES SR RENT -- Sixipom apartment int pieg .n=0, Jay : X 3 BUICK, fordor. tatons Biack and] CHROME & DINETTE SETS Fa A. FOSKETT RA 5-883) 265' deep On a quiel st . Lareen. automatic, custom races: versl © OCCASIONAL CHAIRS h M8 9 t 8s Et --- " . off Park Rd his spot el th hout, good reliable trans. piece chesterfield, 12" table wa Satzal i : fot . Y ny y clean hor r a be REAL ESTATE BROK ER portation. Only $435. bib er CEDAR Hes, TABLES TV, fits tablecloth 76" x 93 25177 Namage ' & SONS _GRIERSON ST. apartment w complete! TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS RA 8:1547 before 7 p.m. 736 rate ' i I 3 BON D ST. EAST RA 8-5 ] 6 1 ) AUXHALL station wagon, 12,000 ener { miles, perfect condition, snow tires, prt... Many Other Terrific Values |» E ge, also cedar and FOR RENT -- Sin ouse, ofl heat 40 UN cc Jngalow f newly decorated. 720 nire r 540 DUNDAS ST E end, situated on lar ped th facilities. A substa vate. RA 5.4925 after 6 p.m. at Giveaway Prices! hemlock logs and poles. RA 3.7195 Write Box 144, Oshawa Times MO 8-269 0 8-23 lo t » payment rec Sales: rn . 0 826% M 11 W ITBY t. Paved drive, attached wn paymes requ _Solesmen: PONTIAC '57 deluxe, automalic, power BARC INS' ELECTRIC Fender guil nd i ender guitar an amp! DAY care for one child, giver garcge atio at rear. Large ed and the apartment w hn Penicka m Goldste orks. MN 140 . 4 J > 2 a s0ldstein Fred Major steering, low mileage. Call RA 3.4033 mother works. MO 2 Sheet Metal Work, panelled rec room with bar carry the balance pay ike. Dubyk Bert Peyton after 6 p.m HOME FURNISHINGS |# like new, reasonable. Phone RA Chimney f a in basement Reasonably ment For further detail 195% PONTIAC, two door, excellent 424 Simcoe St. $ jr Ary & Tie Bes condition, new tires. Apply 210 Wilson _______ -- FOR RENT Gobbi For articles all | Deas col Dor, Stradesk, DOWN $500.00 DOWN Road South, ~~ Tt 7 TT =| SEE HOME APPLIANCES room. Om | iG t Mrs. Brown, R -3867 1949 PONTIAC. good transportation, OSHAWA LTD Det 3 bed ine N.H.A. RESALE Lovely o-room, 3-bedroom, solid brick bungalow. Newly dec- motor in good condition, new snow tires 1960 OPENING | i - Srdied, lands coped, aluminum windows ond doors, paved drive, and battery. $95. Apply Cyril Sharpe, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR bain Bo Ta HOWE & MILLEN ROSSLYN ESTATE: Hide Goo cher oderr ' f > Hardwood and tile floors, oil heatin th 62 Church Street, Pickering, side door. . hen, modern bath Jara R Stow & $12, 500-4. veor Hh o] 0 ing wi air conditioning, 60 DELUXE Corv Te FRlomabe, rT Let s help you save on your FRIGIDAIRE nicelv treed, shrubbery a 2 id, S roor bath and laundry tubs. Selling at @ very reasonable price flowers in Summer mont 67 KING ST. EAST ungalow, 3 bedroom with average monthly payments, immediate possession, Call ek Re BIR He BOATING NEEDS { SALES AND SERVICE | front and rear lown. Vacant RA 5-7732 } ze kitchen a living now time after 5 p.m Domestic and Commercial J screens. Lot size 56 x or 3-bedroom, ultra modern solid brick bungalow. Beal grey finish. Real economy, only $543. key start, choice of colors, ' JOS E SHIELDS LLOYD REALTY 5% mortgage. Month f chen with motching cupboards, 4-pc. bath, hot air oil | S¢aWay Motors, Whitby has power and dependability. Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, . . { syment $50 principo heatir with air conditioning, laundry tubs in large full base ji Only $596.50 Aira), Westihahouse. Te REAL ESTATE BROKER « OSHAWA'S BUSIEST and interest. For further d ment xcellent buy with immediate possession Don't mis inest in ¥., i-Fi* an REALTORS o col uy one CASH WHILE THEY LAST | service. MO 8.2874; Evenings REAL ESTATE FIRM tails, please call Russ Reeve i 0 vening SUBURBAN LOCATION evenings, RA .5-4840 DOWN $500.00 DOWN FOR YOUR CAR 7V2 HP. new, bail-o-malic PARKWAY T.V. M( -2473 Whitby - LAA ) OPEN EVENING ! : 0 8.2 3 1th . lovely styled bunaa AND SATURDAYS BROOKIL IN LOvely w-room br low selling for only $500 down and gear shift ond gos tank 218 SIMCOE NORTH Phot Adoni Sungd AN g ) easy monthly payments, Hardwood and tile floors. 4.pc. beth - = $209.9" th attached garage 4 YEARS OLD Feat pc. ba VAN HEU RA 3-3043 { it ae oF RA ms x 0 ng with air ¢ itioning, 3 oms, , - > . FoR C IL. PAN usted ons Tr 80 T'320, | YES! $500 DOWN | 5 room trick bungalow with | Sova amd Some aur 2icitioning, "3 bedrooms,' ahiminum, win N SEN | vr. menishlot st sor tr i nicely landscaped with gar- ached ooreoe. 20 tivin ours ; OTO er for ski or cruiser tank ond o Buvs this: 4 vear old bunso attached garage. 20° living T R r ski or cruiser tank an p : den. Interior of the hon uy yea 3 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT DODD & SOUTER | Yell desioned 'and nicely de. | low, with one acre of aced foam. 3 bedogm, 4 « DOWN $500.00 DOWN 149 KING : ne Ee signe ely de- koole. and Wondarfel bath. Taxes $178. Low. down i . ; 49 KING ST. W 40 a week per family o corated. Close to Oshawa workable ; b - : . i act. chance (1 left See. this lovely 5-room brick bungalow 60 HP. Brond new pound ; wo ; PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE and Whitby on paved. rood Sion 3 a ound + ple payment, Elance Hike = near the Shopping Contre olling Gt 0 givesawon a uns ni . for pound the most powers four, includes approximately 107 Byron Street South Excellent for retirement. Be ay. Tinanc 2g + : 9 (PUY In © auburn $11,500.00. Complete with hardwood and tile floors, modern MERCEDES BENZ ful outboard vet. 20 amp | 90 per cent groceries and ance. Phon | at home, call Jay Goyne, even kit h r - chen cupboards with tiled sink, 4-pc. tiled bath, hot air oil generator, bail-o-matic, key freezer. No down payment. sure to investigate Call Newt R 23 ngs, R 5 yo 8- -5231 aes Hodgson at MO 8-5823 or RA A 8-512 ing A 5-5378 hegting with air-conditioning, exhaust fans, and laundry tubs. D.K.W. FIAT start only, $699.95 For appointment (no obliga- OR a - oT v better "by ir c 8-6408 evening MUST SELL ROSSLYNN ESTATES © better'buy in town, coll and inspect yourself . ; Authorized Sales & Service 60 H.P. used, $695.95 tic n)--phone RA 5- 3709. LLOYD REALTY 209 BROCK ST 5 ONLY $9,300 6 room brick ranch style DOWN $1,000 DOWN ANDY NAGY'S 18 ft. Weymouth Cruiser ful- | JANUARY SALE bungalow with attached gar OPEN EVENINGS ATTENTION Dunes lax, purchased, new S58. Sarge ong oom with CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN- | BODY SHOP he Squinied 40 Hp Electric . | Aluminum Products of the ' ireplo s00d 408 Ki $ W. RA 3- 713: y SL fd best quality et the best HANDY NORTH PLANT G.M. Sen WX 16 Fi. moulded mahogany. | Brces fully guaranteed bungalow on Garrard Rd Double hung. windows only AND SATURDAYS C Ny SaTURE BUILDERS Cr S00 roues | ue dung area sunny kin. | HA INCOME HOME $119.63. Very clean. Call hen and 3 bright bedroom: y decorated, 2-storey, é-room brick' home selling for the equipped hardware, runnning Apartment Building RA 8.5123 Basement is divided into o full price of $11,500 with reasonable monthly payments. 3 SABYAN MOTOR lights, steering, speed meter, $18 " Gerry Osborne, RA | DOWN $4,000 DOWN )2 c . very large recreation area edrooms, oil heating, extra large lot, immediate possession spot-light, rearview mirrors, Call now $1 000 DOWN for family entertainment and EE Lymer Al Cc Gp i apart ! workshop for ; dod, and o DOWN $1, 000 DOWN SALES LTD. ey sr a ! RA 8.5385 : STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN er. One only at this price ror 0c | tor t thi 1 bur | J J 1 Pa 1h buys thi laundry room for © mother t m er month. Balance on pri. to te ional apartment molet jecorated & ck and stone S-roo bungalo w selling for only $11,500 S SAL per p C ec This home in meticulou omplete with recreation room. Hardwood and tile floors, 90. SALES and SERVICE $1,499.00 ! A E vate 7% mortgage, carrying : k Sst en with double nd Cohn - v : ¢ i - conditior schools and bu ern kitchen, 3 bed 4 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH - for $140 r month. Fo fice t hopping , red bath and tile on 3 bedroom pc. bath, oil heating with air con- | : c ) PR . more 010 pe or Jim Hron<Bortatiar Le Pierson "windows and are very handy. We would ditioning, handy to both schools and buses, immediate posse OSHAWA, ONT FREE STORAGE TILL SPRING We don't promise any bonus, Cruikshank + RA 8.5123 able ¢ Dovment will many extra Coll Bill Mil be proud to show you thi ion. Call our office now for an appointment Tel RAndolph 34 3461 24 MONTHS TO PAY we promise only number one February : ] $9000 op : 4 tiled h, oil 5 STUDEBAKER, Fordor, overdrive, Brand New 40 H.P. electric RA 5- ati luminum * DOWN $500.00 DOWN ustom radio pba fires, light Scott generator bail-o-matic, - ---- A 5-5332 month rent " lar ot RA 8-5123 excellent home in g desirable CONTACH orea, For further information LIST WITH US OPEN 9 AM. TILL CONTAC Liovd Realty Lid plecse coll Bil McFeeters WE SELL SAME DAY LISTINGS BUYING OR SELLING SEE 0 TUG LL ¥ evenin RA 5.1726 $44.95 Al BOWMAN & ealtor 9 ALSO H : TED CAMPIN 5 uminum double- GIBSON 01 Sir St LIST CO-OP THROUGH LS OMES AND APARTMENTS FOR RENT MOTORS AJAX MARINE ! hung storm window Only Sh THIS OFFICE OPEN" EVENINGS AFTER HOURS CALL 607 KING ST--OSHAWA ) 318.50 insialied. Now ty REALTC MITH LOY . the best in to Coll us fo , VITH LLOYD Membe Oshawa and District ym Goldstein = RA 5.6782 Fred Maior RA 8-6196 Just East of Wilson Road) No. 2 Highwa At Ajax dick , er : oi | vice R 3-98 HEN LL YOUR MOVEF WH MO 8-3521 HEN. ALL R MOVER R Estate Board Mike byk RA 8-569 Bert P RA 8.5 R 4494 F -5574 0 E 266 Alex njda, 4 Drew J VER | BY, 8-3 I CALL YOU ov | eol Es C il ul RA 8.5690 ert Peyton R 5161 A3 9 es. 5.55 N I Vojd 8 A ' : ojda, St. self-storing aluminum doors installed, guaranteed, only

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