The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Wednesday, February 3, 1960 iss THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS |: 1--Accountants 11--Business Opportunities [17--Money to Loan |35--Employment Wanted |36--Female Help Wanted [4a--Houses, aph., Flats CLASSIFIED AD RATES STORE and seven rooms for sale, cen-|CLIENTS' monies available for first NEW BUSINESS {LADY desires 427 Sisaning, Toes bed Pp in r relial hcl » 3 othe: main floor, sun YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTE a =, THEDLANDER, WONT, ER 25 words or less J/tral; downtown, corner property, yery and second mortgages. Mortgages and porch, -* rig ain Ir IREE ro oon apartment, private > *|bath, 8-6047. ble. W. McAuley, Realtor, sale Apply ey Baltes In i od BE Cosh Charge 11 ce. Street, Oshawa, RA 33812,|M. F. Swariz, Barrister and Notary TIN S MAN with chain saw, Tates,| RA , pr BA gery Ty L = Lecander. B. Comm, CPA. : | Boro saan. 2% Tus Basi, oun, available anytime. P Alas 78M SELF - contained modern 3 « roomigopngy on Grandview Street 28 2.48 5 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting é a 2 FIRST and scond sale ALL types of ans and gored stove, | Tore to poss ol conveniences, Services offer complete bookkeeping || © [NSERTIONS 375 42 FOR LEASE asreements purchased and sold. in expertly. Phone MO 3-4427. rd facies "vicinity King and (LIE Nach 1, Telephone RA $5428 fret oes, Room 1G a 0 eet" East, RA 3725 AH an i i pe EIGHT roomed house, two je h = 4 Alice Street, monthly rent $110. Street West, Room 1. Office RA 35-0397, If not paid within 7 days the Modern 1-bay Service Sta- Street East, RA 3 Residence, RA 3-7605. Charge rate will apply. tion, With : wack bor, two GIRL or lady iT to take care of UNATTACHED middle-aged or elderly|phone RA 8-5206. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIE! Above rates apply only to original years old, in a town of ap- home and children. Phone RA 50821. |lady to live in, light and | SI ETF furnished housekeeping room, Co.. Chartered Accountants, Licensed [| orders for consecutive insertions. || proximately 15,000, lish 1st and 2nd MANY for the money. Just a few companion for semiinvalid. New home, retAgerator, laundry gg hgh v down town, suitable for lady. Apply Subsequent insertions ordered ot @ tentiol, rent to be i imit rds in Classified will a your story later date constitutes @ new original {| BEWGNOY TST gb 75 "Ooh MORTGAGES Limited to -- for a very low price. Get|location Telephone RA 58207, from 94.| 540; street East. to many de ger awa Times results by dialing RA 33402 now. _|SECOND CAR? Plenty of rst-eholce| i viv "room sparimehl, consisting Professional and Business listings : Arignged ~ New Telephone Number For FULL or Darvtime walfress wasted an offered & Oshawa Times os. bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen t thewey, Bightfoot, CA; RA 53527, 133 Simcoe 7.50 month for 3 fines oily. me Mghtiost, GA; RAS J7.50 per month "for 3 fine 13--Gardening & Supplies | Lyndewood Investments "| APARTMENT manager -- Rental al- Jd Bath centre apartment of THPl xe S. 1. HOPKINS and Company. month. 209 Brock St. S., Whitby ! Customers in Oshawa Area SECRETARIAL POSITION |lowance, handy, reliable couple, bond- (March 1. RA 3.3017. Bed i Public. Avvinial, Tt "i ox Each initial letter, abbreviation, HARDSAND MO 8-5322 able. Write Box 235, Oshawa Times. THREE room unfurnished basement 3509. $ ond ¢ sign, figure, count os a LANDSCAPING . . Capable person required with |EARN $23 weekly plus a free ward-|apartment, light wiring, self-contained, word, Box charge 15¢ additional. 1 Whitb Dial MO 8-321 ] . of di robe in your spare time. Just show close to bus, suit two girls or working 2--Barristers All Classified Advertisements Power Rolling 18--Loan Wanted Jeno edge 3 Bini in Fashion Frocks to friends, No invest: couple. Phone RA 57940. eee |] MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of Fertilizi orthand a ng. Tele- wit PRIVATE rtment, three rooms, CREIGHTON. FRASER, DRYNAN asd || publication. Office hours: Dolly 8:5, Tractor Rofo filling LARGE private 'morigase wisied io NO TOLL CHARGE phone M. Miller, E. F. Drew |b cicn ra as Aen Bina" | four-piece bath, washer, aerial, park: tary Public, Bank of Commerce eg. Saturday 2-12. Top Soil - Sod - Manure ; i end Co. Lid. Atk 55. Dept. D-6630, Montreal 39. ing. $75 per mouth, adults only. Apply $ Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K. | REGULATIONS-- Flagstone - Patio Slabs . MORTGAGE MONEY For prompt delivery of furnace fuels, gasolines, : a" DEPENDABLE girl or lady to take AEST a oo] a > Creighton, 80; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. . % three -8choo! Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort.]] The Oshawa Times shall not be RA 5-1721 WANTED motor oils and greases. fren, "or tg weeks 8 OO HE trails cauipped, TV, hot ang hot gages arranged. responsible for errors in advertise. W | hospital. RA 8-6873. water included. Near shopping centre. JOSEPH F. MANGAN, GC, barristers | mimo. amr for "mere "shan one First Mortgage $25,000.00; | New telephone number due to the closing of our AITRESS ACCOUNTS Payable Cart mle T= 208 C; Avenue. RA 3.9471. solicitor. Money fo loan. Office 28% § incorrect insertion of any adver WILD BIRD substantial discount, undoubt- Si lant, Wilkinson Avenue, on February 3rd. mired N, four-room _seli-contained A ) torage plan iNsol enue, ry qui ' King Street East, Oshawa. RA 85-8232. ge plant, ly. Available Residence, RA 5-3405. bis Pig baverd Jo FEEDERS Coil ET ANCE and towing essential i oor ay week, es Sly. Ava al now. MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, || the advertisement in which error | i loyment benefits. Phone for appoint ~ Solcitr, Notary. Mone to loan Asse] occurs. ind atc rerves he Ho CORPORATION LTD, Law's Pharmacy | SHOPPING CENTRE | With experience. Apply _[Pement bepeflin Fhone Tor ppl MODERN apartment, ihred Tiree a oy BA. Benny | CC SIie Seen te SUNFLOWER SEED : STRIE N LAKE-VISTA SERVICE STATION | BO-PEEP RESTAURANT |General Hospitai gp gen a of ri Be ock, 2615 King Street at. 112 SIMCO! L = : RIENCE. it pace. Suit ple. Good district. 330 34687. Residence, dial RA 34029. In the case of display advertise- WILD BIRD SEED | OSHAWA ' SHOPPING PLAZA King 'ond Stevenson's Rd. | OSHAWA SHOPPING PLAZA [EERE OED ties Bose|aser. Ear, DON ts The T. Il not be held | x a ', sal 1 tssion. m POSALD BLARE DODDS, Burvisie: arts te Vimes wil space than PET SUPPLIES PHONE RA 5.3568 Wecker Dr. omer of Cedar for service while you shop. WELL EXPERIENCED Bours per Aay salary plus commiss THREE larde Tooms, private bath, Telephone: Business, RA 53501; Resi-|} that in Stic ais ucruol eros DOG MEALS NIGHTS RA 5-1386 RA 5.3575 RA 8-0741 WOMAN required fo care for children |half of garage. Central location. RA dence, RA 35373. & a on einer 1 --F 7 » HAIRDRESSER while mother works. Live in. Telephone |3-9424 ER, tiability | ee i . RA 58294, 5 WE : Fo, S|, 2 TIO | "BRITANNIAY MALT |[19--Porsonss _ FroeDeivey | wa. Doug Co ig EE 3 6 King Street East, RA 5-471 usse tained || WANTED de to Ty t Tivi Ad : : J. Murphy MacDo St Svertisement | av. eontere 3 EXTRACT VANEED Th Ln ae JACK'S BEAUTY AND FOR A COMPLETE JACK'S BEAUTY SHOP refund. Alex 393, BOWMAN, David L, Barrister, Sollck [|| + | am. Write Box 148 Oshawa Times. | OR OM due to expansion - THREE rooms, unfurnished, private tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5.9592. Resi. | ICE SALT -- --| BARBER SHOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE North Oshawa RECEPTIONIST bath. Adults. Reasonable. 117 Colborne WA) --- middle- aged woman with. | 969 SIMCOE N Phone RA 8-5661 between Street East. Phone RA 5-1607. dence, RA 38-0264. | nila Lic -------- 14: Ic out children to share home with widow | Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl- -|8--Building Trades [CROWN DIAMOND PAINT and one child, light domestic duties in| Call 8 am -- 7 pm FOR TWEE soot] Sarsie APRS tor, etc. 13% Simcoe Street North exchange. Write Box 38, Oshawa Times. Special i onth ' chen, very central. Apply 143 Huron 1 I i M A A | F 5 . Apply fice RA 53741; Residence RA 5 "tions and repairs, ree. rooms. Tel = NCER Foundation Gagphents, in- Cold Waves-§#$5 95 S. D. Y ' Realtor . DOC | OR S Ol ICE, Street McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Bart lect, Pickering 738. col: Cooper Smith Co. {dividually designed. Reg. corsetier--| Courteous SHrvice 39 PRINCE ST. SECRET ARIES FOUR - room house, newly decorated, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for | «Mrs. rene Hendershot, 205 Park Road| We have two senior positions APPLY BOX 137 heavy wiring, gas in. North Ajax. %7 RA 53566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; ready for spring planting NG seeding 16 CELINA ST. a iB RA 8-5661 RA 8-6286 open for fully qualified and OSHAWA TIMES Maple Steet Call evenings, Sunday, first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. |G ARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. Made| dga od | - " ™. Edgar F. Bastedo, QC smi 1 © ------ {frustration, nervous pains, gain confi experienced stenographers. THREE - room, self - contained apart HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris. TED ~ 2 bulk cooler. and 25 0 30 |dence, lose weight, etc. Consult Edwin ters, Solicitors: RD. Humphreys. GC;| WANTED -- a bulk cooler, and 25 to J RA 3-2312 [ Heath, Institute. of 'Ethical Hypnosis G. NEWELL HUNGRY? You should be adaptable and | BECOME AN AVON [ment unfurnished. kitchen fully equip- ] |cemented and water-proofed by ! ble of ke nd d- ped, including range and refrigerator, Sip: Bovetyn,_ BA} West. Hanan: [perts. low 'cost, free estimates. RA| [lI Ontario Street, Oshawa. For ap-| Real Estate Broker Sap i working incepery i REPRESENTATIVE [private bath. parking space Adults. King 8 es / A 81751 5 . . y fee, RA 51177; Res. RA 54604 or |®1717 [T4--Household Repairs _|Pommst rhone KX ai or mA i173 | 216 BROCK ST. 5, WHITBY WE DELIVER gly. 3 doy week, contol A Apply 150 Division. Whitby MO 8-2761. Money to loan B. A. UPTON for high quality pals ng | ---- ------ | ALLSTAT uto Insurance. Save up es! d TWO 1 nish " Whitby MO 8 et BOs ARE and decorating. Phone RA 3-2977 FOR all your painting and wallpaper (to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| MO 8-4703 Fish, Chips and Hamburgers surance beneflts available. i 340 Seely a go N A. G. NALD, BA. Barris. iin 17h son. y » 0 { : ter and Lge Simcoe Street RENT it now through For Rent st (Fas Bowmanville. Telophave AIL Ral | SEEVIeR 81 Jour Bone, wa) | , Sundry and confectionery Present staff aware of this Start immediately. Open ter- |dulet working couple, or two gentle- th one RA 885 House, apartment, rooms, anything. | a RESO | Pickering 142 * 143, EMpire items. 25c¢ delivery charge advertisement. Repl x 24 : ) Sindy / men. Apply 21 Colborne West North. Phon | 9 Ply ritory in Whitby and North ial RA 3-3492 for an ad-writer. |craYDON Upholstering, custom work, | 2-3625. Mortgages ond Ap- Oshawa Times giving particu- Oshawa. Phone: Toronto. --- FOR RENT -- modern apartment, near JOHN A. CAMERO! ater, TTT RT i recovering, auto seats repaired, For A bed 1 a . ' 1 \ ga. for and Notary Public, 18% King Street| GENERAL contractors, brick and |ree estimates phone MO 8-657, 107A ELECTROLYSIS _Proisals. TOWN LUNCH RA 5-8978| Jars of your experience and OU 7-0319 between 8-9 iy gulls only. Pee Asax 390 a RA 5-5928 -- East. RA 32269. NHA and private cement work and repairs [Colborne Street, Whitby. qualifications, on. vy mortgages arranged. ALL TYPES of building repairs--Roof- | ------ ---------- --' wis hair, | GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Sollck-|ing, Masoory -- Cement and Eaves.| FURNITURE repaired and reuphois.| Removal of superfluous hair. | FOUR - room apartment, light, heat, 7% Simcoe Street South. |troughing--Chimneys, Gordon May. RA tered. See our materials for re-cover-l Marie Murduff will be in |22--Radio & TV Repairs 31--Articles For Rent unfurnished, water. Couple only. Pri. 8.0394. |ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, ht SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT vate entrance. 203 King Street West, 3.2278. Residence phones: : | TELEVISION, radio tubes, Do-it-¥ d BA, Sc, RA 5.3368; Ter- |RA 37212 Oshawa, Feb. 16th and 17th, | Fredss Drivetn. King 10 am. to 8 p.m. ence V. Rell, PA, BCL, RA 85832. UTER ROXATONING -- Give old furniture a| Genosha - Hotel [Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town USED FURNISHED basement apartment, S, BA, and Thomas DODD & SO [new look. Top quality work at reason- one Genosha tel On Line East. Supplied by Dean Kelly TV, SEWING MACHINES -- also one double room, twin beds, cook Assoclate Barristers and PAINT -- WALLPAPER [able rates. estimates, phone these dates. for apo intment. $1 Rig West. Open daily, 12 midnight ing privileges, in bungalow. Parking 130 King Street East. RA G ATIN RA 3-2977 after business hours. ee bls | and Sundays uG space. Apply 864 Meyers Street. PAINTING & DECOR G Portable -- Consoles MclLA HLIN i Mortgage loans available | CONTRACTORS PAINTING, also rooms papered, labor | MODERN, all newly decorated upper THOMAS SM. RUNDLE, darter | For free estimates call only $8 and up, gyprock applied. RA 5 CHILD FOR SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT Guaranteed by -- PUBLIC LIBRARY a mont. Sulsiality of leisy citor 0 . : led, Phone RA 83-1763. | DAYS MO 8-5231 HIGH quality! Something different and ADOPTION IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! SINGER SEWING CENTER hg re Niom Richens Hed, EVENINGS RA 5-7426 [more comfortable. New upholstered ; T.V. and RADIO 3--Chiropractors | t hitb furniture or re-uphoister and re-model] MICKEY--a 9-year-old boy, AL 2 Hardwood floors Jughont, laundry P | 107 Byron St. S., Whitby |your old. Only by highly skilled up- is Protestant, Anglo Saxon. CALL RA 8-5286 WEBBING"S BOOKKEEPING, TYPING AND GRADE 12 room Separate Conse, = J.B. TAYLOR, Doctor ef Chiropraci |holsterer, at no extra cost. Gimpelj 337 King Street West, Oshawa. Cust Upholstering Co, 77 Celina] He has slight build, regular month. Phone RA 3.9114 from 94 £0632 for appointment. HENDERSON CONCREYE 5 | Custom Upliolstering_Cv., 77 Celina features, brown hair, medium AN Work Guaranteed HARDWARE REQUIRED appointment. Ma | | mate, Res: RA 5-4170. Business RA 8- lexion ond large blue FOUR. room (two-bedroom) apart 4---Dentists PRODUCTS LIMITED |5342. See our big choice of samples es had gs Prin OSHAWA AND RENTALS OF : meats, preview district, new "frig and H ® : i 1 4 * ", > DR. G. 1. SCIUK. Office outs : hs Cone es ndet hieydite i COIN Joe 4 TS heal, hood ilinesses but is now in ELECTRONICS TOO Apply in person to the Chief Librarian. cluded, erty er ols . . ree con ' Vi Ce ES ot. Paes mA Vai 108% Nelsan Strest {no publicity. Reliable Exterminators,| 900d health. He is extremely OOLS and EQUIPMENT available now, others Feb. 1. Phone RA efson Str Brodicts and servicer for ail needs) intelligent, on enthusiastic, ECONOMY AND DOMESTIC and 37--Male Help Wented 37--Male Help Wanted |mwo NM spariment. 510 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE $-9500 or A H Corner Wellington highly stru oungster who S.Nursing Services OX 4134 or phone Claremont WARIL | | FEV, FOU00 VEINOREr 0 DELUXE TOWERS INDUSTRIAL Fey mr EE hot matey VATE semi - private Sccom- Socom. RA 3-4412 -- RA 5-704] E i d, So oi + mediaty Cop ST SPIE SR en | Roof ovens toed | BHPANT | TLE DOVAL CANADIAN NAVY [ir td dern, mew building. Licen: ea le. Satisfacti aranteed. ickey is still o little fearful . sonable' rates, Visitors welcome. South HOME IMPROVEMENTS [Are reanonable, ot ahawa "Uphoistery| but ic vers affectionate and | 95 low as $30.00 com ELECTRICAL SUPPLY phone RA' 2.6300 » unit 4. RA £-0964 after. Haven Nursing Home, Newea REMODELLING--ADDITIONS (Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA| 0.0 root 'deal to offer if plete WINDOW GLAZING . UNFURNISHED Tiree - room, apart 0 ment, parking faci es, avilable now. Phone Hal i. mrt REC ROOMS Sau he feels accepted. All he REPAIRS oor ee : - | bin tas U1 BI Street West FAMILY ROOMS YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim-| "°°" 0 intelligent, King St. W. at Park Road RECRUITING OFFICER FIVE aR and front y ed, lini in. ANDEN NURSING HOME Tile, Hardw Floors, aeaeds furnaces vaca ed. eg warm hearted parents TV SERVICE AMPLE FREE PARKING porch, hot water heating, lovely home, (Licenced) KING ST. WEST Cupboards mates. RA 3.2997. I you are interested in adopt- Fully. ligensed PH. RA 3-4873 WILL BE AT Rear bus. Bowmanville MA SEE Loans Arranged CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| ing Mickey, please write to: TV ot es Exclusive nursing home for HUGH CROSBY covered like new. Get the best for less Technicians TWO offices -- one with vault, newly at Modern Upholstering, 826% Simcoe THE MINISTER OF decorated, centrally located, suitable convalescent ond elderly : - TiN xd Women RA 5-3937 rh Call RA 86451 for a free PUBLIC WELFARE 1 YEAR 32--Articles Wanted THE OSHAWA ARMOURIES Speci Paper st, lawyer, 'insurance. Nurses ond dieticians in - [Pe] ALL types of interior ng. ason- | PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS SERVICE CONTRACTS PIANOS -- 10 any make or size, will 381. Box 1120, Bowmanville. attendance. Tray service, |11--Business Opportunities [170 F058 "Flutie service. Call RA| TORONTO FOR LESS THAN pay cash, State make and price. Write $89 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed- radio, T.V., lounge BAKE shop and property for rent or|5-9127 | Box 12 Oshawa Times. room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully --- 8 BARE 350p ang BIopery or aes 20--Cartage A $1.00 A WEEK WANTED have customers waiting TOMORROW THURS FEB 4 decorated. Hurry for these! Only a few 6--Optometrists forces change. Apply 79 Mil St. GALT CARTAGE. furniture and appil- for. farmie Se. Tilaneer. What ' 7 . i Ra FR or RA ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom-|BARBER shop, confectionery--for sie FURNACE SALES [ance moving. Reasonable rates, 'fully T R 0 line of clothing. Must have cleaners' 58342 John A. J. Bolahood Lid. etry, the examination of eyes, contact|Apartment. 333 Ritson Road Sout! Insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4498. tags on them. Commission basis, Neigh Realtor. lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Collorne), Phone RA 80020. | AND SERVICE I is borhood Salesroom, 102 William Street AND FRIDAY FEB 5 APARTMENT self-contained, upper. evenings by appointment |STORE and office for rent, central, M. Mackie: Co. Ltd --rersona ervice East, RA 8-5836. ' . Separate entrance, TV aerial. Adulte ©. 0. TUCK, BO, optometrist, Please parking facilities. Write Box $45, Osh. H ackie Co. Ltd. SEWING machine rpair and service TELEVISINN: PIANO: in need of major repair, or prufersea. Nea: North CM. Phote RA re- Hoh- pay accounts at downtown Toronto awa Times to all makes, Elna, RA 5-2591 Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. | ---- Sem RA 5-5954 boo Brent mnt Bonini Mod AES fi YY buys % visi > | 5-7001. BASEMENT apartment, three rooms Phone RA 35-4587, i FABRICON Invisible mending, clgar- i 1 mann, : . : . WOODWORKING SHOP Cleanout Service-- et burns, tears, moth holes. Children's 71 BOND ST. EAST FOR quick, friendly service, call Osh- | ! A M 6 P M. Re Bolg Aare Ser, ed 7 labor plus parts garments made from old clothing. Gen- % laws Times Classified ad-writers. Dial rai -- BS AR A ne 7 Surveyors | IN OSHAWA | $ gu pa eral repairs, 216 Chadburn Street | RA 8-6781 |RA 3.3492 LATE model wreck for sale, with radio, MEN! part-time telephone sales work, BEDROOM, in warm, centrally located G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- : Taare al mm---- good opportunity for body man. Phone from our office three or four hours|apartment, for quiet refined lady or tario Land Surveyors, Professional En-| rely 8.000 sa. # | 13--Instruction 22--Radio & TV Repairs [23--Women"s Column RA 37618 after 6 p.m daily, to suit. No experience necessary, |couple. Kitchenette shared with con pproximetety 16, og WET So, SHAW Call Mr. Carter RA 8-0692 genial widow. RA 3-2698. gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit- HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, TV TOWERS compete mstaiied. 3 | SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $650; TRACTOR drivers with two years or by, MO 85091, Ajax 728. | All machinery and office |[tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. * J Cold wave $6.00 Page Hairdressin more experience. Apply Direct Winters THREE - room apartment, abstainers, DONALD H., TROLLOPE, Ontario y | Register now. 424 King West, RA 5-612. [F000 pe Bh TUG 39 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363 *| AUTO WRECKING CO. a Stevenson Road South. RA|38--Male or Female heat and water. Apply 68 McMillan Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA| equipment. Coll RA 8-5183, [PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, trom $29.95: easy terms. Kelly TV. RA W + xi ' 5.8441. Help W.nted Drive. =~ ie OL 5-4424 or RA 3-9207 |16 years' experience, by interview only. |3-5121 aie Lo Market Basket ants cars for wrec pe: 00 | SCENCED mechanic, electrical man | ------ FOUR-, to five - room apartment, three B [ding Trad -- Act v. RA 51054 |TV . RADIO service. All ma BALDWIN apples, $1.25 bushel hamper,| oo oF "on ond metals, etc. preferred, for service station. Tele- ARE you interested tn a full or spare | minutes from four corners, private em. 8--Building Trades i | HARVEY DANCE ACADE Baton, | Thompson Electronics, 157 Elliott . [Phone RA 3.7190. bought. Open Saturday all [phone RA 3-4452 time sales plan by which you can make|trance and bath. 74 Bond East. CARPENTER work, framing, - trim- FOR LEASE Tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland: (enue. RA 3.9702 (Fred). day. Phone SALESMAN -- Colonial" Alumingm 10: |beautifur Dispiny Bor feorart, fom | FURNISHED aparment, ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work | Register now. 424 King West, RA 56122. |¥v TOWERS, One year guaranice| 25--Pets and Livestock RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E. |dustries Ltd, has branched into the 200 household." products WoinE over! room, centre to shopping and trans. and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All |LILLTAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu-|$49.95, no bolls, no rivets, ail velded. | hve dtines is = . facturing of A leigh's, Dept. L-310-RR, 4805 Richelieu, POrtation, cooking privileges. Glad- work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. : cator. Dancing School. Ballet, tap, pre-|All channel aerials from $19:95. Easy| ONE pair registered Chinchilla's and and Prime Umits. We offer an excep-|Montreal. stone Avenue. RA 8.8402. ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing,| Modern two-bay service sta- | CO0 Cart atic, character. Frid ay,|terms. Kelly TV. RA 5.3121. | cages. RA 35-1730 ' tional all year-round position with a HEATED, ground floor, three - room chimney repairs, new and old work ti locat aot entrance to Saturday, Masonic Temple, RA 3.7252. [TOP "quality German shepherd female guaranteed wage Our prices are such 41--Room n apartment, self-contained, separate em- RA 5-682 fon, focored Ss t= ' puppies, six weeks, registered, innocu- WANT D that an average salesman starts to earn om and Board ---- |trance, immediate possession. Tele T-- brick and thle. Call k. No experience ne- STONEWORK ~-- brick and tile. Call o shopping centre in the over $100 per wee! Se Ta Soi | LEARN TO DRIVE NOW Street East lated, champion stock, real value at ver § a ROOM ar bo hone RA 3-2155 GEORGE'S $50. Black and silver. Telephone OL SCRAP IRON, POULTRY cessary. Full training course. Apply [S00 ana board Jor Semtlernen, ingle IW > oo Howard Stacey - Town of Cobourg. Good po- | 5-4930. AND FEATHER TICKS Colonial Aluminum Industries Ltd., S15}, ion priviioxes Pa Mil Street, TWO rooms and modern kitchen, pri- PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, 2 Dont 'be ou" Feirweather T.V. Antenna, Installe- |e one -- Foe iy Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 8-5861. | €¥08, i 147 -|vate bath, heat, electricity, water 3 i -- Pure bred cocker span. I. TURNER MEN. part-time telephone sales work, sunplied, King and Ritson district. RA fixtures, new and used, changing from tential, rent to be negotiated, | ------e Ha tic tank to sewer a specialty. In- 9 | Driver. Phone the tion and Repairs. lel pups, 9 weeks old, males. MArket , 3 or 4 hours dally,| TWO rooms with or without board, cen. | 86706 | a from our office ns at reasonable rates. Infor-| Contact T. Milner, Supertest | Driving. Schoal BI, nea LO RA 3-2043 to suit. No experience necessary. Call|tra], quief and clean. Apply 174 Church |CLEAN, heated three - room apart m » and estimates free on any type | shawa ving oC | Honesty is our policy. All |FOX hound, two years old. OLiver RA 3-3374 Mr. Carter RA 8-0692. Street. ment, one child welcome, close to three ee Su | i plumbing. Dial RA 54241. J.Fpley. | Petroleum, P.O. Box 395, | Dey 'ond Evening Leisons work guaranteed. 24-hour (SSO. ______| ROOM and Bosrd for gentlemen. if [ZClo0is: $85 monthly, ' parking. RA ALL plumbi and heating supplies, . s o BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea. (collect) : -8352. Five. Eh sith evi he urk,| Othave, Business phos RA RA 8-0091 ervice ing. Waubena Kenner: Ra agi | © PUBLIC RELATIONS [Abert Street. Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. 3-3742. After 7 p.m. RA i - mem THREE - room basement apartment, pe tee -- Got Ete a SINGLE room or room and board for A RA 3-9 N | no heavy wiring, near South GM, ing 255 Simcoe Street South. 3 { C LL 3-9525 SraX 1EL + Pups RA Domo old, ali fy 1 1 CASH FOR SCRAP 1! REPRESENTATIVES Jentiersen, Apply 345 Ritson Road |;iched or unfurnished. Telephone ak CARPENTRY -- trim up | 8-1275 a {17--Money to Loan | en Wik Fx im ol WE BUY Men, sirxerely interested in RIVE re ar oT 8-6016 m------r-- er rooms for gentlemen, home|, > EXPERT ANTENNA pups, six months old, and two register-| STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, a speciolzed career. Experi i meals, TV lounge. Home privil- NE ened bungal #43 |gage Mongage and agreement of sale} |ed Walker fox hounds, 20 months old, PAPER, RAGS, etc ? ence helpful but not essen- RA 3.3993. able. Phone hawk after 5 p.m. urchased mi ages arran 1 ini -- rte ------ |purchas ortgag 2 AND TOWER reasonable. Roy Brown, Raglan tial, as complete training and board for, two io share, | EA Bh Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| Open All Day Soturday A TOY Pomeranian puppi tered, will be given. Excellent com- [clean h le beds, good Is, ONTARIO Ul JOCO dont INSTALLATIONS | nomurameranian poies, regres: \y COEENBURG & SONS | [ibe given. 'Excellent com cin home, dine bein" soot meas BUCKINGHAM FLOOR SANDERS |e HAVE clients anion oF TE Pinscher puppies, very small, top qual: | LTD qualify. Phone RA 3-2633 [51753 MANOR / Eo nna 1194 KING ST. EAST j hase of agreements of sale, Louls S All-Channel Antennas RY, Tepistered. Ra 3¥0n. | RA 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor St. E, for appointment READ Classified? That's what smart, APARTMENTS man, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh- CANARIES. guaranted SINEErs, YOUDE | «omer meee eee modern families do every day in The los 4 b as low as $24.00 budgies, talking strain. Largest assort. MOUNT LAWN Oshawa Times. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments Tile and Hardwood Laid awa RA 3.4943 Aid's inished. e ce awa. : ment of tropical fish. Complete line of i i i re Sonded and Refinished | rvi | TIP of the "day on good Job-offers: | T.V. Service 24 Hours | pet supplies, i pub er i CEDARDALE MEMORIAL _PARK (OSHAWA ROOM A aoa m Jor Semtishien. Sor glectrically enuinped, best v {See vie Want Ads! Look 'em over! fi IB Street South, Whitb: block location. $85 and up. Appl oor gm one cot 230 |p Sard] "SCRAP Si sl sna HS | Login, 385 snd, aga IRON. METAL LTD. MALE HELP |eoowsismmmam sim | 8. RA 88676 -- ee . EN i / {So Farmer's Column - nice location, 15 minutes ant, | St atl 0 n | MONEY TO LEND Len & Lou's TV (2 IRON--METALS WANTED Tina ies to SGM isnt, LEGGETTE HARDWOOD Clients money for discount | DEAD lam Task irked ap Fromm; PAPERS--RAGS et FOR RENT | | for sole. Reply in writing, | ~~ 27 --Fuel Wood RA 5-3432 Senior Matriculation, some |¢ra, Phone RA 8.8478 hase of first and Antennas «vos. RA 5.7844 |, 3 Far F rbd Sito SY purchase of first ond second Service ...... RA B-5804 Mari Fur Farm, Tyros, OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY | Young wan, aged 24 to 26, |GIBL wanted to share large room, MODERN APARTMENT Laying, Sonding, Finishing for lease in | Cc let thst tri Old Floors Renovated | giving details of security SERVICE {WOOD cut by buzz and chain saw. FREE PICK-UP office experience for estimat- | paar and board to oem. Compe de with 5 i Yo ng ion rooms, playrooms, EE g, all work guaranteed Phone| |CLIE NTS' money to loan on first oi] | mortgages and agreements home cooked meals, twin beds. Cen- and terms of purchase to Driveways snowplowed. RA 5-9727. . A 0 ing and general office work. |single e. 97 Albert Street. ; RESIDENCE--RA _5-4159 es dryer, TV aerial, paved park- Free Estimotes . | 1 -- Apply writing to Pilking- oun RA 5-685] or RA 5-9783 Wh itby | CREIGHTON, FRASER, OPERATORS 30--Lost and Found 100. ANNIS STREET a i ---- E et Osawa] in RA 5.6551; after 5:30 { DRYNAN & MURDOCH TTR Tre ee i ' Dial RA 3-3492 RA 5.9191. ASSOCIATION SY To mW a 3 i Employment Wanted Ringeton, Ontario ROOM and board for_gentiemen, Good so old, lost, answering by name of Shep, ------ et -------------- BOX 201, OSHAWA | wearing tag with letter: 8. 193 King, © K-typist requires position. Exper- home cooked meals Centrally located. | UPPER DUPLEX CLIFF BROWN SA | lin co-operation with the [Street East. RA 5.9023 inns in financing and taxation, ex- Licenced Apply 160 Park Road North. RA 3.9541. Experience not necessary GRAVEL & SAND { Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) | WATCH -- Man's gold Bulova, lost Jan. | CClient references. Telephone MA 3.5993 ROOM for two gentlemen to share, Paid Troini FIRST AND SECOND ual. Finder please call RA 3.9619, [0° PO Box 734, Bowmanville, . with breakfast. all conveniences RA| Mary Seat: three rooms LOAM a ning MORTGAGES and TV-HI-FI-AERIALS Reward [JANITOR or handyman. Own fools, Mechanic 5.1168 with bat ; selfcontained, re | ----n or {hard working and responsible person, TRY rigerator and stove, Ve Y i aria | . FOUND -- January 21, Fox hound ii = : | BEST meals in 'town, all conveniences, * Prompt Delivery Apply for interview to | AGREEMENTS OF SALE | Dean Kelly TV--RA 5.5121 Exile CTR Fox un ®yos Siweneus, Write Box 150, Oshawa Required for approxi- for gentlemen. Phone RA 51168, 536 outlet Adults © only. Im- Earl Fowler TV..RA 53-1685 |GNE female biack and tan, one Faiker| i owas for mately three months [Zorane Street medicte possession, IMR. E. T. HOBBERLIN| for Powe TV, SA DistE 10 : Shi Fuh - } 4 . . | | - d, 325 ¥ " 3 ' ROOM and hoard, sing) , good RA 8-895] $1,800.00 to $100,000.00 | . ef pollard TV. RA 3.9512 [West Hil, Doug Forstere © 7 "Oo" ime vers central, fivedsy week.| Service Station work, [Home cooking. bus Sr ten mits RA 3-3520 er -------- Phone RA 8.8629 walk to four corners, garage, 240 | property, summer cottages, TV Enterprises. .RA 5.2905 |watch, black suede strap, d t oo W. WARD | from9AM to8PM suburban homes, factories, | Shopping 'Cenire area. Reward. Tele PROFESSIONAL help open new shop. GF sim Sond FURNISHED MACHINE GENOSHA HOTEL phone or mail. Prompt ser- | Jack Christie RA 5-1179 Joey fra iten, black Persian, "whi white CARE TAKING OF YOUR opportunities unlimit- h id ROOM and board for two children, boy PECIALIZING IN 30" TILE Corp. Ltd, 112 Simcoe St : bo P au. oe a ior Reale. RA Ein {RA 3.4807 Straight salary. Group |ursent. Write Box 101 Oshawa Times Oil heating, extra washroom Thursday, February 4 Home owners, residential Premier TV RA 53-1179 (L0ST -- Lady's Wittnauer white gold -- er then if qualified to | Division ' i After 5 p.m. WELL DIGGING BY | ond acreage. Quotations by APPLIANCE SERVICES [phone RA 5-2047 Young man preferred, Wanted | i TOR A OSHAWA | vice. Oshawa Acceptance Lodwick Electric. RA 5-6369 |nose. Reward. Phone Bey Brownlee, CHILDREN AND HOME ed. No flat rate. 8 and girl 5, full time. Close to school, S Y EY H LF BRICK WHITBY, ONTARIO ! | | | MO 8.2563 MO 8-3809 | or write to Box 46 | 5-3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 131---Articles For Rent While You Step Out insurance plan. Apply BUSIN 'woman, General Motors in basement, $125 employee wishes room and borrd, 04 CHESTNL ST. 5 BN WE HONOR INTERNATIONA 204 CHESTNUT ST. W -3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 VE. HO ! TE ONAL rentals. RA 52591 Straight Ph Ai 20 vate, central. Write Box 145, Oshawa] RA 8 1 P.O. BOX 329 Oshawa Times or RA 3-9484, CHARGE CREDIT CARDS |giitch and sig sas. | CALL RA 5-2743 one Ajax bi -8410 - RA 3-2737

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