The Oshawa Times, 2 Feb 1960, p. 15

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| " dol THE family will thoroughly enjoy liv-|SIX - room house on lot of 86 x 330 FIVE - room bungalow with attached |'57 PONTIAC, fordor, metallic green, 0 : 1 0. : BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM CENTRAL, siz room prick, finisied ing in this: three - bedroom brick bun-| feet deep, on Simcoe Street North. For | Favege, $10,900 ns this th spotless roug , V8, e:|8 Articles For Sale 5 Articles For Sale fase, oi heated, seasonal ie san rig galow in North-West Oshawa. lose 3 more information, phone RA 5-2753. |brick home, oil heated, large land- atom Sadie, Searly Te hire. only BASS accordion and case. Very|IDEAL for writer . or small office, FLINTOFF LR | -- . -|all schools. D eharming, |BUY or sell or rent property through|scaped lot, aluminum. storms and Ahk good i $125. Tel RA [Cameo model dictdphone with tran. Flintoff (nee Horo rs wr | COLWELL -- In loving memory of DELIGHTFULLY different and spue- en, 3 Miued " trim Broughout. charming; ut McAuley Real Estate, and join the|screens, immediate possession. For| ALLSTATE Auto Inurance. Sa ww 105.5354. {scribing unit and cylinder shaver. Also 7 ozs, on Monday, February 1, 1960,/a dear father, Ernest Colwell, who|jous, six - room brick bungalow, ma- Kr 300. gl Sea iy RA | hundreds of satisfied clients whom we particulars, call Bill Miller, RA 8.5123,/20 per cent. Six months to SIEGE Taree with be or Gainadey quantity of new cylinders all ready to at the Oshawa General Hospital, A sis- | Pa away February 2, 1958. hogany kitchen cupboards and trim a Josep! » * have had the pleasure of serving. For| Lloyd Realty, 101 Simcoe Street North, [personal service at your home call RA LE1G! 85 th heliss Sainaday poe Cost $250. A bargain' at $37.50 com- ter for Bobby, { What wo would give if we could ay throughout, large Tooms, storms andiS9N. o_o. (575,240 Jie Pleasure of Serving, Forilityd B 5-2802. aa fiiapers Sot of three drums; boy's skate 5 [Plete. Phone Ajax 40, days only : Hello, Dad", in the same old WAY; screens, divided basement. East end. NEW six-room ranch bungalow, double Oshawa, RA 3-2512 or Whitby, LOTS, 105 = 160°, at Courtice, Paved|'s7 PLYMOUTH, tulone coral and ig , girl's skates, si . Pie ee fe ------ JACKSON -- Curly and Joan (nee| To hear your voice, see your smile, ($1900 down. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA attached garage, two fireplaces, divided 3.3231 0 NT avey while, padhed Gast celle tin BL. © ________|B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- Cardinal) are happy to announce the| To sit with you and chat awhile. 5-9870. basement, with finished 00m | Celina five Toom Toagniow, Three. streets, for mortgages, close white, 0 | PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon,|teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele. birth of their son,.7 Ibs. 13 ozs., on| So you who have a father Terms arranged. Apply to builder, ae nas Er Pe. to schools. RA £-5579. og Pn ni $995. Seaway Motors,|All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss.| vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 54543. tonday, February 1, 1960 at Oshawa| Cherish him with eare, APARTMENT land on Adelaide Street, |aiser Crescent, Oshawa. [payment. New homes built to your| PICKERING -- 32 acres fronting on| Whitby. i |Oshawa Hardware and Electric, SED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. General Hospital. A brother for Sharon| For you'll never know the heartache [formerly Louisa Street. 180 b iE B® § pa 3 Tindall : . |Chureh Street. RA 3.7624. . F. Goodrich, Stores. and Ri r hai Asking $19,800, Terms. Phone RA 900. NHA resale, 5'2 per cent, bun-|specifications under CMHC. ndalli Highway 7 and side road, year round CUSTOM built car radios bis HE RY ae nll ats AER n icky, | i you see us aA OA ier i, sking 3 bh galow, three years old, $5000 down, Real Estate, 43 Bond Street West. RA springs, high well-drained land with with aerial and installation, transistor ONE folir-burner heavy duty rangelp,py carriage, car bed, playpen, JACKSON -- Catherine and Syivia|Belyy. won-in ine, Eddie. and grand. - ------ | §00d value. Fernhill Blvd., RA 35-3373. [50429 beaghial view of SATouuing eountes, models from $49.95. Terms $5 down,(stove, table top, little over 30". RA jiqi' electric shaver. all in geod cen: wish to announce the arrival of their children |THREE to five year old r le et 0" unvestment. OBlY | fominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street | 8-9706. a : . RA 35-7903. baby sister, born Friday, January 29, home required with or without garage. L080. i West. RA 5.6511. SEE the spectacular new Buccance pa ---- (45--Real Estote For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles for Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 2, 1960 15 | $25. RA 3.3779. | on 5 - - - - 1960, weight 9 Ibs, . DUNN -- In memory of George Situated between Rossland Road and "34 MERCURY, Sun Valley, piexiglass|3 to 35 hp with two starting models. | SKATES, new and used. largest selecs General Ay 1 a Td hana Ewart Dunn, Vib passed away Feb. 2,| King Street West, must be reasonable. " FIVE - room bungalow, close to school or TERCURY, Sub ey: Dexiglas Come in and choose yours now. Trade tion in town. Most reasonable prices. Chuck and Noreen. 11950. Phone RA 8-0241 after 6 p.m, and bus route. Recreation room, paved |(0W€ S000 CON "4 and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon|Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street He is gone but not forgotten, PRIVATE SALE $12,900, five room bun- car port, aluminum storms and screens. 1953 MERGUI AT pr it Verdun Ri = ol East. iar CL Lrg And as i Saws anotlier year, galow, three bedrooms, Jugs Kichen; RA 3-2382. i tom. eight cylinder motor. cell BEAUTIFUL fee tables,| TWO hot air Pariees, » Sov condi- In our lonely pd large room, close scl {cand 8136 solid various 2-|tion, reasonably priced. Apply Harrison DEATHS Thoughts of him are Sway hea zel and bus stop. Preferably cash. RA 35 ACRES OF GOOD, FLAT, WORKABLE LAND 2 condition, 9%. 1 RA S812 tone signs, WW" plate glass tops, rea- and Kinsman Hardware, 337 Simcoe Ever J membered by e 3-3167. WITH EVER RUNNING enn, SITUATED BE | 55 BUICK, fordor. futons black and S0Mable. Call RA 5-1400. South, RA 3.4425. p niinG - 52 , fordor, prin miesstet ntl rdf - SPT Tt J pa 2 TH CORY = Ty Osttws Ger ot os i amily DF INIINAS. $400 DOWN green, automatic, custom radio, very BABY bargain Clearout of last Jeats 0} Wine floral nu, § it. 2m by ds , / i | models of baby carriages from 150. | venetian blind, 7 n. and one bli omer Ci REL Re ind ANKS APARTMENT TWEEN OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE, SOUTH 6% MORTGAGING Sean, Snoughont, Sow rdisbie trans: ode) full panel roxatone hoe, val 01 in. RA 52794. ) 01 reet), { 3 g . 4 88: vh| Brio Blob ero usando tne ie Hace vos nen: CARD OF TH BUILDING FROM HIGHWAY 401. GOOD FOR SPECULA- | 6% MORTGAGING oa et, Sel ay pene ME ova Sage cock, in his 7st year. The ate My. i TION. IDEAL FOR INVESTMENT. SUITABLE Sclid brick, ecgrateq, Alu 59 VAUXHALL station wagon, 12,000 Furniture, 2 Church Street. {double bed complete, chebt of drawers, Cony i Testing a Mcintosh Funeral 1 wish to thank friends and relatives, 11 suites, nearly new. Resi- . » num storms and screens. miles, perfect condition, snow tires, pri- eo Fats | Sy cning own, aire, £¥m suit, ete. A : 4 : | X i | Terms. itso day, February 1, av 3 opel on Thurs. |, "orton, Dr. Sturgis, Dr. ofozell| dential area, on main street | FOR FARMING. UNDER PRICED AT $8 750. W."T. Lamson Real Estote |vate. RA 549% after pm. | WOOD and coal stove. Prince Soares fi suk Rood South sion Cemetery. (The family. will 'he( 0d the hove of 2004, urses 3D of Oa | | =o" Ai) cites lecsed, Ltd. I a Amat es Tosroy| deel laundry tubs on_rollers, alt 'in| THREL steal jack posts. $6 _sach. two at the funeral home Tuesday evening |W? Ge for cards, cigarets, flowers 424 | CALL JOHN WACKO, REALTOR RA 5-8831 steering, low mileage. Ca | {good condition. RA 5394. ~~ | volt used battery $8. One spaccheater 7t0 9 p.m., Wednesday 2 - 5 p.m. and} ieutions Jor ars in Oshawa Gen.| Call RA 8-5183, OL 5-4 --t ---- after 6 p emer rimmminoriniean HUNGITYT Order 3h 200" Shia. Bam 7 +93 pm. |eral Hospital y or RA 3-9207 136 SIMCOE ST. S. PRIVATE sale, 195] Meteor, §00d con: burgs. We deliver. 25¢ extra. Town - ------ eval Hospital, thur B ; McLAUGHLIN dition, with new brakes and tires, $175. Lunch, 528 Ritson South, RA 58078. | angette, one coal or wood stove, MONTGOMERY -- In the Toronto --Artbur Badgerow C i oc Bub Td dig ry Lo Pad Ol. Oa, ~~ |white enamel, large size, both in Sick Children's Hospital on Monday : : RA 5-6569 " gE AIT EL: een cricctt SELLING Tuiniture? We'll Buy i, Kel amd thames. Pane mat goon February 1, [S25 Gordon Bertram, 1 wish to thank ail the neighbors, 3 BOULEVARD |193 PONTIAC, two door, excellent|erigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, Sondition,. ¥ beloved son of lan and Thelma Mont. | friends and relatives for their visits, {condition. new tires. Apply 210 Wilson |stoves, ete. For top cash offer, con.| UNPAINTED bookcases only .99c. with p i A) thanks = : ou | of " the purchase of any piece of unfinish- Somers, and dear brother of Bryan |Mowers, gifts and cards. Alo Hi N.H.A.. RESALES DESIGNED FOR YOUR COMFORT { $3,000 DOWN {Road South. . ' - |tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA sata, th furniture, Chest of drawers, $17: and Dale, and grandson of Mrs. Bert nurses and staff on 3A for their kind- | é b lo 3 bed- {1949 PONTIAC, good transportation, SUNBEAM electric razor parts, also desks, $14; bookcases, $5.99: vanity Montgomery, Oshawa, 'Mr. and. Mrs, "Iris 2nd staff on 34 Jor BOM in| $1200 DOWN Fresh air? Yes, and plenty of yard. for the kiddies to play. This ~foom. . 2ungaiow, | motor in good condition, new snow tres cutting heads, cords etc. for other|dressers, $26. Wilson Furniture. 20 I Tasik, Perth. in his th year. Rest- | G38 10 0 GUONE IS, 20st Tl ened | | is on ideal 3 bedroom ranch style bungalow with a panoramic | rooms, oak floors," oil heat, land battery, $95. Apply Cyril Sharpe, makes of electric razors. Meagher's, Church Street. f y ng at the M » " i | ¥ y lon Chien . : 3 ! 3425, Y died el 159 King Th Tmeral in the | (Mrs) Mae Gordon, Port Whitby. Many extras, Brick and Cal view. Beautiful large living room with American plan fireplace. | goroge. Full price $10,500. 62 Chureh Street ring, side door. § King Street West. RA 3.3425 |T0 Clear -- Quantity of used 3 ply- ~ ' c : 3 p '60 DELUXE X , radio, ED rel 3 hers, | 5c . vi A neat ay. Foun. > i 2| fore Re ered obi Attractive family Size kitchen, 4 piece bath, forced air oil heot. GERALD BAR ROW stver sre. in Fort bomgin Ti wi Be EL players. | Products RA 81611 Soot, Oshawa Wood am. erme: ount Lawn Cemetery. 5 «1 ca - w "| . i taihnd tudo onto A (In lieu of flowers donations to the (45--Real Estate For Sale | Estote Ltd Reduced for quick sale--$16,900. Bargain Price. Telephuve RA 8-0427 any- pest offer. Gosranieed revise toatl Giri: ol race heer ee only Cancer Society would be appreciated). [FUR ~ room bungzaiow and bath room, | : 1 B 0 a, 1 rs available ns' | three months, includes drum, platform, lone acre and half, fruit tress and RA 5-8831 BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY R KER Ty WALF Gn cleviolel panel, how A) haves mid yarts Ltd RA 3.2263 |blower and pipes. Telephone RA 8-1700 a 3 ERY ' SI res i r------e wry - {bushes, garage. Telephone RA 3-330. - Sensei High dry land 218' x 100' suitable for four good size lots, ser- RA 5-3852 Slow Hey mal» GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup. KNITTING machine, nearly new: also GERROW FUNERAL (storey ana hair house, ge lot, A . . - treadle sewing machine, in good con viced by sewer and water. Right around the corner from shop- SKE - rn : , plies. new and used, terms 10 per cent L C EL close fo public. separate and high GRIERSON ST. a: Sie the Corner Tr IT pays -- and saves (0 shop Classi. SUL NEW RN MC [ene 10 per ond dition. Apply 82. Montrave Aven HAP A 3.97 s sking : 5 E : |fied. Buying or selling, you better your RA 5.6511 nes fe : = jsshusle RA Soren ----| Lovely bungalow in north : LLOYD REALTY [amore uving br hopping "the Onn Seems Heat. Na 3801) | WE, voy Highest prices fn the ely for Kindness beyond price, | E end, situated on londscoped IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? \ awa Times Chit bogs ide On ise aditioned | re, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South yet within reach of all. BROOKSID | lot Foved Se ached { ff you have property for sale, let us sell it for you and relieve OSHAWA'S BUSIEST Ea ig iar ho RO light, coe Street North, ~~ -- . i" n ; Marconi, b nat ho sae garage. Pati y . : : % i custom dq ¥ 5. | rp 3 sed |phone Conn, and slide trombone, all RA 8-6226 ACRES ponelied rec. room with bor | YOU IRIN. Vs ove The preshects ond the know REAL ESTATE FIRM grey mish SLGSs. oly $505. YE." Uke-.t0 clean. our. ale "months [in excellent condition. Best offer. Phone " bly | 390 KING STREET WEST in basement Reasona how. Real estate is our full time profession. We list photo co-op. Seaway Motors, Whitby. TV'. Many . bargains, three Bond [RA 80216 s-------- ais priced with low down poy- Open Evenings room condition, 10,000 miles, fully | Street oy. _____|CHAIN saw, 18 inch, Homelite brand, , Former model home, beauti- ment For particulars call And Saturda s equipped, cxtras private. Phone Tom. HOUS " Bluebird Path. [NeW condition, used only about ix LOCKE'S FLORISTS fully appointed six-room bun- Mrs. Brown, RA 5-3867. Y |ULster 2.34035, Uxbridge, after § p.m.|finder, " long, wide. Propane hors rivate, sacrifice for cash. OL galow with carport, luxurious 3 SPECIAL Buick two-door hard top, |5tove, oven and lights, reasonable price. |5-3019. 155 DKW two-tone station wagon, show. fuarantee, Trio television, 171 : v ! F Y | 38 TA '| Phone RA 8.3072. GR mE double bed with spring and Flowers ond arrangements for recreation room with Outside HOWE & MILLEN OR THE od ER |two tone biack and white, Hives ie new, FOR quality used clothing, come ip | mattress. Also fifteen hole panes rest all occasions Snizenes Broadioon mn Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 WHO! | 5-2616, 102 William Street East. Also used|box fo hang on wall, good as new . ing and dining room, halls 4 : pe ep oe. | furniture. H 54094, Oshawa Shopping Centre pe master bedroom. Five- | 67 KING ST. EAST JOE PICHORA RA 5.9144 DAVE DONALD RA 5-8522 Wants to be -near Catholic liad hey Bg Sow USED furniture, bought and sold. 215| WHITE West Side piece cofored bath has twin | RA 5-7732 BILL NORRIS RA 5.7983 DOUG WILSON RA 5.5625 Church and Separate choc} mileage, economical family car, $1495 Toronto Avenue. RA 52831. (bl PHONE vonities/ Extra three-piece |-- -------- er e----------e ere (two minute wolk). Plus 3 |seaway Motors, Whitby. LC TRE a ade ea hes ers pm GC RA 8-6555 both jdbosement. Three bed= | ANA J bedrooms, dining room, oll lim N A40, good body, good en- solid vak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard:|D b fize 12, white Jase, nearly now 1 © } re. > rel 3-762 or da) Vear, ake 0. - rooms, Hollywood: kitchen, | JO! . WHITBY HOME oluminum storms and screens ne. Telephone RA 3-4346 ware, 8 Church. RA 3.7624 Sony eer. Ma A Sn ap i 0 d driveway. Askin m---- : "7 |FINE foods for less at Glecolf Super- td -- ia IN MEMORIAM natural fireplace and den. | BOLAHOOD 8 room bungalow in Whitby. Bathroom 'and oil furnace. Four ond paves 500 A Sng FINE foods for So tC) oot gE a rE Drapes and decorating pro- | bedrooms, 1 block from school and church. See this at only price IV, $ 1960 {p.m Free parking and delivery. Free model TV, crochet table 76" x 93", doil- fessionally done by interior | LIMITED $8,500 with $2,000 down for the "balance, call BILL premiums with purchases. Seli-serve ies. RA 81547, 73 Laurentian, Avenue with two outside patios, Good | REALTORS INSURANCE : MILLAR, RA 8-5123, i STUDEBAKER I meats, fruits, groceries. |MOVABLE cottage, also cedar and BARTICHUK -- In loving memory decorator | Fuly landscaped 100-ACRE FARM hemlock logs and poles. RA 3.7195 of a dear father and grandfather, Koz. | - | INCOME HOME ture, also sell and exchange. Contact|Write Box 144, Oshawa Times ro Barliuh who Diss sun Hoa | fem ovalobe fo response | 167 SIMCOE . LARK SOR RL ey ruary 2nd, 1957 { porty. A must to inspect for Good 6 room brick house with new oil furnace; water. in house Modern bungalow, three bed- Street. Phone RA 8-113] ELECTR Feuer Sullar ang. ample You're voy forgorten Kiviiag dear. | the / discriminating buyer Large 100 x 36 barn. Productive land. 60 acres new seeds. Fall rocms, living room ond kit- Two-door Sedan Delivered SKATES, new and used, largest selec-|5-1687. Apply 66 Fisher Street hy hit nia You 4 last | Coll MR. BRADLEY, RA | RA 5-6544 | plowing all done. This is a heavy producing farm, fills the barn chen, plus three room apart- Fully: Equipped at tion in town. Most reasonable pr am SERN We shall remember thee. 3-2006 every yeor. Price $18,500 with $8,000 down, or may be bought | ment renting' at $65 per Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street SEE HOME APPLIANCES pa a & 13 [East E Always remembered by daughter $8 500 FULL PRICE 0s a going concern, with 42 beef cattle, hens, pigs, all imple- month. Completely land- ost iirma-------------------- Greta, son-in-law Jack, grandsons Dan ' A ae AA hool WINTER sale of room lots of 1959] OSHAWA LTD ny. and Tins brick bungalow, ments, threshing machine, tractor, = All for only $29,000 scaped, close to school, bus . wallpaper. 0-0 Dunios a; $2.99, 5. . owe close to downtown, oak and with terms ervice. N.HA. mortgage at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34] 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR COLWELL -- In loving memory of a 144 5V4 9%. Fe ) ° > g site D Stor: RE dear father Ernest Colwell 4 oh tile floors, oil heating, storm 5V2 % . For more information, | . SABYAN King W opposite Dominion Store. FRIGIDAIRE call GERRY OSBORNE, RA MOTOR SALES AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stitpes SALES AND SERVICE Prompt service, Free estimates. Order | For all t s of propertie ed away February 2, 1958 windows, good gurige This gl G Gone, dear father: gone forever buy is just es close es your RVYN BIRD BR K IN . ¥ ) i v r i ac i ° now for early delivery. Chair and table Domest How we miss your smiling face M | | phone M ' LIMITED rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. | este 20d Commer) ina cabinet - trimmed with reasonable. Phone RA | ype wi Ton ih place. | $1 000 DOWN $1.000 5-ROOM BRICK , VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, RA 5-5332 A. happy home we once enjoyed-- 0 ' OL. 5-3159 BUNGALOW 334 RITSON RD. S. |parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. eet How sweet the memory still 5-room brick 'bungalow, in Dial RA 3-346] {teed rebuilt machines. Estimates % Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor But death man leno Dna Apple Hill area. Extra large J. A. WILLOUGHBY $1,050 down buys thi -- Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. i et Ci ; felon The world can never fill t t y : ; fovely 1 year old hom th vice. RA 8-0591 anytime ral, J s€. e Lordly FiCuees or or Don REALTORS Jing soon with dinetie quis, AND SONS LIMITED, REALTORS 4 piece tile both. Toe ving | 48--Automobiles Wanted FORTABLE Doreerier sect TEN] finest in TV. HiFi. ond vi : ar - pi o v. OTS LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want iypewriter, adding machine with credit| service | cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. |hailance, McKaskey cash register, fac 00m; oil heating, mod. . | 150° For -more information, RA 5-1161 or RA 53-1182 cheap. RA 3-434. PARKWAY T.V. | ern sliding windows. is call ond ask for DICK |=----------- | SENS 9 " ring our Jan | | A h SENSATIONAL savings during ov | 918 SIMCOE NORTH | Usk 75 © plage. 15 Shoe IS OW Se nN YOUNG, RA 8-5123 BUYING OR SELLING SEE [vary Clearance Sale, 10-piece living | NOF | semble includes davenport anc : | $11,900 FULL PRICE Lioyd Realty Ltd MACKIE MOTORS movies "cha. 2" fabes 2 lamps and _RA 33043 . shades, ; azine rac Et EXPERIENCED hairdresser will give FOR RENT -- Apartment, two rooms, | Mary Street and Rossland REALTORS .. Realtors TE shades, Se mal and EE re . cold waves in your own home. For ap-|furnished bedsitting room and kitchen ood area, S-room brick 101 Simcoe St. N. RR. 4, KING ST, chrome sets, while they last s.05. | Hy hwa Trans 0 t tment phone MO 8-5367. vith xetrigerator 2nd stove; private bungalow, all arcorated, CELINA ST RA 8.5123 ° We xi gently Deed 10 ars Slightly damaged = stroller. $5.80, vl vi g Y Pp | § 4 raished . rdwoo , - - weekly * for = ou © wi $6. large roxatone cri 15. ste . 5 x " RARE. | arent ey Tarr pan Hat rnished apart. three bedrooms, 4-pc. bath f Eight room home in excellent condition, two blocks from the "LIST WITH LLOYD [" deoler bed 58. Wilson's Furniture. 20. Chureh Board Reports "= Thresroom t: also bachel rt both . sei onisined Comal, 32505. Birsne Steel ee Phone now to see the house heart of .the city. Ideal income 'home or for g large family. Stree . ; THEN CALL YOUR MOVER RA 5-5743 SE TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario 45A ---- --~--------1 FOQD AND FREEZER PLANT [highway transport board's an -------- [YOUNG gent] 0 3 LOST -- Ome female black and tas; one |and Hoary o Whithy, Sng por ween] of your dreams For appointment, call Hilda Ristow otf RA 5-3605 ofter six. 4 ward, 5.93 . -- atker houn rewa ont 9 ToL 3A 354 iy BILL Tg) ia GIVE ME LAND 454=Red! Estate for Sale $15.40 o week per family. of |DuAl report, showing a total of $1300 DOWN buys this five-room brick hot water heating, central location. | CLI E Lots of land. .Yes four acres located on Thornton s Rd. S, - - Ex a SPOT CASH f ; lud roximatel ; 439 apblications brocessed in bungalow, situated on a large landscap- | possession March 1. MO 8.3605 between 135 feet frontage, With it o six-roomed older home soundly PAID FOR | tour, includes appro Y |1959, was tabled in the Ontario ed Jot in one of Whitby's better|5.30, 8 pm. | | lh non . eles » large living quarters, garage at.| 90 per cent groceries ond [legislature Monday. areas. For full particulars call RA |gi--poon ero ryg - 4 | constructed, oll large comfortable. rooms, nicely decorated d, large lot for house in Oshawa| Good, clean cars. Trade up t. | The board heard applicafi 33123 and ask for Jim Cruiksnanks. (CC, (0 OF PUSS service. by able | throughout, Listed ot $14,900 with reasonable down pay. district. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times.| or down. Liens paid off freezer, .No down payment. are Soard oD 164 203 Lloyd Realty, 101 Simeoe ig orth, (household repairs, septic tanks cleaned Open - Evenirigs | ment. For more information and to inspect coll Audrey Mc- rr i 1 | For appointment (no obliga- | cipalities, granted Oshawa, List with Lloyd then y or installed nditional guarantee. Members of (Oshawa - and Conkey at RA 5.6140 46--Real Estate Wanted | DODD MOTOR SALES | tion)--phone RA 5-3709 full licences and another mover {Bert Gi : 376 W, Pi . em) nthe Wc bos A ol rehtes Jan : -- ert ® 3. Prckenng.| District Real Ertowe Board | ALL Kinds of * property wanted for| 314 PARK RD, § ® part. Net revenue was FOR RENT -- Three . room, self-con-| FOR RK, heated ---- = clients, some with all .cash or your ¥ §93,776 t'0ed apariment, unfurnished, Rejns house al convenigares, Telephone MO Hy Mcl AUGHLIN BLVD equity' Call W. McAuley Realtor, 96 RA 3.9421 JANUARY SALE Some 43 transport operators ator and stove supplied. § o 707 or apply 7 ochrane Street, VER arge four room bric ungolow, tastefully decorated, new Prince Street. Oshawa. RA 3:2512 or A@ 1 tot a TT s of th pe ranted intarahs 'come. Phone MO 8-2776 Whitby Ct SUARIER | ESSO oil furnace, low taxes with mortgage terms con be | Whitby MO 83331 *|49--Automobile Repairs Aluminum Products of the were. granted interchange - of- oy : % et i oi SAMA mp. PRR tinea nda i best quality at the trailer privileges iving FOR RENT -- Six - room house, Byron NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. fi., arranged. This could be the home you are looking for. No rea- PHONE RA 58762 if you wish to sell | prices, fully guaranteed the Sl to haul Biving them rcet South. Available February 20. or less, parking lot facilities. Call sonable offer rejected. For an' appointment to see call Carl |JOUT Property at a fair. market price. 1271 COE NORTH | Double h windows 5 J ihe irgilers of ; 5 Church Street, Whitby Professional Building, MO 8 Prudential Trust Com Ltd. SIMCO Ol Oub'e 'hung windo some 54 other licensed carriers. A andennvogen 5 Church 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 : Olsen ot RA 5-6165 or RA 8-5146 evenings -- Apa d . ou arri ap -- a ham | A NT LT hh Rr ir S Il now : = bungalow, rea-|[FOR RENT -- Large newly finished, " . Specialists in Ford Service Ca Se 5.4609 after S|onebegroni 40s tment, eates ay Insurance Associates Ltd WHITBY -- POPULAR LOCATION URGENT | and parts. Wheel alignment, Lymer Lluminun Cc outlet; private entrance, in Po /hit- Large lit level home with built-in aarage. fo bedroo wheel balance with latest R . abs by. Available immediately. Call RA A 3- r ge sp ome Borage, jour bedrooms, s -- FOR RENT -- Three-room unfurnished | s 3000. Immediately RA 3-2265 o sewing room, large living and dining room, modern kitchen, We need Homes for sale, any type equipment. Newest type apartment, heat, hydro, hot water in- EPIC Banks ricancd Ihe samitary RA 8-1624 tiled bathroom and large recreation room possible Tastefully | geo ash clients waiting electronic tune-up equipment. SALE a yon, parma decorated throughout. Complete with storms, screens and large Act now! Phone RA 5.8831. BRAMLEY MOTOR | b VICTORIA (CP) -- The Social We don't promise any bonu 1 space. MOhawk 8-5188 way, new tanks installed, Waiter pace. MObawk 8-5 Ward, 204 Chestnut West Phone Mo| JUST ONE YEAR OLD landscoped lot. Four years old. A buy at $22,500. Call Keith W. T. LAMSON fee ie Tile Secig and two - bedroom apartments, electri- Must be sold. New modern Dunney ot MO 8:5823 or MO 8-2650 evenings | REAL ESTATE | SALES LTD. we promise only number one |down by 31 to 13 an i: FOR RENT --in new building one. |g a cy ; | "V outlet and ample SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary ; , ; ally..equibled, TV outlet. and a way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, brick bungalow. Beautiful | -- PHONE RA 3 4675 self-storing aluminum door jmotion of non-confidence Extra large dining area ond OSHAWA RA 5-6165 WHITBY MO 8.5823 |47--Automobiles For Sale | installed, - guaranteed, only The motion, criticizing the goy- Parking.:MO 2.359] 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563. kitchen with copper tone tile 19 ATHOL ST. WEST 209 BROCK ST. S. FOR. RENT Three unfurnished - - ernment's policie fi i "pou te Ex a PONTIAC, Tadio--wiite Sai tires. | BO Rosi ouble. 1 s policies on financing, Pett Highest market prices paid, Jake| living room, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. ONTIAG I ig, "wits 'wall tires, | 50. --Articles For Sale $44.95. Aluminum double [power - development, labor rela. coms, use of kitchen. MO 8:3167 from LIVE poultry also feathers wanted, | " iL : arker, MO 8-3644 collect i" Till BR = ) 0 UPPER duplex, central Whitby, mod. | LArker, MO 83644 collect. bath. Lorge garage. Forced GOING overran Beau 51 (LLOYD baby carriage and matiress.| hung storm windows. Only tions education and agriculture, ern, self-contained, private entrance, House ans Sangaiow TAG. Gin oir oil heating. All alum- Packard, automatic, window washers, | "it®-blue lining, good condition. Best| $18.50 installed. Now try was proposed by CCF Leader ! 507. dows payments McAu bi: N . 8, [orfor So gs Su - dest] : ) ¢ TV aerial. Adults preferred. MO 2.4507. [down payments W- Meduley inum windows and doors. Bea- back up lights, interior perfect, motor | Offer S25 or over; also oblong: play-pen the best in town. Call us for | Robert Strachan. FOR RENT -- Unfurnished bachelor -- utiful grounds, landscaped | . . perfect, unusual opportunity, can fi. | TA 9-239 s 0 : bx f k a gr eed | OER AT mms The Liberals--only two of {I f-contained. Central. MO FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers, y nance, $675. RA 8.6316. MUSKRAT coat, full length, size 18-20, | serv -9851 : : ot the apartment, self-conta ; power saws, drills, grinders, sprayers, back and front. Located off : Bory aie ie ae IM] quick service. RA 3.9851 [0 ere present--and the only #2503 LTD Pr TAC custom. adoor eae |also grey Borg jacket, size 14. Both | | i ie nets. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8 | Rosslond Rd. E. Price $15,800 Co ' | 31 PONTIAC custom, 4.door sedan. |j y ! Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St indepe vi FOR RENT -- new two - bedroom un- 3305 er $3,300 down, moioce ek 1 |Showroom condition. Must sell, Apply | lke Hew. Phone RA 8.3885. Mex Yodo, y Ielepe ndent voted with the oppp- furnished apartment. heat, water, TV [1299 Meadowvale Street. ---- ~ outlet supplied, $93 per month. 603 Call Henry Stinson, evenings, 43 PARK RD. SOUTH 57 BEDFORD van A. erro | Mr. Strachan mainly criticized Green Street. MO 8.3762 RA 5.0243. |Z Yan, AT mechanically, 1960 OPENING NEW STEREO = | mainly eriticie sou mewT heavy dui own ww! A. FOSKETT ft eens Fo. hear Saar | EOVeTIaNw Tower Dolley: = * | Whitby. HI-FI SETS Cutting. Wilde. Rental Service, MOhawh & SONS N-H.A. RESALE DON'T MISS THIS : 1 XD HENRY. General Contractor 540 DUNDAS ST E $12,500 -- 4 year old, 5 turing beautiful modern kitchen, dining area and large living [irs Ot. ow price 'anty 355. Seaway BOATING NEEDS | RADIO Inco Plans mm ROSSLYNN ESTATES Central location, new 3 bedroom brick ond stone bungalow fea- f "white, | Let's help you save on you) Repairs, Alterations. Cement Carnen room brick bungalow, 3 bed- | room, '4 piece bathroom with colored fixtures and built-in Motors; Whitby. | - bho ; board. oi MO 8-234] WHITBY rooms, good size kitchen and | vanity, full size high walkout basement to ravine fot, open to |'55 CHEV. blac easton Talis.) Swng New 40 fe electric | RECORD PLAYERS » 0) lor one gentleman, board _op- . living room. 4-pc. tiled bath, { offer with comparatively low down payment, plan te inspect bs |like new tires, mechanically sound. A cott generator boil-0-matic, tional, centrally located, in private Roofing, Sheet Metal Work, oil heating; aluminum storms calling Sid Martyn RA 3-9810 Y |reanty good buy at $793. Seaway Motors, key start, choice of colors, TAPE RECORDERS ares I ome. Abstainer. MO 8-2429 Chimney Flash Whitby. ; pe ey sh, and screens, Lot size 56 x --i at power and dependability FOR RENT -- Six-room apartment, Eavestroughing, Painting, 145. 5% mortgage. Monthly $300 DOWN ub | Only $596.50 THE DUTCH rooms, ceramic tiled bath, en ------ room, - situated on lot 50' x 14-3406, West Hill, Doug Forster -- iS i sy ES Whit dad d | Non-Confidence Motion Defeated central, Mo 8-3785. Decorating T z -- f payments $50.00 principal Tome ares Snir at. owner, Wo Al Work Guarantees, | Poumon $50.00, mrincial WHY PAY ROOM RENT? CASH WHE THY Lavy Wo I'or Une 83-5179. 4 tails, coll Jay Goyne, even. >mail cosy comfortable and compact home, 3 piece bath, full FOR YOUR CAR 7%2 HP. new, bail-0-matic MERCHANT FOR RENT -- Six-room house, oil heat, ings, RA 5.5378 basement, automatic gas f tral n f 3 TORONTO (CP)--International newly Secorated 720 Centre North LLOYD REALTY 28 ment, Jutomonc gas fumngce, central location, easy geor, shift ond go tank Nickel Co. of Canada Lid pro- MO 8.26 of I P = --- " $1400.00 DOWN A CaY ments: Jew taxes, Coll Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or VAN HEUSEN $209.95 204 BOND ST EAST poses to split its shares on a two FOR RENT -- One large and one small c SA " ¥ ; . sol IEC TOONT sell oi ai Pa oats. OSHAWA'S BUSIEST 5 room brick home, locoted 40 H.P. manual, lots ot pow for - one basis. hot and cold water supplied. Wil id REAL ESTATE FIRM on veo id lot ig fo $1,500 DOWN MOTORS ar doy Ski or Ses nk and | FURNITURE The proposal. announced fol decorate. Vacant now fhe y chool an us service ale « "1 | i 2 i LB. - J lowing a ol roe : time, MO 8.3442 OPEN EVENINGS te on a 6% mortgage > room 3 bedroom brick bungalow, large modern kitchen and 149 KING ST. W Clearance Sale 2 hi a 1 Jigctars in DAY care for one child. given while AND SATURDAYS (NMA) please call. Don living room, full size extra high basement, forced air with. oil a SOR 60 H.P. Brand new pound | 10% TO 509% OFF Sad 3 BE e pre. mothér works. MO 3-408. ~~ Stradeski 'evenings, RA heating, laundry tubs ner moving: to Toronto forces this for pound the most power- 0 70 | ec to shareholders for ap- i NH sale 69 ori ; % y ful outboard vet. 20 amp F |proval at the company's annual IDEAL FAMILY 8-8423 A. rescle 6% mortgage. Call Syd Martin RA 3.9810 MERCEDES BENZ generator, bail-o-matic, key on SAMPLES [meeting in: April. FOR RENT | HOME BROOKSIDE ACRES WHITBY DK.W. FIAT start only, $699.05 | 'BEDROOM SUITES | Directors also raised the quar- 0 - t : Cpl terly divide : shares Seno, A aly Jo Five and one-half room brick 6 room (1300 sq. ft.) ranch | 5 year old 6 room brick ranch bungalow, hardwood and tile Authorized Sales & Service 60 HP. used, $695.95 BN OM EES oe to 7 Sy camuan Siares cate: bedrooms, d ing bungalow on nicely lond- | bungalow with attached gar- | floors, tiled bath, built-in breakfast nook, valance boxes, alum- ANDY NAGY'S OCCASIONA HAIRS able March 21 to shareholders o room, living room, ond 7 located Gl . 18 tt. Weymouth Cruiser ful- CC LC rehol¢ of chen, modern bath, gorage Seaped lot. Large modern age, ocated o encairn inum storms and creens, patio nicely decorated and landscoped BODY SHOP Iv zquipped 40 H.P. Electric | CEDAR CHESTS (record Feb. 23. The previous nicely' treed. shrubbery and itchen, four piece both, | VE on Sh y landscaped | Jee this home, selling below cost at $13,500 by calling Keith | .nofor, $2.695.00. COFFEE & STEP TABLES |quarterly dividend was 65 cents flowers in Summer months, Asking $2,000 down. For ot 86 x 19" living room Peters RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 Rf TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS [a share, unchanged since Sep. 3 , | front pnd rear lawn. Vacant particulars, call BILL LING, With stone - fireplace, joins 16 Ft. moulded mahogany | Many 'Other Terrific Values ember, 1955 | Febtubry Ist. $90.00 per RA 8.5123 with a separate dining area. COMMERCIAL SIMCOE ST. NORTH equipped hardware, runnning at Giveaway Prices! Quarterly dividends, fogether Extra large bright kitchen, 3 | | Ss, ste menth sent DOWN $1 350 DOWN/| bedrooms all with good size | Corner Iot with 4 room bungalow, located by service station SA BYAN MOTOR lights, Jleeting: Seed meter, BARONS' or with year - end extras, totalled ' | e Ors, spot-light ve Im i closets. 4«pc. tiled bath with and large groceteria. List price $15,500 cash. Call Sid Martyn | remote nitrols $3 a share in 1959; $2.60 in 1953: JOS. E. SHIELDS | Fie Rom rick i ngslow Bah i aie a) wih RA 3.9810 SALES LTD. RP Blecrocials, with 40 [HOME FURNISHINGS land $3.75 in 1957 REAL ESTATE BROKER lot. Large living room pi cludes, wall to wall brood- | RESTAURANT FOR SA | STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN er. One only at this price | 424 Simcoe St. S | The announcement said that | kitchen, plus three beautiful loom in living ond dining - | LE | SALES and SERVICE $1,499.00 {upon approval of the proposed MO 8-2874; Evenings | bodiooms. Blanes arr room area, drapes throughout | With living quarters, horseshoe bar approximately 20 x 25 | 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH FREE 4 COLONIAL share - split by shareholders it is MO 8-2473 Whitby | +6% mortgage. For more in. home. Large recreation room with 18 stools, plus kitchen fully equipped for full course | OSHAWA, ONT REE STORAGE TILL SPRING ALUMINUM INDUSTRI expected that the new shares I formation, call JIM CRUIK- area in basement. For further | 'meals, large building 'and lot with garaa located on main Tel.: RAndolph 3-346] 24 MONTHS TO PAY STRIES |ywould carry a quarterly dividend SHANKS ot RA 8-5123 information please call Bill | street of village about 13 miles from Oshowa Asking $15,900 ere ; of 37% cents a share assuming FOR C.I.L. PAINT McFeeters, evenings, RA with terms including equipment. Call Keith Peters RA 5.8761 BUYING OR SELLING SEE | OPEN 9 AM. TILL Special pre-Spring Prices on {continuance of the current out Coll Lloyd Realty Ltd 5-1726 or RA 5.4162 evening 9P.M. TUES TO SAT ALSCO Aluminum Siding look Realtors c TED CAMPIN ' The expected quarterly divi DODD 3 SOUTER YOY Sirveoe St. N LIST CO.OF THROUGH THIS $800 DOWN MOTORS | Call our- wholesale divisior |dends on the new shares would SABER. & RA 8.5123 Country family home with city cnn eniences, 10 roo ' AJAX ARINE {thus total $1.50 a year, the equiv. PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE : : MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND floors, forced oir with oil heating, 4 piece bathroom, large. Ice 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA bis COLONIAL alent of $3 on the proseut Shoes 07 Byron Street South LIST WITH LLOYD DISTRICT REAL ESTATE with small barn, Asking $7,800 with : povment (Just Eost of Wilson Road) No. 2 Highway = At Alex | ALUMINUM INDUSTRIES = At Dec. 31, Inco's issued shares g 8 pay s of $50 per | USTRIES MO 8-5231 | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | BOARD month, Call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810. RA 3.4494 - Res. 5.5574 PHONE 1266. | WHITBY -- MOhowk 8.5861 ro Th My sm - o--- K 8- J rized.

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