The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Januery 30, 1960 3 Tr 24 Student | ig Nurses At | Reception An alumna of the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nurs- ing, Mrs. A. G. Reynolds, left the 24 student nurses of the class of 1962 with three "lifesavers" Friday afternoon: Think of others; keep your head; and be a lady. Mrs. Reynolds was guest speaker at the reception for the students held in the McLaughlin Hall. In 1943, she graduated, and spent a year at the university of Toronto after winning the Ade- laide McLaughlin scholarship and| | a scholarship of the Oshawa) © General Hospital. She returned| to the hospital as the senior in-| structor in nursing aris, where she remained until her marriage to Dr. A. G. Reynolds, archivist for the United Church of Canada. # Before "tossing a few life- : savers" to the nurses, Mrs, f Reynolds said that nursing was| - i 5 | ASW like a sea voyage. She warned 2% d 7 4 the students, who began their| = a . training five months ago, that % ; Za 4 a 4% ! [there would be smooth sailing, | © = | OLD OSHAWA HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING ON CENTRE STREET rough seas and even storms. * ii A HUMBLE BEGINNING ti] SEES AE A ANCIENT CEREMONY AT PRECEPTORY INSTALLATION only person they are in contact a : : steeped in an- | Templar, at the Oshawa | Knight L. Brocklehurst; install- | general chairman of Templar | " PM } P Executive with who really means anything, A ceremony ; I leh t to them." tiquity was performed as the | Masonic Temple Thursday ing preceptor; Eminent Knight | Achievement and Eminent The superintendent of nurses,| officers for 1960 were installed | night. Seen here are some of | J. L. Sullivan, presiding pre- Knight M. Gray, preceptor. LJ Meet Held Mrs. G. Telford, introduced Mrs.! by St. John the Almoner Pre- | those who played prominent | ceptor; Right Eminent Knight i 1T WwW Reynolds, She also introduced! ceptory No. 15, Knights | roles. From left are Eminent | C. Elliott, of Ro boToIgh, ) --QOshawa Times Photo the nursing school instructors 'in- ee ee e---------------------------------- There was an executive meet- | ing of the Progressive Conserve. Sivigually a asa ents and WEATHER FORECAST SMELT A relevant experience) . % tive Association Hotel Friday evening W. A. Holland, superintendent . 1 Routine business was discuss- of the hospital, said a new wing mgm ed, and Several committees were wouid be added to the hospital Em lo ment 0 ortunities nominate with 270 beds un a 0 ee This is the first in a series the teachers for his learning, At:classrooms were added as it ex A constitutional committee was, Each of the students was pre- of six articles on the develop- a time when their combined/ panded and in 1924, the central nominated to review and to re- sopied with a testament by Mrs. (Civil Service of Canada) ment of the school system in annual salaries amounted to little|block of the Oshawa. now O'Neil] commend changes in the constitu-y A Henkelman and Mrs. R. . i Oshawa, more than $900 they presented Collegiate and Vocational Insti- ton, and particularly ne Food P. Matthews, of the Oshawa and . . nm vith a pruse containing{tue was built mend an increase in the numberiwhithy Gideon Auxiliary 1 By PAULINE VAN EYSSEN g300 There were more public school of vice presidents The benediction was read by PROFESSOR OF FRENCH (with Doctor's degree in Literature), Oshawa's $12.500.000 school sys- It was only after 1862 that pub. children too, and in spite of ad- Committee members are: Alan poy john Jacenty of the Ukrain-| TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts is- Ontario, Niagara, southern Geor- Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont. Up to $11,000. i od S 4 3 4 BW Hia ™ - ll . a" h § is- é v g i J tem starteu in a log cabin built lic school education was .. ditions to the Centre Street School Yan h; Onay a wi JE ii ian Presbyterian Church. Rev.| 20s 20 gsi sian Bay regions, Windsor, Lon. For details to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and { > ore ns Jainst wo fol \ vard s ar son Ajax anc ohert enny, " np A P of . 5 ' "~ & ] oe 8, 8 » Ld A bv. settlers who arrived in the Th Ie re many agains Piva fouproos) yard Sthoois Mey Port pa g and Mrs Jacenv's duster, Synopsis: Light snow will don, Toronto, Hamilton: Partly 3 or circular 60-2002 1870's from the United States./CI( not 2ate. With the cllze built in 1887 at 0 Yeo! a Those nominated to the picnic Ins iy 2 memes 5% @ lsoread eastward across northern cloudy with little change in tem- 800 t settlers vho askec 1 887 at a cost of 3 ' a i 1962 Yariv) hin p + 5 aratuvre y 3 av Mr. I ry 's ton! "1 bet ) |. a fraction of the $20,000 the 1960's Committee were: Harry Jermyn,( "pay NT. Holmes, of Har- Georgian Bay and Haliburton re- perature today and Sunday ore, scently f 0stor t etter ave the cl EA Ah! oi : y i TYAS 8 . Ld a s iF: a ph rE res ds ligt P orly 15 to and more leared than most. dit of rT oa ® ore ss board has to pay for each class Whitby: William Newman. Pick- mony United Church read the gions tovay fit Iemperanie Sings ight today, southerly 15 to tion in Mathematics. Canadian Services. College. Royal I b tha S poor ros p a ring Teorge rew Thi . will be 3 ittle higher in the 20 Sunday. founded the first school on the streets, learning all manner of room ering. George Andre Whitby invocation oi | Sd SAE Roa /ictoria, B.C. Up to $8,580. For details, write to 3 en) Ing 2 é township and Edward ysek.| 'oe p Jame: Bay region Sunday. Little] Noyvthern Georgian Bay, Hali- old Rogers homestead vice, and in turn innoculating xg The following are the students Ld ys Ci Ser Comm n, Ottawa, ond ask for circular Keeping the teacher their other children with: the Same « . NEW SEPARATE SCHOOL Ajax of the class of 1962 change in present conditions is purton regions: Clear, becoming Civil Service C ission, ir F: I thei I k I with the sa > CO; Ir Le ia o. " ory , ae rv regions 1 -202 community was the direct re. tagious disease. then to have. A NeW separate school was William Thompson of Ajax, sug- =)" "Audley, Oshawa: Joy|expected in the other region cloudy with light snow about noon 60-2025 sponsibility of all the rs. them attend school and thus stand! >Y It n 1870. Twenty years ear- gested a committee be formed to Bradley, Ashburn; Linda Col- R 2iona; forecasts valid until today. Little change in tempera- Very little money circulated. in'an equal chance with the sons .c.: Private schools were started, accept ideas from ae Brass well, Bowmanville; Geraldine ht Sunday ture. Winds light, becoming east- MANAGEMENT ANALYSTS -- SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES, their society and the pa ts took|of rich men for weilding a good Where voung ladies Jearned man- J0ots Jeve nd Jo Work the Goddard, Warren: Gail Gorsline Erie, Lake Huron, Lake aply 15 to 20 this afternoon. National Defence, R.C.N., Ottawo. $6,480-$7,860. i i turn to bos rd the t "her If a grea " p th ag 4 ners, how to sew play 1¢ plano aeas 1 0 reso 10] )! 1, bru ris J enty, Oshawa: . . he \ ak . : He ere a married man: they rs destin and guitar, and speak French and forwarded through the channels Picton; toa Situ Lake ad Yiandes | : built a home for him and shared ai Italian. The last one closed in to party headquarters Patricia Kerr Cobourg Miriam Repos wr dy wit light nk CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR -- SHIPS (with -exiensive i 1are . : Thace nate the : tric , Mi § v vw ght snow their supplies of bacon, flour, GENERAL TAXATION 1932 slave nominated io TW an Kosten, Toronto; Katharine Mas- / eT i "Little pri Transport, Halifax, N.5. $6,480- : } | 'or a Deri the sc board lution committee were illiam 3 A ] wo fil * i " syrup, rn meal and other In 1869, high school education For a period the school board 24 A sha : é < pa- v x y S r maple syrup, £o hitn angio was made free, too, and the prin- Was able to sit back and smile Thompson, Ajax: chairman, Bill tin, O hawa; nile Dorks Re a- ge in temperature. Winds easterly $7,200 gi oy . would bef ciple of general taxation to sup-|on its work. Then in 1909 another Newman. Pickering Yom Whee}: he ig Th hg eg aad 15,1020 rs ass before or - Pickering st] Y, ; My . 0 n Man years vou pus before! | education, finally accepted, (Period of expansion began and er. Pickering; Mrs. Ruth Best-| sonrmunville: Shnley Rich. i ; Forecast Te ate MUSEOLOGIST (for planning, organization and design of & portion of the tax dollar would, ¥ arly scl ! the trustees in quick succession Wick, Oshawa: and Neil Fraser|son. BOWManvive; ty Uretash embers ures museum exhibits), National Museum of Canada, Ottawa. be the parents' contribution to a| The early school boards had built 2 four-roo dit to the QC, Oshawa mond. Cobourg; Mary Robert: Low tonight High Sunday c eomplex school system. a varietv of decisions to make, Pu! Qur-room accion lo thejws A ----|son, Port Perry; Janet Rogers, Windsor 3s $6,480-$7,200. FE For a time one of their teachers, Albert reel Sela, an eight Oshawa; Margaret Salmon, 4 St. Thomas W FRILLS 'the cruel despotic Chestnut', F00M school on King Street an G vood; Shirley Stark S gi k i i AS : S hes 'ioiher Si - soodwood; Shirley Stark, Osh- # , London | 3; FOOD TECHNOLOGIST (university graduation in chemistry In 1812 another school was built held a reign of terror. Parents Other on Simcoe Street and in Wm Cha man awa: Agnes Vaughan, Canning- 3 _ cn 3: . eh 3 ¥ Arey on the Kingston Road in the Har-|protested at the teacher's sever- 1919. a four-room addition to ad ton: Joan Vincent, Downsview: fo To De Fran . or bacteriology isheries, Ottawa ; 2 , : . © yront da i. KG details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, end ask mony district and again. bv mod-'1ty and the school board warned Mary Street School Jane ; £ Trenton : pr for eircular 60-672. lls. T In the firs scad ¢ Margaretha Vos, Picton; ern standards, without frills. The him repeatedly, Finally he resign. 0 fhe first two decades of the To Be S eaker Wozny, Oshawa; Diane Yeo, i : 3 Sh re century, the city's population 4 ha 5, 7 Hamilton children sat on long wooden ben: ed voluntarily because the trus- doubled. In 1900. it was 4654 and | Peterborough. ] ; 3 he dobled. 900, s 4654 an f ; Muskoka ... . : SMALL VESSEL INSPECTOR (with Certificate of Competency ches facing their new teacher, an wn i man named John Ritson, [Sceiptires. to Sim lated. thei, som, 10046. Mr. William A. Chapman, foun- . Vi backs to "the fire. urday mornings der of the World Home Bible OBITUARIES | ! Rilaloe i i | 20 as Yacht Master or similar qualification), Transport, Of { SC " League, featured | carlton . : Wag A Sa pons Ser Union's Soar ad wo! CELEBRATING ese: iy Feb, Lo Fo Sudbus y. 2 tows: $6,210-36,640, and the Union School near Sim-|len into disrepair. One visitor re.| . Oshawa Christian Business Men's, payiD W. HENDERSON boc 4 North Bay estas d0,. 3 TECHNICAL OFFICER (for ships' mach d ships' ma- Soe and Royal sisels, before Wielmarked that 'he did not know BIRTHDAYS Committee meat ng at the Sandal- David W. Henderson. of the Kapuskasing : chinery systems), a a ss 700- first brick school was built on|whether to come in by the hole . wood Restaurant, Simcoe Street,|, .vione Apts, No. 9 Quebec White River ........ $6. 180. 4 fr? ' A : ' Simcoe and Brock streets by the door or by the door." Congratulations and best North, ting. which. will begin Sree: died Friday night a' the i -- Tr E---- ---- The curriculum depended solely|The Board decided to build a Wishes to the following resi- oto eeling, ch Bi 2 po Oshawa General Hospital after a SHIRLEY HARMER Thi f 7: I vechnicar orricer SHIPS HULL MACHINERY, Nao : y att suc- ARME -- , Na- ief Likes on the teacher's taste or ability. |new public school on Centre str dents of Oshawa and district p.m ne-month illness, He was in his I schoo' on Centre sireet s cessful Chicago real estate man Cn ot » e tional Defence, Navy, Ottawo. $5,700-$6,180 One laid great emphasis onjand it remained until 1923 | who are celebrating birthdays 1038 bliskied tiie A year. singing and marching; another, Later the boards of the public! this weekend Who. 10 Hom Polnh ghee Lie # 4 Mr. Henderson recently retired Oshawa TV promoted two of his brightest/and high schools, which was Those who celebrate today eriean. I Aaa fram General Motors of Canada '; is assis hel t 3 Te ranc re: n hare bert av. |3BENCY icated to 1 3 n 4 an 12-year-olds to be his assistants d in the Sons of Temperance are: Lynn Pearce, Herbert av of placing a Bible in every Bible- where he had been foreman of the - because, "having swallowed all of hall, decided to combine the enue; Eric Brock, RR 1, Osh- jo home in the United States Maintenance machine shop. Singer Re-weds A thief who likes pennies and Lennie"s grammar' they had two schools in their new Centre! awa: Barry Chamberlain, 338 of America and Canada. In the The deceased was born in Glas- | Teached he 3c of the road schol- Street building Bloo Jirest oasis Bonny Nims 20 years of its growth the Bible zor. Scotland, Dec, 12, 1 De TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian a io Ivo houses SENIOR PSYCHOLOGIST (with Ph.D. or qualifications for ihe Ee SQUABBLE OVER PRINCIPLE edar street, Whit- League became an international ¢a e from Scotla shawa 3% television singer Shirley Harmer | gay Mor Goon, Pl Ph.D. except thesis), Treatment Services, Veterans Affairs, When two normal school grad-'"pyoc" cave the tradition of lone| PY: Mrs. Don Cochrane, RR |organization, now known as the| Years ago. His parents were thel iq pd, ina telephone inter- Ga: Mrs. George Jacobs, 55 Toronto, Ont. $5,580-$6,480. For details, write to Civil uates came to teach in Oshawa|g. of gave § ait 0 Sone} Ne. 2, Orono; Jimmy Lowry, |World Home Bible League, with|}ate Mr. and Mrs. John Hender-| * Ry Phone ey Rossland Ra E.. reported at Service Commission, Ottowe, and ask for eircular 60-796. Some years ater, parents wereig,. 327 Celina street; Richard N. work in some 27 foreign countries was secretly married in a Civil por atr pag DEER broken into disturbed by their methods." "Nyon after night they met and | Jeaikins, 312 Bruce street; lin addiition to Canada and the of . ceremony to Al Bertram near Ti- somstime Friday: afternoon, "There wasn't no use in tip- still couldn't decide who the prin-| 1€¢ Allison, 31a Bruce |US.A, t- mer Margaret Smith in Glasgow, 5,2 "Mexico, last August toeing children up higher thaniciple of the combined school| Street Eric Vilistus, 160 Mr. Chapman has spoken to!in August, 1918. Miss Harmer said she and the ever their fathers were teached," should be. Finally after a meeting] Cromwell; Mrs. Clarence Mil- many Christian Business Men's He was a member of St. An- former Toronto scrint writer plan one parent complained ending at 12 p.m. Saturday, the| ler. RR 3. Oshawa; Jean |groups across Canada. He has|drew's United Church, a member =o Wop" oremony this spring. | Dickson, 169 Athol east also spoken in -church services of the local St. Andrew's Society," po "Co hi arriage took Those who celebrate on Sun- and missionary rallies in Canada, and a member of the Thistle place little more thon 3° mioith one famous competition, Oshawa A Mr. W. McCabe was chosen. | day are Audrey Trick, 232 U.S.A., Mexico, Cuba and Japan. cab d. with the A | after her divorce from singer was "badly beaten" bv Picker- n 9. the higt hy . Burk street; Sid Sparks, 20 £ served with the Argyle and r 'ray Tor . Jas "badly Ip 1903, the high School was § Sparks 2m Sutherland Regiment, during the] Seorge Murray of Toronto be- ine and left it half filled with for eirculor 60-488 ne Ina. water. ing. built on Simcoe Heights, Portable Cordova; Janet Sepine, 634 First World War and later with N wing. Ace ant ntn ae ems ------ ubert | Hg { S$ 'mer 1 rir -- SS Oshawa was growing. Accord CITY AND LE neato Holders Miss Har met and Bertram Police believe the same personld - TRANSLATOR RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, met when she made her Bureau for Tronslations, Secretary of State, Ottawa. $4,- ing to the Canada Directory, there The first five persons to in- | ? y . 4 1 form The Oshawa Times of Mr. Henderson is survived by television debut in 1953 broke into the residence of Corbit 500-$4,950 | were approximatley 3000 people | i living here in 1857. There were en ecosta their birthdays each day will DISTRICT his wife, a son, John, of Kendall; | She said the marriage was|livingstone, 541 Simcoe St. N., two schools; all the parents could | receive double tickets to The and two daugiters, Mrs, A. Wil. kept secret because she felt theabout the same time Friday. A no longer have a say in running Hi Regent Theatre, good for a ROTARY SPEAKER son (Betty) and Mrs. William obi" in Canada "might think jt|Tadio was missing. Mr. Living- | ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING (with graduation from and trustees had been elected. Inisters 0 four-week period. The cur- The speaker at the luncheon )0rdaP (Margaret), both of Osh-i a "io ihle jumping at marri- Stone said that some small change an approved school of nursing), Treatment Services Branch, THORNTON FIRST. CHAIRMAN tent attraction is "Five Gates (meeting of the Rotary Club of ava. a . age right after my divorce" |May also have been taken from Veterans Affairs, Saint John, N.B. $4,350-$4,860. For NTO? S y MAN to Hell" and "House of Bam. |0shans not Monday lll bo Noe 130. SuIvivp ate sx _geaud "Lots of people here do it puta upstairs bedroom. details, rite te Cl Service Commission, Ottawa, and George Fletcher, chairman of M t H | " ol : = . A BY eRe the Ewe Br. caalmal Of ep ere | ho Cd Miethdove wa pan Sisco, Principal of Dr. F. J.\three sisters. Janet Nell and i Canada it might seem kind of ps os Juemises Sal foot, for 1960, had his first predeces- poris on Hirthcdays wi onevan Collegiate Institute. His jean he brother and sisters re- : 3 : sor in the Rev. R. H. Thornton Ministers from sections one be received only between the subject will be "The Challenge side in Glasgow Scotland. ER : AIRBORNE TELECOMMUNICATIONS = EQUIPMENT TECH. i . 'two and three of the Eastern! hours oi/8 a.m. and 10 a.m in Education" . Jind vi ' TIA» NICIAN, National Defence, Air, Rockeliffe (Ottawa), Ont. Service will be held in the Mc-| = $4,350-$4,800. the Scots-born United Presbyter- Ontario | hoe G ian churchman who became ario and Quebec conference of PLEADS GUILTY Intosh Funeral Home Chanel on : the Pentecostal Asse 5 2 chairman when Ontario was set Canada mie al semble of n Glen Harrison Salsbury, of 47 Monday, Feb. 1, at 2 p.m. i . 3 off as a County St Penteco tal "Church on Feb. 1 arets Rossmere street, pleaded guiliv! Rev. George Teford of St. An-| X-RAY DIFFRACTIONIST (for identification of minerals), Dr. Thornton was esteemed by vyary 1st and 2nd for their il in magistrate's court Friday to/drew's United Church will offic- ag Geological Survey of Canada, Mines and Technical Sur- " . : Eni a or their an- ge of commilting an in. iate. 1 : veys, Ottowa. $4,200-$4,800. TELECOMMUNICATIONS MAINTENANCE STANDARDS OF. Pennies, Booze FICER (for electronic equipment), National Defence, Air, Rockeliffe (Ottawa), Ont. $5;130-$5,730. son Mr. Henderson married the for- : Ih INFORMATION OFFICER (with several years of publicity ex- Mrs. Jacobs said the thief took perienke), Information Services, Public Works, Ottawa. $6 in pennies from a jar and $4 980-$5.730 . filched a bottle of rye whiskey 4 from' the basement where he found some more pennies. Police are at a loss to explain why the AIRCRAFT MECHANICS (with valid Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's "MM licence for Beechcraft 18, DC3, or equiva- thief left a number of the pennies lent), Transport, various centres. $4,500-$4,950. For de- in the automatic washing mach- tails, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask Extra murally, spelling mat- chairman called for another meet- ches were keenly contested. Inling to start at 1 a.m. Monday. ! a aver c¢ 0 . 2 a che i Drayer a ve A t 1 decent act. He 'was fined $50 and| Interment will be in Mount | E ' Ie 0 en costs by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs.'Lawn Cemetery. INSTRUCTORS--CIVIL DEFENCE (for rescue training and Heber Down tions where these retreats will ------ ws Tender EAT'N - general training), Civil Defence Branch, National Health convene in the next two weeks, and Welfare, Arnprior, Ont, $4,200-$4,800. Rev. W. B. Gree: i, district Six cartons of cigarets and a Fi Re-Elected Rn RA Ee Sirict package of cigars were stolen I TRUE-TRIMBEEF 1 morning and afternoon session 'When a Court street grocery was CITY OF OSHAWA LN 0d / GEOLOGICAL MAP DRAFTSMEN (with relevant experience), which will include a message on broken into early this morning 2 col ve I Te 12 KING E. RA 3-3633. ' ological Survey of Cunado, Mines and Technical Surveys, - To Fair Board praver, time for discussion rela- back of : t 333 0 tive to the relationship of a pas- Pack ol his store at 3: ourt | A Reber Down rome to have (7 10 108 congretation vith amie ret ad be heard oe vl of) SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL [||| Meat Specials! Mon. & Tues. [|| rusucanions recumicar assistant, siumeuat toon. a bonfire to burn those notes" |!ime for petitioning the Lord in Se 8 about | a.m | ledge of the graphic arts -- printing, production editing when he was re-elected president Prayer that our towns and cities yogey e investigated at the time copy, proof-reading is desirable), National Gallery of Con- of the South Ontario Agricultural TiS" experience a great spirit but did not notice the loss in the }| Section 256 of By-Law No. 2365 provides, in part, RIB STEAKS LEAN 1b ell ada, Ottawa. Up to $4,020. . Th as follows: . | Society at the annual meeting This : seeTelar This morning . " Friday evening. He was referr- Rev. Tom Johnstone, secretary his morning he called Oshawa I LIBRARIANS (with Bachelor's degree in library science), Gov. : : lof Home Missions and Bible Col- police when he saw the glass in " . . bi Sigh Yuk lone wiih She 80-lleges for Canada will be the the door broken and the cigarets Every geeupant; and i These hd he eccupany, CLUB STEAKS Tend: Ib 5 9+ grament Departments, Ottawa and various centres. $3,750- oy oH guest speaker each morning at Missing : . qe owner of every shop, house, ot or parcel ender . §4.350. Jor details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ot- TF anEion or Parl Bro 10.00 and in the evening at 8.00. P ce said they thought the ° and adjoining any public street where there . owe and ask for circular 60-2750. A hard Bran. The ev ening services will be open theft was the work of youths. Of- is a paved sidewalk, shall before 10:00 a.m. on di : to the public. Rev. Johnstone will ficers investigating the break-in §| every day except Sunday, remove all snow and Monday Only ! Nike COUNSELLORS ith Nursing), Covil Se fea Teal i certificate in Public Health Nursing), Civil Service Health Second viee HF esident Foster|also be preaching tomorrow at found one bottle of soft drink . f th id 1k dioini mowden will continue as secre-|hoth services in the King St. Pen- half gone and another with the ice from the sidewalks adjoining such pre- I SHOULDER Division, National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $3,150 to | $3,750 according to qualifications. For details, write to Civil A eagurer. Olticers were 'tecostal Church top partially removed. mises." ce ion - eC Se ES % I | S C i : In an election to name 18 di It is the duty of the Police Department to pros- PORK CHOPS 2 Ibs. 79+ ervice Commission, Ottawa and ask for circular 60-801 rectors, 15 were returned from ecute the person or persons responsible if the CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN (to perform analyses using various analytical techniques), Food and Drug Directorate, 'National the previous yea They are b: i i i Be i yur They above regulations are not complied with and eber Down, Richard Branton F. RICHARD BLACK, 0.D. upon conviction, @ maximum fine of 10.00 is TENDER Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $3,750-$4,350. Bova Ayre, S. Bagg, Arthur pro ided rass, ayes, Mrs. M. Davies 1 S : vided. Ww NG S A | i 36 SIMCOE N. AT COLBORNE I TE K l . 7 id LABORATORY TECHNICIAN--DAIRY, MICROBIOLOGY; Agri- B. Beatty, Mrs. G. Brown, Carl T Bradley, A. Whitnee, Ivan Coch. The Examination. of eyes he failure of citizens to clear snow and ice from culture, Ottawa. $3,270-$3,720. rane, C. Bint and Cyril Mumford. | the sidewalks adjoining their premises makes walk- Three new directors were chos- Fitting of Contact Lenses ing difficult and dangerous en. They are: Harold Whitehead, | And Glasses cate of Proficiency in Radio), Transport, Toronto, Ont. Lorne Beath and M. Reed » The co-operation of all citizens is requested to § Fresh Made COUNTRY STYLE $3,390-$3,840 It was also decided that the Children's Visual Training ensure that all sidewalks are cleared of ice and SAUSAGE 1b 29° } o Except where otherwise indicated, details and application forms delegates to the Ontario Shows Snow. Association to be held in Toronio For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419] at main Post Offi r o} S . s ces, National Employment Offices and W. R. BRANCH, Buy Ib. at regular price GET I-LB. FREE! Civil Service Commission Offices in February would be the presi- dent, vice - president, secretary- EVENINGS BY APPQINTMENT Chairman, Board of Works. treasurer and Mrs, M. Davies. ' Tuesday Only ! I RADIO OPERATORS (with valid First or Second Class Certifie

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