The Oshawa Times, 22 Jan 1960, p. 7

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PERSONALS Lt. George Black, R.C.N,, of Halifax, has been a recent guest at the home of his brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Archer, Courtice, prior to his eparture for. Europe for two and one half years of studies in {Paris, Belfast and London after a brief trip to Bermuda. A small group of women gathered at the home of the everend Kenneth Matthews, Glencastle road, on Wednesday to discuss the formation of a Ladies' Guild. The guild would e part of the new Presbyterian {church, St. Luke's, to be situ- ated at Nipigon street and Ross- {land road west. The next meet- lire will be held Feb. 24, at the |manse and executive officers § will be elected. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harrison, Elmgrove avenue, are entertain- ing the Friendship Group of West- mount United Church tomorrow |evening. | jmang the guests at the Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto, this week |are Mrs. Harry Millen and Mrs. | iD, W. Fielding. | | | Miss Charlotte Abbott, Simcoe | street north, entertained last eve- SOE adie. ON i [ning for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd ig . A {who are leaving shortly to take 4 up residence in London, Ontario. Mr. Medd, who has been a mem- hor of the staff of the Me- Guides, Brownies, Rangers and Laughlin Public Library, has ac- cepted a position on the staff of Canadian Guides And Brownies 2 ore i teries of diseases and infections are being un- locked by the key professions of Medicine and Pharmacy. To- gether, they are opening doors to health that have been closed since the dawn of mankind. As pharmacists, we are fully prepared to supply the drugs and medicines that so often are the keys that open the way to fast relief from pain and swift recovery from illness. Trust your health to your doctor and his prescriptions to us. "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Jury & Lovell LIMITED OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WRITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" V Lone Guides, plus 25,000 volun- Etan-- ¢ * sda is in its Jubilee year. Tie teer leaders. | day cake reminding them tie | Movement now numbers 175,000 A group of Toronto Brown. Girl Guide Association of Can- | ies cluster around a giant birth- ~--CP Wirephoto SISTER AND BROTHER Me A Meadow Cres wa!l, and great-grandchildren of Mrs. Frank Wihlidal, Mel- | ville, Saskatchewan, and Mr. Children of David Burpee, ceni, are Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- ' | You are invited by the Social Celebrate Golden Jubilee Year | By EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP)---Six members of Canada's first Guide company formed at St. Catha 50 years ago were special guests at a na- tional golden jubilee birthday party of Canadian Girl Guides here Wednesday night. One of the members, Mrs. D Bruce Wilson, now of Toronto, is honorary treasurer for Canadian formation in 1909 at St. Cathar-| Guides and is a former Ontario commissioner. |[Mrs. Rankine Nesbitt. of Toronto and replicas were presented to provincial commissioners for birthday parties in each of the provinces. In her welcoming address, Mrs. Nesbitt reminded guiders that {the organization is with and for children. A pageant outlined the history of Canadian guiding from its ines. The group was registered in 1910 and companies sprang up Womens Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 22, 1960 7| E. A. Lovell H&S Association Others in the group were Mrs.|in the same year in Moose Jaw, P. H. Stock, one of the first|Sask., and Winnipeg. patrol leaders; Miss Marguerite There are 200,000 women and Muir, Mrs. Heber Macklem, Miss girls now active in guiding in Celebrates 39th Birthday Louise Thompson and Mrs, J. M. Canada. 5 | In spite of heavy snow, the| meeting was announced for Jan- Wilson, all of St. Catharines. Commissioners present from|January meeting of E. A. Lovell {uary 26. Those who helped in the The women were among 1,300 Oshawa were Mrs. J. C. Stephen-{Home and School Association was recent survey were thanked by people who attended the national son, Rossland Local Associa: well attended. Mr. Broadbent. party. tion, Mrs. George Pearce, Park-| This was the 39th birthday of| During January, February and The official program included wood Local Association, and Mrs.|the Association and also "Fa.|March an experiment in TV view- a pageant of uniforms worn dur- Russell Hayward, South Dale|thers' Night," and the meeting|ing, of music and social studies ing the last 50 years. A five. Local Association, with many|/was opened by 'Mrs. Nicholas will be tried in the school. layer birthday cake was cut by other representatives from the|Lakas. Mrs. Lakas, president, thanked Canada's chief commissioner,(Oshawa Guide Companies. Mr. William McCarthy read|the fathers who attended. She ee the minutes and Mr. Robert|also thanked the teachers for . Smith gave the treasurer's re-|their help and co-operation and P t b h G ] H d port. |the parents for their attendance e er oroug 1I eal S Mr. Steve Salmers gave a re-|(and assistance at all times. port on the membership. Teach-| Refreshments were served by ' ers' roll call was won by Miss|the mothers of the pupils in 700 ueen S omen tu ents Frances McLeod. A report on|Grades 2 and 7. programs planned for the next : ; ¢ : i 1 iv Mrs. Top executive among women which they will give battle jr| few meetings yeas given by A : Pudents at Queen's University, necessary. |g Sa. whe A awe Northminster WMS ingston, is a Peterborough stu-| Last fall, for Y i ar Ro + . dent, Anne Horton, the dynamic revana i BT i the place These programs have ai Installs Officers and vivacious president of the/move to eliminate student drink: 1000 planned with the intention Bovans Society, the women 'sti-|ing at TootDall Games In RIChard.| PL buliding a direct bridge be-| At the January meeting of the dents organization. She is the son Memori t tween parents and teachers, for " . g } al Stadium. The up- " WMS of Northminster United daughter of E. A, Horton, RR 7,|shot was that the AMS Chief of the benefit of all. Church the Reverend H. A. Mel- Peterborough. |Police was instructed to take 1t as hoped that the annually, jnetalied the officers for 1980 As Levana head, Anne Horton more stringent methods of ban- 1c carnival can be held within|, role: President, Mrs. H. A directs the extra curricular activ-|ning liquor at the games. As it the next two weeks. Parents and|yfajow. vice - president, Mrs. ities of 700 women students and turned out, the policy was suc- children will be notified of the Robert Galbraith; second vice. in the Alma Mater Society she|cessful. |date. |president, Mrs. George Jewell: represents the women's view-| Levana also led the campus| Mr. Robert Broadbent gave aisecrctary, Mrs. E. 8. Dafoe: point. drive for Red Cross blood donors, ily gwcduetion before the|treasurer, Mrs. Robert Nicholl, Working with Anne Horton tn|("Dning the list with 259 donors, ilm, *'Making a Decision in the| " the a or student government While the engineers, a much Family," was shown. The film Wa yp 0 a og hing are Jean Chamberlain of qt larger group, came second with|showed one of the. problems | cin ter Mrs. E. SL ne Catharines and Nancy Keith of 230 donors. which will arise as children reach|g uo pra LET Fe ort of 2; ve Toronto, senior and junior repre-| On the Levana executive Anne 'e€n-age and showed the con-| yo done in 1950 Mrs Rob t sentatives respectively of Levana Horton has 18 women students flict between the will of the par-|njono) gave the annual tr tr) on the AMS executive. including Vice - president Pat ents and the will of the child. er's report, $479.14 turned gH Outnumbered four to one by T¥rrell of Toronto, the senior and| A panel of Grade 7 and Grade|general missions, 125 pounds of male students on Queen's cant |Junior reps. already mentioned, |8 students, boys and girls, guided overseas bale also new clothing 2 *"|Secretary Pat Lamb of Niagaralby Mr. Sidney Lailey, discussed for two boys i iss us, the young women have showniralls. and Judy Rice of Camp-(the film, and showed by their| y YS In 8 mission school. : A Falls, i 3 i 2 7 § y their| There were 279 calls made to they will co-operate fully in any belltown, N.B. The roster of the|comments that they all have the sick during the year move for betterment of the stu- {executive reads like a coast-to-|fairly definite ideas on rules of | M Willi Ww : 2 dent body or the university, but coast who s who, which is typical|conduct. an 5 Ain yond Fonducted they also have proven they have(of Queen's student body. Mr. Cyril Powell thanked the|Mrs, Robert Galbraith gave a re. ir own ideals and opinions for| Anne Horton came to Queen's bo, d girls for their pe] bid avratth gave a re- a we Wyn w mh {boys and girls for their partici-|port of the Fall Presbytery Rall {University from Peterborough pation in the meeting, and mem-|held at Columbus y Collegiate Institute. In her four bers of the association for mak- : 4955 |years at Queen's she has held ing it possible. SIZES | the posts of secretary, vice-presi | The Home and School Council SERVICE ON TAPE 10-20 [dent and now president of Le- | THEDFORD, Ont. (CP) -- R vana Society. Last year she was| {H. L. Yarr at Sunday servi ii editor of Tricolor, Queen's stu- was her favorite subject, and now|the United Church y SO Yices in dents' year book which had 320 she prefers Canadian history and|near Sarnia played y atts ~ pages and 1200 photographs. Aca-|especially the history of French tape recording or > 2 demically she is majoring in poli-| Canada. She is in the final year ices at the opening of the Ti tics th hist as The mis or|of the honor BA degree in politi-| church at Millom in Cumberland, Subject 8 se oo}, istory cal science, England, attended b; his sister. versaries, comings and goings, are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474; local 18. Timothy Ge-rge . year-old, and Timothy, four, are the grandchildren of Mrs. George Wihlidal, Oshawa, and | Mrs, Sullivan Burpee, Corn John Hickie, Grayson, Saskat- chewan Photo by Ireland Italian Designers Featuring Linen FLORENCE, Italy (AP) -- Crisp, fine linens took the ramp |at the Pitti Palace Tuesday. The high fashion designers featured them in their boutique collections of ready-to-wear styles. The linens came in sun-bright solids, and in whites and blacks. {Some were printed, some em- hroidered to look like lace. For casual elegance, Galitzine was unmatched with her at-home combinations of tunics and slacks in silky shantungs. She created a long, regal look by topping floor. - length fitted slacks with sleeveless tunics and coloring them with many-layered neck- laces. | Marucelli used nothing but lin- lens. Two white linen suits had longish jackets and back-pleated [skirts. Their V-necklines were classic, with lapels. Deadline Nears | For Local Artists | | Wishing to Exhibit | | There is every indicational tha the forthcoming exhibition of painting by local artists will be; representational of the painting, | amateur and professional that is ebing done in Oshawa and a wide surrounding di-triet. \ special committee of the Ly- ceum Club and Women's Art wl sociation, convened by Mrs. C. E. | McLaughlin, has made arrange-| ments for the exhibition to be held in the auditorium of the| McLaughlin Public Library, and artists must have their paintings| there by next Monday, January 25. Mrs. McLaughlin is being as-| sisted in the project by Mrs. S. V. Barlow, Mrs. A. W. Arm- Marucelli's white linen bridal gown had a short, stand - out der. Its skirt was layered in four tiers of the embroidery in a floral design. bolero embroidered at the bor-| strong, Mrs. R, A. Wallace and Miss Velma Kaiser. | The official opening is planned |for February 1 when a reception for the exhibitors will be given by the Lyceum Club. ' VON STATISTICS GROWING FEET Young children's feet may grow At the January meeting of the Board of Directors of the Osh- awa Branch of the Victorian ~ a shoe size larger within two months. Order of Nurses Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse-in-charge, report: ~d that during the months of No- vember and December, 40 new patients had been admitted and 698 visits made. Fees collected totalled $735.80. Mrs. Ellen Dur- ant, relief nurse, had worked for seven days and 15 students from the Oshawa General Hos- pital had spent two days each observing with the local nurses. HOUSEHOLD HINT Cottage cheese combines well with almost any other food. For variety, flavor it with caraway lor poppy seeds, or add some capers, rosemary, tarragon Or (ginger. SAFEGUARD YOUR CHILDREN. oo HEALTH WITH MILLERS Worm Powders | SALE of FORMALS REGULAR UP TO 75.00 CLEARING TOMORROW Sashwon OL "FOR DISCRIMINATING WOMEN" TWO-SKIRT STYLE By ANNE ADAMS Sew this beautiful basic with slim or full-circle skirt. -- both versions included! Choose from! two necklines -- high or sweet- heart. Easy-sew Pattern. 4955: Misses' 14, 16, 18, 20. Size »d dress requires 3% fabric. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate Send FIFTY CENTS (50c¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, | STYLE NUMBER Send order care of The Osha tern Dept., Oshav 26 SIMCOE ST. S. STORE HOURS: ANNE ADAMS, a Times, Pat- va, Ontario. 5-00 RA 5-2722 OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. ® TOMORROW 9:30 .TO 6:00 P.M. RETAILERS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. TO THRIFTY CANADIANS JANUARY "MONEY-SAVERS"! LOVELY LAMPS OF CERAMIC, WOOD AND BRASS. Complete w About 28 inches high. A great variety to choose from, suitable for modern h washable shades HAND AND BODY LOTION $2.50 SIZE NOW $4.25 % ESE 1°WeR "AND ond 807 LOTION & Limited time offer | Shulton offers you a lavish $2.50 size of Desert Flower Hand & Body Lotion for half the price! This petal-pink lotion contains the very "heart" of lanolin to stroke your skin to silken softness, Never sticky or greasy. Pros tects ...smooths. . . restores vital skin moisture! Delight. fully scented with famous Desert Flower perfume. Buy several bottles now, while this special offer lasts! or tra e styles sketched. Price. r i | to Zeller's Thrift STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE Popular open stock "Rock- inghom" pattern. Good TEAPOTS looking, durable, requires no polishing. Each 6-CUP TEAPOTS, SEMI-PORCE- LAIN. Designed with non - drip spouts. Featured in a choice of attractive designs and Thrift Priced 1.98 Cups and Saucers FANCY BONE CHINA. Beautifully designed in. colorful floral pat terns, Perfect for enterta f for that extra little gift colors. CLOTHES HAMPERS Sturdy metal body with cush- ioned top. Fully ventilated, Lightweight, Smart decora- tor colors with attractive decors. Zeller Priced for Thrift, "FIRTH" BLANKETS 4.98 ATTRACTIVE PLAIDS -- 72 by 84 inches, rayon ond nylon blend Lightweight, warm and durable, Zeller Priced for Thrift, PILLOWS 1.49 Popular "Rosanne" brand feather pillows, size 17 x 25 inches. Attractive floral tick- ing in pastel shades. Priced for savings. FABRILITE PLASTIC 1.59. 12-GAUGE UPHOLSTERY WEIGHT. High polish pearl plastic in pop- ular colors. 54 inches wide. Just the thing for recovering seat ona chair backs and for extra long- wearing table covers. "COMFY COT" BLANKETS White PAIR flannelette blankets with attrac- tive pink or blue striped borders 0 Size 70 x 90 inches. Zeller's Thrift ® Warm and lightweight. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE RA 3-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3.2209 ZELLER'S LIMITED

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