RETARDED CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE INSTALLED Mrs. N, Fallon, secretary. Back row: director T. McKay, eorresponding retary A. HH Bird, 8 vice - president; Nich Echevarria, first dent: Mrs. M. F. Ramsden and Mrs. J. Echevarria, school dent ng I. Green, executive officers of Ajax - Whitby - Pickering Retarded Chil- The | the | w. Association for | ren were installed in office at | the association's regular meet- | ing by Reeve John Mills of | Ajax. Front row, from left, are Margaret Browning, treas- | Donald Lawrence, presi- record- - | ing funds d vice - presi- | teachers Mr. Lawrence in reviewing the financial picture said the campaign for build- had failed to reach its objective, Another $10,000 was needed if a start was to be made on construction this year. The campaign will con- | tinue in the hope that many CITY AND DISTRICT NAMED MANAGER PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Ed- die Redmond, former pro and | amateur hockey star, who played| for Whitby Dunlops when they {won the world title, has been ap- pointed manager of the Toronto- Peterborough-Transport Co. here. | 8 AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department reported eight routine ambulance |calls since Thursday morning. | There were no fire alarms. 'Six Remanded | Fraud Charges | BELLEVILLE Six alleged cheque artists, four of them ar- rested at a Trenton district motel and two at Oshawa were remand-| ed until January 28 when they| | appeared before Magistrate T. Y.| Wills Thursday. Remanded in Arthur Hill, Pat O'Hearn, bara Parsons and Bunny Thi-| veirge, taken into custody near) Trenton, and Royal Lacroix and Marcel Berhtiaume, brought| back to Belleville from Oshawa. The sextet are believed re- sponsible for a number of bad cheques which were passed at] were Bar- will custody who have not contributed do so in the renewed cam- paign. There are 20 children enrolled in the school and more are expected in the next school year. Photo by John Mills WEATHER FORECAST Winds To Bring Snowflurries tegional forecasts midnight Saturday: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, very cold ara, Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay Western Haliburton regions, Windsor United Toronto, Hamilton: Mainl from and mild today East few sno irries air is Occasional very light snow freezing drizzle tonight urday. Winds northerly MORE Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Saturday Wine 15 St. Thomas . 15 London Official valid unt at 11 TORONTO (CP weather forecasts am Synopsis: weather continues Canada and the central States a flow of milder a the Atlantic prevails over ern Canada. This moist yeausing mainly overcast over the province with oc casional very light snow or freezing drizzle but in no significant amount COMING EVENTS BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE BENEFIT Saturday, January 23 8 P.M. SHARP issued Although over don cloud day. A today 0 skies 15 2 Wingham Toronto Trenton Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe Earlton Sudbury North Bay Kapuskasing ... White River Moosonee Newspaper Prices /Continue Upwards NEW YORK (CP)--The price ----------------- |of newspapers in Canada and the | United States continues to rise. OSHAWA KICKERS { A poll conducted by the Ameri- Invites oll fun loving people can Newspaper Publishers Asso- of Oshawa t6 the great cos- ciation of 1,446 papers in the two tume ball, Saturday, January countries showed 305 increased 23 -- 8 P.M. at Ukrainian circulation prices last year Hall, corner Bloor and Simcoe The reasons were given as Streets, Meals and Refresh- steadily rising labor costs, em- ments. Please come in cos- ployee benefits and increases in tume. the cost of materials and serv- AMBOREE ot 20 15 20 18b HARMAN PARK BINGO, FRIDAY NIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor and Simcoe 20 gomes $6 ond Shore the Wealth, 5 Jackpots. $10 - $40 | ¥5¢ MINOR HOCKEY WEEK J FOR OPENING OF MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA OFFICIATING Mayor Lyman Gifford, City of Oshawa, and Presi- dents of Oshawa Minor Hockey Association, Catho- lic Youth Orgchization, Inter-Church Hockey Or- ganization and Neighbourhood Parks Association of All Players, g and Grand Parade Teams and Managers of the City Hockey 7:30 P.M. --Off North) vs. PEE-WEE 8:00 PM 9:00 P.M.--PORT HOPE BANTAM 'STARS OSHAW/ BANTAM 'ALL-STARS SATURDAY, JANUARY 23-7:30 P.M. OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA ADMISSION: --ADULTS 50c -- CHILDREN FREE OSHAWA MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION vs 180 OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REGISTERED MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION YOUNG ARTISTS RECITAL ELAINE KEILLAR, Pianist MERNA JENKIN, Dramatic Soprano ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY, JAN. 27, 8 P.M. Tickets may be obtained from members of the O.R M.T A, HEAR! LARRY HENDERSON Nationally Known Radio and T.V. Newscaster in person 18¢ See his color motion picture of THE NEW RUSSIA "JOURNEY TO SAMARKAND" THE RE TRACKING OF SOVIET REVEALINC SPUTNIK BIDDEN CITIES REVIVAL RE IN THE TRAL ASIA Dou RUSSIA FOR- IGIOUS CEM Sat ril Sponsor ster Come le lub O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute | FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 8 P.M. ADMISSION $1 00 Niag Lon and Satur and Sat- -| where Kingston, Trenton and Bell | OBITUARIES Committee FUNERAL OF MRS. BURNHAM HINKSON The funeral service for Mrs. "am ) died at home, 39 Bruce street, last heid at the Mc Home 2 pm IR who her onday as Intosh Funeral 2 Thursday, Jan. 21 Rev. W. G. Dickson, minister of Centre Street United Church, conducted t v ment |! il 2 Oshawa Union leun ere E Dearborn, W and R. was in y Storie Dear Me- R r born, Callum LORNE ARDIEL TORONTO J. J. Lorne Ar advertising executive and spor man, died Tuesday .at his Fife- shire Rd. home in Willowdale. Board chairman of Ardiel Adver- tising Agency Ltd., he was 69 He a former resident of Oshaw Funeral service was held Thurs- day, at 7 p.m. at the McDougall and Brown chapel, St. Clair Ave W., and the body was taken to London Ont., where funeral ser- vice was held at 2 p.m. today, in the Logan and Sons chapel Interment was in Woodlawn cemetery, London Born in London, Mr. Ar was educated at London Collegiate in- stitute, and at Queen's university, he took an e° | course in banking and finance. Prior to forming his CAPSULE NEWS he was Dominion bank branch manager, general sales manager of Cadillac Motor Co. of Canada and of the old Olds Motor Works Canada Mr. Ardiel purchased the Press Agency bureau in 1929 and chan ged its name to his own. He wa president of Ardiel until he be came board chairman in 1944 He served in World War 1 in he 2nd Divisional Engineers and n the postwar years served a lieutenant-colonel of the Middle sex Light Infantry reserve and in 1939 was honorary lieutenant colonel of the Middlesex and Hur on regiment. He was president of the Allan Cup hockey mpions in 1931 and commodore of the Canada Power Boat association Surviving are hi vido a daughter, June Ardiel, and a son, Robert FUNERAL OF MISS IDA JEWELL Heads Named COBOURG -- Chairmen of the six standing committees were elected, Wednesday afternoon, after a special striking commit- tee, under deputy reeve Jack Erskine, Cobourg, appointed members to serve the com- mittees during 1960. Chairman elected include: fi- nance, D. R. Dingwall, Cramahe roads and - bridges, R. Carlaw, Brighton township; county prop- erty, S. Little, Bowmanville: leg- islative and bylaws, G. H. Free, Campbellford; agrculture, F Denyes, Brighton Village; assess- ment and industrial, R. Budge, Port Hope 0 on 'Would Sell The funeral service for Miss - Ida Jewell, 643 Christie St., who £ 1str died at the Oshawa General Hos held at at 22 COBOURG spe 1 property committee read to the United Counties Council by Garnet Rickard, reeve of Dar- lington township, only remaining member on council of the 1959 committee, recommendation was pital last Tuesday, was the McIntosh Funeral Home p.m. today The services were conducted by Rev. H. A. Mellow, min Northminster United Chure terment ' was in Oshawa Cemetery | The pallbearers were A ston, Jack Glover, Ernest Fisher, Union Malcolm McGregor, Murton Wal- ronto firm of Master Bros. for| $8000. The building and site had been offered to the Municipality of {Bowmanville but the offer was declined | Cost of equipping the new reg- istry office might reach $13,000 This was $5000 over the original estimate of $8000 and the com- iters and William Jewell | I elephone | mittee urged that the expenditure Lines Down TORONTO (CP) Kitchener and Owen Sound area residents had their telephone service re- stored by Thursday night but in the Orangeville district and other storm-struck areas many homes Il lack service. About 5,000 lines still are down throughout the province. Bell Telephone re ports long distance circuits by - Sunday night | | WANTS PUBLIC TO KNOW TORONTO (CP)--Ken Bryden, CCF member for Woodbine, said Thursday night he intends to in- troduce a bill in the 26th legisla- ture to require central party or- ganizations to make public de- tailed audited statements of con- tributions received by them. The| plan also calls for the organiza- It ons to reveal their election ex- penditures LIMIT CAMPAIGN FUNDS WASHINGTON (AP) The |Senate voted Thursday night to {put a limit of $10,000 a year on} any individual's contribution to federal election campaigns. It |also approved a ceiling on the amount of money that legally can be spent in presidential cam- paigns and by candidates seek- ing a presidential nomination. ON FUEL BOARD TORONTO (CP) Professor E. A. Allcut, former head of the department of mechanical engi- | neering of the University of Tor- onto, has been made a commis- sioner of the Ontario Fuel Board, it was announced Thursday. WATCHING FOR FLU TORONTO (CP)--All full-time medical health officers in Ontario were requested Thursday to watch for and report imme- diately any outbreaks of flu. The request was made following re- ports of flu outbreaks in some areas of the United States. R16 SHIP LAUNCHED MANITOWOC, Wis. (AP)--The | Ec ard L. Ryerson, largest and most powerful ship ever built for Great Lakes iron-ore trade. was launched sideways into the Mani- towoc River Thursday. With a7. 000-ton 730-foot hull, the ship built for Inland steel is the larg- est size that navigation regula- tions permit on the lakes, DIES IN FIRE { CAMPBELLTON, N.B. (CP)-- A $20,000 fir unknown origin 1 d one death and destroyed three-ste vooden building Thursday od Robert Marmen, 42 electrician and son pf Edmundston Mayor H. E. | Marmen e of a was TO BUILD: SIX CHURCHES OTTAWA (CP) Archbishop M. J. Lemieux announced Thurs- day a $1,900,000 building program ~ 1960, 16 ie Ro- | ix new be kept down to estimate. The building is ready for occupancy {and the move from the old build- would take place March 1. he committee recommended | that acoustic tile be placed on the man Catholic churches in Ot- tawa, suburban Eastview anc neighboring Hull, Que. The Hull Was given. Catholic school board also de- rooms this sear. Play Movie Rights Sold For $250,000 NEW YORK (CP) SMASH OIL RACKET NEW YORK (AP)--The smash ing of a fuel oil racket which of dollars a year was announced dians, called detached, | by thor sda y / y : by au horities Thursday. Con-|have been sold to Warner Broth- sumers were charged for more ers for $250,000 fuel than they received through! The play, written rigged oil meters' on delivery Joudry formerly of trucks \ y was widespread through 'the city and surrounding areas. Sem Toronto, in the middle of March movie sale Thursday VETO SUNDAY BOXING TORONTO (CP) parks committee Thursday jected Sunday boxing by of 5 to 3. Julius Troll of Metro- Anglo-Canadian and politan Toronto Athletic Club had Canadian family in proposed that amateur boxing be allowed on Sundays in the Cana- dian National Exhibition Coli- seum. Toronto money to be received for re./movie rights, Ross said. Semi-detached its sets a cerns the "cultural and religious conflict between the two fam-| ilies." 4TH ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONVENTION A FREE METHODIST CHURCH... | REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor TONIGHT --Color Slides of the Transvaal Rev. and Mrs. Wesley De Mille bringing the messages from God's Word EVERYBODY WELCOME TO ALL SERVICES NEW REDUCED PRICE Premium cwaiy STOVE OIL Courteous, Prompt Delivery VIGOR OIL CO. For Delivery by Metered Trucks Phone OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 BROOKLIN OL. 5-3221 AJAX 550 eville.| cup 8B | Sea | Thursday In a report of the| Bran- made that the old Registry Office| papers at Bowmanville be sold to a To-| flow of news photos. The Cana- ceiling of the area rented to the woman ;|Health Unit. No estimate of cost that can't be matched by man? thing ABC's countered customs troubles when film Movie p should be operating in all areas bilked consumers out of millions|yights to a new play about Cana- She v ) DC tically tiny percentage of women by Patricia with is|medium which numbers at least Officials said the racket|scheduled to open on Broadway half of its enormous audience at Pro-|female. ducer Philip Rose confirmed the many women as men performers Viss!in front of the cameras, but off Joudry will get 60 per cent of the hand I could think of only the women who might be considered on the top rungs of behind-the- a vote name camera A from the house purchased by an Mildred Freed Alberg, executive French- producer Montreal. | Heritage series on NBC, and Gail |The play, according to Rose, con-|Patrick Johnson, executive pro- 1960 3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 22, ool, . AH 1 WOLF CUBS GRADUATE TO SEA SCOUTS members of the "Wolf | hall of Christ Memorial Angli- | by the camera, following the | Ross Taylor, David Spleer, Pack graduated to | can Church, The two new Sea | ceremony, from left, are Jim | Phyllis Millar, Akela of the Scouts at a ceremony | Scouts are Ross Taylor, 12, | Walker, standard bearer; | Cub Pack; and John Stone- night in the parish | and David Spicer, 11. Caught Ronald Pine, Sea Scoutmaster; | bridge, standard bearer. CP WIREPHOTO NETWORK weeis Child Suffers Cr CONNECTION WITH a Cut On Nose \Y $7 $5 George Kolaczynski, 5, of 39 Royal St., Oshawa, received a cut MONTREAL Dose when he was struck by a car on Simcoe St. S. at Fairbanks St., at 5.15 p.m., Thursday. The car was driven by Herbert Gerald Cole, 1119 Green St., Whitby Two cars were involved in 'a collision on Albert St., Thursday morning One cg was driven by Jack Lawrence, 90 Beatrice St., Oshawa. The other car was driven by James F. Boake, of Royal St., Toronto. Damage was slight. Two DIRE AP NETWORK AT DETROIT oT TAWA nies § § i od Boss NiN TORONTO NM IENER Av iS ay NER © pr RS R SF < (le TH ve NO BRANTFORD Mn Cl PROMOTED Singer Elvis PRESLEY BONN (Reuters) Presley, serving with the U.S. Third Armored Division in West Germany, has been promoted to CHATIH AN THE OSHAWA TIMES JOINS PICTURE NETWORK acting sergeant, the link between Montreal and Quebec can be established on a few minutes' notice. Trans- mitters at other points across Canada provide direct trans- | mission into the network. Detroit or Toronto with that of The Associated Press, United States agency with the world's largest wirephoto network, for delivery of world news photos to Canadian subscribers. While not part of the basic network, This map shows how the the Canadian Press wirephoto network links cities in Ontario and Quebec providing 23 news- with a day-and-night dian network can be linked at TV-RADIO COLUMN Only Few Women Tops As Television Producers the CBS Perry | ing a woman in television," says Miss Rogers "is getting the job or the assignment in the first CHILDREN DO place." | "Once you have it, it is easier for a woman than for, a man--the men make it easier for you." Ever since Grandmother's day parents have relied on 'Mother Graves" to give rellef from worms. Easy and SAFE give to children from 1 year up. Quickly effective, Recommended tonight: The Future Lies Ahead, NBC, 8:30-9:30 p.m.--With Mort Sahl and Eddie Cantor By CYNTHIA LOWRY \diicer Meeting at, Apalachin, CBS, 9- NEW YORK (AP)--What can a series. 10--dramatization of a real un- contribute television Upon checking further, I un-|derworld episode. a covered less than a score of | GEE Tr Bu others | CHILDREN'S SHOWS Use SOME ON RADIO About 1,500,000 children in Brit- ( Mother Gr There are a few women who ain attend Saturday morning WORM EXTERMI of Mason to Safe... Pleasant... Effective for one Rogers en- Active tear ducts, When Helen Jean 29-year-old producer, ' either produce or direct radio mévie shows of cartoons, shorts X and TV soap operas. Both CBS and features selected for chil. NATOR and NBC have women directing dren, d and supervising religious pro- grams. And the other prime area where women's influence is felt is in public affairs--probably due to the pioneering of Martha Rountree, at one time co-pro- ducer and co-owner of Meet the Press. Miss Rogers' main job is pro- ducer of ABC's Opening Hearing, which follows the Meet the Press tradition. She went to Africa on assignment to. gather material for The Dark and the Light] which will be shown Sunday, Jan. 31) largely because of her specialized knowledge of the problems African peoples are en- countering and because she had travelled extensively. he toughest thing about be-! trying .to bring back a forthcoming network pecial on African nationalism as. able to weep her way ard the plane, film and all he was for STORE FOR RENT | Miss Rogers is one of a statis- executive in a truly jobs There almost as Completely modern, heated, full size base- are ment, presently occupied by Western Tire. two For further particulars, please phone RA. 3-7827. American television: of the Our American PHILIPS SENSATIONA ONE OF A KIND SAL PHILIPS AM/FM HI-FI MODEL P276 269-50 PHILIPS TABLE MODEL RADIOS AM/FM/SS MODEL T111 149-50 189-50 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ---REDUCED TO COST OR BELOW IRVINE APPLIANCES 50 BOND E. «--------a= (Next to Union Hall)' »---------- RA 8-5841 PHILIPS HI-FI MODEL P275 189-50 PHILIPS TV