Union Pickets Oshawa Building Six members of Local 597, of had been signed with the building the International Hod Carriers, trades. Building and Common Laborers'| The picket was called for dur- Union of America, picketed aing the night A large multiple storey building | Mr. Ross saw that the building under construction, King street|trades people had become in- east, this morning, The owner and censed about the situation. If contractor of the building is S. | non-union electricians and plumb- Jackson. ers were brought in, it would Fred Beckstead, business re-|aggravate the situation further, presentative of Local 597, said it he continued. was an informative picket and not a strike. "Laborers working on this proj ect are not members of Local 597", the posters being carried by Mr. 'Beckstead and the other pickets read. Amid the scaffolding of the building a few men went on with their work. None of them were members of the local, Mr. Beck stead said. NO UNION CONTRACT Keith Ross, secretary-treasurer of the Oshawa and District Labor Council, said the unions had been |FEW CARPENTERS A few carpenters were working on the building at present, Mr. Ross said. They were normally part of Mr. Jackson's housebuild- ing group, and not bound as strict- ly by union rules as men on com- mercial projects. The local had no legal right to stop them, he explained. "We hope they will be smart enough to realize that in Osh- awa it is not the practice to go Ithrough a picket line to work on a job." "The labor council certainly supports our people when they are demonstrating for the basic aware for some time that non union labor was being used for the buil¢ ding and that n no contract principles of trade unionism," Mr. Ross said Donevan Cl Is Host To Parents ceived less than 50 per cent on their interim ports in Decem ber and appear to be headed for failure could still get through with close co-operation of teachers and parents Shortly before 8 p.m. there was a terrific jam for a number of blocks leading to the school The evening began when Mr Sisco spoke to the parents in the school auditorium and explained what they could do to help a child progress Later the to the children's class teachers Individual teachers as many p.m. the waiting to speak to Mr "We are Parents Do Care, Principal Norman A. Sisco, of the Dr, F. J. Donevan Collegiate, discovered Wednesday night. The first parents' night at the Collegiate, was a greater success than any of the staff members could have hoped, Mr. Sisco said- More than twice the ex- pected number of parents came to the school Mr. Sisco estimated that 650 parents were present or that two- thirds of the children's parents were represented. Staff members anticipated that 300 would come at the school's invitation Parents were invited to come to the school and talk to the in dividual teachers about their chil dren's progress They were reminded on invitation that children who TV-RADIO COLUMN Naming TV Characters Always Touchy Problem dio. Starting Feb. 29, he and Rosemary Clooney begin a daily (10:40-11 a.m.) CBS radio song and persiflage session . . . The Snows of Kilmanjaro will be dramatized by CBS March 26, parents were still Sisco the " he said re- the part Thur sday of parents morning By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) --Currently appearing in the C adio day- time serial The Second Mrs Burton is a character named gock ANE Chevigny, 2 vet third of the surrep, Hemingway series , . . Lee J as sign eran of {urning out. the res: for an ABC adventure series, For v naming device: He Men Only on next year. rowed first and last names from two acquaintances. Naming TV and radio charac- ters--particularly the unsavory ones--is a8 touchy business. . though rarely--if ever--does an| jrate viewer or listener call up to complain that somebody is using his--or her--name for a heroine, networks occa-| dil get complaints when by| Stevenson road north closed chance the name of a real per-|from King west to Creighton av- son is appended to a reprobate. enue; Trick avenue from Hillcroft Therefore, special pains are taken to avoid trouble. At one time, two of the biggest advertis- ing agencies in New York whose clients sponsored several DUPLICATE BRIDGE geries--obtained signed permis-| High sc s for games played sion from all their employees 0 hy members of the Oshawa Du- borrow their names as needed plicate Bridge Club, at Adelaide for characters House Tuesday night were: Other name-resources tor au- Mrs, R. Drew and Mrs. S. Sheri thors are the postal guide--take|dan, 45 points; Mrs. C, Hall and two place names, like Charlotte| Mrs. H. Cruwys, 45 points; Mrs and Springfield, combine them E. Wadsworth and Mrs. M. R and lo, becomes "the other|Clarke, 382 points: Mrs. W woman." Writers also pick Doe and Mrs. R. Morris, 38 names out of the telephone book|points; Mrs. F. J. Rundle and --first names from one part, last Miss R. Higgins, 37 points. The names from another lucky draw was won by W. Sal ter broadcast ra- CITY AND DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed for construction today: these streets will opened to permit move- local traffic possible, partially ment of t I Bing Crosby's first ing love apparently remains COMING EVENTS Buena Vista at STREET COLLISION A station wagon and a light panel truck were involved in collision on William and Division streets Wednesday morning. An estimated $250 damage was done 22. 8 p.m. to the station wagon, driven by Admission 50 Mrs, Margaret H. Sawyer, "King street east. Elmer Nieni Cpa Toronto, was the driver 'of panel which was only damaged Scout Hall, Friday January refreshments EUCHRE, Gibbons, Six prizes cents. HARMAN PARK BINGO, FRIDAY NIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor and Simcoe 20 gome $6 Share the Wealth Jackpots FIRE IN AUTO The Oshawa Fire Department {extinguished a car fire at the corner of LaSalle and Gliddon avenues Wednesday morning, The owned by the CRA, was only slightly damaged. The de- partment ambulances also an- swered four calls, v 4 and 5 $ 5.3 i ------------ car, NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M, GEORGE'S HALL Sts.) SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Three Oshawa doctors will be among the 161 successful candi-| dates of the 1959 examinations of {the Royal College of Physicians! and Surgeons of Canada who will be admitted as fellows at the an- nual convocation of the college in Montreal this Fridav. The Osh- awa doctors are Carstairs Clou- ston Gardner, Robert King Mil-| ler and Charles Sandwith Camp- ell d Jackson $6, $12, $20 tripled INCLUDED $15 Games May be doubled $140 JACKPOT Door BINGO the Avalon Prize ot THURSDAY, JAN. 20 8 pm |UNITED { Reeve COUNTIES R. Nelson, Township, was elected warden of the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland at the coun cil's inaugural meeting Tuesday at Cobourg. Reeve Nelson ed Reeve D. R. Dingwall, of u mahe Township, by a vote of 37 to 15 WARDEN of Percy E Eastview Park Neight Association $6 & $10 ot $40 Wealth 20 Regulor Game Six Jackpots A Share the Iso OSHAWA KICKERS Invites all fun loving people of Oshawa to the greot cos tume ball, Saturday, January 23 -- B P.M. at Ukrainian Hall, corner Bloor and Streets. Meals and Refresh- ments. Please come in cos- tum LOSE HOME A fire, caused by a short cir- cuit in an auto, totally destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her- | bert Stire, at Tincap, near Brock- st Saturday morning. The st all their clothing and heir furniture. Mrs. Stire r of Mr. and Mr 606 Burton road, some ol is a d R. A 15¢ Oshawa. parents went to speak interviewed as 45 parents and at 11}g pleased and delighted to find so much real interest on to south end of street. Whenever be| 21 the!, slightly |; {recortl hi oti 9B t on on King morning | Oshawa Ameri uc the building | BECKSTEAD busi repre tative of Lo 597, International Hod Carrie Building and Common Labore rs FRED vh k under ers of Ic the 1e88 a I eled con WEATHER FORECAST Little Change Likely Friday TORONTO (CP) Forecasts; Toronto .... | {issued at 5 am.: Trenton Synopsis: Little change in the|St. Catharines .. 'current weather is anticipated| Hamilton ........ |over Ontario through Friday. Al riskoka | storm off the east coast is main-| taining northwesterly winds and Killaloe |these should cause mainly cloudy |Earlton ,......... {skies and snowflurries in the Sudbury {south and occasional light snow North Bay i |in the north. Kapuskasing . Regional forecasts valid until| White River . midnight Friday. |Moosonee | Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Ni- lagara regions, Windsor, Toronto |Hamilton: Partly cloudy today land Friday. A few snowflurries. | Insurance Firms Little change in temperature. Congider Merger Lake Huron, Georgian Bay,| Haliburton regions, London: Mainly cloudy with snowflurries today and Friday. in temperatures, west 15-25, Timmins - Kapuskasing, | LONDON insurance recommendation here Wednesday Winds north-| Northern Assurance Co. and the! | Employers Liability Assurance| Kirk- | Corp. North (Reuters)--Two big! firms announced their) Little change night for a merger. They are the| land Lake ions, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy with oc- casional light snow today and Bay, | THE OSHAWA .TIMES, Thursday, Jonuery 21, 1960 3 Trade Pact Ahead 3 ussi negoti t With Soviet Russia to Ris for some monine. OTTAWA (CP)--Trade Minis.| Under the previous treaty, ter Churchill said Wednesday a|which expired at the end of trade treaty with Russia Is nearly| February, 1959, Russia agreed to completed. take certain quantities of Cana- Asked Commons byidian wheat over a four-year pe- (L -- Ottawajriod. |west) about the "unusual" dee {lay, he said one of the oi WB in the George Mecllraith | MEAT MARKET 46 SIMCOE STN N. @ OSHAWA LEAN, BONED & ROLLED BRISKET POINT . 55° PRESSWOOD'S CELLO PKG. 2 nx 59° WIENERS | 12-0Z. PKGS. JOHN A. OVENS Friday. Little change in tempera- ture. Winds northwest 10-20, Forecast Temperatures v tonight, High Friday Optometrist HARE OPTICAL St. Thomas ..... 8 BOND ST. EAST, RA 3-4811 London street this FRESHLY SLICED MAC & CHEESE CHICKEN LOAF Ib, 49 Wingham Times Photo OBITUARIES Pleads Guilty | To Impaired | (St | ough. held there lowed by interment aff) Cemetery. 32-year-old Bel | driver, of Tuesday fined 10 days and his BOWMANVILLE James Cannon, 32 ville construction Donald street, was $50 and costs or licence automat three months 51 The funeral W. Hircock, nome, Monday morning, the McInt Wednesday who suspended he pleaded ite R. B sh mpaired 2 p.m The hy Rev of Simcoe Interment b, etery services wr having A John K. M than in whic h he also was fined $20 onal five liquor his re pleade and costs or |days | OPP [told the | accused, on Highway 2 ne to y, he an addit pallbearers Nat. Hin: Hircock, Hircock, King, Bt art William Wes Reimer intercepted the r New- Constable court he The funeral service will be Monday, FUNERAL JOHN W. HIRCOCK service for John Thornton's road south, Funeral Street U was in: Oshawa Union ck, Tom Jan: 25, fol- in Little Lake STOVE OIL DELIVERY LANDER-STARK OIL LTD. 43 KING STREET WEST CALL OSHAWA - RA 5-3589 oF his last held at Home at 20 re conducted offat, minister nited Church died at was Jan were Jack Ben Hircock, DUTCH LOAF FRESHLY KILLED EVISCERATED FOWL GENERAL BAKERIES uw 33° MACAROONS 16-01. 39¢ FLORIDA WHITE SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 10 49° CRISP GREEN IMPORTED CELERY Hearls oo 23° Hircock and |castle, after seeing his vehicle | veer onto the shoulder as he ap- {proached him travelling in the {opposite direction | PC Reimer stated he watched {to see the aceused cross to the north shoulder again before he SERGEANT MURRAY BRUCE turned his ¢ruiser around and Sergeant Murray Bruce of the gave chase Ontario Provincial Police died According to Constable Reimer, | q4oniv at his home. Kir the accused after having been|creccent, Ajax, Wednesday nigh stopped, appeared to be in an im- fe had * suffered from . heart paired condition. His eyes were| ., ition for a number of years bloodshot, speech thick and he Born and educated in Toronto, was slightly unsteady on his feet. (Sgt. Bruce was in his.47th vear, In addition when asked for his driver's licence, Cannon dropped| His passing will be deeply felt [everything out of his wallet when|!n the district, where he was {he attempted to produce the li-|¥ ell liked by the citizens, his fel- | cence. {low-officers and newspapermen Searching the car PC Reimer! Sgt. Bruce joined the Ontario a found a part bottle of whiskey in Provincial Police 20 years ago, the glove compartment and be- and served at the Toronto, Ham- tween the accused's knees was a'ilton and Whitby detachments. pop bottle smelling strongly of al- He started at Whitby as a cor- coholic beverage. poral, after the Second . World War, and rose to the rank detac' hment sergeant. He was the HOSPITAL BOARD uh) BOmpuLen NEWS IN BRIEF i lo 1 D duties as detach- tment Total patient days for 1959 Were ser post SELLING OUT Furniture Selling At Our Cost! Yes, it is a fact, you may purchase any of the remaining stock of furniture at- exactly our cost. Dick Bradley is discontinuing b office furniture and fixtures, all to be disposed of. Hurry to 299 Simcoe St. South today en advantage of these genuine savings. and save. CASH OR CREDIT. usiness. The property, truck, Thousands have already tak- ALL OF THE FOLLOWING IN LIMITED NUMBERS ONLY e of the Toronto de ich 959 ie held at the time of his death increased by ¢ over 1958 it w as Royal Ca- shown in the -end s'atement the. of operations ased Tuesday he night. There were 125,155 patien days red in 1959 com- pared 119,876. in h the during He served wit nadian Navy Sorrow pressr with Sgt geant Charles AUTHORIZED !echment of $3 said: at his passing w by who ¢ Bruce Whitby. Ser. Heffering, now de it at Whitby, > men here were v r of his death. He ema ag d ficers . ni oulice Clearing ith from EXPENDITURE A total expenditure was authorized by the board for sad to various pieces of necded equip- a fine ment. Seme of t new purchases |lar. He will be refrige a bone sav who knew a pneaumatic juet, a suc iot breathing us and sev- commu de ery 180 coil Reg. 29.95. Wholesale Pri and very popu | liked by every- him." 1 NE Sgt May, ¢ | ka T'S tourr apoarat chairs | aves his wife, | two sons, Murray and Ajax, and a daughter Barjae, Jr. (Bar Brougham Iruce Reg. 29.95. Wholesale Pri bara) of n The body is resting at the Me S50. Eachnie Funeral Home, Picker 4550 ing. See death notice for funeral (arr angements | GERALD R. al Following di ness the ASSOCIATE STAFF Two new doctors, Dr, S. D Glusker and Dr. S. D. Weishaur were recommended to the ciate staff by the doctors. Reg. 9.95. NE Clearing at Student r W TV SET rses will receive mn set and rec will also be able to Oshaw: out of the morning the beard! (Bud electric clothes the forme He | dec: | eresc (BUD) ROYLE short, serious iil death occurre: the Ge hegligees to dry 1 them as Ruth. Doreen Privy 32nd The 767 Ww hitman an ve PROFITS INCREASE mirror, chest Women's Hospital Auxiliary A dl $7000 ito the hospital. 1t' Pearl also announced that profits born at up 30 per ce n the giftia with total se last year a gh of $: 30. A vote of thanks was made to the ret president, Mrs. C. D. Russell. bookcase Wholesale Price late wa 1928 son of John the Rovle, the deceased Belleville, Nov. 5 ind was mar~ied at Peterborough Aug. 27, 1955 A resident of Oshawa for five years, he was a buyer for Ruddy Electric Wholesale Limited, Osh- java and was a member of Christ| Anclican Church, Be'leville He leaves his wife father, who lives in Also surviving Mrs. A. Quinn, nipeg and Mrs lis), of Belleville The dona was were shop and ni Va Price $500 DONATION The Jury and Lovell Drug store donated $500 to the Canadian Can- cer Society on behalf of the Osh- awa dcectors. This was in lieu of the regular Christmas gifts made to the doctors. and his Belleville are two sisters Irene) of Win. R (Phyl and seven hro- Denver, Color- > Hamilton Ber Epsom Surrey E Stanley a Ken of Be! vill 1 | Armstrong Funeral Hr and Friday and then at stock Funeral Hoe CHESTERFIEL fully upholste ne | thers, PLAN RECEPTION ado; The five-month term for junior tram, student nurses will he finished land; Jan, 29. A reception for fri und relatives has been pl and a former nursing instruc Irs. A. G. Reynold 1 dress the gathering. will be presented by Society of Jack, evi TABLES--Wa 1 n ¢ at the e today the Com- Peterbor- | Wad Testaments the Gideon | Horseman's Widow | ©" P'CTURE INTERIM APPROVAL PLATFORM ROCKERS -- Reg. to 59.50 Value. 29.00 38.00 SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES-- spring 5-PCE. BRIDGE SETS by "Cooey" CHROME KITCHEN STOOLS -- 3-PC. DOUBLE DRESSER BED- ROOM SUITE -- Consisting of spacious double dresser with tilt bed AIRFOAM CUSHIONS-- 3-PIECE CURVED SECTIONAL {| ioning. Reg. 299.00. : Wholesale Price DUNCAN PHYFE EXTENSION Size 36 x 72, Reg. 99.00. Clearing ot Reg. 9.95. Clearing at. 9 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR -- | ARBORITE Deluxe model. Reg. 319.00. pice... £94.00 Price .... WESTINGHOUSE COMBINA- TION--Hi-Fi and Radio Console ae Re 3: ». 1 29.22 RECORD CABINETS -- Regular 24.95. Wholesale 17 16 LJ Price TRI-LITE LAMPS -- Regular to 29.50. Clearing 10 00 . at 6'9"" x 9° AXMINSTER CARPET --Tone-on-tone. Reg. 69.50. Wholesale Price 45.00 9' x 15° NYLON VISCOSE CAR- PET--Beige and brown plete with underpadding Reg. | 179.00. Wholesale 119.00 Price CONTINENTAL BEDS---Smooth- top mattresses and base. Com- ROOM DIV plete with padded headboard. § finish. Reg. Reg. 69.50. Wholesal Cl Reg olesale "44. 50! earing at . Wholesale Price 8.95. Whol construction, 19.90 ce WALNUT STEEL BED 19.90 ce HOSTESS C 5.00 fet, centre drawers and Reg. 199.00. 119.00 1.99 of i cost § Selling from 3 D SUITE--Beauti- red, airfoam cush- 192.00 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD AND BED | plete with DAVENPORT SUITES. Regular 199.00 value. Less than wholesale price 99.00 GLASS-TOP LAMB TABLES -- Reg. 11.95. Wholesale 66 LJ Price Wholesale Inut or mahogany. Price 37.00 5.00 fill LAMPS. De Wet p Price .°. STEP TABLES -- Reg. TABLE LAMPS--Reg. Reg. to 49.50, Clearing dah fan een 13.83 12.95. Wholesale Price construction. Reg. Wholesale Price 7-PC. DINETTE SUITE--Beauti- fully finished Consisting of china cabinet, buf- 4 chairs, Reg. 399.00. Less than Com-1 price .ovviveins ' 5-PIECE CHROME SUITES--Reg. 69.50 to 129.00. ; BED - CHESTERFIELDS -- Com- filled mattress unit. Reg. 199.00. | CRIBS--Complete with spring- 39.50. Wholesale TOP COFFEE AND 11.95. 1.11 5.50 FINISHED BEDS -- STEEL BED OUTFITS -- Reg. 49.50. Complete with "29. 90 mattress 3-PIECE MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE 98.00 I IR LJ (Used) 5-PIECE NATURAL FINISHED KITCHEN SUITE (Used) esale Price. SPRINGS-- DELUXE LLOYD STROLLERS-- With canopy, etc. Reg. 18.95. Clearing at . 12. 00 BASSINETTE MATTRESSES -- Reg. 4.95. Clearing 1.00 at oI, SEAL CONGOLEUM -- eg. 1.00 sq. yd. 69° 3 sq. Wholesale Price LIVING ROOM CHAIRS--TV swivel, rockers, occasional chairs. Regular to 59.50. Clearing at 15.00 * 38.00 SEALY POSTUREPEDIC BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS -- 155.00. Clearing or 120.00 FIRESCREEN CARD TABLES 9 eg. 8.95. 4 4 L Clearing at .......... HAIRS--Spring-filled 14.95. 9.99 in frosted oak. extension, table and 266.00 KITCHEN 5.00 * 77.00 IDERS--Iin Roxatone 49.50, a 80 top quality spring KINDERGARTEN SETS--Natur- al finish, hardwood. Reg. 5 59 LJ 8.95. Wholesale Price . AIRFOAM FOOT STOOLS -- Reg. 9.95. § 88 Ll Wholesale Price 132.00 roof mattresses. Reg. 24.90 en an interim Dies In Toronto § 000 budget o Hospoital Services TORONTO Mrs daughte Commission. The board was informed that a full review of an, publisher budget d be completed in the 0 We died | near future and full authorization Tuesday ome She considered at that time was 69 The board wa approval « by the On 18 (CP)-- s the late Ww f the old Torx at her here. ACCOUN Li APPROY ED The bills Clifford R. K m 13 498.04 nthl before boa totalling $2 who died eight years ago. BRADLEY' FURNITURE DRIVE-IN 299 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH {adjourning. {man & .