THOUGHT FOR TODAY A four-day week would be fine ---if we could manage somehow to survive the three-day week- ends, The Oshawa Sines WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy tonight and Frie day, a few snowflurries, little change in temperature, winds west to northwest, : Vol. 89--No. 16 Price Not Over ost Office Department, Cents Per Copy 10 OSHAWA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1960 Authorized as Second Class Mail TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Ottawa i OSHAWA POLICE discuss the escape of four men | from a city bank with $800 worth of money from a bogus cheque. From left are the chief of Duplate (Canada), uty Police Chief Duncan J. Ferguson, Traffic Sergeant E. | Barker and Sergeant of Detec- | tives William "Jordan. Picture in lower left shows two officers | Ltd., police force, Oshawa Dep- | wit- | FOUR FLEE CITY BANK AFTER CHEQUE PASSING Hamilton-Oshawa One Planning Unit | | | TORONTO (CP) -- A 20-year|20 years. Population in 1958 was|250 per cent in the area and land| © plan for Metropolitan Toronto 1,623,000. development to increase by 139 {which in effect welds Hamilton,| Metro Chairman F. G. Gardi-|per cent in Metro's neighboring {Toronto and Oshawa into one|ner said the plan is the founda-| municipalities. leconomic urban unit was dis-'tien for one of the finest metro-| Besides the city of Toronto and [closed Wednesday night by the politan areas in the world and in-|12 suburban municipalities, the |Metro planning board. {volves the most comprehensive plan immediately. concerns the | Looking forward to 1930, thelanalysis of existing and future townships of Toronto, Toronto {plan proposes legislation which conditions produced anywhere by Gore, Vaughan, Markham and {would place 720 square miles, 26|a municipal administration. Pickering, the towns of Ajax and | | municipalities and 47 miles of Planning commissioner Murray Richmond Hill and the villages nesses to the incident, Steve Melnichuck (left) and Pat Cormier (right), both Duplate employees. Pictured lower right is han': teller Miss Janet Back- well, 17, --Oshawa Times Photos | Colombian Airliner Explodes, 37 KINGSTON, 'Jamaica (CP)--Arhart and his wife, Nancy, Both Qolosabian gifliner bound from|36, of Indianapolis. ew York to Colombia buckled] The plane, operated by th its landing gear and exploded WM avicacs Combing National An setting down at Montego Bay|line, had made an unscheduled airport early today, killing 37 oflstop at Miami for repairs to a the 46 persons aboard including|faltering engine. It was 10 hours a Canadian Roman Catholicloverdue when it reached Mon- priest. tego Bay, a popular Caribbean Two Dutch and two Australianiresort on Jamaica's north coast passengers and five members of|550 miles south of Miami, about the seven - member Colombian|2:35 a.m. erew lived through the crash and| The weather was good as it the resultant fire that ravaged headed in for a landing. But wit the $2,000,000 Superconstellation nesses said the left landing gear for two hours. - Test Monkey Guy Arbour of St. Johns, Que., a professor of theology at Mani . Survives In Rocket zales Seminary, near Bogota, Co| lombia, who was on his way back| to South America after a holiday WALLOPS ISLAND, Va |A little monker named Miss Sam today survived a 43,990 - foot in Canada. SEVENTEEN AMERICANS rocket flight in rehearsal for hu- man space travel, Officials said Seventeen of the dead Americans, among them a it appeared the test was com- pletely successful and daughter-in of Senator Homer E. Capeh Rep. Ind.). The monkey, a female, rode more than nine miles up in a The latter were Thomas C. Cape- {model of the chamber that will Two Injured In 401 |carry the first Mercury astro Collision |x, sys, oom from a Little Joe booster rocket by means of an escape mechan- Two men, one of Ser ism designed to save the astro- ously injured, are in Osha aut if something goes wrong at General Hospital after a three-| po launching ir crash on Highway 401 early! with its 7%-pound passenger in is morning ; a special compartment, the cap- Undergc treatment in the sule was parachuted to the sur- hospital are Robert J. Gibson. 36, face of the sea 12 miles off this 306 Kent street, Whitby and John Virginia eastern shore island. Muha, 21, 588 Front street, Osh-| Then the capsule was recov- "awa. Mr. Gibson is were son| AW | art (AP) them seri naval staff. Iwas the youngest man in history to be appointed chief of the gen- leral staff. His promotion te full generzl, the first such promotion in peacetime, came three years after he was appoinied chair- man Although seldom in the public eye--he made only two or three public speeches in the last. five years--he strongly influenced de- fence volicy. He recommended last February's cancellation of the Arrow jet interceotor pro- gram to the government. Mr. Diefenbaker. praised talent for organization and ability as a field commander. He made an important contributior ito NATO "from its early plan- |ning period." Born in the United Kingdom. iGen. Foulkes joined the Cana- |dian army as a private and was {comm ssicned in the Roya! Cana- dian Regiment in 1926. He was a captain when he went over- seas in 1939. In 1944 he was given command of the 1st Canadian Corps in Italy land led it in northwest Europe |after the Normandy invasion. Municipal Expert On Oshawa Visit "Municipalities collect tax mon- of the Canadian Federation of|ies on real property from the citi- Mayors and Municipalities, told 2|zens," said Mr. Simpson, "But meeting of Oshawa civic depart-|the taxpayer is called upon to pay ment heads today that municipali-| for services which have no rela- ties across Canada are becoming-|tion to real propert". This is not ly incressingly concerned with fair to property owners." the high costs of financing capital' experditures. v "These days each project in. volving canital costs must weigh- | his his Ford To Halt Production TORONTO (CP)--Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited will halt passenger car production at its nearby Oakville plant between Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, Karl E. Scott, executive vice-president of Ford of Canada announced today. He said the shutdown will affect about 2,800 workers at Oakville and 300 men at Windsor .plants supplying components for Oak- ville will be affected for two to six days. Truck production at Oakville will continue as usual. Lake Ontario shoreline under |Jones said the plan, using flexi- of Port Credit, Stouffville, Mark-| GENERAL FOULKES sorship | 'municipal services for the next! Population is expected to jump and village boards next month. | September tary post, will retire May 31, of Cuba after a face-to-face mid-|{to get out of Cuba." He added|train services from Hamilton and, No successor was named but bassader to Madrid, Jose Miro By telephone, with true surprise his Wednesday to th breakup of } At least 16 others have died in was 'in contact thorize me to immediately deny| vorce court that when he woke or ri u | Turkey, Tuesday shaven, aristocratic diplomat as cans invi'ed to Havana by the] | ing an affair with Chad. Bolivia, N.C., killing 34 persons.| After the ambassador five test firings of the new Bo-| Robert M. Simpson, president again at the end of this month. 'planning control. {ble boundaries, is based on con-'ham, Streetsville, Woodbridge Based on a predicted popula-; tinued decentralization of popula-land Pickering |tion increase to 2,800,000 by 1980, tion which would gradually es-| Mr. Jones said Hamilton and the plan sets out Metro's re-|tablish one single economic re- Oshawa might develop similar quirements for housing, schools, gion from Hamilton in the west plans and under provincial spon s transportation, parks and other|to Oshawa in the east. the three official pro- Ca d . : jects could be tied together Na 1a | A list of conflicts will be sup-| plied to area municipalities C ™ within two weeks, he said. Metro h re Fai TELEVISION ROW planners will hold joint meetings | 1 with lozal municipal, township| > LJ Industrial and commercial or-| St {f Ret es L ganizations will also be con-| a 1 a J sulted. | . Final adjustments will be made| OTTAWA (CP)--Gen. Charles in August and the complete draft| Foulkes, 57, who rose from pri- O i Envo submitted to Metro council in/vate to Can highest u \ ransportation development in.| Retirement of the chairman of {cludes helicopter services fromthe cl iefs of staff committee HAVANA (AP)--Fidel Castrojcheers from the studio audience downtown Toronto and nearby sipce 1951 was announced in the early today gave the Spanish|with ihc assertion: "I will give Malton Airport to points within a Commons Wednesday by Prime ambassador 24 hours to get out|the Spanish ambassador 24 hours 200 - mile radius and commuter Minister Diefenbaker. night row before a countrywide sarcastically: "I hope they don't/ Oshawa. Construction of a 37-|the choice is expected to be be- television audience that threat-|send the Spanish fleet to invade mile rapid transit subway system |tween Air Marshal Hugh Camp- ened to develop into a riot. |the island." Seasich. su jn 2 750 mile SXpIesEWaY 8ys- Fuming with rage, the bearded| Cuba was under Spanish rulejtem is also proposed. 6T @ t gained inde- premier announced 'he wes im-|fcr centuries unfl it ga | For further detatls and storie: mediately recalling his own am-|Penc the ambassador turn te Page 4). collapsed as the plane hit the Cordona. He sa'd it was un-|said he would make no plans to| runway. certain whether a complete dip-|leave Cuba until he received offi- The plane captain, J. Duque,|lomatic break with Generalissimo|cial orders from the Cuban Bov-| SHORT SNOOZE was among the survivors. None Francisco Franco's governmentlernment. said he 'was Nster of those who got out appeared would follow. {.. The el ' ras sien to be seriously injured. Police and soldiers grabbed the ing to Castro's broadcast and "I ENDS MARRIAGE AH |Spenish ambassador, 'Juan Pablo|heard 2 ) | FOURTH OF YEAR |de Lojendio, marquis of Vellisca. calumnious statements which af- LONDON (Reuters) -- Char- It was the fourth crash of alanq hustled him out of the TV fected me. Therefore I imme-| you Holland's short sncoze dur- commercial airliner since 1980 studio after he had rushed in|dia'ely went with my press| ing a television program led began three weeks ago and|ihroueh a side door and accused |2dviser to the television studios brought the year's death toll 80! the prem er of s'andering him in|for the purpose of asking the! two marr ages. far on commercial planes to 163.10 "hroadeast. Castro had said|moderator of this station to au-l "yt fyrned out that his wife ¢ 1 ro the embassy Eileen, 36, and their dinner } he y nited States in private plane iy war eriminals and has ties|before the people of Cuba those| guest seated together, were phe since the first of the with them." He accused the U.S, |calumnies." ; | not watching TV either. 3 Embassy of similar activity Joe Louis, former world heavy-| Holland, 47, testified in di- All 42 persons aboard died against his regime weight boxing champicn, was in| when a Scandinavian jet liner 3 4 the audience during the fracas. un he found his wife and Ed- crashed on a hill near Ankara, Castro towered over the clean- Louis, among a group of Ameri-| a Chad, 35, holding hands {us i ador' mh, | and "looking significantly into | Last Monday, a Capital Airlines he refused + Je Snbassa ps te Castro government to help pro-| each other's eyes." {plane crashed in Virginia, killing angrily: "You sre nat in S 2 mote the lagging tourist industry.| wre Holland, mother of two 50 persons now. You are in Cuba." Palos called to the microphone and sons. confessed she. was hav- | On Jan. 6, a National Airlines said plane exploded in the air near GIVEN TIME LIMIT "I congratulate the prime min- Holland was granted a di- was ister and the rebel army for the| vorce on grounds of miscon- whisked away to safety from the protection they gave to the Span-| duct. Chad's 41 year - old . : menacing crowd, Castro brought'ish ambassador." wife, Norah, also obtained a U.S. Finds Solution desree ToBomarc Troubles LATE NEWS FLASHES | WASHINGTON (AP) De- | fence Secretary Thomas Gates has reported solution of troubles that caused failure of the last| marc-B anti-aircraft missile, | In recent testimony before a House of Representatives appro- priations subcommitiee, Gates {said testing 'of the advanced ver- {sion of the Bomarc will start The defence secretary also tes- {tified that the program calling for a to'al of 18 Bomare squad- {rons, two of which are to be located in Canada. will be com-| Ipleted by June, 1951 Explosives Found In Luggage PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP)--Explosives were reported today to have been found in the luggage of a heavily-insured ex- convict who turned up alive after having been listed as dead suffering from 2 broken left arm and ear His condi ercd by helicopter. fractured pelyis fas vei VICTIM TURNS UP and severe concussion tion at 11 a.m. was re ° NOSE in a mysterious airliner crash. A ed carefully," said Mr. Simpson. "If a city borrows one million dollars," 'he continued, "'that city | Truscott Bppeal Rejected TORONTO (CP)--An appeal by 14-year-old Steven Trus- be satisfactory under cumstances Mr. Muha is less seri red. He received a the feet and knees and neck muscles. The accident occurred at 6.45 am. in the eastbound lane of} Highway 401 near the Park road| cut-off. The driver of the third car involved was Bertha A. Rob- erts, 25. of Toronto rozd, Port Hope. She was not injured The OPP said that the Gibson car was travelling in the east. hound lane when it collided head on with the Muha car. The latter had swerved violently across the boulevard after it collided with the Roberts car Both the Muha and Gibson cars were total. wrecks. The Roberts car received minor damage CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 bra strained | | PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP)--A grey- haired, heavily-insured ex-con- vict presumed dead in a mysteri- ous airliner crash turned up alive today in Phoenix Wednesday. In a jail cell today, Dr. Robert Vernon Spears of Dallas was the focus of investigation into bizarre circumstances surrounding the Nov. 16 crash of a commercial| airliner into the Gulf of Mexico. Federal authorities are inves- tigating the possibility that the crash may have resulted from bomb i Spears was seized by two Fed- {eral Bureau of Investigation agents as he hurriedly checked! out of a Phoenix resort motel. He was charged with interstate] transportation of a stolen car, but| the FBI was more interested in his answers. to these questions: What the 65-year-old na- |turopath up to when he took out $100,000 in travel insurance? Why! a FBI In Bizarre | Plane Crash Case Defence Research was he listed as a passenger on {for $900,000 and named as a pos- must pay more than two million dollars in principle and interest. We thus have a situation where {interest payments are higher {than the principle payments." | Mr. Simspon pointed out that joss of financing debenture is- { sves today are running as high as 7.78 per cent. |DEMANDING TOUR In his 13th consecutive vear as Arnprior's mayor, the white-hair- ed executive (he has a factory in By Commons Body OTTAWA (CP) -- A Commons called for assurance that theé|hnoihe) is on a demanding tour {committee is to tackle the job of commitiee will go into questions ye will visit five cities today, just giving defence policy and spend-|of defence policy as he has done on each of the last ing a thorough airing. | Diefenbaker made it clear|three days. | Prime Minister Diefenbaker|that "while the committee willl Port Hope, Trenton, Cobourg |announced in the Commons Wed-have power to discuss policy it|and Belleville are on today's itin- airliner which crashed in North|esday that he will propose suchlyij| not get into the realm of erary Carolina Jan. 6? a course, advocated by Opposi-imaking policy. The CFMM president said that The FRI sought $35,000 bond [HOP Leader Pearson Monday in x {today mavors are frecentlv con- for Spears at his arraignment on [launching the throne speech de-'TO BE SMALL {fronted with the question of whe- the stolen car charge. Spears | bate. He was agreeable to it being! or or not to go ahead with capi- waived preliminary hearing and| Mr. Pearson and Hazen Argue, smali in size Mr. Pearson's(ta) cost projects when the cost of was held in lieu of the bond. CCF House leader, immediately statement suggested seven to|pgrrowine is so high. Investigation into the two|welcomed his statement and nine members--and that it should] One solution. he said. was to crashes--both of National Airlines |later Mr. Pearson issued a siate-/delermine whether its meetings borrow f~om the fedsral govern- planes--is' continuing by the Civil|ment saying he is glad Mr./be open or closed ment at its rate of interest, be- Aeronautics Board and the Sen-|Dielenbaker adopted his sugges- The announcement came dur-|tween five and six per cent. ate aviation subcommittee ' in|tion ing the course of a short, after-| Thus far the senior government Washington. So far, their studies| Both Mr. Pearson in his state- noon sitting at which the throne has not shown anv great liking have not established that a bomb|ment and Mr. Argue during his debate was marked by. these de- for the idea but discussions are was, responsible for either crash.icomments in the throne debate|velopments: 'continuing. ' cott, sentenced to be hanged Feb. 14 for the slaying of a 12- year-old girl, was rejected today by the Ontario Court of Appeal. the ill-fated flight? Did he prevail upon William Allen Tavlor of Tampa, Fla., a former prison acquaintance, to take his place on the plane? If so, why and how? Was there any connection be-| tween Spears and Julian Andrew| Frank, New York lawyer insured | sible suicide bomber on another ROBERT mili-| ibell, chief of air siaff, and Vice-| Admiral Harry DeWolf, chief of Gen. Foulkes was a lieutenant- general in 1945 when, at 42, he Teller Tipped Off By Duplate Man Four men escaped from the south Oshawa branch of the Toronto-Dominion Bank at 532 Simcoe street south about 10.50 a.m. today with an estimated $800 in pay envelopes. The estimate was made by police shortly after noon. The men, posing as employees of Duplate (Canada) Ltd. were partially foiled in a bogus cheque-passing attempt when a teller, tipped off by Steve Melnichuk, a Duplate employee, started to question one of the quartet. The four are believed to have escaped in three cars, one of them a late model beige-colored Cadillac with an out-of-town licence. City detectives were on the scene within minutes and OPP quickly set up roadblocks in outlying dis- tricts, | . police. He was soon followed by SUSPECTS RUN Hugh Winsor, a reporter for The The suspect questioned by the ochawa Times. accountant, Stewart Bannerman, | said he was 'a new employee at| Duplate" and started moving to| the door almost as sbon as the| {questioning started. The suspect {was joined by three other men as| he dashed from the building, All| ran |SPOTTED DECEIT Bannerman ran around th €| Melnichuk was standing behind counter and chased them. {the four men when he noticed Witnesses said that when the|iney were not emoloyees. He four men ran across SimoCiaie, got a close look at the street they dropped a box filled |. and i diately real- with pay envelopes and that they ized that the names and numbers left hurriedly in cars without| ere phony, bothering to pick them up. The wh picked up by the] /The four men left a Juisbey |unidentified driver of a eity of pay Chafues and 8 sum | |garbage truck who took it, with = e counter when they is Squtents to the Duplate office 'Melmeiuk said the eh » presented by the suspect were SEEN BY EMPLOYEES "perfect replicas" of Duplate |" First reports said that a num-{cnes, but that the names and ber of Duplate employees lined amounts were phony. up inside the bank got a goed] He estimated ai least 50 look at the four suspects and|cheques--averaging $100 each police were preparing to release were cashed by the four men. descriptions of the men. The in-| The two tellers serving the vestigation is under the direction|four men were Joan Rosen, 23, lof Deputy-Chief Ted Fergusonjand Janet Backwell, 17. When and Sgt. of Det. William Jordan.|one of the men started to leave, First police officer to arrive on|Miss Backwell called to him, the scene was Sgt. Ernest Barker|' "Here's your money." He re- lof the traffic division of city|plied, "Don't bother." Accused Puts Up $100,000 In Bail MONTREAL (CP) -- John lawyers arrived in court carry- Doyle, Montreal-born financier, ing a canvas bag containing unperturbedly put up $100,000 bail| $100,000 in bills. Wednesday and retired to al canadian Javelin, an iron ore luxurious hotel to await hearings|zng timber - development firm, Jan. ou nga i he laid the complaint against .Doyle, swindled stockholders o ana- its president. The charge in- {dian Javelin, Limited, of $4,800. volves 1,350,000 shares of s ock of 000. |Canadian Javelin which has 4, Doyle, 44, was arrested Tues- 830,035 shares outstanding. day night. as he stepped off his| {private four-engined plane here MENTIONS THEFT |after a flight from Nassau, Ba-| The charges are that Doyle | stole the shares Aug. 12, 1955, |hamas. He spent the n'=nt in r |vincial police cells before ap-|When they were valued at $4. |pearing in court to plead not 800,000, and defrauded the com. | guilty, pany of that amount between | s May 20, 1955 and June 15, 1959; The $100,000 bail set by ses-| DY 4 Add isions court Judge Rene Theberge 24d copspired wit others in New was the largest furn'shed in cash CF 'h ieneva and Paris to ste here in at least 25 years, court ie" S1ares, |officials said. The shares were allegedly | Doyle, of Winding Lake, Conn.,|transferred to Swiss banks as |merely signed a chevue and hr [collateral for a loan. The pro- it cer'ified at a local bank. ceeds of the loan have disap- Within minutes, one of his threec'peared, the complainant charges. The company has been in the practice of allowing one em- ployee from each department to go to the bank and cash several cheques for his department on Friday mornings. | SIMPSON GREETS MAYOR GIFFORD -