clothing, blankets comforters and| and do it in black or white or in various other household g el to match the color! 'How To Give Home| vy {scheme of hall or entry. More Storage Space; ser NXIURES of your By THRIFTY SAOPS | KEEP IN TRIM . . Why Consistent Overweight ! vorite store and in household spotted in thrift and used furni- ' ' | Today many of us acquire more stores, too, you'll find a wealth of ture shops or a handy do-it-your- . | / a § Seems Normal In Middle Age |pestessions. ag we indulge in rc aim use of storage space.! difficult to duplicate this useful |closet fixtures designed to make self craftsman wouldn't find it too : 3 Have your closet doors fitted bit of equipment. : uire equipment. Our clothing] {feeling, is right to maintain your|wardrobe grows larger, too, it| With peg-board to take care of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 21, 1960 11 trading stamps, but thal since their use related only to terms a retail merchant attached to the sale of goods, "there is nothing within the of Parlia- ada. The brief was presented Tuesday to Prime Ministe nl Diefenbaker, Labor Minister Starr, Immigration Minis ter] Fairclough and Mr. Fulton. Delegates represented 10 na. tional women's groups of the 16 affiliated with Canada's all dl wei i x y belts and those bulky handbags activities room, make use of its Woman consumer association. One stont argument advanced|weight at its present level. That! seems. BS activities room, make use of its ) y as | hy overwelgnts 1s the fact thatlls, it takes slightly more calories| An of which means that stor- that take up so much room iniwall space. Treat it to some 'We're still fighting stamps | for vears their weight hasn't|to maintain your overweight. Alsol f jpuress drawers and on closet!shelves and hanging cabinets to There is another day tomorrow," chansed They reason somethinglthe energy expended in toting the age space is at more of a pre- shelves. hold all the stuff that invariably said Isabel Atkinson of Saskatoon like this: "1 put on 25 pounds|extra weight burns calories too, ium than ever, unless one ls| Then there are Jew Sandu piles up there, " and Ouawa, the assoeighion's na-(S0de ih Proviness they represent, x1 od: and settle allowing y ittle re blessed with 'excel ally rods, so ned tha This should certainly help to'tional president, after the meet-™"c, Shiv. after I married and settled down, allowing you to eat a little more blessed with exceptionally gener. 0 re, even on the diagonal,|slear some shelf or BY a Sor p Ste added there does not seem but now my weight never ¢ hanges|food without gaining. ous closet space. And in most t t : : y : closet hang-| elsewhere : 0 $0 1 guess this is normal for my| Another reason thus adding much to close! 2: elsewhere in the house, which can!" My, Fulton told delegates the|quacies of the law regarding federal government is watching|trading stamps, particularly in > houses and apartments, this Is age.' younds seem normal ra) Mie note t PAR '* ing space and making use ofithen be put to other use. as pounds see! yrmal is that y¥ court actions in which stamp Ontario and Quebec. Representa Bp ant M v ight inclined dtl hil i Xactly the case difficult, odd corners, - : any overweights are inclined gained them while eating the ypipizE ALL SPACE : CE operators are being prosecuted tions were made to the attorneys- | to accept added poundage withisame as usual and conclude that| "gine expanding walls STORAGE HASSOCKS CAC Continues der the Criminal Code. If any general of both provinces before unaer e rimin N ny, L this same philosophical attitude. age was to blame. Again such A Stock up on storage hassocks } ' py i y ' here yet, despit se wi pl] nek 4 But here are the facts: between deductions are wrong. It's not Tere Sidon R hose aidertul grand for holding records, maga- action showed a weakness or the federal government was ap- ito bring such use criminal jurisdiction ment." Delegates were told the federal government could not undertake to interfere in the exercise of authority by provincial attorneys {general in enforcing the Criminal By IDA JEAN KAIN If you have a "rec" or family aren't the ages of 45 and 50, 25 exc $8 age, but continued appetite with is to make every bit of available pounds cut life expec per cent, overweight 80 cy by 25 decreased food requirements, Ap- Fil rea b th space do storage duty and to canipetite and food habits bullt upihaye storage items built where scarcely be considered "normal." [during your active years tend 10] possible Still, may be honestly puzzled to why you do not ontinue to gain more pounds re- Jardless you eat, The explanation is this: the amount of food you now enjoy; that the quantity that brings a satisfied you as of wha remain the same even though your energy output declines to a much lower level. CUTS IT DOWN While it may be easy to see that you are less active now, a factor which is not so clearly un- If you're short on closet storage space, it's time to look under the bed--not for that proverbial burg lar, but fors additional room for a storage item. Same goes ' for sofas toe, Built-in drawers, flat chests and zines and game equipment. These hassocks make fine extra seat- ing, too, at party time, There have been so many re- vivals of Victorian decor and fur- niture these past few seasons, so why not revive a custom of that era--the old-fashioned coat. and in fine fashion, of that filled-to- capacity guest closet which, only Fight Against Trading Stamps OTTAWA (CP) trading stamps Is within the legislatures," Justice tion of Consumers Tuesday, The delegation had asked in -- Control of ex- clusive jurisdiction of provincial Minister umbrella stand that graced every Fulton told a delegation from the Victorian interior? It takes care, 25,000-member Canadian Associa- EXPLAINS STAND loophole in Criminal Code provi- proached. sions to the extent that a schemie] The fight against stamps will "clearly of a type which Pirlia-be contin ued by consumers ment intended to prevent as be- through public education and ef- ing criminal in its nature" can forts to get law enforcement im operate with impunity, he wou'd particular cases, she added. recommend enactment of an ap- = _~ wo visi propriate amendment. | MARKS CENTENARY SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- When Mrs. A, M. MacKay cele The minister emphasized that brated hei 100th birthda" here re- a federal action "must necessarily cently she received telegrams of too often, has to serve as a stor- brief that the Criminal Code be be con'ined to enacting criminal congratulations from Queen Eliz age space. Dress the stand up strengthened to ban the use of law." He said he did mot mini- abeth, and Prime Minister Dief- and there trading stamps throughout Can- mize objections to the use of enbaker. derstood is that nature cuts down big boxes stored under furniture 0. The intensity of the internalido wonders in taking care of such processes slowly decreases with bulky articles as out-pf-season|with a bit of gilt here the years. A person of 60 is said| ---- --_ ---------- to need 35 per cent fewer calor- ies than a person of 30, even if both are doing the same work. When you need fewer calories, a little chocolate cake goes a long y. Still, if most of your friends same age bracket are g right up with you on the} score, it seems normal. | While weight stays fixed at a h level me years, after CHILD GUIDANCE moi ime ek in 11 ve od level. So many write that t se ail 3 finite | their Adopt Hard And Fast Rules =: oT an To Speed Up The Slowpoke and in the flurry of parties they ate richer food . or they ympleted Ih includes out ject his s and witholding all criticism and aising him when he does fin sh something in good time. AT WITS END "What else is there to tr; I nu i something APRIL LAURIE, AGED THREE Daughter f Mrs Mrs re Abramoff, Elizabeth mony April L. » who years ere )€ Dawn mew Abramoff street 1orth ny ighter of Mrs North B Abramoff Privett Christopher Os BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER with a ) i weight RR 2. Port Perry, and M Photo by for s must do. In \e penalties PUNISHMENTS 20 min- bed him 10 nin gained while recuperating from and now their t stays at this higher level. now takes this sased amount of food enlarged appetite, "fixed" it 'ht is not normall the greatest fa- your health is to Reduce on the that helps food habits | rere | BABIES SEE RED Babies vote for red, white and| schemes. At US east, riments in the ted proved that babies distinguished colors only| Mother may | shades more suit- 1 a for the nurserv but His ing sother about his reading? | Majesty would not agree. A color To further his 1 scheme that would please him field and help would be white flat finish paint hink about and for the wall, and for the furniture red and blue enamel. in re 1 use it amused ase you can see You [THES AT A GENUINE SAVING! By G. CLEVELAND MYERS Trving to the nerves of a mother 1 te 1€ who is a s At home gins with the S pi can d ing and eatin ith e ) to I p, but we don't Xn h fi dm to and w the load age chil t akan going to bed a for school or doing A Texas mother bulle n, 'eight the work, tI € get ar s ( in t rd grad it done t . 1 s vanced WASTES TIME se ed, stamped him. Be many hool wor : na N can do d how e pro weeny VALUES from the President's ng about his bi 5 kind of | the you canichange food patiern C vorst . hore wo your tins, 1ild Who I Slowpoke 't Con school and clas 'He loves to read Wind tionally well, and read ' Pos. 'foul around': general Vad far in advance of ! PARENTS' QUESTIONS also loves football and all ' A, I sports. He belongs to the Cuby 1 nical skill but can't Scouts and € an the average other children Schoo! and ¢ ilar] "J ve have tried tal with him, re blue in their color recent exp States have ot! ' re * shows great, their pure state 1 reac 1 gets alor seven- think pastel attends Sunday r-old k succes vy when he at punist him of privile Any f 2 to his life, iving eR IN ING FOR BEST SELECTION! y Adi Sorte wifes NEYER BEFORE :.. A genuine A QUILTED innerspring mattress of this qual- 4 ty at so low a price. Check these features: deeply quilted covering usually found on mu . 'more expensive mattresses in a beauiful paisley print pattern; Full coil, special innierspring construction with crush-proof barders, cross- ventilation, easy-turn handles. Full or twin size. Matching box spring same low price. A special value of the Serta President's Sale. See it today! THE SERTA-QUILTFLEX 88 EACH PIECE Save on Banlon and Orion Swealers N NYLON SLIPS AND PETTICOATS TAS ADVERTISED IN A delectable Reg. to 2.95 | k i nylon slips and petticoats in top and embroidered Or 1 medium and large Slips, sizes 32 to 40 hs . " " : : . § ) and "plain neckline' Banlon leeve pullovers in oswrted shad 3-30 collection of all- t ) Novelty short fashion colors leeve an Si 1 r ps t 0 pullovers, sizes 14 to 2( to 40; petticoats, sizes small, n SKIRTS PR Skirts to contrast or mate with your favorite blouses or sweat- ers. Plain wools, plaids-or all- wool tweeds, many imported fabrics included. All new fash- ion colors. Sizes 10 to 20 iCED FOR SAVINGS Reg. to 5.95 3 HELEKGA NYLON TIGLTS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN Reg. Volues f ¥ ne d "N = 1.97 "TREMENDOUS BUYS" IN BLOUSES Reg. to 5.95 leeve blouses eral IL Buy two tired r three to peg Pp up those 1 Short or Famous Serta Stabilizer-Edge and Air Conditioned Border in the NEW Serta-Posture Only Serta could bring you such volue == and only during the Serta President's Sale! Authentic posture features! Matchless Serta quality! You could pay much more for a posture mattress == ond still not get superb sleeping comfort like this! ® Special innerspring construction for extra firmness. Extra "levelizing" layer. Handsome heavy-woven fabric cover, Multi-vent air conditioned border--let's your mattress actually breathe Famous Serta Stabilizer edge . . . will not buckle, sog or bend wardrobes prints, plar nd novelties in choice fabrics ron, Arr 12 to 20 Terylene, Dac nie GLOVE AND MITTS--REG. TO 1.95 mig | FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS A "must" winter days * THE Wool gloves and mitts with novelty SERTA'POSTURE 44° BUDGET TERMS seamless or full with reinforced madcap red, je olive green. children's for ages and leather trims. Some bulky knits 1. Mid blue Assorted color or LJ and large 5S, . 10 . 11 t YOU'LL FIND MANY, MANY MORE FASHION ITEMS ON SALE AT YOUR NEAREST REITMAN STORE . . ALL AT SAVINGS UP TO 50% Available with comfort co-ordinated box spring ot the same low price. See it now. 0. RA 5-3514 for snug warmth on chilly Reg. 2.95 Sizes $2 29 SIMCOE ST. 5. -- RA 5.6221 STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. Tues. Thurs 9 am to 1 pm Wed 9 om to 9 pm. Fri Assorted prints small, medium and large OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE--King St. West & Stevenson Rd STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wed 9:30 o.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fri 9:00 am. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdey RA 5.4361 & Sor. Tues