The Oshawa Times, 14 Jan 1960, p. 8

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teachers to determine the physi- cal fitness of children. Roll call was won by Mrs. Vio- let Scott's Grade 4 class. Refreshments were served by| Mrs. Gordon Butler and 'the mothers of the pupils in Grade 2. SOCIAL NOTICE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. William F. Loge- man of Oshawa wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Elaine Sylvia, to Mr. William A reminder was made of he{Eitsmanzice Dowd, a 2 pa Ritson School family skating|ocrnarc =. wi, 0 Ang party being held Thursday even. Nova Scotia, and the late Met ing, January 28, from 7.30 to 9.30|Dowd. The marriage took place| lat the Children's Arena, {on Saturday, December 19, at the | Mrs. Creamer announced the | Halifax my Shade With Cap- six - week leadership training|tain Thomas Be icisting, course being held by the Oshawa {Home and School Council in| O'Neil Collegiate, starts January 13. it was announced that one dol- lar per family donation voted in |favor over the usual once a year + |project is proving to be quite successful, although it is not as yet complete. Mrs. Steve Chomniak, program convener, introduced Leo Krantz, Chiropractor, who spoke on phy- sical fitness and discussed the mportance of correct posture and of the introduction in some schools of the new posture chairs [Simcoe Home and School Associa The attendance banner was won tion; Mr. George Fletcher, Board|by Mr. Frank Ross' room, Grade of Education, and Mr. Allan Dick-|6. Refreshments were served by {son. Their subject being religious|the social convener, Mrs, Erie Posture, Factor In Physical Fitness |Says H&S Speaker | Ritson Home and School Asso- ciation held its regular meeting lon Friday evening January 11 in {the school auditorium with Mrs, | {Carl Creamer presiding. | | Mrs. George Jones read the |secretary's report and the trea- surer's report was read by Mrs. George Cuthbert. GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES OSHAWA NATURALISTS* CLUB|January 27 and the February] For the mother and daughter|instruction in the schools. Brock, assisted by the mothers The Oshawa Naturalists' Clubimeeting will be held at the home|banquet letters are going to be| TWO accordian solos were play-|of the pupils of Miss Elsie Me- held its first meeting of 1960 at|of Mrs. Gordon Wonnacott, {handed out instead of tickets. ed by Mrs, Donna James, teacher|Cullough, Grades 3 and 4. the home of Mrs. F. R. Stephens,| Mrs. Alyn Elliott's team in the|These letters are to he signed|of Grades 4 and 5. Alexandra street. Executivelcopper contest entertained the|and handed back to the leaders. | It was decided that a carnival members were present from Bow- (winning team with games and| It was decided to buy 48/be held at a later date at manville, Pickering and Oshawa.|served refreshments, Brownie books called "So Now!North Oshawa community arena.| Plans were almost completed | : You are a Brownie." {A night of cards will be held Feb. minutes after the start of a for the January 25 meeting at] , CHALLENGER GROUP The Brownie annual report was|ryary 26 : |soccer match in this Glamor; McLaughlin Public Library. The The first meeting in the New|read by Mrs. Harold Mosier. It| Os re yin gan banquet is being replaced . this Year of the Challenge Group was/was decided to buy felt for the. shawa and District Home and|village the ball landed on the year with & social: sventvg. and held at Albert Street United baazar. School Council will be held Janu-| spike tip of a woman spectator's program. The executive feel that Church with the president, Mrs.| Refreshments were served b; {ary 2X, st the E. A. Lovell School.|umbrella -- and burst. Since no the coming year promises to be| reg Coleman presiding. Mrs. Mosier and Mrs. Melville[ i" Fhe and School meeting|other ball was handy, the match Tost Iiceresite ~The meeting opened by ail sing- Coolidge, Will be held February 2. was abandoned. At the close of the meeting Mrs. (B® the theme Song, The Lord's . " Stephens served refreshments, | rayer was repeated in unison. 11TH GROUP COMMITTEE | Mrs. Coleman's theme was| The 11th Group Committee Girl WESTMINSTER The Good Shepherd. "Wha t|Guide Association held its regu-| UNITED CHURCH nan of you, having a hundred|lar meeting at Guide House with| NOW IN PROGRESS (Women's Federation) sheep, if he lose one of them go Mrs. Charles Stainton presiding. | LOOK FOR PRINTS The regular meeting of West- after that which is lost until he) The minutes were oll by "ef ' Spring usually brings forth a minster United Church Women's|found it." The most beautiful Stephen Wotton and Mrs. Luthe shower of prints and this year is! Federation was held at the home|teaching of Jesus was m Ane airs. Jnter ade wi 3 9 a ' no exception. A refreshing change of Mrs. Kenneth Wright, Scott's he was in Jerusalem, the Me Locke gave the treasurer's re- of patterns including abstract, road. Mrs. Warner Brown presid-|year of his life and told about his post. modern designs will make anjed and Mrs. Robert Gow gave the life as a shepherd. Mrs. Arthur Mrs, Stephen Wotton, Brown impression on the market plus|secretary's report and Mrs. Jack|Walker closed the devotional with Owl of the 11th Brownie Pack,| new florals small and large, Westlake, the treasurer's report. prayer. installed the following officers for | spaced and densed. White, which|Mrs. Jack Allen had charge of, "Thoughts for the day" were 1960: president, Mrs, Charles| is being hailed as the top neutral the devotional period. read by Mrs. Stewart Graham Stainton; secretary, Mrs. Gordon is seen as a ground for beige, Mrs. Kenneth Wright was ap-|Mrs. Alec Maracle, Mrs. Arthur| Lcire; treasurer, Mrs. Edward brown and a combination of blue pointed secretary for relief and Walker, Mrs. David McCann and | Thompson; press reporter, Mrs. and green prints, Splashes of supply work and Mrs. Clarence! Mrs, Edward Holland |George Arkwright. white accent the traditional Scott, secretary for devotional| The secretary read the minutes. | A night of cards will be held spring favorite, navy, as well as|life and Christian stewardship. |The treasurer and Sick commit. lon February 12 at Guide House grays and black, In solid colors,| The executive to hold aitee gave reports. "|Plans for the mother and ing {for pupils. A number of tests were the following pale tones are pre-| meeting in the near future to plan Plans were dot or BE a ighs demonstrated which are gradual-|dicted to please: light beige, the programs and appoint con- wedding pi Sana 'o cater to a February were di il ed ate Iv being done throughout the foggy yellow, porcelain green and! veners for the following months. x alnrday Union Jack will b a y [schools by physical education lilac. Proceeds from the talent money| RUNDLE PARK AUX. the Guide a eased aid The minutes were read by Mrs. |ed Church 50-50 Club held their Albert Crowell. The treasaver's|'€gular meeting recently. A pot project were turned in with! phe Leoular Wh regular meeting of the! Refreshments were served by ONES, report by Mrs. John Hanson and|luck supper held in the Sunday SURPRISE HALT the LLWYNPIA, Wales (CP)--Four | SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! ® LOWER LEVEL o Week-end Specials Highland Queen SKIRTS 4.40 9.78 876 ALL SALES FINAL e ALTERATIONS EXTRA Blacks LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 Open Friday Evening Till 9 p.m. a | I NEW YEAR WEDDING and Mrs. Gordon James Dun- can of Oshawa and the bride- groom is the son of Mrs. Peter Bremner of Oshawa and the late Mr. Bremner, --Photo by Mary's Studio 100% pure wool, pleated authentic plaids. Regular 25.00. SALE .... SLIMS Regular 16.95. SALE .... VESTS Regular 10.95. SALE .... the book "African Manhunt" SC " on, presiding a seve: A " Mrs. John Umphrey had a dis- So Dr 2 and seven members play of all-occasion cards and valentines will be available if an: of the members desire them. 50-50 CLUB Members of Simcoe Street Unit- Pictured after their wedding recently at King Street United Church are Mr, and Mrs. Clif- ford Arthur Bremner. Formerly | Miss Betty Jane Duncan, the bride is the daughter of Mr. Library Facilities For Children | Theme Of Talk At H&S Meeting, | The Duke School very gratifying results Rundle Park adi TR und Mrs. Thomas Mooreroft read (wa held ede sila Mrs, Dennis Tyce and Mrs. several interesting passages from the president, Mrs. James Han Thompson. : s. James Han- 112TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. social convener's report hy Mrs, School room preceded attendance The 12th Oshawa Scout Moth- Percy Walters. at the meeting of the week of er's Auxiliary held its first meet-| Prizes f prayer held in St Andrew's | Is Do Ae i zes for January euchre are ; v YF i. gt go Ney Year 2 Harmony ito be bought by Mrs, Hanson |CRited Church. Men of the club| nitec nireh Mrs. |The euchre series to begin again assisted with the ushering at this] LaSalle presiding. fon January 7 with new euchre| Co: | | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 14, 1960 the aud television. It was announced| hat a Council meeting will be| January meeting of of nburgh Home anc| Association was held at{held on January 26. ghlin Public Library.| Refreshments were served by| Harry of children's Miss Enid dren's depa Miss Wa outlined ng, er address.) program Once a ccompany | TE py Si00tes vere Toad treysurer's| Cards. Pot luck supper is to be At the business meeting follow-| |report given by Mrs. Earl Gat-| held at next meeting, fe ice niin chell. Two conveners were absent 4TH GROUP COMMITTEE | made reference to the executive's| iy MAL Christmas gifts | Girl Gaade ah SomImitice of the plans for the year S 1stmas §g Arl Guide Association i { to the troop leaders were discuss-| first meeting of the year a QUEEN ELIZABETH H-S led. It had been gacided > pre<\Park Clubhouse with 11 mem.| Queen Elizabeth Home and |sent gifts to the fioop Jens ors 28 bers present. Mrs, Harold Mosier|School Association held its regu- ja Sup rather 3 28 Sndividua (presided. {lar meeting with the president, Me chairman |Mrs. J. E. Elliott and her com-| | or of En I soketing The minutes and correspond-|Mrs. Douglas Branton, presiding. Boni L | Jtask o Sibi ng hal Sarel ence were read by Mrs, John| Mrs. Keith Taggart, religious| ng Eo 2 fo oma Empl two Prack and Mrs. Thomas Hornsby education chairman, was in| ¢ Hi a Poles, skipping Yope and gave the treasurer's report. {charge of the program w hich was| LODGES AND [knot tying kit. Money was given, It Was decided that the mem. |in the form of a discussion panel. L to the Harmony. Church W.A. for Jerskip fee be rais d. It was also | Mrs. Keith Taggart introduced Kitchen privileges. Secu ed to donate $5 to the 1st/those taking part. The Reverend SOCIETIES Through the efforts of the Group Ishawa Bor Scouts for use of|H. A. Mellow as moderator; Mrs. [Committee with the aid of the their hall on December 5. |Donald Stiles, president of North | TEND AHAND CLUB ; | |Ladies Auxiliary the sale of to make ary facilities stated they | 2 i " Christmas trees was a great suc- The Lend-A-Hand Club held its] 4 lcess and the group wished to ways to give in- regular meeting in the Oddfel- thank all who patronized | help to children who are/iows Hall. Sister Viola Keeler, It was decided that the affilia-| f with reading and president, presided, assisted by {tion dues be paid. Ildren should have Sister Nelda Thompson, vice- | The February meeting on ime they are four|president. | Thursday, February , : to be book, "Parents' i {held in the form of a Valentine's Guide to Children's Reading" by The meeting Opened with prey f 1 lcard party, each member bring- Nancy Larrick, was recommend-|*" roll call and minutes, cards| | ; ; g ling guests and 50 cents per per- ed. It is also considered impor-|of thanks and holiday greetings ; tant that children have some were read. Sister Viola Keeler books of their own. and Sister Thompson reported on Miss Wallace reviewed IWO| pricimas visits to shut-ins, Sis- books which have been Youd one ter Eva Hastings reported on her standing Canadian books %, visit to Madeline Guernette at Golden Phoenex oy Marius Cobourg Hospital and taking Barbeau, and "'Nkwala" by Edith| cy, isimag gifts from the club, Lambert § Rebekah Lodge 3 and CP and T| Parents en the pam- f(nd. phlet, "One Hundred Books For Family Fun", which Miss Wal- lace discussed, and her descrip tion of he children's storie in the pamphlet was most in g. In closing, Miss Wallace invited the mem- bers to look over the many books OUR CUSTOMERS GET xious |son. Refreshments were served bv Mrs. Penhale and Mrs. Gat- |chell. CENTRE STREET W.A. (East Group) The January meeting of the {East group 'of the WA of Centre | Street United Church yas held 3 {the home of Mrs. Alyn Elliot i | | Mrs. W. B. Miller, the new group Sister Alice Hayton gave her i ; ; leader, presided. report on CP and T, also the an.| i |" "Mrs, Roy Bishop in the devo- nual report. | |tional period, reading a scripture After the reports of commit- |and poems entitled "Thoughts for| tees installation of new officers| {the New Year" and "A Golden took place, Sister Mary Jacklin,| |Gate of Opportunity". installing officer, and Sister Hel-| | Copper Captains were appoint- on display, and a number of the ©" Kinsman, marshal. | led for 1960, Mrs. Charles Ed-| parents took advantage of the Officers installed were: past| |wards and Mrs, E. R. Goyne. It] opportunity to enrol their chii-|president, Sister Viola Keeler;| |was decided to have 'Sunshine dren as members of the library. president, Sister Nelda Thomp- {Bags' again in 1960 and conven- Mrs. Walter Bilsky thanked son; vice-president, Sister Gla-| {ers were appointed for the spring Miss Wallace dys Blyth; secretary, Sister| |bazaar. For the spon Rpving oo Hox . {Amelia Weeks. Mrs, E. W. Howard anc Ts. Mrs. F. € Malloy resided) | : : , over the businges mesting im the| Sister. Nelda Thompson pre. Earl Bilcox and for children's) absence of president, Mrs. sented past president, Sister Vio-| wear and fancy work, Mrs. Gordon Jackson la Keeler, with a gift on behalf Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Ontario. His great-grandpar- Perey Fletcher: ex Ne The minutes of the previous Of the Shub. Sister Gladys By Joseph Reese, Beaupre A | ents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael |° in wo ih sale will be held} meeting were read by the secre- ppropriate card. Sister Kelly Is the grandson of Mr. Zamrouk of Kitchener the Church hall on January 26 tary. Mrs. Roy Pearse, and Mrs Keeler expressed her thanks for| and Mrs. Steve Rzany, Stacey hal : . : at the Chure Ae oi yy Jack Wise, treasurer. gave her the gift. avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Photo -- Bill Stannett, Whitby |The Senior W./ . wi Teel on, report. Parents were reminded f of the family skating party to be held on February 18 at the children's arena. Mrs. D. L. Bowen will be in charge of the February meeting, and has arranged a panel dis cussion on the subject of radio 1 i ...and LOWEST MEAT PRICES in OSHAWA STEAKS and ROASTS BONELESS PRIME 79 C 39 Round Steak Roast RIB ROAST Sirloin & Wing Steak Mea u CLUB & BLADE STEAKS 59. | Boneless Pot Roast RIB STEAKS . . .. 169 1b. 49¢ SHANKLESS SMOKED PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDERS : 39 SPARERIBS nb. 39. HAMS BE REGULAR DINNER HAMS (Ready to Serve), , lb, .89¢ c+... 1b. 85¢ FRESHLEG 'OPORKROAST: + + « « « « + . . lb, 49¢ FRESH PORK SHOULDERS stuffed and Oven Ready + 1b. 59¢ LEAN, MEATY SPARERIBS sited and Oven Ready « 1b. 49° SLICED Breakfast Bacon 2 lbs. 1.00 COOKED HAM Ib. 79° 3 Ibs. 1.00 many of d out & HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ONE-YEAR-OLD One year old today is Kelly | Georgeff of New Hamburg, t ) } \ OUR ENTIRE STOCK Linen Table Cloths In Cutwork and Domask Place Mat Sets Lace Table Cloths Tea Sets Fancy Pillow Cases 20% OFF REGULAR PRICES WARD'S CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON AT 31 SIMCOE ST. §. Be Wise -- Move In On The Bargains SMALL EOYS' WABAS HEETS BASS0S SLACKS LEAN and MEATY NESBITT'S LADIES WEAR Is Continuing Their JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE NOTICE The new manage- ment of Nesbitt's is striving to make this their best sale ever by offering store - wide reduc- cotton muslin for long Tapped. Strong wear. Double or single size 4.55 PAIK 1] (Pillow Cases to match 1.00 pr.) 2 styles by "Gay-Togs" to choose from CLUB STYLE .. Each pair lo 2-3x 3.29 Size Reg. 2.29 Size 4-6x. Reg. ALL WOOL : KENWOOD'S 20% OFF REGULAR PRICE LINEN TEA TOWELS These are old-standby known by "Glass Towel" woven in the colored border and ends. Good drying linen. Size 22 x 32. Colors red, green ond blue. Reg. 59¢ each. 2 FOR 98 FREEZER SPECIAL Beef Front Quarters Cut and Wrapped Ib, SALZESON GARLIC FLAVORED Ib. 39 HEADCHEESE A once-a-year clearance of over« stock of colors and display soiled blankets. Good assortment to choose from SKINLESS WIENERS SAUERKRAUT 2 lbs. 29¢ PORK HOCKS 5 Ibs. 1.00 Smoked BACON SQUARES 4 lbs. 1.00 "BUCILLA" CALENDAR TOWELS A novel Terry cloth Towel print- ed with 1960 Calendar. Com- plete with tasselled cord ond "CABIN CRAFT" BEDSPREADS A quality item aot a great saving . Fine all-over needletuft on heavy cotton cotton fringe and rounded comers. Shades of Rose, Maize, Blue, DRAPERIES Bolts and bolts, -- all types df fabrics . , . Fortisans, Fibreglas, Plains, Floral, Moderns bor. Red or tions up to 50%. hanging Aqua Pink, Beige, Natural, White, Reg. 89c. 2" 1.00 Reg. to 2.98 yord 1.39 YARD Double Bed size. Reg. 21.95. 15.95 "< 33 KING ST. E RA 5-0532 FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAGE 5 Ibs. 1.00 CHICKEN WINGS 4 lbs. 1.00

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