THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jenuery 14, 1960 27 Australia To |GM Scheme : Attacked Aid Farmers pope ADELAIDE (CP) -- The Aus- ments and the federal bureau of tralian treasury for the first time agriculture economics revises the| By HAROLD TILLEY a may have to give direct financial when New South Wales was sue-| Press Corresp | assistance in 1960 - 61 to help cessively hit by drought and then MELBOURNE (CP)--Political | wheat farmers meet rising pro- flood, it became cheaper to im- leaders and newspapers are at-| duction costs. port wheat 8,000 miles from Van- Jacking plans w, General Motors, & ing _couver than ship it 2,500 miles Jerporation to eliminate Austral-| JHready smarting eo price after reviewing costs of la- ian shareholders from its local| Australian history, farmers now bor, fuel, machinery and genera! subsidiary which produces the] face a lower export price than maintenance. : : popular Holden car. | it costs to produce their wheat Main reason for this season's| The effect of a GM share-offer| owing to a 3.4-per-cent rise in the rise in production costs is as-\would be to make the Australian a indus cision of e yea -lof the parent corporation, exclud-| ot Te Ki gid bitration Court in June, authoriz-ling it from the requirement of cial wheat stabilization reserve ng an increase of wages Jor alli publishing in Australia a balance fund to make up the difference Workers in (usualis 2 15s)sheet, profit or dividend. between the export and the cost ed 2 eins has over-all Labor Opposition Leader Her- of production price guaranteed by coro "0 of index by 3.4 per cent bert Evatt termed it a "tactic the Australian wheat board. © bi y 9.0 I 'ito hide profits" and he declared Grain growers contribute to this LOWER YIELD LIKELY that "huge corporations th fund when the export price is. Average wheat production in| their take - over techniques are higher than the home price. Australia is 180,000,000 bushels, bent on destroying the equity of "Indications are that we willlbut this season's harvest likely | Australians in their own eoun have to draw on the reserve fund will reap only 140,000,000 bushels ty. and this could be to the extent because of drought. Annual do-| Conservative Premier E. of 17.500,000 Australian ($16,500, mestic consumption is 60,000,000 Bolte of Victoria state, where 000)." said T. C. Stott, secretary bushels and the rest has to be General Motors - Holden is lo > of the Australian Wheatgrowers' exported. cated, announced that spocial . Here's 8 golden chance to really stretch Federation, in an interview. In South Australia, wheve|legislation will be introduced | a : . {wheatbelt rainfall was less than when the legislature opens in| every January food dollar SPECIAL LEGISLATION .|one-half the average over the last March to. prevent any organiza- | Switch to DOMINION . . . treat your family "In the event of prices remain-'100 years, production is likely to tion keeping its profits secret. ing at the same level next year iymble from 30.000,000 to 6,000,-| Australian Prime Minister Rob- : : - to good old-fashioned foods. You know, the fund would become exhausted goo bushels. Three years v0 opt Menzies would not Comment hg h a those delightfully delicious, extra whole- and under special legislation the from Western Australia, because pt Te has said several times Australian goverment wo uid of Australia's high cost shipping|ihat overseas investors in Aus- Here ore foods guaranteed "10. set your have to subsidize ie Celciency rates 3 : tralia should allow the people of . fornily's appetites a-tingling , toed thet up to a maximum of 100,000,000 Under Australia's grain mar-'the country to share in their pF gling 0 0 busels of export wheat." keting system, the Australian equity capital. 3 represent real honest value. No frills, no This season's guaranteed do- wheat board has sole statu have tHe Biltavest o fancy stuff, but chock-full of nourishment mestic cost of production price, authority' to receive, store and (Jovan Hie bitterest coment J nd the kind of flavour that makes every announced Dec. 1, has risen by sell wheat. The board has a gov-| 1 "roi eader, Ww To: described : 4d (four cents) to 14s 10d ($1.63) ernment-appointed chairman and uy Font eration' attitude onds." a bushel, The present export four milling delegates, but 25 Jone and cver-hoaring in econd wheat price in Australia, based practice is run by representatives the worst traditions of 19th 'cen This week, during January Sale, DOMINION on Manitoba No. 3, approximates of the farmers themselves, The Youial pe ' teoturing. 'wonderfully of tizin eo the International Wheat Agree- nine growers on the 14 - man/tWIY colonialism. . - Eh ca 3 ; ppe 9 yet ment floor price of 13s 8d ($1.50), board are invariablv th 1» The only champion for GM, ruly economical foods, Stock up and save! although in some cases Australia men elected by rank and file of apart from its own spokesmen, sells overseas at a higher price.|state wheatgrowers' associations seemed fo be Sydney's Sunday The Australian wheat board's|to the national committee of the Telegraph which described the For All Your Baking--Domestic Fed- outburst as '"'more hysterical base cost of production price is Australian Wheatgrowers' OL established every five years but eration than realistic." Tenderloin End Roast altered upwards or downwards In each state wheat handling GM has offered to buy out annually according to changes in|authorities are licensed by the locally-held six-per-cent preferred the farm cost index. A three-man wheat board to receive deliveries shares of £1 each for £1 15s, L ) | committee. representing gr ain'of wheat. about 75 cents above the current yme foods thot made Grandmother fomous body tuck right in and then holler for er stock market value. The deal THE LIBRARY WORLD OE 2% Pride of New Orleans--Small, Fancy PORK registered a subsidiary company General Motors Australia PTV . . hd Limited--with a nominal capital . L Loi Gossip Can Ruin "i: : . pen Aki GM already holds al' ! PORK dinary share capital and 26,164 of the 561.600 preferred share Tia Ha Romance offer remains open until Feb. 20.8 Ashton Brand Fancy Whole Newspapers have said that GM CHOPS ] did not invest one dollar of share a buted by a member |more and more capital in the Holden project In- of the McLaughlin Public Li How much of the truth is worth i funds Were bor TO APRICO ; S a i brary Staff.) searching for and what degree of ofits after dividends. Lean Meaty THE SLANDER OF WITCHES rea] consolation or unnecessary A New York report quoted a By Richard Gehman. . suffering does it lead to is a point|GM official as saying the com- : Thou shalt not bear false wil- yell made in this novel, but the|pany js aware of Australian crit Puritan Brand wess against thy neighbor". This| answer to the question is left en-/joism but it was impossible even eommandment, so often and $0 tirely up to the reader. a (hia a Ln wilfully disregarded, has prob-| dis iy Hie : wr Ame rigans to buy shares in . h | 24 bly ined more good lives than he author is quite a versatile GM subsidiaries. ] bs » other kind of epidemic |writer being a poet, a playwright] GM-H preferred shares repre- OX. M iP . and essayist as well as a novelist. sented only one per cent of the Tin Mr, Gehman has created a : : | + {He is considered one of the|net worth of the company and as Janne, Heanin gil dramatic story greatest living masters of France. preferred shareholders had nc + cgi " % lequity, they were not being de- a . ed by false and idle HosSiD. NEWS ITEM ety Ae ern ay he trl] Ontario or New Brunswick No. 1 Good Keepers Louise Wood was an attractive,| pittle People's Film Hour The Holden, specially designed intelligent girl, who returnedipeld in the auditorium every Sat-|{ strali conditions after a trip abroad to her home yrday at 2.30 p.m. Films for Jan. od get vsiralian Solditions. in a small provincial Pennsyl-|23 are as listed: Wairakie, Three market and Australla has be- Ib vania town. Little Kittens, Bushland Sym-'come the springboard to new . : She took a job as a personal phony, The More We Get To- markets in New Zealand, South- secretary to Charles Morrison, @|gether and Mouse and The Lion. east Asia and other countries. Bag B prominent lawyer, who was also an old friend. Although these two became quite attracted to and de- . Hn mrs TELEVISION LOG Economical Ontar onomical Ontario No. 1 never would have been con i 7 scious of it to the extent of dis | Tender & Sweet, Suncrest Brand playing or divulging this deep, CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto 4 1 2 mutual admiration WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buftale WROC-T 5 : 1b : But malicious gossip-mongers > ane =Buftaly 'WROCYY Cuannel. Rochester a Gncy eas eans Pry . 2 h jo for created a situation that caught WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo these lonely people in a web of circumstances that developed Adds Zest To Spaghett Brand Plain into fatal tragedy for them and| THURSDAY EVE. | 4--Film Festival 6--This Is Alive others whose lives they touched 5:00 P.M. | FRIDAY Syn2ionse on High 10 This amazing story should spread 11--Family Theatre 7:00 AM. Street ® a blanket of guilt over all tale.| 6--This Living World 3:2---To-day T-Ferial Dramas 9 Os. \ Dearing busy-bodies who enjoy be-| S_ERYhOuSe once | 7 wind AM. hil Si Tins smirching innocent victims | 2=Three Stooges | 7--Window on the World | S-Pattl's Playhduse ; e Stoog | 4--News Roundup 53--8plit Personality ADVENTURESS by 5:15 P.M. 8:15 A.M. 4--Edge of Night Jules Romains, | Pear i | 4--Captain Kangarce | FRIDAY EVENING | NAA Beaumarchais' famous dictum.) vimoos ud boibtds | y_pea3) AM. 5:00 P.M. | T--Devotion -- 4 "Slander and keep on slandering:| 6--Roy Rogers | 9:00 i M Dy heute some of the mud will stick" -Huckicbors Houma ERM hh Plier ier Tramp Just Heat and Serve at 5 Availabl ly at Domini finds truth in this novel with a, 00 Py. | 7--Komedy Korner | #--Learn About Fresh Cod S 12 v only et Dominion i ative ev {2} a EWS | 5--Ding Ix School | Yesterday ave (4 : ' as nN oa background of his native country. | 7. y Show LD nS hose | 3-Roy FS Serve Often--Libby s Fancy D " Pure C This book is more than just th Bengal Lancers | 2.1 Led Three Lives :15 P.M. A ® what its title implies, an excit-| ad SPM | 9:30 AM. "iim h 24. ® ® : g 5 arrativ v is | 11--Movie what its till implies, an excl), poucummints | ugar 10 | 50 BM iS DNS c omato Juice Milk Bu S € the impact of gossip and slander, |; _ramily Theatre | 5--Burns and Allen | 6--Mighty Mouse it is a satire on everyday hypo-| 5-4-2--News; Weather 4--You and Your Family | eracy and morals, and a caustic 6:45 P.M. | 2--Helen Neville i s-class ...| 5--Huntley-Brinkley 10:00 A.M. Barly Show % x comment on middle-class compla- > Ro ssn AN, ! Garden Fresh Ready to Serve in Minutes cency and morals. A young man,| 6.42 News | 4--Red Rowe Shi I awa, n. " Henri Chauverel, became so ob- 7:00 P.M. AN Lf Te Baer Broder Fancy Save 19¢ 20 Italian Style Lancia sessed with a desire to uncover 6-Tabloid 7--Morning Show | s--Colonel Flack oz LJ ° = Spaghetti 29- 'g 5--The Detectiv 52--Play Yi Hunch 12.07. his. stepmother's past, and the| Tie Deisctve | EEoriay Vou Munch | 4:30 P.M. oz, impact of slander unravelling! a shotgun Slade 11:00 AM 11--Family Theatre POLY whetted his inquisitive appetite' 7:15 P.M. l1--Jane Gray j o2-News; Sports | BAGS a, and sense of so-called moral duty News Weather | sa price 1s Right } 454 S35 PML kscov :30 P.M. | 4=1 Love Lucy | 8:54-2News v to uncover or discover more and| I hig i 7:00 P.M. ; Gale Storm 6--Tabloid Plan C ti Border Patol | 4-December Bride | {puoi ONE, Special Purchase o Te Trut Ci trati 1a; " . an onvention 2 Law of the Plains | 12:00 NOON | Rew mM » 2-Law of the 11--Bugs y ht Br Tikitar Teco =H En rk ° 1s 00 Just Heat & Serve--Ayimer Condensed 7: M. ews: Weather { : M. oz. " es tiny A Truth or | 6---Bachelor Father i n BaMBAY A Heady - ts | 7--Disney Rd It s Tina eonventi o-Aslan coun 8:00 P.M 12:15 P.M. | 4 Western "an 6--Provincial Affairs 11--Anything Goes tries on Tibet has been planned jis Deputy S--Matinee | 5--Real McCoys in India. It probably will begin 7--Donna Reed 12:30 P.M. 2-People Are Funny Feb. 19. 32_Bat Masterson | 11--News Ie 8:00 P.M. Serve Chilled---S T . etty utton | 7-1 " -- Count: Hoed: I -- Jayaprakash Narayan, chair- 8:30 P.M. Ahonen tox Tomorrow | 3-Trouble Shooters | 8 weet Yvert man of the preparatory bureau 11-6-Talent Caravan 2-It Could Be You 8:30 P.M. 10 " of the convention and. one of 3 Real McCoys 12:45 P.M. 11-6- Four Just Men i ® 20 India's front-rank Socialist lead-| 53. mony, mingo H-dovie Matinee x Van Fiom oz ° g BC y } oc 26eq'0 4--Guiding Light be ckhawk | . z. ers, has been approaching Asian 9:00 P.M. | 1:00 P.M. 52---Telephone Hour | Tins =" Ti and African diplomats and re-|11-OHA Junior Hockey VeoAbout. Faces 4--Hotel de Paree b ns 7 9:00 P.M. rts the response to the idea is| © Pat Boone 4-Meet The Millers ery good." Opening of | 2-Mid-day Matines 116-Flying Doctor v Parliament 1:30 P.M 7--77 Sunset Strip Narayan, who has just returned | 5-2-Bachelor Fathe va 4--Playhouse f . Zane Gray Theatr 7--For The Ladies w India after touring Europe a ara eatre | 4--The World Turns 9:30 P.M. ANNAN said most Afro-Asian countries) ; 3:3 Pv. | 2:00 P.M. It Ontario This Week i will participate in the convention 6_Man From 7-Day in Court Suntssee Ernie | . ' Man From 2-Dey it Co --M Squad Firm Golden Yellow Ripe 3 STS AT and many Western countries are Blackhawk | 52-Queen For A Day 10:00 P.M. expected to send observers 32 untae Ae | 4-For Better Or Worse | !16:3-2--Cavalcade of Observers expect the conven 10:00 P.M. i 1 P.M. SO inotives W ne exper te sen [ia nar hoa | 14 verything Guaranteed at sequent to the flight of the Dalai >You Bet Your Life |, (ool Pf :30 P.] Lama, the course of the anti-|y; gy. 115 P.M. | i~Gale Storm 7--Sea Hunt Communist struggle in Tibet and he Gab Bag I 4 House Party | 10:45 P.M. an 10:30 P.M 2-The Thin M 11-6--Jim Cole: ®h > measures taken to provide relief 11Headline 3:00 1 as 32 kpet a hoy . to the more than 14,000 Tibetan Border Patrol Hb P.M a 11:00 P.M, rty | 00 P.M, refugees now in India, TPA for Th | 7--Beat The Clock 11.7-6.5-42 News: Sports re 3Tombstane Territory | 37 Wai pl PY. 1:00 P.M. | alone | 7--Playhouse 4 ROAD DEATHS 11.765 4-2 LM Sports | 3:30 P.M. | 8-~Viewpoint LONDON (CP) -- A total of 65 : hs 11--Music For You 11:30 P.M. Ibs peotile were illed on British! LLL . Loa vo To Sou Tous H~late Show roads in October, says the min. 8--Viewpoint 52 From The 2 oots | 53 bag i ini i i istry of transport. This was an| >-SPyeresl | The Verdict Ts Yours | 4 M.GM Theatre Values Effective At Your Dominion Store In Oshawa & Whitby Until 6 P.M. Jan. 16th 130 P.M. 1:00 P.M 1:00 AM. DOMINION STORES LTD. Increase 32 1 pet cent over the ,, 4 Show 11F same mo 195 : a Popeye 7-8an Francisco Be 958. | 5:3--Jack Paar | 7--American Bandstand | 2--The Famspocies 4 . %