The Oshawa Times, 13 Jan 1960, p. 12

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to prison for arything from five) = { Miss Phyllis DeCosimo later 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 13, 1960 kends fe eight years, depending on how | Police Hunt told police she saw a small boy hos 1o3eS long the prison's board thinks it | carrying the baby 'almost up-| necessary to protect the public| side down," about two hours Former Nova Scotian |InPrison I EE Se Boy Suspect %....rnesw] ORGAN MUSIC thinks he has repented and is he TORONTO (CP) -- Police are raining and the boy seemed in| ~ ~ ic|searching for a 10-year-old boy|d r of falling on th ide- x : formed, thev can recommend his ange alling on the Icy side Colin Corbett, The Poet Of The Y Ex erimen release to the minister of justice.|they believe took an infant girliga i» she said, : Guards US. Treasur Pp irom a baby carriage outside 2a} She took the infant from the) Hammcnd Organ, a east Toronto store Tuesday. The | PRETORIA (Reuters) -- South ART TREASURES | baby was found unharmed. {boy who said he was taking it CAITNGTON, a ys 1 ovis BR Rye A SEiiag vessels in he salviAftiony Su 30d prisons arel From 1510 the sad of the 1959| Mrs. Leonard Tindall said she/home to his grandmother. The APPEARING NIGHTLY AT THE VASHINGTO! Ap 3, MOS, | Work. of bis ; i u on, the fa ; tea o f he most energetic guardians of| ? . |canApA's LOSS {types of punishment in an a seas n he Tous left her baby, Diana Louise, (boy fled. he United States treasury is a MUCH LAXITY | Young Gerhardt, whose mother|tempt to find ways of making| "8 BS TOC ion rooms in Lon-\couan months, outside the store] Miss DeCosimo took the infant GENOSHA HOTEL ; "anadian Ww his er 's /hi S_un-igtil] lives i yl : N ri ss like retribu-|don sold £22,240,000 worth of arts b 15 minut d then/home where her father, Philli former Canadian who left his na- Gerhardt's job, which falls un-istill lives in Bridgewater, N.S. prison treatment less like retribu-| ; or about 15 minutes an en| e where ather, ip, live Maritimes as a youth, driven|der the office of the U.S. comp-|jpined the Halifax branch of the tion and more like rehabilitation. treasures. Ifound the infant was gone. {called police. | soross the border by a roving in-|troller general, is to examine the|Bank of Montreal at 18 and two| The new form which so far has|---- shin i tinct and a search for greater accounts of certain federal de-|years later took an accounting|attracted most public attention is| ppportunity. | parimens and a report to Cou job with a Boston Hm He later| periodic imprisonment, or "'wech-| i i ww..ring |Bress if there are any irregular-hecame a certified public ac-lepds in jail"'--sentences of be-| "I'y 3 Was od FTP Haves slap, RE i; : ends in jal e: I've found it here in hing-lities in expenditures or slackness|countant, moved into the U.S. tween 180 and 1,000 hours to be ion," says L. Kermit Gerhardl,ii;"otficiency of operations Nav ot 3 oti A A : 3 i o ? y a S. Navy cost inspection service in| gcerved piecemeal. The idea is not| ( R L S E : Sy a gens jig Bin His specific responsibility in-11942 and then. into the govern-io disrupt a prisoner's productiv-| A The laughter ...the loving... the happy living Who ef _ cludes such important govern- ment's general acounting office|jty, It applies to all crimes ex-| SE re 4: as the Fed in 1948. He's been there ever|cept murder, rape, robbery or of a wonderful guy make this eo 44 s i "|Space Agency, the Atomic since, rising to his present ap-|those for which whipping is com- : L wewspapers. I'm not that import| PV. JuiniCiion, "Federal Hous. polntment a few months ago. = |pulsory. The C.R.A. announces the start of Amateur Woodworking classes. ! ant, img Administration, the Panama| When it was suggested that the|" But 'there are two other kinds § Yet, Gerhardt, born in the Nova cana) Zone and a number of U.S. gain in Canadian talent isiof punishment equally important Project classes for beginners and for those who wish to improve their wood- Scotia hamlet of LaHave, has be-| other civilian departments. Canada's loss, Gerhardt agreed. in the experiment in penal re- working skills pome one of the U.S. govern-| ¥ i als] "But as you know, there form. [ ment's top auditors. As associate| We don't find many scanda S| was limited opportunity in Nova| One is imprisonment for cor- Registration is for a series of 8 weekly classes--one on Mondays, one on director of civil accounting and but we do find a lot of cases of|g. ia in my time there. A lot of |rective training. This now can be Wednesdays auditing, he daily scuritinizes ex- iaxity Ju operations: Ne Sout us were attracted to the United administered by the courts in ys: enditures that run into billions|With departments fo get the | States. ases where they think it woula . . . » of dollars a year. [fuprove. 1 Suey don't, we report!" gp ytd more Canadians come good fie who have To register and for further information on fees, etc. contact "My job is my life," says Ger-|them to Congress. to the U.S.? I don't know. I don't|previous convictions and appar- . - kardt, a naturalized U.S. citizen.| Gerhardt may have inherited know enough about conditions in pe are heading the wrong way C.R.A,, 100 Gibb Street, RA 5-1111. "I live alone in my apartment. his roving instinct from his!Canada now to make any recom- put are still worth trying to res- I'm not much of a churchgoer, father, a master mariner who|/mendations." cue. I've got my friends. Sometimes'captained three - masted ocean- Ki | . this ; Li --_,,seen, i -- - Wien 5 Sout ImDoses io Woodshop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays under supervision. : » sentence the convicted person 3 Killed, 20 Injured goes to prison for anything from two to four years, depending on TELEVISION L OG In Train Accident ox, 2, ie," Senos NANCY, France (Reuters) _land background, think it neces- CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto! Three persons were killed and|sary to cure him of his tenden- : t 20 sre sured when alcies and train him to earn an - WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester . ach on we : nd ree oe honest living. 3 BIG Hi TS | ACTION .. wi. COMEDY ® 'GR.TV y ; 'ha __Ruffale 20d then overturned near here| The other is imprisonment for AND ADVENTURE WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo Tuesday night. the prevention of crime. This The train was running from sentence is jmposed a peopl RHINE rs PV 5 onl Ba . wwe this town to Chateau-Salins, 19/who previously have had a spell] ¥ v WEDNESDAY EVE, Din: Dong School THURSDAY EVE. miles away. of corrective training and been ACROSS MOUNTAIN;AND DESERT is : HIT NO 3 V : yline Lito P.M. released, or who already have - ad . ° 9:30 AM: | 6--mnis : had prison senterices aggrogating/ ROBERT , RICHARD Movie | 5--Playhc three years for serious offences. | mi arn Ab THEATRE GUIDE | I ns that the co! t goes TAYLOR WIDMARK | Classes will commence when there is sufficient registration. per room It mea Burns and Allen ee te | MGM prosants Brock (Whitby) -- "The Journey" a | 7.00-and 9.30 p.m. Last com- THE x BEE 3 y ; ! vioh 2M, " : Mite SN | plete show at 9.00 p.m. Is the younger generation © oe bs od DANA ANERENS H0E POMEL 4 Hear the AR end THE theme song. v Hound Bowery Boys ENCHANTED see P.M | 2.25, 6.20, 10.25 p.m. "The Law . J rant AW i © i MGHTY: 68 News and Jake Wade", 1.00, 4.55, 9.00 : oN B Bh' F 4 ; p.m. "Hot Shots", 3.50, 7.55 To-morrow Night = AND : Tr / EN TR OF | ) =~ JAKE WADE Si ©); of MIGHTY "MOBY DICK"! ; He raised 5 Baiih--s omg J | WUNTZ HALL 4--Red Rowe Show Roy Rogers Marks -- "Enchanted Island", going to the dogs? Lance 11:00 AM, Moe | opm at 8 p.m Jar ray Sh : . "" fd ne. « ob Cummings |Plaza -- "Happy Anniversa 1s CinsuScage had SETROCOLOR | (Adult), 200, 3.50, 5.45, 7.35, The "Y" 60 Club : ~ w» his daughter he He : "54 tre 9.30 p.m. Last complete show with jazz fora 5.4-2News: Weather . ! ; Weather | " " 6:45 P.M. 5 P.M. | at 9.00 p.m. ill be discussing this AS DAMN ANKEES . 5:45 F & . P.M | w scussi i LAST Y ib 4 lullaby...and used y-Brinkley i : Toons S Brinkley {Regent -- "The Five Pennies' in question at the --PLU |" Ta Ann : ; TIMES © y 4 Eich X or, Feature shown , ' | : 4 15 Five Pennies Soon Lome du Y Ww C A TopAY'THESE 1000 HILLS" || GEE disleland combos R Y Last complete show . . . Py y Z i Glenn Miller : Sg 199 CENTRE ST. by, E | kes Dorsey, Goodman ; SI oy 8 (CP)-- Yong Men and Women , CEA J : and the rest-- of 'the House . three jurymen failed to ap- welcome . . . ; -- i for baby sitters! 0 P.M. airs ar it in this Middle- STA | 5 atrol y workmen | Refreshments -- Social Hour § : § Bob | To Yel Tre Truth Idigging' aU outside the X , " ; h 2 w of the ign | | 1 $ E i Be Yo = \ ld: Be You t were called to take their v PM. 4--Gu ht | © ¢ | e 00 P.M, | >. 7--About Faces 1101 nte > 5 Mo De teed 3:00 P.M. 4--Meet The Millers 2 t Masters " 11-6-2--Bob Hope 2--Mid-day matinee 7--The Hawalian Eye 1:30 P.M. Om 7--For The Ladies Tale: v { 4--As The World Turns A A 2:00 P.M, i: Diy In art EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT THIS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY --FROM TORONTO-- CHUCK FORTUNE Js" | AND THE CHUCK WAGON BOYS if \ \& AN "Snr. pion. ci cooSay- Til AT] AND THE CEWER WAGON BO%S | \ BECCFDES «MSTRONG-LAROND «CROSBY hp Pate "THE SHEY BROTHERS" Ha A weir: For Hire romsies wens |, £0 P| NT | IIE) BARN APoioo NL = Ve Tonk Luitaby In Magi ews Roundup a Bandsta 4 PM : $1.00 . \ £2 f ¥ : Follow the Leader, Five Pennies 5 1 » i s i y ... And More! COMING SOON - ABBIE ANDREWS | BE ee | 1 bebe) ene Of Santa oly n, After You've Gone, / oo 5 ] . . Runnin' Wild, Ja Da; The IELDS PRODUCTIONS Presents Fry N } 4 ~~ Music Goes Round and Round Islappy [Anniversary ig sre CARL REINER - LORING SMITH - MONIQUE VAN YOORER- PHYLLIS POVAN we PATTY DUKE THE ER ™ " Mac by cep JOSEPH FIELDS JEROME CHODORDY 'Z27 mn os or =|N*ASCOP sg 1 Dont geet A Thing" ¢ "Happy Annivrssey" * bs by A wes DAVID MILLER i THE MOST EXCITING ' Hs ra - PROCESS EVER INVENTED CHOICE OF FOUR MERCURY SERVICES TO THE WEST Rly ONLY TCA FLIES NON-STOP TO "ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW" J i 4 | "Out Of This Whirl" VANCOUVER, EDMONTON AND CALGARY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT wt wi Ing Coe SATIN bod . 8 Plus -- "COUNTERPLOT" rf aaa PACIFIC MERCURY daily ex. Mon. & Wed.; leaves Toronto 10.10 a.m. EST; arrives Vancouver 3:30 p.m. PST a. daily ex. Thurs + leaves Toronto 4:15 pm. EST; arrives Edmonton 9:00 .m. MST; EDMONTON MERCURY arrives Vancouver 11:05 p.m. PST b 3 dai ex. Sun. ; leaves Toronto 1 45 a.m. EST; arrives Calgary 5:30 a.m. MST; CALGARY MERCURY arrives Vancouver 7:00 a.m. PST gary daily; leaves Torontn 3:00 p.m. EST; arrives Winnipeg 5:55 p.m. CST; WESTERN MERCURY arrives Vancouver 9:10 p.m. PST i P SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OR TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES & IN TORONTO, HAMILTON OR LONDON | 7 ors) = y- [= "Se ws FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL RE - THE Sen enn & Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements ) ) & VALUE Tp 57 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA RA 8-6201 i mrosen DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY MO 8-3304 or RA 55-4831 a SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA Thomas Meadows Co. Canada Ltd. RA 3-9441

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