visit te Iron Curtain cauniries in | . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Menday Januasy 11, 1960 5 trea QW | December. He said ihe exhibition | would reflect curremt soeial aiti- | tudes of Russia and its people. . » 2 - Of Russian Art | som so pemises ace "0 | shown, 70 of them Enoders works. a MONTREAL (CP) -- A collee- | The remainder are 19th century 7] tion of contemporary Russian art 2¢ademic pictures. next March will be one of the| The Art Gallery of Toromto als highlights of the centennial cele- plans te show the collection. brations of the Montreal Museum | Mr. Chipman said the Soviet of Fine Arts. | government will pav both the air The exhibition was arranged by | transport and insurance of the > . . Murray Chipman, vice-president | paintings to M ontrexl, The mus. ses IS indeed proud to of the museum, during a 10- day eum will pay the return costs. * have supplied much of the quality material for Feomtet | ll STEEL | construcrio: ~~ || PARK LANE APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA . EXTENDS Congratulations | See how wonderful living in these modern apartments can TO THE | be . . . notice the quality, the designing . . . that went into this building. You'll agree that PAR K LAN = | this structure built by the Gay Co. Ltd. with materials of ex-- APARTMENTS cellence . . . means better liv- ing for you. MANAGEMENT OF ON THE OPENING OF THESE BEAUTIFUL -- | OSHAWA W00D PRODUCTS APARTMENTS LIMITED Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroom WE WERE PLEASED TO : 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--RA 8-1617 COURTICE--RA 8-161) BE ASSOCIATED WITH . ® 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU e THE CONSTRUCTION OF BOWMANVILLE--MA 3-2130 AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 THIS NEW ENTERPRISE | DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Congratulations. to . GAY COMPANY LIMITED BUILDERS OF PARK LANE APARTMENTS OSHAWA We Were Honored To Have Been Chosen To Install STEEL STAIRS--BALCONY RAILINGS Weston Steer Probucts Lo. REXDALE -:- ONTARIO TEL. CH. 1-9681