df THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey January 11, 1960 EFFICIENT CORNER UNIT IN KITCHEN SMALLER CROP BEER QUENCHER BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- The| BRIGHTON, England (CP)-- Argentine wheat harvest this year | Beer put out a fire when a large will be aboui 20 per eent lower |ypubbish bin im a public house than the 5,380,000 tons of 1a st here caught fire. The heat burst year, it is estimated by the agri- | dozens of bottles and their eom- enlivre depariment, {tents doused the flames. Ng KALAMEIN DOORS FRAMES CLOSET DOORS Were Installed By NORTHWESTERN SHEET METAL COMPANY 400A HOPEWELL AVE., TORONTO IN THE NEW Park Lane Apartments OSHAWA WE WERE PLEASED TO BE CHOSEN TO DO THIS WORK AND WiSH TO CONGRATULATE GAY COMPANY LIMITED ON THE OPENING OF THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENT BUILDING. WE FEEL SURE THE CITIZENS OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT WILL APPRECIATE THESE LIVING QUARTERS WITH THEIR CENTRAL LOCATION, PARTICULARLY THE REASONABLE RENTS IN SUCH A FINE BUILDING. UR HARDSAND 55 GLOVER'S RD. OSHAWA WE'RE PLEASED TO BE CHOSEN TO DO THE LANDSCAPING AT THE PARK LANE APARTMENTS AND WISH TO CONGRATULATE + THE BUILDERS OF THIS NEW APARTMENT BUILDING ON SUCH A FINE EFFORT Our Sincere PARK LANE APARTMENTS It has been our privilege to install Glass, Mirrors Bathroom Cabinets Metal Entrance-ways and Doors > Canadian Pittsburgh Industries Limited (Glass and Paint) 273 Simcoe Street. South Oshawa, Ontario