45--_Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 47--Autombiles For Sale (50---Articles For Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 11, 1960 13 fre me en iit Wp ¥ two-tone station wagon, show. BABY carriage, gond condition, almost! 0 AM -- 1950 DOWN, delightfully ditferent three (COMMERCIAL income property, in-|'8% DEVI th tthe SERCO) v *filly new. RA 3.4384, Please Note IN MEM RI [ren pr vos bale bungaloy WER bedroom, brick, split level bungalow, ig grog dh Riis, eauippéde om in ad i ad A 24 ki bee ---- | LJ 1 3 ¢ J, room, 3 a " 3 Deodines now in effect for Ed yr da el og 1, Et on Cn er: et om wanol ets st nen Ty dq Develo S this column: BROWN ia loving mino (aly hyay { monthly, $11,550 full price. Joseph four batlgartis, Jal in WB i CHEVROLET Bissavie, two goer, coe Street North. . Hie : " SAL 9870 4 Y low . i Births, Memoriams, Cards of [deg mother, Fr nd Bross ranc! Bosco, Realtor. RA 5807 Apply to owner, 200 King Street West, nancing. RA 8-6891. SNOW tires for 1935 Vauxhall. Used pafsed away INEW six h I's v Thanks -- We often sit and think of you, |attached garage, two fireplaces, divided PRIVATE sale -- Two bedrooms, cus. Si FORD, white, Hood condition, one season. Phone OL 5 | Of things you used to say and do; basement, with finished recreation room tom built, ranch bungalow, attached FIVE - room brick bungalow, with h dio, $875. Will| srepmame mfr corer me 9 AM. SAME DAY | You live gs in pi oso still Terms arranged. Apply to builder, 238 | garage, patio, large rooms, MARY €X-{,.... room basement apartment, pri- show ties, Naser r -4316, 2 PUREBRED ire fia teriles iia 3 p.m n u DEATHS -- Not just today, but always will. |Kaiser Crescent, Oshawa. {Teas. Close to schools and bus, Owner| Fi€erior two baths, two kitchens, | sre ee me | OM, .m. : a $-6042. of COMPULSORY sale, best offer. 'S6 st 11 AM. SAME DAY lpiadly sissed by Efteen sha George {HOUSE six.room, decorated, wall to RA S52. food terms, 3% per cent mortgage for Meteor, excellent condition, Phome be. eo dhe b jinn, Pic ten 1 , fireplace, aspha tter |balance. Act quickly i f . aby carriage, excellen DIAL RA 3-3492 x Trive. Trmediate possession. Central, (S18000. one of te Cutest and beat | Cruikshanks, RA 8.3121, Lioyd Realty, [tween $ and 6 p.m. RA 8116 ; | condition, RA S401 " By RUKMINI DEVI steelworkers construction. Hun- BROWN -- In loving memory Of a gg wood Street. RA 5-257. Eber Sous Kitchen, would delight|Oshawa, Ltd. 31958 - 300 ISSETTA, low Fheap Canadian Press Correspondent [dreds received training in Brit dar mother, 'Annie Valerie Brown, | Omran eames 10M: SpRGIOM stain. . Paved tation. '59 Dodge Regent, low |FULL length Muskrat coat, good con- |who passed away January 11, 1953, |BUNGALOW -- Frame, four rooms and|any woman, vanity in bathroom, ' LOTS 1058 x 160°, at Courtice Paved| 3 ob "oO" or conaltion. '52 Mer-|dition, size 13. RA 8-0427 after 6 p.m. BOMBAY (CP) -- Internal de-|ish steel plants before going to | "A silent thought, a secret ten LAER eh Bb gy throughout, hie en [iirecle ADpiovad lor mOTiEAues. *l0%¢lwury, "very good ear. Dow Robinson, si|velopment needs and external Durgapur. BIRTH Kutm Je wemory over dent) in Apply 205 On Bl st] Foams." Jaeanh Borco Realtor. RA 5-9670. Eso, Your Fiat desler. Simeon and| SGWER saw for sale, nearly sew.|threats of aggression from Red| The plant, which both Presi- ime takes away e ge 3 o 45A--Real Estate for Sale ruce . . Write Box 838 Oshawa Times, a But t back every leaf.| pr . China are forcing India to step/dent Rajendra Prasad and Nehru . Lo img remember Or Exchange FANCH WAGON Ry ord Tor, shatp BOY'S CCM skates, size 13, worn twice./up the pace of industrial ad-|have described as "a monument lly. Sale price, $995.00, Sea. Bue. RA 3.4280. ___ ___ ____ (vance. to Indo-British co-operation," will LOGEMAN ~Mr. and Mrs, Paul a - Dou las 1. Gower MAKE OFFER SELL or exchange -- Restaurant busi. way Motors, Whitby. 31 | ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings The major the; f Prime Min: h it 4 Logeman are happy to announce the| SROWXN loving memory of a) ness, large living quarters, garage at-|oey "O00T NEOV ool Uerage window $19.93 complete. Call or theme 0 e ave a capacity of 1,000, ngot birth of their first great-grandchild,|dear mother, Annie Brown. Who. pass-; REAL ESTATE Eight room summer cottage, |tached, large lot for house in Oshawa|'57 MONARCH Tudor ardtop nie. |RA 87408. ister Nehru's current speechesitons a year and the layout has " oor fema away Ja ry , % y y # % i Sunda y a, As. ia nagerar|" We who loved you, sadly miss you, close to Oshawa. Must be [district. Write Box 130 Oshawa Times Ly whahers, white walls, Sale price, GUNS, ammunition and bunting sup- is: "Unless we become strong in-|\been designed to permit expan- ve) a daughter. Kimmerly Ann. All| As it dawns another year: 3-bedroom brick bungalow in I i tod [51895 Seaway Motors, Whitby. 3f | plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent|dustriallly, we cannot defend our|sion to 2,500,000 tons a year. Ad TL Bo nerly An 271 In our lonely hours of thinking Rossland area. Featuring all moved from present location. |46--Real Estate W 7 i Seaatital| d0wD. fon Tire Store, 4 Bond frontiers adequately." The works as a whole will be MARLOWE -- Archie and Hazel (nee THE "emory "fades and life departs storms ond screens, rec room, Bradley's Furniture Drive-In. |phoNE RA su702 it you w BG sel 0 UCR rr oa terior, Toon -- bude a ieceii Super. |, [dias fifth steel city has just completed. in 1961 but construc. ~ Archie a ill x ? le oop our property at a : 4 , . Sea- . Cox) are happy to announce the birth| You'll live forever 'n our hegwts den, playroom and bathroom Lid on tg Bg Mofo y ith Suipment, Sale price, 8905. Se | ket, Ritson South, open dally to 10|taken shape. It is Durgapur, ation has been so planned that pro- of their son, Robert Weldon, at the Dsh.| Lovingly remembere y Murray| j, basement. Working kit- eee | ¥ s wii, [p-m. Free parking and delivery, Free|lush rural area 100 miles from|duction will begin much earlier awa General Hospital, on Jan. 6, 1960.|an chen with L-shaped living 47--Automobiles for Sale 3 Sober Seam Dw and white, premiums with purchases. Seli.serve Calcutta, the country's biggest|by stages. President Prasad has Lanocaus -- in evng memory tf ond diving room. Londscoped | | | (YY) REALTY [5 roms sision wason, tmmacuis| rrvmisnion. ate rice s06 Set eee Poy go | metropoll. The new 100.0000 jus launched, the firs of the | Joseph, LaRocque, who passed away! . ot with 50m $52 Borage. condition. radio, heater. Phone Oliver|way Motors, Whitby. HDVEE rales, English, Blush d Path: steelworks is being built by a|three blast furnaces, each of DEATHS I years have passed sines that] Payments only "39 per OSHAWA'S BUSIEST [3:48 Brookiin. 7755 METEOR 300 sedan, automatic, |siove, oven and lights, reasonable price. Broup of British firms. which will produce 1,250 tons of |~Lovingly remembered ¥ an. Jac sad day month, principal, interest 38 WHITE Buick, two.door hardtop, |power steering, radio, clock. $300|ppone Toronto CL 1-7302 Butgapur is the When one we loved was called away:| and toxes. Full price $14,- REAL ESTATE FIRM 25,000 miles, one owner, excellent con.|take over payments. OL 5-4485. 8f gap third public|iron a day. 30d took ame, 1s will] 50 i ial do 6 e Suddenly at his| God do k him hime, it was His wi 500.00 with substantial down OPEN EVENINGS dition. Owner moving abroad. Apply Froid thir ~ | WE pay highest prices in the city for|sector steel plant to come up on| he liveth st M Inurance. Save up 10|,5ed furniture. Pretty's Used -|the basis of forel MANY COMFORTS gur hearts he 1 forma- Pickering 659 or 12 Sherwood Roa d|ALLSTATE Auto Inu ; us the basis of foreign collaboration. :| Tver remembered by wife Einanethy| + PYMent: FOL Sone, B7RG" AND SATURDAYS West In Pickering. | SE|T Der cent Six moe ome call MA |e, Store. RA 337. GM Slmeoe|qy, Ryssian-built Bhilai and Ger.| One of the highlights of the new daughter, Ellen. and granddaug GIBBONS ST 756 BUICK, Century, two-door hardtop, |5-2802, | awNiNGS. pisin selors or gay _siiipes, MAN built Rourkela plants al-|steel city is the care taken to pro- a. Eliza Buying, Selling or Renting . dyna-flo, power brakes, radio, washers, | oC oe te Excellent (rank | prompt service. Free estimates. Order|ready have begun pouring out|Vide for the comforts of the work- Doro- N.H.A. RESALE + | white walls, low mileage. Must sell. RA | Csi n "Radio and automatic. Sale|now for early delivery. Chair and table|steel for India' nding indus. ers. The area is dotted with (Ruth) DOUGLAS L. GOWER 3.4483 after S. st ; 5 a's expanding indus-| wt CARD OF THANKS Bri Rray yea D n th etter homes in p---- a g--------m-- price, $395.00. Seaway Motors, Whitby. rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ick-and- Orie of the b | ondi- |'? BUICK, excellent condition, fully 3 A ; trial program. spick-and-span labor camps to Pan 319 Josper Ave. Oshawa, in spel ess equipped. Phone RA 8-5747 RNR saa Toe Tow Sora USED bought and sold. 315 accc the t of nm io od size bed- - Ah Rocio . -- | 5! sedan, two ton Toronto Avenue. RA 5.2831, on] pin RA 8-1287 tion. Three good size DEC 5a BUICK sedan, excellent Th Every (and white. spotless brown interior. See | oo = Cs TO DOUBLE OUTPUT workers who have come from Grove Cemetery 1 wish to thank all t 8 FOOMS, Fecreoti i | respect, radio, automatic. Body in|this beautiful car, Sale price, $995.| VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, All three plants are designed to all over the country. The project : [1 received cards ane -- 5 ished dn Expensive Neo "Cr. | [immaculate condition. Sale price, $395, |Scaway Motors, Whitby 3, es Estimates fre, dOUDIE India's steel output by the|authorities also have set up well- TTT ' § ng. too sar x 133" a i [Saway Motors, Whitby, iI MERCURY with radio, $65. '50 Chev |fientals Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. end of the second five-year plan|equipped hospitals and nursing { a . : | JOHN A, J. ated on lot Xx gu y ORD coach, Very y . , only $65. Both good mechanic-|yice RA 8.1081 anytime, lin 1961 {homes GE RROW FUNERAL [wo ise to I a'dw I price $14,500.00. For infor [apically OK. Ideal secor Sale |ally. Van Heusen Motors, opposite -- a ee. | . : {hom ; sid : s t ec an mation coll Jim Cruikshanks, [price $395.00. Seaway Motors, Whitby. Brewery, on King. 7H| HIGHEST pices said for used fut, A giant, model township has The Indian government has es- BOLA RA 8-5123. . 3/53 FORD custom coach; original up| Sac Ain He are Stove 19 Prince|SPTUNg up at Durgapur. More|tablished a high school for the Kind! i : 3 3 57 METEOR Niagara sedan V8 beauti- holstery, good tires, mechanically Per Street. Phone RA 8-1131 {than 30,000 Indians are at work.'children of the workers as well indiiness peyon i , 65 IMITED y I 4 new tires, ellent | fect, only $645. Van Heusen Motors, op: -- gi : itt al N . : ot r ' n . ris . . x ve IDEAL INVESTMENT bins ig Wh Te, $1395. Seaway | posite Brewery, on King. TH START for Christmas! sell he extra Yih the aid of British jechiic: 38 a [ner y Jomjor schools V will : REALTORS INSURANCE VERY CENTRAL Motors, Whitby 3t'56 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan, custom waiting with cash, Advertise 1a The| 0 0 Siervisors, 3. JAigeianc po risariens, UGre an 4 Real Estate For Sale Two complete apartments, oll |= BEDFORD VAN, immaculate con.|radio, tutone paint, whitewalls, only|Ghaws Times Classified section. Dial "lio OCT of Indian engineers have swimming pools, playgrounds and 5--Real Estate For Sa 169 SIM ES. on one floor, Each 'With sep- 1 motor In top shave. Excellent |$893, $95 down. Van Heusen Motors, | py 3492. {gained valuable experience in!clubs for recreation. - . Pp dition, motor ¥ t 3-3 " | op 3 y | brick finished at 1 arate baths, kitchens and |tires, Ready for the road. Sale price, Opposite Brewery, on King vege tree rg egree : ; |; : a RA 5 6544 entrances. Possibility for third J y Motors, Whitby. 3f|'54 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, custom| 0 une Vober "so cents 101. bag, HE | : 4 al 756 | radi 1, [oi 2 Ne - a te J - NTIAC sedan 6 cylinder; | radio. Just traded in on new Renault, City Pure Ice, 103 Colborne Street | LOC KE S FLORIS ------------------------ apartment, Full price $12, cylinder; '55 Ford sedan 8/Only $695. Van Heusen Motors, oppo '5 PO} 4 | = CQ 4 000.00. For more informa. |Dodge 6 : site Brewery, on King. ne West. En, , | - A i {eylinder automatic; '51 Mercury sedan e Brewery, | Flowers and arrangements for | FULL $11,900 PRICE gon, oo Dick Young, RA |g cylinder; 54 Ford ton; '31 Ford half |'57 FORD customilne sedan, § eptinder, Ht own 2}d, ied, Iaigest 0lec be 3 ombubi onlay | - . ton: '48 GMC tow truck w onl custom radio, whitewalls, origina \ ; olf occasions | NORTH. EAST Winch: *49 Chev. half ton. 75 mutters SEO a iy av Van Jeusen Awply Drayton Cyele, 204 Bond Street : . full pre- i new. car or truck, $5 each. Ackerman Motors, opposite Brewery, on King. en o ore 6 ro me, all Jorge; Searing $800 DOWN Auto Wreckers, MA 3-5756. |- pe _ | PAINT, interior, exterior, #29 ae. us Ia 1an e va Is remms hardwood and tile floors, oi Five-room home in good con- |= pia goo, private; 52 miles per : Want All colors Guaranteed, flat, gloss. | heat, 2-car garage, close to dition on large 66' x 660° -|galion. 3200 miles, tutone, plastic Jer| 48--Automobile: Wanted Oshawa Hardware Jang Electric, 8 chools, shopping ond bus. lot. Monthly payments of |covers, like new throughout. RA Sea LAKESHORE A ato hg mt pi .; By RUSSELL ELMAN {money raising and the need to 5 Aust Br i var. \ icu- 7f| cars for wrecking. Highest pric -|8 e spectacular néw Buccaneers PE 3 ; ANNE iA Ssies - rA SIZ | Do te sten, Coil Bill Swaw ony $55.00 For ut a Ty rr RA 51161 or RA 5-182. 3 to 3 6p with two starting models | ADELAIDE (CP) -- Singing He a publieily VAL advayee res FLOWE RS 15 Ath $1. West | 3.3398 for Lloyd Corson car, $450 cash. 605 Somerville Avenue, Come in and chonse yours mow. Trade der the stars before an ex-/ervations," sa en. Hopkins, | thol St ves | . 6 Reiki [ Cl ADE] Ch L SPOT CASH and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Giiddor ied audience of 50,000 on the| It Was helpful to see how Strat. or all occasions -- Wedc neta ---- p-- 6 ROOMS--BRICK ME 52 BUICK hardtop, automatic trans. SELLING furniture? Wel buy it. R | h » is si WiLL TRADE T INCOME HOME ono ey oa PAID FOR frigerators, "TVs, washers, pi anos, rens, Canadian soprano Lois|its methods of selecting star per- Distinct Designs-- ED DISNEY yo ee th bath. Heusen "Motors phosite brewery, on| Good, clean cars. Trade up |stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con-| Marshall will be guest soloist at|formers, istinghive Esp: Sally for You . Here is a chance for you to each eqcipped Wit pan King. i " | ordown. Liens paid off. tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8113L. 40 gota. opening of Australia's| Adelaide, a much larger city pec ( i -- spits an sammie Su | i Realtor - Insuronce trade your small home for a I and en "5 MONARCH tudor hardtop, power] DODD MOTOR SALES SHVER wille Lioyd baby samites, first Festival of Arts in March, [than Stratford, has a population MO 8-5672 82 Simcoe StS larger one. Centrally located, Home is oil heated. Close to equipped, immaculate songition. Pils 314 PARK RD. S Phone RA 5-2470. «| Miss Marshall, beginning an(%f S000. Like Siraiio, it fates 1c ood ion: i a, car previously ow ii, pun. 2 i ) > . 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY RA 3-2333 Pome Sor 811.500 -- schools and bus service. Full [iic president of Van Heusen Motors, RA 3-9421 COMPLETE while enamel set of bath. | Australia-wide concert tour for alg wg oe Se ah To inspect call Jack: Appleby price $10,900, For particu, fopposiie. Brewery oh ing ool ee BS aitern, | the Australian Broadcasting Com-|; "400 mijes from Melbourne, the SPLIT LEVEL at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398 lars, coll Bill Ling, RA 55 DODGE Regent, really one of fhe good condition, $40, Phone RA 8.0745. mission, will sing two Puccini rest 1 it id IN MEMORIAM . 8.5123, best buys you could make. Only $645. BUYING OR SELLING SEE | ' 3 S|arias with the combined Sydney nearest large city. FOR ONLY DUPLEX on Heusen Movers; Soule Breve Because of a larger program $12,200 2 KITCHENS $9,700 buys this bungalow 55 FORD Victoria, hardtop, with new| bahks of Adelaide's River Tor-|ford handles its advertising and . n MODERN two. bile home, th A i hestras. | e GARRARD RD. |= Kee MACKIE MOTORS Semea¥ sess, moble Jems and South Australian orehestist covering a wider field of the arts, motor, clutch, battery, etc. Really all appliances and furniture, $600 down, {the Adelaide festival is really Located on Athol Street East in top condition. Hardwood sharp, $1.45. Van Heusen Motors, op BLAKE In loving memory of my 2 RR. 4 KING ST. E. take over payments, MO 8-407. 36 Sub. Eive a recital at the festival. | patterned more after the Edin. dear mother, Mabel Blake, who passed . CE LE : Trailer Park, Whitby. 6f - oth : 3 ay Tanary In 1997 Nearly new, ultra modern 3 at Wilson Road, good brick floors, large sun porch, forced [posite Brewery on King. >t We urgently need 10 cers way Trailer Park, Whitty." ____ ®| During the two - week festival jyrgh International Arts Festival Deep in my he : ir bedroom brick home with for ; oil heating. Lot size 77' 56 OLDSMOBILE, automatic an USED parts and repairs for all makes| concerts, operas, ballets, plays,| than Stratford. And in much the Jore Precious RR voy ang) 'd.| Jiving-room plus large family 2 family ome cellent Mis Don't Wi Lore radio. Trade considered, terms avail: weekly for out of town dealer. of to Rel \YPe waders % HP Inotors folk dancing and art exhibits willl game way as Tyrone Guthrie as- Phorm mory. will never grow oid| room in walk-out basement $30.00 per month and upper Bill Millor at RA 8-5123, able: RA 8685: r----s~=.zmceili RA 5.5743 washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, be presented in the South Aus-|gisted initially at Stratford, Ian Lovingly remembered by daughter] A home on beautiful grounds at $65.00 per month with an Ds LH dan, wil owley, fully} - Hay CO 3-341, __|trallan capital. Many interna: Hunter, former director of the Helen and Ed | with its own bebich, city sew- asking price of only $12,.- Lloyd Realty Ltd. Private. Can finance. RA 52802. WINE and cider barrels, all ly tionally acclaimed artists have Edinburgh festival, was invited BLAKE _. 1n loving. memory of Fred] _€r 9nd water. In town end al. 500.00. It will pay you to Realtors {555 PREFEG -- good body ahd 49--Automobile Repairs solid oak, lowest prices, Oshawa been invited as guest perform:|to Adelaide as artistic adviser. A. (Charlie) Blake who passed away | ways on vacation, and so look into this very fine home. 101 Simcoe St. N. motor, new tires and battery. Apply : : Sed Lioyd ceilings ers. | January 10, 085, and Mrs. Mabel Blake) ecsy terms. Not 'too high | Cail for Jock Appleby at RA RA. 35123 3% La Saile Aveme. S| 197] SIMCOE NORTH [Wun chair and stroler, in good condl.| "It is the first time we have SEVEN THEATRES bor Bic Toi Moped ci 1957. 4| down payment and only $85. 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. LIST WITH LLOYD "56 FORD custom ranch voagon, Tuis is tion. Reasonable. Phone RA 8-089. 8t|attempted anything like this in The Adelaide festival owes its Nettle. { monthly, which includes prin- 1 YR. OLD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER [gutstanding value, 8 eosen Motors, op.| Specialists in Ford Service |GURNEY fourburner Sleetrle siove, | Australia," said Maj.-Gen, R. N.|origin largely to two or three AE. cipal, interest and taxes. . . Ba|posite Brew h ___7| and parts. Wheel alignment, (800d condition, reasonable. S457. 11. Hopkins, chief tive of.|! A citizens with a dear father, Fredricy ar tg og ki ilu: 'Miarrey igi: Hh "53 GMC % p. repossession, wheel balance ik latest ficer in charge of the festival's|deep interest in the arts. The es sed y J av '¢ not too man bid ' ~room, J-Ded- balance owing is only $316. Van Heusen ipment, Newest . bn 1; YF "Bave. only your ry, d con match. Call Art Wein- room ranch style brick bun- LLOYD RE ALTY Motors, opposite Brewery, on Xing. 7! peti pel FURNITURE EE os jo. of ohn Sates, pnb hi father, b RA 3.2333 - galow, with 4-pc. ceramic 59 VAUXHALL Victor, radio, 10,000 i : i J To remember my wh life th k De A 3.724 or ven tiled bathroom, ie air oil WM RA 5.8936, tis 6c Clearance Sale ! ! out the country." houses, private citizens, govern- But the sweetness w q ngs 4 ' miles. Phone RAS-89%. ______¢| BRAMLEY MOTOR t grants and sale of ticket But $he Sweetness. 3 = furnace, near Catholic and OSHAWA'S BUSIEST 8 MERCURY sedan, sharp two foned 10% TO 50% OFF SAW STRATFORD sen Lan A y hi Wve Ever remembered by daughter Helen| 2 STOREY BRICK | Projestont schools. Bus stop |= pal ESTATE FIRM [Euite, "sutomatic, 'radia. ale' price SALES LTD. FLOOR SAMPLES ; at door, must be sold at once, bution, automatic, radio. Sale pries, CHESTERFIELDS Gen. Hopkins, one of Aus- born Tom Brown, formerly was Asking $12,500 ful 195. Seaway Motors, y. FIEL tralia's most distinguished Second assistant-director of the Stratford (BLAKE -- In loving memory of 3 CENTS, right now ul price: OPEN EVENINGS '66 NASH fordor Rambler wagon, spot. PHONE RA 3-4675 REDRGOM SUITES, TES World War army commanders, players. as er, Fredric lake. who Appleby at RA 5.6544 or AND SATURDAYS [less two tone blue, while. Ralo: ww INING R said the festival's organizers had| Performances are to be given ed , Janu , 1938, 5 § , $1295. S i | ¥ oe mother: Mabe Brake, who passed This immoculate 6 room RA 3-3398. Shotore, Whitby. pe, eA 50--Articles for Sale CHROME & DINETTE SETS visited and studied the Canadian in seven theatres and halls in the away January 11, 1957 Ay Jamey 1, 1057. ie them] -1OUSe on quiet street, oil DUPLEX $5,000 DOWN BUYS (coor wit or Tats complete SPACE heater, | two drums, pipes. 1057 SIAL CHAIRS Stratford Shakespearean Festival|city. Among the highlights will Never shall thei y fade heated with gleaming floors, with serial and installation, transistor =" pte ari for ideas. They were recently be concerts by five symphony Lovin Rh: Hon aves Wander all modern conveniences and $1,500 DOWN $1,500 THIS NEW 5-PLEX Hotels from $4355. Terms 83 down, [40 FRIGIDAIRE Sove, in Very good QOpeee : STEP TABLES ¢ shown the film Stratford Adven-|orchestras, a recital by French th t whi hes a : % . ini iirc PE + X p.{piani 3o he spot whers they, are laid. | goroge, is low priced, Coll Modern plan, 2-storey home, Secure your future with one |West. RA 5.6511. |oNE Ds shstiow wel psepiiii 395] Many Other Terrific Valves |IS8. bY the newly-formed Ade.ipianist Philipe Entremont, a Helen, Marjorie and Dorothy and sons Art Weinberger RA 3-2333 extremely well kept. Bath. of these dividend 'paying |Z PONTIAC. reconditioned motor, de. (tem. used four years, $65. Phone RA at Giveaway Prices! laide Australia-Canada Associa-|grand opera season, dramatic re. Bus and Bill and their families | or evenings RA 3-7244 room on each floor. Oil heat- properties. Now rented On [juve heater, custom built radio, snow|8:8451 after 5 pm, © BARONS n. citations by Sir Donald Wolfit and | beautiful hardwood lease. tires, Bowmanville MArkét 3.5322. 3f|LATE model Westinghouse refriger- "From Stratford we gained a|exhibitions of Australian and oors, Kitchens just like new. FT PODGE custom Royal, power steer Bion bution Sotiosts ony anes HOME FURNISHINGS [number of useful points about European painting and sculpture, Full price only $10,800. An 15,000 DOWN BUYS |ing and brakes, push button transmis. [fireplace grate, with heating element i HI ! B CL | easy way to save extra $ ' sion and radio, directional and back-up (hammered Brass): Lioyd stroller; A24 Simcoe St. S. . | money. Call Bill Ratcliffe at 10-PLEX lights, windshield washer, Tubeless lady's white tube skates, size 8; will » . | RA 5-6544. whitewall tires, two-tone. RA 8-1349|. change for large steamer trunk. 271 JANUARY SALE -- Both complete with stoves |evenings. 3 Simcoe North, RA 86516. 51 Aluminum Products of the un a | FOR RENTS ew bungalow, FOR SALE -- Horsehide leather coat| $1,500 DOWN $1,500 and 'friges, washers and dry- best quality at the best 2 three good size bedrooms and beautiful with fur collar, good condition, size 38 et. For full particulars, call 149 KING ST. W. TV'. Many bargains, three months A living and dining room, clean and|to 40. Phone MO 8-4389 oe | rey brick home, good RA 8.5123 oe ask for Irwin guarantee. Trio television, 171 Bond| Prices, fully guaranteed. mely decorated." $100 monthly. 992 ~~ A ---- downtown location. Con De i Street East. Double hung windows only In u le Of Pa d ud Centre South. MO 8-299 7e {FOR BENT w- ihies oo purchased for just $8,900 Cluikshanles, Quality SECOND CAR? Plenty of first-choice $18. n . I FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom apart. full \ i EE ottered tony 13 Oshawe Times Coll now POR with. fireplaces * Anne ed. kitchen has double sin ¢ 2 ull price. Vendor anxious for Lloyd Realty Ltd cars y wa ? space. Central hone MO a.2786, 7¢|iocation. Suitable for 2. MO 8-20 | quick sale. Hurry! Phone Bill Realtors USED CARS Casured Ae bymer Algnytum si By BRIAN BELL mouth. The armadillo with his -- Fr IADY" 18, i LIVE poultry also feathers wanted [FOR SALE -- Lumber, windows and| tatcliffe at RA 35-6544, 101 Simcoe St. N. LADY'S coat, grey, size 1610 Suv armor-covered body Is right out 4 \ for older woman, Phone RA 2 2261, ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP)-- s Highest market {oes id Jake [doors, brick and plumbing, two marble] RA 8-51 SR Ty wry v lof prehistoric days. The curur BT Tn ui Sv Si TRADE UP ov Commu dom 3) SEE HOME APPLIANCES (02, OED, Jott, We In Cul nls nc and rebuilding men wanted as at a | . » » . HIGH furnace bills will continue unless| ere Apply on Te indes East | Members of Oshawa ond Dis- LIST WITH LLOYD vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543. OSHAWA LTD. barks like a dog. The teyu- you eliminate the cause see Demon: |W \PP B8 WF 80 PUA BAG] Tirict "Real Estate Boord THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 0 N ea L70 bers the hunters 100 to 1. OF uguEm a t Albert Randall and So - is a three-foot lizard. BE Bn WAEIFOR RENT -- mow Tour ~ rover 2owt.) 8a Sf LIENS PAID OFF B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 58-4543. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR Jaguars, six to eight feet long 7. Mo. 8-991 8f| ment, very central, parking provided; | WwW | L B A K NEIGHBORHOOD sales room now FRIGIDAIRE and weighing up to 200 pounds, NOVEL HUNTING WAYS APARTMENT for rent, ground fioor, |also one three -rcom apartment. MO| open for business. What have you to SALES AND SERVICE lurk in the jungle trees. A visit-| Although the modern hunter 1137 Brack South. Apply upstairs or 1178-3762 Sf sell, clothing in good condition, furni . : " goes into the Paraguayan jungl uclid Street 6b FOR RENT -- Reated. self-contained ) ture, anything you have. RA 8-5836. 102 Domestic ond Commercial ing hunter once shot a nine-foot, ! aguay. gles pani er : > BO RE Co ME omatred) LLOYD ME ( Al L REAL ESTATE M O T O R 5 William _ Street East. RA 5.5332 eight-inch puma that weighed 375 armed with a rifle or shotgun, 1 / e im : there are novel ways of catchin, ally soa 4 mediately. y 610 Dundas Street| USED refrigerators, ranges, washers, p Wild boars run in hun. g somal some ai Wes i 137 KING ST. W. Iicevisons, tides Sod 'recoa Sitverk| -- C| EARANCE |dredestrong packs. Eight . foot he game here. Viieges or board options No "other |GTLOREN'S and bers womvey coats) 3%; SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL RA 3.9329 or 5-655 RA 5-0732 EE or Arora an oviaion, crocodiles with fierce teeth bask| Paraguayans often hunt croco- hai tog halle EE Meo. All tubes and parts available, Barons' SALE on sunny river banks. Thirty-foot|dlles with forked poles, pinning HOUSE for Tents rooms and bain. |tle Dept Store, Brock North, Whitby.| SOMERVILLE AVE. Radio and Electric Ltd. RA 3-263. boa constrictors uncurl from tree them to the ground. Occasionally uorss and Bath 3 BUYING OR SELLING SEE FANTASTIC limbs a brave native will jump on one room. fas furnace, 3 Dedtooms, 3 ors wna ungaion waned. Good) New ranch we bungolow nearing completion See ly yooo TED CAMPIN WILL SACRIFICE REDUCTIONS Nam the wild ite 'and Para and wrestle him into submission: Coronation Road, Brooklin, OL 35-4829. [down payments W McAuley Realtor sq . 'plus double garage -- pave rive, sO awn fron e "Indians, using a bow an I 4% 7c MO 33231. Oshawa RA 32812 ~~ | and reor, living room with natural fireplace, large dining room, MOTORS 33' x 8' New Moon house guay probably has it--deer, both! with a line 22 wy aug 8 bid FOR RENT--I. and 3-bedroon ; ; Jarge newly finished,| good-sized modern kitchen -- 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, trailer, nearly new, complete- Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, |antlered or prong horned; brown croc in the water, then reel him wc Hg J eg A partment, heated. TV| large den -- decorated to sult purchaser, possession March 1st, 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA ly equipped and furnished, Admiral, Westinghoute, The |wolves, pheasant, quail, turkeys, in, ' ign Ph Sig, varie mel. "eal RA 1960. A beautiful large home in a good location, Call for Gust East of Wilson Road) terms. Bradley's Furniture finest in T.V., Mi-Fi ond |ducks, partridge, ostriches, mon-| ' The boa constrictors, which [5-3090. | an appointment to see this one. RA 3.4494 Res. 5-5574 Drive-in. service. keys, foxes, ant-eaters, skunks grow large enough to swallow a time. MO 18-4172 Jan. 29) [LEX D HENRY. Genera) Contractor. | Le and animals you may never have jorge, seldom attack hunters. To 38 WHITE Buick, two "hard op Repaizt,_alierations, Cement, Carpen | ui rR TVIEW GARDENS 4 : PARKWAY TV. seen before. |preserve the skin, rather than 36,000 miles. One owne ent conm-|L¥__-- ese eft -- 6% mortgage -- walkout basements -- dining room | BOATS 918 SIMCOE NORTH A giant rodent called the car- shoot the boa a group of men d yner d y SE 2 ary " f : : ¢ diiion. Owners moving abroad, Alo (FEF aie Seamed Be SATeary| -- pororamic sashless windows with storms and screens -- SABYAN MOTOR! MOTORS RA 3-3043 pincho appears to be a pig but|lasso the snake and then kill 4 ai Pe 50! Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone Mo| ocmplete in every woy even to hooded fan in kitchen. Im- isn' vel ds. The him. no TY os Matern FW lgdioom $208 _a_u | mediate occupancy on some homes -- $13,470 with $1,925 SALES LTD. WEYMOUTH CRUISERS me ier, ducks; pigs. aod. Other apartment, including stove, refrigera- = down. Act fast and save yourself $1,600 in extra interest f / " : hE 4100 mo m. : STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN TRAILERS animal, looks like a cross be-|game can be found only 20 miles A ort sig hy, {charges SALES and SERVICE MARINE SUPPLIES NEW STEREO tween a pig and a rhinoceros or so from this capital city. For WANTED -- Salesman or stleslady to} TEN DER FAREWELL AVE. 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH PAINTS HI-FI SETS without a horn. He comes withthe big cats you need a guide, i ate in Whitby | HAWA ONT. 1 e which sags over his|together with horses and dogs. i, a Bon il 0 0 0385 00) FOR PURCHASE tive S-room 3-bedroom home with 2 finished rooms in Tels RAndoloh 3.5461 CHAIN SAWS 3 1058 Moss Wiel sag; oY 2 S and dog 5.4471 'evenings. Ristow and Olsen bosement on large lot, plenty of shade trees, freshly painted, GUNS Realtors 209 Brock Street South, Whit| OF CINDERS | ng room 20° x 13, taxes only $190.00 and very close and AMMUNITION RADIO | ota daughter to return to Hong FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers, Tenders will be received by i 5 Saperate ord Biblia senocls pt el by o 319,500 Alter CASH etc. RECORD PLAYERS Offer Made - power saws, drills, grinders, spravers,| ho undersigned until 5 p.m. | The family came to Canada on sic" Wide Rental Service. MORawK ify gree "52, T1860. AFTER 5:30 CALL FOR YOUR CAR No. 2 Highway af Alex TAPE RECORDERS vishiors* visas 19 monks ago a1 pa SOL SOWIE for the purchase and removal . VAN HEUSEN JAX 2% T F iti le immigration departmen ib oduced ot th : ; : nied their application to become for CHL. "PAINT ©] AE her Voit, LLoyd Metcalf 5-6983 Dick Barriage 5-6243 A 1 6 THE DUTCH 0 ugi ive permanent residents, He | From Bebracry 1. 1960, to | Joe Maga 59191 Everett Elliott 3-9290 MOTORS Mr. Fan seid Chan will have to ell nant 31 96 ' Marion Drew 5-7610 149 KING ST. W MERCHANT . {some out of biding soon beeayse DODD & SOUTER | All cinders produced will. be i ST. W. FALL SALE Ch n Ma his money is running out. He 5 \ ER § sold "with the exception of 2 We don't promise any bonus, 171 BOND ST. EAST 1 ese I) suspected Chan was hiding in a PAINT & WALLPAF ER STORE | cpproximately 100 cubic yds, PRIVATE N H A MERCEDES BENZ we promise only number one |ehurch basement because a Chi- 107 Byron Street South bv which will be retained by the JLA. RESALE D.K.W. FIAT self-storing aluminum doors ~ T VANCOUVER (CP)--A woman nese student chose a church loft MO 8.5231 i . . installed, guaranteed, only OOD AND FREEZER PLANT |, srered to share her 400-acre for his hiding place in Ann Ar- FRESH water service, Phone any . + ji |bor, Mich., after failing college a ---------- - J + farm with a fugitive Chinese and | ' » LARGE, FULLY 'LANDSCAPED LOT, RANCH STYLE FENCE . hung - storm windows. Only exams, Chan had also writen he FOSKETT CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN BY HANOVER, ALL ROOMS ANDY NAGY'S $18.50 installed. Now try | of imately his (amily and says she has told goes to church every eve: ing. A ) : TASTEFULLY DECORATED IN OILS. MANY EXTRAS. PUBLIC BODY SHOP the best in town. Call us for per cent groceries and prime Minister Diefenbaker| Mr, Fan says Chan waits post- rive between hours of AND SEPARATE SCHOOLS ONE BLOCK, SHOPPING AND BUS quick service. RA 3-985] freezer. No down payment. |about it. ponement of the deportation or- & SONS po 0 am. to pa on SERVICE 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. For appointment (no obliga- Harry Fan, lawyer for Weldon|der so he can fight for his right the s as to quanti FULL PRI tion)--phone RA 5-3709. Chan who is thought to be hiding|to stay in Canada. 540 DUNDAS ST. E. | or other-information may be u RICE $13,400 SPECIAL! SALE! -- in a church basement somewhere MO 8-2341 WHITBY | enor phone RA LXV ned from oo Chiat Eon 1 MORTGAGE -- $2,250 DOWN CASH 25% off ofl Fishing Tockle 51--Swap and Barter in eastern Canada, said the of- ARTISTIC TALENT Roofing, Sheet Meta | thé purchaser and removed four, includes approximately regularly from Monday to F ms -- Cinders are to be loaded by BEAUTIFUL THREE-BEDROOM RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW Authorized Sales & Service $44.95. Aluminum double. $15.40 a week per family of BAKER FOR YOUR CAR FRESSURE systems, sump pumps, 3.|fer was Testived from Mrs. C.G.| LONDON (CP) -- Residents in A 0 ' ec 0} ts, 3 Ad i . F Business Adiministrator, R BEST OFFER VAN HEUSEN PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS Bic colored bath sets, sinks, power) Harvey of Driftwood Canyon near ithe Hampstead area were si Allo ING ¢ { hoy : 589 ALBERT STREET grills, outboard: motors, boat and trafl.| SMithers, 350 miles north of here. prised to learn that paintings MOTO or, Biping ahq £1ttings of all kinds, Free | Chan has been in hiding since hanging in a local gallery were Authorized dealer of rhein Mi Park Ra 8, (he evaded a deportation order to the work of their garbage col RS SAMSON SKATES Seay, Chinn's, sliliside and Park Rd. 8. [ce him, his wife and five-year- lector. onaro Hostal © PHONE OWNER -- RA 8-6114 Be