OSHAWA SKI CLUB OFFERS UNPARALLELED FACILITIES FOR SPORT She Osha Ties PAGE NINE [SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1960 EXPENDITURE TRIPLED Priority Program For Roads Is Suggested "This year we must give more best efforts towards sound ad-iwould eventually eliminate our consideration to our roads. Last | ministration that will benefit the present practice of jumping hith- year more than $80,000 was spent | ratepayers this year and the er and thither in our construction on roads -- more than triple the years ahead. program, With council's proceed- amount' of four years ago -- and| "We have been elected by our|ing from year to vear on a sys still. many of our roads are poor ratepayers to do a job which is/tematical construction it is rea- |and many bridges are danger-|to operate the municipality in a|sonable to think we would all re- |ous," commented Reeve Wilfred | businesslike manner. Our only in-|ceive the best roads for the dollar | | Pascoe at the inaugural meeting |terests should be the betterment spent. of the East Whitby Township|of this township north, south,| "With this road programming Council this morning. | east and west for the presen. and|and increasing need for more The text of Reeve Pascoe's ad-|future. I am sure that if any one planning in all departments I dress follows: |of us should this year intent Lv: Suggest that gouned meet twice a " Mr. (put forth any issue or project of month rather than once, to en- Loo embers OF eousel ey. Mu. a personalized or localized na-|able us to have sufficient time te ratepayers and guests, it is a jure hich Joes not have merit " plan successfully. av at| benefit to the township, he wi pleasure 10 Se Jou here fodey see the errors of such thinking|LAND USE PLAN ur owns0ip: MAUEWA Bland direct his efforts to more| "The Land Use Plan, temper worthy administration. mental as it may be, commenced 5 three years ago. Late in 1959 the to welcome Bill Gordon, our new ROADS NEED ATTENTION plan was presented to the public councillor and wish him success "This year we must give more|at which many comments and ! towards giving sound administra-|consideration to our roads. Last suggestions were made. These tion to this municipality. vear over $80,000 was spent onimust be considered by planning "With regard to the rest of roads, more than triple thelpoard and council. |Cotincil this is a repeat perform-|amount of four years ago -- and| «1 do consider it' imperative ance and I am sure your past|still many of our roads are poor | this township adopt the Land Use iexperience and knowledge gained and many bridges are danger-|plan in the early part of 1960, will benefit to us all this year, ous. for its own protection if for no and I sincerely welcome you! "In all communities today other reason, due to the fact that back. roads are a problem due to mod- in the near future most of our Gina i . a |ern traffic. We face the additional | neighboring municipalities will be an unidentified skier, | to provide first aid for hurt PROBLEM. REVIEWED {problem of being located next|;oned areas. This will result in skiers. The victim of this ac- | 'In taking office today I am door to the large industriallaying all troublesome element cident' recovered quickly and going to mention our township'sicentre of Oshawa. We Our-| moving in on the areas not pro- was speeding down the slopes |Past, present and future problems selves make more use of the|tected by the zoning bylaw. again within an hour. and conditions. : roads today than ever before and| «p go recommend that our In- Oshawa Times "Our Township of East Whitby our neighbors to the south have|gustrial zoned areas be kept to seni |had its beginning 102 years ago|thousands of cars on our roads|ihe north section of our township, |in 1858. Prior to that time we for pleasure driving, Scout Camp, | where we have a good highway, were part of Whitby township but, Kiwanis Camp, parks and clubs, | railway, ample water sources and due to internal squabbling be-plus other daily commuters g0-|jand not quite so acceptable for tween two areas of the township,|ing and coming from other areas | aoricultural uses. lit was decided to split the town-lto their jobs in Oshawa. | "Considerable effort and ex [ship approximately in half and| "We receive some benefits| once will be required to induce |start afresh with present muni-|from suburban and county roads industry to locate in our town 18 NEW MEMBERS h ange S Reported In and |in our area but nevertheless with | hip, Why go to the effort and | Whitby township. y - . the constant increase of traffic it) expense to locate industry in the xecutive T C . C il | "In the interval between 1858 to will be necessary to spend more | thern section, when the first 1960, 1 am sure that it has been| and more to have roads in a rea- time annexation occurs we would {the aim of the manv councils t0|sonably safe and useable condi-|, 0 it all and be back in the | create progress and greater unity|tion, We all know there is a mit | oo ation of today. with no indus among the residents of this area. to the amount a small group of a hel support the township COBOURG When the United |ton; G It is now our turn to give OUr|ratepayers can afford for the up- is ' Counties Council assembles Tues-|mand; R EE ~~ |keep of 60 to 70 miles of roads "In taking the office of reeve day, Jan. 19, to elect the new war-|vers; J here today, 1 realize the many den, 18 new members will be|Cavan; | sworn in. This is one of the larg. Cobour est turnovers which has occurred | brook; reeve, Hope; C.|H. M. Jakeman, deputy-reeve n counties membership in the|Grills, deputy-reeve, Percy; W Murray G. Nichols, reeve: SUG T PRIORITY 4 Three Hurt | PROGRAM | problems of the council and town- | st we set up!ship officials. I'am going to do 1 past 10 years. Heberle, deputy reeve, Port S Mainprises, deputy-reeve. "I therefore s . ads which we my best for all as a whole, and - Oshawa Schools' caretaking," The faces of many members|Hope; J. A. Heenan, reeve, Co-| Per R. Nelson, reeve; In Five {a program for ri and maintenance staff, the follow ominent in the United Counties|bourg; I. M. Hobbs, deputy-reeve, |C. G , deputy-reeve. Accidents i J KNOW yi the same. East land future councils could use know you will do las a reference for determining | Whitby Township isa good place {the priority of road and bridge|to live in -- let's keep it that ing officers were installed: will be missing for the first time.|Bowmanville; H. M. Jakeman,| Seymour A. I. Linn, reeve; construction, _ which T believe way, P dent, Edgar A. Harman; G. F. Harrington, former reeve|deputy-reeve, Manvers; S. Little,|C Rowe, deputy-reeve. | vice-president, "William Clarke; |of Millbrook and one of the seniorireeve, Bowmanville; . S. Mai South Monaghan -- recording secretary, Charlie Lit- members, went down to defeat in|prises, deputy-reeve, Murray; W.|reeve. Szhtly' n-4 |tiefield: secretary - treasurer, the municipal elections in Decem-|R. Pick, reeve, Hastings; R. £a-| Mia gereons were Hiohtiy ant % ing the weekend in Oshawa |Three other drivers were in {custody this morning waiting to Howard S. Bradley; tyler, be very, deputy-reeve, Clarke; J. - Increase Rate For ames Reid. MANY MISSING { Troop, reeve, Colborne. Immigrants . be missing are| - Membership of the United {be charged with eave Sad con Boarding Homes |of an automobile when their ab- "First I take this opportunity Saas A A - - THERE tance for Oshawa ki Accidents i rare, but is . receives HUNDREDS OF OSHAWA | of Osh: Club. Built main- | sley flashes a smile at e people drive out | ) er labor of the camera before speeding down s, the Kirby course =the mainhill at Kirby. The ski by every thing from a be- club chalet and coffe shop can winter, to blow away to a 150-foor jump | be seen in the valley, left. cobwebs the A Win- Oshawa times Photo Above who twisted his knee in a fall, is lifted to a sled stretcher by Doug Clarke, left, and Ted Vickery, of the ski patrol, a service organized by the club IS SPEEDY assis- the injured at the Club, near Kirby on the course are the slightest injury prompt attention Photo weekend during the on brisk Jaret gre Bloomfield, reeve, Haldi-|W. I. Jibb, deputy-reeve Brown, reeve, Man-| Hamilton- Cockrane, reeve; Burnes, deputv-reeve,| Hope S. Gray, reeve; F. Erskine, deputy-reeve,|Bamsey, deputy-reeve. Gibson, reeve, Mill-| Manvers R. Brown, reeve; Is Named t the January meeting of Local Union of Public Ser- Employees representing | G. Dean, sss, Hanford Wa Mie 5 le: Hanfor Wagg, Alan Fice, council wi Warner Brown, Charles Adams and Mansell Kennedy. Executive board -- Roy Love "niyo "members of 1959 COUNCIL MEMBERS former deputy-| Counties Council by towns, vil- Michael Wladyke reeve of Port - a a IF YOU HAVEN'T the nerve little to tackle the steep at | of Oshawa Oshawa Ski Club gentle, beginner's slope. Among the most enthusiastic the beginner's slope Susan Achmatowicz Susan, who is just enjoying h t day the Kirby slopes and has become quite expert on her four-foot was slopes wa on there 1s a skis ~-0Os a Times committee ni William Hanford fice and Cyril Loscombe. District -- Edgar Har- Oshawa and Council delegates --Edgar Clarke, Roy Wagg, Alan Labor man and Warner Brown. Sick committee -- Charles Ad- ams Clarke Auditors -- F Publi y committee -- Harman and Howard Bradley. Pop Concert Attracts Hanford Wagg and William Warner Brown and Edgar Big Crowd An enthusiastic audience hailed th pre "|OCVI auditorium, Canada To Control Atomic Warheads By DAVE McINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP ister Pearkes at this vritten down the gover ce and approved by Min- |g} session of Defence nuclear weapons on grounds that the Parliament may take the wind more people who possess them out of the sails of one of Opposi- the chance of war tion Leader Pearson's main criti nce department reply cism of defence policy nada must have tl Mr. Pearson maintained at the veapons a de. last parliamentary session and in thermonuclear public speeches since then tha Canadians must have contr over American nuclear weapons ni based in this country In the Canada - United St master agreement warheads, Canada in all hood will be given this control The agreement is not expected] to be completed for about a year. comm U.S. law requires that Ameri-| h ean nuclear warheads must kept in American custods case of Canada there likely Spending on new w be joint custody--that is, Cann equipment has heen ste dian and American personnel will| in recent years while c keep guard over the warhe~d maintenance and operations their storage sites have been going up CONTROL QUESTION Control of the use of the heads once thev have bopn. n Canadians Want leased from custody is something - Canadian Programs else again. Tt is in this field that Canada is insisting on sole con- trol WINNIPEG (CP) This means the Canadian gov- Stewart, chairman of ernment will instruct Can an of Broadcast hen and {Sund in arheads lon more en if a Bomare anti-aircraft ile with a nuclear warhead were fired dentally, it could not start a r because it is a defensive weapon which could -inot possibly reach Communist territory Pearkes may have his work cut out for him, if the opposition con- on the shortage of equipment in the Dr. the Governors a television ens' Forum, vant Canadian Andrew Board said field commanders how where 'he should be used In event of 5» nucles ment of North America would not be time for ernment to reach decisions use of nuclear warhead eireumstances could w ¢ ' nielea that Cana dians broadcast hombard- | in there| He gov on heeanse {iffor said the 55 per cent mini for Canadian-content pro not affect quality. If percentage of Canadian-con programs higher t 5 the "will be ve mum goes board 1appy bei Herb Stewart, Calgary televi- held that Canada interview, Norma Bowen, the solo- council J an outstanding perfor-|after a year's ab gave mance, that was a credit to her-|Bamsey well as self, as Oshawa. Miss B ted by the N near capacity e fine pop con-| Friday night.| ston, Tom Jones of Cobourg, Victor __|mer reeve, Hope Township; and | reeve of | {Haldimand Township. I not be return-| reeve, deputy deputy- . Burn- {D. C. | |ing include E. |Manvers; H [reeve, Cavan: J. Brough, |reeve, Bowmanville; R. R tham, | ran of ttee and building Dz and former deputv-reev f the township: Charles former. reeve of Wilson, Johnston, former Others who will Argue, Bradbirn reeve, ings; deputy-reeve MceGi deputy-reeve, and G. F band of NEW MEMBERS New members of the and others deputy eve, Hope; the|y gton, who! eat at the/I. M 'e reeve; A. D John- Cobourg, who retired because of ill health; former. deputy-reev w.| pt Man- G. H. Ross, deputy reeve, |J- Burns, deput Stapleton, | deputy-reeve, Hope Township. counties returning reeve; A e include F A Haldimand -- el Cobourg--J. A Erskine, deputy-reeve. A Bas/ Port Hope -- R. Budge, ame on Eyneriences W. Heberle, Bowmanville-- S. Hobbs, Campbellford -- G Bennett, Little, reeve. Brighton Village -- F. E. rich, reeve; F. Denyes, d €ireeve. for- Newcastle -- D. J m, reeve. Millbrook L. Gibson Hastings -- W. R. | Townships: | | Cu Alnwick -- F. McMillan Brighton -- R. Carlaw, P. Anson, deputy-reeve. Cartwright B van -- L. A ree Clarke H EW R. Savery, deputy-reeve Cramahe -- D. R. Din ireeve; G Darlington G. S. Blanchard, d reeve a "credit to Blanchard, deputy-reeve, Darling-|G. Bloomfield, deputy owen was ac- companied by Mrs. P. N. Spratt, | of Whitby SOLOS PLAYED BALCONY The spotlight ium was Whitsitt played from on s well received. The euphon- FROM solo features by S-Sgt. W. centre stage. Whereas the trombone was play- ed by the left hand balc bass was played Whiltshore from the centre of the| while the cornet solo was Musician J. stage played by greaves from the cony AUDIENCE JOINED IN The audience during the second ing of the traditional Hymn tune The Hymn tune chosen was the 23rd Psalm played to the tune, "Crimond"' The hum Blind Mic lections of Wales received The master of ceremonies, Ma- William C, that Chorus Toronto next pop jor nounced Men's sity of at the 19. ion station mana diar has be approximately cent, even before conten us fantasy , inserted in / gram for the chil S be enjoyed by everyone the from Musician A. Cooper from ony. The E-flat by Musician A. Har- right hand bal- joined in singing!" and third play-| 3-CAR CRASH Tope, who became|lages and townships is as follows: mayor; J. T. Brown, former reey of Clarke special C retired due to ill health; F. | Harding, former reeve, Colborne; | Roy W. Nichols went down to heavy def hands of Garnet Rickard, warden| Heenan, reeve; reeve; deputy-reeve " |born Good- eputy- Colborne -- J. Troop, reeve. nnir reeve. |tions between old and new Cana- Pick, reeve. reeve; s Ashton, reeve; iggon, reeve, Bowmanville; |A. Gibson, deputy-reeve. C Hooton, reeve; key, reeve; gwall Philp, deputy-reeve. Rickard, eputy- E. Roddy, reeve; Four Oshawa People Hurt AJAX (Staff) -- Four persons|Bulmer, 16, are in the Oshawa General Hos-|Oshawa. of 457 Masson She has m pital, two in critical condition, as|injuries. a result of a head-on collisio Highway 401, a 400 yards east |the Ajax cloverleaf, at 5.30 p.m. Sunday In fair condition is on Mrs. Anne Palter, fered fractured facial : lacerations, fractured right Nancy and shock "Three| he pro- Iren, seemed to Recol- also was well Paynter, Hart the will be concert, an- House| Univer- guests Feb. ger, said Cana- been found to 45 or 50 per| the ruling of al 55-per-cent minimum was passed. Ray Collett of Lever Brothers said when Canadian-content .pro- grams have as good quality as those produced States dv would chose the gram. in the United probably Canadian pro- CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and 'best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Gordon Tromley, sau street; Wayne Lott, 19 Maple street, Ajax; Mrs. W .eggot, 1249 Meadowvale street; Carol Saxby, 280 Bloor street rest; Carolyn Johnson, Townline road south; John VandenHeuven, RR 1, Osh awa; Marilyn Floody 429 Ridgeway avenue The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times their birthdays each da receive double tickets to T Regent Theatre, good four-week period. The cur- rent attraction is "Beloved Infidel." R 167 Nas- birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. ts on Anne, suffered determined injuries and a condition. His condition is | shock Mrs. Gertrude Bulmer, mother| {of Nancy, suffered contus |right eye, lacerated knees |shock 45, of of Somerville avenue, Oshawa, suf-| bones and| arm| street, ultiple 830 Her condition is fair.| | Maxwell Palter, 53, husband of| and un- heart fair. ion of and | Police said three cars were in- volved in the acciaent. One east- |bound driven by John D. S 122, of 11 Birch avenue, | struck from Bulmer car which {control and crossed |vard and collided went the head-on |the Palter car which was west-|a ca {bound | The Sharpe car was undamaged [Velma Wienco but the two others, both models, were badly damage Constable Ciiitord Pegg, by .detathment OPP,. investigated) {the accident (the time, the temperature |above zero and traffic {up for some time. | Dr harpe, Kingston, behind bv the out of boule- with 1959 od Whit- It was snowing at right ear with a .410 shotgun. Po- > two was tied bodies McClure, Toronto Hospital (the for Sick Children, who was pas ing by, rendered first aid scene while the victims | waiting for the ambulance. at the wer Make Bad y was impaired. Robert Schneider, 48, of 329 |Ritson Rd. S., received small |cufs on his forehead when a car Children's the services to families. It was Aid Socie of Ontario County |decided to secure copies of Miss and the C of Oshawa, at a re- Touzel's address which were 15 hie y iim "cent meeting adopted a motion to available at the association office lin Which ! he was ing Was increase the boarding home rate|and to circulate these among slruck 4 | as a = LONDON. Ont. (CP) -- Immi-'i Fue et v in front of his for all children by $5 per month board members for a more ation Minister Fairclough said id aff vi Sor He was effective Jan. 16. The finance QGorengh discussion at' a later dh ar Beh i ome, ay a ot 0 nmittée ri s it had given date unday that too many native- a passenger in a car driven by committée reported i g onsideration to the aid TAR a Canadians separate them-|Edward Schieder, 867 Meyers St., consideration fo the rate paifipypoypyg coMMITTEE i ior " of id previously and had compared it from immigrants with alQshawa. gly' vate 3 > mold ... The executive committee re. curtain" of indifference Virginia Sommer, 10, of 103 Wil- Jyits 'the Date paid by neightol ported that it had met immedi often of discrimination. son Rd. N., a passenger in the| J v. Savnders, presi-| ately before the meeting and had made the statement here other car involved in the colli-!dent. paid tribute to the work considered a case of an applica- ally declaring open Inter-|gion, received cuts on her lower|dqone by Mrs. Fudge, the resi- ton to adopt a child by a couple House, a community es-}iy and two broken teeth. Both!dence matron, who died recently, who had boarded children for hment to foster good rela-|ihe injured were treated at the He said she had been matron|Many years for this society. The Oshawa General Hospital. for eight years and during that Hans ow a Jez of age ant Canadian The driver of the other car time had Hope 32 wonderful work have Wo grown-up adopted chil- agencies such|Was Horst. G. Sommer, 103 Wil-{with the «ire, dren who are now married and as International House te bring|5°® Rd. N. Both cars WEre eX oIRECTORS' REPORT are on their own. They also have bout understanding between in. tensively damaged. Police esti-| To, To oo oa bctioal report two other children in their home, dividuals," she said. "It is to be/Mated the total damage to be covering the month of November one age 9 and one age 5, both of hoped that sir approximately $700 was presented. This showed that/whom were placed there origin- mushr across the country. Mary Lynburner, 16 Elgin St. y1016 were 397 children under the ally for boarding and are now on Mrs. Fairclough said immi- E., received an injured Knee ne vision of the society on No option probation. grants require advice ahd friend-| when a car which she was driv-igg "G¢ these: nine were in the In 1958 a further child. an in ship for many months after their ing was involved in a collision receiving homes, 163 in boarding fant, was placed for boarding as arrival in Canada with a car driven by Steve Rako- yomes 78 in free homes, 134 init was not at that time available "Lacking such social contact |ttyay, 70 Celina St, Oshawa, aqoption probation homes, one in for adoption. It is now available they tend to congregate with peo-'early Saturday morning. paid institution, nine in mental for adoption and the director and ple of their own ethnic group., The Rakottyay car.was repor- hospitals, two in correctional in-/social workers are recommend And we have only ourselves to ted to have slewed into a parked |stitutions and one in sanatorium.|ing that the child not be left in {blame for this. lcar owned by Ronld Jones, 152 There were 183 families involving this home but removed and | '"Too often newcomers are in a|Conant St. Oshawa after the or-(578 children assisted placed in a home with younger community but not of it. They ioinal collision. There was ap-|through the protection depart- parents. This move is being re. are separated from native - born proximately $75 damage to the/ment and 102 unmarried moth-|sisted by the boarding home Canadians by a 'glass curtain'| ied car and a total of $800 ers and 66 putative fathers were parents generally of indifference, some-|;; i1,0 other two involved being assisted "through the' un- The committee having consid: imes of dis i "» [to APE aronis artment times of discriminations. Slight damage was done to a married parenis departmen ered the matter recommended to homes and and in vi | a tiv a Tie! Sn s a in view of the present age they no longer experienced dis- Was involved in a collision Sun 96 'more in | ruck drive! y Roger Sauve,! qc .i.iotc afforte ay . : : {up truck driven by Rog Society's efforts to secure perma- hy them to adopt this child be | the fact that there were 114 per- tion of the executive committee DETROIT (AP)--Abby the | ) An estimated $600 damage was number 74 were over 12 years| The public relations committee 8 d § was Abby knocked the receiver [lision with a car driven by John ily. Others have sibling relation- report last month. In this they sion wi 5 ; ' ) The line remained open for damage emotionally than benefit {would be appearing in the very children and consider the matter|items of interest which the chil- The boar of the selves "glass and : society dians "It is important to maturity to hav ar projects will om being In time newcomers w 3 In considering this report it'ihe poar 3 How a . Ss El Jie »veiller ing he ard that in view of the longer distinguishable as immi- | T0 2 ives by. Wiltred Levetlier:! yas noted that there were 21 less provisions of our adoption policy grants. As soon as this occurred ar « No, USN children in board 4 adoption probation . p crimination |day noon, at the corner of Gibblj. th oon ago of the foster parents and espe Soria and Centre street, with a pickles an a year ago. cially that they have older chil- ag Lenire Sires! Pp A very full discussion of the dren in their home, the request BRBY THE CAT ead Guelph St. . {nent homes wherever possible for not granted. It was moved by & : Joseph Weiland, 55 Muskoka the children under care followed. afr, "Noble, seconded by Dr, COSTLY FELINE |Ave., was involved in a collision Particular attention was paid to|jeicalfe: That the recommenda: |Sunday morning with a car driv-| ] en by Mary Bishop, 97 Sunset manent wards of the society in pa adopted | cat is getting reproving looks |Drive Oshawa. There was slight boa g homes but in this re- : : | from Mr. and Mrs. Frank damage. gard it was noted that out of that PUBLIC RELATIONS Detiste f 1 it ted that it w. di lecaused when car: iven by Wil- of age, an age group where itireported that it was proceeding off the upstairs telephone ex- [used Whey vars griven st. w., is difficult for them to hecome with the plan to publize the work hile Pit : . » bh hig 1 ours into a wf: » society i m in i tension aie DeCaire was |was involved in a rear-end col- fully integrated into a new fam- of the society as laid down in its alking downstairs | 3 % ships in their boarding homes were receiving excellent support 20 hours as the toll charges Sats, » Simece > 5. and to separate them would/from The Oshawa Times and it ran up and up probably do the children more|is expected that some "publicity » = Missing Debutante they would gain by adoption. Itinear future. The radio station, . . was decided to get more detailed|CKLB, had also promised te Arrives In Belgium » 'ormation about this group of broadcast as a public service any Police Believe Murder, Suicide | SUDBURY (CP) os belief Sunday NEW YORK (AP)--Police said|again at a later date. |dren's aid society could bring to |Sunday that missing debutante] Further dis ion of the direc-|their attention. |Gamble Benedict arrived in Bel-|tor's report wed from the| In the matter of the annual © gium Saturday on a freighter fact that more people ning meeting the committee reported that left here Dec. 31. up to the children's a i had accepted Don Hen- night here was| The 18-year-old heiress to the for family' comselling before s. tentative dates either of murder and suicide {Remington typewriter fortune final break in their marriage in- April 20 or 27 : Attention as Police found the bodies of Mrs. |had been rhissing since Dec g7.|stead of letting things drift untilidrawn to the fact that hese and John Socha,| a SRE i 1.4 |S€Paration of the parents be-|dates fall on a Wednesday and on 'a bedroom| Investigators also learned that|., oq final, It was pointed out|not the Thursday which is the Willard gt |@ chauffeur, Andre Turimbeau.|iha; in this branch of social usual day for the annual meet was on the same ship with her. yo. is need for highly skilled!ing. Earlier, police had believed that .,,4 experienced workers to give Following some discussion as the girl might have eloped with | i ner help to the type and place of meeting the . positions of the|® Man twice her age. | As part of this discussion Mr. fit was decided to hold the meet- indicated that Socha, a| Miss Benediet and her 19-year- Saunders mentioned an address|ing, as in the past, in the eve- Creighton miner, may have done old brother, Douglas, have lived given by Miss Bessie Touze! , of ning. at St. Andrew's United shooting. Mrs. Wienecor|with their grandmother, Mrs. the Ontario Welfs Council," at{Church, Oshawa, if this place is ronmed at home Katherine Geddes Benedict since a recent northernal regional con-|available and the secretary was The bodies were discovered by the death of their mother from ference he On'ario Association|instructed to trv and arrange roomer. Kazimierz Mok Ald Societies. Miss with the church authorities for an overdose of sleeping pills in of Children's; 11946. Touzell had dealt very fully with the use of the hall on this date Police ex that the fa h ng f a man and| | both . about 4 floor in Socha's {home Both had beer shot through the| |lice said his another Irzycki.