14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jerdery 8, 1960 ; £%%) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 30--Lost and Found |36--Female Help Wanted 41--Room and Board |44--For Rent |44--For Rent 1--Accountants 14---Household Repairs 19--Personals BOB CLANCY'S ower Accomm} CHASSIFIED AD RATES foo oe ehimnes cleaner. Caim.|HAND ¥nit "Mary Maxim" sweaters, LOST -- Around Courfice, black and| HOUSEKEEPER for lawyer's home.|ROOMS with or without board for gen- ONE room for lady in modern apart- THREE - room 5 Yai of Run Services offer let ne 25 words or less ||neys built and repaired, gas linings in-|a0y design, made to order. Phone RA|gray striped Persian kitten, light tip on tlemen, very central, all conveniences, ment house, vicinity Roseland and Sim-|room Spastment, eat and water. No el Se aS mpeie Tookkecping Cash Charge |stalled, hirnaces vacuumed. Free esti.|*4387. tail, female. RA 5-597. Reward, 6a salarv. No young in family.|206 King East. 3 he desired. s JS Street West, Room 1 Office RA 35-0397, 3 CONSECUTIVE mates. RA 3-2 LE : LOST man's Bulov i wrist Ample time off. Phone RA 3-4029. 5c BOOM 3d board for gentleman, two er ls 3 THREE . woo oder Saserreat Residence, RA 3.7605 | INSERTIONS CALL Joe, RA 58018 for carpentry, ELECTROLYSIS watch, on James Street Saturday. Re- WANTED -- Waitress with experience, | minutes from four corners. Good meals.| TWO - family house, nine rooms, new- apartment, complete with, de-humidi- YALE FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER = painting and handyman. ward. RA 5-5613 3b|Apply David's Drive-In Restaurant, Apply 24 Charles Street. ly decorated. 263 Mary Street. Phonelfier to ire dryness, Can be seen and Co., Accountants and auditors, Li- |} 6 CONSECUTIVE " . mre meee mere vy R 1 of fl hai LOST -- Brown leather wallet, contain-| Whitby, or phone MO 8-4066. S| LOOM and board 40 alate, cleah after 6 p.m. Dial RA 5-145. S¢ anytime. "Phone RA 3-3218. ot :, i K y NSERTIONS 3.73 . C STERFIELDS built, ered, lemovy C uperfiuous hair. 1 - = , thre: s en tth mp ---- -- - -. Sensed hy Pi ip a Rid ov om new. Why ay ey . ol of Y fine aS tn ana. _Dessensi DENTAL assistant. Apply in hand-|home, single beds, lunches packed.|UPSTAIRS duplex, heavy wiring and FURNISHED, large _double-bedroom F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA. | If not paid within 7 days the are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Marie Murduff will be in [oinity 'Simcoe South and Jackson, RA|Writing, stating age, education, marital| Laundry done. RA 5-175, stove, hot and cold water, built-in cup- and age cl eh and Ine single room, - 2 | Charge rate will app Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery 5.4906. Reward. ! 3f Status, previous experience and em- - boards, two bedrooms, kitchen and liv- cooking privileges. 5.1004. 6b 8. 7 JIOFKINS and Company, Cortl-( Above rates apply only to original Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA Oshawa, Jan. 26th and 27th. ployment, salary expected. Write Bx ROOM and board for gentleman, gi ing room. Private entrance, $65 per MODERN electrically equipped two A i WL Kaall o 0 utive insertions. 15.0311 Ph G I Hotel 31---Articles For Rent i, Oshawa, Times. S| mens pants. Phone BA" 39100 mouth, RA Sue. Stibedroom apartments, at yden a "ah » " ---------- r -- -- ee ------------------------ he 3 ee ~ me------------------------ 83509 Subsequent insertions ordered of a || CoS RYTELDS and oid chairs Bl one renotng Mole Ml MODERN one, or two - bedroom apart. | Road, Whitby. Phone MO " i EE a RUG clerk, experienced, excellent _- he -- ene. | of ELNA tals. RA 532501. Straight ROOM and board for gentlemen. Good ment in new, sound-proof building, . aR Rg IE ne oh, ies] _ these dotes for gopsimment, |BUT8 our, RRL, woe RO SE Ta 5 vier ri Es. Fin i Co., Chartered Accountants, License " en ------------------------------ " ppl ar a North. 3 * f a z, - rast Ajax. Oshawa, Stratford; Professional ar r st Street North. Call RA 8-6451 for a free) {20--Cartage WOMAN to 100k after three school age outlet, RA" 51300. in good residential; FRONT "bedroom, 1 a "clean snd Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. | $7.50 per m onth | for 3 lines. daily. Jl estimate . USED children, while mother works, live in, |ROOM ou two ind to shale, area, bright. Ab only. Apply 106 Elgin Monteith, B Comm., CA; G. Riehl | Each « A A CLEAN home 1s a hWppy home. [EAE CARTACE Tobit udu appl Phone RA 8-660 after 6.30 p.m. i ith rea ast, all conveniences. THREE rooms, private bath, Cag {East. RA 5-2036. CA, RIA; G. E Trethewey, C F. nth Free consultation, work guaranteed, 3 e SEREE TL PE : - stainers, Centr one |CLEAN, furnished room, for one « Lightfoot, CA 1 sree rich 1effer, obbrévio no publicity, Reliable Exterminators, (insured. Call day or night. RA 5-449 SEWING MACHINES IO EEE Wanted: Foone Gor. BEST meals in town, all convenlences,| li Boi Bn LB le Bf Street North Or Sure 5 © and services for all needs. ( TRAL delivery service, parcel de- '- {fax 3-2113. 4f|for gentlemen. Phone RA 5-1168. 536 ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and|RA 8-0517 after 6.30 p.m. o iss Dawes Roa ad, Toronto, ZE 5.3509 or] tivery, for fast dependable service call Portable -- Consoles | Lorraine Street. bath, maid service, RA 3-4641, Genosha | Two furnished or unfurni Tooms. 2-- Barristers lassified d nent in el F pu rt = [RA S75 Guaranteed by -- 37--Male Help Wanted ROOM and board for Yestiomen, One Hotel for two girls or couple, rent Fearon Sey = a T ha & > the ¢ BH quali 1 ime | GiNGlE roOM and rooms share, one | THREE unfurnished rooms, $40 month-|able. Central location. RA 3-3195. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli V y 5 more comfortable. New upholstered| 2] --P. rv IG SEWI | DRAUGHTSMAN with one to three|RA 8-6382 97 Albert Street { -- tor and Notary Public, 261% King b rn hour 8-3 ture or re-upholster and re- sered 2 ersonal Se ice nim SINGER SEWING CENTER |years' experience, steady employment, Hin I¥. RA 510055 or BA 399m __ [IN BOWMANVILLE, spacious three sAreet East. Phone RA 8-176 Sat y B- ; old. Only by highly skilled up-|SEWING machine repair and service RA 5-5443--16 Ontario St. |ana company benefits. Apply Rowe 43 Wanted to Rent THREE - room basement apartment, | room apartment with use of large util. FANNING ¥. SWARTZ, Barrister, holsterer, at no extra cost, Gimpelj to all makes. Eina. RA 52591 Brothers and Company, Canada, Ltd with three - piece Bath and private en-|ity room and cellar, four-piece bath, oil Upholstering Co., 301 Elg |32--Arti les Wanted {Phone Ajax 10a. of trance. Phone RA 3-98: 31 heated, $65 monthly. MA 3-393, Notary Mc mey to loan. Asso- Hoy h HOWL ¥ t re est in Oshawa. For free e r - FOU ms, ground aoa IR res ertise- | mate, call RA 5-4170. See our big "horce| 22 Radio & vv i Repei : aL sale -- two hours required, EXPERIENCED waiter for Queens \vOUJNG EXECUTIVE [Four re ba Sali THREE room , Jel-contained, gre pi : i grind |TV = RADIO service. All makes. |Apply Cadillac Hotel df Hotel, Newcastle, Ont. Phone 2536, Phone MO 82567, Whitby. 3f| highway, evenings, RA 8.6408. 3 NALD BLAKE DODDS. Barrister wr y an FURNITURE repaired ana re-uphols.| Jhompson Electronics, 157 Eo AV- | BIANOS Tike or B3C pi |e weastie . & ®! Has two well behaved boys one . Ys 8 Do arrister "Cor r r f 2d " enue RA 3.9792 (Fred) | State k nd |EXPERIENCED bar tender, Queen's and a conscientious wife and TWO bedroom upstairs "apartment. | FOUR - room apartment, all eonvenic - § e and pri ice. Write Heavy wiring, heat and hydro includ-|ences, Parking, bus at door, launder te King Street East tion tered See our m for re-cover. pay cash P 1 en ne: Business, RA 5.5501; Resi. |] ! hor beyond he. ing, Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, (TV TOWERS, One year guarantee Box 42 Or Hotel, Newcastle, Ontario. Phone 23%,| needs a three-bedroom bun- oq sis." Vacant, 340 Buena Vista, RA ing. hot water heating. Arps 165 Ven . | a galow in good residential dis- 8-5385 3f dun Road. RA 3.3096. » RA 8-537 3 Wied RA 37212 [349.85 no bolts, no rivets, all welded. | yg So oroximately five feet : d rr Wind. All channel aerials from $19:95, Easy pProxima . 4 IMESSENGER boy wanted, Apply 11% t PH P, MANGAN, Q€, barr i also reserves fhe right || GARDENS and iawns roto-tilled "Made long, and child's ski boots, size 3 or 4. E ; A trict. Excellent references. ained oe re Dior oat geeurs. A i Rid ng planting and seeding |terms. Kelly TV. RA 55121 MA 3.5531 3f|King Street Bast 8| Call Ristow & Olsen Realt oes pase fas soon | THREE Toor, self ~ contained apart: te " . 2 : ------ a istow. sen Realtors ant. Apply 356 Park Road South t, # Street Ea shawa. RA call RA 5-885 DAY OR NIGHT--Prompt TV service - [MAN for greenhouse, with some exper tor pt meni. unfurhistied. Private hath. Pari Residence, RA 5 hi Phone RA 8-526, Oshawa Electronics| TRANSISTOR radio, skifs, toys, powe er hin hil ot RA 5-8165 oF phone Ra 2106. 3f]ing space. Adults only. Apply 150 nt oi g { ETDs 5c TWO - bedroom, ultra modern apart. sion af ment, located near Shopping Centre, | two unfurnished rooms, child -- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and ar be. held Rez en okie ay or ox [chauffeur's licénce. Write Box 41 Osh MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- J °° > thon FURNACE SAL ES TELEVISION, radio tubes, Do-it-Your.| change hinn" illsid 3.7088, | awa Times 44 For Ren electrically equipped. Metro Apart, tary Pub Bank of Commerce Bldg. , p ma r self free tester, Fred's Drive-In, King AC Tt AL jobs In Canada, U.S., 80. Am.,| Jo | ments. Call RA 3-9471. 3¢| Come Call at 271 Jarvis Street, Simene Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K. Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Towr Europe. Tv $15,000. Travel paid. Write| THREE room a THREE unf light housek 6 9 ec r , I r » T Y partment, sink, stove, BE unfurnished light housekeep- Creighton N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. [} occup » " AND: SERVICE Line East, Supplied by Dean Kelly TV ! CASH FOR SCRAP ! !Employment Info. Center, Room 'C-3% and cupboards, some. furniture, share| "UR ISHED bed - sitting_room. Full [ing rooms, also with garage. Avsly Drvaan, Murdoch, NHA mort } 3 nae 31 King West. Open daily, 12 midr : hy 470 Stuart Street, Boston 16 bath, 15 Fairbank or phone RA 5.2389, | SC0KIng facil Hos, Sose to hospital and|a68 Clark Street gages arranged correctly issues no. lod and Sundays WE BUY re | 2: | downtown. Call 8-5507 i Rob iy THE new management of Mount Lawn | iS ROOMS -- one single, one doube fr wg GREER hy and MacDonald, Bary sdvertisem re taine RA 5. 5954 TV TOWERS completely installs STEE T BATTERIE Developments Co. Ltd. offer an at-| BUNGALOW, four rooms, Hanco sei conta NT four rooms and bath. room; single beds, attractively furnishe risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public vear guarantee, $64.50: bolts, ER, RAGS, etc tractive position to a salesman exper- Road, Courtice; children welcome; $70| ci; Contained, private entrance, heavy ed, Centrally located. Phone RA 8-0852. 5 Kir et East, RA 5-4717, Russell rivets, all welded . All channel seria lenced In our field. Guaranteed earn. | mony. Jones Real Estate Aes io | Wiring, nicely decorated, water and EF] J. Murphy and James A MacDonald. | anout from $29.95: easy terms Kelly TV | ay Saturday ngs, age no. consideration. Phone RA 3 » sb | a Adults preferred. RA 3-9859 2f UNFURNISHED Three -- 100m apart Z T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl-|-- 5-312 'M GREENBU RG & SONS 32633 or write us Oshawa 4° | GLEAN, furmished housekeeping Toom. [ONE furnished room, suitable for one ment. Suit young working eouple. Tp. tor. ete. 133 Stmeos Strest pe 8-- Building Trad 5H LTD [THREE men required for ~Colonial's | separate entrance, very central. Girl|oieer Noch eman. Apply 620 Simeoe|vate = entrance. Parking space. 241 Office RA $3741; Jesidence RA 6 building Lrades a struction EXPERT ANTENNA 3 3--308 B ; increasing sales staff, No Pe ae; | Preferred. RA 3.9503 o posed dF part 2 Bloor Street W » BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Sollc HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Ba | > Gi necessary. Fu: appointment, Son Rl mm urnished rooms, avall-| oN COLBORN tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5-9592. Resi. | ROOFING Sad ang, eavestroughing Teal Acric ot Hig T R - én eens OF 101 peTSOR, 515 Brock Street North, ONE furnished bedroom, i Tvolube in private home, 82 Park Road|pedroom with use of y 0264 9 Register now. 424 King West, RA 5.6 AND OWE | Whith loc ated pln A Sy Fig y | North, 37 pm RA 8-8671 board, young gentlemen. Office workery -4935. iG - - { y i d | ny - ferred. RA McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, lo WANTED WANTED two men for window and|y olor oo lo {889 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed.| Pre! Soli Clients funds available for| GENERAL contractors, brick and PRIVATE teacher. student counsellor, INSTALLATIONS floor cleaning service, to work Wed-| ay Suet meas 5¢ room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully | THREE rooms and bath, upstairs first gages. 20 Simcoe Street North. cement work and repairs RA 5. 8 F i ~p |nesdays only, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. State TWO large unfurnished or partly fur-|decorated. Hurry for these! Only a few rtment. R ble rent. Phone RA , 2 , -- Call RA 5-1054 SCRAP IRON, POULTRY hi ight and phone number |nished or! bath, 1 | aa ment. Reasonable re ne RA 5 McGibbon, QC; FLOOR, wall service, ceramic, plasti TY - A ' |age, height, weight and p nished rooms, private bath, completely |available. Call exclusive rental agent, 5.6601 Edgar F s QC wall tiles, linoleum. Tin, mastic, "Boor LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Ed All-Channel Antennc AND FEATHER TICKS to Box 34, Oshawa Times. 1 | redecorated. RA 59308. Mr. Bill Swarbrick, RA 56544 or ki Th a aa : cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre a " | |r m-- I me ---- 342. Johm A. J. Bolahood LRA "URNISHE apartment, also eo $24.00 I. TURNER NICE four room "apartment, #ood| pealtar {and double rooms, furnished; eentral, as Ww as HUMPHRIES and Boychym, | . y chool acroba cha r. t ars, Solicitors; R. D. Ha hreys, GC ALL TYPES of building repairs--Rool- | Satarday. Masonic Tem CRA RA 3-3374 | ENT WANTED location, varking, Jaundsy - fachitics, Gladston Avenue, RA 83-3402. oychyn., ; W. A, Hillman, --- m Fes - . | V rv 24 Hour - outlet, etc. $75. Also bachelor partly furnished h keepi % 7) Pen Fhopo|ik Masonty -- Cement a rr Po SSryice o 4 AGE Fh fh BL ga ni [Foon in private home, very central 5 est. jones: 30 'F ( 1 >: 2 . mi completely urnisi ae) om LE » Use of was hing machine, » oa RA 5-4604 or troughing--Chimneys, Gordon May. RA 16--Insurance (House call $2.50 RA. 3-2043 To arrange appointment for |RFTZINCEn Com RA 8-1203. 48 Drew Street. RA 3-4152 suitable for two friends or will rent as 8-0394 AN f Water Heaters, Water Soft- RE single. RA 8-0383. o 2761. Money to loan. |. ---------------- ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save Bo {col lect) eners ond Furnaces BINGLE Joom "for rent, private Kit- SPACIOUS apartment, furnished or un ' cs iia JOHN A MaeDONALD, BA, Barrister to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| ---- - chen, washing machine, fridge, garage furnisi in modern country home. W_unfurnis "three - room 80- and Solicitor. 101 Simcoe Street North. | DODD & SOUTER personal service at your home, eall| | Len & Lou' S TV. | ™ Phone Collect MacDonald [if needed. Very central. Phone RA|Low rent. OLiver 53424. {ment apartment, self-contained, heavy Phove RA 8881. | PAINT -- WALLPAPER [RA 57413 CEDARDALE EM 3-8471 S150 __WGINGLE nd double rooms for genie w1rin Reasonable. Abstainers only JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici-| PAINTING C ING Antennas RA 5.7844 BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, In good resi-/men with cooking privileges. Apply 135 - tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street CONTRA 17--Money to Loan | SC RAP TORONTO dential district. Suit newly married|Celina Street. THREE - room apartment, near South East. RA 3.2260. NHA and private h aR CLIENTS' mio to Toss on Bist mak Se RA B 5804 RON METAL LT ib couple. Write Box 24, Oshawa Times. |g erpy furnished bedroom 1or Dusl- lan plant. Phine RA 38-8352 after 4 mo Ages arranged = | For free estimo 1 gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale |---- RON mM: LLTD -- em ---------------------------- . finess man, in quiet home, breakfast|P:™: ae i ama GREER and Kelly, Barristers, : DAYS MO 8-5231 chased, NHA mortgages arranged OM) IRON--METALS | FIVE-zoom brick Bouse, attached gar. optional. 38 Colborne Street West. FU RNISHED tw two "Fooms ind Kiiches- t th. |' Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- | m , age, ree rooms, of eating, al ette, refrigerator, prival entrance, ors, etc. 74 Simcoe Street Sou EVENINGS RA 5.7426 |S ECONOMY AND | PAPERS--RAGS EXECUTIVE TYPE [= ed ;|BOOM in private Bowe, very central very central, Also single room. Res: Dial RA 2 Residence phones: Ww | o _] 4 | 1 ron St. Vhitby | 4 on J. M ge ; BA Se RA 07 Byron St. 5, Whith CLIENTS' monies available for first DELUXE TOWERS | OPEN SAT D | SALESMAN nh Mostly, | AvPY 9 Alms Eigis Steet Sant Sonable: Apply %6 Cem es » ence V € . . SE ---- nd second mortgages. Mortgages ar 2. : | Rn 44 » 2 : -- a - - y -- | FIVE - room bungalow, furnis or . | A ements of sale urchassds Apsly| -ROOf 'antennas installed | RA , FOR OSHAWA GENTLEMEN -- comfortable, clean, (s NVET - room infurnished apartment, | uns mished, all conveniences, close to {light housekeeping rooms, in nice d 3 Br 0 two a ik, South Plant. Call between 4.30 and 5.30 1005, Ld RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas| as / s and HOME - IMPROVEMENT M. F., Swartz, Barrister and Notary low 0 me Ff I 3 0 y Asutiate Barningss AH aso os $30.00 com » eded by financial organi- |home. Central, near NGM, stores and foouis fupished apartment; i Mp 11 130 King Street East. RA| REMODELLING--ADDITION ublic, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA RESIDENCE--RA 5.4159 ! 2 Mortgage loans available | REC ROOMS 3-4697 pléte Re STREEY | Some sales exper- [Rospital. 12 Elgin Street East. RAlo,qnae south. SE oh room, furnished, double - WE HAVE clients', monies for loans on REPAIR J nS ience helpful but not neces- BF JHE et Op rE PTE furnished 4 bed, for gentleman. 201 Banting Ave- 3--Chiropractors r JAMILY ROOMS . first and second 'mortgages and pur r E lis iL ERE EEA | for @ man that will wo Snfuraished oe lt guile} Fou a 100, | ne] nue. Phone RA. 32439, Se - . ! KQArawooa I"1oor hase of agreements of sale. Louls § ] / y d oA ec 3 7H. TAYLOR, Doctor of Chiropractic Cupboards Hyman, QC 37 King Street East, Os . V. S$ ICE SHAW ing married man |dren. Abstainers, Moderate rent. RA |Y.ring. Call RA 5-945. 200 for Jeni, wiltable Jor one oF hve 337 Kir Streat es Oshawa RA| Loans Arranged awa, RA 3-4043 Fully licensed } 0 2 | with gor education pre- FOUR [arom Gwobedroom) pvart | : " . bd he ici HUGH CROSBY FIRST "and "second mortgage, sale TV Technicians AUTO w RECKING co Jerrad, above-average eorn. [self-contained centrally located. 1m in stove, Tv antlet, heat 'and water "i | FiwER = toom apartment, private agre purchased and sold. Hen Wants cars for wrecking, also. | ings and fine promotion Ee eC atne js cluded, new apartment building. One|path, private ent 5048. C 0 g, also : fate possession. Phone RA 3-2155. 1f|3otirins Ro SO ors Feb. 1. Phone RA | private entrance. RA 8- » oi IA : i : mor. Write MODERN, all Bewly Sccorated ipa ought Open Soturday ell | . H cludes stove, fridge, heat, hot water. uplex apartment, consisting ree ay ha v T y ful re d BACHELOR apartment for lady, oen-|y vin , di day. Phone | awa Times, giving full pa {105 Craydon Road, Whitby, Apt. 2. (iia) "sn modern apartment 8 Tou: ding ram; ISH mf tiled, 4---Dentists { k, Barristers, 31 King A mm---------------- , ¢ rs, 31 King i I n yossibilities to a successfu ---------------- i RA 5- 3937 | "i 1 YEAR scrap iron and metals, etc ne er ode Och. |TWODPEDROOM apartment, #905. Tn.|3-4368 DR. G, T. SCIUK. Office hours § to 6. | AER Tor ome w| SERVICE CONTRACTS | Simcoe Street South ne HENDERSON CONCRETE | rst and second mortgages and pur-| | I 'viculars about yourself 3 . p - chase of agreements of sale. Louis §.| FOR LESS THAN IRA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E _|SINGLE furnished bedroom, board op. perking, Jive and 'frig, TV antenna. |with electric stove and refrigerator, 5----Nursing Services PRODUCTS LIMITED Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. | | quiet clean home, central [RA 8-6( Hardwood floors throughout, gins LICENCED private mursing home fof| Cinder. awa, RA 3-4543 A $1.00 A WEEK (35 E EroloY a Wante 3 | --_ |Gentleman preferred. RA 35-3879. FURNISHED sleeping room, suitable (F0om, separate Shiranoet: front aud AN oncrete, inder aydite S------ - Joss ole ---Employmen ante | r 4 rear, sundeck. Couples only, per lia women. Mo 'Sari whi. | Cgnere flor ploy | CHAMBER OF [NOPERS Jsipon spectmest gud or ne i oe ini hone RA L314 thom $6 Br = y 4 . 4 2¢ | appointment. Chimney Blocks. Ist and 2nd | T R | 0 [EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires and stove. Phone RA 3-9141 1f | Street East 1089 Nelson Street Nal. . {work at home, trial balance, typing, COMMERCE Ane . 8 lige Bouseh ANDEN NURSING HOME| e301 |etc. Write Box 849, Oshawa Times. 6f ONE - room furnished for two men. |BOWMANVILLE -- three . room lf poorly Feo Wellington MORTGAGES - - MANAGER REQUIRED RA 5-6169, 4 | ment, heated, private bath, heavy wir room, _religeraor, 8 entrance, y 5 Corner 0 (Liscensed) KING ST. WEST | od MAN, 33, %hachine shop inspection nu $45 h. Ph RA 3-2430. 2f RA 3.-4412--RA 5.704) | Arranged diploma, seven years jpractical exper- THREE - room apartment, private en. | nS: $45 per mont! one A able for one or two, Apply 184 nursing home for | L od | + {ience, desires position "as inspector (re- Position entc Administra- trance, all conveniences, one child wel.| THREE - room apartment, heavy duty (Avenue and elderly n Busi Fo) rap yndewo nvestments 171 BOND ST. EAST | ceiving-outgoing material), or produc tive knowledge and training, |[come. Phone RA 5-3810. 4f | wiring, private entrance, three Piece) NEW, two - bedroom, ' Men ond women 8 3 iar usiness Opportunities 209 Brock St Whitb wd { Non smateni- Fri ah ceading 2 public speaking ability and MODERN split-level, three bedrooms, |Dath. Phone RA 8-1735 {b: golovrsl, stoves ant Fettisuaiors, - Nurses and dieticians in [PICKERING Taxi for sale, $1500 cash MO 8.5 322 i RA 8 $78) = estimation and cost of operation).| experience in publicity ond |recreation room, near South GM. Poi) | MODERN, self - contained apartment, parking er occu! ottendonce. Tray service, |No trifiers, please. Phone Pickering| | -- Hades Phone 'RA 8.5892 sc] public relations operations-- |#ession Feb. 1. RA 5-8020. _4f|adults only, Apply 335 King Street 3 ment, Sup Molds Sires: Wok: ous radio, T.V., lounge. Ria me " | ERENCE ts Rares @ man with better than ov- [THREE . bed brick East. Street. Phone : : | BEAUTY shop,, four operators, good FIRST AND SECOND EIEN TED shay Gesires office] oge educational back. |Mith family sized kitchen, oll heating.|FIVE - room one and a half storey : tometrists business. Owner leaving the country 2 iii : ound fesded |Immediate possession. $84 per month.|hrick home, Southmead district. Avail-| APARTMENT -- five rooms and four 6---Optom. | Whitby, MO 8-3462 be & JOURNEYMAN plumber with over 15] 9round needed [Call Ristow and Olsen Realtors, 19) gb February | Phone RA 8-176. 2f plece bath, heavy wiring, self-contain. ¥ RICHARD LA Td Os mEAvY ED MORTGAGES and years' experience in every phase of [Athol Street West. RA $6165. 4f| oo cor tt nm od, water and heat. Possession Jamu. etry, the examination of eyes, contact RA. 3 parlor urls nei OPERATORS plumbing, wishes position. Write Box| Please reply in writing to the |g ueE giv rooms, central, oil heat FRR aE XB Phone RA 5.4856 or | MY 30. Adults preferred. 489 Park Road lenses. 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), | AGREEMENTS OF SALE 843, Oshawa Times | President, The Oshawa |ed, immediate possession. RA 5-969 Svols 31 Oshawa Boulevard North OF | South. evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191. ons cso Tent, central, ASSOCIATION WORK wanted at pome, taking tele. Chomber of Commerce, Box 6a SERN two -- bedroom apartment,| POWMANVILLE -- Three . room 5 1,80 | | x 1essages, a ssi ns, 36 shaw i= Io Fao mantle we ; riment, heated, electric washer C. BH. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please awa Times $1,800.00 to $100,000.00 (In : phone messages, adliressing envelopes 367, Oshawe,. giving quali ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds f tor, TV| Pa 5 co-operatio with th . Phon 3.9897 3 d » washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, Home owners, residential | Pp ion wi e |cards, etc. Phone RA 3.98 fl fications, references and sal- [corner store, William and Mary | outlet. parking area, $92.50 monthly, nd dyes, _ paki ws" "op at o Pp accounts at downtown Toronto LONG blished ol to ? ' p : - - - non Bank er 74 Burk Street establis modern store for | Oshawa Chomber of Gommerce) |GIRL, would e part-time baby ary expected | Streets. Phone RA 85-0906. 6f| Rossland Road East, RA 51310 3 ent 7# Bowmanville ft. by 70, with full basement, Property, summer cottages, Veisse y { - a - one RA 5-4587 sitting, experienced, vicinity of King par I rp. ready for occup first of suburban homes factories, | {5 5h North > 6b roOM board optional, "gentleman | TWO - room, unfurnished apartment, |year. Write Box 707, Oshawa Times. | ¥ actrees ; ne TV-HI-FI-AERIALS and ( I orth. Phone R/ - preferred, clean, quiet home. Apply 64 kitchen, bedroom, private bath. Apply| TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and 7--Surveyors | hi ~~ | and acreage. Quotations by 5- , giving references Charles Street. [151 Oshawa Boulevard South. 3¢| kitchen, close to bus and stores, Sa srr ---- m-- | oni r mail. Prompt ser- an | y ee 51 Bs ae an - « parking Also two boarders wanted. DONALD WH. TROLLOPE, Ontario LEASE OR SALE Tbe Pig palo Dean Kelly TV--RA 3512) 5 Femole Help Wanted UNUSUAL SPACIOUS modern apartment, with|TWO rooms, furnished, En Apply 306 Paclilc Avenue. " 1 Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA| v ' 5 owe ce Pp io! gorl ow or RA 5-1685 wail OPPORTUNITY private bath. RA 57789 after § p.m. 6f (apartment, private bath, central, rea.| ome rem kway V - 3 E 093 ¥ od » = Ultra modern stores in estab- Corp. Ltd imcoe R pd Poll qT A 3-3043 PHONE solicitors to work at {BEDROOM, newly decorated, furnish.|#0nable rent. RA 38-0033 newly decorated, modern stove and re- T. HORTON and Associates, Ontario lished area. No competition Oshawa Days: ; A Ael Po lard V..RA 3-9512 howe, Guevatesd salary, a Bs bog is : ed, in home of quiet business couple,(LARGE room for gentleman, 'or 1ady,|srigerator, laundry facilities. Best loca. and Surveyors, Professional Engin-| 7 To Te oT oo 5-3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 | Premier TV RA 5-1179 arpel Tracing hs rite Box 48, Osh-| Large Uiiiad States and [North Mary Street. RA 5-0145. 6f|cooking privileges. Apply 66 Warren ition, immediate occupancy. Phone RA ing, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit [Or Mie Sucvey ing 3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 TV Enterprises. RA 5-2905 [*%% Times Conadion Company is ex- |GXE or two furnished Hght housekeep. | Avenue: 3 5.4452 HH 0 85091, Ajax Ee | ac «20 > 3 RA 3.9484 EARN $23 weekly plus a free ward. ponding in this area, Require [ing rooms, clean, quiet, central, close |HOUSE for zent on Farewell Avenue. cery, Variety Snack, Hard | 2 robe in your spare time. Just sh 1 8 8 Building Yrodes A Be ------------ APPLIANCE SERVICES [Fashion Teocks to iriends. No invest.| representative for Whitby [to hospital, » Suftale. for angle person | Phone RA 3 : MODERN FOUR se------------r---- | Immediate possession M ware, Haire r Barber --r m---- -- z : or . : | ment, canvassing or experience neces- township. Product is sold or coup, {THREE rooms, bedroom and kitchen CARPENTER work, framing, trim- | Money available for all Jack Christie RA 5-1179 |sary. Write: North American Fashion| gi octly to farm. No invest- |FOUR - room apartment with garage. |furnished, living room, partly furnigh- ROOM APARTMENT ming, Witchen cabinets, custom work| 8-2625 Whitby o rec 5 e x | i . 5 Industrial t v nt : jwick Electric. RA 5.6369 [Frocks Ltd. 3425 Industrial Blvd. Dept 5 \ 48 Jones Avenue ed. RA 5-4373. If no answer, cal wl . repairs, Mortgages arranged An 3 types of first and second c Lick Ei RA 3.7743 |D-303, Montreal, 39, Que 6a| ment require This sales eal err ite ot 9228. audvius All conveniences, available guaranteed. RA 3-3579 z wae perienced, shift] Position can be handled along | TAS ~ room, contained apartmen six - "house Tor rent, off for] Feb: Ist. A 3 t bi War rer Williams RA 5-3531 WAITRESS wanted, experienced, sh |unfurnished, comfortable. Also large I room L 5 262 KING ST. E BASEMENTS dus, and back-filled, ex 13 --Gardening & Supplies | mortgages at reasonable | |wwork. South End Restaurant, 5 BI vith your present farming |imished master bedroom, sult two or |nace. Available February 1. Apply 233 . E cavating, »tc RA 3.38% or RA 8-063 \yyyFs trimmed and removed. For in-| rates. Short term mort- | WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL [Fast 4! operation. p lly highs |three working men, single beds. Rea.|Beatty Avenue after & p.m. Saturday, RA 5-3139 BA UPTON Tor high quality painting formation, phone Bowmanville, MA] 2 | CHARGE CREDIT CARD! J part-time waitresses wanted,| ecrnings. seat business. |fonable rates. 85 Charles Street. RA [10-7 p.m or WRITE BOX 847 Phone BA 3-2977. 3-5640. 3, gages arranged. Mort- d 0 h S also short order gook 3 Syening Automobile necessary. Agri fo 0913 6 (TWO - rooms 6 unfurnished. fret owl OSHAWA TIMES - ver Deu Cor --1 {work. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha - . od . ' THREE . room, self - contained apart. | private entrance, outside of Wh, > work. Framing. ian : gages and Agreements [23 Women' s Column [Hotel Jltural or farming back- | ment, heated. continuous hot water, monthly. RA BIS __ of HARDSAND for Sale purchased. aL fr IE RF ground essent Applicant heavy duty wiring, near Shoppin® | ROUGE district -- $65 monthly. Twn-| Mortgages arranged. All types of a s i ménding i 1 lons and m¥nding should be well-known: in the |Core: raking wrace. AA 5-618 6f [pedroom house, furnace, furnished, | SCHOFIELD guaranteed. RA 3-3378 LANDSCAPING . : done expe ne MO 8-427. WANTED -- a bulk | WEL YE 4 ih Prompt attention given to |sprciar: Heal permanents, S630; ATTENTION area and have o desire to |ONE single room, furnished, gentle. |frult and shade trees, acre lot, 10 min Power Rolling better himself. Soles training |man preferred. RA 8-5267 6c [utes' walk from No. 2, TEmple Blo Insurance Assoc. Ltd. cemented and water-proofed by 1 li Col wave $6.00 Page Halrdressi Nisa section [o] 3 tiliz all applications. A | i ng| What section of Oshowa do perts, low cost, free estimates. RA v Fertili ing PP P P y | 39 Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363. vou live in? Do vou 'have given, Reply in confidence |LARGE furnished or unfurnished home| RVR RENTAL SERVI . = roctor Roto-Tilling Manron Enterprises Lim- emperor | XO DO totes coll to central. RA 5.4344. RA 3.7508 of CE 25 Pets and Livestock ------ -- CENTRAL | Why worry, we will rent your PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, Top Soil - Sod. - Men ure . i > 14 and u ng from : itied, RAndolph 3-4697. you regularly? If not : 5 : 3 w and used, ehanging from Flagstone - Patio Slabs p! | DACTISHY ND puppy, male, six mont rho is an open terri BOX 84, LONDON, ONT. | MODERN Three or six room office suite, | property, to relioble fenante a ies. Will re- | e have a waiting list. a pi ouer 2 9 aly, RA 5-172] aL Ww t d la and tan. registered ory could offer you | : --_-- - with private facilit on and estimates free on any type| atin conta oan tiene iin i broken, PHODE RA 35973. i a good earning opportunity 138--Male or Female 2 BEDROOM mode! to suit. Coll RA 8-5123 Call today-- Jumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley | BE AUTIFUL baby budgies, ready For more information phone | Help Wanted { APARTMENTS Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd DAYTIME. --.RA.3-2265 | | 1 tr un, a stra J y 1" 4 a a piv Doak 'GRAVEL | INVESTMENT | Broad $ oe rain. 23 " 5 ject between oo a.m. jue pir interested in a full or spare | ON 101 Simcoe St. N | n " r = r - me sales an vi '} | i mete Seer sown | | OPPORTUNITY |ZFFET Wim & wed sr) : - Jb 3s dev? rake "wae Ton 15 GIBBONS ST fase Les FOR RENT i | a Display Book featur! er | ------------ "| Modern apartment complete | with stove, refrigerator, au- m---------- Also ; s {can ARIES, g 1 sf |? ehold products. Write ON CLIFF BROWN New Wiclesols Distriouting | fouegies, es poy ot HAIR STYLIST 's, Dept. L-310-RR, 4005 Richelieu, APPLY 21 GIBBONS ST PARKWOOD | refri STONE irm with wide recognition {ment of tropical fish. Complete line of OR FULLY Montreal, { | jomatic Washer end dryer, - / .V. aerial, paved parking e $00! Osh - i ¢ GRAVEL & SAND quires additional capital for [Byron Street South: Whitvy. one. block Diol RA 5-6551 or after quires additional capital for = |Byron Street South, Whithy, one block EXPERIENCED 41--Room and Board FURNISHED | MANOR 5:30 RA 5-6983, or straight investment at o ; pion, & tra-modern salon RA 8- 8951 | Bowmanville Margwit Fur Farm, Tysone. SR J and com- | ROOM ~ or toom and board for| DIAL RA 5 3131 SAGUENAY AVENUE |port, alumibum storm windows. ONTARIO , home privileges, $15, LOAM | All Sizes volume buying Excellent op- west of Four Corners. Open till 9 p.m. ROO Sl Dar 3 Tx day --- Prompt Delivery 109 rn - - - (45 | b interest. Reply direct DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. ROOM for gir), } For winter months, reason --Real Estate For Sale cient) Pe D | 305f S : I Wel gentleman, six day 3 Apply 15 13-2582, 606 Fi Street. BE SATISFIED 05f 29. r Properties mission arranged. Would con Maple Stet, Pane ma ory 8) PARK RD. & KING ST. pit Ducane Stree! portunity wither as porter | Column HAIRDRESSER 5: sued sh, 4" sore ™% BUNGALOW APARTMENTS | to Post Office Box 1061 Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. For SOIONY. wee { de 1 Se able rent. | {THR RE Bedroom brick bungalow; can RA {19--Personal For Sale or Wanted sidef regular part time OP~ IROOM and bosrd for fous me in atari --- So DISTRICT A A. J. SCHATZ i Di R 5.5979 ATED = ide Fro r SOREN Soro sat a wits Tas. TOT for week-end : Quiet t FLOOR SANDERS | ld A WANTED = ds tom Sharbot Street SUMMER re A nd for Mrs. Hughes (RA B61 Se BUCKINGHAM a enla areet. 1194 KING ST. EAST be Call RA 5.6297 4c/paved through road at view Lake onl MO 8.3061, MO 8-2377 [ROOM and board for two quiet gentid:| Gui REALTOR Lake Scugog Priced to seh ai $6200 ' tor, near SG! MANOR | New 2-bedroom Apartments, GENERAL INSURANCE Hordwood. Laid WANTED -- ride to downtown Toronto, Small down psyment Look this over | Phone 5 ond Refinished | Wild Bird Feeders (3s 8.00 - 815 am. Phone RA|Lao Pew. Waterford. Ontario. Phone| evenings Roo -- Sf APARTMENTS Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, 8 ess and board ne cooke als, i i 3.577 5¢ | R 4 ad Ba ome cooked meals, 4 a drapes, parking, etc WHITBY MO 8-3337 ¥ (rubber goods) -- -- 10 minutes' walk to fo 1 bedroom apartments LL RA 3-725] No. 1 Sunflower Seed bot ol RR Aas 1 corners, also garage, 240 Division | Lo 2 he eit ed, Rents from $95 o month | hong up, let it ring | h price list, Six samples 25 24--Market Basket 24 Market Basket re oO A rei] Others from $85 BUILDING LOT Fk TR e AR Wild Bird Seed ts; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order ---- I ee - ~ |WA RM, comiortable room in new ) Pp : 60 x 100 fully iced, good ov-Rubber Co., Box 9), home, board optional. Phone RA 8.0504] St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8- 8676 PHONE RA 5- 7272 heh ( ; y selviced. Joe stree ocate in toy. LEGGETTE HARDWOOD {Hamilton, Ont : + Only $2,2000 full price. FLOOR CONTRACTOR Pet Supplies Sm A WwW N I d ONE or two gentlemen, willing to share i |large single room, single beds uth ng, Sonding, Finishing | Dog Meals ATTENTION P P e S d & and. na sass, "I o %0 ui NOW RENTING -- $89 MONTHLY 5 CHECK THIS C Floors ' Renovated | for one month only we LARGE room, wo separate beds, board | Brick bungalow with garage {optional, suitable for two or three . | situated in East Oshawa, 70 x Free Estimates Dog Biscuits giving a | gentiamen; TV privileges, very central. i 22a) : EREL NIAGARA SPIES AND GREENINGS [RR a "wy 2BEDROOM APARTMENTS | is ier 4 reams plow two RA 5-685] or RA 5.9783 Ice Salt lie eds" Joard sor sentlemen, $1 basement. All aluminum - CYCLO-MASSAGE Apply Son Road South. TA Sas af ALL MODERN : floes snd screws, uly WARD | Crown Diamond: Paint 20-MINUTE TEST |ROOM and board with aa landscaped, brick driveway, | Appl 371 Elizabeth Street, | = hedges. Full price $11,500. W. y fer from arthritis, i 3 A iE oiiabdn Beda NIAGARA FOOD PRODUCTS LTD FOUN ok Bont Br seaiioms | Refrigerators and stoves included. 5 minutes to With Good OWA Davin WELL DIGGING BY . nats dar ache . [ta and quiet. Apply amen, sen south GM. Hurry hy DWN payment MACHINE Cooper Smith Co. ST Por ; RE. Evening call Bill Schatzmann WHITBY, ONTARIO | advantage of this offer. Call | STONEY CREEK, ONTARIO Ree senders sas] CALL RA 5-7089--RA, 3-2536--RA 5.9864 | for poriculors MO 8.3253, se 3 16 Celina St * ot 1 . or Suse, 3a Sah 4 A HA J) 8.25 a. = MO 8-3809 J ) r | . . ! ES. [mS pase NOrman 2-8802 [Book st eek Sw S20] BON-RAY DEVELOPMENT LTD. | A+ XHATZ Fo. BOX 329 A 3-2312 | trained eonmultante Boioecrnas oT dan ma Sa i. oe plant, single beds, | a" re meer