Coroner's Jury Finds Three Deaths Accident Icy Road Is | Fhe Oshawa Times } [eld Factor SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1960 PAGE ELEVEN | five-man coroner's jury near the harbor, said the car od Thursday night that two was traveling between 25 and 30 INAUGURAL ADDRESS teen-age Port Perry sisters and| |miles an hour when it passed § a 51-year-old man drowned acci-| him near a danger sign about 230( dentally when their car plunged /feet from the harbor retaining into the icy waters of Oshawa wall. He estimated the automo- R : harbor, Dec. 14, bile was going between 15 and 20 eeve ar 1 n on The jury, deliberating 35 min- TPh when it entered the water. utes, found that the ice condi- "I saw the brake lights flash tions were a contributing factor|on. I heard the car squeal on the, ] LJ to the tragedy. ice and I heard people yelling. The victims were Harvey It sounded like girls yelling," S oS) ore eo 1Ngs Rowe. 51: Judith Wallis, 16 and|Carey said. "The car went into her sister, Arlene, of RR 1, Port|/the water more or less straight." Perry Police and other witnesses said] HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling- knowledge you have gained aided; 'This committee would deal Coroner Dr. Ww. T. Patterson the harbor area was ice-covered fon Township Reeve-elect Garnet by the advice and assistance of | with all the various properties 3 i : . i : said the inquest had been called and slippery. B. Rickard, in his inaugural ad-|the many people with whom you|that the township has an interest a » - . : a ; to satisfy the public and "clear : dress to council Thursday after- will be working and associating, lin and the many problems per- HARRY FAYLE (SEATED), | properly recorded. The jury | drowned in I Harbor. | were. from left to right, Norm |the air'. He said there had been CAR ON TOP : noon urged the ratepayers after that the affairs of this township|taining to agriculture. police photo: her and justice v ¢ paneled to hear evi- | They heard eig vitr ' Wetherup, Philip Conlin (sign- a great deal of controversy and Raymond McKay, an aqua lung Darlington to "follow with inter- will be promoted in a sound and *GIS : . of the pe S n der y the deaths of three | give testimony b yer Victor Godden right |discussion over the circum-|diver, used the court room Bible est and understanding the pro- orderly manner. [LECBLATION AND BLY ing that all jurors' names were rt Perry residents who | ating for 35 min jurors ow and Charles Templar stances leading to the deaths by/to demonstrate how the car, in|ceedings of your elected repre-| "Darlington township had al As mentioned earlier are : the his opinion, must have flipped sentati 10 W be carrying population of approximately 8500 lington is now the largest munic. into the water. He said he found on the busines this town- people, the largest in the County |ipality in the County of Durham, orema people who did not know it on its top and that all windows ship." of Durham and an assessment it should be our duty to make it facts, " YOUNGER GIRL PREGNANT [and doors were shut. He couldn't| With their wives, the councilof more than $6,000,000. (the strongest. Legislation must 1Cers Dr. Robert Clark, pathologist tell about the windshield, he enjoyed the customary inaugural . {be 'for sound progress and order- .t Oshawa General Hospital, said said, because it was buried in the dinner in the base ment : all in APPRECIATE ¢ ly development Arlene, the younger girl, was mud at the bottom. the beautiful township building) RESPONSIBILITY "There are many problems nant at t » Mrs. Jea «fata ward Defore settling ¢ n to begin the! '""As your new reeve I fully yp . mant at the time s, Jean] Mr, Affleck stated afterwards k 1960 1 ter-| appreciate the responsibility that which must be clarified. Some 0 IS nic s, the girl's mother, said|that there was more controversy as Lob oh for D ap x minister- app Dr he Jer od in this areas of our township are mainly : 2 atlio whicn faces U " Ss was unaware oO 1s specula P 28 { offi 3 3 1 1s unaware of th So and speculation over this inquest office I pledge what abilty I urban in character while others Samuel MJ Goldbar, a Toronto than any other in Oshawa he TEXT OF ADDRESS have in discharging the duties are predominately rural. The wel are. lecte lawyer, testified Mr. Rowe had|could remember. Following is the text of Reeve which will be mine and promot-|fare of both must be recognized taken out a $2000 accident policy| In the will, Arlene Wallis was Rickard's inaugural address ing at all times the interests of|and their dependence upon each tional Union of IP September, with Judith as ben-|to receive $200, her young broth 'Members of council, officials|this township and legislation for other. a " n . eficiary, but it was later changed er, Bobby, $200 and Jullith was of the township, representatives the benefit of our people "I suggest study should be Ht awa,!, the gener: 2st 8 h eive $5 2 p t Y 1 3s eritle- m i 3 : , f 9 De Reral 2 lag of wile hito receive $300 to buy a piano, of the Toney aie and gentle-| «ppe many problems that will given to enlarging the member- d fig Yrs ii a. bene clary. providing she was taking musicimen. Toda 1 would hod o pc present themselves to us will be ship of council for greater repre . ar WV WV 3 5 3 p pat >, a special ( al : . Mr tiv oe v b's a w er lessons at the time of his death. press. pe a ye me we too complex to deal with satis- sentation of the people and to ad- Rows a week before ls &r i a His son Douglas was to receive YOU ye Ps Me Es Sitting at|factorily with only one council|minister the affairs of this mu Witnesses were unable to tellisome tools, farm implements and J€ Peopie WHO ate 8 eC Imeeting per month. I would, nicipality as it continues to grow vho was the driver of the car. his cars. The balance of the es-| this table are the people you have therefore, suggest that we hold|and develop 4 . g F: Judith was a licenced driver and tate was to be divided equally elected to administer the affairs iy oti 6 ach month. "Vaan Arlene, a beginner. between Mrs. Jean Wallis and|0f this township services [IWo meetings eacl | "Your deputy-reeve and myself ; ; |Mrs. Marlene Blain, a daughter that we will be pre I ill i would also suggest that we will be your representatives at ' h NG alli done wi your money - should have Ci ON SHOPPING TRIP : Mrs, Wallis told the inquest i th yo n hould he ommittees of coun- | Counties Council and this town- Mr. Rowe told Mrs. Jean Wal-\y, oi "Bowe wae a close friend of NeSS We Il be doing is your|cil.- These committees would not|ship should make the fullest use lis on the afternoon of the acci- the family and that he was at business, so I encourage you to have authority to make policy, lof all county services available. dent he was going to Oshawa fo their house almost every day. She follow our proceedings with inter-| put rather they should study the| «our thinking today must be, buy a Christmas present for onej 4 yy own wim for about six|co' and understanding, feel free many pr3blems, do research and|not of yesterday but rather of to- V i a SIX |, sgestions act findi of her Sons: Robert, Jo, but she years, she said. Mrs. Wallis said pis Sites any . Hag ons o oe fact finding, and present to coun- yorrow, so let us as members - was unable to. go with him C e 1cisms thal .d cil to act upon thi ei forw. wi Mrs. Wallis said she thou ,pt| that the inside door handle had|the pest interests of the entire! ., 1 up : of this council go forward with alls se Bh), een' off for some time, however township If it is the wish of this coun- enthusiasm and high hopes that ake M Mr. Rowe yicke) the Mir. Row it was usually kept handy on the| "To the officials of this town-|Cil, the committees I propose are in 1960 progress will be made chairman after sc . She said 1} - . oe sido bois ily a > ha is i o : Ste? hbo hid go ed front seat or the dashboard. ship, you hold a very important |as follows | based on discussions that are sometl PY $ + N ' A 1 % Pp] pe = Cy y that he told her he had been in|. She said that she didn't know and responsible position in the pynANCE {open, free from pre conceived . + A (he had taken the girls to Oshawa execution of the duties of your |" (mn "Cc , |ideas so that our decisions may he area of the Oshawa harbor| ~~" : Wi \ 'The financing of a municipal-\pe practical and operative in - * two davs before to sell tools to a|Put she would have trusted him. office. 1 commend you for the ty, the selling of debentures and pre 1 m estiva Wo ga) 3 tore to DY "He was a respectable man," work you have been doing and g 4 bh making the whole of Darlington man living in the area ; ; 4 ; that|look forward to a year of con- porrowing of money at high in- | Township worthy of the position ' he said. She continued Assistant Crown Attorney? : i 1 terest rates, has become a prob . tinued co-ordination with the va- it now holds." Rowe had called her earlier in a lem of great concern. I would Bruce Affleck called eight wit- rious departments and co- opera- Dates Are Set nesses, On the instruction of the the day and asked her to accom- tion with members of council, like our finance committee to so essential for CORONER. DR. W. T. PAT- ' ques Thursday evening into | and her sister riene W pany him \ ' ; |pany him. 3 giv thorough stud f our a x " 4 ot. Coown the deaths of three le. wii lied: accidental ; ative man". will be the coroner, the jury was calléd back Tes: aia a neq/which I pledge myself to, and is|{8!Vé a thorough study oi u Nand pesigiant, f oi peop ho | died accide R with the regulation She said she and Rowe had A a the inost efficient audit and our debenture debt, ex- 0 aris 10 for film festival to be spon- to comply Attorney are when f car plunged ound, "and & been down at the arbor once o> i ce operation plore all sources of possible rev- shown discussing some of the hawa Harbor Dec. 14. | the of o d bv the Oshawa Film Coun- that anyone in the courtroom . x evidence | it out in the ir 3 we, Judit > Wallis | sy Yshawa : : must have an opportunity to give [nad nhs She said that Rowe enue. 1 think we should study YT Eat anon shi. 8 2 . a films were presented to additional evidence. g en 3 ue Inee anics' ons FACE NEW PROBLEMS [some system of = payment erm uccess | 3 on Fe : {and the ohn 3y prev. lous X e To members of council you taxes whereby people of the os - . epe Safety League. 'Charles BLOCKS FOR STABILITY drowning, had been down to the have this day taken over the ship could benefit from the high| CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) Il ge ui irl 12 Testifies ec A ad pet ng 'Douglas Rowe, 'who had earlier lake front to see one of the other responsi y of the administra- interest we are paying. |A Polaris missile, using a new ' y Dwi Teno I identified the bodies as his father employees where he worked. tion of the business of this town- ) : [self-contained guidance system, iy hah : a , |and the two Wallis girls, return-| Rowe was sometimes a fast ship. To some of you, this will ROAD COMMITTEE : |was launched on a successful 900- Hi h q \ third fi vh USA ; ed to he witness stand » tel driver Jae told te Jory, be he be ° new eip: rience 3 me of| "This is He largest sxpendifuze mile flight Thursday night. iS inciuded on a si ease the jury that three cement blocks was always careful. e ad you have had a experi-|of money the township has. I i omigs 10 cores In Finch Slaying t Disney pro fel in the trunk of the car|taught Judith to drive last sum-/ence in other fields of service, think ney entire VS should The Success up Sleuifican; auctions were put there to give the car mer and Arlene was a beginner, some of you have previous eX- travel over all the roads and ae 9 oars a 1 ut film, added stability on icy roads, [she stated. Judith often drove the perience here, but as we look study their needs. We should 2 Duciear > = g plaved at Adelaide i t I house dealing with. Mrs. Wallis buried her head|/Rowe car, she continued. out in the new year we face new have an inventory made each' : isi . member f a Dupli-| screar g for 1 1 Patti burst in ea Ore vas screened.|in her hands when Det. Sgt. Jack problems, new to everyone year of all our equipment. Some For the first time, the Polaris cate Bridge ( Tuesd ve. | stepfath -- ""mad and .angry!and after ook the ( f th ms to be pre-| Powell, of the Oshawa Police De-| | "In extending a welcome to|of it is now costing us more in| directed to its target by the ning were AY ' tar t she te ed ir ent the film festival, Feb. partment, told of finding the CELEBRATING |you, T would first like to con-|repairs than it is worth. I would mera. guidance system which North and S el att RE a t ulous voi 4 3. bodies of her daughters entangled (gratulate you on being usted| [ike to see our new proposed shed wii be god in the operational and G. Ac y V filler oars wat i 3h said s i aid! "Golden age. of oi" and in the back of the auto. Rowe's) BIRTHDAYS {with the responsibility w completed and work in co-opera- yuo es. Yevious Polaris test E. Wad vl M jur t x al of } ir : o the x ry'. body was also found in the back.| {now your t more particularly tion with the counties for better Fockets sploved fomimand iid Clarke, 84 : nother's 1 ments al vision, then heard from leted Thursdays program Sgt.-Det. Powell said he found Congratulations and best in Stern of your time and tal-| cow plowing and sanding condi- ce om Jrous Stations. Ye \ : age. S i the ee adm bt : w/the front window of the car| wishes to the following resi- ens Tt ne Service. of your usted tions in particular. We have the ress ye Sie XR oxren hoard outside. svailable. for the film f al, smashed out and several school dents of Oshawa and district Sup vit Os 1s mye yg overpass over the railway, south|{;s nuclear a this 2 i Jims as d can be obtained from mem: books and Christmas presents who are celebrating birth- |7 ra =D rer ky of Courtice, to proceed with and|year The first of the Polaris I Holl Saburo West x ) Jie door wi s of the Oshawa Film Council, scattered around, He said the in days today: i = |eonsider as such and. in sola development road to press for Joa ing atomic subs, the George and D . i 7 aint tepfather. Dr. R a Finch me to et - side front door handle, on tae Paul Risebrough, 795 Col- [doing, I am of the firm convie-|Many roads need work on them Washington, was commissioned Mrs. Wm V 2 and } ' red mistress, | (he De passenger side, wes Byssing Fi Re eas Je Au- [tion that with the experience 21 several of our bridges are|jast month. Eight others are un- ris point Mr. : rs {C p sof are charged « al fe ; ; : __ a thorough search of the car fail- rey Swartman, 5 Simcoe |... f vou he he ws Pol ; 8 foie "niet = Rear fo step 8 1 hard 3 Shot Then s aw od to reveal It street south; Carel J. Rose, |= h of you have had and theldangerous. Ider construction, Drew and M Sheridé J] I heard screams for help," I heard Dr. Finch's ice. I hou e and 1 ut xed the door ROAD ICY 250 Highland avenue; Mrs. K. points atti told the jury Thursday. "It|sounded mad and angry an ot he : : Both Det.-Sgt. Powell and Co R. Fletcher, 117 Harmony The lu i va on F r' voice. She said, loud "1 could hardly 'move I stabl J sor poi out the| oad south: Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Bob White ) p cone! She said. sh ib ' uid harcly move. . . » 1 stable Jemison pointed out the Dawson, 633 Grierson; Louise -- 1 wa 0 | fe icy condition of the area leading| will 130 Conant street; Larry up "to the dock. Photographs off Marshall, 1168 Ravine road: a 16-foot danger sign and the] Mrs. John Crew. 693 Tenny- general area were shown to the| son: Mrs. William Barrev, RR jury. The sign is over 230 feet| 1, Whitby; M. Karpiak, 97 < from the edge of the dock.| Fernhill; Robert Muir, 164 R. Clark said the victims| Highland avenue; Glen Hic- from asphyxia, probably key, 198 Verdun road; Lois drowning. The results of| LeBlenc, 176 Roxborough; Ro- blood and urine tests showed a| bert Cross, 4 Lloyd street; low alcoholic content in Rowe's| Catherine Jackson, 98 Sher- blood. Mr. Affleck pointed out to| Wood avenue; Wayne Coker, the jury that this was not sig-| 357 Division street. nificant by the accepted stand-| The first five persons to in- ards | form The Oshawa Times of Mrs. Wallis said the front pas-| their birthdays each day will senger door handle of the car| Ieceive double tickets to The as broken more than a month| Regent Theatre, good for a before but was always in the car | four-week period. The cur- and -was required to open the| Trent attraction is "The Be- door from the inside. loved Infidel". Edward Carey 16, who lives| AT AJAX Slush Ice Blocks Water Intake AJAX (Statf)--Plagued for days | take mouth plugs solid and then by slush ice over the water in-|it has to be cleared. It is cold take the town's public works de-|hazardous work and my men are partment have been working tired oul" around the clock to keep the The present water plant was town supplied with water built in 1941 to supply the De-| On Thursday. a tug-boat was| fence Industries munition plant.| brought in. and a diver worked It has served the town fairly for hours to clear the mouth of satisfactorily until the town began| to expand rapidly. It is now hope- tessly obsolete A new plant is now nearly ready 0 go into service and the con-| tractor ei to have it in opera-| the end of January. Ice| ) and turbid conditions will| t ict that lake vels| he el ated. The intake which] have dropped and conse So atl Ww % the new plant is 36 e mont 0 the intake 1s IMijnches in diameter (as compared much shallower water. It Was| with 18 inches at the old plant) never more than about 12 feet| lies in forty feet of water 2000 BLOOD CLINIC SHORT OF OB ECTIVE deep {feet out in the lake. J one dh mo . ¥ Ie I Van, Charles Reed head of the pub-| Town authorities regret the in- The Red Cross Blood bank in | half the required number of | should have been filled. Thure- tons Io tie M . A ve Boca ; . aa ; : Sig Oe eC 2 ie ic vor} department said Crystal| convenience to industry and resi- Oshawa is s suffering. from | donors. In the picture, Red | d ay by Oshawa donors. The Hons to the Ms wo Ms Saga oh : ; jaLy tres: Ie doks i 1 ug Shush ice Extends Jo He fake} dems but everying Possible is jours _ anemi: Yesterday s | Cross Nurse Annie Windberger | target for Thursday's clinic By Sih 3, | alg $11 otto wate il o ke y laod donor clinic, at St. Greg- | shows crates filles with almos dated, was presented "Thursday of the members of the local. "man of the Meagher Fund, as ~Oshawa Times Photo intake. The screen over the in-|supply wp to pressure. . Nam ory's long had just i 200 eropiy blood fotties. which indi ie fap iid The high game LOS ANGELES (AP) - First Marie Anne Lidho the intake This type of a situation has oc- curred in other winters, but local| uthorities describe this as the they have experienced itnation has been wor Sen- ---- a