52--Legal Notices I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Sarah Ellen Reid, on or after this date Jan, 7, 1960, without my written consent, --William E. Reid NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM DANIEL DYER All persons having claims against the estate of William Daniel Dyer, late of the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Re- tired, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of February, 1959, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the 28th day of January, 1960, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Represen- tative will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 28th day of December, 1959. McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers and Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitors for the Execu- tors, Fatima Secrets To Be Revealed By FRANK BRUTTO |tend its errors through the word 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 7, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 23) 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles for Sale ONE continental bed, Lloyd carriage,|LATE model Westinghouse refriger- high chair and stroller, in good condi-|ator, push-button defrost; Vacmaster tion. Reasonable. Phone RA 8-0489. 5f|portable vacuum, nearly new; electric ane | fireplace grate, with heating element FHESTERPIELD; almost new, OPeNS| yy ered brass): Lloyd stroller; , charcoal, Jorage room nly » 3 arms. Phone RA 5.66 ady's white tube skates, size 8; will h for large steamer trunk. 271 SNOW tires for 1955 Vauxhall. Used|Simcoe North, RA 8-6516. Sf he season, Plone OL 33255. LLOYD like carriage, car bed, kitchen ACME 30 inch range, heavy duty, buffet. All in excellent condition. RA excellent condition, private, Phone MO |g-8209, 5f SX. WE like to clean our stock of used TV'. Many bargains, three months guarantee. Trio television, 171 Bond Street East. ONE Lloyd baby carriage, in excellent | AUTOMATIC cigarette machine a >] condition. RA 5-4011. 4f|sale. No reasonable offer refused. Apply | FULL length Muskrat coat, good con- [Cadillac Hotel. Fall dition, size 12. RA 80427 after 6 p.m. THREE drug store glass floor display | 8f | cases, with marble bases, suitable for cigar or candy store. Must be cleared pearly Dev. lthis week. Make offer. Apply G. Tam- Tr, 4c English Lass Still Looks For Jinty' DETROIT (CP) -- Judy Ferren still hasn't found Jinty, her lost year-old German shepherd dog. The 17-year-old Southampton, England, native went to De- troit's Anti - Cruelty Association kennels Wednesday but once again she couldn't spot her Jinty. Judy will have to return today to her home at St. Thomas to pick up her passport, a tem- porary visa having run out. She says, however, that she plans to return here Saturday to continue her search. | Meanwhile, Detroiters have do- nated more than $100 to buy Judy| a new dog or pay for Judy's ex- penses during her search. Three| newspapers have offered a $250, reward for the dog's return. In addition the girl was given| a pup while she was in Holly-| wood to make an appearance on| a television program. Detroit boy scouts Saturday | will help Judy search the area near the railroad yards. But after Wednesday's fruitless quest] Judy seemed to be losing hope.| "I don't know if I'll ever find my dog now," she said. LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE G!ANT SIZE CHEER DETERGENT HEINZ KETCHUP 5-LB. BAG PURITY FLOUR GEM--1-LB. CARTON GEM MARGARINE SWIFT'S FRESH MEATY PORK SPARERIBS = 39 SWIFT'S FRESH RIB LOIN PORK CHOPS IV' » 590° 48-0Z. TIN 3.79 79 5-100 39 3.67: SAVE 4c CASH GRANULATED SUGAR PURE CANE = ] g SAVE 6c CASH RED & WHITE HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER 16-0Z. Cc JAR SAVE 10c CASH LYNN VALLEY APPLE & RASPBERRY JAM APPLE & STRAWBERRY JAM PUREBRED wire fox terrier, six weeks old. Phone Pickering 737J2 after 6 p.m. Sf POWER saw for sale, » Weite Box #38 Oshawa Times. blyn Store, 6 King Street East, GENERAL Electric, three-speed com-| Morrison. bination record player and radio, in|------- 1. 3¢| SECOND CAR? Plenty of first-choice food condition. Phone RA 5259 | cars offered today in Oshawa Times BOY'S CCM skates, size 12, worn twice. [Cla nue. RA 3-4250 ALUMINUM windows, doors, Average window $19.95 complete. RA 5-7405. a ne MUSKRAT brown fur coat, Will sell cheap, size 18 to RA 5-3641 11-0Z. BOTTLE S coat, grey, size 16-18, suitable fon older woman Phone RA 5-2261. WIN | baby carriage, in good condi- RA 5-7195. 305¢ railings Call | "cost_$50 pa 2. hi B. LAC -- tires, bat- 2f|teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, . tele- GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- |vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543. plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent USED 'tires, most all sizes, 2 sd up. down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond |B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4 | Street West. RA 5651. |SACRIFICE, mink stole, brand "ew FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super-|never been worn. MO 8-2578 or MO market, Ritson South, open daily to 10| 8-4187 anytime during the day. 305f p.m. Free parking and delivery. Free| NEIGHBORHOOD sales room now premiums with purchases. Self-serve open for business. What have you to meats, fruits, groceries. = __|sell, clothing in good condition, furni- DUSE trail luebird Path. | ture, anything you have. RA 8-5836. 102 y 6' 6" wide. Propane | William Street East. stove, oven and lights, reasonable price. | WAREHOUSE 2 clearance e of "odds 2 and Phone Toronto CL 17302. |ends. Two-piece sofa bed suites, regular WE pay ces in tI es hree- plece WE pay highest prices in the city for|$239, store samples, $99. TI ini iy Pretty's Used Furni- room suite, regular $159, January ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe special, $77. Trilight floor lamp with South | shades, values to $29.95, out they go, 189.95. Spring-filled mattresses, regular ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to $14 5 4 $29.95, clearout 88. Floor coverings, VAT -- 2 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For| rrr Tio tong colors, 25 cents ICAN CITY (AP) Still- promoting wars and persecutions personal service at your home, call RA n oot Wilson Furniture, 20 Church ts per secret prophecies of Fatima, as|against the church." 5-2802 2f written by Sister Mari Dolores, | are due to be revealed to the RECENT SPECULATION world this year. Speculation has| In recent years some here be- {been rife among Roman Catho-|lieved that the unrevealed por-| [lies as to what they may con-|tion of the prophecies might re- tain. [late to the late Pope-Pius XII. | tals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North PORTING GOODS| Sister Maria, a 54 - year - old] Speculation about this in-| Tentals, Citve | PAUL'S SPO {cloistered nun at Coimbra's hi a after the late Federico VACUUM cl repairs, all makes, parts, Rn wo a 589 ALBERT STREET | melite convent in Portugal, is the|/Cardinal Tedeschini declared at Authorized dealer of [sole survivor of three shepherd [Fatima's' anniversary observance 5-LB. BAG SAVE 7c CASH se of re - ed LN at Parkway Television, 918 Sim-| coe Street North AWNINGS, plain colors or y stripes. Prompt service. Free estimgges. Order | now for early delivery. Chair and table SPECIAL! SALE! 25%. off all Fishing Tackle 103 Colborne City West SKATES, new and used, tion in town. Most reasonable prices. | Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street) East. PAINT, interior, exterior, All colors. Guaranteed, Oshawa Hardware and Church Street. RA 3-7624 THREE - plece bedroom suite, % "roll- away bed, spring mattress, like new, also sun cot, reasonable. Apply 235 Be lalie Avenue. SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! 3 to 35 hp with two starting models Come in and chonse yours mow, Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at Verdun Road. ni SEL ING | furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8 1131 largest selec-| | $2.95 gallon flat, gloss. Electric, 8 Toronto Man Dies USED refrigerators, ranges, washers, televisions, radios and record players,| best offer." Guaranteed repairs to all| houshold appliances and televisions a All tubes and parts available, Barons' ad Radio | and Electric Ltd. RA 3-2263 parts and repairs for all makes nger type washers, 3% HP motors] $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241 WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices Oshawa Hard 51 ware, 8 Church, RA 3-7624 SWIFT'S FRESH PORK, BONELESS BUTT ROAST SWIFT'S SLICED SIDE RINDLESS EVERSWEET BACON........ 99* LARGE 6 SIZE 23° N CALIFORNIA ICEBER 25* LETTUCE --Swap and Barter . PRESSURE systems, piece colored bat lawn mowers, grills, outboard m Jotors, boa "and trail er. Piping and fittings of all Kinds Free wallets and maps. (Season's Greet. Chinn's, Hillside and Park Rd. S teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair "ik SAMSON SKATES children who said they saw vi-|in 1951 that during the Holy Year ) ce ---- |sions of the Virgin Mary at|the pontiff had experienced solar Ei alr a SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. |ago, sealed them in an envelope On that occasion, before a rain- items you no longer need to buyers and entrusted them to the bishop drenclied gathering of 50.000 per. RA 3-3492 SALES AND SERVICE |at her death if she died before| The rain had stopped. Thou- machine. subtracts and multiplies. RA - | blood red in color and shoot to- bes, 50 ts 10lb. bag. | gear jee eubes poi S |bishop but did not know when. |1930, after careful investigation, |May 13. "worthy of faith" and permitted |Maria, and Giancina and Fran- TAPE RECORDERS {white on a grassy slope near white" on a grassy slope near In Home Bathroom TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. Ford became a nun after the 171 BOND ST. EAST here Wednesday after she fell made previously have been made public. we promise only number one Aphid bith ed of a possible conversion of Soviet self-storing aluminum doors |p, 0 the Roman Catholic hung storm windows. Only ; soi (Swaffield, 31, died Wednesday in e1p stale Io return of humanity to Christian . had suay $18.50 installed, Now try fr.0/ a fire that started in 'his bed. Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto vice RA 81081 anytime. . HIGHEST prices paid for used furni. Fatima in 1917. visions similar to that observed She wrote the prophecies years|at Fatima Oct. 13, 1917. Street, Phone RA 8-1131 START for Christmas! "Sell the extra 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR | o i 4 fh Lucia suddenly cried out: i oer ise. 15 The) lof leiria, her ecclesiastical su-|SODS, ny tom] Times Clseted section. Dial FRIGIDAIRE | perior, to be opened in 1960, or| Look at the sun. TYPEWRITER like new, snap. gee | Domestic and Commercial {then. sands later affirmed that thev tric IBM typewriter, electric adding] 5.5332 saw the sun revolve wildly, turn Juach -- |MAY DATE POSSIBLE { | Vatican sources said the revel- ward the horizon. From that day 24+HOUR vendor service for sparkling, | NEW STEREO {ation would be made by the|the story of Fatima grew. In Pure Ice, Street | They said it might be on the an-|the Portuguese Episcopate pro- |niversary of the first vision-- claimed the apparition as being RADIO | It was on that day in 1917 that the cult of Our Lady of Fatima. RECORD PLAYERS {Lucia dos Santos, now Sister ; [cesco Marto saw what they de- Woman Dead |scribed as "a beautiful lady in THE DU C | Since then, Fatima has become Clara MERCHANT 2 p of the greatest shrines to the Roscoe, 77, was found dead in ary. the bathroom of her son's home {death of the other. two. Some of the prophecies she and fractured her skull. ol : a baa The revealed portion forecast We don't promise any bonus, ly "ganond World War and told On Fiery Mattress guaranteed, only faith. Thi Nomina. doubles aith. This conversion, however,| TORONTO (CP) Leonard was conditional upon a sincere the best in town. Call us for ? " quick . service. RA 3-9851 'Otherwise," said Sister Mar- His wife, mother of three, pulled ia's. prophecy, "Russia will ex-'him from the flaming mattress. WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalc0 WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo| R.C.A. Victor, The and Electrohome, Admiral, Westinghouse, finest in TY. Hi-Fi service. PARKWAY T.V 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 CLEARANCE SALE | NOTICE TO CREDITORS | FANTASTIC AND OTHERS IN THE REDUCTIONS ESTATE OF ELIZA MIRIAM 7--American Bandstand | 6--This Is Alive | 5-2--House on High Street THURSDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. [1---Family Theatre 6--This Living World 5--Playhouse 4--Learn About Science 2--Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Feature Film FRIDAY 7:00 AM. 5-2--To-day 8:00 A.M. | 7--Window on the World 4---News Roundup 8:15 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. 7--Devotions 9:00 AM. 11---Cartoons 7--Komedy Korner 5--Ding Dong School Popeye's Play- house 2-1 Led Three Lives 2:30 AM, 11--Movie 7--Romper = Room 5--Burns and Allen 4--You and Your Family 2--Helen Neville 10:00 A.M. 5-2--Dough Re Mi 4--Red Rowe Show 10:30 A.M. 7--Morning Show 5-2--Play Your Hunch . 4-On The Go M Trooper tN 11:00 AM. 1--Family Theatre 11--Jane Gray 5-4-2--News: 5.2--Price is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM. 11--Anything Goes 4--December Bride 2--Concentration 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny 7--Restless Gun 4--News: Weather 2--Truth or Consequences 12:15 P.M. 6--Matinee 12:30 P.M. 11---News 7--Love That Bob 4--Search for Tomorrow 2--It Could Be You 12:45 P.M. 11---Movie Matinee 4-Gulding Light 1:00 P.M. 7--About Faces 4--Meet The Millers 2---Mid-day Matinee 52--Legal Notices not be tracted in my ra MN ry responsible for any name by my from this date , 1960, without my 1 will debts c wife, CRISP JUICY FANCY McINTOSH APPLES SUNKIST CALIFORNIA LEMONS NEW CROP TEXAS | CARROTS 4--Serial Dramas 4:30 P.M. 6--Patti's Playhouse 5-2--Split Personality 4---Edge of Night FRIDAY EVENING | 5:00 P.M 11--Family Theatre 6--Tidewater Tramp S5--Playhouse 4--Learn About Yesterday 2---Roy Rogers 5:15 P.M. 4--Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 7--Rin Tin Tin 6---Mighty Mouse Playhouse 6:00 P.M. 7--Early Show 11-6--News 2--Space Ranger 6:15 P.M. 6- ~Colonel Flack nley, written cons ewart W. McKinley 3c 6-QT. BSKT. iz Rock y and Friends --Roy Rogers | "Huckleberry Hound LEWARS, deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said Eliza Miriam Lewars, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Widow, deceased, who died on or 'about the 16th day of ° September, 1959, are re- | 6:45 P.M quired to file proof of the | S--Huntley Brinkley same with the undersigned Report Administratrix of the estate g-4:2=Naws of the said deceosed on or 7:00 P.M. before the 14th day of Janu- Tan cetive D. 1960, after whic' 4--State d Administratrix 2--Shotgun Slade to distribute the 7:15 P.M. News: Weather 7:30 P.M. ar Fens; al Lancers 6:15 P.M. 6--Bob Cummings 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre | 5-4-2--News: Weather BOATS MOTORS WEYMOUTH CRUISERS | TRAILERS MARINE SUPPLIES PAINTS CHAIN SAWS GUNS and AMMUNITION etc. JUMBO SIZE 24's EACH 17+ 20-01. BAGS 2 Sports 815 P.M. Supreme Brand SOUP MIX 12-0Z. 1 5 ¢ CELLO PKG. BARLEY 2 Pi 25¢ SPLIT PEAS aor 17° SPLIT PEAS SAVE 10c CASH--GOLD REEF SLICED PINEAPPLE SAVE 4c CASH---LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE JUICE SAVE 8c CASH--RED & WHITE EVAPORATED MILK SIFTO No. 2 Highway ot Ajax AJAX 1266 New Year's Sale -- Alum- inum Doors, Aluminum Win- dows, Aluminum Porch Rail- ings Aluminum Awnings. The best quality at the best By CREIGHTON, FRASER, price. Free estimates, call DRYNAN & MURDOCH anytime. Lymer Aluminum 5 Simcoe Street North, . = Co., RA 8-5385 Oshawa, Ontario, her solicitors herein 11-6--Talent Caravan FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT | - IR tava $15.40 a week per family of 2-Staccato four, includes 'approximately - 1 8. LT 90 per cent groceries and All. persons 11--Top Movie freezer. No down payment. against the 1 have notice DATED at Os hawa, Ontario, this a of December, RETA McLEAN, Administratrix, 6--Tabloia 4--Dennis O'Keefe | 5--Border Patrol 2---Rescue 8 4--To Tell The Truth 2--Law of the Plainsman 45 P.M. 11-TBA 6--§can 8:00 P.M. 11-6--Deputy 7--Donna Reed 5-2--Bat Masterson 4--Betty Hutton 8:30 P.M, Bachelor Father 7--Disney Presents 4--Western 5--Real McCoys 8:00 P.M. 11-6--Country Hoedown 5-2--Trouble Shooters 30 P.M. 11-6--Four Just Men 7--Man From Black Hawk 5-2--Telephone Hour 4--Hotel de Paree 9:00 P.M. 11-6--Flying Doctor YELLOW ons 5-LB. having | 7--Pat Bo Estate of F Close. Up For appointment (no obliga tion)--phone RA 5-3709. late of -Bachelor Father FURNITURE Clearance Sale!! 10% TO 50% OFF FLOOR SAMPLES CHESTERFIELDS BEDROOM SUITES DINING RQOM SUITES CHROME & DINETTE SETS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS CEDAR CHESTS COFFEE & STEP TABLES TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS Many. Other Terrific ot Giveaway Prices! BARONS' Value s HOME FURNISHINGS 424 Simcoe St. S. Amilia Walter, Village of Courtice, in County of Durham, deceased, who died on or about the 28th doy of December, 1959, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of 1960, full parti- of their claims, after date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa, this 4th day of Ontario, January, | 1960 HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN, 6 King Street West, gsHAWA, Ontario, olicit for the Ex utc r, RUSSELL DODSLEY HUMPHREYS |11-6--Late. Show | 52 4--Zane Gray Theatre 9:30 P.M 7--Untouchables ) From Black- 4 The nnessee Ernie P.M. | 11--Headline | 7--Border Patrol | 6--~TBA 5--~Not For Hire 2--Tombstone = Territory | 11:00 P.M. | 17:65 54-2--News Sports 11:15 P.M, 7--Playhouse 6---Viewpoint 2--8ports Reel 11:30 P.M. 7--Beat 2-Dr. Jack Paar Film Festival ' 0 [ 1:30 P.M. 7--For The World 2:00 P.M. 7--Day in Court 6--Chez Helene 5-2--Queen For A Day 4--For Better or Worse 2:15 P.M. 11-6--Nursery School 2:30 P.M. 11-6--Open House 7--Gale Storm 4--House Party 2---The Thin Man 3:00 P.M, Party The Clock 4---Millionaire Malone 3:30 P.M. 11---Music For You 7-Who Do You Trust | 6--Aggie Tangiers | 5-2---From These 4--The Verdict Is Yours 4:00 P.M. l1--Popeye | 116--P.M 7-77 Sunset Strip 4---Playhouse 9:30 P.M 11--Ontario This 'Week 6---Tennessee Ernie 5-2-M Squad 10:00 P.M. 11-6-5-2--Cavalcade of Sports he Detectives 4--CBS Reports 10:30 P.M. 7--Sea Hunt J: 45 P.M. im Coleman Show | Bowling Ladies 2-People Are Funny Turns | | | | M * Sport) 6-- Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. | 11--Late Show 7--Play Bar. | 6---Showcase | 52-Jack Parr { 4=M-G-M Theatre | 1:00 A.M. 7--San Francisco Beat 2---The Unexpected Roots BAG 12-0Z., ICE SALT LIGHT BULBS BIRDSEYE GREEN BEANS 25¢ THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU SPROULE'S McKENNAS SPROULE'S KINGSWAY BROWN'S | MAPLE GROVE CORNER SUPERMARKET CORNER SUPERMARKET | MARKETERIA |SUPERMARKET KING AT RITSON | 948 SIMCOE N. | SIMCOE AT MILL | KING ST. FAST BROOKLIN | MAPLE GROVE 15¢ CELLO PKG. 25-40-60 WATT 4 for 9% BIRDSEYE Ocean Perch Fillets FROZEN FOODS 10-0x. Pkg. 124 -0x. = 3le