THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jenuery 7, 1960 23 |47--Autombiles For Sale '50 CHEV. station wagon, automatic transmission, two-tone. Will seccept trade of older car. Prefer station agen Can be financed. RA 8-0112 's1 CADILLAC, A, $595. Marijan's Road. RA 5.5101. '80 DEW two-tone station wagon, show room enndition, 10,000 miles, (45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale HOUSE six-room, decorated, wall to NEW sixsroom bungalow in Whitby, | $900 wall broadloom, fireplace, asphalt hardwood and tile floors, tiled bath. FULL DOWN PAYMENT drive. Immediate possession, Central. room and Kkitchrm, completely oi 6% N.HA. 46199 Wood Street, RA 5.2207 3f | For further information call MO 8-41 | after § p.m. NO SECOND MORTGAGE $69.00 Monthly LOTS Lorge brick bungalows 3 left 6--Real Estate Wanted THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? |45--Real Estate For Sale HOUSE for sale, full price $12,000, down payment $1500. Close to separate \schools and bus. 1439 Oxford Street. RA 8-57 HENTIG -- In Ohawa' General Hos $12,500, Thani al on Tuesday, January Sth, 960, | iit bungalows in Oshawa, one year| Grae sy Hebi ered Mohn 0 dio. eb wo dob a Bo 9 AM. SAME DAY |John and Joseph Hentig, in his 78th DeAnp -- year. The late Mr. Hentig is resting at AM. SAME I Mcintosh Funeral Home, service M. ME D { | Please Note | Deadlines now this column: Births, Memoriams in effect one of the cutest and better Cards of fully equipped, Our representative Mr. S. Garage, 200 Cordova Be Leschinsky hos acauired choice listings of Bungalows and income properties in all parts of the city. Phone him at RA 5-8762 and state your requirements, PRUDENTIAL TRUST CO. LTD. s th ed woodwork throughout, three bed. N.H.A. approved, full pre paid services, builders terms. OUR FEE IS FREE, UN- LESS WE BRING RE- SULTS. CALL NOW, RA 3-2254, OZZIE ADDI- SON, SALESMAN, LLOYD AYERS, REALTOR 50 |47--Automobiles For Sale 80 rooms, West Oshawa. Builders own iti} ome. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 5.9070. a 3 at Courtice. Paved close A A 2 pm. Interment Mount Lawn Cem the chapel on Friday, January 8th DIAL RA 3.3492 | etery 4b RISTOW & OLSEN. --- Realtors -- RA 5-3412 West LOTS: 105° x 160° streets, Approyed Jor mortgages, B58 Aluminum storms ond screens RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. ONE-&-A-HALF STOREY FRAME $12,500 This newly built, attractive home is located in @ good residen- tial Whitby district. Close to highway. Town water and sewer, nicely landscaped. One car garage with cement floor at rear. Large lot 65° by 183" gives sufficient space for additional building lot. This 5-room house is substantially built with oil furnace heating. Wall-to-wall Wilton broadloom on living room floor. This modern home is outstonding value and the mortgage can be carried for $90.00 per month including in terest. A lower price will be considered with a larger down payment. Stort the new yeor right by seeing this attractive home at once. Make offer, JOSEPH E. SHIELDS REAL ESTATE BROKER WHITBY PHONE MO 8-2874 EVENINGS MO 8-2473 : BEDFORD VAN, im 5a |dition, motor in top shape. E: tires, Ready for the road. Sale price, $805, Seaway Moiors, Whitby. 3 "57 PONTIAC sedan 6 cylinder; '56 Dodge 6 cylinder; °55 Ford an 8 cylinder automatic; '51 Mercury sedan 8 cylinder; '54 Ford ton; "51 Ford half ton; "46 GMC tow truck with 30 ton winch; '49 Chev. half ton. 75 mufflers new, car or truck, $5 each. Ackerman Auto Wreckers, MA 3-5756. CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 142 KING ST w SLEEP, Edward W. Entered intc rest at Ajax and Pickering General| ital, on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1960, Ed. Sleep, beloved husband of the| Elizabeth Haney, of Pickering|b® Township, in his 90th year, and dear| fa of Milton (Dinty) Sleep of Pi ering, Zella (Mrs. Howard L. Davis) of Whitby. and Edgar Omar Sleep, de- CORNER Ken and Jean are ceased; and loving brother of Morley Pleased to announce the arrival of their Sleep of Pickering, and Walter, deceas- daughter, Lori Diane, on December 20, ed, and dear grandfather of Barbara 1959, at the Oshawa General Hospital Donald Loscombe) of Pickering. (Mrs. Ray Morphit) of Weston, (Mrs. Andrew Clack) of Ajax, i, Leona and Edgar of Picker (Mrs. D. Price) of Tim Miss Betty Davis of Call) Sleep is Jesling at the RA 5-6165 '80 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two door. Low down payment, can arrange fi. nancing. RA 8-689. 19 Athol St. EAUT! jour = si home on 110 x 200, on Gerrard Road. Must sold, RA 81373 2 any woman, vanity in 'bathroom, stain- | | | Jot JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341 's4 FORD, white, good condition, snow tires, washers, radio, $575. Will consider trade. OLiver 5.4516, x COMPULSORY sale, best offer. '38 Meteor, excellent condition. be- 5 and 6 p.m. RA 8-8116. » bullt car radios, with aerial and installat PETER KOWAL REAL ESTATE BROKER investment property on King St. in Bowmanville. Show ing over 18% on investment. Contains 3 stores, 2 apart- ments and a 7-room house. Priced for quick sale with very down payment |BETTER ued cars demonstrator, $345 down; clean, $1395; $1395; tiac hardtop, $1445; "55 Buick hardtop, $1105; '55 Chev., like new, $1175; 34 Pontiac, two to choose from; '53 Pon. tiac sedan delivery, only $295; "47 Chev. real sound car, $95; "51 Pontiac coach, $05. Before you buy give Ken or Ed a try. Wellman Motors, Road. Phone RA 5.7981 open 'till 10 p.m. '88 MERCURY sedan, sharp two toned green and white, fully quipped, push. button, automatic, radio. Sale price, $2195. Seaway Motors, Whitby. 3 "56 NASH Yordor Rambler wagon, spot- and less two tone blue, white, Radio, low |fadio. Trade Sonsigered, terms avall- gas mileage. Sale price, $1205. Seaway able. RA 8.689 Motors, Whitby, 3's7 OLDS 88 we one '52 FORD coach. Very clean car, mech. [Privete. can i. ew: in take ° {anically OK. Ideal second car. Sale | price, $395.00. Seaway Motors, Whitby, "88 WHITE Buick, two-door hardtop, | 3£]36,000 miles, one owner, excellent con- dition. Owner moving abroad. Apply Pickering 659 or 12 Sherwood Road West in Picker = 1952 PREFECT good body motor, new tires and battery. Assy 365 La Salle Avenue. '56 BUICK, Century, two-door dyna-flo, power brakes, radio, washers, white walls, low mileage. Must sell. RA 3-4483 after 5. 5 "$5 PLYMOUTH snow fires, good mo tor. Phone RA 5.7545 aftr 5. 4 fully ii. GAVEL ~ Alvin and El Bond Street fo announce the birth of a daughte Catherine Pearl, weight 9 Ibs, 4 ozs. IDE January §, 1960, at the Osh. Gen. |uns al Hospital. Sister Ruth and [forma Mary. Thanks to Dr E SALESMEN: DON MOUNTJOY ROSS DAVIDSON MA 3-3950 21ré 's4 FORD oh two-tone, good, clean BETHANY car, $450 cash. 605 Somerville Avene, Ruridle '88 PONTIAC, reconditioned Motor, da de luxe heater, custom built radio, tires. Bowmanville MArket Fr o '57 DODGE custom Royal, power steers ing and Drakes, push button transmis. sion and radio, lights, whitewall tires, two-tone. RA 85-1349 evenings, "8 OLDSMOBILE, sutomatie ow 100-acre farm near Oshawa, 95 acres workable, A-1 soil, creek, good bankbarn with waterbowls, milkhouse; 7-roomed home, heavy duty wired. Price $30,000. Terms GILBERT -- Bruce Sidsworth) wish to a rival of their chosen A brother for Sandra d Caro unce Steves good location attractive busi« with only Body in doing ry ness. Priced to sell 000 shop IN MEMORIAM | COLLARD In ea wif mother who passed 300-acre DAIRY FARM, 200 acres workable, stream, 100' .x 40' bankbarn, woterbowls, steel stanchions, cement silo, milk- house with bulkcooler; 10-roomed brick house, Open milk quote Price $35,000. Terms HENDRY -- Don and to announce the birth ter, Donna Jean at Hospital on Friday MeGILLIVARY (nee Horky) ar Kay a of their Oshawa Jan. 1 hap) da Ge down Qronc. In All 'con- close 9 room very nice veniences estate : 1 to AWA re DAIRY FARM, 168 acres workable, with 11 cans milk quota, large L-shaped bonkbarm, woetrbowls, steel stan chions, 'cement silo, drive shed, milkhouse with bukcooler; roomed brick home with all modern conveniences Located on highway. Price $60,000. Terms 35-acre farm near Orono, w shed; 11-roomed brick he ter 4 178-acre detached. Oil to sem Close floors price. General Hospita ks to) Asin HOHE Hi Pasa IN y é rooms Ss | heating | Hardwood dov Ful 99. KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5868 d MONTGOMERY oss] Myrtle Mon Halk to announce the son, Ronald Go DEATHS £7 500 57 ' METEOR Niagara sedan V8 beauti- |ful white finish, 4 new tires, excellent {mechanically Sale price, $1395. Seaway Motors, "Whitby 3 drive ces. Pric th creek, L-shaped bonkbarr DIXON e with modern convenier we € and ms orra po con- highway, 75 acres workable, stream etc.; 10-roomed brick home with Asking $35,000. Terms 90-acre farm on 2 lorge bonkbarn, drive st modem conveniences ttn ---------------------- DON'T. MISS THIS ONE years old. Close to shopping centre and school, Th onry bungalow with gorage is in immaculate condition out, Large bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom ond living an extra room in basement presently rented. Extra wash ba in bosement, storms oll around, T.V an blinds, fully decorated and landscaped. Forced all equipped for modern Newcastle home w east 8-roomed $5,000 -- BROILER FARM on highway, 5,000 birds, 2 chicken barns conveniences Down payment BAILEY by, on Wednes bert Bailey i Maude Cowle CLOSE TO L. Stair, Toroot life through lin. The late M NORTH G.M 2-bedroom t ingalow in Ne weastle with all modem conveni os Tho Re ea] Du menine: fr forever 7.ROOM BRICK 3 Eedrom Sungsiow ¥ $10,000. Terms i West. Sarvice in the ¢ y tre e a of yor lS Except valu stool and Januar, r : 2 le t it 1 aerial, veneti air oil heating, laundry tubs, 40-galfon hot water heater modern conveniences full basement, Yor Frood ond tile oo s Down payment $2,000. Price arranged divided basement, Asking $12,500 with terms. Call now GERROW FUNERAL CARD OF THANKS 2nd "floor, and 3 piece | 3-bedroom bungalow 6 ROOMS & BASEMENT APARTMENT CHAPEL utivcom. ord Foor is com. 3d ond tle: Floor with self-contained basement apartment Kindline Sl "$7 900 with $1.000 storm doors, large landscaped lot, good within reach f 31,[10 express o gon Shom " 1 wh d the balance on one RA AS KING 5 Only 5 solid mas and Price arror '52 BUICK, excellent condition, | equipped. Phone RA 8-5747. 1958 - 300 ISSETTA, low mileage, cheap cheap transportation. "59 Dodge Regent, low mileage, new car condition. 52 Mer. cury, very good car. Don Robinson, Esso, your Fiat dealer, Simcoe and Bruce Street, Oshawa bd RANCH WAGON "55 Ford Tudor, sharp two toned green and white, excellent mechanically, Sale price, Ses- way Motors, Whitby. ou "$7 MONARCH Tudor Hardtop abso- lutely sharp, push button automatic, radio, washers, white walls, Sale price, $1895. Seaway Motors, Whitby. ad 55 BUICK Tudor hard top, beautiful black finish with red interior, loaded with equipment. Sale price, $008, Sea- way Motors, Whitby. 5 DODGE Sedan biue and white, motor in top condition, automatic transmission. Sale price, $495.00 Sea- way Motors, Whitby » '53 MONARCH sedan. Excellent trans portation, Radio and sutomatic. Sale price, $395.00. Seaway Motors, Whitby. » ences inside in bedroom bur Bowmany SPC a us Bowmanville, spotle sement bungalow kitchen $5 000 modern 500 Price $13 Three bedrooms, brick Storms and screens location for rental at this price BARGAIN -- DON'T DELAY Three-bedroom bungalow----large living room, Hollywood kitchen 4-piece bathroom ond garage, paved drive, londscaped both and back. Hondy to both public ond separate schools and transportation, Call today PROOF POSITIVE INTEREST RATES UP 1959 1960 6% plus %4% equal 63%4% equal $5.43 monthly or $65.16 yearly. wit be modern kitchen Bowmanville with all Full price $13,800 easy financing. A steal tile floors, modern edroom bungalow hardwood Terms ond enier $10,000 yet Quality USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W RA S- 0732 MERCEDES BENZ DKW. FIAT Authorized Soles & Service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP K close to Main street, with 500 Newcastle ¢ med brick home As 0 Ristow & Olsen REALTORS WINNING the opprovel of all who inspect it, this n one of Oshawa's finest residential secti builder's cost, From the moment you enter the spacious holl you will be intrigued by the many fine features this home hos to offer, such as built-in w range, a five piece and two-piece ceramic tiled bath, exce set space ond twindow ih the bay window. Why wait for Spring? Do it now. Start 1960 by buying this new home. Coll Ray aot RA 5-3412 anytime CUSTOM BUILT -- NORTH-WEST Lore three-bedroom bungalow, lovely Hollywood styled kitchen dining area, spacious living room, tiled bathroom tastefully decorated throughout, attached garage ve, landscaped and complete in every deto Listed ot only $15,400, with a substantic Carl Olsen at RA 5-6165 or RA 8-5 ie VICINITY ORTH COLLEGIATE f the fewer newer ntrally cate i on - dowr 5a - front et fom 0 room 13 bed powaer fy itchen 10 generous sized with master © x 12' 6". 4 bathroom. Exceptionally well built decorated. Priced ot $15,500 $6,000 down, The existing first mort e offers excellent financ- ot 42 per cent interest enjoy seeing this Mrs. Winter, RA '57 PLYMOUTH sedan, two tone coral and white, spotless brown interior. See this beautiful car. Sale price, $095. Seaway Motors, Whitby, t 4 '52 BUICK sedan, excellent in very respect, radio, automatic, immaculate condition. Sale price, fog Saway Motors, Whitby. o dern x 45--Real Estate For Sale "hree UNFINISHED ms room Maple Grove ren. Near ah house four | fo $4500 ool. MArket This is what you can save by buying now. We have a limited number of homes sti!! available ot 6%---complete ond ready for occupancy. Down payments stort from $1,700--full price from $12,900. Never again will such prices be offered WILSON Realtor | Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 JACK SHERIFF, RA 3-3775 JOE PICHORA, RA 5-9144 | DAVE DONALD, RA 5-8522 BILL NORRIS, RA 5-7983 | EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY level for new 18 split $s now and with home sole below MO 85672 [oomerima : 131 BROCK ST. S., WHIT a T WHITBY CLASSE IED Ha Tv 13] doors, brick and v ¢ uit make of BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res. 5.5574 -ISABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel: RAndolph 3-346! CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA 51161 or RA 5-182. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 will ent cle home. Cal 5-1256 EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME Two storey, 7 room brick, lorge garage. Living room has natural fireploce Family dining room. Large kitchen. Four bed spacious back lawn uld see this home s situatea near rches on Sim- Mrs. Winter, tile floo: Write ulated rooms mes OPEN 408 Sa windows and two marble | FOR SALE -- Used eompletely over ent Sales, MO FOR SALE -- Used sne heavy duty elec t Lo favourably NEW six-room brick bungalow with| double garage on 4 acre lot, situated| north -of Greenbank on No. 7 and 13] highway. Phone YUkon 52762 or UX. bridge 2-9920 1% STOREY fiy built, TV antenna, age, patio with fireplace, landscaped, storms doors, new furnace erofter PRIVATE $13,600 $2600 DOWN ONE 6% MORTGAGE N.H.A, 2 ars old six-rc brick bun ay STUDEBAKER LARK door Sedan, Delivered Fully Equipped ot $2,485 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH DIAL RA 3-346] | | hesterfield and other odd piec r q lear § 30 able. MO 58-4327 ¢ turda bh. Phe e a nd chu som solid brick NHA | paved drive, gar-| recreation | screens, RA | st bungalow, double fireplaces, divided | d recreation room Ap to bulider, 238 Oshawa IDEAL FOR THE LITTLE LEAGUE St RA Twe FOR SALF juni gionts will be safe onc nt Ir fr $ Le d it colling distance. Three dondy bed LUCAS PEACOCK on de im mar, Serer 2 Zwei REALTOR 4 e down payment Ristow at RA 5.6165 RA 5-4330 Member Ost Reo! Estate Boor 4 | | pom FOR RENT basement ap er and dr MO 3-3621 FOR SALE range, Mot Sales, Whit ales, W Decorated in oil Finished divided bosement Heavy wired Aluminum screens Fenced ond sodded TWO roc ers v North NEW ranch attached garage, t basement, with fin; Terms arranged Kaiser Crescent, [SIX - room brick finished attic, oll| TV. gerial heated, central. Reasonable cash offer| OF ferred accepted. Phone RA 5.0437 after 6. 4f| wner transferred ue ee a -- | y 104 NICELY located lol, 78 feet by 200 feet, RA 5-0104 | west of shopping centre, close 2 No. 2 Highway. Apply 321 King Street East. | Sef \ Call Poul 52081 aza. 'MO RETIREMENT HOME ighlin Boulevard, close to regular transportatior is ideal the older couple installed and toxes only $147 down payment, Cash price NUMBER i ated o larger home, so oct Plaza 5 ¢ : ) 5 aret-- : i » ong > Jy © 5 > r inspection LOOK! ranch style, rick and cut attached garage, 6 rooms plus small office re- cept room, open fire- place, colored tile bath- room, storms and screens, landscaped lot 90 x 167 Too many extras to list here but most important ONLY $12,000 FULL PRICE ROOM FOR RENT, boa one or two t MO 8.2426 ond D FOR RENT nent wa Located on Mcl th ver | | | | MO om apartment four- room for. SALF 'IFOR 17". Phil TV 90-day full | uled, Phone MO 56 WHITE 36,000 mi dition. Owners Picker 6 West, P FOR SALF All pr Broker BEST QUALITY CARS CHEVROLET Hardtop 3,100 JOHN A BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR--INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE RA 5-6544 DUPLEX WHY PAY RENT? Don't mis Live for kitchens two basement, close town. Large lot This won't now JOHN A BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE $ RA 5-6544 $850 DOWN $850 5-room bungalow with 3 bed Must be sold at once! Very central location. Asking only $6,500 full with terms for the balance NEW! NEW! 6%--N.H.A --6% ONLY $2,000 b $400 down if you qualify FoviTEY : o 1 3, Yan ' » |. room brick home, Close DOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE fees Stein Con GAGE, EASY ONLY $500 DOWN bath Only asking CARRY (WAVERLY & COBOT ST. ) full price AWSOh burgelon ore fou reek GAS STATION STA TE Hi. rdwor i and tile foc Ors, MK right 3 4-pc. tile 9 FOR t RA 5-3412 OSHAWA 5a Phone East Bel Air automatic | "Actual Tru clay tk € burnt stone, ated ment GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND STREET EAST MO 38-2601 > Y Du mileage OLDSMOBILE '88 2-Dr tomatic fr di steering etc PONTIAC Sedan 350 only a matic transmission. "For BUYING OR SELLING SEE baths, full a good deal, see this MACKIE MOTORS to down or | RR. 4 KING ST, E with garage. | op | lon. call 1 We urgently need 10 cars weekly for out of town dealer, RA 5-5743 a 49-- Automobile le Repairs 4 Whitby FOR RENT -- two Apply 1508 Duffer RENT sem unfurnished rooms in Street Or Super Hardtop, ou- ansmission, ro- power brakes, power safety belts, Ai ng $10,000 ho on tact W. J. Me FOR = two large unfurnished private bath. Suit couple | es. Close to four corners. | MO 8.9029 4c CHILDREN'S and boys' convoy Entire stock in 5 per garment Brock North FOR RENT bungalow RA 8-5161 coats window ---- Mercan Whithy this opportunity auto- rooms Fred Major M ONLY $4,900 Small 2-rox selling r a very reas Peytor $500 DOWN frame bungalow c¢lose to the shopping centre r le excellent heating APARTMENT FOR RENT a price 4 g, TV ap ary 0 E 24 Brock y 840 Dundas F : | ROOM AND BOARD i home, near Si. John's Ch or two MO 3 FOR RENT m clean car" anted. Good uley Realtor rice heavy Ir wiring immediate posses- . NEW | '57 CHEVROLET 5 i wo NORTH-WEST automatic Qil 7 room "A tiled 4 attached $11 soft wood floors Voront Sedan transmission, top quality ladies LIVY Large radio, 'cor' BUICK 2-Dr. Hordtop, automatic transmission, dio. "A real good car", V8" Coach, rad- An exceptionally 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Specialists in Ford Service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest pc 100 MOR ba choice of counter of brick. Prices choice FOR RENT apartment 1 tor. TV outlet mediate possess floors. Also for kitchen Choice 3 0 WANTED : -- {LEX D HENRY G tract are sell re t esse ship) hte as Re arom from fern & bath Business only, n Sir Street South et Bloor, Doing LT I i 4 itchen heating bedroom MO 2 tal. Ca Hill at $4471 evenin t Realtors. 209 Brock by. HIGH fue fuel, cause nc anks stnut West the nstalled Pt hone LLOYD REALTY fitioning. . Only a few left, immediote jage aot 69% interest, 25-year oundry tubs and air ¢ Ssessior N.H.A mort- goge with formatior easy monthly payments. Call now for fur ther in- approximately 75000 gallons per year. Three car workshor rear. down Very reasonable ~an be purchased with a payment BILL ow | | | | easy | and SWARBRICK Ford product' 55 METEOR Niagara Sedan "A dandy little cor". type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. RA 5-6544 RA 5-8342 { | | | | | CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- fan, rodio. "In mar- vellous condition" 55 CHEVROLET Deluxe 4 ton Pick-up, radio. "One owner '56 VOLKSWAGEN Conver- tible. "New exchonge motor and top" "BUY ON EASY TERMS" FOR AN HONEST DEAL furnace. See & Randall and 2 Street South, Whitby DOWN $500.00 DOWN Lovely 2-storey home selling for the full price of only $7.500 with a very low down payment. Excellent size lot 79 by 195 feet deep. Eosy monthly payment ts with very low toxes, quick posses- sion For nspec all ONLY $1,500 DOWN home is seling for the full very reasonable monthly payments, basement, oil heating, heavy wiring, nome is just what you are king elf terms. 5-PLEX APT rented. All 2 bedro apartments with living room kitchen and 4 pc. bath. Very entral location. Good reven Can be purchased with a reasonable down payment, and low end price NEW! LANSDOWNE DRIVE 5Va-room home with attach- ed, garage. Beautifully finish- ome. Many, many extras location Reasonable payments on existing mort gage. OSHAWA'S BUSIEST Bn wie = NOW ON SALE REAL ESTATE FIRM time, MO 8.4172 En Sh FOR RENT -- Box n ers AT OPEN EVENING fo wae ha WHITBY ARENA AND SATURDAYS Bee 7 PM 9 P.M $5,000 DOWN BUYS C | E nightly THIS NEW 5-PLEX | FOR THE Secur DODD & SOUTER HOCKEY SPECIAL | proper MOSCOW SELECTS | Byron Street Sout " | $15,000 DOWN BUYS MO: 8.323 HITBY DUNLOPS 10-PLEX ete with A. FOSKETT TORONTO and 'ges, washers ond drys | Sm Hed kitcher with' be MAPLE LEAF GARDENS | &. ro particu co ditic ese homes & SONS Tue January 19th 540 DUNDAS ST. E af 8:30 MO 8-2341 WHITBY Meta TICKETS PHONE RA 3-4675 |50--Articles For Sale {USED furniture, Dougt : sold, 21s | Toronto Aven: [SILVER "white {good : condition. {Phone RA 5-2470. | USED "frig. Suitable for summer eot- | tage. Phone RA 5-8706 hd |GRE ATEST January "sale ever! Co Con | tinental beds, single size, values to | $49.95, complete $26, Kroehler TV occa- | sional chairs, regular $34.95, half pric, |817; baby cribs, full panel, Roxatone, |large size, half price, $16.88; five-piece {chrome kitchen suites, colorful arborite tables and four chairs, regular $50.95, real bargain, $29.95; broadloom scatter | mats, high quality made, from ends of [ broadioom regular $6.99, January spe- $1. Smooth top mattresses, high in no buttons or tufts, value to 50 |45A--Real Estate for Sale| Or Exchange |sELL or exchange - Re staurant bust living' quarters, garage at-| , large lot for house in Oshawa | rict. Write Box 138 Oghawa Times. | | PROPERTY | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE | TEN Toronto -- six-roomed bun- i SEE TED galow in restricted residential Cars at Fair Prices suburb. Desire Oshawa home | | or. farm BOOX 132, OSHAWA TIMES M T 1949.95, January close out, $19.95; re- | eliner chairs, half price, leatherette and 30 46--Real Estate Wanted | mons gr - | {fabric combination, regular $69.95, Jan- 5-8762 if you wis e un wi to sell 607 KING ST EAST {any eur Fall od Wilson slo OSHAWA your property at a fair market price, | | COMPLETE white ena enamel set of bath. of Wilson Road Fully m an nC GOLF ST 2 $11 oday Se to : i hk carriage, This modern storey lid brick 4 J: Toi Prices, 500 with ath, ful roge. T price of onl , large edroc eg FOR cure your re with one Ur JUST OUTSIDE CITY. -- THICKSONS RD. (ONLY 2 LEFT) propertie ase. PAINT Oualits om, J3-bedroom brick J Wuality y $12,900 with very tit for the J | Good ment, Mod- hardwood bs ond air yments, im our office '| selling at reasonable down pa C cupbox heatine sy mo inspectio air oi have For a pers Call JACK APPLEBY RA 5-6544 RA 3-3398 Open Evenings of Oshawa & & Real Estate Board e €a ol } ask for BUYING, For The Best Results OPEN EVENINGS RA 5.6782 RA B-5690 TRADING, SELLING ~List With Us --~- AFTER HOURS RA 8-61 RA B-516) A) | Prudential Trust Company Ltd | room fixtures. Phone RA 52257. S¢ |RUG 8x 12, wine with paisley pattern, | good condition, $40. Phone RA 8-0748 Ld |rEADY, eager 'n' waiting! Oshawa) | Times readers are shopping with Class.! [fied Ade -- waiting with cash to buy {what they need Sell you n't {need through a r ul little Classt | Solfied Ad. Dial RA 3.348% Roofing, Sheet ist eost istein RA 3.4494 RA 5-5574 Members District what Sal (Continued on Page 24) | | |