The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1960, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Janvery 7, 1960 siz] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [7% T--Accountants CLASSIFIED AD RATES 14--Household Repairs 19--Personals 31--Articles For Rent 37--Male Help Wanted |44--For Ren' |[44--For Rent (44--For Rent " L A td w wo «1 : we 208 SIAN y arly pasting CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, MAN for greenhouse, with some exper THREE room apartment, sink, stove, [onERN one, or two . bedroom apart-|NEW, two - bedroom, wall to wall Servic Se samples okkeeping 25 word¢ or less J|like new. Why pay more? Our rates ELECTROLYSIS USED ience in flower growing. Must haveland cupboards, some furniture, share | ment in new, sound-proof building, broadioom, stoves and refrigerators, fh 3 otes i Cash Charge |lare reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. chauffeur's licence. Write Box 41 Olle bath. 15 Fairbank or phone RA 5.239.|stove, refrigerator, washer, drier, TV parking. Owner occupied model aparte Stree! , Room 1. ce 50397, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery SEWING MACHINES awa Times. 5¢| outlet, pa i, in good residential ment, 309 Adelaide Street West, form. erly Louisa Street, Phone RA 8-6356. "a oe Bay RA 3.7606 3 CONSECUTIVE NDER, HUNTER|] 'NSERTIONS 235 248 |Ifop,'® Pond Steet Wem. Dial BA[. Removal of superfluous hair. rience on late model GM products. -- and Co, Accountants and auditors, L-|| 6 CONSECUTIVE - Marie Murduff will 'be in Portable -- Consoles Es aj De Road, Courtice; children welcome; $70| THREE rooms, private bath, adults. em censed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King|] © JINeLR IONS 375 4.12 |/CHESTERFIELDS ana old chairs re- Guercnteed by -- Np ae A rye "Se | monthly. Jones Real Estate, RA 5-6412.| Abstainers. Central. Phone RA 5.1607, |APARTMENT -- five rooms and four- Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; ; ; Soveled [ike Rew Lief the List for less) Oshawa, Jan. 26th and 27th. Y ACTUAL Joh Te Caaadi. U5 So hm 5b Piece bath, heavy wiring, self-contain. ried] " J 926% imo S ana s 9 7 FoF ie 3. Comm, CPA " i Ag gin 7 Sars the trent North. Chl Ra S151 for = fre] 'Phone. Genosha Hotel: on SINGER SEWING CENTER |Europe. To $15,000. Travel paid. Write| CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room. | ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and] ary Pg RR LY Rong PKINS and Company, Certi- . estimate. RA 5.5443--1 : Employment Imv. Center, Room C-52,|Separate entrance, very central. Girl pam, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha South fied Public Accountants, 172 King|] Above rates apply only to original Jl ---- | these dates for appointment. - --16 Ontario St. [470 stuart Street, Boston 16. preferred. RA 3-9503. 5c | Hotel. a Se Stivet East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA} orders for consecutive insertions. lA CLEAN home is a happy home. . = ~ THREE unfurnish: BOWMANVILL -- Three - room 5-350. Subsequent insertions ordered at a Free consultation, work guaranteed, | |2 32--Articles Wanted 38--Mal F le ONE furnished bedroom, with two urnished rooms, $40 month. apartment, heated, electric washer MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and] loter dote constitutes a new original fino publicity. Reliable Exterminators, 20--Cartage ale or rema single beds, all conveniencs, centrally lv. RA 5-505 or RA 88934. and dryer, free parking, bus stop at Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed|] °rder- Drodusts na services for 25 oats GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli i ek Sibson or Greitch, i Heip Wanted Recatad, Seuteman preferred. Apply 5 THREE - 'oom basement 3 apartment, door. 5 ng Street West, apart. OY. Al su, Stratford; Professional and Business listings |OX 41946 or r phone Claremont 3500 > |ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully i? used, make offer. RA 31003, 52 ARE you interested in a full or Spares o-- ™O unfurnished or > fur. | trance. Phone RA 3.9623 a phivate 5%) y NTA LS -. Hon. onteith, FCA, MP; A. B.[l $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. [insured Call day or might. RA 54498. [WEIGHT lifting equipment wanted. |time sales plan by which you can make iJ, 100° PUNTIIET BF vartly fur Tag rao Digs TC apartment nd four a 3 » A ur is] . sma! a ent, eat an water, ne Monteith, B Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, || Each additional line $1.00 | = w-- : per || mIGH quality! Something difterent and] Ph RA 5-468 $20 a day? Take orders from quality! ething di { one bd088. sa lo Display Book featuring over| redecorated. RA 5-9309. family. Parking. 773 King Street West. |children. 68 McMillan Drive ab CA, RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA; R. F month | CENTRAL deljve e g . more comfortable. New upholstered eljvery service, parcel de. Jott, SAA 335%, i Simeos Each initial letter, abbreviation | furniture or re-upholster and re model | livery, for fast dependable service call SMALL safe -- two hours [200 rite Raw-/IN BROOKLIN threeroomed upstairs, Phone MO $-2567, Whitby, rooms, bedroom and ly wa. $ 20 vat hare bineviations [your old. Only by highty skilled up: | |RA 57488 ply Cadillac Hotel. 4f |leigh's, Dept. L-310-RE, 4005. Richelieu, heatey apartment, Private bath and en hind - bedroom upstairs apartment. | [kitchen, close to bus and stores, car a 4 d olsterer, at no extra cost, Gimpelj| NOS -- 10 any make ance, heavy duty wiring, _ built- -in |Heavy wiring, heat and hydro inciude parking Also two boarders wanted. 2--Barristers word. Box charge 15c additional. }icustom Uphoistering Co., 301 Elgin| [21--Personal Service ee eT Ae Bia BB aR OL|ed, $45. Vacant, 360 Buena Vista Am 306_Pacific Avenue o AS RT All Classified Advertisements |] Street West in Oshawa. For free esti- ---- ---- Box 42 Oshawa Times : 41--Room and Board iver 54693. c |8-5385 i oe THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll- Gssiie | mate, call RA 5-4170. See our big choice |s G " ; In e--r =| FURN SET TR Gail SIX - room, two - bedroom apartment MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of EWIN machine repair and hd FT TT eT lio TT ma wm bord NICE four - room apartment, good FURNISHED room for rent, near GM newly decorated, modern stove and re. J skis, approxima y ive feet or girl, _-- > location, parking, laundry facilities, |South plant. Apply 356 Park Road South|frigerator, laundry facilities, Best locas LICENSED mechanic, Must have ex- BUNGALOW, four rooms, Hancock |e --on 21200: -- mre citor and Notary Public, 26% King * {of samples 0 publication, Office hours: Daily 8-5 amp es fo all makes. Elna. RA 5-2591. Street East. Phone RA 8.1763. Srna 5.12." y 5% {se RR SR long, and child's ski boots, size 3 or 4.|if desired. RA 5-71 » A HANNING F. SWARRE FURNITURE repaired and re- vphols. MA 3-5531. 3 Sey outlet, etc. $75. Also bachelor|or phone RA 8-0146. 3f tion, immediate occupancy. Phone RA So Ceol A %. rrister, | REGULATIONS-- tered See our materials for re-cover- |22-- Radio & v. Repairs ere --|ROOM -- or room and board for|apartment, completely furnished, self-|ywo . bedroom ails modern oi 1. | 5-452. a Soldier, Sot w. Money to Joun, 2 SEULATI : on ing: Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, | ere = = TRANSISTOR vadio, Shas, toys, power gentleman, six gays a Nek, Avrly 1 contained $50. RA 8.1203, ment, located near Shopping Pod] y » , + . o! En s, garden A y . ' Crp Ho i 1 J. Block, 2614 King Street East. RA 34697. | resnsir r eimes shal not De JIRA 37212. rt Te a a a re ry wer, | Hatle Street. Phone San ONE large furnished housekeeping a fquipped. Metro Apart. {45--Real Estate For Sale Residence, dial RA 3.4029. Te submitted otherwise tron ir | GARDENS and 1awns roto-tined, Made enue RA 3.9702 (Fret |change. Chinn's, Hillside. RA 3.7088. ROOM ad Vosry for four Fentienien, room, with refrigerator, for gentleman. ments. Call RA 3-9471 3 | THREE bed brick b " --_-- home privileges, , seven-day week. |Apply 313 French Street. FURNISHED bed - sifting room, Full [pert aluminum. storm windows. RA Ld DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister|| writing, nor for more than one |/ready for spring planting and seeding. | SINGL : : i to 8985, [Tv TOWERS, One year guarantee RA 5-641. 3¢/SINGLE room for rent, private Kit: ooking facilities, close hospital a, 606 Finucane Street owntown. Call RA 85 and Solicitor. 26% King Street East, |] incorrect insertion of any adver- J/Call RA § as --_----------r ie Jelephave; Zusiness, RA 35-5501; Resi- Hjsement, nor beyond the price 1 a Jo From. iv, Bae WANTED ROOM and board for two Sulot gentle. chen, washing machine, fridge, garage VE b i ih nce, -5373. |] charged for a single insertiol t o > n men, near SGM rlant, le beds. (if needed. Ve nt; p - room bungalow w garage, ips cindfh. a i] Sarg 4 ge. Nsrtion o F {terms. Kelly TV. RA 55121 es ng! 55.815 1y_ 'central, * Phone RA {APARTMENT four rooms and bath, ted on Cadillac Avenue North, live the advertisement in which error Phone RA 5-3 5-8150. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, IT eve or | meee | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY EE ned, private entrance, heavy ling room 23' x 11° 6", good size kitchen, mlicitor. Money to loan. Office 2614 |] occurs. And also reserves the i gt | {DAY OR NIGHT--Prompt TV service. | AND FEATH |WARM, comfortable room in new BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, In good res wiring, ely decorated, . water and four-piece bath. Lovely little bungalow Bg Shee! Ean: hava. RA 3479. ppd fhe kal fu AND SERVICE Phone RA 8-5286, Oshawa Electronics| EATHER TICKS | home, board optional. Phone RA 8.0504 |dential district. Suit newly married |heat. Adults preferred. RA 3.9859. 2¢ in good condition. Owner leaving eit: Residence, RA 53405. its own classification Re | i. TURNER { 4f (couple, Write Box 24, Oshawa Times. ONE furnished room, suitable for one clear prope y open to a pile offer CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and in the case of display advertise- H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd I ELEVIEION owed ONE or two gentlemen, willing to share] _ girl or gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe O¢ a low down payment with vendor MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-|| ments The Times will not be held JTELEVISION, Tie tubes, Dofi-¥our| RA 3-3374 [EO ny het , single deds, South: | FIVE-Toom brick house, attached gar. Street North 2¢|taking back the mortgage, For fur- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., | responsible for more space than RA 5 5954 rect We gr OU Slo: wens RA 3 2043 end. RA 5-8306. 4t|age, three bedrooms, oll heating, all ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms aii. | ther information, 'please call Bill Me- $ Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K.|} that in which the actual error | Line East. Supplied by Dean Kelly TV - I tube -- | conveniences, Immediate 0cCUPENCY; abe in private home. 82 Sms, avall | peeters of Schofield Insurance Asso- Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. |] occupies. The publishers endeavour . os ast, Supplied by Dean Re GLE (collect) LARGE room, two separate beds, board (rent $0 monthly. Apply 109 Ama Nn ghrivate home, 32 Park Road) cistes Ltd., daytime RA 3-2265, evenings Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort. || to reproduce ail advertising matter Cleanout Service---- Keys d est. Open' daily, 12 midnight] °* 3 | optional, siiiable, Jor two or tires Street. 1¢| North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671 RA 51726 4 gages arranged correctly but assumes no liability $7 labor' plus parts sich -- em -------- | gentlemen privileges, very central _--_ $89 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed-| = - remem pd 1OC 1a S t | RA 8.6697. 4¢ GENTLEMEN ~-- comfortable, clean, n 2 tments, " o SIX . room brick bungalow, east end, GREER. Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. || if ony inaccuracies in 'any form - TV TOWERS completely installed, 1 CEDARDALE = _____________llight bousekeeping rooms, in nice | decorated. Hurry a Jolly |5l4 per cent CM and H morigage, sub- sisters, Solicitors and Notaries Public oF od i 15--Instruction |year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, no| ROOM and board for gentlemen, sin- home. Central, near NGM, stores and, zizhle. Call exclusive rental agent, | stantial downpaym RA 5.7109. « 5 King Street East, RA 5.4717, Russell erein. | Gr sorraiaz mn buts --___|rivets, all welded. All channel aerials SCRAP |gle beds, good home Seong: 148 Rit hospital. 12 Elgin Street East. RA|nM: Bij Swarbrick, RA 5654 RA J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. | {HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, from $29.95: easy terms. Kelly TV. RA son Road South. RA 5-7800. 4f (5.2659. SBT JOB i os Bolahood 3 or Bal $950 DOWN, delightfully different three ds -- - - tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highand, |5-512 { uta ARR iz " by | bedroor brick, split level bungalow, Z. T. SALMERS, BA., barrister, solici- [Register now. 424 King West, RA 56122 im ---------------------- IRON METAL LTD 371 heamat vith D Dutch family, FOUR room, newly built apartment, | Realtor separate dining room, recreation room, tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. 1 1S three - piece bathroom, heavy duty rwo tl f laundr room workshop area. $67 [PRIVATE teach ed IRON--METALS PLY XI Tian es --|thre e . partly furnished housekeeping om, Office RA 5-3741; residence RA 5-5542 '8-- Building Trades |15 years' experience i Lr jo | EXPERT ANTENNA P |Roow and hoard for entierman, Sen So rae, si Ty de-irooms, Sink, use of washimg machine, | monthly, $11,550 full price. Joseph ne Pr ¥ APERS--RAGS tral and quiet. Apply 174 Church Street, |sired, self-contained. reasonable. Ap-|43 Drew Street. RA 3-4152 Bosco, Realtor. RA 5-9870 3 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- {Call RA f | Ply i Pp! Ir Sphma------ - ------ framing, trim.| ly 23 Gibb Street, Apt. 1. Si - - rere renee 2 1 ¥ u AND OWER 04 CARPENTER work, rm tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5-9502. Resl-| 5 OPEN SATURD. SPACIOUS apartment, furnished . ce, RA 8-026 ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work L ARSH, Dance Edu AYS ALL DAY RGE bed ing 100 Street entrance. 304t | 4 ished or un-| dence, 0264. Fis repajrs, Mortgages arranged All| cator, ancing School Ballet, tap, pre-| LARGE sit $ t . -- [furnished, in modern country home INCOME | {OME | | | | | | | RA 5-3432 WO McGIBBON and BASTEDO, evened Lind guaranteed, RA 3-3579. school acrobatic, character "riday, | INSTALLATIONS or two persons, board if desired. 212 unfurnished rooms in quiet|ow rent OLiver 5-3424 | | | | home, ---- rr Solicitors. Clients' funds available for|prceers co back filled ox, | Saturday. Masonic Temple. RA 3-7253 FREE PICK-UP Ring Street West. 30/lioine, quit couple or lady withort oMilh | CINCY mir Goabie Tooke Tor Seni. first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. | ug: ana Bac x] | |cavating, etc RA 3.3898 or RA 8-0823 | Hor { (16--Insurance All-Channel Antennas two ladies or gentlemen. 624 Nipigon AE I [Celina Street with 83 ft. frontage -- 6 100 ANNI Street, RA 5-6217. 3t| GROUND floor apartment, three rooms - S STREET ule {self-contained, centrally located. Immed: |siNGLE furnished bedroom for busi- ------------ ROOMS with or without board for gen-|ize "70 Lilt PER tN SOR les. 1¢|ness man, in quiet home, breakfast| spacious rooms, 3 bedrooms tlemen, very central, all i Co fo 2%: "| optional. 38 Colborne Street 'West --e on ground floor with self contained apartment upstairs p Oa) - -- dren. . Moderate rent Prat BIOL IRaRe, Sr el Norn, RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159% ROOM or room and board, for one or Al men with cooking privileges. Apply 135| Located on Y4-acre of ond, ries cGi , Edgar F. Bastedo, QC ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing,/ _~ - -- s $24.00 HUMPHRIES and Boychyn, Barris: chimney repairs, pew. and old work ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up as as: 9 ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; 3-080. lo 3 pes Sent, 32 months » fay, * 24 Hours G W. A. Hiliman, ry contractors, brick --_and|personal service at your home, kc SHAW 29 King East. M|TWO-BEDEOOM apartment, 385. In |ROOM in private n ery central, West. Phones: cement work and repairs. RA 5.5928 {ou 1. $2.50) AUTO WRECK] ROOM and board for gentleman, two |i udes stove, fridge, heat, Moi water ome, very ce -- rrr-- | » |spring mattress; suit AB 102} Cc NG Co. minutes from four corners. Good meals. 05 Craydon Road, Whith Apt. : |Elgin Street East RA 35-4604 or FLOOR, wall service, ceramic, plastic, AN 17 Money to Loan L / Wants cars for wrecking, also |Apply 24 Charles Street. 2 | SINGLE furnished bedroom, board op- 7 an with private entrance. Now & ou S Vi 4 2 room unfurnished apartment, | | Money to loan -- |wall tiles, linoleum. vinyl, mastic, floor "A MacDONALD, BA, Barrister (tile. Greg Rivers, MO 8.52. CLIENTS' money fo loan on first mort scrap iron ond metals, etc. |ROOM and board, wiree to share, clean | Gentieman- preferred. RA 53879. wing, sso fu igad renting $70 mantily. 3 win. J and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North ALL TYPES of building repairs--Roof- 8a8e. Mortgage and agreement of sale bought Open Saturday oll { home. sinele beds, lunches packed.| i bath, furnished apartment, frig, sink, rol to high school. 5 win Laundry done. RA 5-1753. MODERN four-room apartment and 2 piece bath, adults only, apply 72 wa gh school, 3 Phone RA 8.5811 | |purchased. NHA mortgages arranged - 2 ing, Masonry -- Cement and Eaves-/% w + RA 5-7844 day. Phone JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solicl- | troughing--Chimneys, Gordon May. RA |(relghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- J 3s ch bath, heated, TV aerial, dryer, *frig|Cadillac South it | I tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street 38-0394 _ -- RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E.[ROOM and board, near orouth SM. and 'stove. Phone RA 3.9141. if : ica | 18, public. $5,000 down, bs East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private -- CLIENTS' mo. available for first RA 8 5804 | home privileges, clean --__|FOUR unfurnished rooms, ground| ance on easy terms at 6% a A OS jeu ENTS n 2yallable Jor first | hot water, home cooked nests, dueiies LARGE clean housekeeping Foon, pric |floor, private bath, garage, heavy duty| Abo) 136 Gibb ' nd m g ortgs and | -- |packed, 5 or 7 d RA vate entrance, main floor. 218 Celina. | Il RA 5-9485 | in ; HENDERSON CONCRETE [agreements sale purchased ply ECONOMY AND 35 Employment Wanted [pac ays. Jule, entre ina. |wiring. Call RA _5-0485 | pply in person at 1 M Y 2 tary NOI -- (ROOM and board for armel k _9¥IFOUR - room (two-bedroom) "apart. | street 5a GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- ster and MAN, 33, m achine shop inspection | meals and single beds, close to all THREE - room furnished "apartment ments, Lakeview district, new "frig and| Simcoe Street South PRODUCTS LIMITED . A i & 2 ing East, Oshawa : Residence phones: 3.469 DELUXE TOWERS | diploma "ven years practical exper- South plants, Phone RA 3-3101. (share bath Immediate occupancy.|stove, TV outlet, heat and water in- lence, desires position as inspector (re-| Phone RA 85-5332. 304¢ ek ded, new partment building. One| ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 8-5832 a J WE HAVE clien oof antennas nstalled | ng Pp |ROOM and board for gentlemen. Good | -- ---- : ad Ys ck h i £ Of n Qs sta v « g material), or roc ss la abl w, of s Feb. 1. Phon { #Blocks Chimney Blocks 2 on m n |home cocked meals, Centrally located, $50 MONTHLY four-roo ;. se i e fi > Douglas . ower h 3 0 | ( , : first and sec 101 T r " \ assistant foreman RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas| Te as lo s $30.00 com- |drawing, insp on man Geading of Apply 160 Park Road North. RA 3.9541. conveniences, Call John A. J. B a | % ' RA 5-654, 4d [BACHELOR apartment for lady, cen- H. Greer, Associate Barristers and/ 1089 Nelson Street IS S 5 ents of 24 Hs is § : ing 'Str cast, O let estimation a cost of operation). ROOM with board for in [tral, in modern apartment building, REAL ESTATE ast. | n D Solicitors, 130 King Street East. RA Corner Wellington awa RA 34943 4 F e Phone RA Sc (Hungarian home. Good meals. Apply ONE - room furnished for two men. |... iio cove and 'frig, TV antenna RA 3-4412--RA 5.7041 [FIRST and 'second mort IC Sg EXPERIENCED lady desires office Pari Xing, > ' | agreements purchased and sol P work. Phone RA 5-790 5c| ROOM and board, good home cooking, BUNGALOW vacant February 1, 275 yore jour room basement spart.| t lined street. & n | ree ined stree! rooms, BR Oo, ol HOME IMPROVEMENTS Street East, RA = -- ly licensed rs' experience in every phase of |(0 four corners, also garage for rent.(and bath, oil heated, TV outlet. RA| 1 oo bath, close to Shopping Cen- hot water heating. Taxes REMODELLING ADDITIONS WE HAVE clients' vi TV bmiriatag umbi ¥ t x os a first and second ges and pur neian 3, Os Times 4 {ROOM for two gentlemen to share,|THREE - room apartment, private en-| Phone RA 5-7016 2| month. Close to all schools, Mortgage loans available. | | 308 Central Park South 305¢| RA 5-6169 4 |RA 86047 - . 4--Dentists | | ¢ Centrally located on a quiet | |nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 4 ha o | . y Jot RNEYMAN plumber with over --5| close to North GM, ten minutes walk|Oshawa Blvd. N., four large rooms | oo ne decorated, private en- vishes position. Write Box |3i0 Division Street 303 | 5-3856 4 tre. Must be seen to be appreciated.| $155 per year. Only $67 per { Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-223 REC ROOMS frst | ch of agreem " 5--Nursing Services FAMILY ROOMS Hyman, QC, 37 King Street Ea YEAR WORK wanted at h me, taking tele. With breakiast. all conveniences. RA trance, x I conveniences, ene child wel. | FURNISHED sleeping room, suitable| Shopping and transportation. Ti har . awa, RA 34 lind phe messages, addressing envelopes, | 7" is eda 4) for one or two, eentral, plenty of hot € 7 fommh I i oED ay Lg Whitby le, hardwood. floors . a ER CONTRACTS s, etc. Phone RA 3-9897 3f | BEST meals in fown, all conveniences, (MODERN splitievel, three bedrooms, water, abstainers. Apply 48 Brock Suit any size family, Full "ae ntl or Lupboaras, : [Bie enim i EXPERIENCED young lady desires fof gentlemen. Phone RA 3-168. 536 recreation room, near South GM. Pos. | Street East price $9600 with $2600 1st and 2r Of SS THAN work, by hour or day, Phone |LOTTaine Street. [session Feb. 1. RA 5-8920 down. For more information f| Bow MANVILLE -- three - room apart. Loans Arranged Ne ---- R \ 5208 304 | ROOM and board for gentlemen. One | THREE bedroom brick SE ment, heated, private bath, heavy wir-| Phone RA 8-1287, with fa y sized kitchen, oll heating.|ing. $45 per month. Phone RA 3-2430. 2f ANDEN NURSING HOME| ] i $1.00 A WEEK : : : HUGH CROSBY | MORTGAGES JO / GIRL, 13, would like part-time Ely |Sit8le 100M Fd Xooma bo Bans. Phone| Immed ate possession. $94 per month THREE - room apartment. heavy duty CELINA STREET | sitting, experienced, vicinity of King Olsen Realtors, 1 5.61 ate entrance, three-pi 4 bedroom stucco, olf Exclusive nursing home for 53-2261, giving refer: convalescent ond elderly 11 B s 0 rt iti giving Tearences MODERN ectrically equipped | two MODERN, TI io apartment --Business pportunities 136--F bedroom apartments. 111 Craydon self - eon art >| Ideal for large family. Asking --Female Help Wanted | i 2 iv. Ap Street| ! 9 Y. Pp ed Phone MO 8.3229. 4f adults only, Apply 335 King Street] $11,500 with low down paye people. (Men and women). Sidinshicitostoch os, 4 ; ¢ St Whitby Road, Whitby (RERTTY pair for ro. furined MO 8.5: TELEVISINN | HOUSEKEEPER for | lawyer's bome.| YOUNG EXECUTIVE |FIVE - room house, gas heated, $95] = 21 font, Toms to be arranged Nurses and 'dieticions in BEAYY attendance Tray: service, -. 5 THY REL t Ha | 3 . if y y -- . - 3s two well behaved boys monthly. Phone Ajax 1536. 4f| FIVE - room one and a half storey . radio, T.V., lounge. STORE and offi ce. > Jor rent, centr 71 BOND ST. EAST satan oun STHIY1 ord @ conscientious wife ond [FRO Bator Sr a brick home, Southmead district. Avail-| at 6% 9% interest. Just eall . ia ine Jackies He Box. 88, Oh: FIRST AND SECOND ha bindn EAS! Amp if SM so 4 34079 needs a three-bedroom bun- | bright Abstainers only. Apply able February 1. Phone RA 8-1756 2) Doug ot 8-1287. 6--Optometrists ONG coated" modern Tore Tor) 2 c RA B-6781 W. rep a ai tress with experience. | galow in good residential dis- | East RA 5-2056 4 | FURNISHED light housekeeping room By MORTGAGES and 5, avid veln Restaurant) 40 +" "Excellent references. |CLEAN, furnished room, for one or| oF v3 os Fawa ER i DOUGLAS GOWER ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom. rent, 40 ft. by 70, with full basement : - -- Whitby. or ol u nt | Whitby, or phone Mo 38-4066 sf | apply - | " " I two geatlemen, use of phone, central - | Call Ristow & Olsen Realtors fon emen, use 4 |FOUR - room apartment, upstal Jo! 319 JASPER , the examination of eyes, contact downtown, ready for occupancy fir oe c . 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), year, Write Box 707, Ost os AGREEMENTS OF SALE DENTAL ant. Apply in hand.] t RA 5-6165 R IC writing, statin education, marital] © 6165 TWO children. Apply 378 King Street West. | RA 8-1287 (Liscensed) KING ST. WEST | | RA 5-3937 f T [and Oshawa Blvd. North. Phone RA W. d Rent tho! | Street 'West. TA 4f| wiring, priva R | 0 --Wanted to Ren ---- bath. Phone RA 8-175 | garage, many other extras. lenses svenings bY appointment. RA 3-4191 RE PR status, previo a and em! TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms 308¢ | C. H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please] $ ) a perience. and | wm. for two girls or couple, rent reason. . i $a pay accounts at downtown Toronto LEASE OR SALE ° . Le OPERATORS ployment, salary e; : ox able. Central location. RA 3-3195. 3f MODERN, two RE apartment, Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. i | a , ~ ram -- | | washer, dryer, slave, re Sera tor, ra mo res in estab- C / tages dor | N WM [wash p Deano A Sr ser, Ultra modern stores in estab p s SSOCIATION DRUG cerk, experienced, excenent| WAREHOUSE ~~ [IN BowMaNviie, ane ot re wi, Qil pork sre month; lished area. No competition suburb ' ours no nights. or weekends. Line ity room and cellar, four-piece bath, oil | os5and "Road i East, RA sisi 3] BEAUTI FUL 7--Surveyors | for 1 ile Survey asks, | ond acreage. Quotations by . jit RA 8-666 hi | REQUIRED heated, 365° monthly. MA 3. 35. 3 |TWO om, unfurnished apartment, | ruggist ake Shop, Gro- . | on rm F t 3 WOMAN to look after three school-age EA kitchen, bedroom, private bath. pid DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario ag Woe Mekal Brainy phone i a ron eb roof C erce) |children, while mother works, live in.| FOR DISTRIBUTOR |THREE rooms, self-contained, ground |i; ouhaws Boulevard South. 3 NEW HOMES RA ' ht ' di hawo A € Phone RA 8-6690 after 6.30 p.m. 1£] level, heated, west of city limits on - tet 3¢/TWO rooms, furnished, basement Land Surveyor, 218 Alice Street, Haird ¢ B | e S 5 : ware airdresser, arber b Sirr | - ; high A i . RA 8-6408. Sool hrm ticte: Ceo itn mo X € SALES clerk for modern drug store, Approximately five thousand g IWaY, Svenines .) (apartment, private bath, central, rea session 0 a 3 | good wages, fringe benefits, good square feet plus modern of- |FOUR - room apartment, all conveni-|gsonable rent. RA 8-093 3 BUNGALOWS ences. Parking, bus at door, launder. 8-2625 Whitby 2 Nin R 38 7 Kel / x hours. Retail store experience essen- isi , or S 3 | ¢ fice facilities needed for new ing, hot water heating Apply 165 Ver.|LARGE room for gentleman, CH, | ea privileges pply ' | : : Bivileses P r 2-bedroom, G. T. RORTON and Associates, Ontario Land Surveyors, Professional Engin- sering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit | 3 Ke 12¢ ' Ln D tial. Apply in person only. Tamblyn' s| p by, MO 8-509], Ajax 728. Vs i R 3¢ owle A 35-1685 Ipnig Store, Oshawa Shopping Centre, | Wrelesale R Distribute: in (dun Road. RA 3 2 {Avenue --Gardening & Supplies | © ; x 3.9573 ®| Oshowa. Reply direct 10 |rumEs - room, perf - contained apart ET rT TT ed garag B--Building Trades TREES Ties "3 upp - es - \ ard R HOUSEKEEPER wanted, experienced.| Post Office Box 1061 Bow- [ment, unfurnished. Private bath. Park- HOUSE for rent on Farewell Avenue, fiv ho only $11.900 rir m d rem or in i V RA 5- Must Tike children, ol] . 1 : See 5 A ne RA 540349, | ' A TEN tor Tigh munbiy palotiz Hormation. | mae' ye moved, For In. SE tobi : all rT R 7 Must like children, live in. Phone COI manville, giving location, ing space. Adults only. Apply 150 Di - , : , Sa loac Northwest sec- and and decorating. 'Phone BA 3-977. 3-3640 a Money available for a 5s. .R fax 3-211 4| rental ond other pertinent |sion i 2 nished, living room, partly furnish - -- WAITRESS wanted jenced, i m ~ unful ~ room h pl. [FUrRISNeC, 2 ar NRA CARPENTER work Framing, | types of first and second TA on "Ed Resmi Bing] Information 2051] me ER ure Bett © "SA 4. Fell Rl S.ro0m brick, bedroom. ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work 1 1 Fa i Y 5 8 3t ly ge and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All HARDSAND | mortgages at easonable 7 East | THREE "unfurnished light housekeep- THREE "Toom apartment, modern > Has Svery. RA 3-3379 LANDSCAPING or k Christie A 5- WANTED an excellent typist crrase 44--For Rent ing rooms, also. with garage. Appl 4 ref.igerator, four-piece bath, n . 2,900 with 0 ! rates. Short term mort- I ci % of Jandling correspondence and 268 Clark Street Its only v. Apply 114 Arlington 1 Pp r Ro | c ob 3 . lords with dispatch and accuracy, 3 el FURNISHED apart; R res re 4 LA Sed rementcd. ani Walon proofed by ex ower Rolling gages arranged. Mo rt Pp A 3 § hours a day. Must hare good refer-|and double Hoey aa ingle | FOONE = one single, doube front Avenue, RA a ee ts. low cost, fres estimates. RA Fertilizing : ences. University graduate preferred. |Gladston Avenue. RA 8-8402 s|room; single beds, attractively furhish- gry" oom house for rent, oil fur. e 3 Tractor Roto-Tilling gages and Agreements .|Apply in writing to Ontario Ladies' Col- Fo Roe Sed. Centrally located. Phone RA 8-0852. | ~*~ Availabl a : h Only y eds EER - - : ; en na v B 0 in lege, Whitby, giving full particula | in private home, very central, 3 y enue af R ' "Pry fi oti Bid San Flas Sod = Manure for Sale purchased. Hoy, giving Toll particulars. | suitable for two friends or will rent as| | UNFURNISHED three - room apart| Shashi 00 down. septic tank to sewer a specialty. In. . tio Slabs Prompt attention given to Iyegt I HOUSEREEPER wanted, experienced.) hie. RA 8-038, S| ment. Suit young working couple. Pri-|-------- hed Feet Boor. 00 b 3-bedroom. stallations at reasonable rates. Infor. k Tr ~~ | ust like children, live in. Phone RA|NEW unfurnished thicc - room base. vate entrance. Parking space. 241 ¢ n utsic i } orthy on. No mort mation and estimates free on any type all applications A pply 23 Women' s s Column 5-5416. 2c| ment apartment, self-contained, heavy Bloor Street West. 3f|privale : of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley 5 ---- - {eT TORE 55 I Tomanse office. wiring. Reasonable. Abstainers only {oN "COLBORNE St. W., large furnished no -- - pe ee} AIL Thambiag and Veatiny supplies} Manron Enterprises Lim- ALL types of alterations and mending [GATT "FINE ap i rial. with Call BA 5-135 5 | pedroom. with use of kitchen, or would ROT GE district -- 365 monthly. Twa} 5-70 Phone RA 5-352], Harold R. Stark, GRAVEL itied. RAndolph 3-4697 done expertly, Phone MO 84427. |oeneral office routine. Write Box 39, THREE - room apartment, near South [board young gentlemen. Office workers| be Ape i Sy 1 basement. rthe Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer- ' p SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $6.60 Oshawa Times 305 GM plant. Phine RA 2.8352 after 4|preferred. RA 3-4935 | ites' walk from No. 2, TEmple 9-1920.[ : tion. $13,500 with ing 255 Simcoe Street South -- Alsc 18 -L Wanted cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing,|FULL or part-time waitresses wanted, . eee S| THREE rooms and bath, upstairs| 2. $1, down. mee Iso --Loan ante 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363 also short order cook, for evening FURNISHED two rooms and kitchen- apartment. Reasonable rent. Phone RA| ____ mre ammppr---- 7 2 storey and half bric work. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha|ette, refrigerator, private entrance,5-6691 3 | torey and | rick very central. Also single room. Rea. |= -- CENTRAL r n with 4 bed- r This is an older home CLIFE BROWN Bir Pets and Livestock Hotel sonable. Apply 96 Centre Street Sf C GRAVEL & SAND STONE INVESTMENT DAC HS SHUND puppy, male, six months, HAIR STYLIST |NEW "ose on or Son - MODERN 5 S Joo o% Will re ng Jen oe A good buy LOAM All Sizes OPPORTUNITY [35% Pe ha saan: hove OR FULLY EE Sup ful hs busment, Pons 2 BEDROOM | tt CARIES | LSTLR00 wih $3,800 eon FIVE - room bungalow, furnished or APARTMENTS Lloyd hy (Oshawa) Lid New Wholesale Distributing BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ri By Prompt Delivery LOAM Firm with wide recognition |iraiing. tuing. sis ot] EXPERIENCED unfurnished, En ene close to oN 101 Simcoe St. N W. M. McAULEY | opening soon in Oshawa re road, 111 Elgin Stre ast 2 p.m. RA 8-1005 5t RA 8-5123 . . RA 8-8951 i quires additional capita] fc SIX-MONTH-0LD collie dog, with dog HAIRDRESSEK -- m, furnished, Soe 15 GIBBONS ST. 5 - oe RE TOR ; AL [ONE 'single room, volume buying. Excellent house. 212 King Street West 3c or' ge e BE SATISHED portunity either as po Saws ; | tor ita miodem sion -- Lr Chee aT ul ET laa RELY 2] GlRAONS ST. PARKWOOD 26 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA ODE 6 PR . or tain fi rire kittens of pedigreed stock. | or _ straight investment at ga 3.1309 2f| Guaranteed salary ond com- | ROOM for rent, suitable for one or two FURNISHED ONTARIO Di RA 10% interest. Reply direct - - | | | FLOOR SANDERS | ld 5-5279 | to Post Office Box 1061 [MINIATURE French poodles, brown| Zsa Srvarged. Would zon girls, boary optional, Phone RA 59440 M MANOR | Office RA 3-2512 1194 KING ST. EAST ! { Bowmanville peg MONE nie i it Er Bl 75: Semele, sa. erator for week-ends. Ask |THREE - room apari: 5-RO0O | Res. Whitby MO 8-3231 Tie gna Homo tod | Wild Bird Feeders | oss ET 35 ei SE SEat hm 5 BUNGALOW | APARTMENTS | s Sanded an is 5. goaranted sinve |MODERN, / Floors Sanded and Refinished 19--Personal Saag ™ glisanied singers, young| MO 8-3061, MO 8-2377 |duplex apartment, consisting of forse For winter months, reason a el : Bp fien. hasor. living room, dining room, large master| ghle rent. re CALL RA 3.725] | No 1 Sunfl ST. JUDE: Thank you for favors re. ment of tropical fi Complete 1 of | A | : ower Seed 5 g? nel Ee oF evenings bedroom and bathroom. Kitchen tiled, SA Y AVENUE 305 refrigerator. DIAL RA 5-3 1 3 1 | GUENA ENU B ceived. --§. S 5a pet supplies. Sportsman's Corner, Don't hang up, let it ring i § a ' : with electric stove and Ee WANTED -- ride from Sharbot Street PYron Street South, Whitby, one block | C | Hardwood floors throughout, laundry ' E rid Sh t Str » ris re RK It ST Wild Bird Seed |to Post Office. Working hours 8 to 5 west of Four Corners. Open till 9 p.m room, separate entrances, front and 5a PARK RD. 2 Li Ne S LEGGETTE HARDWOOD Call RA 5.420 " 36 Tormer's Col 37--Male Help Wanted "oor niece: coupes. ory, silo per DISTRIC RISTOW | P 3 | WANTED -- ride to downtown Toronto, 0! umn | THE 'new management of I Mo wn | month. Phone RA 3-9114 from 96 for | Quiet residential street FLOOR CONTRACTOR et Supplies {arriving 8.00 - 8.15 a.m. Phone RA " 3300 bales ehoioe eo | Developments Co. Ltd., . offer an at. | tppointment. = a BUCKINGHAM Children welcome | 8-1498 city hay ogi bales Dee Li le | tractive position to a salesman exper-| FURNISHED large housekeeping front Laying, Sending, Finishing Dog Meals HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), west of Woodville. Mrs. Mel. Dukelow,|i¢nced in our field. Guaranteed earn.|room, refrigerator, sink, A MANOR ew 2:bedroom Apartment 50 ailed t paid pla valed eo 4 illp atio. P "mama | INES, age no consideration. Phone RA |etc., TV outlet, private entrance, suit- ' . § ¢ Old Floors Renovated D Biscoi mailed post paid in plain sealed en: RR 2, Woodville, Ontario. Phone R31 39633 or write us Oshawa 4c able for one or two. Apply 184 Beatty APARTMENTS | aa TV..° Hat REALTORS F ti s ridin le Fim : = =< | Avenue. | drapes, parking, etc ree Estimates 0g Discuits cents; Jas samples $1.00 Mail Order DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. THREE men required for Colonials iy a ur 1 & 2 bedroom apartments ae . ] g ; Rubbeg Co, Box OL |p) one collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.0721, Increasing sales staff. No experience FOUR room heated, sell contained electrically equipped, best from $ RA 5-6851 or RA 5-9783| Ice Salt Hamilton, Ont Margwill Fur Farm. Tyrone. + °\'|necessary. For appointment, MO 8-561 upper duplex, near Shopping Cntre, ectricoily equippec es | Others from $85 | HAND knit "Mary Maxim" sweaters, . OE ---- or in person, 515 Brock Street North, vacant now. Apply 39% Pine Avenue. location. Apply 498 Simcoe [55g csign, made to order. Phone RA 99__ Summer Properties | : i bai 8 5 Nohap: 8. RABRe76 | PHONE RA 5-7272 3-4387 AN wo men for window and ------ he, a's W. WARD | Crown Diamond Paint | ----------------|"" For Sale or Wanted TES oa, Wo SCHORIELD | -- WELL DIGGING BY | Cooper Smith Co ATTENTION punt, 1h 77 Tue sartrs on 5% of . height orion vote mumbet nsurance As, Lid | NOW RENTING Gy $89 MONTHLY ' ne month only -we are [Lake Scugop Priced to sei af $6200. | RENTAL SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | for ome Lake Seugos Prices tn self at smu | aly Onis | 1scemas | TREE macAR [EE FR SPAR) POLICE CONSTABLE | wiv nitimssnr | 2.BEDROOM APARTMENTS 12th, 1960 We have a waiting list. 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. . . (30--L d Found [A eo today-- | | RA 3-2312 | CYCLO-MASSAGE [30--Lost and Found (the postion of Police | orl ednt | ALL MODERN P.O. BOX 329 or! 50- . Ra | -MINUTE TEST | LOST man's ulova initialed wrist y ob for the Township | . | 14--Household Repairs f vou suffer from orthirit watch, on James Street Saturday. Re-| oC pil : i ingalow : TER RRutduwdnibdichii thot the EY a hg WE ward. RA 5.5613 3 - ! ing | R a rR ; : 3 Y lot ~ DODD & SOU BEAUTY shop, fous operators. gasd| theurnatism, muscular aches, |rost-- Brows ester sifictcnian| Salo $3.900 to $4,500 FOR RENT Refrigerdtors and stoves included. 5 minutes to : poe Jot, [Peau | south GM. Hurry : PAINT -- WALLPAPER business. Owner leaving the count nervous tension and sleepless ng | : C PAINTING & DECORATING |Whitby, MO 85462 4 Benbinitliy pvi I to take Papers, also large som a ih ; Inmensuiote Mod apartment complete | nw lot 50 ft. by 140 ft. CONTRACTORS YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim-| advantage of fer. Call ncoe South and Jackson wih h i with stove, refrigerator, au- Lo) ; , 5 / ) erviced. ( Eor free estimates call neys built and repaired, gas linings in.| gave! roe of this offer . 4986. Reward 31 Apply to the Chief Constable tomatic - washer ond. dryer, CALL RA 5-708°--RA 3-2536---RA. 5-9864 a Simcoe St. : Pickering Township Police | TV. qgeriol paved parking 8-6408 eve | . 408 nings | id 1 etait b - . . EVENINGS RA 5-7426 Gait jos, RA 550i is earpentzy,| free 20 minute test, 'with |ETRAICIl RA 52591 Suaight| ot Dunbarton. | 5:30. RA 5-6983 107 Byron St. 5, Whitby painting aad bandymas, trained consultants, I stitch and zig-sag. | : 4d a mont » payments y | | 3 1 | stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti er. ; | g DAYS MO 8 523 Unates, RA 3.2097. Phone RA 8-6234 for home- 31--Articles For Rent | Department, No. 2 Highway Dial RA 5.6551 or ofter | BON-RAY DEVELOPMENT LTD. "200 Brock St | ¢

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