20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jonuary 7, 1960 | We dnesday TODAY'S TORONTO STOCKS Market A | Breakfast TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS PIL By aliadian Prose Stock Sales High Low 11 Stock Bales High Low 11 a.m ase . 1 ronto ol xchange--Jan, 7 (Quotations in cents unless marked $, Bosaell i $i uu 1 : Donalda 1000 8 8 8 uie u 3-004 10h 28 an Oividend, Arf Salada-S 25 $11 11 Prva » » » ights, xw--Ex-warrants.) 3 East Mal ' " Shayne 3m 20 2b Eidrich TORONTO (CP) -- The stock| - % market swung lower Wednesday | INDUSTRIALS Stedman $38 3 Falcon l fog y Steel Can 160 ; Hi + Faraday amid uninteresting trading. | - 4 . . Net Propane pr 1% \ 3 i 3 Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Suptest ord st 18 205 Index changes: Industrials] 7 . Abitibi 113 "sae 39% + + Tor-Dom Bk 55 5% h down .87 at 531.71; golds up .02| . cad-At 11 i 11 Tor Elev $ i 9 oi AcadAtl A 135 819 19 r C $ 136 196 ~ at 89.12; base metals up 1.04 Li i Agnew-8 340 819% 19% 4 3 y \ 5 175.48; and western olls down 22 5 ) 8 85 5 5 5 2 Alta Dist 200 200 200 29 n G 95 5 y Gunnar wis 85, at 106.33. Alta Dis wis 3500 120 1 Y Hollinger $29 2 2 + -- 2,668,000 Alta Gas 2 50 3 5 y . The final volume was 2,088, Algoma shares, much heavier than Tues Alumini 8 3% WwW Copper 1 36 3 + ; 40 40 " day's 2,165,000 Alum 1 pr 75 § 20 West A wis 5 b Int Nickel A 1 29% Alum 2 pr 42 Wood Alex 100 5 3 + Irish Cop Cockshutt gained 1% at 2 Analog Y iy } Wood J A J. - Jon Bay and Ford Motor was ahead one Atlas Steel 1 4 2% 4 Woodwd A 19% 9 50 3 Bank Mont 5 35 Wdwrd A Wt 6 Jacobus point at 88 and Anglo Canadian Bank NS 4 y Curb Joburke 230 230 Pulp and Paper a point at 42 Beay Lumb A 275 $1615 16% 16% Asbestos Kerr Add Loblaw Inc. fell six points at Bell Phone 33 Int Pap 11 $125 12 4 Kilembe 365 0 " il 1 465 465 -- Int Ul 35 5 5% Kilem C wt 194 on a single sale McLaren Leitch Power and Paper lost 2% at "2 Jencour; 3 : Algoma Steel fell % at 30%, . rng 37 Steel Company of Canada Was] Aiminex 9 3 . Lyndhst down % at 86% and Atlas went . a Madsen 205 268 down % at 27% Malarti Marais International Nickel gained "| C Bank Com Maritime 29 1 + at 104%. Hudson Bay Mining was Cdn Brew 5 5 35 5 3 iver 3.4 9 1 Matin *% up Y at 50. Algoma gained 8% MAT 1 if McWat 35 : ! at 12%, Guunar fell % at 10% Cdn Can A . C Chem Mentor a end Consolidated Denison was C Collieries 3 4 usky , fer: 1 t De : 575 even at 11% Cur : 5 Ny : N " 3 ; Sa % 5% 15% 1 + raAgUD : % 1 New Western olls, Calgary and Kd CF Prod pr + Sree Wis 3 2 1 N ch : monton fell % at 21 and Home C Hydro Car 1 1184 11% 11 ee ; - New Hosco 5 : i a cn iv Ca 3 1 a 0 1 100 0 N Mylam Oil A was down % at 13% Cdn OM 30 $2 2 a adi 4 Nickel MS CPR 8 5 5 4 Fargo 3 ; Nisto sh 8 ! CWN Gas pr 1 1414 4 144% + a # x 13% Noranda 8 1 T b S ] CWN G Sie p 5 ) BO 36 3% 1 13% ~ Norgold 5 : 5 -- obacco ales Cockshutt 655 $22) % ada ' ot p20 Norlartie 4 ol Cell 75 375 5 a ri Normetal 75 3 544 347 P d Se 76 ' $3 EH Mideon 500 3 : Nerbeau 2000 1 3 ' ' ounas ! I I » a Norpax 2% 14 ' Re Con Gas B lonz 1 0 N Con m2 Bn -3 N Goldert 33 35 1 TILLSONBURG (CP) The Cosmos b $1 + A vac Pi 250 2 y N Rank " Ontario Flue cured Tobacco : -- = 105 88 3 bd ¥ North € an 5 : ¢ Growers Marketing Board re rush Int 3 % » ' 4 ¥ No! L 1 J i t Seag 55 $31 1 Yo oy 410 i : Opemiska 350 85 ported sales Wednesday of 1,544, x 3 1 1 9 1 347 pounds at an average price »m Elect a 4 A 2 131( 92 90 91 1 ode 300 90 8 i 200 275 70 27 eer 4 7 3% ? of 53.22 cents a pound. Sales to m Six 164 0% . ) 3 7 y - ¢ [id 0 date are 47,862,149 pounds at an 1 1 ~ 2's Portage - A R 5 $18% 18% 1 ayalite A di 10% x 15 per 1 average price of 55.04 © ston 1 : : + 11-01 ra Bit Shell Purchases] KETCHUP Foes | GRADE 'A' LARGE Rayrock edie 2 : North Star Oil Aid Sa 3s 280 a Cons i CALGARY (CP) -- Shell Oil Agnico 00. OF 67 Sand Riv 10 4 al Company of Canada has pur Ans ( 414 24% 1% -- Sheep Cr 1 1 ! 10 chased sal] interest - i 5 chased a controlling interest. in A Arcadi 50 5 7 Sherritt 1 81 - 1 AUC "Cop 00 17 - si Miller North Star Oil Ltd., second larg- 1 Lb Atlin-Ruf . b 3 X : is 101 1 est independent refining and dis- Aumaque 00 7 7 q 1 1 1 ! vointh tL adi Barnat 2700 5 154 ' 5 anleigh : 5 | tributing operation in Canada. Bag 3 Metals ) 6 + Stanlgh wits ) } Ya The controlling interest in her BI 1 Stan a 1-8 North Star was put up for sale by the estate of former presi. dent Fred C. Manning who died last summer. Size of the interest was not disclosed It was learned fenders were opened in Halifax Wednesday EL Shéll's bid was reported to be 6132-01. ¥ 1834.25 for common and $19 for biliroy 20 187 18 3 mon aud $19. f 9 Jellotex | NW : class A shares. She Il hs as agreed [1 » Save 4c Sales to 11 a.m: to make the same offer to other -------- - shareholders ALL FOOD PRICES North Star, a Winnipeg-based EFFECTIVE CHAMP LOSES company, reported assets of $62 ARCADIA, Calif. (AP) -- War- 766 f 3 1958. I fare, 1959 national champion two- oa Der Sos ] JANUARY 7, 8, 9 owns 2 vice stations and 351 Reserve The Right PAu le ! 4 nn 1 year-old, ran into defeat Wednes- bulk plants " 3 1 awest 2 95 30 5 1 day in. his first start of 1960 . en - NO NGas 15% 15% 1 ~'Y 350 170 1 7 - when T. V. Lark snaked up on . 8-Oz 1 1 > 0 . " : -Vz. 4 We Ocean Cem : 3 the rail d n the $10,000 hoe ina % yATagon : * Ridgewood F or af ie Savings Bond f SLICES ROYAL Pkgs. Bank » 79% 7% 9 75 $19% 19% 1 y Anita. He Sales At Record GoLD |economic shot in the arm neces-| mining where Northern Ontario] OTTAWA (CP) -- Sales of the| To Limit Quantities Energ Y Board Iy 2 sompensate for the de-|wanted the gas 1959 series Canada Savings Bonds {pr essed oil market iA 1 record $1,415,000,000 b But Mr. Saks said 4 rose to a record y |SAKS QUESTIONED . 3 said he thought|,; "yor 1950, Finance Minister the prices suggested by Northern " Northeru Ontario Natural Gas Ontario probably came within Fleming said Wednesday. He | Company, supplied solely y said that sales were in excess Hears Gas Issue Trans-Canada, asked sales man.|the Tange where Trans - Canadas his most optimistic forecast. T ager James Saks of Trans-Ca p-|could % busi inest, ogg l On-| -- ( / oe! t hin us o anadia tario has compla at in| : )TTAWA (CP)--Trans-Canada States within a period ranging ada whether future Canadian gas seeking additional supplies after| RELIGIOUS WORKS Pipe Lines Limited, one of five from 20 to 25 years. & prices wouldn't Be ifluenced BY 1063 it was told by Trans-Canada| Hagiology is the body of litera- TO START THE BUSY DAY OFF RIGHT companies seeking natural gas| Trans-Canada continued today : it would have to accept the go-/ture dealing with lives of in the rol of a witness, leading|/he couldn't say, although hel, market et price. Christian saints and martyrs pan EE RE CE EE Sa -- --,, IGA ROYAL GUEST SLICED RINDLESS about any influence pected to take not weeks b 'American demand will|fore all five have made their general market pressures as any EN ey tS CA have 'on future Canadian gas cases for export and most of 20 other. prices intervenors are heard He said under questioning that THE NEXT KINSMEN The questioning by Northern| Not all the 20 oppose the appli- Northern Ontario and Trans-Can- Ontario Natural Gas Company, |cations although & number DP ve|2da had been unable to settle on - Bl NGO opposing Trans - Canada's export! regervations about assured Cana- firm prices for some future bid before the National Energy dian supplies and just and rea- Northern Ontario requirements. . Board, ended before much light sonable Dy levels within Can- One difficulty had been in deter- FRIDAY, JAN. 15 at 8:30 p.m. sharp ih lo BEE eee $8,500 IN PRIZES AL ns-C Calida sald it will callithe board and the itnesses later to deal with|inet, which has overriding au- y prices thority PECIAL includ The Sopa vy and the four] The petroleum industry ge other applicants seek authority to ally fe€ls reserves are more 12 Games for $50.00 cosh each game export gas tot alling 6,609,750,000,- ample to justify export and that H 000 cubic feet to the United such shipme nts would provide the 3 Games for $150.00 cash each game -------------- Th d ' 15 "Tendersweet Hems" as free door prizes ursaay s $1,000 IN TOTAL SNOWBALL PRIZES 8 TO 11 P.M. SALES PROMOTION THE "Y" 60 CLUB NOT ONE BUT TWO (2) 1960 FORDS A J TWO-TONED WITH WHITEWALLS n> A REAL BREAKFAST TREAT REPRESENTATIVE {i per Young Men TWO 1960 FORDS FOR THE ee Established national organization requires an aggressive sales ROYAL GUEST SMALL LINK and Women Mixed social and edu- PRICE OF ONE, YOU BUY FOR Be 3 oy Joe orie wes fe. |[f covivel pogroms . Rf LONE AND. THE OTHER IS FREE mode! car, be a resident of the Oshawa area and have selling Starts January 14 Ib experience Salary plus expenses and employee benefits. Reply . . stating age, education and experience to Y W. C. A. Ping PETERBOROUGH Bg BOX 37, OSHAWA TIMES 199 cenTRE sT. MN 7:00 p.m. | MEMORIAL CENTRE | 7:00 P.M. EE ---- ---- Sen S---------- SPECIAL FROZEN FEATURE HERE COME | £ : . SWANSON MAIN COURSE 80 KINSMEN NIWSNI in the heart of Brooklyn's THE PEOPLE RAGING... @ [1/. = i we | Beef and Gravy with Potatoes presents THE PASSIONS GET Ad (em | 1 PAUL | DAVID | EXPLODING... pT L\escruEp, soy / 8 MUNI * WAYNE FARM FRESH PRODUCE EVERY SAVAGE 0 (4 | > [ : The | | TENDER GARDEN FRESH U.S. NO. 1 SOUND AND FURY ge ; OF THE WRATHFUL oy TT New Cabbage 2 z BEST-SELLER! 2 ithe. 2g everyone else! Wain Ae DIRECT FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH 81 weeks on the human =: GP UE \ 757) | | Florida Grapefruit 10 =