The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Snowflurries this afternoon and evening, mainly sunny Friday with little change in temper- atures, winds north. THOUGHT FOR TODAY When you get a chance to buy something for a song, it's a good idea to check the aec- companiment. She Oshawa Times Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa OSHAWA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1960 TWENTY-SIX PAGES Era Of Peace | Seen By lke State Of Union Message Canadian Planes he | Announces 'Atlas' Success | Get A-Weapons |ident Eisenhower declared in the Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy US. Favors European Trade Pact WASHINGTON (CP) -- Thejthe OEEC carries on "as usual." United States is hopeful a new His remark left open the possi- economic forum may spring up| bility that Canada might be will- in Western Europe with both the|ing to become a full member in Canada eventually be-/some revised organization. |coming full members. The OEEC was set up 11 years| | This forum would provide a|ago to channel Marshall aid| |means of continual consultation/funds into war - devastated Eu- lto prevent clashes betweenirope. It continued as a co-ordi-| E France, West Germany and other nating body but its future is| members of the six-country com-/dimmed by the emergence of the| mon market and the *'Outer|two rival European trade blocs.| 4 Seven" European free-trade as-| Representatives of the two |sociation, which includes Britain, blocs have agreed to meet with |Norway, Sweden and Denmark. (Canada and the U.S. at Paris| |" U.s. diplomats said they would next Tuesday in initial attempts like to see this forum developed|to form some kind of concilia-| by simplifying the existing 17-|lory link or bridge between the| country Organization for Euro-/{wo groups to prevent a Euro-| pean Economic Co-operation, ofipean trade war that might hit (which Canada and the U.S. are North American exports | associate members. |_U. 8. authorities agreed with| Canada's Finance Minister Don-| Fleming that the Paris talks will ald Fleming told a press confer- be only the first of a series of] nce Wednesday his country will meetings necessary to develop | remain an associate member if consultative machinery. Fleming ier -------------- emphasized Canada would oppose| any increase in European dis- {crimination against North Amer-| {ican goods | Fleming urged that any plans by the common market to raise |external tariffs be postponed un- |til a new round of world negotia- |tions--to open in nine months-- |are completed | Trade Minister Gordon Church- ill, who accompanied Fleming land senior Canadian officials during a five - hour conference| with U, 8S, authorities, suggested the fear of European trade dis- crimination may be over-rated. | 1 . R Fleming said Canada has a lover, Dr {big stake in European trade--| Bernard Finch (background) {about $1,200,000,000 worth of Ca-| charged with murdering Mrs. vation: exports amapally Finch, were taken with the e Outer Seven members are| ¢ 1 Britain, Norway, Sweden, Den.| JUrY and court to the slaying mark, Austria, Portugal and| scene at the Finch home, West Switzerland. The common mar-| Covina, Calif. Standing next to ket includes France West Ger-| Miss Tregoff is one of her at- | many: Shay, Belgium Holland Donald Bringgold ~ AP Wirephoto Vol. 89--No. 5 {U.S. and OTTAWA (CP)--Nuclear strike which the CF-104 will be fitted. [State of the Union message to are planned for Can-| Two hundred of the Canadian- Congress today that the United arm built CF-104s are planned for States is always ready to partici- F-104 strike reconnaissance service with the Canadian air di- pate with the Soviet Union in any {jets will pick up the nuclear vision, with a target date of serious discussion that might |punch when they got into service April, 1951, for the initial flight|lead to peace with justice. with the RCAF air division inlof the plane. | He said that in his final year Europe, it was learned Wednes-| The Sidewinder already is be- of office he is ready to devote ay ing used by Royal Canadian|pis full energies to the tasks at The nuclear warheads will be Navy jet planes in an air-t0-air|hand. "whether these involve |carried in the Sidewinder, the|role. It will be adapted to RCAF travel for promoting greater American guided missile withjuse as a ground-strike weapon in|yw,rid understanding, negotiations erm TET --|Europe throu Zh developmen: to reduce international discord, {work now being conducted by thei or constant discussions and com- US. Navy _._|munications with the Congress Nuclear arms will be provided znq the American people on is under a Canada-U.S. agreement |g eq hoth domestic and foreign." |that will not be completed for| The president said that "re robably a year i [ - Presi- |" The general principle. however, | nt Soviet deporimel 5d. pint (dent Eisenhower will carry his|ic that Canada and the U.S. Dounceme is Suggest Le Io ibe {"peace with freedom' campaign| win have joint custody of the opening of ose S y 1 |strained period in the relation {to four South American nations warheads but the Canadian gov-| h Siero n late next month. Warm recep-lernment alone will have control (27 PS, Pres Worldr © tions seemed assured for him in gyer their operational use. ja e Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and While U.S. law dictates that BRIGHTER HOPE Chile. American personnel must retain| a be Plans for the 10-day trip, which custody of U.S. nuclear weapons, | Mogg Ani ng {will begin Feb. 23, were an-the Canadian government will | E2 diminishing the tensity of {nounced Wednesday by the White dictate the instructions under | a i and eventually of House, Mrs. Eisenhower, Secre-|which Canadian field command- De stitating Pooh blog in JER tary of State Christian A. Herter|ers will or will not use the war-| 8 duly a he president's brother, Mil- heads. ni ua § Rhian will be among, The general Canada-U.S. nu-| "Whether this is to become an | i i i ro-|era of lasting promise remains those making the trip clear agreement will cover p! ora De Ambassadors of the foyr coun-|vision of nuclear warheads for|to be tes y a S. ' tries to be visited lauded the trip. |the Bomarc anti-aircraft missile] Eisenhower said that in the last The president will visit Brazil|bases in Canada, atomic depth year the Soviet Union had ex- Feb. 23-26, Argentina Feb. 26-29, [charges for anti submarine pressed an interest in measures |Chile Feb. 29-March 2 and Uru-|/forces and nuclear - tipped ar-|to reduce the "common peril ol guay March 2-3. [tillery rockets for the army. war. ---- | The Bomare is scheduled to be| «while neither we nor any other |installed in Canada in late 1961 pee World mation can permit and to be ready for operationall, celves to be misled by pleas- {use some time in 1962. RCAF |,pt promises until they are tested {personnel Ni mal oe pases 'ny performance, yet we aDproath near North Bay al on! "|this apparently new opportunity| fess Que. bl t 2 depth with the utmost seriousness." resumably atomic . charges could be provided to the Te must silive 18 break Se RCN and the RCAF Maritime a aries which, if unchecked, command as soon as the Canada-| 4 spiral into nuclear disaster: U.S, agr is the ultimate insanity." ApoOns 's overseas air EXCHANGE SCIENTISTS | Soviet scientists. He is shown s the first | here at the National Research | Council laboratories in Ottawa 1m during a research project he is conducting | Ike's Itinerary 'To South America | WASHINGTON (AP) Dr. Frederick Diatchkovsky, 27-year-old Russian 8 Canada under an agreement for of Canadian and scienti to arrive (CP Photo | 'Navigation Computers 'For Canada | OTTAWA (CP) When the {Arrow jet interceptor was junked, |Computing Devices of Canada Limited nearly went under with an exchange SHOOTING FLAMES Quebec Blaze Kills Seven DOLBEAIL Cp Lak Whipped bv high winds, flames Wednesday shooting 40 feet the air tore|six of their through the modest wooden home| Three other a --|with burns 'an satisfa . Clad tl : DWIGHT EISENHOWER Eisenhower said all industrials ized nations of the non-Commu. nist world must be induced te work together in a new co-opere ative endeavor "to help lift the scourge of poverty from less fore tunate nations." "Through the World Bank and other instrumentalities, as well as through individual action by eve ery nation in a position to help, we must squarely face this titanie challenge. . . '"The goal is to enlist all avafl- able economic resources in the industrialized Free World--espe- sally private investment ecapl- " Bs CAROLE her doctor TREGOFF (front) ! [1 and umberjack his wife and drer St. John Que - : The Ottawa firm at that time held contracts for production of components for the Arrow's ar- children escaped mament control system and air- were described (io ir missile condition in hos-| computing Devices took a ir tclothes, they gamble and threw nearly all its into bitter, sub-zero cold. | oroies into development of an {They jumped from a window of _ ro tic dead reckoning mnavi- {the two-storey house to a Veran-| tion system for fighter planes, {dah roof and then to the ground. {yi own invention. The woodcutter, Francois Pre-| The gamble has paid off hand- |vost, was working at a lumber somely and may be even more {camp when the fire started, | erative in the future. spreading so quickly all the vic-| Company President C. F. Hem- » Connecticut tims had perished before neigh- por today announced that Com- WETHERSFIELD, Conn. (AP)|bors could make rescue efforts. | ting Devices has been awarded Kl 17 ch Prison Riot Radio Probe Developed By Canada in |F {fled | torneys, | } Maid Testifies FOUNDATION OF PEACE The president expressed the hope that an avenue towards "the true foundation of peace" might be found through the re- opening Jan. 12 in Geneva of ne- gotiations among U.S. British and Soviet representatives om a ATLAS PERFORMANCE ors overpowered two| Also away were the couple's/a $4,000,000 government contract sday night, setting off a riot/where in this district 150 by more than 400 shouting con. northwest of Quebec City. plane. viets. | Prevost's wife Gabrielle, 45,|The Starfighter will go into serv. State police troopers and prison died while trying to lead several|ice with the RCAF air division guards quelled the riot after 2% of her younger children to safety. |in Europe in the next four Jesh, hours with tear gas and high- WATER SUPPLY FROZEN Computing lees a pressure water hoses. A fireman| | lit cma b [ready won a Wes! German con- d a prisoner suffered minor ins An eight-man volunteer fire-|tract for installation of the navi Ae pms : fighting brigade arrived a half-|gation system in German Star- Juries hour after the fire broke out and fighters, Since then, West 'Ger- Warden Mark Richmond said a made a futile attempt to save the many has announced : plans to dozen aders oY helmed building." Thirty-below tempera-|pyitd more Starfighters. the two gus 1 1 tures froze their water supply to Mr. Hembery said in a state. a cell and u a trickle and, aided bv volun- ment: "We have good reason to nearly half teers, they tried unsuccessfully tlhe confident that the position The outbr be Sonfdemt b ke poution douse the flames by throwing $ p.m. as gu snow on the structure with as a NATO standard. Two NATO the task of members -- Germany and Can- In Finch-Trial- LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The state's key witness, a slim, 19 year - old Swedish housemaid burst into tears on the witness stand Wednesday after describ ing Mrs. Barbara Jean Fineh's violent last moments of life. As Marie Anne Lidholm testi- fied in broken English, Dr. R. Bernard Finch leaned forward intently at the counsel table, straining to hear every word. 4 Near the surgeon, his onetime receptionist and mistress, Carole Tregoff, sat erect, her brown eyes flashing from witness to WA. (CP) -- A sensitive hea instrument -- the only one of its kind in the Western world--will be shot aloft in an American earth satellite late this year or early in 1961 fo measure the minute density of gases in outer space. Developed by the radio and electrical engineering division of the National Research Council, it will give scientist: their first op-| Ef Iportunty to determine accurately| the extent of the vacuum outside) the earth's atmosphere. Known. as a cold cathode gauge, the instrument in labora- tory experiments has successfully measured densities or pressures| believed to exist on the surface | FREE PARKING 1 | SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP)-- Svracuse is making it a little easier to pay taxes. Mayor Anthony Henninger's office said the city was giving tax- payers one hour of free park- ing at municipally-operated parking lots while they pay their taxes. 2 U.S. Sergeants Shave Prostitute FOR TAX PAYERS Fisenhower announced for the first time that the Intercontinen- tal Ballistic Missile, the Atlas, in 14 recent test launchings a! {ranges of more than 5,000 miles had been striking on an average within two miles of the target. "This is less than the length of a jet runway--well within the eir- cle of total destruction." Speaking to a joint session of [the Senate and the House of Rep- |resentatives, the president pro- |duced no real surprises in the |field of proposed legislation. | Among other things, he asked |for continued foreign aid to fight| |communism; enactment of the |eivil rights program that he | controlled nuclear test ban. "I am hopeful that as new ne gotiations begin, truth--neot polite ical opportunism -- will be the guiding light of the delibera- t ions." Still another avenue might be found in the field of disarma. ment, Eisenhower added. UNITED IN AIM The president concluded his |message by saying: "We seek a common goal--brighter opportun- ity for our own citizens and a world peace with justice for all. "The Communists can present an array of material accomplish- hovels was located at|aga--have already ordeded it, These densities , SEOUL (AP)--South Korea will asked for last year--particularlr|ments over the last 15 years that prosecutor and back. Finch, 41, and Miss Tregoff, 25, are charged with murdering his 36 . year - old estranged wife so The house 20 miles north oflang we expect to announce sev- Girardville, The blaze apparentlyerg) additional European sales in the near future." on the ground, floor, Computing Devices may sell 20 t men ringleaders, remained in the trapping the victims in their up- of the rioters,|stairs rooms. Cause of the out- $10,000,000 worth of the comput- ers. With installation, repair and n, retreated break is not known. servicing, this amount could that they could marry and re- tain community property valued | by Mrs. Finch at $750,000. i s as the gas-| Along with Mrs. Prevost, the double. and guards fire took the lives of Hugette, 10, Computing Devices mow has pressed Fernand, 8, Germain, 7, Hubert, 5 more than 600 employees and is The r Majella, 4, Francis, 2. The children who escaped with burns were Gabriel, 17, Ovila, 13, ioters jeered at the troop- 6, ers and lying tear- gas bombs ios, metal pipes and other objects "UNPRECEDENTED" Que. Leadership Race Near Climax QUEBE( before the party caucus at 2:30] ter Antonio p.m. as successor to Mr. Sauve,| considerer However, veteran observers of answered the strength it had before the Arrow cancellation. CP Barr - Labor Minis today was contender of Qu premier ed moves late Wed- nesday t caught Quebec po- litical of vers by surprise. The 60-vear-old labor minister got top consideration after re- ports circulated that Provincial Secretary Yves Prevost, 51, had withdrawn from the contest for succession of the late premier Paul Sauve only hours before the start of official proceedings to fill the post The news about who appeared to port in Union N a ner circles, followed a reported dinner meeting between the highly considered Quebec | and Hydraulic Re-ources ter Danie 44 to. be a new power ale organization Mr. - Prevost reached for comment on reports saying he withdrew for per- sonal reasons." Those aware of CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA ne le for the pos after unex C vost maintains his reported re- § fusal to be a candidate to the leadership. Mr. Johnson has been | in the cabinet for two years. | 1 UNPRECEDENTED RULE § The race for the leadership is| unprecedented in the history of the Union Nationale party Maurice Duplessis founded the, party and was its leader for 23| years. When he died Jan. 2 Mr.| Sauve left the party without a widely known and dominant per- sonality who could take over im- mediately as leader. The party has never held a leadership con- vention The field narrowed to two chief| contenders for the leadership, Mr. Prevost and Mr. Johnson. Mr. Prevost has been a member! jof the cabinet for six years, nis position as top contender for! While Mr. Prevost's backing the premiership were stunned by came from some of the part's the reports top and Quebec district Mr. Johnson was reported party members, support for Mr y to swing his support to Mr.! Johnson was drummed up in the ette railway worker be- Montreal ty el L sted in pol-|ments € in the provin-'leader binet for 15 years. Barrette, who is person-|had b ally popular with the party mem-| M * bership, declined to comment on/man, reports that his nam a Prevost, d sup- ep in | Johnso ng the Union re emerg 2 as could not be DANIEL JOHNSON brass nan, like Mr. Sauve who n in office only 114 days. | Jarrette, a Joliette, Que., | ould appear to be a ¢om e would golpromise choice if chosen. |lish, A girl acquaintance found almost back to the personnel/ler a job with the Finches. the New York - to - Miami flight {known crash that would indicate an malfunction." (five and 29 passengers may have debris . Miss Lidholm came to the U.S in September, 1958, to study Eng- NIGHT OF VIOLENCE MARIE ANNE LIDHOLM She told Wednesday of the|death on the lawn next door. night of July 18 at the Finches'|Finch and Miss Tregoff were swank home in suburban West found by police the next day in Covina: Las Vegas, Nev. During cross . examination by rant B., Cooper, Finch's lawyer, {the blonde maid began to lose She heard Mrs. Finch scream, ran to the garage of the $65,000. Finck Some, and saw her un- conscious on the garage floor. [her Dr. Finch smashed Miss Lid.|" COmPosure holm's head against the garage| JudSe Walter R. Evans Ye wall, then brandished a gun and |C6SSéd the trial -- and the cross.| ordered her into the family car, | #Xamination--until today The doctor made Mrs. Finch--| The prosecution contends that who apparently had revived--get|the maid interrupted Finch in the) into the car. Mrs. Finch fled and Commission of a murder long| the doctor pursued her plotted by him and Miss Tregoff. | The maid said she heard a shot] The maid testified that Mrs. | and a scream a moment later. Finch said her life was threat-| Mrs. Finch was found shot tolened by the doctor last May. | 32 Bodies Found At Crash Scene BOLIVIA, N.C. (AP) -- Three known the plane rows of shrouded bodies, victims culty. An airline spokesman said: of 1960s first airliner crash, lay "Judging from the fact that in a high school gymnasium to- some of the victims had on life day awaiting identification Jackets, it can he presumed that Thirty - four persons were/the captain had informed the aboard the National Airlines DC-| passengers of an emergency sit- 6B which apparently disinte- uation and was trying to make grated Ri the air Sarly Wednes-| an emergency landing." day and cast wreckage and bod-| 'pour bodies wore vest-tvpe lif ies over a 20-acre area near this jackets and several Yost ivpe Lue little community 25 miles south of gtranned to their seats with Wilmington. None survived safety belts. An inflated 25-man Searchers had found 32 bodies|jife raft was wrapped around by nightfall in the plowed fields| some pine trees It may have in- and marshy pine woods where| fated itself automatically DELAY IN DISCOVERY The plane 'apparently disinte-| A stopped watch on onegof the grated in the air from an un-|victims, and eyewitness reports, cause," said John L. set the time of the crash at 2:45 a National Airlines vice-la. m "The plane was in| But it was some four hours 0d order and was in the hands|later before the location was re- a veleran crew. There was ported by Richard Randolph nothing from the pilot prior to the| owner of the 82-acre farm where yithe wreckage was = was in diffi. fell Mo oresident. ¢ \f 3 Shortly after daybreak, Randolph It appeared that the erew of walked into his field and: saw the {and relay it back to Canadian| of the moon. hroughout outer space amount to {almost a complete vacuum. | The gauge developed by NRC is made of glass. The three that i will be aboard the satellite will be made of a ceramic material to give them greater strength and ability to withstand heat. The Canadian instrument was selected after careful study by the American Space Agency. Other Canadian instruments] built by Defence Research Board scientists will be placed aboard an American earth satellite] scheduled for launching in Cali-| fornia in 1961. The instruments| demand punishment of the Amer- with respect to protecting the(l icans responsible for shaving the rights of Negroes to vote; new heads of two prostitutes caught in/farm laws to replace "an out- a U.S. Army barracks, national moded system which has failed police director Kee Kang-hak "in- dicated today The army has announced that two sergeants performed the shaving Jan. 2 on orders of a to protect farm income"; and alj |program to help finance school construction BUDGET TO BALANCE | He said he would present to | | ends a false persuasiveness te mary of their glittering promises to the uncommitted peoples. "The competition they provide s formidable. "But in our scale of values we place freedom first -- our whole national existence and develop {ment have been geared to that company commander who Wwasithe Congress for the 1961 fiscal|Dasic concept and are responsible cracking down on trespassing thieves and prostitutes. The army has not yet decided {whether to prefer charges, and a {number of front-line officers are known to feel harsh punishment is not warranted. But the army |year beginning next July 1 a bal-| {anced budget. Defence expendi- tures would continue at the rec- ord peacetime levels of the last |few years and space expends. tures would be practically dou-| bled. t peaceful intentions, for the position of Free World leadership to which we have suc- ceeded. . .. "We must make clear our our aspira- ions for a better world. So doing, |we must use language to en- will gather information on the said it did not condone such treat-| He estimated that for the pres-|lighten the mind, not as the: in- electrically - charged ionospheric ment of trespassers, and the com-|ent fiscal year ending June 30/Strument of the studied innuendo belt above the earth's surface mander of the battalion involved next, there would be a favorable|and the distorter of truth. ! receiving stations. warned his officers against a repetition. balance ir the budget of about 000,000. Say. oo" "And we must live by what we a A CREWMAN lies in part of the twisted wreckage of 2 Na- | apparently exploded in mid-air | west of Wilmington, N.C. All tional Airlines plane which | 27 passengers and five members were killed. near Bolivia 25 miles south. i { crew --AP Wirephoto

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