THE ©8 y hy y | - 18 HAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 7, 1960 voles was Belay Rawis of Spat. ® [ SPORTS TEACHERS MIS» F 1 A hl 552 Greta ace votes, Shel - u C 1 S . rew st} votes. | emale Athlete =m io ' CALENDAR | Imperials Grab Lead [] k d F 1959 winner at 774.39. TET . . " 1 {UNPRECEDENTED ® | I C ] Se L Cc e or | Chris van Sasa, teen Calif, Rg League o} n Vl vice 00p {Oshawa Grads vs Coca-Colas, at Fs ii Head of the Dy ls, 938 20. the Grell Serviee League ar Bow. Teachers. Imperials. also lod | HOCKEY gue at Bow- Teachers. Imperials Pi NEW YORK (AP) -- Maria ' ; won an unprecedented five gold Lakeshore Juvenile League -- manville Arena on Tuesday night. the penalty department Ester Bueno, Brazilian school : medals in the Pan - American ° marm turned tennis player, Wed- % Samet, and Jvisued ping in Je nesday was voted female. athlete Balloting with 43 firsts. Lucinda ; : {up the only two penalties of the of 1950 in the annual Associated ! 9 Williams, - exnesSee Sate By CLIFF GORDON | Mike Elik tied the game up forjrow in as many nights for the Bovmanvile a Sputiviter uM SMITH TRANSPORT game, Press poll : E sprinter who won both the tho Kitchener Dutchmen made it the home side, early in the Dutchies over the Whitby team ,-™ Port pe | UPSET FIREMEN Two-goal performances were ; § metres and 200 metres at the, , 5, 5 yw over the Whitby middle frame, as he triggered his. . . They have won their last Ys 8.00 p.m, In the opener, Smith Transport turned in by B. Johnson, Cope- Miss Bueno, 19, won both the : Je Pan-American Games, was fourth pone and their fifth in a row|first of a pair with McKnight and five and appear to have shaken| Exhibition Minor Hockey --|upset Firemen 4 to 2, in a game|going fo White, Kellington and Wimbledon and U.S. champion- i with nine firsts. last night, as they handed the|league-leading point-getter Ken|the slump that hit them in mid- Lakshore Bruins Midgets vs Osh-that saw Firemen lead in penal-|Jackson. ships. She defeated Darlene : lisa Konrads, the female half Dunlops a 4-3 setback. The win Laufman, geiting the helpers on|December . . . Hurley was once awa "City League" All-Stars, at|tes, ist Period Hard, 64, 63, at Wimbledon for | . : of Australia's famous brother-\was the Dutchies' fifth straightthe play. The Dunnies showed again terrific as he turned aside 7.30 p.m. and Lakeshore Bruins piemen took the lead on Gra-/1. Imperials: B. Johnson the title and won the U.S. crown | : sister swimming duet, who holds since their coach Bill Durnan re-they had plenty of fight and some point-blank drives . . . Sat- Juveniles vs Oshawa "Citylhams goal only to have Smith) (Miller) Cen. AOR at Forest Hills by turning back . practically all the world records linquished the reins. came back and took the lead for|urday night, the Dunnies will en-|League" Juveniles, at 9.00 p.m.iponenort come back with goals/2. Teachers: Kellington Britain's Christine Truman, 6-1, Sig de, from 800 metres up, was fifth LeBlanc and Elik led the win- the second time, as Sinden scored tertain the Belleville McFarlands, Both games at Oshawa Children's py "myir and Valentine to take (Hubert, Jackson) ..... 8.34 64. : with two votes for first. ners' attack with a pair of goals/on a pass-out from the corner, by| who also are making it hot for Arena. |the lead. Hubble tied the score 3. Imperials: Copeland She spent most of the year tour- i > Miss Buenos started attracting each. Don McBeth, Harry Sinden|Bob Attersley. This lead lasted many of the teams in the league. FRIDAY'S GAMES {for Firemen but Muir broke the| (C. Kemp) L100 ing the world and figures she . attention when she won the junior and Tom O'Connor each scored|just over two minutes as the 1st Period HOCKEY tie four minutes later and Carrie 4. Imperials: Copeland appeared in about 35 tournaments : girls championship in Miami's once for the losing Dunnies, who|Dutchies were eager to better 1. Whitby: McBeth Lakeshore Juvenile League -- added the insurance marker with C Kemp) ........ wee 18 and won 19 of them. § i Orange Bowl two years ago. outshot the winners 41-30 over|their position and Elik tied the] (Kane, Tom O'Connor) 18.47 whithy at Uxbridge, 8.00 p.m. |a minute left to play. 5. Teachers: Rogers Marie received 126 of the 288 ' Since then, she has marched the route. On Saturday night, score for the second time in the Penalties: Brodie 13.10. Exhibition game -- Oshawa 1st Period (Dineen) first - place votes cast by the | steadily up the ladder and now Belleville McFarlands will be the game, with McKnight getting the 2nd Period Bantam "Stars" vs Cobourg Ban-|{. Firemen: Graham . Imperials: B. sportswriters and sportscasters 4 ve with Althea Gibson turned pro- yisitors at Whitby Arena. assist. It was two-all going into!2. Kitchener: Elik tams, at Cobourg, 6.30 Jud nie (C. Kemp) of the United States. fessional, unquestionably is the irs : hh an nal 30 minotes i autonz 5.98 ' 8 5-4 p.m. (Harrison) «.... : i » UNQU y The first period was a hard-|the final 20 minutes. (McKnight, Laufman) 5.28 ------ 1 Smith Transport: Muir 3 2nd Period The only other woman to col- No. 1 women's player in the checking affair with the Dunnies| Dutchies broke out fast in the/3. Whitby: Sinden . 3. Smith Cini bn Valen: 4 Teachers: Jackson "" Jog Melnick | tee ony 00 aus corgne lect more than 100 first - place _ MARIA BUENO world. (holding a good edge on the playfinal period as LeBlanc scored (Attersley) toe (VAI). (Wright, Dineen) ...... 30.18 although they were only able folhis first of two with Pennington 4. Kitchener: Elik 2nd Period . Imperials: White ' als SR Ld « - SREB PEETTT dtd NE Md ag wansnvehana® sesSancnadi™ srsusyEssd - 43-1 | score one goal against Hurley,'and Graham helping out. This (McKnight) 13.35 a . . Dutchmen who appears to have a charmed|gave the Dutchies the lead for Penalties: Elik 1.26, Sly 10.20 . Firemen: Buble rSopeiand, MeDumel 38.14 SPORTS MENT I life of late, so far as goals are the first time in the game but/and Graham 15.48. ew ed el, 5. Smith Trans ort: Muir (Wright, Dineen) concerned when it comes to Tom O'Connor scored on a hard- 3rd Period ! port: 9 04! . : ] : x (Randle) .... ot 42,04) Referees: Charlle March and - . Whitby. Don McBeth scored the earned effort, with Darling get-|5. Kitchener: LeBlanc » 5. Smith Transport: Carrie Mel Suddard B Geo H Cam bell th ait lone goal of the first period as he|ting the assist. With less than| (Pennington, Graham) Ad 0d 1e8 . ae cess 48.53 , » . Y . y Pp rounded out a three-way effort nine minutes to go, LeBlanc 6. Whitby: Tom O'Connor "Tony's. Retresh t | a 4 ici, LEAGUE STANDING y ETA with Jack Kane and Tom O'Con- scored his second goal of the (Darling) : feshimens, Wo SUBWAY LUNCH SPORTS EDITOR nor. This one came at the 18.47 period and this was the margin 7. Kitchener: LeBlanc moved into a tie for first p'~ce TOP DAIRYMEN Teachers N . ' or 0acC mark and held good for the bal- of victory Tor the home side. (Pennington, Graham) 11.12 With Belko Redy-Mix in the UAW Subway Lunch defeated Dairy Fizemen Everything From Soup To Nuts ance of the period, ICE CHIPS: This is two in a Penalties: None. Hockey . League. standings (wo DuUbWay Lunch deiealet = Jairy: Subway Lunch KITCHENER (CP) -- Bobby| weeks ago, will meet head-on with Men in a rough game that saw FE mien a a a th the Cementme this .Sunday Seven penalties handed out, four FR anhuno OSHAWA LADIES from the local curling club, cap- | bauer, former star forward with » rotting ha hi | SSURCAY io Dairymen (three minors and| oo sited : Boston Bruins of the National : > sowmanvi ic" isconduct all to McKee): and LEADING SCORERS tured their divisional playoffs here yesterday, with |goovev League, said Wednesday Arena, to decide who are the ® M oncuc. all to Vechee): and t . -C ri ies. Th li ated the Peter- tf bf loop's individual league leaders, | three minors to Subway Lunch. Durne, Dairymen three clean-cut victories. ey eliminate e Peter he has not decided whether to Both Tonv's and. Belko's | Subway took a 4-0 lead on goals Copeland, Imperials t li -epres es i i accept the position of coach with ol ys ar elko's have| no. Lone re vi | Myles, Smith* borough Curling Club representatives in the morning i Ra og on Oy Soach yun identical season's records of PY: Pilon. Konarouwski, H. Wil Myles, Bima round, disposed of the Whitby C. C. entries in the semi- Io, rh 1 men nine wins and three losses in 12,500 and Nicholson but the Dairy- Dodsworth, Times finals and then came up with their best curling of the He. sald fe Tas Been. ap. games played. Bradley's are in el Syme Deck wa thin Lote, Times, day, in the finals (the right time) to hand the new Pet- proached to take the post! . fire Jace and Lorne Goodman|i-u "it 4 (0 a V Carsie, Swit Transport erborough Golf and Curling Club rinks a solid licking. vacated by Bill Durnan but . hog and Heating are still "n,irymen were putting on the| Miller, Imperials *r 4 : & xn i . added: "I am not yet in a posi- g basement. ressure when H. Wilson got alC: Kemp, Imperials The Peterborough G-C squads, skipped by veteran per- A . . p son got al" : . : tion to make a decision on ac- : Goaltender Joe Melnick has breakaway and scored the insur- formers, Mrs. Dr. McCartney and Mrs. Dr. Morgan, were |cepting the coaching job, so I The two rinks representing the (o attain their objectives with First Rouna been the big operator behind ance goal with less than a minute expected to provide the Oshawa ladies with their 'have no comment on the situa- ladies' section of The Oshawa their last Toeks and the home- FETERBORD Gc Tony's recent climb towards toplto go CHURCH LEAGUE re : . ime." ak . Ae scor , for a com- Yrs. D ling, spot. The colorful netminder has 1st Peri strongest opposition, As it turned out, the defending tion at the present time Curling Club, captured their di- Sters scored again Mrs. K.. Smyth st Period : + roi ai a " a 4 bined 12-0 lead -- and they never ,.. - now taken over undisputed p 3 av he Ontario Tankard holders got off to a flying start, re | Ermie Goman, business mans viional playdowns in the annulled suck be Cs ro oben ver wndapuid hdr 1. subway Lane: Pion HOCKEY: RESULTS | : ig Junior League . . 4 er of the Dutchmen who, with a : gistering big counts on each of the first two ends -- and EN bas been acting as tem. Ontario Ladies' Tankard play-| Mrs. Morgan's rink picked up a kip ing a respectable 3.08 goals- 2. Subway Lunch: Konarow- . ie yesterday at the local big "four count" on the 7th end my wm Trewin, against average including one ski (Pilon, Nicholson) 7.03 St Dal's, 2 Rk insler : 731 " from that point on, they never looked back. The Oshawa porary coach, said the club has downs club, defeating both the Peter- only to have Mrs. Hezzelwood's Mrs. J. Graham, shutout, Melnick replaces Ross|3. Subway Lunch: H. Wilson ® y oT 3 s' Ta ar st sea- approached Bauer but did not ex- Soden 4 rinks, who won the Ontario Ladies Tankard last sea a an answer for a day or two. borough Curling Club and the new Oshawa foursome come right Mrs. A. Malloy, Hawe, of Belko Redy-Mix, who (Gray) 12.46 son, now move into Barrie later this month for the On- Bauer is. products '| Peterborough Golf and Curling back with a four-end themselves, M™ has held the top goalie average|d. Subway Lunch: Nicholson FUTURE GAMES tario Tankard finals. The personnel of the Tankard de- | "7 ae nr duction Tanager Club entries, as well as Whitby Mrs. Fordham"s rink went ahead : ELH all season long until last week-| (H. Wilson, Planche) 21.36 Sal. Jan. 9, Knox vs Christ fenders is almost the same as last year -- with Mrs. D. ing firm, cl, in the day's pay 5 of the 39 after thee ods 2 Sod Ar ark Mrs, R. Wood only stcounters Hawe now has _ 2nd Period Chuteh and King street vs St. J i replacing Mrs. L. Oke on Mrs. Fred Fordham's Joman re ain 1 ae hea) 58) 21x ©. heir edge with comfort, right to Mrs amis, Mrs pf a 3.11 average. 5. Dairymen: Durno 25.47 Pauls. acobi replacing : eon H Goman said that Wren Blair, eight players being members of the finish. i a. X Miss V. W : In the scoring parade, Syd Ar- 6. Dairymen: Durno ink while Mrs. E. Stone is playing second stone on general manager of the Whitby last season's Ontario Tankard In the consolation event, a Lj 8 en **™ ».inold continues to hid he Ho r (Welsh) 40.38 ROCHON OUT Mrs. N. Hezzelwood's foursome, which last year was Dunlope. will defmely em winners, were favorites to win the couple of "rookie" rinks from p. w Mrs. W. Dru 4. point margin or line . hi 7. Dairymen: Durno : TAMPA, Fla. (CP) Miki skipped by Mrs. H. Gorrie, who has since moved to Lon- pa February, but dooney reporty sous, ny theit home Ce advad: Trenton, brand Hew 0 Provincial fea. Hi. Hopkin George Westfall. Both players (Jeffery 44.47 Davies of England eliminated Y, s : - osition play - : s Mrs. € ner : ] : Ai " y don. The cool, calculated draw shots plus crisp take- [that Blair has been made assis- was anticipated from the "two finals and "didn't yield. the Rec rs. Geo, Graham, perform. with Belko's. Arnold has|8: Subway Lunch: II. Wilson 49.04 Henri Rochon of Montreal 6-4, outs, displayed by the Oshawa ladies in yesterday's [tant coach. lv be help. Liftiock City clubs. However, both sion (othe Peterborough C.C. TOTALS: Laketigld 217" 2 pace Setiing 39 Eoals ai 3} 2% IMPERIALS EDGE TEACHERS St etnesdey Ju the nine oud . d ol his ay? xsl y show - ren wii probably be help-ithe Oshawa rinks came through curlers, until the final rock of the 4 Ly HE. Weyl a 88 i 5.41 tamed k play, indicated clearly that they 11 make a goo) shov ng out both myself and Bauer, if with Sheva is Same Lo! Bou TS, vison, FRENTON 11 tallies and 18 assists for 29 ww eriale edged Teachers 5-4 international tennis tournament. ing in defense of their Ontario Tankard laurels Bobby accepts the job as coach," . p t points a clean game, in which both! Ann" Barclay of Montreal sure sid Gomad + |opening round, against the vet-| The two Oshawa rinks will J" Nell McMahon, rearguard al teams were battling for first vived the first round of the wee ie 7 ie wadt Tn 4 reBort oil of : a di Boivin eran curlers from Peterborough move into the Ontario Tankard wm. O'Connell s. R. Bowder 3 AR » rearguard aso lace in the league $ n i ALEX EAY = dead : ois epot wo D Bobeay Mesnwaile, he leam said i Curling Club. In the semi-finals, final playoffs, at Barrie, later skip x big dof Redy Mix, is in third place," Imperials eas now in first eS Tapes, beating May Ba geon, his "hometown" in recent years, Alex C. Kay is will play six exhibition games in|wnpithy Jadies, who eliminated this month, to defend the trophy Mrs. R. Jack ' with 25 points. Bob! Harmen! __ ~~ abr Bike sportsman, Canada next month. All but one at Trenton rinks in the first round, and honors they won last season, Mrs. G. W. Lindsay, Mrs. R. Embrey, Gerry Scott both. of Tony's and| 1 y b : vill ) i : phe E. Rei santa : : | Fort William Feb. 2 will be at; ved no match for the more The two rinks are comprised of Mm. = o Rei d kX ken gapiaim Jack Atmsirong of Bel-| "I s each have 21 points. referred to as a well-known naturalist and ng outdoor sports as his main interest, in his ca- i 3 pacity as a former game warde ete. But Alex Kay is prairie cities, experienced Oshawa squads Mrs. D. Jacobi, Mrs. H. A. Law- Y : gan | The final match saw the {wo rence, Mrs. C. H. Jenkin and best known to Oshawa sports fans (those of 25 and 35 Oshawa rinks each win the toss Mrs. F. Fordham, skip; Mrs. G. OSHAWA PETERBORO C.C. h Mrs. D. Jacobi, Mrs, L. H, Bearne,|DeGray of Tony's and Lloyd skip ; skip . . TOTALS: 'Whitby 20: Trenton 18 Gordie Bannon of Bradley's, Gerry Robinson of Belko's, 'Ted | years ago) as a former Central Ontario Baseball League Su al Ra for "last stone" and take advan- Campbell, Mrs. E. Stone, Mrs. ,." J [tage to pile up. a combined 6-0|A. Robins and Mrs. N. Hezzel [Mm & H- renkim Mis He HaSDInY {Mapes of J Bradley's L Yave i, 1s impire, one of the best. In those days, he hailed from hrs, rick aM, Hamblin lead. In the second end, both wood, ip re 4 SJ 3.2ound out the lergoe's top ten] Peterborough, where he was a past-president of their . . Peterborough skips, Mrs. Mc- Following are the complete re oune surling club and years ago, regarded as one of their top Will Train { |Cartney and Mrs. Morgan, failed sults: Mrs. ¢ Compball Mrs. H. Green, {Sn PANDINGS eurlers. In the 20's, in the days of "Jake" Solomon, -- = Mrs JA, Robins, Ms. © Steer, 5 WLTFA Pis. "Duke" Dainty, Ernie Parsons, "Chief" Williams, Teddy n ezzelWobd, Mie. T- Doughty, | I S KWANIS WINS rip aria OL, kD Belke 9 3 0803518 gr, * e" Mills, etc., etc., Alex Kay was one | t OTALS: Oshawa 26; Peterbore C.C. 12. Tony's 9 3 0643718] Gallagher, "Peeni ills, etc., el ex Ray os n ore Semi-Finals Bradley's .....5 7 05265 10] of the top baseball umpires in Ontario or Canada. In PETERBORO 6-C LAKEFIELD Goodman's 111 044 97 2 . those days he "worked" with the late Ken Colling of BOSTON (AP) -- Sugar Ray | Mrs. McCartney, 10; Mrs. Davis, L Rb ENTYICR& PER | cd Boles of : Re Robinson, who will defend his WO 1© ames Mrs, Mergers" 19: Mrs. Gronam, o, GOALTENDERS AVERAGES | Belleville, the late Dick Butler of Lindsay, Jack Rose- eR EM TOTALS 25; 15 GA SO AVE. | vear of Port Hope, "Cy" Dell of Oshawa and others. We weight title Jan, 22, will do at | OSHAWA WHITBY . Melnick, Tonya 37 1 3.08 or o . 'ey rs raham, H Ars. /essie < aw 3, py | sould go on-and-on mentioning such names as Walt and | least part of his training in a hod . Mrs. Hezzelwood, 20; Mrs. O'Connell, & dobibill lies 3 3 3 Reg. Fair, Ken Roddick, "Kip" Rowden, Andy Dobson, display window of a downtown n 1 £ a TOTALS 37: 3iFieider, Bradley's , 37.2 jn an Charlie Hall, Al Tyson, Matt Sutton, Art Legge, | Boston department store NAL Bich SL Cour i yy ) aA oa 5" | Robinson, now working out in OSHAWA PETERBORO G-C 'Stew Alger "Slim Crouter, Harold Sheridan, New York. will begin his de- All six Oshawa Minor Hockey Legion's big power line of Mrs. F Fordham, _ Mrs M. McCartney . "Nibs" MecColn Art Kelso, etc, ini ; Association Midget league teams Charlie Love, Bob Watt and Rod. =. = Moran G h H ks Hales Barker, ibs A 8 m, r Jo, partment store training Jan. || SSC Ct to the wire last night|dy MacDonald were a potent |" N: HezzewoodMrs. R. Morgan, enos a aw. ec, -- a long list of ormer Oshawa gse~ | Collections will be taken from at the Children's Arena, in the|force all night. Love was the big ToTAL 34 12 ball stars, who all remember Alex Kay well, and re- spectators with all proceeds to weekly "City League" Midget trigger man with a 3-goal hat- CONSOLATION EVENT Pla Awa Sat by Deacon spected his ability. And to the many other names we go to the March of Dimes triple-header trick" and Bob Watt had one Semi-Final . han itted A i" re' st doing this | The ann a Of the trio of encounters play- Centre Macdonald assisted on all yrenToN KEENE and Craft have omitled -- our apologies -- we're just gong tus | e announcement said the |g" ony one decision was reach-|four scores. Mrs. R. Condon, 13; Mrs. W. Braden, 4, Oshawa Hotel Genosha Hawks from memory -- and in a hurry -- but on behalf of one- department store will erect a |.4' oc Kiwanis edged Canadian! CAN. LEGION: goal, Hooper; Mrs R. Bowdery, 8; Mrs. J. Hope, 13 will face some stern opposition and-all from here in Oshawa and district, we extend full - size ring, light and heavy |1egion 5.4. In the other pair of Wilkins, Costello, Anderson, OTALS: 21; 17. this weekend, when they travel to rmoathy io th rarris o bers of Alex bags for daily workouts. Rob- |(iitc tie scores were ~the re-/Clapp; forwards, Love, MacDon- Peterboro C a bye Tillsonburgh to take on a highly- sincere sympathy to the remaining members Of A €X | inson will bring his own spar- |gits, Local 222 and Rofany bat-|ald, Watt, Norton, Booth, Elm FINAL rated Senior "B" club from St. Kay's family. He was a link with "the good old COBL ring partners tled to a 3-3 stand-off and pace- hurst, Goring, Svinyk, Elliott, PETERBORO C.C TRENTON Thomas. The Hawks are very Robinson, who is recognized |getting Lions and Kinsmen also|Vickers, Lothia, Mountain and Me. T, Doughty, Mrs. R, Condon , [proud to have received an in- tten as fhe middleweight champion [had themselves a 3-3 deadlock. |McGary Mrs. J. Elliott Mrs. R. Bowdery, | Vitation from Jerry Livingstone, Zotlen only in Massachusetts and New |LOCAL 222-ROTARY KIWANIS: goal, Wallace: de. 13; 2. | sponsor of the Tillsonburg Living. ree -- i ; ' York, will defend that version Six individual players shared fence, King, Skerratt, Locke, 23 21. stones Basketball club, to take -- "OL ¥ Can Si» yers | 3 : BRIGHT BITS Mino: Hockey Week L anada of the title against Paul Pender jin the scoring in Local 222 and/Seton: forwards, Beuchler, {part in a double-header in On-| will officially open on January 23rd with their same Brookline, Mass., in a 15-round |Rotary"s 3-3 tie. Mason, Flegg, Masters, Smith, tario's top basketball town. Their | solid slogan "Don't Send --- Take Your Boy To The bout in the Boston Garden. | Ted Gow, Jim McGraw and|Roberts, Shody, Joseph, Porteous, Rulldo S game will be a preliminary to a| ES contest between the Livingstone | » 1 y g 3 A vi Jasko Arena". Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc. men plan a spec- pivot Ronnie Willoughby ea c h|Emiljanowicz and Vasko. np |fired tallies for Local "222 KINSMEN - LIONS and a college team from the United States #, ial program for that week, or course, including special Ww Way lari .p ) bs Fh : : ayne Plew, Danny Crosmas, Lions continued to hold a iwo ' S EDES SELECT clicked in point lead over Kinsmen, as both | days" -- and they were good old days, never to be for- church services on, Jan. 24 and special hockey games and Hank- Mavnard both | With four wins in five games, f almost each night of the following week. . . FOOTBALL TOP ATHLETE Rotary's scoring column clubs fought to a 3-3 stand-off in| ea en the Hawks appear to have a good G v is over, season wise, but it's still a big sports topic for LOCAL 222; goal, Harmon; de- the night's final tilt. ; chance against the higher calibre/l @ ' Substantial 1s Over, sem: =e, SS g SpoTis STOCKHOLM (AP)--World |fence, Black, Godridge, Kay, Sib-| Bob Nemis was the game's top club from St. Thomas. If they|] YA fir 1 Foronto Argonauts and their fans. Argos yesterday | heavyweight boxing- cham- |lock, Brady; forwards, Pinch, sharpshooter, collecting a pair B Ma can come up with the same type PV 2 J . » signed Tobin Rote, to two separate contracts, one for | pion yar Johansson is |Barmoshi, COR gh £04 Tearpuary Lou Peters count Y roons (of effort they showed in their g TE) reductions 2 . 3 > stp arter- 1959's male Athlete of the |bens, itchen, Siblock, Mc-jed the other, y {last home gan inst Andy' } \ 3 1960 and another for 1961. The former Detroit quarter | Year in the year-end Associ- |Namee, Willoughby, and Way-| Scoring-leader Gordie Wilson,| gp pyg CANADIAN PRESS AC, they Sime _Egains dys ; ' on all » back is expected to be the answer to Argos' problems tw Tin 1H lalong with John Hentig and Bob| : 4 dO . " i 4 ated Press poll, but not in his |ling. . : along oo Lentz +°°| Kitchener - Waterloo Dutchmen| Tom Olinyk and Carl Cheski, ' + -- and they have apparently paid plenty to get him -- native Sweden. ROTARY: goal, Gutsoe; de-|Solomon divided Lions' output. |moyeqd to within two points of the|the two tall centres for the Gen-| : li * so let's, hope they're both right. . . IN CONTRAST, Swedish sports writers, vot- Jence, ose, oJ unngs, May re VSMEN. Seal. Duaiden; re liuague - leading Whitby Dunlops/osha_ club are currently .leading| " 4 ua ity 4 "a , . . i for S 's , |nard, Carey, Ritchie; forwards, ence, speal, * y y1 wav hw pi {ig To Sh cami : / / + Johnny Green, former Toronto Argo import, has been ng or Sete Lop nile, ey RN strong. Leffen. Sandford: forwards, Vernon, Yeanesiay by Defeating tem for Jest joan W scoring. Stoyk hog] Winter Wear * signed by Pittsburgh Steelers. Mmm?. , , K-W DUTCH- soccer player. ikl Plew, Pascoe, Taylor, Hall |Nemis, Chamberlin, Crothers, the TIE Die he point average while Cheski Ra MEN are apparently "on the move". They beat Whitby | Waduck, Pleus, Mitchell and Sayan Wallace, Romanski and duplicated the feat by complet-has played in only three games, | Dunlops again last night in Kitchener, their second win the last quarter as they fought OBA (WANTS . LEGION LIONS: goal, Russell and|I"8 the sweep of a two-game Scored 3 Wigii for a Epo J n as many nights over the Dunnies and now both right back to outhustle Grads) Kiwanis Midgets proved lo he Watts; defence, Champman, | %"€$ With Windgor Bulldogs ohlti ree old vy ne Toe! Windsor Bulldogs and the Dutchies are making a bid 2-15 to walk off with the vie- the night's only victors, claiming Bradley, Norris, Montpetit; for-| The Dutchmen edged the On Olinyk. both Tri A rh iy Jo for the Senior league-leadership TORONTO LEAFS [ry Oldfield. Radovich and Alla nifty 5-4 decision over Canadian wards, Wilson, Murdock, Hentig, tario Hockey Association Senior bf Oo Mont Cer y OF. 1he. Selo! Lague-les uj BAES Dickinson were best for Cays|Legion Solomon, Mitchell, Barnogki/A leaders 4-3 while Chatham folm's 2 same Top scoret among took second place all alone in the NHL standings last with Davidson pacing the losing! Bob Mason soarked (he Brown, Mitchell, Porter and Ald- scored five goals in the second we Sughls iz Coacl ord David- (OSHAWA) LTD. ght with a win over Detroit Red Wings and Chicago Grads triumph, firing a pair of mark. red period to I 2 Win over i ins Sink the Hawks tmok over fourth s ating t N.Y. R g . . IRR ers while Johnnie Flegg, Jim| Referees -- Vince Genge, Char. the injury-ri ulldogs . AIR gi = nok over fourth spot by beating out N Rangers. Hic SCORERS Beuchler and Al Masters netted lie March and Cliff Godridge;| Chatham now is four points have outscored their rivals 33 to 8 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 5.4511 Lumberkings were led lo their ginoletons, scorer -- Jim Shaw |back of third-place Windsor while 250 and average 67.2 points a Na ony by pref Oldfield, rn -- - -- McFarlands remain in Same to 50 points for the oppo- Ales adovich, .John Newey, the cellar. Cay Lumberkings ::; 5 = Tobin Rote etd RMIT WY. respectively while for Grads, Carl | Dutchmen used recent addi- Cheski; Gord Davidson and Joe {tions to gain their fifth straight | Surprise Grads ni i Joins Argos CARE Best Quality Tuesday evening, al Simcoe putting on a sirong scoring CAGE COMMENT Lays vie | Beth and Harry Sinden scored Hall, the second half of the Osh-|splurge to outnet Grads 23-15. Alex TY Was only their third in 13 for Whitby awa Industrial Baviethal League Hadovieh and Gary Vaughan games ho i oop Dove 10 : 2 TORONTO (CP) --- 'Toronto amounts to a two-year no-trading Kitchener's Boat Hurley t underway an irnie Cay hooped the victors' points w 5 rads Sill ea BY , . . stopned 38 shots but John Hen I mberkings. started the ~ new|Olinyk: and Cheski Touts Jac the league by six points over| Argonauts today have the player|contract derson also turned in a fine per- ied s thev le ' i Tha 5 Coca Cola Both teams played they hope will lead them out of| The pact, made after two days 3 hana year on the right foot as they|lead the losers. The halftime play : formance before 1,767 Kitchener played fine team ball to upset the score read Cays 46 - Grads 55. Some great ball with the layoff football playoff poverty, but they of negotiations, is unusual, com-|fane at the most league-leading Oshawa Grads by|cpans FIGHT BACK 0 Soemms to bother them had to pay a price never matched | Phcated and secretive and both At Chatham, Jim Connelly and / hirsday evening Coca Cola tan ayman, managing director Gary Sharp each scored twice : the score of 86-71 Aft : A - " , R 9 er the halftime intermission, gle with the Grads since Canadian pro teams began of the Big Four club : 5 gle wi ? 8 ub, and Rote|fsr Maroons wit "Greg i CAY'S TAKE LEAD the league-leaders put on a strong. CAY'S Oldfield, 2 al- a wild spending spree 12 years felt they should keep mum. But/ jack Sai Ba og his SE { Rrole Cays wasted little time bid to get back into the game. thews, 0: Newey. 13: Ci . ago Hayman was carefyl to explain adding singles. Lou Bendo and th oc stanza as they outscoring Cays 25-2 Tanzha a . p ; , . IRE hone Tren, at v pn the opening sta 5 y 8 Lays 2-3 to pulli4, Vaughan, 13 5. He is old pro Tobin Rote, at Was not a mo-cut contract, Gord Haidy scored for Windsor quickly jumped into a 10-point within seven points of their lead. Dickinson, 12; Radovich, 14 something he has carefully : 23-13 lead. John Newey and Brent Cheski, Gord Davidson and play-|Fouls 16 out-of-18 10-year National Football League avoided for years pa euiite saleuln b DH Oldfield. sparked the winners' ing coach Bruno Wrubel all found] GRADS -- Cheski, 22; Upshaw, (quarterback who soured on De-| Rote 32, this month, actually|roens from their id Sen. | COMPANY oarty lsad While Sal Chedd any the range to pace Grads, while|d; Ulinyk, 17; Wrubel,' 6; Wor-|troit Lions and played out his signed two contracts -- one forlior B farm club wo replace in-| a 00 LIMITED Jes, a, dee Digi Join Campbell hapt ley 5: ? Yous: % Davidgon. 21. ond e in 1959, leaving him a free|1960, one or 1961 and the yearly jured John Albani played an out: 8 SCO a Ee ae Fouls 13 out-of-2 ge! alar A nd ! at standin me. It was a bi The Lumberldngs wid ensd three-quarter mark Official Tim Nelson 'snd a price 20. 5. Fah HAT re a Ee tp aay Jame. It was Ll OSMAWA..RA 35-1109 WHITBY MO 8.3644 * their load in the second quarter.' Cay's wrapped up the game in Bev Groves. $23,000 a season and what last season [Head who kicked out 43 shots ¥ I j . 4 1 nj} PRD RAID Dh