The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY Clearing this evening; Thurs. Perhaps the reason the grass day clear, becoming cloudy with on the other side of the fence a few snowflurries in the after looks greener is that better care noon and evening. : i it. is taken of Vol. 89--No. A TTT ENR SE OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1960 Auierized or Secu Clog, Ma THIRTY PAGES L MIAMI-BOUND AIRLINER WRECKED, 34 ON BOARD . 7 Bodies Found azil Smears Show [i Swampland Tm ; i | BOLIVIA, N.C. (AP -- A Na-|overwater leg to Palm Beach o a I ] ! 2 . . [tional Airlines plane with 34 per-|Fla. Weather conditions were to y ; @e | sons aboard crashed in woods|dictate when the plane was to near here today turn over the Atlantic Abe Arnold, editor of the Jew ? The North Carolina highway! Clouds and rain lay in the Western lletin, said he re- h ¥ [patrol said it thought there were|plane's route as it passed Wile 1 the ca om a man who Fs 4; oo no survivors mington. But, said a spokesman, mself as a member oh Seven hodies had been recov-| the big four-engined craft should tish Union of Fascists : # ered : have found clearing skies south to make soap ; : Ww The patrol said the big ship! °f Wilmington. Airline officials aller said p ate. HE Le tren d 2% mil 4 said the ship had enough gasoline Urs, Upon the ground oz MI€S., remain. aloft until 7:06 a.m. : southwest of Bol Via, 8 village 25| |She was due at Miami at 4:36 eter" German: J | "concerned about the situation fl ; miles southwest of Wilmington. |, 1 "yt pad left New York at 600,000 do 1 # generally i Y i832 Doyle Howard a reporter from{11:52 p.m . : : i 3 £ the Wilmington News, said it ap- A ey ONDON > Religious A : ad BO cored the plane had exploded in| Less than two months ago, an- oday voiced abhe J » 2 ' the air other National airliner crashed global rash of anti-Jewist 2 : 4 ; Debris was scattered over ajinto the Gulf of Mexico, killing The alle or y 4 half-mile radius on a farm in the 42 persons. It was on a flight commitment to the JUDGE MILLER swampy. wooded area from Miami to New Orleans. TORONTO (C It al es of br love among There was no sign of fire after| Most of the bodies and wreckage ds a ) the plane struck, he said {have not been recovered Liquor Vote | cto fi es oe I Arnold said he is not con 30,000 Jews rema of|cerned about his safety but is eaders the plane he saw was a wing 4 2 . id and half the fuselage "all ripped Secretary Died Is attribute the 10 lin rlin, a I Ri |to pieces 1 howoff actions |! er thr L a tv nn aX | The scen about A miles| M Bl . 7 C 1 son who had read azism and communism "He ] i Filing the Atlantic coastlin n oncton aze PRIME MINISTER Diefen- | the Prir Minister is Finance | tiv r ventenil . -- 5 ar nitic 2 elsewhere. |I8 head of : The plane, carrying a crew of MONCTON, N.B. (CF) -- A 1% baker is shown in th yees- |. Minister Donald Fleming. n. [SPREADS AROUND WORI maz s reported as} ical Lutheran five and 29 passengers, was on|year-old secretary died Tuesday sion at the funeral of I fer | Mr. Diefer : " y y whic Sauve represent. | pers. im . an and diocese spreads into both n er tu Y: a non-stop flight from New York|in a fire that destroyed a three- at tf ners F : r. Diefenbak eft i i 3 in the J iheial J aire to ; x 1 East & st zon to Miam storey multi-unit business block Pal Sauve of Quebec, Behind | Latour, Progressive-Conserva- | -- CP Wirephoto and abroad ike € ¢ A R (C omi I can only appeal to Chr The night flying coach, a DC-|in the city's east end. More than e Jewish com-|ti v in Germany to do every AJAX (Staff) -- A recount oflgn uc Jact heard from at 2: 31/50 office workers had to jump phras sprea ros x yunity here says he has received |thing its power to prevent ba lots cast in the November 21,1, o. For At that time the plane! from windows or make their way FOUR CONTENDERS {many and orle lephone call threatening his|such incidents in the future liquor plebicite by His Honour, wo j¢i south of Wilmington|to safety down fire escapes 3 \ . ate of painted swastikas, :) Si My He Miller hg FOOTE when the pilot made a report The body of Anne Marie Le- ew denouncing slogans and has made lille change in the Te-| mye flight plan called for the Blane of suburban Lewisville was a3 ( { ray ana sc Al - * I work of juvenile delin threater ing telephone calls began sult, but counsel for the vote! .. t n | : | 8 H k a ord plane to 'hug the coast on the leg|recovered from the still-smould- Mix U I ig] uebec Se tor sonra Adenauer SEG TION GIVES fin Germany 14 dys ago and has Cres" commits has been sve fram New York Wimington,srng. tums st he. sicture ~ cell onYa( Ae since erupted in ritain, the time i 4 Hen } then to swing oi out tos sea for the' shortly before midnight Tuesda \ claims that "wire 5" are be S United States, Canada, South Af-/on the allowance of ballots mark 2xfe ere oa SALE DETAIL | United Sta ada, : hind the anti-Sen rica, Italy, Australia, Norway ed other than a cross, Judge that evidence has been turned up A special section in today's |and Austria Miller has reserved his decision! ' hd of a widespread campaign 10| issue of The Times gives de- | Archbishop Iakovos, head of|for seven days ia v discredit his government abroad.| tails of the big January sale |the Greek Orthodox Church in| The recount was made on two| oe? od ; u é S eir But mo one as yet has offered] that starts at the Oshawa |North and South America, called questions, "Dining room licence, | any proof to substantiate claims! Shopping Centre on Thurs: the incidents *'symptoms of spiri-|to serve liquor with meal QUEBEC (CP fusion i i of a concerted anti-Semitic cam-| gay, Ten pages provide infor- [tual and moral uneasiness of our|' 'Cocktail lounge," which fai iled > (CP) -- Confusion is Legislative Council -- the provin- tionale party is reputed to be Paign | mation about the Shopping |times." {to gain the nescessary 60 per growing in the public mind as cial upper house {rigid and strict. [BLAME REDS Centre event, which includes | Some authorities saw the cent by the narrow margin of 9 Thursday's caucus of the Union ley meet behind closed doors | uh ANNOUNCEMENTS . ir Svected one-cent sales at several of |spread of the activity in' some and 65 votes respectively : ; Nationale party to choose a suc-|] » Le egislative Assembly! Not one of the rot > atu. gilt id partic: he stores at the Centre instances as imitative and irra The recount has eft the margin| NEW YORK (AP)--The United | It became apparent, with the cessor to the late Premier Pay} building at 2:30 p. m. Thursday. n Stes Lug wn id ¥ h German Reich andalism but still con- of nine votes reduced to eight on/Steelworkers Union scored a ma-|announcement of the details, that Sauve nears. Party . t actually pens during | wheth pig Or oh 2a y : . . * sr ide serious oi dining room liquor lic ence Jor victory in its contract settle-lone man more than any other ave themselves br . their: cauccs ; aor prio saan | shop J. E Lesslie Newbig Kenneth Ross, counsel for thement, Iron Age magazine. says {had shaped the terms : ra] oo ® * London, executive secretary vote Yes" committee, will now The companies, under govern-| He is Edgar F. Kaiser of oy Exce : r Missile Defence t International Missionary submit his written arguments re-\ment pressure, lost their battle! Kaiser Steel, who broke the solid the 30° wi Sai Sada ; r said some of the acts garding allowing ballots marked along major fronts." the metal-|front of the steel companies in ays affairs, ccor to Mr Szave 2 may c e contagious ef- other than wit . Ralph working weekly says. "The well-|October to reach the first agree- a aucuses ' i Suesessor 10 Mr, Sauve, re . [fect esponsible mischi Mills, QC, counsel for the vote publicized local practices hassle|ment with the union. The con. be Union Na 2h ot er In nisters b ng S- | e,"" he added, "they 'No" committee, will submit his|je being settled along the lines| tract with the 11 chief companies been sp: iy or vor Pr =] 1 , are a reminder of the necessity rebuttal of Mr. Ross's argument the union argued." closely parallels the Kaiser con- Dee sprea oy yartv supporiers or her cab at > 1 ba <eot 4 Rin 0) steady witness on thelto Judge Miller - 1 ¢ |tract. ones reas, SU WIFE REQUIRES [vers ove man oc suber | ry ices en foe Cel nee Ha Cute wat subs 0 ER 10 elo Fe ted ) ) the PRO stiada | inp 4 1961 at the earliest--to ny|verence dune to every human ted in the count in November as/... gang Sa €l com- JOINT STUDY MILWAUKEE (AP) -- x factions, each sooiled panies will have to raise prices.| Both agreements dispose of the a a yh had Lo NiTh Ampiiea By then wi a-- ------------ oo |It is unlikely that any increases|controversial work rules issue by a ¢ 7 1C erng . Minos jd be the inte Yoontinental Te ¢ ill exceed ad a ton and it isfleaving the question up to joint e Attorney-General A IL WURER 4 V. {all Y ; ote t more likely that they will be less|study. The industry had = de- toine Ri of bee City,{ Darnes continues 7 to fin yme autho eel, in fact,| The US. Army h 2 than $4 a ton manded power to streamline its Labor Minis nio ite, Tian a1 y M C tl a d scrap its|$300,000,000 already on Nike- on inues | If some medium- or smaller- work force to achieve economy. 60, of Joliett 8 i py S2W. 2 x g en ut ans Bom z and "has arked x 000,000 v anc earmarked $ mpanies raise their Whatever change is accom Resource £ ear for development r the competitive situ-|plished along this line will have son, #4 of Montre ete e : : : y eer mmitte xcept f ) s syst «| 'IVI1 ation v bring them into line." [to be with union consent Neittor ' ns 1 little ) of | DTeNaraLio ng s spending more than nimum ome' : | The agreement calls for a 30- Parcs selive Sune ne e : his involve by Accident tes--an e its air defence|() 000 a vear in Canada on pro- 1 SIGNED TU month contract to July 1, 1962 have anyt v in thel & | h ort he provide a de ms 5 A missile ol 3 : ard aukee STL 1 rd 3 A OTTAW "p in ne 2 Ol " Suds 0 . provides about 40 cents an choice of t Y y is i rin { 2 AJAX (Sta : \ 30k ce 4 he lo > | defend I a s work is! OTTAWA (CP)--Al i les|$8,06 n Quebec and $10,500 inlthe commit- hour in wage-benefit increases I come the third the Un- A il C n 1 ia : r et oir jon t Vz ier u f plans for its iro nedtess Ontar: At C utimi the lots tee of the union voted unanimous The workers formerly av eraged fon Natior . 23 ver W SW s T pW en Muct . : ' mum home have proved cost an unu low $700 approval of the new agreement $311 hourly earnings. and th ord wd "four 2 Plack be y a he n [their live n the railway jig seh ix ant « secret DETECT AND TRACK disay nting, Central Mortgage! The Sault Ste. Ma project before the signing in Washington| Insurance, pension and other months " ; parking of 1oey were riding me tit 1g ation nc The 1 is chiefly rested | and Ho 1sing Corporation believes|inciuded homes with the '"'mini-| Tuesday [benefits became effective imme- Mr. Sad tied turday: after] ~2PHO out 2 a bound fre in head-on a hein: de availa ) jous Car adia eh} eC- there continuing demand for mum home' plan's 8-square-| Some details of the agreement |diately. There is no immediate only 114 days in of " a Y lease ¢ tL |curve r le 3, f A i \ clear that and rae 1 "0 3-range | the 1 home costing less than foo a4 bul the interior was re- remained to be worked out, such|wage increase. But an increase ; Bart a Broadws court on t » na n Cana the gr d flo S es and, d mination be-1$10.000 signed by the builder. Theylas improvements in supplemen-|ranging from seven to 13 cents 85 MAKE CHOICE >-4837 : terday. n som nportant p tween the actual warhead and| They say that despite increas-|sol r $10 540 but buyers could!ta] unemployment benefits. How-|an hour becomes due Dec. 1, 1960 The cho ) TOC Know a big black hairy Ve as nen 1 sounter velopmen aecoys ing land and construction costsiget $300 ked off by agree- ever, no difficulties were antici-land a similar pay raise Oct. 1, used ir king M auve i y Vie s one, and I s Twe 6-51 a herrvwood and i t Valcartie Canadian scien-|/the number of smaller dwellings 4 inferi or painting. |pated 11961, lowes s in the is of 8 n I . id. "There were [pra 3 y 9" Dirkioing |IMAY GET CONTRA( sts are simulating outer spacelbu n t and 1950 remained . wi men ¢ of YEOT We < " : Th I t va tubes and de- fairly 1 above the 1 level 7 to ob- and t nig in some meas space ature to e developme of the 3 a the minimum home idea by both ' ir 1es are un- CMHC and the ne construction represent ! & d ; I York lief of *qualled anywhere in the world, |indust American author CMHC plan r a& minimum n ' : V e i a re ttaws sit ties say. The | vould not be home nt on sale for $10 a set . ery lucky al ! at » Z t ly feasi- supporting the rese: program in the fall 1958. The aim was eser ter tu lies cr ) was i nean i yf f here if it had similar facilities to pro lans for a smaller . os R coming wards 2 }| stroying f tercontinental « VI home that ec be built in small y ve . ( Nistic n ton centres and rural areas, espe- In East Germany th > 0 do, we Fmpcd® © Ivatens (hat th Bomars will ar TLE, | full : ; . en Bad Withon! municipal About 100 of tt "minimum speeds attained home: vith some modifications OTTAWA (CF a i du ; a b ntercontinenta ockets in the CMH( plan were built k soldier . : 388 4 FLASHE about 15000 miles an hour wi a year of the design com-| writte " A ; | : kesman 53 CE e market. They the market included to become ! bs fan end I ks. N. : vd aces. Polish Rir Force Chief Rumored Fled Evidence Lick b Sibi 0 Wg in : Creek. B.C Rae : ect e co : ss 3 ma AP 3 pe 8 A : $ jo In Thee Average cost ranged between many Sep ¢ fa i fe ne Sovaet |, UXBRI crown At) Bowmanville Sh «2 Boys Still Missing | = : TORONTO (CP)--Only two of] askeq 76 boys allowed to go home! Vere ristmas from ie Bowman-| LISTED AS DESERTER ki ' : Premier Frost Has A Cold - y a a ee A oye, faled Bou ' ¢ i , Hing " act It $ wonderful record and not been mis CITY EMERGENCY [Frederick Cross of dooce sow sisiéd on. attending funeral ser gay for: Preniiés 06 ser Delnas bonito oo ots PHONE NUMBERS [vin ine 20d Baicion, Princess) © id Te doc remember re days bu all were er aceon expec Light Infan 2 00 paper, {trouble finding the two miss- | 3 1 POLICE RA x TY, Vanished and lat . .oncluded lai eme Said Mr. Hall: om a Tad | --acn el ported In East Germany. INTO Pr ai ge stern Ont. ley) TeCUliar situation seems tol Of 85 gitls released from the _ WRECKAGE OF ITALIAN TRAIN Fir f ; . ' A ¢ ' y n som bo 5 stroy I r rn ah 1k a nza, near Milan | the Jocamotive and' five cars Ht sPITAL A J i J the Solis % adian| ; Vv, oe 8 dis arties, Transpo: od gr V destros 1 wi h both sch sols : oe) av w n Searc! or wn ns in a 1 was derailed at tempor- I opp Tom the rails in a / in SAIOYNCSt. Wiley, ful and cious inieat" itrom Dec. 20 to Jas. a wrec {I muter | ridge in dense re we ! oe ek Wirephote She was picked n Red Cross w re and train

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