oneer, Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 23 GROUPS, CLUBS,/AUXILIARIES ' Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor , 1959 7 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WMS [ning the first prize and The Afternoon Auxillary of the|Douglas Barton the second. Mrs. WMS of Knox Presbyterian|F. J. Hastings won the consola-| Church was held at the manse, tion prize. | Bader avenue, The next regular meeting will Mrs. Leslie Beecroff, the presi- be held on January 18, 1960, in dent, presided and opened theithe Hillcroft street Scout H meeting with a meditation on the CEisimas Tay: was read i St. Stephen's MC Names Officers Mrs. A. H. Dancey and praye by Mrs. Leslie Beecroft. : A Christmas poem was read by Mrs. Joseph Swindells. Reports were given by the secretaries, Mrs. Milton McEachran, tidings, Mrs. A. T. Mills and|Circle was held at the home of port were read. |evening, December 21, with the Mrs. W. R. Archer was ap-president, Miss Marilyn Hender-| ointed welcome and welfare shot, presiding Pp for #t i par 2 secretary for The coming vear. | a christmas worship service The, Rev. R. B. Milroy brought oe Tider a verv inspiring and challenging was led by Miss Marilyn Hen- Sane . dershot and Miss Kay Wallace. mes ge. | ' WED AT ST. GREGORY S Many gifts of canned food were| The chapter from the Study Married recently at St. Greg- | of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Strav- |prought for Evangel Hall, To-;Book was given by Miss Carol o sc The election of officers was t I Duchemin. Mrs. | F all. § The December meeting of St. : glad Stephen's United Church Mission : * |bale report and treasurer's re- Miss Sylvia Rundle on Monday| | | nue, vs re Oshawa B- {Women's Club met on Mil-| conducted by Mrs. David Duche- December House [ A oo : |followed by an interesting pro-|Sigma Phi gram Carols." discourse on the history and ori- litera-| gin of the carols. She stated that the first carol to be printed was; secretary, were lost for some 1 Meeting closed with carol sing-|vived and ever since been enjoy- Refreshments/ed by almost every country in various countries. Some of at the home of Miss Diane Knipe| Clock" written about 1850; "Is-|Beta Sigma Phi. [rael's Message," a Danish carol; | | Thomas and the Cock"; a lullaby carol; a German carol written about 1619, "Come, Rock the Cradle"; Dinner Precedes Decembr Meeting Of Barvinok Group : | Following ner at the Fly- | |ing Duichman Rstatrant, the members of the St} John's Cana- . [dian Ukrainian Women's Associa- tion, "Barvimnok Branch", assernbled at the home of Mrs. Steven Gonta for their December meeting and annual Christmas party. The meeting opened with prayer with Mrs. Walter Kuch presiding. Mrs. John Goreglad read the secretary's report and Mrs, Steven Gonta presented an ac- count of the treasury After a short discussion, final arrangements were made for catering to the St. John's bowling banquet. The group also decided to meet |in the parish hall to prepare gifts . |and treats for the children of the i [Sunday School classes. Mrs. Paul Plishka and Miss Ann Sabat were in charge of the purchases. Mrs. Donald Sadsway was welcomed as a new member to the club. Mrs. Alec Stec conducted sev- |eral games which were enjoyed |Gifts were also exchanged. : | Refreshments were served by " |the hostess. The next monthly meeting wil Ibe at the home of Mrs. John Daughters of Mr They are the granddaughters of James Armstrong, Miller ave- | Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grant, Shan- and Mrs. | By ELEANOR ROSS For some weeks now, we have concerned ourselves with Christ mas decorations inside the house and out, : Today, as we near Christmas, let's pause a moment and give a thought to the most beautiful decoration of all--the creche, REASON FOR CHRISTMAS We don't know why, but the manger tableau seems to be go- ing out of fashion in the home, But we know nothing that so unites and delights a family as working on a creche with which to glorify and express the real Christmas season and reason. Setting up the creche is one of those family rituals that remains for a lifetime, especially when the youngsters grow up and per- petuate the custom. So let's get to work and build a creche. It doesn't have to be elaborate, but it should be artistic and beauti- ful, SEEN FROM OUTSIDE It is a good idea to place the | creche on a table at the side of | | | i Italian Couple Wed In Oshawa The marriage of Gianina Sesti |Goreglad January 20, 1960. are Rhonda Pearl and | nonville and Mr, and Mrs, Nancy Faye. Rhonda will be | James Armstrong, West Hill. | : three years old toriorsoy and | Pi i" i i | Latter Day Saints Nancy was one on er 1. --Photo Aldsworth | * : Nancy was ope of December tn by Te | Relief Society PW Club™70DGES AND |Holds Bazaar Christmas Meeting SOCIETIES The Christmas bazaar of the Relief Society of the Church of The Rusiness and Professional the Latter Day Saints was held Monday. | BETA SIGMA PHI (Rituals of Jewels) recently. The bazaar was opened annual | by Mrs. Roger Morrison Adelaide "The regular meeting of Ontario A home baking table was under gular I 8 ntari irecti Mrs. Aubrey Crou- turkey dinner was served,|Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Beta ihe direction of Mrs was held at the home of Mrs. Percy McBain. ter and Mrs. Earl Sayers. The homemade candy booth was con- : lvened by Mrs. Richard Solway. The Canterbury Singers under! The meeting 'was called to] he direction of Mrs. G. K.lorder by the vice-president Mrs. Drynan presented a "Festival of Arthur Bilton. It was decided to Mrs. Drynan gave al|forward a cheque to the Retard- {ed Children's Association in pay- ment of cab fare for the months } January and February for a The Carols| atarded child, ong time but found. re-| Mrs. John Wilson and Mrs, Bryan Cole were nominated to serve on the co-ordinating com- World. mittee. Mrs. Wilhellmine Svens- The choir sang some carols of|Son presented the chapter with a the|black ritual vase. Mrs. Kenneth "Past Three|Young read from the Book of 21, party for its wistmas at by Mrs. Walter Vanderkool. Nov- elty and Christmas gifts were displayed by Mrs. Elmer Pollard The children's wear booth was and Mrs. Harry Johnston. Needle- work was displayed by Mrs, Thomas Dalgleish, Jr., assisted by Miss Bernice Dalgleish. Refreshments were served dur- ing the noon hour by Mrs. Roger Morrison, Mrs. Fred Etcher, Mrs. Phyllis Pullen and Mrs. Gordon Clifford. A parcel post table was con- n the ar 1521, n the 1800's were h arols sung were: Miss Betty Leask introduced Mrs. Mervin Perkin whose pro- gram was "How's Your Conver. sation?" Christmas gifts were ex- changed Wilkes' "King Herod Mrs. Thomas Dalgleish. vened by Mrs. Robert Whitsitt and The executive of the Relief So- ciety organizing the bazaar was a French carol, "Bring a Torch"; one of the Welsh carols and The next meeting will be held| Mrs. Roger Morrison, Mrs. Thom- as Dalgleish, Mrs. Fred Etcher ory"s Roman Catholic Church | ato of Oshawa and the bride- |ronto. |Alexander. Minutes and roll call YY i - Dancey: second vice - president,| pn woo gecided to visit Chil- Ct M k' D bl I Cl b Mrs. Malcolm McGregor; secre-| .on's Ward in the local hospital] Chri Dinner And Electi ristmas nner n ection | Mrs. Leslie Blair Miss Dorothy Fish; vice-presi- dent, Miss Carol Alexander; re- COMMINGLE GROUP program conveners, Mr. and|was accepted. | The meeting opened with the wallace; citizenship secretary, Mrs. Donald McGlashan resulted] The new executive is: Honor- carol, "Joy to the World, follow-| pre Jacqueline Woods; and|Christmas devotional. The carol were welcomed Mrs. Arthur Winter; secretary-| 'Silent Night" was sung. The} A short business meeting was treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-|Scripture rea ing|G '|Clarence Toaze sang two duets,| Plans for the forthcoming|Gordon Rae: press, Mr. and Mrs. |; " dance were discussed. The "Snow Ernest Dobney. Dear Little Stranger and their guidance and leadership] The singing of carols was en- during the first year the club had|joyed accompanied by Mrs. Jack| | A general meeting will be held ion January 16 to discuss final Swackhammer of First Baptist/parish hall, Church in his address to mem- | were Immacolata Stravato and | groom is the son Mr. and The executive for 1960 {were read by secretary, Miss| tary, Mrs. J. A. Swindells: tréas-ippq 1c toys for Christmas The parish hall of St. Mark's presented with a token of appre- | cording and press secretary, Mrs. | in a gaily decorated table and alary presidents the Reverend and ed by the Lord's Prayer in uni-| ding was from the|ing and prayer conducted by the presidents, Mr.|ence Bell; social conveners, Mr.|second chapter of S Ball' dance will be held on Janu-| The retiring presidents, Mr. "Brighten The - Corner Where] been formed. The presidents were|Bridgland at the organ. The eve:| |plans for the 'Snow Ball". The bers of Sunset Heights Home and | Joseph Fargiorgio, both of Osh- | Mrs. Augustino Fargiorgio of |President, Mrs Leslie Beecroft; |Dianne Knipe and treasu awa. The bride is the daughter | Italy. --Photo by Mary's studio. (1st vice - president, Mrs. A. H.iport by Miss Kay Wallace urer, Mrs. Donald Polson; Wel-| [come and Welfare, Mrs. W. R. | Archer: Glad Tidings, Mrs | co! i ton McEachran; Bale secretary, /min and is as follaws: president, | Anglican Church had a festive air|ciation from the members The Christmas meeting of the Joan Godfrey; treasurer, Miss| when the members of hel The nominating committee, Mr. Commingle Group of SimcoeiDjane Knipe; pianist, Miss Mari-| Doubles' Club met for their regu-land Mrs. Clarence Keith, pre-|Street United Church WA was|lyn Hendershot; community lar meeting. The efforts of the|sented the slate of officers which|held in the ladies' parlor. |friendship secretary, Miss Kay| . _. |ture secretary, Miss Sylvia Run- turkey dinner Mrs. J. N. Lothian; presidents,/son. The secretary's and treas-| na. supply secretary, Miss Elsiel{ Following the dinner token gifts|Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coles; past- urer's reports were given .|Fice; stewardship were exchanged. A new couple, presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert] Mrs. Jack Long presented ai Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams, | Wilson; vice-presidents, Mr t, Luke's gos- were served by Miss Sylvia Run-|! and Mrs. Herbert Wilson. Theland Mrs. Donald McGlashan; pel. "O Come All Ye Fatal dle | secretary-treasurer"s repori was/program, Mr. and Mrs. David Was sung and the devotiona The next meeting will be held| given by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wyatt; telephone, Mr. and Mrs period closed with prayer. " | Winter Orville Miller and Mr. and Mrs,| Mrs. Fred Williams an I.lon Monday, January 4. " i | - Your Are." ary 29 at the Oshawa Airport. |and Mrs. Herbert Wilson, ex- The Reverend J. N. Lothian ex-/pressed thanks to the executive hn M. Suis gave several pressed thanks en behalf of the and members for support given ris! s gs. members to the presidents for/during the past year " ning concluded with round and . |square dancing with Mr. Arthur Christmas Address (winter and Mr. Lothian as can- . ers for the square dancing. Features Meeting Sunset Heights H-Sipiax regular meeting will be held The Reverend N. Frankjon January 30 at 8 pm. in the School Association, chose as his| theme "What Is Christmas Go-| ing To Do For You?" "Many to-| AT HOME day are ignoring the message ny. ..¢ Wrs Leonard Col- fives to the shepherds to go to bear, Cochrane street Port Bethlehem and are staying out Perry, will be at Home. to their yn the cold hills of the wera 4 he said. He told of those Who np. omber 27 from 2 to 5 and 7 figured prominently in the events|; "10 Pan. on the occasion of thelr of Christ's birth and drew 2 40th wedding anniversary parallel with the people of to-| __ : day. The secret of Christmas is relatives and friends on Sunday, | duets, "0 Holy Night" and *"Sil- ent Night" were played by Mrs. Cecil Worden and Mrs. G. R. Booth. The president, Mrs. Rex Harp- er, closed the meeting with the Woman's Association benediction. CHALLENGER GROUP The regular meeting of the Challenger Group was held re- cently at Albert Street United Church. The president, Mrs. Clay- ton Lee, presided and Mrs. Ed- ward Holland was in charge of the devotional period, Mrs. Fred Williams sang a solo. "Thoughts for the day" were read by Mrs. Stewart Graham, Mrs. Edward Holland, Mrs. Ar- thur Walker and Mrs. Thomas Pe- ters. Minutes of the last meeting were read and treasurer and sick committee gave their reports $TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. 8th Sea Scout Mothers' Aux- flairy held its regular meeting on Monday, December 21, in the neither Mary nor Joseph but the] CONFIDENCE IN YOUTH baby, Jesus Concluding his| FORT. FRANCES, Ont. (CP)-- Christmas message, Mr. Swack- The kids of today are better than parish hall at Christ Memorial Church. | The president, Mrs. Douglas Redpath, welcomed members of Ernestine Russell, 20, Cana- dian gymnastic champion, will be married next Saturday to Mr. John Carter Lansing, Michigan. Miss Rus- sell of Windsor, currently at- tending Michigan State Univer- sity, won acclaim for her prow- Jr. of East # | Sleep, Sweet Babe" by Healev ess in gymnastic competition. Mr. Carter, a former Michigan State University baseball play- er, is teaching and coaching in Flint, Michigan hammer said, "God has given us/they used to be, says J.M. Steele, in Jesus' birth, three things, |supervisor of Fort Frances public faith, hope and the supreme gift,| schools. 'They don't destroy prop-| ,. 3 ove,' y erty like oy used to 41 sl dinner after which a short busi- The meeting opened with the told a parents' meeting. 'They|ness meeting was held followed [the Auxiliary | Thirtyseven enjoyed a turkey | will |iced cake. at the home of Mrs, M. A. Cook, Glengrove avenue, SUNBEAM CHAPTER OES The regular meeting was held at the Masonic Temple with Mrs. Betty McKinstry presiding assist- ed by Mr. William Henderson in the absence of Mr. Frank Train. Mrs. Edna Anderson, past grand matron, was given a warm welcome also the following: PDDGM Mrs. Jean Gow, Toron- to, Mrs. Ann Creighton, Mrs, Meta Moore. Several members were present from various chapters and there was a good attendance of Sun- beam members. Mrs, M. Girard gave the sick report and congratulations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mcintosh and Mr. and Mrs. Tag- gart who celebrated their golden weddings; also to Mr. Harry and Mrs. Robert Whitsitt, Willan and Kenneth Meek and an arrangement of 'Why Do Bells at Christmas Ring, ""writ- ten by Mrs. Drynan. The last carol was "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." Miss Jennie Pringle told Christmas story. A letter had been received from Mr. T. L. Wilson acknowl- edging the gift of $200 which the club has promised for the build- ing fund of the Oshawa General Hospital. While the members sang carols, preparations were made for Santa's visit. Each member received a gift from the Christ- mas tree. * VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY TRACKS ACTIVE WORKER WINTERTON, Nfld. (CP)--Act- fve in church work and a mem- ber of- every civic organization lover the years, Isabelle White, Shelley on his 91st birthday. 58, has been on crutches since| After the meeting, entertain- she was stricken with polio injment was supplied followed by |infancy. She also cares for her|the Christmas party. aged parents and an aunt, and| does all the housework. HOUSEHOLD HINT A knife dipped in hot water smooth the edges of the SINGER singing of the carol, "O Come|don't get into gang fights across|by the annual exchange of sea. All Yo Faithful", Mrs. A. W. Wil-|the river like they once did, and|sonal gifts | son, president, presided for a i haven't seen anybody climbing| Court whist completed the even- grief busimess meeting. Mrs. |the water tower in years." ing with Mrs. Frank Baker win- John McNab sang two solos, "O| -- EE EE -- Savior Sweet" and "Blessed Be, The Lord God Of Israel' She| was accompanied by Mrs, T. C. Worden, . Mr. Cecil Brownson thanked the members on behallf of Mr. Donald Sutton, principal of the school, for cards and flow- ers sent during Mr. Sutton's stay i hospital. Mr, Brownson also thanked the members for their assistance in the recent survey of pre-school children in the dis-| trict. | The room attendance prizes were won by Mrs. Mary Wright's room and Mrs. Marion Teskey's| ¥ The Flonst Top Quality Christmas Plants, py Christmas Wreaths, Corsages, etc. The school choir consisting of children from grades 4, 5 and [11 under the direction of Mrs. Beth Weldon, sang three numbers. Mrs. A. H. Wikon thanked the! children and Mrs. Weldon for an enjoyable performance | Gaily wrapped surprise gifts] were sold to the members Refreshments were served by the mothers of pupils in grades 5 and 6, Mrs. W. D. Mcllveen and Mrs. D. 8. Lowe, grade jy mothers, ! Floral Arrangements of Distinction Circular Driveway, Drive Right Up To Our Flower Shop 120 ARLINGTON AVE, Phone RA 3-3243 Night or Day Oshawa Ornamental Railings SPECIAL OFFER -- 20% OFF On interior and exterior railings made and installed by experts. For example. Regular Price .... 3.00 a lin. ft. NOW ONLY 2.40 lin. ft. FAST SERVICE--FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION TO BUY SPECIALISTS IN . . . Wrought iron Fences and Gates, Fire Escapes, Steel Stairs, Window Guards and Grills. 47 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA 8 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 3-4161 (OSHAWA) LTD. INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL - NEW! \ RUG CLEANING FLOOR POLISHER INTRODUCTORY PRICE ONLY Complete with Rug Cleaning Unit, All Purpose Brushes and Felt Buffing Pad- * Removes dirt, old wax * Applies new wax ® Polishes wood, tile, linoleum * Shampoos Rugs! HANDSOME SWEATERS All styles and colors in pullovers and cardigans. See fhe fashionable-new "bulky look," too! Wide price range. Another new item in our complete line of sewing machines, vacuum cleaners and floor care equipment SINGER SEWING CENTER BEWING MACHINE COMPANY and Angelo Pronesti, |Oshawa, was solemnized on Sat- |urday, December 19, at St. Greg-| lory's Roman Catholic Church {with the Reverend Paul Dwyer | officiating. : The bride, who arrived from |Italy* one week ago, is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Pietro Sesti {and the bridegroom is the son {of Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Pron. |esti, all of Italy, | Given in marriage by Mr. |Antonio Tanni, the bride wore full-length gown of nylon net and [lace over satin, A crown studded |with pearls held her fingertip The apron table was displayed|yeil and she carried a cascade {of white roses. Mrs. Joseph Klemik who was matron-of-honor wore a princess- style dress of powder blue bro- |accessories and carried a ecas- |cade of pink carnations. Mr. Joseph Klemik acted as |best man. The newly wedded both_of| Setting Up The Creche Should Be A Family Rite 'the living room window so #t may be viewed from without, es- pecially if you don't have a creche representation outdoors. You can buy a creche and the necessary figurines and then as. semble the scene, We like to embower the creche in fragrant pine or fir boughs and ring it with tiny vigil lights. Nearby, we place little ceramic and plastic camels and figures that suggest the Middle East. We have some little ceramic cheru- bim and these are arranged with little electric tapers to complete the scene. HIGHLIGHTED BY SPOTLAMP A 75-watt reflector spotlamp is placed in a wall-type holder lo- cated high on the window frame at the right. The whole scene is spotlighted to the delight of all and is ine variably pleasing to every visitor as a reminder of the true mean- ing of Christmas. ELNA SEWING CENTRE CHRISTMAS | SPECIALS USED MACHINES -- Guaranteed .00 and 1 year . up 497 BRAND NEW If PORTABLES SPECIAL SALE OF AUTOMATICS ELNA H organized by Mrs. Jack Houston | cade taffeta with blue and white OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-2591 pair will live in Osh | Flower Mist in one of three fomous fragronces-- White Orchid, June Geranium, Care $2.50 Ardena Aqua Spray Showen Heod--insert the Ardene Shower Pellet into exclusive Aqua Spray ond enjoy @ case cade of water that's bubbling with fragrant suds. Instolled in minutes. Including 24 pellets. $8.95 Dainty Bath Set includes Bive Grass Flower Mist (1 oz.) and four heart-shops Soaps $2.2 Blue Grass Perfume Deluxe Elizabeth Arden's world- famed perfume classic CITY WIDE FR 8 KING ST. E. (NT PHONE RA 3-2245 RA 5.4511 16 ONTARIO ST. RA 5.5443 * A Tratamart of VIE SINGER WPP. 5. 100 EP AVA FE NT) STORES IN Volencia Perfume, in erystel bottle. Warmly alluring, based on a smooth blending of jose min ond musk, $6.00 Golden Ovol Basket--topped by o Christmas rose, with Blue Grass Flower Mist, Dusting Powder, Bath Sols ond Both Soap. Green Pixie--a gay little lady in sparkling mistieloe-green. Valencia Perfume Mist (2 ox.) pressure spray. $4.00 Famous Elizabeth Arden Hond Lotion in large (17 ons.) plastic bottle with leak-proof top that relecses one preciows drop of - © time, $3.50 EE DELIVERY WA 530 SIMCOE ST. S. | PHONE RAS5-3546 WHITBY PLAZA