4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 23, 1§59 B ~ SANTA CLAUS the Ajax - Whitby - Pickering Association for Retarded Chil- dren. The bovs and girls staged a musical program led by Mrs. Santa Claus went to the school for retarded children, Brock road, Pickering. The children are under the care of GOES TO SCHOOL T. J. Wheeler and Mrs. Delia | Ramsden. Santa Claus is shown surrounded by a group of | happy and excited children as AJAX The choir of the Church of the Holy Trinity, ir Ajax, Sunday, presented the Christmas portion of Handel's great oratorio "The Messiah." This work is so familiar to everyone who owns a record player or radio that the lack of musical training is not a great drawback. It would be easy enough to discuss the pros. and cons of technical excellence in comparison to the famous groups which have made the name Handel synonymous with Christ- mas beauty over the years Mr. David Karry, choir direc- » tor at Holy Trinity, has a very Se well disciplined and hard work- § ling group of choristers, a fact which was obvious in the first great sound of "The Glory of the Lord." He kept a lively tempo throughout this and each of the other choruses, and his choir fol- lowed his strong leadership un- erringly. It is worth noting that this was accompanied with a soprano and alto section which lincluded 15 boys, some as young as eight. This in itself is a trib- {ute to Mr. Karry's patience and | ability. | One of the greatest assets any {small church choir can have is a good organist, and Mrs. Ruth "The Messiah" Is Presented Man Fined $100, Costs BOWMANVILLE (Staff) {Clifford Brannigan, of 206 King |street east, was Tuesday fined gifts were distributed from the ly deco: ated tree. Next year the association hope to build a | new school. Children's Fund Hits $8,000 Sum |, gm ue sii, |Staub, 18, who drove from Port AJAX -- The Retarded Chil-/Hope to Newcastle on the east- dren's School Building Fund now ound lane of the unopened por- stands at $8000 with most of the tion of Highway 401, was Tues- canvassing completed, but ill|day fined $10 and costs or three some industrial and commercial days, when he appeared before Driver Wrongway Highway 401 and enter the wrong lane at speeds up to 95 miles an hour, He followed him in his own lane and pulled the inside light in the crui- ser on so the accused could see it was the police chasing him. He stated Staub slowed to 55 to 60 miles an hour then stopped when $100 and costs, or one month, when he pleaded guilty before Magistrate R. B. Baxter to his '$2 Million Order |For 27 Rircraft [main at he scene of an accident TORONTO (CP)--De Havilland] Within a year. Aircraft of Canada announced] OPP Constable Wes Reimer Tuesday it has been awarded ajtold the court he was called to $2,000,000 contract by the depart- investigate a- motor vehicle acci- {ment of defence production for 27 dent at the Oshawa town line and DHC-3 Otter aircraft. {Highway 2 November 6. He said The first of the planes will bejon his arrival he found one of the delivered to the RCAF next|two vehicles involved failed to March, the firm said. The deli-|stop. very schedule provides for two a| According to PC Reimer, from month thereafter. la description of the car and When the contract is completed driver it was ascertained Bran- I'S. |n had been lifted up by their own belief. The next section of the "Mes- siah" will be presented at Easter, and plans are under way for a special concert of the whole) oratorio at some time in the future. YULE SERVICES Christmas services at the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity will include three celebra- tions of the Holy Communion. The first, at 11.30 on Christmas Eve, will be preceded by a half hour of carols sing by the choir from the gallery. A second cele- bration will be at 8 am. on Christmas Day, while the third, at 11 am. will be a Family Service for parents and children. Bren Gun Replaced By Rifle OTTAWA (CP) A close friend of Canadian infantrymen for the last 22 years was dis- It was this note of joy which|carded by the army this year. made the congregation in the] The bren light machine - gun Church of the Holy Trinity real-\was replaced by the C2 FN ize what a great act of worship heavy-barrel rifle, a fast, auto. music could be. This was, as matic sister to the FN .300- noted on the program, the choir's|calibre rifle which now is stand- way of expressing praise and its|ard equi t , with di Christmas offering to God. The|troops. thundering "Halleluyah Chorus"| The army said today in a year- must have pleased Him greatly,!end review that because the new sung as it was by amateurs who machine-gun and rifle fire the Walker's mastery of the instru-| ment was a joy. The lovely "Pas- toral Symphony" came to life under her capable hands, and the soloists each found expert ac- companiment during the difficult recitatives and arias. The choir was augmented for this occasion by choristers and soloists from Burlington. Tenor Alex Forrest and his wife, Ailsie, soprano, were guest artists with Florence Searle, contralto, while the bass solos were taken by Richard Freeman, a regular choir member. Each of the solo sections was handled with grace, beauty and particularly in the bass passages, authority. The singers were evi- dently accustomed to this piece of music, and besides their cor- rect interpretation of each pas- sage, conveyed the added note of joy. NOTE OF JOY No words express more sincerely at this time of year what is in our same 7.62 - millimetre ammuni.; The army said a new Cana- tion, the familiar .303 ammuni-|dian-designed boot, if adopted, tion will disappear from arm; |will eliminate use of puttees, a stores. The FN rifle replaced the|familiar item of army equipment for: »>r .303-calibre Lee-Enfield. [through two world wars. Canada 'is the first NATO| The army statement said the count.y to standardize its sma!'|program connected with its as- arms ammunitition to the NATO|:umption of new civil defence standard. duties is 'procee.ing smoothly." foal Our sincere best wishes for a Merry Christmas SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO ST. oh et JOYOUS HOLIDAY GREETINGS the RCAF will have 66 Otte ingan was the one driving the -- Gi --|car which failed to stop after ithe accident. He said the ac- cused contacted him the next day, and after talking to him for a short time, admitted being the| driver of the second vehicle in-| volved in the accident. I He stated the accused was pull-| ing out from the parking lot at |the Vigor Oil station at the town enterprises to be heard from.| Magistrate R. B. Baxter on a he saw who was beside him. Recent donors are listed and the charge of careless driving. Stoba told the court he had association is grateful for the! OPP Constable Wes Reimer told been watching TV at his girl contributions. |the court he stopped the accused |friend's home in Port Hope and idelis. Ajax, $10; Me-jon Highway 401, west of New- got onto the wrong lane of 401 Club Fidel: ) h $10: |castle, travelling west in thetafter leaving her house in prder to Carl Hardware, Whitby | : : er 06S a 5: eastbound lane at speeds up to 95 save gasoline. He said he kn a 1A ( a 2 Houston Shoes, Alax, $5; House miles an hour. the south lane (eastbound) TRAFALGAR (CP)--The Ow-| ri $50; Landy- -Illinois Glass: Co. ¢ 0 of Windsor. IODE 50 Landy Constable Reimer stated he no- paved and he knew the north ens-Illinois Glass: C of Toledo, | hearts for our many friends -- then the good old fashioned "Merry, Merry Christmas! ® NORMAN BEAL MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Glass Company Buys Plant Site Bathe & I'IcLellan 81 KING Ww. RA 5-4761 is Eastern Star, Whitby, $25.15; tice dR a a site here, Reeve F. A. Phillips Four Leaf Clover H and S Assn.,|"" 3 - aiid al doi -- {of Trafalgar Township said Tues-|;. h $5: Benevolent Rebekah. Whi by. K C N M day. Mr. Phillips said a company|line to go north on the town line $67.50: E. F. Drew Co., $100: E.| Ld Ld onscription and is expected to take the title Police Chief Bernard R. Kitney ¥. Drew Employees, Ajex, $71; of the land. He said the subsidi-|said the accused may have been Tamblyn Drug Stores, Toronto, 1 wl a ers ary is equipping a leased plant|drinking as the only time he = Slowly T Ladies College, Whitby, $15; And-| By M. McINTYRE HOOD |fence spokesman challenged Ed-| = lev WA, $10: Johns-Manville Co.,| Special to The Oshawa Times |ward Heath, the Minister of La-| $100; Lions Club, of Ajax, have| LONDON -- Some 50,000 young bor, to name the size of the re- more Studios, Aja Order ofl; ed the accused coming down (westbound) lane is not finished Ohio, has purchased a 95-acre| $20; Court Snowdrop, COF, $10; |subsidiary, the Owens-Illinois oifoad. and Kil the front end of Stark Electronic Employees, Canada, Ltd. has been formed|2™ * $200; Kinsmen Club, Alax, § in the Toronto area to produce/ever gets into trouble is when Slough Estates, Ajax, $100; Ont.| {Ridig plastic containers. Ihe has been' drinking. pledged the sum of $2694, for | Britons who were due to be call-| gular army - after conscription classroom fixtures and equin-ieq yp for military service in the was ended. | {RA 3 HK RE HER KHER ER RK EH ment for one room in the new||ast seven months of 1960 have| Would it be 185,000 or 200,000, school. |been notified that they will not|pe wanted to know. Mr. Heath The local Association vy fave fo report for tet period of maintained a discreet silence. election of directors at the De-inational service. ritain's con-| 1 od : slion: cember meeting and the follow-|scription system is gradually boi, Spough Jia encil Of nan ing were elected for 1980: Mrs. |ing tapered off, and there willl the Young men of tte. cotntry Nan Fallon, Emperor St., Ajax,|be no more calling up of 18-year there are those who Fearet its Mrs. Marg. Browning, Burcheriold youths after December 31, | 5 assing Robin Douglas-Home, St., Ajax, Don Lawrence, Queen|1960. Only 60,000 will be called| = iio in the Daily Ex ress. St. Ajax, T. J. MacKay, Rouge|up during the whole of 1960, and| oo one of those BY re see Hills, W. I. Green, Whitby, N.|this means that 50,000 who have Lr ulsory 'military' traitin Soe Echevarria, Ambassador St.,|been in a deferred class because| for 5 wrote: yu g re- Ajax, and Al. Bird, Exeter Rd.,|of being students or in exempted|™ > ud Aiax. The installation will take|occupations, will be entirely | The death of the call-up could place at the annual meeting, the|freed from the obligations to deprive our. young men of an es- third Tuesday in January, thelspend 18 months in the urmed | Seutia] sud irreplaceable pact of 19th. | forces. > . An e wives o ha 1 soul re-|AFTER 21 YEARS the future may lose out on it as --- hl 4 De nore this sea-| At the end of 1960, the nation-|much as their men. What it son of giving, you gave -- to help al Our entire staff wishes you a very \W7///4 J ~~ metry, merry Christmas PATTE'S PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 85 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-3529 service, or conscription sys-|Teally means is that the teenage | i : ration has no longer to face fortunate than others--|tem of keeping the armed forces genera ng ! Those deme a school -- help these|supplied with men will be aban- the crack of the military whip. To all our many friends and customers-- may you enjoy the happiest holiday ever! ALVI-RUG CO. RA 5-9332 Oshawa Fur and Cold Storage Ltd. 81 WILLIAM WEST RA 3-3012 SEREEE REESE EEE Everyone! 34 SIMCOE §. i OF NN RN RN RTS 1 ol E™NE SEN wa { REDON AY Gu EO One WANS 1 i nlight. doned. No more youths will be] "It could be the first stage to children ino the suslig called up after that date. There-|turning them into a flabby, mol-|¥ after, the armed forces will go|lycoddled mass of mothers' darl-| back to the old system of vol-|ings. For if ever a generation tra 0 untary enlistment for their re-|cried out for a taste of Queen's cruits. This marks the end of the Regulations and the lessons that system which has been in effect|service life teaches, it is mine. - for the last 21 years, it having|You can criticize our armed Draws Fine been started during the period in|forces on all sorts of grounds -- 1938 when the threat of Hitler's|pacific, moral, intellectual, econ- war was imminent. omic. You can laugh at their in-| What the strength of Britain's|efficiencies, their anomalies, For whner armed forces will be after the childish foibles and petty pom-|g end of 1960 is still a matter of|posities. But don't tell me that] keen debate between ministers 99 per cent of us are not far bet-| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|and the service chiefs. When the ter equipped as fathers, hus- Lucas Segers, of Hampton, Was announcement of the reduced bands, workers and citizens after Tuesday fined $15 and assessed | call-up for 1960 was made in the|a spell with the colors; better as court costs totaling $9, when he House of Commons, George subordinates, better in positions | appeared before Magistrate R. B./Brown, the Socialist party's de-of responsibility. And it is the Baxter on a charge of permitting] a dog to run at large on Conces | sion 5, Darlington township, near|§ BE\32\B2\ BEBE \BE\ BE \H2 BEV H2\ BEBE BARE A BABE 32 \ 92 BEA his home. him Segers pleaded not guilty to - the charge, and after being told by the magistrate 'he came here with a pack of lies hoping to win his case," he wanted to know if there was any way he could have the court's decision appealed. Assistant Dog Control Officer J. Archie Hoskin told the court he was driving east on the 5th Concession December 4 when he noticed a dog run out onto the road and chase a truck for about a mile. He stated he noticed the dog turn into the Segers driveway, and when he did, he backed his truck up and went into the yard. Mr. Hoskin stated Segers told him it was his dog when he ask- ed who owned it. "He told me it was his dog, and that he had two acres of land for it to run on all it wanted to. He said if it went out onto the road, he .could whistle it back." The accused denied his dog was ever on the road and charged the dog catcher must have been mistaken about the dog. v » STH KH TH LHF e Our Sincere Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday to Each of You! W. W. PARK PAINT & WALLPAPER % 55 BRUCE ST. RA 3-7821 A A AAA AAAAAR AAA AANA N » AR \¥ > \$ * % May this Holy Season bring THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF you an abundance of happiness! Oshawa T.V. | 361 GIBBONS ST, RA 8-6521 | DIRT TRIN > FOURTH "R" SASKATOON (CP, -- The Uni- versity of Saskatchewan's fourth "R" is costing about $1,000,000 annually. President Dr. J. W. T. Spinks says the fourth "R"--re- search--is as important as read- ing, writing and arithmetia. FRANK'S MEAT MARKET 53 KING EAST LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 8-8180 A & ------ A