The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 22, 1959 Dr -- EAST WOODLAND Singing, "We Wish You a | Girl Guides. This was the fi- Merry Christmas' and holding | nale of a carol service held by cards which spell out this sea- | the guides at the Rouge Hill greeting "A Merry | United Church. Front row, " are members of the | from the left, Beverley Brown, lland Troop of | Al ril Wagar, Sandra Hubbard, GIRL GUIDES Donna Arthur, Kathy Hill, Mar- | eron. Back row, N. Jamieson, ilyn George and Donna Archer. | Joan Petty, Elizabeth Harding, Middle row, Linda Davey, Fay | Sharon Morgan, Doreen Hop- Nichols, Barbara Brown, Ma- | per, Sheila Sheay, Mrs. A. Bil- rie Hill, Susan Hall, Pat Bil- | ton. ton, Carol Calhoun, Linda Cam- | _ Photo by Bar Barrie le Pomeroy. Spirit Of [RUD y Christmas Recalled By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN AJAX: --~ A Christmas mess-| AUDLEY -- The CGIT pre- age from Rev. M. J. Darby, pas- sented a Christmas program at| tor of St. Bernadette's Chueh, the church on Monday evening Ajax: of last week, under the super- Christmas is, by all common-|Vision of the leaders, Ruth Mit- 1s. a time of mad-|chell, Gwen Campbell and Joan a time ng ¥ ineanity, For Esdale. It included group ngs, when people act abnormally -- "Jesus, Wonderful Lord? Shem when their actions cannot be pre- Night", "Go Tell It On the Moun- licted and they suddenly do|tains a solo, "No Room for a t they would not ordi Jesus" by Sandra Monroe; a iream of doing they are|duet, "0 Holy Night" by Eileen d upo n as being deranged 25 Sune Suthrle Ty ee Tye igh. most of the year peo-| yoy "yack Zurba, and Bill Slyw- k and slave for their own " a solo "Under His V by Interests give little thought pi sritonell. The nativity scene they go about | was presented in pantomine, with ain air of grimness: | (4 parts by Mrs. G. Astley and they are s fish, impatient, quar- ilyn Cowie and narration by relsome onsiderate Thenls Sandra Monroe. The Rev. M comes tmas and people be-p poo gave a short message - abnormal -- they do the| 4". carr president, Eileen opposite of what they qm ihe spoke briefly. Mr. Jack have been doing during the resti,, 1 "6ehawa led in carol sing- of the year. They think of oth-i\/. "si. "mil siywka, of Oshawa, ers; they send gifts and ex-| oc ot the groan during the pro- chang e setings; they make up gram and also gave an organ solo Christmas baskets, contribute to |= The girls served refreshments funds for the needy, sing carols|y,... jn the Sunday School room. for shut-ins. Why do they act in On Friday evening, the Bag-| such a strange manner? Is it pers|___ hans because, in spite = oan ie selves the real spirit of Christ mas permeates their being. New Minister By all common-sense Siandanis Christ was far from normal, Di He not choose a cave for his birth| In Manitoba place, a very humble home In Nazareth for His dwelling place] WINNIPEG (CP) -- Cabinet during thirty years? Did He not|changes involving appointment of preach a strange doctrine of|0ne new minister and new port- eharity and humility and peace? [folios for three others were an- Did He not hand Himself over to|nounced Monday by the Manitoba his persecutors without a strug-|government gle and did He not embrace a| Maurice Ridle, 47, member for cross and die on it? And why all| {Pembina, was named municipal this? Because, strange as it may| {affairs minister in the Progres- seem, He loved us isive Conservative government of Let us hope that this charity Premier Duff Roblin. of the Christ Child may continue] He succeeds John Thompson, |who becomes public works min- influence us not only at this|jster as successor to Errick F. Christmas season but throughout|Willis. Mr. Willis becomes lieu- our whole lives. As Christians we|tenant-governor Jan. 15 1 many principles that] Mr. Thompson also held the la- utiful and wonderful. But|bor portfolio, to be taken over by c= an all-out effort to put|Utilities Min'cter Jack Carroll practice' only once a| Industry snd Commerce Min- ar. Suppose all men were kind, [ister Gurney Evans will take on ite humble, meek, self- the additiorial post of provincial 5 11 times, then the spikit secretary, left vacant by the, of Christmas; which now seems|deathbof Marcel Boulic. so abnd®mal, would become nor-| Standing in the house is: Pro- mal and pl men would live in|gressive Conservative 35, Lib- peace and in harmony and in the|eral-Progressive 11, CCF 10, So- true spirit of Christ. cial Credit 1--total 57. ASSIST MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY DRIVE ~ One of the pet projects of | men of the two Pickering De- | fire departments is the raising | partments in company with Joe of funds to assist victims of | Garrett of Oshawa arrived at mus r dystrophy. Contain- | the Symes home with a parti- | ers are placed in stores and | cularly useful Christmas gift | : and ,anvasses are | for their son Bobby. It was a | le door door. In case | "Hover" lifter. A piece of vone woygders how some of | equipment designed to aid mus- he mone¥ is used, this photo | cular dystrophy sufferers. In part of the answer. | fact it is almost indi spensible 1 Mrs. Symes of Good- | with advanced cases of t Ont ave geod reason | disease. Bobby is showr to know. Last Saturday, fire- ' ing in the Hoyer lifter, He is | Present Program For Christmas |as possible on disarmament, arines Golf Club property and SS Christmas Party Held MRS. E, FERTILE FRENCHMAN"S BAY -- The Christmas concert for the Junior Sunday School classes was held at Fairport United Church, Tues- day evening, with over 60 chil- dren taking part. Mr. Harry Cook was Master of Ceremonies. Doreen Hooper welcomed all the a parents and friends, The nursery the "Friday evening, the Bag- class sang "Away in the Man- gotsville school held its annual 8¢F~ and the children from the Christmas concert under the su-|other classes gave recitations pervision of the teacher, Mr. and sang carols. Rev. J. W. Wil- Burkholder |kinson extended an invitation to The men's choir assisted at the| everyone present to attend the Picl»ring United Church Sunday Carol Service at 7:30 Sunday evening. evening. Miss Jessie Henderson| Sympathy is extended to Mr. introduced the Sunday Sc and Mrs, Geoff Astley in the pas teachers, Mrs. Jean Holobon, ing y "Geoff's aunt, Miss Queen-| Mrs. Shirley Whyte, Mrs. Mar- e Astley, on Tuesday of last/garet Brown and Miss Donna week. i Rush, The highlight of the even- school children presented a pro-| gram, which was enjoyed by the ladies and pre-schoolers of the 'section, Gifts were exchanged by Gregory Winter underwent" a ing was the arrival of Santa | pi Claus with a gift for each child. tonsillectomy operation in Oshawa By Mrs. Dora Skitch has had to| | General Hospital last Wedne d Hospital. i | The Lion's Christmas Party| Iogress | which was scheduled to be held| | Mon: lay at the home of Mr. and | : Ivars, Jchn Rawbon had to be held | elsewhere as Mr, Rawbon is very| lin with pneumonia. Ir, and M nuel Mitchell | and family aic moving from this| { Somurunity to Whitby on Satur-| ay. On Arms Pleasing By JOSEPH MacSWEEN | Word has been received from | Canadian Press Staff Writer |Fit.-Lt, Harold and Mrs Scott | PARIS (CP) -- Canadian Ex-|{that they arrived safely in| ternal Affairs Minister Green| France after a very rough trip| says Canada is highly pleased across the storm- swept Atlantic. with the progress on disarma- nt in connection with the ov summit meetings here, $2, 500, 000 Road Green spoke with correspond- ents Monday after attending a - . meeting of the five Western pow- Link To Be Built ers represented on the 10-coun- itry disarmament committee, ST. CATHARINES (CP)--The He said he is "very well satis- provincial government will pay fied" with the Western determin-|costs of a $2,500,000 St. Cathar- ation to press forward on thelines link in a proposed highway matter from Port Colborne to the Russa) p In a communique, Green and Elizabeth Way if the city pro- the foreign ministers of France,|vides the right-of-way. Italy, Britain and the United Council, learning of the offer | 1 i States Salted Tal gi Sermane Monday in a letter from High-| negotiations with the Communist| wou Minister Cass, had ex- p begin * k N side to be 'on or about March pected the costs would be shared. 15" at Geneva. Mayor Wilfred R. Bald said the| Representatives of the five, it ir t Christ-| Western countries are to convene| ccf Was council's nices 1s} in Washington in January to pre- pare for a meeting of the full disarmament committee Green has said tepeatedly that|old Welland Canal, now bein la main Canadian objective is to|cleaned by the federal govern- get meetings under way as soon ment, then cuts across St. Cath- The proposed right-of-way for| the link follows the bed of the] which he considers the biggest! meets the Queen Elizabeth Way problem facing the world today, just we west of the city surrounded by firemen .who | "Hoyer Lifter" and then iy |undergo surgery at the Ajax| mas present. & CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY Quality Foods For Your Holiday Menus! OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES Wd 4 Ae ICE CASTLE [SE CREAM Rl RODND OR 5 LQ Save SQUARE PKG. € 10c a: 65 FRESHPAK ORCHARD KING--FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 2 i 63 ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES 3.00 -- JUICY SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES £69: 2 i 69: SWEET, EASY TO PEEL TANGERINES 2% 59 #39 APPLES == FANCY MacINTOSH NO. 1 09 SWEET POTATOES 3-25: obviously enjoy with Bobby the | on to outline the possible for- : ~ - | pleasure of giving. Left to | mation of a Muscular Dystro- | err [iS nas rom ? rien u ermar é right, Jack Moore, Pickering phy Chapter in Ontario County. " fire dept., Bill Shields, South | This would permit families of West Pickering fire dept., Tony | those afflicted to get together Farenback, SW, Pickering, Joe | and work out plans to further Garrett, Oshawa fire dept. | the muscular dvstrophy pro- Len Pearson and Ken Irish, | gram and would encourage | Pickering fire dept., and Fire | other farilies of MD sufferers Chief Bob Scott of Pickering | and w d provide a source of, Village Fire® Dept. Joe Garrett ready: help, North Plox explained the operation" of the --Photo by Barrie Pomeroy | Both Stores open until 9 p.m. Tonight and Wed. -- Thursday to 6 p.m. -- Closed all day Fri, & Sat. AJAX Dundas Street WHITBY

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