The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 2

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J | TARGET DATE 1961 | Used Taxis Sold TABLE TALK The table talk is trade as | more than 1200 persons. The Prime Minister Diefenbaker | occasion was the annual ban- makes a point during dinner | quet of the Commercial Tra- at Toronto where he spoke to | velers Association of Canada To Unsuspecting TORONTO (CP)--Con. William Dennison said Monday he knows of a man who bought a used taxi that conked out after he had travelled four miles. He told city council that an- other buyer got seven miles out of a used cab and a third went] 12, | The controller made his point. | Starfighter Costs More A By DAVE McINTOSH firm y i Canadian Press Staff Writer |were already fooled up for pro- OTTAWA (CP) -- Production duction of such items. Council passed a motion asking of 200 Lockheed Starfighter jets JOBS FOR CANADIANS Transport Minister Yaremko to! for the RCAF air division in Eu- "| Defence Production Minister consider legislation that would Zope may Soot Sioke-than the ak |0'Horley has said most of the|identify used taxis, police cars informants| x ; said Monday. and rental cars order to pro 'Students Given biitton undone at the- top. Farm pants or jeans are permitted but {they must not be tucked into = {boots or rolled above their nor- Regulations {mal length. Metal plates and " Inails on boots*'are forbidden. VULCAN, Alta. (CP)---Dress Girls must not wear pincurls. regulations forbidding such things Slacks, jeans or pedal-pushers 1s unreasonable haircuts and ex-lare forbidden except 'in ex- cessive makeup have been im- tremely cold weather or for phy- posed on all students in gradesisical education classes. Lipstick 7 to 12 in Vulcan county schools.'is to be considered sufficient The regulations, drawn up by makeup. a -school board committee acting ---- sp ---------- on suggestions from a parents'| HISTORIC CARVING group, go into effect after Christ-| EDMONTON (CP) -- A model mas, Vulcan is about 50 milesiof a buffalo carved from soap- southeast of Calgary. stone is puzzling archaeologists. Boys are ordered to get a hair-| The stone, found at Ardmore, 130 cut acceptable to any prospective miles northeast of here, is be- employer, to tuck in their shirts lieved between 200 and 300 years and to have no more than one'old. |CF-104 sub-contracting will go to] tect prospective buyers. The reason for this is that] |Canadian companies, Canadian companies would have This means the government to be provided with tooling by will have to provide the tooling the government before they Poul scat is, pay 3 _subsiay for p ro. compete with American firms for| nada coniracts for Starfighter compo-| The defence production depart- {nents. No provision was made for ment is obviously worried about this when the program Was an-|y,;. nr ohlem because none of the juounead last July. prime Canadian contractors -- | Target date for delivery of the Canadair, Orenda Engines Lim- |first Starfighter--to be known inlited and Canadian Westinghouse the RCAF as the CF-14 -- i8|_hag yet received its production | April, 1961. | contract though the program was | Canadair Limited, Montreal, |announced six months ago. will get a $90,500,000 contract for| Canadair has not yet been in- [the CF-104 airframes. Industry!formed, in fact, of RCAF speci- {sources said that it would be only fications for the airframe con- |good business for Canadair to let|figuration. | lits sub-contracts Por airframe| An industry source said that | components to the lowest bidder, {tue aircraft and electronics busi- | OSHAWA lel ddl) [c] CENTRE |And the lowest bidder was al-ness in Canada has never been {most certain to be an American'so in the dark on any aircraft level talks with Russia on trade Nuclear Attack Defence relations, IN TORONTO and his listeners are A. B Shore (left) and lan Warne, both head table guests. The prime minister called for top- | --CP Wirephoto fore the East-West summit meet- ings start CONCESSION CONFLICT By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer Behind the apparently solid te Rus- Nespern a The Western conflict, if it can vn: as insolubly as before De called that, is seen at its eme ¢ an Sharpest in the British and r- zie fisdsmenty] e at o man position. British officials say The difference is that West|the government has not gone s, probably with French back on the concession--including poi g po 0 any conces-| reduction in allied troop strength Sapp on Berlin, --offered at the Geneva talks last Britain, on the other hand, is Summer prepared to make some sacrifices The Germans deny any pro- for the sake of improving East- gress was made at Geneva. They West understanding and keeping |say the position Is as it was a pegotiations in motion while the year ago when the NATO council | United States is taking a pragma- issued a declaration saying they, tie. position. {would stand firm om their rights State department officers indi-|in Berlin, eate that the Berlin situation--| Possibly this difference should West Must Forge Policy On Berlin 'Unlikely To Be Found | Lots To Revert MONTREAL (CP)--Dr. J. E.|wholesale bombardment by mis- | Keyston, vice - chairman of the|siles and bombs. This had led to | Back To Crown Defence Research Board, said|a new concept of defence. TORONTO (CP) -- Lands and Monday night it is unlikely a de-| The joint strength of NATO Forests Minister Spooner said| fence against nuclear attack will |field forces, even allowing for the Monday a study being conducted be found soon, ane if ever found|ygse of tactical nuclear weapons, by his department has disclosed |it likely would be too expensive|is inadequate to oppose Russian that 250 100-acre lots in the for any nation to afford. attack successfully for any length Parry Sound district should re-| He said science cannot prom- of time, he said. vert to the Crown. ise any defence to prevent gp. he glliance had megaton "In some cases the original| "wholesale hell on earth. toons and the means to deliver |upon to keep pressing, in subse- Aho! } ( . It's my opinion that we sclen-| yop, "re 0ou1d show Russia that {quent negotiations, for a flexible locatee abandoned the land when| } stand. j he found it no use for farming. tists fool ourse'ves, we foul the if she attacks any NATO country, . What Soes Ng Seat is Shiet OHiere, 8 hes thes Jad ote the poise, nd a nuclear retaliation would ensue. or the time ing enauer and pulpwood, abandon e€ prop- UNE , "aus | This i thi R ia d . G : "| expectation that, before long, we is is something Russia dares French President de Gaulle erty without notifying the depart pectatio face, he said. Canada's Chef Takes Swim |seemed to have prevailed on ment will find a way to provide any|nN0% on av] py many issues. It may not be far-| "Our policy will be to reforest|country with adequate defence forces are primarily to help "in ing de Gaulle as a kind of sub-|are of no use for agriculture." |Canadian Club : . Once we get a firm stitute for the late John Foster --| Any likely defence would prob- grasp of this revolutionary new on Russia helped Adenauer main- Snow-Melting Plan no one could afford it rest of the defence picture be- tain the European status quo, | Every country was afraid oflcomes greatly clarified." international dentente TORONTO (CP) A sow De Gaulle for his part continues melting system that eliminates French call "une suspectabilite ation this winter on part of th payante"--a sensitivity that pays new Burlington Skyway sur |fetched to view Adenauer as us-|them because in most cases they| against such attack," he told the frightening the enemy," Dulles, whose stonewall policies [ably be so big and complex that|concept of the services' task, the {possibly to the detriment of -an For New Skyway I~ to win points by a policy thelthe use of salt will go into oper- off. And his crowded travel pro- rounding the toll gates AANA UIVARAAADVAIVVA VTA ARY WHERE SMART WOMEN Keep her warm on Christmas morn with a gift of glamorous IMPORTED WOOL GLOVES FROM REITMAN'S 98101.95 Plain or fancy, novelty or tailored gloves and mitts, Good assortment of colors. Sizes small, medium and large. CANADA'S. MOST PROGRESSIVE SHOPPINw CENTRE NORMAN BEAL MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR give Hum Something 10 We) HEADQUARTERS FOR THE MEN AND BOYS ON YOUR LIST WHO APPRECIATE still the central problem of theinot be exaggerated. Each of the|gram for early next year, which! First of its kind in Ontario, ¢old war--will be given another Western powers has gained some- may include a one-day visit to system circulates anti-freeze sol- |change view, she can be counted ern side. 000 square feet. Two Unions plied to the Ontario Labor Board and an employees' association in| Canadian Press Staff Writer America, both affiliates of the straight term in the White House a union from making a second jawed east coast millionaire, the date of dismissal of any applica- who's been keeping a close and § créase its labor force to 700 from|ish grin, seems to hold the inside -- |ious competition from only one NEW WESTMINSTER (CP)--|M- Harriman, distinguished Dem. to boost New York state taxes. ezuela during one of his interna '| chef | Manchester, got into the act ess I'll do it," he | WINNIPEG (CP) -- An Eng- lishman went swimming in an ice - covered pool Monday and suggested it would have been better in the cool of the mor- ning. Outside temperature was 14 degrees and there were 18 inches of ice on the swimming pool when 44-year-old. George Ennis plunged into a hole four feet square. "I think it would be even bet- ter at 6 o'clock in the morning" the English chef said "You're too full up after lunch to really enjoy it "1 don't know what my wife will say when she hears about | this. Oh well, she knows I'm a | bit nutty." The swim resulted plan by Don Galaugher, p | riefor of the motel where George works, to promote some publicity. Galaugher lined up a man to swim in the ice-covered motel pool and invited report- | ers and photographers to cover the event The reporters and photog- raphers showed up, but the pro- spective human polar bear did not That's when George, onetime for the lord mayor of op "Sure, I gi told his bossi "I've only swum normally before, but, you know the time." As the photographers waited, George came dashing to pool in bathing trunks | chef's hat. In he went, later. | from a | in England the water's cold all | . In Ice-Filled Pool rubbed snow oh himself, he sat on the edge of the hole in the ice and kicked his feet, and he stayed in the water until the photographers were satisfied. Said one onlooker of the pho- tographers: "What a heartless bunch," But George felt fine after he came out, was wrapped in blan- kets and had a hot shower, That's when he went back to his warm kitchen, suggesting it | might have been better in the | morning. Salesmen Hike Funeral Costs TORONTO (CP)--William Den- nison suggested Monday . that "super-duper" embalming meth- tods and "glib-talking" salesmen {may have had something to do [with the post - war tripling in {Toronto funeral costs. Opposing a $110 increase in the city's contribution to the cost of {indigent funerals, Con. Dennison {said he knew of a salesman who talked a poor family into a $900 |funeral when a perfectly ade- quate one could have been pro- |vided for $300. The city's present $160 contri {bution had served to keep costs down for the general public, he |said. Council, however, approved {raising the figure to $270. QUALITY! You'll find all the "respected names" displayed at NORMAN BEALS. HARVEY WOODS McGREGOR MONARCH KNIT JOSEPH FREED SAVILE ROW TOWNE HALL TOMMY KNIGHT STYLE GUILD UTEX JACK VICTOR UNTIL 9:00 P.M. PLUS ALL OTHER "NAME BRAND" : MAKERS OF BOYS' WEAR . Yes . . . For Quality, Selection, Value and Service NORMAN BEAL IS FIRST ARROW FORSYTH B.V.D. VAN HEUSEN TONY DAY JANTZEN CARAMY CENTRE STORES OPEN THIS EVENING AND TOMORROW VISIT WITH SANTA CLAUS | FREER EEEEEEEEY the | and | deter- | mined to get out as fast as pos- sible But the photographers kept | | Brockville Man Heads Plowing yelling for "one more." He | KEMPTVILLE (CP) -- Hubert | Avery, a Brockville farmer, has| they might be politically un- | popular. Some voters have sug- |gested this is the kind of person- ality the White House needs. The final test comes July 25 next when some 1,330 voting dele. gates and hundreds of non-voting associates gather in a Chicago ampitheatre to nominate the Republican candidate for the 1960 contest. "thorough-going analysis," pre- thing from the Paris talks. If|Canada in April, will perforce|ution through a pipe grid set in an agreed Western approach be- to Chancellor Adenauer's no-|the key negotiators on the West- roadway. The system covers 60,- ROCKEFELLER OR NIXON? al dl : Owanizing | Republican Party wd Electric Company has ap- for & 10-month respite from union activity at its London, Ont, Sanizing drives by two unions| BY HAROLD MORRISON th period. WASHINGTON (CP)--The Re- Lg pe Thontl Der Brotherhood | Publicans, exuding power at the Communication Workers of their winning streak to a third Capadian Labor Congress, failed|in the 1960 U.S. presidential elec- in organizing attempts at the new tions. Their fate in the new Con- The labor board normally bars| And despite the threat of a jut- 3 attempt at organizing within six|man most favored to bat the es- # months. The board also has the sential home run for the party union for 10 months from thetown lawyer from California tion, but has never before been | longing eye on the White House called on to enforce this. for the last seven years. § counsel, said the plant will in-|footed vice-president with a boy- 175 within the next year and the track as the race for the party firm wants time to integrate new presidential nomination begins in union organizing sets in. Within the party he faces ser- quarter--Nelson A. Rockefeller, determined and well-heeled New For Cattle Breeder {prominence by toppling Averell ROCKEFELLER AND NIXON : y ocrat, in the go hi f A Funeral getvices wil he held 4 ty g0vernorsn'p race of As one complainant reported: "I{tional trips for the president and day for P. H. ete) Moore, 76, elected this 'millionaire and the when he was publicly lectured by government farms and a cattle] Grandson of an ofl magnate|in my pocket." in "ki " C | . 2 the famous "kitchen debate breeder whose herds achieved ang keen student of foreign af-| Yet Rockefeller has shown by|last August. On both occasions| He died Friday. 'have his eye of the presidency. |in; i y .|ing decisive steps even though|cheers fi Al s { One of the few men to He's a tough, strong-willed cam- 4 s from Americans | stein cattle, he produced a COW ipo sialq and it is a questi ak : question of selected by the Holstein associa- how he would fare in the raw , best two-year-old ever pro- i cay 4 P% "His friends say hell fight Nixon, though Rockefeller has {Initial forays may have made him a bit hesitant, for the party . End Of Marriage |niciejchs, has show LONDON (AP)--The Duke ofl Nixon, who battered his way to no hope of a reconciliation with away at Communists in his years his wife. She is suing for divorce.|ag congressman and senator is age," the 42-year-old duke said ities under his belt--half of them on returning from a lecture tour| ag vice . president. He has a |at the right time and steering {clear of controversy which would E | voters Back From urope lL kefeller, on the other hand, |nas . " hy and study though he has Canadian airmen and their fam-| ated | pd : le HE I a acted in a foreign affairs advis Monday for Christmas afteriijent Franklin D. Roosevelt and service tours in Europe. | President Eisenhower His spec- gers disembarking from the Ital.| [ALY is Latin-American affairs. BOOSTED TAXES liners during the weekend. The 51-year-old Halla also carried about 120 im- governor with the wide grin may were Atlantic crossing. gumably in the hope of reaching|Britain has given in temporarily strengthen his position as one of/the surface slab of the bridge PE Ear H f 1 I B ttl plant following unsuccessful or- » in of Electrical Workers and thei top, are confident of stretching' plant. gress is more in doubt right to close the door to any next Nov. 8 is a former small Arthur 8. Pattillo, company) Richard M. Nixon, nimble- employees before the turmoil of |earnest Funeral Services York governor who flashed to former director of provincial NEW IN FIELD first thing he does is put his hand|Soviet Premier Khrushchev du: fame throughout North America. fairy Rockefeller is belived to|his action bold capability of tak-|Nixon came home to remendous! named a master breeder of Hol-|,,i0n0 hut he's relatively new in tion as the "all-time, all-Ameri-| non oinge" of national politics. yet to declare himself officially. Duke Concedes hierarchy has shown strong sup- Bedford, 42, said Monday he has national prominence by banging "This is the end of my marri- 4g with 14 years of national pol- in the United States and Canada: |ynack of saying the right thing . Ai Canadian Airmen (iaconie any major boc of HALIFAX (CP) -- Seventy-five! thropy avs oe chor h Loam ory role both for the late Pres- They were among 1,300 passen- fan ship Italia and three other The sandy-haired, migrants to this country. Many have earned the displeasure of Pr t Eisenhower made his debut there back in 1952 when he| later went on to smash 20 years) of Democratic reign over the presidency. | For the new. Republican leader {there's the problem of criticism {for falling farm prices, the lack |of tax cuts, the rise of interest| |rates, budget deficits and the U.S. failure to catch up with the Russians in space ventures. Abroad are delicate negotia- tions between East and West-- the tender negotiations of keep- ing the Russians content without giving any ground, all aimed at the preven- tion of nuclear war. been named manager of the Ca- nadian team competing at the {world plowing match at Rome {next year, | Team members are Robert Timbers, Mount Albert, Oni, {three-time winner of the Cana- |dian championship, and Allan {Hammond, Lachute, Que. Avery's appointment was nounced ' here at the weekend |meeting of the Eastern Coun- Avery is a past president of the IKE STEPS DOWN Now Eisenhower steps down| {under a constitutional amend. | ment that places & two - term| limit on sitting presidents. The new Republican leader will have | no easy. job. The Eisenhower gov-| ernment, though in the midst of] a general wave of prosperity, | faces problems at home and) |abroad. | Quick to defend his chief and {quick to act as his errand boy, |Nixon has become widely iden.| tified as an Eisenhower man, His | {main job will be to defend gov-| ernment policies, but his real skill lies in offensive political warfare; " Nixon also gained prominence seasick after the story some supporters for one of his|when he was spat upon by anti first steps on taking office was|American demonstrators in Ven- THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF STAN B 420 ELIZABETH 65 UNDERWRITERS CHAMBERS RYNING OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE RA 8.5358 FOOD CLUB RD. (0) GR 2RRE:T: an- | Western diplomatic ijas" plgwmen's Association, Mr. | 34 SIMCOE ST. MAPLE LEAF TURKEY Fresh Frozen 10 LBS. TO 18 LBS. OVER 18 LBS. Fresh Killed, Oven Ready 6 to 8 Ibs, TURKEYS ws 55; i 5b; Fresh Killed Oven Ready CAPONS h4 6 HIGH QUALITY FANCY FRUIT BASKETS From 2.00 up CAN BE MADE TO ORDER AND DELIVERED IN OSHAWA Arriving Specially For Christmas & New Year MISTLETOE HOLLY TANGERINES FANCY APPLES o LARGE ORANGES ROUND . 41c lb. SIRLOIN T-BONE WING Famous Maple Leaf Tendersweet HAMS All Styles 45: CRANBERRIES NEW CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER ENDIVE FANCY GRAPES Delivery Service Shop for your $20 and over FREE order . and have it $10 to $20 -- 25¢ delivered $5 to $10 -- 35¢ Under $5. -- 45¢ Smoked Ready-to-Serve PICNICS anywhere in Oshawe | | ¢ Ib

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