The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 22

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92 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, December 22, 1959 YEAR-END ROUND-UP Defence Research M Had Busy YearInl9 The past year has been a bus) nose cone at nearly 12,000 feet (vacuum tubes and which was de-| and productive period for Can |per second or a 50-pound cone in Iveloped previously by the Ottawa ada's defence scientists. Whil- | 'xcess. of 15,000 feet per second. laboratory. The radars promise] fundamental research activitie.|To date, it has fired models at/to be particularly useful for = continue as the Defence Researc. [close to 7000 feet per second and'tary and civilian aircraft oper- Board's major program, some|the development program of tesl ation over areas lacking gn ound | irings will steadily comtinue| navigation aids. when the launcher is permanent-| Dr. A. Hartley Zimmerman, | ly sited. {DRB's Chairman, and Dr. T,| An improved method of con- Keith Glennan, Administrator of} {structing "magnetic core mem-ithe - U.S. National Aeronautics The results of recent hydrofoilisries" components of high-speediand Space Administration] |craft vestigations in the U.S.\alectronic computers, has been|(NASA), announced acceptance fare being applied to the funda-|developed at the Electronics Lab-|by Ni of a proposal by DRTE| {mental research program cur-igratory (EL) of the Defence Re- |for a. int satellite experiment. being conducted at theisearch Telecommunications Es-[A U.S. satellite will be instru-| Research Kstaplishment, tablishment, Oftawa. Two of the/mented by scientists from the! |(NRE), in Dartmouth, N.8 components have been tested suc-|Ottawa establishment and is cur- U.S. scientists have discovered) cessfully and are used to process|rently scheduled for launching the de-|data obtained at the Prince Al-|during 1961 al Vandenberg Air| bert Radar Laboratory opened ir Force Base in California. The ex-| |Saskatchewan in June, A third periment will permit probing bv, {memory system, now under con-{radio pulses of the ionosphere's| {struction, will be used in a tran-|{fop or upper-side. The specific] sistorized computer now being{date of launching will be depend-| where difficulties previously were' 4 lexperienced with conventional constructed at EL. ent upon numerous technical and + Scientists from the same lab-|other considerations ' oils he ** ble an| 3 hydrofoils. The "bubble" ean|, oo" developed a light-weight! The Prime Minister, the Rt. CANDY OR CANING? be developed automatically by 1 > . 1d self-contained, transistorized nav-|fon. John G. Diefenbaker, open- Ce a . . . 5 means of appropriate foil design, |igation aid for use in aircraft. A|-d officially on June 6 the Prince Saint Nicholas checks with | children of RCAF personnel at | century, is adpinistered by Le NRE's project -- a long-term, Doppler radar, it provides|Albert Radar Laboratory| Wing Commander Paul Black- Metz, France. The question is | Pere Fouettard (Father " {moderate - cost fundamental re.|groundspeed and wind drift, both|(PARL), a DRB radar resedrch| hurn of Aylesford. N.S.. on the whether the youngsters deserve | Switch) who appears in back- ¥ search program -- is designed to essential in calenlating the posi [station near Prince Albert, Sask ie j | candy or caning for their be- | ground here. Needless to say, obtain basic data about hydrofoil-|tion of an aircraft. lost prominent feature at the behavior of Maurice Lapointe | havior in the past year. The | his services are seldom called . equipped boats rather than to de Developed in just under twe|700-acre site is an 84-foot| and Sandra Harder during his | latter, according to a tradition | for. ¥ velop a specific operational craft. years, the device is a miniatur {diameter radar "dish" | annual vi it to the school for | that dates back | to the. third | ~~(National Defence) #8 applied research and the addition I of new facilities played impor {tant roles in the Board's opera-| |tions that super - cavitation |velopment of a steady ai "bubble" along the top surfac {of the lowest foil -- will stabilize| |hydrofoil-equipped craft at speeds FOILS CHECKING To investigate super - cavitat- ing foils, NRE has designed an| inexpensive barge-like platform powered -by a marine engine which permits the speedy adjust- ment and fitting of a variety of foils. The platform, called the] . -" "R - X", is probably one of the 5 most versatile research facilities/ g A 0 mn | ete Yo U Y 0 ift Ist of its kind and was first em- A C ! ployed early this year. | : ® I ] i / . A 20-foot welded steel acoustic] harge, 60 feet wide and believed| to be the first craft in North Ni Ci | America designed exclusively for ~ Bn acoustic measurements, has been : gis | . berthed at Birch Cove near Hali- fax as a research aid for NRE's defence scientists. The barge has y 4 STARE Turke 1 be ti red | hungry gaze of members of the | bell, Creston. B \B GI been designed for measurements (i i 7 fare CN sailors ashore p's company. They are: (1. | Alexander, Lloydminster, Sask. relative to underwater sound | Gi ; i) n 7 § and afloat this Christin itor)? arvin Flynn, Cor- | Ldg. Sea Joe Reil of Ryley, [sources and sound receivers hy ? i : : ! er Dor egg { n ask y Ag It and AB Ron Burkholder A new type solid propellant, de- 4%; : Toronto, cook 'on board HM Sea on kal ncouver f Wetaskiwin, Alta.; t AB [veloped by scientists at the Cana 9 Assinibo ays a si ent 2 a. A hell Al Hunter of Madden 1 dian Armament Research i ; : ent' bird to the imiring and ancer, Sas 3 n Camry (National Defence Photo) land Development Establishment PE i Y to | (CARDE), Valcartier, Que., suc- as ' cessfully lifted two test vehicles OPERATION SANTA CLAUS into the upper atmosphere above Fort Churchill, Man., during Jays hings on September 5. Two n re similar engines were test- ec Jmecesfilly the following 1V is mas = oe the project aims primar- ily at contributing to the im- provement of solid propellants, future test vehicles employed to y prove the latter's effectiveness may be instrumented to investi- gate the upper atmosphere and ™ By ARCH MacKENZIE nemy plane sunspots or to-: bangs his stick against the edge particularly, the ionosphere. k [4 3 Dre p 1 w's weather, f th kin dru : : s at Canadian Press Staff Writer : el te of | he sx non m and dan id 'BLACK BRAND' § ad northland will [ While northern signas have s take Over. 5 ST The eylindrical shaped vehicles | £rack i Chrismas bags : |were 24 feet long, 17 inches ming frontier op Lor the ¥ North VETERAN PERFORMER in diameter and fitted with three dine - and - dance vit i \ oy In the Western Arctic, other Es- fixed - position fins, They were " lovotions 2 Is mainly on the partici " itd " »» 4 = glous devotions Customs: vars kimo dances prevail, with the named 'Black Brant" after a slate il . drilling git d 4 ; 5 drumming performed by three or!small migratory goose that rappers, p el at de you Eskimo hun I= four n while a small group |breeds in the Canadian Arctic. can Church de- of dancers perfor chanting The 2000-pound engines provid- e 3 a miss Chriftmas in a settlement such ed thrusts of more than 20,000 mar eq as a t kim n ndia h 1s I Bay is different pounds for periods of about 20 Y ind reading from the Book ud : % will hay art in the big of Comitoon: Praver again : seconds. The overall vehicles rat 1 ris tm yo : robist which combines an fired at elevations of 70 degrees, day's prog: will Je more elab- SEEK COMPANY administration re and de- attained velocities of Mach 5 or orate In larger ement But most northerners ey nce and inte tional aviation 3000 miles an hour. They reach- Food in abu ice will grace where ve if possible to »stablishmer located onled altitudes exceeding 60 miles tn : ttlement of some kind. Eski- »r Baffin land in the East- and fell into Hudson Bay about load ct It xes a good-sized! 135 miles 'east of the launching . . pulation with a large site. A welcome gift to former residents of Oshawa and > The "Black Brant" ballistic] » : . : baby-sitters may flights were followed by tracking district now living inall parts of Canada and the Un- the whites visit t- radar and performance dat a J ¢ mas e » Es) nvari-\ was telemetered to a ground ited States . .. a most welcome gift to every family in ably use a re ation building station at Fort Churchill. No at-| OLD-TIME DANCING bod ye aps I 2 nan ath to eas 2 dz 40 min- tempt was made to recover the Oshawa, Ontario and Durham counties The Oshawa Dar n many place co 1 ' utes a dance at lasts from 9 burned out vehicles p.m. until 7 a.m First static testing of the en Times with all its news will easily, economically solve i ehiote COLORFUL SERVICE gines, containing almost 2 ton of B ast 'vear: the 'Ang + eppuiee S0lid propellant, was carried out bread and gal-| whool hes an seit Cat CARDE last February with t S vas i} r further similar test firings at . : ' jammed hat a E: ion was ¥ Re out and Peobie on the approximately monthly intervals. able gift notice carrying the sender's name and best for the nd Amerinan airmay DUring the initial tests, the en § Kk indows. An American airman Ur . . | : er traciiions : round o Kimo! no a solo and avers and gines remained in fixed positions wishes. dance, perhaj er ol Si games ranging from dog - sled po." woe ) ith lon a_ specially constructed test Siow iouse wii Me sno to whip-cracking competl-| coins ve readings in English and bed and their thrust, rate of bench ¢ ] by rapt Eski- tions and age-old Eskimo games ip yim, burning and other characteristics mos plaved with simple devices ; § RCAF flying boxcars « Th K€ raph. or possibly a. Gift - giving, new to the Esk were measured carefully, port Con 1 already have | fr supp 1e dances, Call em)arrass ihe wiles, jniNy APTACK leir annus: 1 dance itself--" heather Jresen © A joint DRB-US. Army co- LE: xX 'operative attack upon ballistic bs ' miss defence problems em: | | ll : ploys hypervelocity range techni- 8 ques developed at CARDE. Col- r '€ jaborating with the Valcartier n scientists are specialists from the U.S. Army Rocket and Guid- ed Missile Agency (ARGMA),| Redstone Arsenal, Alabama At 'tie mid.Canada radar line Hyperveloeity launches, which i rlanada radar line provide scientific data relative to yase al Great Whale River, Que 4 solidi ballistic missile defence, have] : : 0 tf Lc cnt" tr ; By Carrier Delivery pal r 17 kimo adults. 193 more than two years. In size and SI (ONE YEAR) Ss % scope of activities, the establish your gift problems. The recipient will receive a suit- 700 miles nor { and the most norther RCAF post in anada, 31 adult ts were entertained Indian adults ind 64 Indian children ment's effort is unequalled The technique involves the fir- ot Te NEE Ci By Mail In Ontario s12 00 Newfoundland capable of imparting velocities v. / a 3 . (ONE YEAR) ® up to 20,000 feet per sec ond. Dur- ing the past several years, al number of launchers designed tol Bogs Reclaimed cover a varied range of interests| a \ : UL Other Provinces, U.K. have been developed ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)---Bogs' Small % and 1%-inch models 4 } 4 51 8 S ' ""* have been fired in the 15000 to ol Gal 3 and U. . (Per Year) ® in Newfoundland are fast h py ad a : PeINZ 17 000 feet per second range, and recla ned n oa pr the others varying in size up to 4 mines and resource artment [inches in ameter have been] began five rs ag pr lled well in excess of 10,000 More than 1 res of bog was | fee second ; : / reclaimed vear at Lethbridge! The need for obtaining realistic . ; n Bonavista Bay If of it now Scale effects has accentuated the His : Sy is seeded essl projects development of larger launchers. i Sih fi bil . em . iv 4 / 1ave been c: ¢ t at Colinet In August, a 14-inch facility, tem- and Win le n t rin Pen. porarily sited, was employed for| n \ t 000 the first time. Supplied by the| ite ag i e. become productive. U.S Army to conform with | ; : : (CIRCULATION DEPT.) CARDE design specifications, it] The "1.000 acres of reclaimed % hogland a ve is veal i was partially built in Canada and duced an "excellent h "erop ». the U.S. and assembled and test- Nearly 700 sheep are grazing on ed bv CARDE personnel at Val- 3 : + the land 76 UY cartier. Its combination of size ; ae Next year department. sxpert and maximum velocity makes its 7 $ Move ne epi on expe [ S development a milestone in -the KISS FOR ELLEN West. cost fCOTEE S on he technical history of launchers work. Resources ter Ke: ey RECOIL FIRING among 19 European tuber i said his depart S ting Railway mounted, the 14-inch > il A \i vy il I Ji Wall i HIE Wi Tw) {fl J [EA ' Jun an commenc s f » provin- facility recoils up an inclined y Canada as pa th lz egislatn t ihwav ap vi r 1 @ p : 1 il track on firing. When ; | 0 " i ul wr 10 ili Refugee Year program, (farmers can benefit by. the pro fully developed and permanently | Wl ii | li of \ ol i LR Th [1 in pif --CP Wirephoto 'ject, t isited, it will propel a 100-peund , nilies who were admit

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