The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY J Cold tonight; Wednesday wvari- Dishonest book-keepers are not . 11 0 able cloudiness with a few light the only people who deceive | snowflurries, a little milder, with padded figures. § winds light. Vol. 88--No. 297 Price Not Over OSHAWA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 1959 Post Office "Beperimen, Ottove. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES NewRadar| TM BRT i ed Two Firms Gap-Filler & § : 4 ; 5 | L ~~ am : | In Canada MER addr Will Settle OTTAYA (CP) -- Canada and overcome one of the chief loop- the United States have agreed on/holes in the Pinetree radar SyS-| § 3 construction of 45 new gap-filler|tem: inability to detect aircraft : : ' / 2 radars in this country, a defence with any degree of accuracy be-| % al by awa 3 department spokesman said to-low an altitude of 2,000 feet. : ] ] day. Gen. Laurence Kuter, chief of| Siting work for the gap-fillers/North American Air Defence has started, the spokesman said.|Command, said recently that) Estimated cost of the project was NORAD is "convinced that the Oshawa has two new industries. persuaded to move to Oshawa be- not given but if will run into mil- subsonic attack on the deck--that | Officials of Myers Cotton le [ersy of its superior location for | lions of dollars. is, at low level--will remain a : i ; cts Limited and Canadian Art his firm's ex i la : les W 3 ucts Li 3 Art his panding markets. The gap-fillers are intended to threat indefinitely. : A ! d 5 Persons | Needlework announced today| He said that he expected ex- ---------------- i --| The 45 gap-fillers are in addi- ; A that they will be 1noving their pansion of the existing markets a tion to seven new heavy radars $ 3 ; . . entire manufacturing operations from Kingston to Niagara Falls. to be built, five in the West and ! i | I from Toronto to Oshawa. | "The convenience of our loca- ummi an ive In Central Canada. The two 1 re) n It is expected that the move|tion here enables us to adequate- (in Central Canada will be esected ] ' will be completed and the produc-|1y service our existing accounts in |at Moosonee, Ont., and Chibouga- tion rolling by June, 1960. the Toronto area while at the | | Submitted [oS fete H Fire mau, Que. Location of the five j j a : {same time : allowing us to ex- lin the West has not yet been an- - 5 i The two companies will share| . u mil e | | } 3 E | ouse ire | The in a new 10,000 square fool P214 OUP sities to the east and nounced. | i : nes \ | | i i | MATTAWA (CP)--Four young building now under construction| Mr. Myers was particularly lav- | Defence Minister Pearkes, con- ] cb : ! ing To NATO firming the Canadian Press re- . i Hl -- brothers and their grandmother gn Farewell avenue, south of|;4"y: hic prise of Oshawa's fn- Pos os je oulored 2 sabinet TORONTO'S LOSS is Osh- dent of both firms, Myers Cot- | panies are, from left: T. Me- | G. W. Limage, Toronto, build- perished In ici ising home: se Vapi Soot addition (dustrial commission. ; _ PARIS (CP)--The Atlantic png Ko ootstruchion of he awa's gain. Two industries | ton Products and Canaan AF Laughlin, Osha' Jogosiere | ig Soars ous He le a boys the bin Jare, Jot jus ota. Melaugilts your Jus. liance ioday grcuied WMaNMOuS AY ONEHIRD which have been located in To- | Needlework Limited. Seen | somimjssioner; Ald. Edgar F. Manufacturing Limited, a To- [Parents may be. saved. in 1961. |thing possible to assist us and approval for the West's policy on 0 ronto for the last 14 years are | above, inspecting the frame- | Bastedo, chairman of the in- | ponto firm investigating the Asleep in a rear bedroom, the | Myers Cotton Products employs|/make things easier for us", he ! 3 n summit talks with Premier| The United States will bear work of the new building on | dustrial commission; M. J. | possibility of moving to Osh- |five were trapped as the flames| 39 men and Canadian Art|said. Farewell Ave, south of Bloor | Moon, vice-president of Myers | awa and T. W. Beddall, To- |belched through the two-storey Neadlework emplavs 40. | "I first decided to move to Osh- Khrushchev. {two-thirds of the cost of the new Oy i he poll p losed | 5 i ounceme was s | {| ¥ . i h . | J k Conference \souves disclosedi7adars and Cansga one-third: morning by H. V. Myers, presi- | St., which will house both com- | Cotton Products; H. V. Myers, { ronto, the building's architect. Irae dwelling Bt ls joys © The Myers company manufac. (awa after I received one of his - -- fie er -------- -- TTT -------------------- miles east of Nerth nay. {tures wiping and polishing cloths, Pamphlets outlining the advan- that the 15 NATO foreign minis-| This was how costs were divided ters granted their approval after when Pinetree itself was built said they had no chance. [lambswool specialties, polishing] tages of Oshawa over Toronto as |an ideal industrial location. hearing a detailed report from| about eight years ago. ag The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-|'8 IX the four major Western powers, Pinetree now extends from B t 1d gar Lamothe, were sleeping in a|dises and service specialties, "I expect th : | W { E » si B ) i im- at this man will 500,000 BID ELCOME 1 ng 0 front bedroom with another son| Canadian Art Needlework Lim Pp t x an on the West's hopes and aims for|Vancouver Island to Dawson i a | bri h oth the proposed "April in Paris" (Creek, B.C., and from the neigh- 5 |ited manufactures aprons, chil-|Pring enoug er pu the. Soviet leader. |borhood of Winnipeg to the a Dale, 5. Mr. Lamothe threw Dale); ns clothes, advertising novel.|{dustries into the city in the mext 15 feet into a snow bank and then | . 3 In a press conference later the coast. There is a gap across the ® In Most helped Intoa 5 2 the] ties and textile products. few Years In help Jeep us busy i 4 Bi ig Me | Dotson to build new radars £ 1 i 1 S Oo i J 1 ££ only one to escape waseatued, |GooD LOCATION over Oshawa that he has turned Lange, predicted a period of ex-|was taken here in August at a The dead are Garnet, 11; er H. V. Myers, president of both!into a one-man chamber of com- tensive negotiations with the So-| meeting of the U.S. Defence Sec- o> . ence, 9; Daniel, 7; Richard, iy |tirms, said that despite the fact merce, extolling the city's virtues viet Union i [retary Neil McElroy and Defence Nn ario and Mrs. Mary Novack, 74. The the companies have been located|to other industrialists, urging $ | y house burned to the ground. lin Toronto for 14 years he was|them to move to Oshawa. "Political co-operation, political Minister Pearkes. suff sev! unity and--I stress the word--ef-| Since that time planners have Ontario residents today shiv-|y BOL ere) Sova fective political consultation are been working out the number of ered in below-freezing tempera-|j:ic wife Lorraine was in deep! pi more important than ever," he gap-filler radars required to spot tures as biting cold gripped most| qj x Tast rites of the Roman C 1 br fly hostile low. bers. ; lof the province. lic church hav ; ario S o1ns hostile low fying bombers "We like Ike" signs blossomed|pour about $64,000,000 annually 0% Tie province Catholic church have been ad- of a 1 CASABLANCA, Morocco (AP) The cold spell Ww i : te k ; spell was brought on'ministered to both. | President Eisenhower arrived in|in the streets of Casablanca,|inte the Moroccan economy. a large arctic high pressure| After trying futilely to fight his| : A i yr by (Morocco today, last stop on his|which Eisenhower last visited inl Future American-Moroccan cell which moved across North- h r bedroom, Mr hd NO PROGRESS 1l-country mission of peace and|1943 as a wartime general. talks are to settle a timetable for| I AB ig Y2¥. nto De a to the ground Can Be Profitable friendship, for another giant wel-| Moroccan tribal horsemen in|the American withdrawal, possi-|res in the North well below zero| himself. He was burned about the EOE. Iprown burnooses galloped inibly to the new U.S. bases inj, 4 t, near zero in the southern|hands, arm, back and head. Mrs. ; More than 500,000 excited mo-|/bunched groups and fired their|Spain. Experts believe the re- seotions Lamothe's burns were slight : ! i i i i 1 and equipment . : . OTTAWA (CP) -- Chances arerather not say, and Steel alks roccans, many of them in flowing|rifles skyward in the traditional moval of men and equip: On this first day. of wiser it Fire Chief Maurice Turcotte TTAWA SOB) [yShances Se taiiar Dot sag, " congily t dress, ked thi rth-|salute to visiting dignitaries. might take two years, even if or-| UI u's err, Jo Is eer Toe ey aE a to sur.|dered immediately. irivey officially at 535 am, gaid fle luuse was peaied Wilh 3,5: Wit a passion for anony.he normally. earties. A ; ..EST--the rest of Canada enjoye mity, Is motoring somewhere inl 'But it' render the five American bases| While this will satisfy a Moros. erate. emperaty for thisin the kitchen that also burned ay I er a: "But it's a widespread trade, "Yoo! Yoo!" cried veiled Mos-|it built in Mciocco at' a cost of can yearning for political and time 'of the v wood. But it was not known how! b {with regular trips to Canadian lem women in traditional shrill{more than $400,000,000 while Mor-|military independence, the de-["™M€ Of I€ year. the blaze began. jof United States coins. . |banks between Quebec's Eastern g Iam {welcome as the president steppedjocco was a protectorate of parture of the American forces Across most of Manitoba, Sask-l WMrs. Mary Chicquen, a neigh-| He'd probably be happier with Townsships and Chatham, Ont., from his jet airliner at Nouas-|France and Spain. They arejwill worsen an economic situa-|atchewan and Alberta tempera-\hor turned in the alarm about|dynamite. It would be less worry. and a few annnal eircuits seur air base outside Casablanca. |staffed by 12,000 Americans, em-|tion that has become grave in|tures ranged between five and 20/6.30 a.m. after hearing screams.| It's all quite legal. And if you/through the Maritimes. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Gov-|against the union's wage-and-| Eisenhower smiled broadly asiploy 8,000 Moroccan civilians and|the first three uneasy years of above while in British Columbia |Chief Turcotte said he could see|should ever happen to notice his! . ernment mediators plowed ahead|work rules demands. he stepped down to shake hands | independence. : [the average temperature was 33|the flames from his own home a|strange cargo, he'd just as soon GOOD U.S, DEMAND today without visible progress| There was no immediate sign,|and talk animatedly with King| Morocco has received $102- above. Above zero temperatures mile away when he started for you forgot you ever saw it : South of the border, he sald, while plans sprouted for 93 sepa- however, that any of the smaller| Mohammed V and his two sons POLES FOR SALE 000,000 in U.S. economic aid, but|were also recorded in the Mari the scene. ™ avalon he sells the coins to banks *'all rate bargaining sessions across companies are ready to offer|Crown Prince Moulay Hassan much more is needed to provide|times with an average of 14 in| Mrs. Chicquen said she saw|e he unusual occupation of Mr. over the eastern United States." X--further identification would There's a special demand from the United States next Sunday intheir local union leaders any|and Prince Moulay Abdallah. E work for 350,000 unemployed and Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Mr, Lamothe throw Dale from a = : the steel strike. |more wage and working condi-| "We are very happy to greet IN NORTH POL develop the country. |and 20 to 25 in Newfoundland. [the upstairs window. "I thought|De rather unfair--consists of re- hanks in smaller centres lacking Seemingly to the surprise of|tions concessions than the indus-|you," said the king in a brief NORTH POLE. Alaska (AP) 'The prestige of Eisenhower's| The cold air from Northern On-|our house was going to burn too," |fUrning to the U.S. some of the express services, the more nor some unionists, industry negotia-|try's top negotiating team has of-| welcoming address in Arabic be | No th Pole hos Tiote poles visit may help King Mohammed tario dropped temperatures in/she said, "but the fire depart- millions of American coins which mal method of transporting tors bowed quickly Monday to|fered McDonald. fore they drove off to Casablanca tha rs Kons Sa ae, To [shore up a taut political situa-| Kapuskasing to 28 below zero and ment saved it." find their way to Canada. | coins. the demand of United Steelwork-| Each company has its own con-|for talks on Morocco's desire for| "1a = ORS WAZ: 16 CO Web |tion. Although the king is enor-27 below in Timmins. White| Chief Turcotte and 15 volunteer| It's a good business. Canadian! Mr. X--"call me a coin broker™ ers President David J. McDon-|tract with the union, even though/more United States aid and a) and has advertis jmously popular with his 9,000,000|River, traditionally the coldest|firemen fought the flames for|banks are happy to get rid of sells the silver fo U.S. banks ald for company - by - company|the bargaining up to now has|swift departure of American) 5a¢. "vel slapmed subjects, Moroccan leftists have spot in the province, was 20 be-|2% hours in 10-degree below zero the silver. And at the other endfor Canadian currency. which he negotiations. been on an industry-wide basis. |troops from Moroccan bases Fons dont Le 1 he arms of (Taised an increasing clamor jow. weather. --unlike carrying coals to New-|gets at reduced Toney less than This scrambled the bargaining] Federal mediation director Jo- HOME TONIGHT | hey re - Do utility poles, n |against his absolute power. I - ; -lcastle -- there is, strangely|the current reriumn "r the pi cture. McDonald apparentlylseph F. Finnegan scheduled, Cig the teal pole |. He holds supreme civil and re- lenough, a good demand from|Capadian dollar : i : After a hour visit with the This community with the [igi ity M oi: 1 . jx hoped that by bringi th -|morning and afternoon meetings|,. 3 oF LAE, {ligious authority. Morocco is the c BY Opes a Ene the Te oday J i mee ang k lisenhower was to take off) Santa Claus name is just south |gretically a constitutional mon {Y 5; banks | Neither he mor banking circles sponsible executives of every big|today tween top union of icials|o fashington. He is due here ie ig ? . by gr and little steel firm into direct|and the industry's negotiating 0 hii ing or ? is ere of Fairbanks. archy, but no election has ever INO POLICE AID | here will say what he pays for at 10:50 p.m. EST after a 1 {been held. | But it's a nerveracking job,| American coins he buys. But nore talks, he could crack the indus-|team. They met Monday for thes: in GO T | : y [+ {ling stop in Gander, Nfld. it i ion, | mal tice of C ian ba try front which has held almost|first time in 10 days, but reported i with no special police protection, mal practice of Canadian banks, | MADRID (AP) -- President P p p {on rolls of American coins come h . completely solid for eight monthsimo progress toward a settlement. Eisenhower and Gen. Francisco Y u've got me scared ling in from big stores and fhe TO NSEND WED Franco agreed today that West- death." Mr. X sald when ap-ij;u. "ity charge customers an Ww ern conversations with the Soviet {proached for-an interview during extra two-per-cent discount on (Union will help the cause of ELLIOT LAKE (CP) -- Is|especially a wholesale hardware nye e bacur 0 co m8 Visit 0l¢op 'of the normal discount for gm > ji mr mmm | but they added in a joint " f : le k VY 7 " ; {peace, but they J Christmas sual Ell ler us. er rency. Postal C S Pa \g i ; 2 | [statement issued as the Ameri- hy IHas . as usual .'n lot Sede official "No personal questions," he Paper guirency Al finance company 1 : One bank official said this ex- leader left for Morocco tha " ; , S 3 s s : y on CIOs. pORtaTe ®shoud If there is a fear among the finds business at a consistent "10 for ohvioks reasons ., (tra discount is to cover the ad- ' {10,000 inhabitants of this North- level. Collections are holding up| How did he travel about with ded cost of handling coins--pack- 7 ID on be maintained." A > : 3 For Holida ards = i i The statement said Eisenhower ern Ontario mining town that{and no major layoffs by mines 8ll fat money? ing, expressing them to the U.S., C : 5 i * |had given Franco and the Span- they are living under the shadow /have yet been registered, he said. | "I travel on gossamer wings and insuring them. : . P ; | lish dictator's government a full|of economic doom, it does mot hs wil happen i when wiih fee assocrales, he replied However, Mr. X said his busi. he 3 . i A : # briefing on the purposes of his/show through the dec 4 the sale of uranium will no longer with a straig ace. urned ness has eliminated the ship. WASHINGTON (CP) -- When it; The confusion over postage 7 ah vr : Li ue ie i urpos hoped to|shops, bustling crowds and' tink. De guaranteed, has prompted out he uses a car, accompanied ment of coins by Canadian banks Somer 7 Sewdting Christmas ates Seveloped when te United i 5 ; 3 : attain |ling cash registers. |speculation but all seems to be by one assistant, to bank clearing centres in the cards to Canada with insufficient States pushed its inter - city an 7 si i Y 5 a 3. Wa H {unfounded in fact. I y' siness? A $ postage, the United States post|international first - class postal " : " jalks ere heid a a dvi Santa Claus, apparently, is not| ounded in act How's business' Mr. X would/U.S. office may appear as Scrooge, rates to four cents an ounce from Gh t 3 [ast meeting ang lasted slg Y (worried about 1962. | / ; 3 ren " Eons § : : | xy i ¥ 4 3 but many a postal clerk is playing'three cents. i : : |over two hours before the two| That's the year the uranium : i : y 3 4 niefs of state took off from|contracts run out--2md uranium . pons 9 | A tage. {ters going to Canada, Mexico and § ] , [flight by helicopter to Torrejon|ing the short hictor For the U.S. post office depart- other international 'points must go 7 hs Ay a Jointed United States: ne i er C pid it vhich ment has taken a stand from|as first - class mail at four cents Spanish installation east of Ma- Jay, th a's ol w ig whieh it will not budge -- to burn an ounce whether sealed or no. y drid. der le world's richest Jmown thousands of Christmas cards| He said the department © a] ; Eisenhower's jet airliner took --e destined to Canada and other thoroughly DH the en _. : off 10 Oe late for Casa-| I was born of one of the coun countries because of insufficient crease through the cou i try > J blanca. ry"s most fantastic booms that postage. Ee However, Canadian Embassy of- | ; hegan in 1953 when financier Jo-| "The law is the law," said L.|ficials said some suburban post ] 5 [FRANCO'S FAREWELL seph Hirshhorn backed geologist! Rohe Walter, special assistant to offices still are advising senders 7 . ; i | In a short farewell speech,|Franc Joubin's hunch. Diamon Postmaster - General Arthur E.|on the old rates: Three cents on b 4 py ; 73 |Franco told his guest he had won|drilling confirmed Joubin's belie: Summerfield, when asked by a unsealed ecards; four cents on oo" " "ALL E4 (the sympathy and admiration of that a fortune in radioactive ore| veporier het tthe Christmas sealed. Peter Townsend, one - time | announced their engagement in the Spanish people. {lay beneath the craggy forest | Siri: might Move Se depatiment Even Walter stumbled and, suitor of Britain's Princess Mar- | Belgium two months ago. | senliower replied Be Wpuid Both of Lake Huron. Slax Je Yegulations 2 Sang. listed the old rate in a conversa-| garett, was married in Brussels | Marie-Luce, daughter of an Mad id od ave s ayed in| Almost $40,000,000 has been, ing: his Dos) > NE- tion with a reporter. He corrected| to Marie-Luce Jamagne, with | Antwerp-tobacco *tycodn, was |; acliG 8s many days as 1 have poured 'into Elliot Lake's devel ing hie position. Maybe, as you himself after conferring with de-| whomt Tc 1s: shown shen they | never matted bofore hours," He said he had learned | opment, about $50,000,000 into say, many old aunts and mothers partmental officials. i 4 ee the meaning of the word "Viva" construction of the townsite it- may not get their cards this|" "It's four cents an ounce during his trumphal reception|self, The 11 producing mines and| Christmas. But that is the fault| sealed or unsealed," Walter Monday, when hundreds of thou-!mills have a weekly payroll near| of the senders ~-- not the depart-|gaid, sands of Madrilenos greeted him|$1 000,000, ment.' Under departmental instruc- Syringe his drive through the BUSINESS GOOD A apital. SINESS G |tions, sealed cards bearing insuf- : a C b C fi {ficient postage are forwarded to Today he Dy passed the capital] And, by and large, business |the addressee who is penalized by . . . with his helicopter ight, and|this year has been standing up| uba Lon 1scates {heftig charged TO 3 pens postage Son Of GM Vice-President Injured there was no crowd at the airport.|to the established level of pros-| . {due, Unsealed cards with insuf- DETROIT (AP)--The 18 year-old son of a General Mo- Nor was the brief departure|perity | Land, Properties {ficient postage are returned fo| tors vice-president was injured critically early today when |ceremony broadcast. The govern-| A chain store manager re 3 {senders, if there is a return ad-| his car, being chased by police, cracked up on a Detroit ex- [ment radio was busy all SN ai business slow the first| HAVANA (AP)--Acting swiftly dress on the envelope, or dumped| pressway. Cyrus W. Osborn suffered head and 4nternal in- |IN€ with the drawing of Spain's|part of this month, but it soon| on Fidel Castro's promise, the|in the incinerator. juries in the crash. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus R, (Pig annual Christmas lottery. |picked up to mormal. The situa- Cuban cabinet today authorized Osborn of suburban Bloomfield Hills and was home from {tion was the same with two confiscating the property of any-|PASS THE HAT Brown University for the Christmas holidays [clothing desler. one convicted of counter-revolu-| Reports of the destruction Trouble Brewing { An increase in sales of grocer-| tionary activities ' 'ho aroused one Miami television sta- a3 ies i | Hoary es at' home or tion--WPST--to broadcast an ap- Bargaining Agent For Seaway Workers . Jjo% Test and proses is reported | {peal for funds to cover any de-| OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian Brotherhood of Railway, On Iraq Frontier Particularly optimistic is hotel {ficiency on cards going to Canada| Transport and General Works (CLC) has applied for certifi- owner Ed Blahey who said, "as CITY EMERGENCY jos Mexico. At Minneapolis, pos-| cation as bargaining agent for St. Lawrence Seaway em- TEHRAN, Iran (Reuters) ~|far as I'm concerned, it's busi- PHONE NUMBERS eS hie Jillo ed Dor. ployees at headquarters in Cornwall, Ont. Tams heavy alley aud apt. ness as usual for Elliot Lake." an / aircraft guns were brought, in| His beverage room sales have than 10,000 cards. Postal clerks 1 1 from Iranian garrisons in the iin-|droppe normal dev fe reported passing the hat at Second Fire In Quebec City 4 terior today to support light & De aD Bg elopment POLICE RA 5.1133 lother eastern U.S. points to keep| QUEBEC (CP)--The second three-alarm fire within 24 [forces on the troubled Shatt-el-{thinks "business generally is NEW QUEEN FOR SHAH ie thus Toying SCIONS the Ror. hours struck al apartment building in lower town today {Arab frontier with Iraq holding at a normal level." . nam eT. alter s £ . sending an unknow n C i ¥ yo n i cani y oy . i : " s i FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6374 tion is all right with hin hy og --. The HR aout Ie mp er [report it possible tat Ol he Con yction ok The Shah of Iran and his new | wedding in a Moslem ritual at | third wife of the 40-year-old | y ' ; 1d a Beli y 8 \ os t wor! ' tv 1 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | 'he US. government isn't| building on Place Royale, opposite historic Notre Dame des [appeal to the United Nations over|the area now is at a standstill.| Queet, the former Farah Diba, | the Shah's palace in Tehran. Sak Be Mires the hyn fw charged with the cost. Victoir: urch. disput been busine: mmoner ny § "a i. Be. bas felt by some ssef,| sit for photographs after their | The 21-year-old cor is the | a son. --AP Wirephoto i t. 1 by wi h - 2 3 p Santa Claus by paving the pos-| A year ago Walter said all let- y Franco's Prado Palace for the|has heen the sole life blood dur- i of #5 1]

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