The Oshawa Times, 17 Dec 1959, p. 8

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§ lof Fort 'Stewart, t [and Mrs Ro isda Mr. and Mrs. Marrill Mac- Donald are making their home in Oshawa after a honeymoon | bridegroom is the son of Mr. in Prince Edward Island. The | and Mrs. H. MacDonald, Prince bride, the former Patricia | Edward Island Alice Cinnamon, is the daugh- | ter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas J. Cinnamon, Oshawa, and the Mary's Studio Oshawa and District Realtors Christmas Dinner And Dance W. McFeeters, Mr R. Vallant, Mr, and Mrs and Mrs. B. Wandless, The Oshawa and District Real Mrs and Estate Board held its annual|Mrs Christmas dinner and dance in Kidd, Mr the Piccadilly Room at the Hofel{Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hill, Mr Getosha on Friday, December|and Mrs. R. Baxter 11. Mr. Winston Bradley acted] Mr, and Mrs. D. Stradeski as master of ceremonies, Dinner and Mrs. C. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs music was played by Mr. Colin|W, Sw rick, Dr, D. Bowerman Dominik entertained with acts of Mr W. McKinstry, Mr magic. 8) hanks, Miss nor Head table guests were Mr.|Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. I. Crui J.-A. Bolahood, president; Mr.|shanks, Mr. and Mrs. R. Young William McFeeters, first vice- Mr. Manning F. Swartz, president, 3nd Mrs. McFeeters; Ronald Swartz Mr. J, Barnosk Mr. Lloyd Metcalfe, second-vice- Mr. and Mrs. H. Yurko, Mr. § president, and Mrs, Metcalfe; |Lehan Mr. John Wacko, secretary; Mr.| Mr Donald Howe, treasurer} Mr. Mrs Steven Macko, director, and Mrs. Mrs Mr. Mr. and Peacock, and Mrs. R. Eyre W. Eyre, Mrs. L P. Winter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mr, and Mrs, T. Mc =| would be held January 19. Movies| ppg, D.| UJeonen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial «aA 3.3474 | 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 17, 1959 | PERSONALS Out-of-town guests at the also assembled a large snow man. | bboft-Shaw wedding included|Linda Derry and Mary Lou Pol Mr. and Mrs, Elvin Whyte, Mrs {lock had charge of the games.| |Andrew Wilson, Mr. Ray White Carol singing was enjoyed and Ontario; Mr.|by candle-light Mrs. Lee told the and Mrs, Thomas Wilson, Boul-|Christmas story. The evening |ter, Ontario; Mrs Andrew [closed with an exchange of gifts. Waite Baneroh; Rl Mes.) You are invited by the Social| vy 5 ; oa Department to send in any little land Mrs. James Ash, Whithy;| . 5 : items of interest, News of teas, (Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott,| ri hil ? {surprise parties, showers, annl-| Burketon; Mrs. P. Davidson, and goings | Hampton. io | |b versaries, comings ave always very acceptable and (for which there is no Please write or telephone charge | Among those who entertained RA | for Miss Dorothy Shaw prior to {her marriage fo Mr PWarren| +3474 local. 18. { {Abbott were Miss Joan Kelly,| The Ladies' Auxillary of Storie] Nassau street; Mrs. Grant Reeve park held a Christmas party! Fred Whalley; Missijagt week at the home of Mr.| Rossland road and Mrs. Harry Willlams, Mi Leslie Dobos, street. A turkey supper wa served after which games were| The Mothers-of-Twins Club held played. Fhizes ¥ ore won bY Mus | {its annual Christmas party at Ellis, Mrs. Bert Fry and Mrs Simcoe Hall on Tuesday night, Peter Muzik. Christmas gifts Members enjoved a hot chicken ere LCR psu ; Dorothy Shaw supper and the fun of exchanging Mr. and Mrs. John Delvin. Law extended Christmas wishes and| great entertained recently in Becomes Bride Of Warren Abbott daughter of sd Joseph Dus, street: is celebrating birthday today. Diana is granddaughter of Mr, and Mr. Lynn, {Helen Csuban, Mrs west, and Mrs, | Park road north | Rosmere gifts, Mrs. Max Roy, president,| announced that the next meeting! ponor of Mrs. Delvin's mother, . Merkley Clark of New-| |of the club's summer picnic were castle, Ont. Mrs. Clark who was| Dorothy Isobell Shaw |shown by Mrs. Verne Bowen. | celebrating her 80th birthday|fhe bride of Warren | was the recipient of many cards, | Abbott in a ceremony perform- training at the Ottawa Civic Hos {flowers and gifts Among the aq by the Reverend Ww. G. Dick pital, is spending her vacation | 8uesis were Mr. Arthur Clark gon in Centre Street United with her parents, Dr. and Mrs |and Mr and Mrs. Liovd Steven-| ci h last Friday evening. W. Gordon Watt, Masson street. |" and family, Newcas e; T.! The bride is the daughter : (and Mrs. Clinton Burley, Wau-inres Lola Davidson and Mr. Eu- able Christmas party | bashene; Mrs. Donald Burley and gene Shaw and the bridegroom is held recently when Mrs Clay-|family Scarborough; Mr. and ton Lee entertained her Sunday|Mrs. Raymond Reid and family School class in the lower hall at| Shannonville; Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Albert Street United Church, The|Tomlinson and family, Mrs. Gor- girls helped decorate the Christ [don Boyle Miss Myrtle Clark mas tree and the tables at whic | nd Mr. James Broad all of Belle refreshments were served and ville, Ont. | Miss Barbara Watt, nurse in An enjoy the late Mrs. Abbott, all of Osh awa Mr. Ronald played the wedding music the bride's cousin, Mr. William Kelly, sang. | -- -- RIO SRR ER riage by her uncle, Mr swims (Whyte, She wore a waltz siree "I'M ONE TODAY' This happy little miss, Diana | became William |g live in Oshawa. ER. of | the son of Mr. Clive Abbott and Coronation, Alberta, wish to an- Kellinglo? | youngest daughter, Janice Viola, to Flying Officer The bride was given in mar- The wedding will take place on Elvin (Saturday, 14.30 length dress of white silk organ-|Chapel, za with a full skirt of unpressed Bay. pleats and touches of white and| |Church School Christmas Concert Centennial Hall was the scene| (of the annua! Church school con- |cert of Kin _ireet United Church held on Tuesday, December 15, Mr. Stanley Gomme, Church School Superintendent, acted as master of ceremonies as the var- ious departments of the Church | School performed before an over- flow audience. The program opened with a reading entitled "The Night Be- fore Christmas" hy the CGIT, Members of the beginners de- partment sang two songs "Hush A Bye" and "Away In A Man- ger". This was followed by an enactment of the Christmas Story to the accompaniment of appro- priate songs by the junior pri- mary department, The youth department present. ed a mock church service which featured a sermon entitled 'Old Mother Hubbard". At this point the Reverend Mervin Bury spoke briefly to the children and par- |ents, | The Junior boys depicted a) scene in which an aspiring hock-| ey player was called in to take) his music lesson and when the] curtains opened was confronted; by a row of bovs representing | the black and white keys of a piano. These boys then sang the song "Do-Re-Mi" ag the hockey! Stanley Dus, Oshawa, and [player went from one to the other! great - granddaughter of Mr. {up the scale. I and Mrs. Julius Albrecht, Bre: The members of the senior! man, Germany. |primary presented a variety pro- | gram consistir gr sing-| Photo Venus Home Portraits |ing Being Bo Bond ne Te [A drill to march miisic was given sories and a corsage of pink chry- {by the junior girls who wore col- santhemums. ored costumes and carried ecol- As the couple left on their|Ored hoops to match. honeymoon, the bride was wear-| At various times during the ing a green wool sheath withiprogram the audience joined in white and brown accessories and the singing of Christmas earols a camellia corsage. and the evening closed with the Mr, and Mrs, Abbott will return arrival of Santa Claus. | SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ekman of nounce the engagement of their John Wilson Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. John Ferguson of Oshawa. January 23, 1960, at o'clock in the Protestant RCAF Station, North gold embroidery. Her headdress| of silk and velvet petals held a y { : |ghoulder - length, over - the - face veil and ghe carried a cascade of | Macko; Mr. Douglas Gower, di- Bolahood Cowle, rector, and Mrs. Gower, : Door prize was won by Mr and Mrs. Henry Yurke and nu-|Lowther merous spot dance prizes were Mr. J. Mr. J awarded. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheriff! § Mr. awd Mrs. J. DeWith, Mr. C.|§ Mies Vera Slocombe, | : Pinchora, Mr. D, Donald,| £ & Maga, Mr, and Mrs, E. S white feathered earnations, chry-| ! |santhemums and ivy. Miss Lois Shaw was her sis. ter's maid of honor wearing aj semi-formal dress of cinnamon] silk with matching accessories Mr. and Mrs Hyman and Mrs J S. Jackso Miss M Mr. and Mrs. M, Hedge, Mr Mrs. J. B. Raine, Mr Seen dancing to the music of Disney Bernard A. Tierney and his or- Mr chestra were: Mr. John A. J. [Mr Bolahood, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly shot, Bolahood, Mr. and Mrs. Morley and Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oke, Mrs, J. Kent, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Holmes, Mr. hann, Mr. and Mrs, J. Fox, Mr Colin Corbett, Mr. and Mrs, Doug-'and Mrs. W. Frank, Mr. and Mrs las Gower, Mr. Eugene Patter-|J. Blair. son, Miss Marilyn Rassell, Mr... Mr. and Mrs. R. Lathangue, and Law ian So Zakarow,| § Mr. | M.| Miss] § Domin- | rge attendance was record-| § Following | Association's| « offered| Ll Uk Maintenance |fat to close Dominion 5 1 The Sunshine Group presented|rubbed smooth with fine sand- JOuglas |g humorous skit "The Night Be- paper. 2 and petal headdress. She carried an all-white cascade of feathered| carnations and chrysanthemums with ivy Mr. Ronald Abbott was % man and ushering were Mr. bp b lett. A reception was held at the |bride's home, Her mither receiv- led in a dress of peacock blue de- lustered satin with matching ac- |cessories and a corsage of pink carnations. She wae assisted by the bridegroom's aunt in slate blue crepe with navy blue acces. FOR CHRISTMAS 5 FUR GIFTS! A VISIT & | Fashion. § Village "FUR SALON 26 SIMCOE ST. S. E 5 WEDDING PRINCIPALS d recently in a fully- | Mr. and Mrs John Gaspar | ceremony at 8t. George's | Yugoslavia, and the bride nian Catholic Church | groom is the son of Mr. and were Irene Gaspar and Nichol- | Mrs. Pantelejmon Demkiw of as Demkiw, both of Oshawa. | the Ukraine The bride is the daughter of | --Photo by Mary's Studio »M M fore Christmas" which was very] much enjoyed. After extending the son's greetings, the presi- dent called on the Rev. J. K. Mof the meeting with prayer HOUSEHOLD HINT Nicks In glassware can be Annual NOW most famous fragrance ina magnificent mist | Winston Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rogers, Samells. ik, Miss C Mr Macko, The Reverend and Mrs. C p J. Simcoe St. WA J. Maha, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ap Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackler, Mr, | Where the W.A. met i 1e school -- members ana guests the president Business and Fun {of Christmas in the a pot luck supper at their Christ- presented financial state During the evening twe siew following projects were approved installed by the president, Mrs. ciety; White Gift; Upshaw, who was introduced and The minutes of the previous Mrs, Donald Olynyk. the world's party, and urged the girls fo Mrs. Donald Lowe outlined the the Christmas party for the Bow- duties, Mrs, William Edwards the show a success. The presentation of a Christ Ross Drew, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bar-land Mrs. W. Pa Miss riage, Mr. and Mrs. C. Elliott, Ellis, Mr. T. MacDonald Mr. Bruce Mackey, Miss Donna Dianne Mowbray, Mr, J s11 Mr. and Mrs. N. Rensink, Mr. Mrs, N. La Mr. and and Mrs. H. Kruithof, Mr. and Lloyd Metcalfe and others, Mrs. S. Macko, Mr. and Mrs, A. --_--_- Kartechener, Mr. and Mrs, Goyne, or ad Mrs. Williar Millar, Mr. 8. E. Jackman, Mr : Annual Meeting eby, Mr. Donald Howe, Mr. | Ala John Wacko, Mr. Gordon Plerson.| "cor ci Cot 1 1 Churet Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bosco, sv ding o. Sores and Mrs. R. Hann, Mr. and Mrs. |Foom for the annual meeting and J, Hann, Mr. and Mrs. R. Aker, |Pot luck supper, Dec. 9. Mrs Mr, and Mrs. R. Reeve, Mr. and R. H. Holden welcorned the J - J the singing of Jaycettes Combine theme sonz. pro Worship was led by Mrs rence Savery, "The Sign At Yule Meeting gf chi The Oshawa Jaycettes enjoyed Reporte of the year's work were mas meeting, held at the home! ment si a substantial in- of Mrs. Donald Brown crease over last year. Gifts to the members, Mrs. Ernest Luka-| Missionary and wesky, and Mrs. Len Urch, were Fund; Woman's Missionary Donald Brown. Also present was Council W.A., Camp Pretoria and prospective Jayeette, Mrs. Fred Sunday School Renovation Find. welcomed by Mrs Knowler meeting were given by Mrs. Har- old Whitbread, secretary, follow- ed by the treasurer's report by Committee reporis followed Mrs. Robert Dewland reported on the success of the mincemeat begin selling. Mrs. Ed. Jones commented on the progress made in the photography campaign; plans for the Square Dance to be held February 6; Mrs. Donald Olynyk told the members about manville Training Schoo! Thurs day, December 17, and allotted the Jaycettés their various gave a report on the Hydro Show planned for April and the work which would be involved to make Later the Javcettes had much fun and laughter playing char- ades mas gift to each member ended a most enjoyable evening. Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis end the newest, fostest, Kree Century Series shortwave, reveeling £4 your true self, of worry and embar- rassment. | * 14 FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Othaws ot the Genosha Motel, Dee. 15 and 16 PHONE RA 3.464) for appointment on these dates «8 KING ST. E. DRUGS FUR STORAGE DRAW | for WILD MINK STOLES Storage No. T-3851 MiSS MILDRED ALLEWELL 72 FOURTH ST. TORONTO 14 Storage No. 5-6416 MRS. W. L. BORROWDALE 156 TAUNTON RD. W. OSHAWA RA 3-462 75 King St. East -- Opposite Hotel Genosha | best | Mar- | vin Morden and Mr. Donald Mal-| Christmas Angel containing Blue Gross Bath Petal Wafers Blve Gross Solid Cologne, == 12 fiutty, foaming, fragrant § wafers in pink and blue $2.00 8ive Grass Dusting Powder in beautiful blue box. Put it on avery Christmos fist. $2.50 ; Snow King, regally crowned, presents a bottle of Bive Gross Perfume Mist, Blue Grass Luxury Bath Salts Highly concentrated, $3.50 Pebble Both Sols in hands ' some apothecary jar. Blue Grass, June Geranium, Lilo Pine. $5.00 Hand Lofion blended with aff Miss Arden's renowned skill Leck-proof top releoses one precious drop of a time. June bright, contains six Blue Gr Geranium or Bue Grass, rn Petal Wafers for the bath. CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. | [530 SIMCOE ST. 5S PHONE RA 3-245) OSHAWA PHONE RAS5-3546 = STORES IN AND WHITBY PLAZA BOWMANVILLE ~~ LAST-MINUTE GIFTS ARE HERE! WOOLWORTH' Visit. Our NEW MODERN STORE Self-Service and Centrally Heated for Your Comfort and Convenience Jumbo. Bag. CHRISTMAS CREAM AND JELLIES MIX 3 Ibs. for 08 Smiles. & Chuckles CHOCOLATE 2/4 1b. box 1.97 Super Sheer -- First Quality Seamless Mesh or Plain NYLONS Sizes 82 to 11 One Pair 1.00 2 PAIRS IN GIFT BOX 1.97 Gents! Best Quality SLIPPERS Genuine Leather Deep Pile Lining--Sizes 6-12 4.95 Visit Our NEW LUNCHEONETTE DELICATESSEN AND BAKERY COUNTER Serving you with wonderful food made from Woolworth's world-wide famous recipes Feather Light Orange Chiffon Cake 44. Old Fashioned Steamed PLUM PUDDING Reg. 59c¢ Ib. Just THURSDAY FRIDAY and _ SATURDAY

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