* OBITUARIES CAPSULE NEWS CITY AND | HIRING POLICY 1 THN OBAWA TIM, Tandy, Smtr 9, 19593 ---- New Year's _DSTRICT__ |" RY]egation Is WEATHER FORECAST The death occurred of Joseph|held at the Armstrong Funeral AMBULANCE CAL1S Choody And Mild. Wilfred St. Thomas at his home, |Home at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. The Oshawa Fire Department Sh . a heart attack. _ |Rev. Robert Love, minister of IMPOSE $50 FINE ; ; Born in Harvey Township, Columbus United Church, will OTTAWA (CP) -- Governor-jannounced the King gvill visit the| Gerald Clarke, 17, of 3738 Ce- A controversy over the hiring has always been one on Which owers 1 } Y * ; § hy bulance calls ; $7 Warren avenue, Tuesday even-(19, followed by interment in reported three am g \ fng. Mr. St. Thomas died after|Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. evee al | all for sickness, during the night. ernie Oo ors May, 1901, he was the son of conduct the services. policy of General Motors of Can-|the union and the company have General Vanier will hold his first|Congo's six provinces to "'ascer-|lina St., was fined $50, or ome ia brinict wi Be late AlG3uis Joi 2. FUNERAL OF General Vanier wil hold be {ial the general state of the month in jal, for driving while|ida Limited erupted Wedtesday|"volestly Charest' = = rer] TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-(St. Thomas ...... his the former Mona Jose] THOMAS GEORGE DAYMAN chamber here Jan. 1, to receive|Congo and the aspirations of the his licence was under suspension, aan = Local 222, UAW. [less to rectify the issue 4 the|casts issued at 5 am.: London ine Fountain in Oshawa and| The funeral service for Thom-|the New Year's wishes of politi-| peoples. in Oshawa magistrate's court,|;1 cio: fhe company for being|company has full say on employ-| Synopsis: Continuing mild air| Wingham . ho died at|eal leaders, government officials, . 4 | Wednesday. His licence had. been|.. ative' i today kept early-morning tem- ad been a citizen of the city|as George Dayman, who oa eas, A mbers of the| BARE ASSASSINATION PLOT | pended in February when he too restrictive" in matters of|ment according to their contract. i, Bq I J A since that time. He was an em-/the family resid Hilleroft|C'P BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) --| X : employment. b . ployee of General Motors for the|street, last Sunday evening, was armed forces and the general nF rosovernment| Vas charged with driving with-| "Company officials denied] normal. Some cloud will continue|S¢. Catharines .... ublic e Paraguayan pro-govel out a proper driver's licence : ; U.S, VISITORS CHARGED |sver the extreme lower lakes duration of his residence iniheld at the McIntosh Funeral PETC: w Patria claimed Wed- * |Smith's charges saying that their ii : Hamilton ......... Oshaw. H t 1 Wednesday, Dec EWP APS? Lie oe the hiring of]. TORONTO (CP) -- Gordon Ca-larea with a few showers likely a ome at 1 p.m. ay, y DECERTIFY UNION nesday that a plan to murder STREETS C D only concern w e hiring ofl anaugh 37, and his wife, Lynn, Frid Be en Mr. St. Thomas was a mem- 16 he Canad; ' pres LOSE, w men is that they can do the pr ay. In Northern and Centra 5¢ Hol R Catho-| Archd H. D. Clevedon; STTAWA (CP) -- The Canada|Paraguay's strong - man Dresi-| Tye following streets Will De|rns to which they or toned | 23, United States visitors, pleaded Ontario mainly sunny skies will ber of Holy Cross . D. Clover , Labor Relations Board an-dent, Gen. Alfredo Siroessner,closed for construction today: jobs to which they are assigned.|gyitty in court here Wednesday! prevail but some cloud and a few He Church. rector of Christ Memorial Angli-inounced Wednesday: it has de-land his closest associates had| gi, dgeway, closed from Steven They claim there are no spe-lto a charge of causing a distur-|snowflurries are likely late to- He ls survives bY is wie: me fan Church, sonducted He nl certified the National Association been uncovered. {son RE b> Drie i oifie) stapdaids set » at =. Hie bance over the presence of Ne-|night and -early Friday over Cen- Kapuskasing ..... step - daughter, Mrs. aries|vices. Interment was enelon|of Marine Engineers of Canada, (Wa abeth; | "we don't have suc stric-| oroes in a restaurant. When Mr. White Ri 10 ietri : y {Wayne . avenue from Simcoe i i 2 . .|tral Ontario. Ver ..een. Growden Lh dre) of rycen, Falls Cemetery. Toi D Great Lakes and eastern district VANGUARD III SILENT |creet north fo west end of fons on Weight or se - an Cavanaugh challenged the evi-| Regional forecasts valid until{Moosonee Detario © stepsons, Joseph! 'The pallbearers were ay-|as bargaining agent for five) WASHINGTON (AP) -- The sireet. Whenever possible these es too dence, Magistrate J. L. Prentice|midnight Friday. Teatro of Oshawa and Vincentiman, Walter Bound, Lloyd Bul-leastern ship companies: Gul fl space agency reported Wednes-|ireets will be partially opened spokesmag olay. Hon To ithat ordered the plea struck out and| uo rio Take Huron, Lake J Teatro of Haliburton. mer, Charles Routley, Lyleland Great Lakes Navigation 45 that transmitters aboard thelr, permit movement of local = sole Sousiders on = 2 remanded the pair on $200 bail|, #® i Mo Rn, aie La er Convict ed land Sisters ve ls 8t.|Larmour, Sam Hewitt, John Day- Company, Transit Tankers and\yanguard III satelite, launched {raffic, Extreme heavy rain may er Be Sed JobSito Dec. 22 when the arresting of-| aon" Toronto: Variable cloudi- Yer. ty) i Yim a an. and Keith Parkin, Jermissle Limiied, 2 Te ation Se" 18, have gone dead. The result in the closing of other OM Smith said nlf had ficer will be present. ness today and Friday. Little = Intosh (Stella of Lakeview; FUNERAL OF Co any and Beaconsfield |) 2euard III Sansiiied track streets. been fighting with the y h in temperatures. Winds For Conspiracy " Mrs. Amelia Jackson, of Lind-| = LAURENCE W. NELSON |Steamships Limited. [ne Signa 5 anc, sctenliug over this issue for "a good many WHITE COLLARS light today, northwest 15 Friday. say: Mrs. Fred James (Minnie),| The memorial service for Laur- for 85 days. | . |vears". Niagara region, Hamilton:| MONTREAL (CP) -- Lawyer ne: and Mrs 'Steve Col ence William Nelson, who died at| CONFER ON NEW PARTY SHOOTING SPREE ' $2400 Fellowshi "Ther have Nad these stand: Mainly cloudy today and Friday.|Mario Lattoni, QC, was convicted lins (Agnes) of Oshawa. One sis-|the Oshawa General Hospital last OTTAWA (CP) -- Top officials| _, HO! FF. Ari \ A Pp ards in effect since the end of the MUCH TO FORE Little change in temperature./ Wednesday of conspiracy to ter. Mus 1da May Mullen, died|Saturday in his 86th vear, was/of the CCF and Canadian Labor| FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) -- ! tant that 11 apni . fi _ |winds light today, northwest 15/bring an undisclosed number of Jo EY EE ntony. Funerai|Cogress conferred Wednesday bury nnemplot el Falvey Awards Announced va: "be ve foct aight ches] conor workers, mohding pe | aY- Malian altens fo Cavads i 195). : " hal Ww cAzv "lon the proposed new party link. Worker Ww us esdoy os { 4 ) 4 i Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake.[52-.S was postponed to 51 Tiamat of Peterborough, a 0 Home at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec ling labor with the Socialist of killing three women and badly| MONTREAL (CP) -- Canadian 21 2d 16) pounds, This is their prietors aud professional peo- Heal ton s: Partly|Jan. 12. The boty st Aemsrong Pu er. . D. Cos, reir of St EP (ound Tous Ln Sho dure Limited Wedosiay a ool TL | Bl ae $8 pe cen of Uh coud ioy snd Cong; A few] Luton, beore the cots fr neral Home. High requiem mass|George's Anglican Church, con-| {spree on the Na lon|nounced the 16 winners of the| e Quite a nu de orce. That's Up |enowflurries overnight. Sunn y|almost seven years, was acquit- Nl be sumz by Rev. P Cottey So 20's ngican grea, | SHOOT DOWN TREE lin northwest Arizona. The F $2,400 fellowships awarded annu- ber of good lads rejected simply| from 22.83 per cent in 1910. |iiy cloudy intervals and notited of several other charges in the Br Coe wh Freed the services. Interment! ppTERROROUGH (CP)--Two chargedySam Johnson, 42, a Na-jally by the company to students because they might have been| "Blue collar" workers went (quite so mild Friday. Winds|arising from the case -- forging day, December 18, at 9 am {was in St. John's Norway Ceme-; ters were stopped by police|vajo, wih murder. FBI agentsdoing advanced chemical ~re- half an inch too short or one or| from 37.4 per cent to 33.9 Per |northwest 15 today and Friday. |documents, fraud and bribing a Burial will be Nn St Mary's ey, Toronto. ere Ken Rod Wednesday with a tree from a said he had been drinking. search for doctorate degrees at two pounds too light. cent in this period. Tiragits Rapuskasiog: ye Socun ne, 5 tholic Cemetery, Lindsay. las palibearers were Ae |hedgerow on the farm of James| is Canadian universities and col-| 'They all seemed to be in good| _ However "you make your |. ,.dv with 5 ide i ] Catholic Cemetery, Lindsa) dick, Thomas Stien, Bert Anthony, ghaughnessy, 10 miles northwest DONKEYS DISPLACED leges. [health to me," he added. living, Oshawa Times Classi- [Cloudy 3 LO de 3 Jude Ae De gaan MRS. LOUISE HANNAH |Frank Hodgson, Albert Hodg-|of here. Police confiscated the] MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Life/ hey included: | "I think it's a disgrace that| fied Ads will help vou stretch |qunny and not quite so mild Fri-|was involved in illegal manipula EEE ERNBEELY SER REEsSERaS MODELAND son and Wesley Lackie. i4-foot blue spruce whose five- came to a halt in the counfry| npg jy Alle Kingston, Queen's'good men like these should be| the budget by selling articles gay "Wind hw ; : ; ini ; Bae inch base had been cut off by town of Andizhan, in the Soviet! nivercifv: W. M. J. Bink bo se S10UY So ; i day. Winds northwest 15, tions to obtain "irregular visas" In failing health for some time FUNERAL OF IE. base 33 IWR © University: W. M. J. Strachan, denied employment either by GM| You no longer use. Dial RA | Forecast Temperatures for Italians oh had previously em by the gov- ¥ i shotgun blasts. No charges were Central Asian republic of Uzbeki- pon win Q > " | y | Mrs. Louise Hannah Modeland MRS, HUGH CAMPBELL ROSS gho gun bla 0 2 e ) Fort William, and R. A, Stager, or anyone else. 3-3492 to place your ad. | Low tonight High Friday been refused 32 42 i A hei 1 : . id. stan, when authorities banned gp Iniversitv ' | 3 3 \ Sey at he ome of let Sauer | The memorial service for Mrs. |donkeys because "they were Fergus, University of Toronto. ! Mr, Smith stated that this issue! Windsor ist . h.|Hugh Campbell Ross, who died STATE OF SIEGE {rather uncultured and made the her Bg Sou St Osh- | the Private Patients' Pavilion,| JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) town dirty," the Soviet govern-| NSuSuiSySiisisy mimi mm oi ey Mrs. Modeland leaves a daugh-| Toronto General Hospital, last president Sukarno Wednesday ment newspaper Izvestia said F Z ter, Mrs. S. G. Fisher (Adelaide), | Monday in her 39th year, Was|geclared Indonesia to be "'under| Wednesday. Citizens now have to #8 ¢ of Oshawa and a son, Seward, of held at the Armstrong Funeral|z state of war" and extended carry goods on their backs. Chateangnay Basin, Quebec. [Home at 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, martial law indefinitely. The gov-| ; Also surviving are two grand-| Dec. 16. ernment is fighting revolts on| SEE RATE BOOST SOON sons, two granddaughters and 12| Rev. Derek Allen, pastor of St. several major islands. OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern- great-grandchildren. | Paul's Presbyterian cel, con- on {ment is likely to increase the Na- {ducted the services. He was as- TO SEE FOR SE {tional Housing Act interest rate Wf dg ied i sisted by Rev. John K. Moffat] BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reuters) beyond the current six per cent Chapel, Belleville, at 2 p.m. Sat-|minister of Simcoe Street United| King Baudouin left by plane within the next few days, it was urday. ' Dee. 19. Rev. H. A. Mel. Church. Interment was in Osh- Wednesday night for the Belgian learned Wednesday. Informed low. minister of Northminster/awa Union Cemetery Congo on a "spur of the mo-|sources said the government may United Church, Oshawa, will The = pallbearers were E ment" decision to make a 10- to|also cut down its direct lending conduct the services. | Twaites, J. Weir, I. Chalmers, G.|15 day official visit to the | for housing construction in the | Burkhart, A. McDonald and B.|troubled African territofy. It was/inext fiscal year. MISS MURIEL BARKER |osburn. sis rl td -- Following an iliness of severa J | months the death occurred at FUNERAL OF | TV-RADIO COLUMN the Toronto Western Hospital ALBERT ORMA GERROW | this morning of Miss Muriel] The funeral service for Albert Barker. The deceased was born|Orma Gerrow, we Jed x phe Ch . A F 11 Guelph and had lived in To-|Oshawa eneral ospital last] t rs or the past 20 years. {Monday, was held at the Ger-| I'lS mas Xe a S Miss Barker leaves a sister, row Funeral Chapel at 3 p.m. to-| Miss Marion Barker, of Tanoidar, on mee] OT) ) ShOWS More Due of Fredericton, New Brunswick|of Simcoe Street United Church, and Hales Barker, of Oshawa. conducted the services. Interment By CYNTHIA LOWRY which are splitting audiences Also surviving are two neph-|was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. NEW YORK (AP)--For most|with shows costing half as much. ews, Harold Barker, of Oshawa;| The pallbearers were Ansen|,cople the Christmas season is R. C. Barker, of New York City|Gerrow, Mansell Gerrow, Maur-/one of good cheer, but there are| Wednesday night's Stee! Hour| and a niece, Miss Isla Barker, |ice Frailic, Merlin Mackie, Ivan many television figures who/was One Red Rose for Christ-| of Oshawa. {Mackie and Herbert Mackie. [dread its approach. For them, it/mas, the story of a nun who The funeral service will be " D |means a period when many |loses her faith upon the death of ; held at the Trull Funeral Home,| GORDON ROY LANGMA {shows reach the end of their 13-la beloved sister and regains i The most gorgeous array of New Tartan Co-ordinates you've ever seen. Yonge St, Toronto, Saturday,| The death occurred suddenly eel giretch and sponsor or net- through the act of a child. Helen #8 Choose one piece or all six matchin . Dee. 19, followed by interment at the family residence, 125 Wood work decides on their continu-|Hayes brought her usual skill to 1] in Woodlawn Cemetery, G .|St., on Wednesday, Dec. 16, of f her 13. ligh ti i i oh VeIPR | Gordon. Roy Langa, beloved" Kinough ber of shows a Ro \d JERSEY BLOUSE To Match or Contrast . 6.98 { REV. 8. J. COFFEY hush are reported in trouble, the axe lovable as a wall. PETERBOROUGH -- Rev. Ste- % . Langmaid, who had ive. -| % , y phen Joseph Coffey, 58, omen he x good Sealth ---- last Qobtealy there An My B % i a o VEST OR COSTUME MAKER 10 95 LL | | h s son ate ac NBC' ive Fi X hour- | s Five Fingers, an hour ® SLIM-JIMS . 12.95 e SKIRT : 12.95 eo JACKET 16.95 Wednesday, Dec. Mary 1 id, the d d|long spy series, and--wonder of Art Carney's one - man show, | eo JUMPER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CHOOSE YOUR PARTNERS ...IN TARTANS THIS CHRISTMAS A Gift of Sportswear She'll Adore SE Li a) a) 4] 0 4d. Sa pray; . 16. Born at Marysville, Father(was born in Oshawa and was|wonders--Wichita Town, a half-/Call Me Back, has been moved| Coffey was educated there and|married here in 1922. He re- hour western. The latter, not ajahead in the NBC schedule for at Kingston. He studied philo-loeived his education at Thorn-/bad specimen, probablv is a vic-{showing Jan. 8 . . . titles sure sophy at St. Augustine's Semin-|ion's Corners Public School and|tim of its late evening (10:30) run in cycles. We're coming to ary, Toronto, and theology at the |ymishy High School. time slot when many western/the end of the "evening Pontifical Seminary, Rome. After| A member of Simcoe Street!fans are tucked in for the night. |with--" tags now, and begin- ordination in Rome in 1980,|yynited Church, Mr, Langmald| CBS will lose two long shows: |? "8 a new trend. Thale he Father Coffey was assistant; i Teen a member of the Osh-'The expensive, highly touted Big|lCrthcoming move ca'sg '7¢ priest at St. Joseph's Chureh, | wy Board of Education main- Party and The Lineup, a police tT wy age ne. oh bi Bracebridge. ator. of staff and in recent years action show which Dever Te. | FO By ed The Boy Jig ih I EA Loh t Central Collegiate cover from expansion to 60 pod 8. "Josepi's parish, Bowman |Jo% TECK 88 Centre! CONCERN ne Orasty of vagtationt om this theme| Ville, is 3} sud Way sppiisiel Besides his wife be leaves a| Dick Clark's night-time World|" ond probably will." ig to Trout Creek in 1951 and|%D: Murray, of California. |of Talent will be dropped by -_--. to Downeyville in 1953. | Also surviving are a sister, ABC. | Recommended tonight: ; He leaves two sisters: Mrs.|Mrs. O. Willis, of Huntsville; All, of course, are departing| The Big Party, CBS, 9:30-11} Mary Killoran of Rochester |two brothers, Walter, of Oshawa, because TV rating services re-|EST -- with Sir John Geilgud, | NY and Mrs. Rita Flood of and Russell, of Streetsville, and|ported comparatively small au-/ Benny Goodman, Carol Chan-| Pinellas Park, Fla. | three grandchildren. |diences. .Other shows are under ning. 4 The body will be at the parish| The funeral service will be|sharp scrutiny, including some, The Untouchables, ABC, 9:30- rectory in Downeyville Wednes- | held at the McIntosh Funerallof the long, costly programs|10:30--the Dutch Schultz story. | day night and the Office for the Home at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. Dead will be said Thursday even-|19. Rev. John K. Moffat, minis-| ing at 8 p.m. [ter of Simcoe Street United Pontifical requiem mass willl Church, will conduct the services. / be held Friday morning at 11|/Interment will be in Oshawa a.m. in the parish church. | Union Cemetery. MRS.'EDITH R. BROMELL i Following a short illness % Bwar ] For IVT. J SY PN-4 4 Ex -- - = = R J PRS Joka RI Yo = SIZES 8 TO 18 STERN Such new tartans as, Ancient Gunn, Grey Forbes, Mclean of Loch Buie, Ancient Hay, Lamont. aaah s All Styled by the Famous "MISS SUN VALLEY" death occurred Wednesday, Dec. | 16, at the home of her daughter| ra and son-in-law, Mr. aud a . 3 1 Frank Bray, Columbus, o | L t t Rachel Blight, widow of William 1 era ure Henry Bromell. The deceased as in her lst year. | . ; ee ie late MY. Are Given PRESSWOOD'S READY TO SERVE 6-12 LB. SERRE SMOKED HAMS . 53° : ceased was born in East Whitby J A I LB. | i \ Township Oct. 23, 1879 and was MONTREAL (CP)--H. Gordon lk ig ? OPEN EVERY married at Brooklin Dee. 15, 1897, Anthors Association " | ~ s NIGHT y , ' 4 UNTIL A member of Columbus United B, 8 Thiers nesday he was delighted to hear | FRESH LEAN SIDE Church, Mrs, Bromell had been A that cash prizes of $1,000 each EXCEPT SATURDA resident of the Columbus, Brook-| be t f th resident Ho en "all her| are to be given to winners of the Et 3haum YS lin - Bowman Governor-General's Awards for MAS life. 3 literature, The cash awards will | Predeceased by her husband po"made by the Canada Council. | July 22, 1944, she leaves four| "wwe are delighted to hear of FRESH LEAN MEATY daughters, Mrs. Walter Parrin-yn. $1000 prizes," said Mr. fe EE oT 20 0 | DORK HOCKS Frank Bray (Mary), of Colum-|the pitiful sight of a winner not | bus; Mrs. Chris Cook (Helen), of haying the train fare to come tol Toronto and Mrs. Leonard Bull|oyr dinner to receive his award." (Fern), of Taunton and three| Mr Green said he does notl] BRANDED BEEF sons, John, of Toronto; Elgin and think the granting of the cash » Howard, of Bowmanville. |prizes means the Canada Coun-| qd [] orl 1 Also surviving are four broth-cil will take over from the Gov-| ers, Wesley Bug, of Toros; leror General's Awards board. | Jack Blight, rooklin; George The CAA had established an] and Archie Blight, v1 Oshawa; 23 autonomens board some years| DEVON RINDLESS 1-LB. PKG. grandchildren and 10 great-lago to select winners. The auto-| grandchildren. |nomous board was essential to fa ast acon {prevent any charges of favorit-| {ism being made against the COMING EVE CAA. Board members appointed | FRESH TEXAS GREEN TOP {their own successors. BINGO at the Avalon, Thursday, De.| Mr. Green. said he believes a cember 17, North Oshawa Park, $10/new awards committee will unc arro S FOR per game and seven $40 jackpots 293 (operate as independently as the CHRISTMAS trees! Boy Scouts! Your old one. Once the committee had . $1.75. 33 H Road North, . wi Sholen SIT. 3 Hanheuy. as, chosen the winners, the Canada GENUINE IMPORTED GOOD SIZE Coungil would simply tack on the, NOVEL BINGO | 0 prizes Spanish Onions 2 or * THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. | U.S. SMOKING FURIOUSLY | ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL WASHINGTON (AP) -- Ameri- cans smoked a high of 455,000, (Afbert and Jockson Sts) [GONE IMOKES 8 Ee the To| FRESH IMPORTED GREEN none 36, $2 320 {bacco Institute Incorporated re- ay oubled or tripled {ported Wednesday. This com- B | S i $120 JACKPOT INCLUDED [pared with 436,300,000,000 cigar- russe prou S EXTRA GAMES FOR TURKEYS |ets consumed in 1958 and 409,-| Door Prize $15 400,000,000 in 1957. | i 2 NE = OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS SWEATERS from ....... 5.95 Wool HOODS or BONNETS 2.98 SLIMS from ........ 9.95 CARCOATS from ...... 16.95 BLOUSES from ........ 4.50 DRESSES from ........ 16.93 'GLOVES Leather Palm ... 5.95 SCARVES Silk or Crepe .. 1.00 2-pc. KNIT SUITS from 16.95 WOOL SCARVES from .. 1.98 PR Lh EE GIVE A SEIGNEUR'S GIFT CERTIFICATE! SEIGNEUR'S ...cmam SHOPPING CENTRE