The Oshawa Times, 17 Dec 1959, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 17, {959 i ~~~" Christmas Gifts At Hospital By M. McINTYRE HOOD | Special London (Eng.) LONDON -- Every patient and | nurse in St. Francis Hospital, East Dulwich, a hospital which| 1 [caters for old people and other long-staying patients, is to re-| ceive a Christmas gift from the| hospital's League of Friends. The League of Friends is an| organization of residents of the] district interested in the welfare of the hospital and its patients, and this special Christmas dis- tribution is one of its annual projects which brings members la great deal of joy. On Christmas Day, members of the League of Friends will] visit the hospital, and distribute cigarettes, tobacco, chocolates, sweets and other gifts to the 450 patients and 200 nurses, Not a single individual in the hospital f'n jill be missed ". wil be missed, \iGuts aid SWIFT'S PREMIUM GRADE A PRE-DRESSED OVEN READY nurses will be able to choose the gifts they would like as members of the League of Friends tour the hospital. With each gitt, there vill be a card from the League(} _ conveying good wishes Says Uw Chairman of the League of Friends, Leslie White: | ALTITUDE MARK We want to visit every pati-| ent on Christmas Day,. and to Capl. Joe B. Jordan, a pilot the E-104 Lockheed jel fighter |take each one a gift to show a wards All Pores Base plane at Los Angeles in which that we have a personal interest light test centre, climbs out ol | ; 3 . Air Force |In everyone in the hospital. For -- a | he set what the Air Force some lonely old people in: the POPULAR ' claimed is a new world altitude hospital who are without rela ] Season S Road record of 103,395.5 feet. Jordan [tives or friends, we feel our| FAMILY flew to Los Angeles for a press |Christmas Day visit will be much| conference io describe the |apprect®ted. And the gifts we | J N 9 5 Ee a Safet Lesson flight. His mark topped the |are to give the nurses will in a| SIZES y : " : ; very small way show our recog-| y ! "A i SWIFT'S PREMIUM--TABLE READY WHOLE OR SHANK PORTION 98,560-foot altitude which the | By M. McINTYRE HOOD | Navy said was reached nine |pition of their unselfish and un- 20 LB : Special London (Eng.) days ago by an F4H jet fighter. [tiring care of the patients under | ' aa. A Ee - ' y KED HAM wu 45¢ Correspondent --AP Wirephoto 'their charge." . ; -- : ARSE f OR OVER ; ; SWIFT'S SLICED SIDE RINDLESS LONDON The Royal Sociely| = for the Prevention of Accidents ? 5 SEL rs | TE ER EVERSWEET BACON x 59 y' % gs X i SEALED mas season of gift distribution fo drive home lessons on road safe I pr 1 Shc 3 3 R 4 : ' SWIFT'S PREMIUM ty to the children in the schools 4 J ; ih : iu Be TH BROWN 'N' SERVE SA wor aa Christmas holidays, more than R9¢ ct 5 : PAGK 2,000,000 novelties, each contain A Ve : 20 3 SWIFT'S PREMIUM DELICIOUS ing a road safety slogan, will be "given to children through the 99+ PACK rio AN v------ Se local authorities and other organ ' izations, The gifts include jig-saw CANADA'S MOST FAMOUS TURKEY--NO TRUSSING REQUIRED puzzles, painting books. games, pu PY ° b FOUR DELICIOUS VARIETIES IN EACH PACKAGE eards and pencils. s G ft G \ ) N N57 GD GF 8 NEN EN FEN ; 6 According to one of the officials or ITr=0iving . ALOR A0AINSCOOOLLLLO0L OODDODOOIDONIRODOLODNONE of the society, "These novelties are very popular as a means of BEST BUY--SAVE bc CASH putting over he road safety mes " ai ROSE BRAND BEST BUY SAVE 4c CASH FANCY sage to children. : At Barking, in Essex, the road Kenwood Blankets SWEET 16-0Z, DEL MONTE safety officer Mrs. Dorothy A Hof ' ¢ o 4 JAR Cc 20-0Z, (H Pummel, will send out, 12,000 q! of warmth for. years to such parcels this Christmas. She come Each all wool blanket a. M FRUIT COCKTAIL TIN sad ye Ighe up I par gaily gift boxed Finest ob- : IXED PICKLES coo od mn | fickle wed cre finished re ren's ties." shrun or washability and mo . S darues" Kent. about 3000 proofed for your protection. Wide BEST BUY SAVE 4c CASH FANCY BEST BUY SAVE bc CASH Shudren wil receive these Nove} matching satin ribbon bindings AR STOKELY'S FANCY g tion, t X in rt A oF rT pg gg ST and choice of 10 flower fresh RC NIBLETS 14-0Z. HONEY 15-0Z. C as sweet pags avd set Vieties with colors i TINS road fe slogans on em OO a ner awl] SINGLE BED SIZE 12.50 each BRAND CORN POD PEAS TINS rranged fil shows at suck parties. Says an official: "The| DOUBLE BED SIZE ......... 14.50 each requests for these shows are so Samarons Jot Ye have to turn (end 8 other Kenwood blanket styles to ehoose from) | BEST BUY--SAVE 6c CASH BEST BUY SAVE 13¢ CASH own many of them. a -- . STOKELY'S BIRDSEYE FROZEN Chri | Chenille Bedspreads TOMAT : Cc ristmas ERI ATO JUICE ORANGE JUICE i B.. cotton back makes this self-color strip bed- Cards Out FW 54 spread a finer than usual eppearing cover a 2 Edges finished with 3 inch eotton fringe GF | By Soin | masses FEATURE SAVE i H 5 Cie OX rose, pink, beige and ¢acoe : RE NOLDS WRAP eR oui: seo sie ICE BOX . ' pm | MRNQRNILLA . wa © ALUMINUM FOIL ; L al n (Eng.) . Correspondent | LONDON industrial | B d d D S y LIVES firms are more and more cut eas reg rape ets ! Mila o ® " A LA f= ow B on Sie pracijce of send ! gp. be P br Cll lly (bh Th rE bh ness associates and customers prisingly low price is what yo po = * > ¢ The latest firm in London to join got wih these Chiomspun Taf 4 or a the list of those who have sent Choice Rr tade Seta, 1 ( ¥ : gcd La ep tiiy Loa apie Re a 3 ay, Zi. Hi FEATURE SAVE 4c CASH ping. 1 has announced that the IR les; and eS Sine Lo REOTT @ TT LIBBY'S FANCY practice of sending cards "hasi] double bed size, and drape: Hamme s® er Hy, A 28.02 lost much of its original charac are about 24" x 84 gq Me Ean! oy 8 € ter and become almost a matter Complete with detachable hook y ord TINS of routine." The list of firms following the CRE Bre cll A LEE same course is impressive. Rolls ww x i dé FEATURE SAVE 6¢ CASH Royce and the Ford Motor nr es 3 3 Ne SEY, LIBBY'S Company in the automotive Td RT 25-07. field, have discontinued the prac- : £ : eimai All Wool Motor Rugs! MINCEMEAT "43: \e sil Rani ords charter firms, and some of the large banks are" among other: who have fallen in line by elimi- Made from finest Botany wool in FEATURE SAVE 10¢ CASH nating the customary Christmas eye-catching Argyle check desi i ; chee signs greeting cards "4 These are light in weight but so GRIMSBY '« GIFTS TO CHARITIES > Vs very warm and cosy soft that they 48.02 Cc 4 JUMBO Cc These large firms, however > are hice for throws at home or JAR d are not really as chilly - hearted pr TZ 3 5 £0%Y 10.CQHY 10 SPOITS @YENt3 y ..s SIZE 11 's as might be imagined from the = Po bir ished with: self fringe and ossort. i 5 decision. They are donating to i = 3d. plaids Jo chooge from with pre- FEATURE AUNT MARY'S " DOZEN charities the money which they 4 ominent. colors of. ud, wine, would otherwise be spending on 2 2 z en, brown, grey er tan. Size Ch i { C kk 1-LB. 59c¢ 2-LB. 1 15 x ' risiimas vaxe . Christmas cards and postage ? flo x7 SIZE SIZE These decisions hy large firms a not to send out Christmas card NS Le] 98 Ocean Spray Government Inspected °° Ontario Waxed No. 1 Grade Yellow Cooking No. 1 Grade however, have not discouraged EACH " bd GOLDEN HOUR Fresh the manufacturers They recog or : nize that their hiz business come 7 . Boy € C E IES UR | from the average individuals and Sport Rugs I BOX not from companies Fe oe lik / it 1 Tw ame 6° 30 21s lie = an all-wool motor rug enclosed in zippered wool FANCY QUALITY NO PEANUTS SUPREME : PKG. LB, BAG Christ ards wil . the United Kin ey i s ir on leather carrying case Unzippered -- it's ar th 545 mi a 2 ts or motor rug and handy cushion a wonde f 1.18, compared with 545 million last | t t rt y - : Cc By, f {) BRR 2D JN IBED BR year. Of those. only 56 er cent] gid colors of bus, een ar ved. EACH +... SHB PKG. TT Cy I NAP La ar Sa 8 aha J AT CRS ad will come from industr trade » / Ie, green or re A and commerce Moreover for ANAAAAAANAAAAA, AAA THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT--SUPREME 1 FROZEN FOODS * every two firms which decide not Ee x - 8 fete Brim Vi | § "HUDSON'S BAY" BLANKETS § [| NYLONS """ "88° si» BRAND FOR XMAS a OR MOHAIR THROWS | ju SE"VE BIRDSEYE en wa, y i to ui are grand for gift giving see our displays II CHRISTIE'S 15-02. busine $s circles l for helpful suggestions 8.02 c STRAWBERRIES Pkg, 39¢ 1e qreeting card market. PANINI PPP PPP ~ I po ard mare ~ (I RITZ BISCUITS ne 2B Ways Only S.lev Years ago, Sto ne ond SWEET GREEN PEAS rig 22¢ eo Store Hours: ride iS ym" JUPREME SPICES -- SAGE OR ; annual total Last year, they ac-| 3 " » : RE 10-02. 2 c ET Th a POULTRY Seasoning 2 .. 25 = - BEANS eo which the Christmas card total g was. 545,000,000 y FRENCH FRIES yo. 39¢ -------------- gs. 4. SCENERY ids WARD SW f THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR LOU! (CE) Toe aewal vena fon SPROULE'S ~~ MCKENNA'S SPROULE'S K Biffiee and rt bis ol day SIMCOE AT ATHOL RA 5-115 I CORNEP SUPERMARKET CORNER KINGSWAY BROWN'S MAPLE GROVE island. | i KING AT RITSON 948 SIMCOE ST. N SIMCOE AT MILL KING ST. EAST BROOKLIN MAPLE GROVE, ONT.

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