WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY ~ 4 N One why a person can greatly Variable cloudiness tonight and lessen his chances of being kill Friday; little change im temp- ed in an atomic attack is to : eratures, winds light tonight, make a practice of driving a car : y northwest Friday. at very high speeds, Vol. 88--No. 293 (ores, Not Over OSHAWA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, -959 Foie Mg Te i Rogar THIRTY-TWO PAGES $1500000 IZ ou Education Blaze Hits [iF pio vw 'Kitchener | <8 Minister KITCHENER 8 fire in this city's history sweptiLiberal member i | three downtown business build-|for Waterloo North 4 : lings. Wednesuay Nighi OV | BANK THREATENED 1 t |Ine prol gy 3 On the west side of the Janzen| ; i ? Business firms today estin . A | i lace at. $1 500.60 building, the flames jumped| their total loss ai $1 0008, am|35T08 the roof of a building for- : Ol as C8 merly occupied by the Toronto-| f ; Ai { / «om| Dominion bank and another oc- ? hi TORONTO (CP) -- John P. sg» 7 I and received his first-class teache foug he|Cubied by Jack Fraser Men's a : ' Robarts, 42. Progressive Cor : er's certificate at Hamilton Nore hours a Wear. The blaze 3lso; hirestensd i ; : iq |se e member of the legis 4 pi mal School. spreading to other|2n F.W. Woolworth store next| &£ = 3 J 4 lature for London North, today Gi He later was principal of a King Street block, |900F to Zellers. ois ay '4 | was named Minister of education ; Tavistock public and continua . m city hall The fronts of nearby buildings 2 for Ontario i : tion schools and of Peterbor: stores occupied byl. ore hosed down and firemen) f » : : ? | Premier Frost made the an 2 A ough's King Edward and Queen ¢ Loblaw Groceterias, Metropolitan said mild weather and lack of aj Pi {nouncement following a cabinet a # Alexandra schools. He founded i ; : high wind saved the area from § meeting--less than 24 hours after 3 and was first president of the greater damage. t. : "iy he announced the resignation of CN Canadian Association for Adult offices / Many tenants of the business a : : ; Dr. William J. Dunlop from the Education. 0 5 offices lost decades 2 Fetonds. 4 post because of ill health 4 TIREMENT " ou Some locked them in their vaults i 8 ; Intetays OUT OF RE ww FORCED eT es to fire- at the first alarm but the safe-| ¥ a : He became minister and was ¢ but no one 2uard proved useless. Included : 4 1 with John H. H. Root "progres- elected in the Toronto riding of 100 people Were dentists, lawyers, contrac-|§ ? yo sive Conservative member for Eglinton in 1951, coming out of the stores| tors, architects and realtors. 4 Wellington-Dufferin. Mr. Dunlop retirement at the request of Pre- t alarm Offices in the Janzen Building 4 ? : Hize qaroed to accept a minister- 2 mier Frost after 40 years with 13 iscleded the Motor Liceyce Sor fo a Ie 4 without-portfolio post. the University of Saou, 31 as { AON eau with its stock of plates | wa ; : | Th ing-in: cel irector of extension cv HIS 11TH BRIDE Hye Chi Tcenes. I li bosch ths ANY PIERINO is bid by | General Hosltsl. No same | THE sveaing:n ceremony was a ii a 1 to the air and Kitchener Music Society Hall and| Nurse Mrs. D. Simmons after | for the baby has been given. | ~ Mackay in the vice - regal 5 | He sald in an interview that baseballs burst, Several union offices. emergency birth at the Oshawa | --Oshawa Times Photo |suite at Queen's Park. Present Ti a has tried 3 aus Sufe pat : | 3 fr 1 { : were Mrs. Robarts and fellow all young people in Ontario Erdieh 2. 5 5 Sugpanus | oR 2 Danonh.oif dauginet, Poli lear n- . | {cabinet ministers. H. A. Stewart, ; an equal opportunity for educa- she will be his 11th wife. Man- | three years ago from Heiden. [tire block of y 5 Swope Emer enc clerk of the executive councll, i tion, fegandiess of Whetiger they ville, 65, met Christina while | heim in southwestern Germany the opposite side of the s | {read the oath of office. | iived in remo Sear or ig ur : , o A ey em re Na. | were closed, trolley buses | Mr, Dunlop, still suffering from ban centres. ¥ she was working as a waitress --AP Wirephoto rerouted and power in the area ' | - the illness that forced his resig-, W. J. DUNLOP "1 have been fortunate to be | Birth Case nation, was present at the cere-| i ae surrounded by a group of level | Tommy Manville, the marrying in nearby White Plains, N.Y. millionajre, embraces Christina | Christina, a divorcee and moth- {was shut off A |monv to wish Mr. Robarts best] {and brilliant men and women ig [ The fire started in the base. 4 : (involved in several controversies U 1t Mi iment of Loblaw's, which occu | wishes in his new post. favo a Te Fed the department of education," he ( | {pled half the ground floor of the I 1 T1S i PAYS TRIBUTE |eration. He opposed "frills" in|S3d: nl 1S] ners {Janzen Building--owned by Jan- | n S awa Premier Frost presented the|school buildings and was ert], Brosmtes Prat sad the Sued: |zen Realty Company whose sec- i 2 ! |new minister to the lieutenant-|cized for his opinion that the t epattment. 4 athjevad ® {retary is Elizabeth Janzen, for-! TUNIS (AP)---President Figen jreliels and gives them bases on a, | governor and paid tribute to Mr. little red school house could still|Sr®at Te ys +l. DUBOP . {mer national president of theihower and Tunisian President| Tunisian soil to carry on their) An Italian immigrant woman.|p oe hi one service. |give the best educational service last four years school ay o1in {Women's Progressive Conserva- Habib Bourguiba today agreed five-year-old war with France.iMrs. Maria Pierino, was rushed| «This great old warrior will be|in rural areas. Sante ave duutled, to $150,000, {tive Association {that the continuation of the {This h: strai relati i | " : ic fight! , | It was the second time in 25 gerian nationalist rebellion "con [France Which Disorbrrey Bi fhe Oflairs Gepural a tras = ir Toy hE po; Attended 3 url Scho) Svvesiiion Later Jolin Wises OTTAWA (CP)--John L. Lewis'|volved. i .|years that the building had been stitutes a source of grave preoc- hi y i iy '® Sve R y Sin aad * 7 7|Durham in the Owen Soun s- meyer also p: tribul A 0! volved. The UMW, # was ex-|year gr P! next on his 22,000-mile goodwill {Frost said. trict where he was born and|Dunlop, saying he "has devoted impending resignation as boss of pected, would have to make the damaged by fire. A $125,000 fire cupations." tour. jmorning | He said of Mr. Robarts: "This|, i shools i y i ; the United Mine Workers of first overtures. swept the building on Good Fri-| A Tunisian government com-| Problems of- unity,| Mrs. Pierino and her husband,|is a young man but he has al-|aler studied at schools in Stay-|his life to the cause of education P s of Western unity, young ner, Collingwood and Clinton. He|Ontario, including the difficult America raises the possibility of Officers of the UMW in the day in 1934, injuring six firemen. munique issued an hour after|African unrest and U. S | Dimuscio, neither of whom k|ready taken his part in' the .par-| ~~ Toivered the independent UMW joining the/Maritimes and the West -- en-| Eisenhower sailed for France|nom p: A wre LiCCo- L1IUSCIP: Om SDEa fi [i> mentary life of the province," Eraduated from the University of|and contentious . position' of 'min i i i AGS WERE HOT " homic aid to Tunisia were othersi English, were -en route to Toron- €anadian Labor Congress. |gaged strictly in coal mining ¥ dh i Kl knecht. a Lob said the two presidents "'exam-ipnoy ant up. ' | Four years ago Lewis abruptly/are reported here to favor a ti Miss alice ee {ined the situation created by thel ",, presidents talked - at| i . w cashier, discovered the blaze jee pb "» " : : | " steered nion t of the/in with the congress. It is not '8% hier, a difficulties in Algeria" and *'de- Sia immigrants {dont 'would be useful in his new| pire By Min of Labor, one{kiown here how the Canadian When she picked up some Paper cided that the absence of a solu-[ihe palace more than two hours. Dr. Edward H. Onlp, who was|Tole "for one of the pressing int the. UMW's. caich-|Dags from ihe floor and was ion until this day constitutes g|They Wound up the discussion at --F- Di * | problems of the future will be the| . our es 8. . He said Mr, Robarts' exper- to from Montreal with & group of|jence in municipal polities in Lon- ome and Queen's University'ister of education." oF congress. ony Canadian 2 et 50 would look on the Startled by hele warmin. hie source of grave 1:20 a. m., then drove to a U.S.|called to deliver the child, said|icidence of educational taxation| Mineworkers officials regreited idea. (Pagement Sis laa ex boy "They have decided that the|™ SY oar Wier ie both mother and child were doing in the area of municipal affairs." yi n od tha | WANTED BACKING | Harold Mann, assistant man- Realinatin = Seif determination placing ceremony. : well. He described the delivery atl SERVED ON COMMITTEE | 3 ' ow. Lewis has announc ti While it never has been an-| ager, eleared the store and oceu-|;" no For" Hcy important| E! Aouina airport, six miles 11.17 am. as "quite normal". | since his election to the On| Il an osure Mr, Pierino had to leave his tario legislature in the general \ negotiations today ia he is/ quitting early in the new|pg, ™ nly | pants i e me i year as he approaches 80 years, | on ony NY suddenly Jane 3 yinces above moved 1240] events of our era. from the palace, was the point wits aad ii Ah Toe tralia f 1951. Mr. Robarts! and his resignation poses the information developing "since "Customers were also cleared! They accepted favorably the|of departure tor Fisenhower ze to T : a : . Hoi Prgenid ralFan of the elect MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Threr|'o question of a possible. hookup be-'then has been to the effect tht from the Metropolitan sto re/possibility from now on offered)iurn by helicopter to the cruiser pil pronto where 1¢ was ml hyjuas itte highwa: finance "ederal judges today weighed |Chicago for: the first. time since tween the Canadian sections of Washington fieadquacicrs of the which oceuviod to other halr of by the establishment of relations| Des Moines, in Tunis Bay three rien s. as 3008 3 he 3rHived jcomm! i? Ol RE he Arguments over whether Minne [Jct. 29 im a contract dispute. hie union and the 1,100,000-mem-| UMW under Lewis came to the the ground floor, but those in the and the Joconversion of former (miles off Carthage, er e notified ie lends); s served as a member of the Sota Governor Orville Freeman|largely centred on working ber congress. leonclusion that District 50 w nE door Zeller's store kept J ations Walle Ste now based Ohl LA. STowd estimated at. more|3ne If mmetiaisly tor Oshawa 2% ri Water Resources Com.|P°%ed to mob rule or. acted fc/hours. [not Seiting 'enough "protection" rh be pi - hd iid ho a he common attachment to the/than 200,000, including swarthy to join his wife. Be ri 3 5 |avoid bloodshed when he closed] The panel of judges gave no KENNEDY KEY MAN In hot Shien 1 Foss Jo 2 building -- ee fundamental principles of rightsimen in thick burnooses and| Dr. Culp said it was fortimate! Born " Yon 1. 1917 at Banff |2 strike-forn meatpacking plant|indication when a ruling would Much would depend on the at-| District, 50 had been--and has wisps of smoke . and digaity of ian. ed|oponen in white robes, clapped, that the woman was removed|ajra' Mr. Robarts was educated|!2st Week. be made an the Wilson petition. Stade of Thomas Rem dy. wis ict, N--ar as | wisps of s , Thousands of Tunisians cheer cheered and waved U. S. and from the train as the birth occur at the University of West On-| * Pounding the table, Freeman will automatically succeed Lewis bec sitios engaged in yrisdie| They Seared oul ey the the United States president on his Tunisian 'flags as the presidents|red within minutes of her admit-|f; the Te > Sd Hal Hel The. nob: waniel the Plant] 4 tended his_sction to close the tional disputes with other unions. smoke thickened within an hour, arrival at the sea-coast suburb of drove by in an open car [tance to the hocpital and' would! oc. r sgoode he closed; they (Freeman and co- olant after three days of rock car-upseiting violence Tear - oi Kennedy is fig 1 uy international board however, and flames from the La Marsa for a three-hour visit) [otherwise have certainly served fom J%0S 5 Py fieuten | defendants) have respected the I a ashingion in early 1955 Janzen Building ate through the with Habib Bourguiba, proWest {curred on the train where com-|was elected an alderman in the a Weanea|D Abert Lea. The Mant, wag 'COMMUNISTS IN [plications could have set in. City of London, the same year|day, seeking an injunction to re. Shut down after Freeman called { |day, Congress officers are believed quietly stopped paying per ¢ a adjoining wall and swept info the|srn president of The couple, who eame to Can-|20ing to the Ontario House. lopen the firm's plant at Albert|out the National Guard and put B be receptive to bringing in the dues to the Canadian congress. store French protectorate Mineworkers, though some juris- Eventually the congress regret-| The Zeller Building is owned ¢ t ound Flee dictional problems would be in- fully had to drop the union by sti ling Realty, heated by piludreds of buses usj trucks BAD COMPANY (ada on the SS Homeric landed| a 2lmost well again," D¥.|10a, Minn, [he i i wg ane - hail the pair when they emerged nooo" "«. |In Halifax two days ago. The UNoP said Wednesday, "imi MY «people are today living that| reps wi rainy nara "aw. for Eisenhower's departure. Be oo, ORONIO (CP) -- Sam |baby is their first child doctors have sald I should not| Li Coat Sead." Free- 'If we turned out everybody cause Eisenhower was not sched-| oon. chairman of the Ca- | CNR officials stated that the|'macrtake the heavy work of the| "2 ood ag he fought to keep|™. OUF, 8uard, we could not be cause Lisen : nadian Communist Party, told : y wifi 'at M€| department any more." {ian argued. 2s he longht €€P|sure there would not be blood- S ® uled to enter this Tunisian cap-| o day: why 1 A |train was five hours behind sched- | {the plant. closed. ife." G a la d la 1 © jital city itself the motto of the biting Big } angel {ule due to heavy loading of IN CONTROVERSY | Against this backdrop, Wis iki ue o fad. a ] | i } } } day was, Tunis will come to| gressive Party |freight and express at way sta- _ Dr. Dunlop, who started teach-|and the striking United Packing price to pay. I recognize mob rule BI aull . Freudh rebellion tu) Asked "Coviroller William - Hens: ing in a country school, has beenjhouse Workers of America were cannot be tolerated, but hutnam |neietiong Algeria was high onl Dennison, "were there too | ------ CE ------ = [life is important." ht ® the agenda for the talks Eisen-| Mam parties calling them- 4 So | Donald Pratt, counsel for Wil- Dower and Bourguiba held after selves Progressive?" % : 4 4 ; son, said that in closing the plant 00 e 11 111 a lamb chop breakfast in the| . . c% We Were getting info | : the governor "'surrendered the white-walled, moorish - style pal- bad company said Mr. " : |whole force of the state of Minne- ace in La Marsa Walsh | {sota to accomplish. the objects of 3 Mr. Walsh led a delegation : a lawless mob." CHICAGO (AP)--Roger Touhy,(about it. I hope they get the at the Chicago Press Club in the PROVIDE BASES to board of control with a ; : "The defendants say that when a kingpin among the beer barons killer." Loop. | Tunisia sympathizes with the| brief! on disarmament and a these people who are at work are of the prohibition era. was slain . o low-cost housing. | : © 3 attacked by a mob, the law from ambush Wednesday night in| WAS IN RESTAURANT BLAMES BOOK ' : : : means that officials may meet typical gangland fashion Factor said he was in a north. Brennan, who hurried to the J | ; is : 3 : the situation by removing them The 61-year-old Touhy, paroled side Testaurant when he learned hospital where Touhy was tak : ane 1SS1ng . ae ; 4 A L % ' from their place of work, where from state prison only 23 days of the shooting told a reporter: "I wish I had nar 1 e Hy Sal 413 a the mob does not want them to ago -after serving nearly 26 years| Factor had sued Touhy and not written the stinking book. N Wi dso J é : 4 be. for a kidnapping he said he did others for 33.000 000 in connec- Roger would be alive today." He ear mn I a : ; : b They may Voter thelr Jvet not commit, was mowed down by|tion with publication of Touhy's did not amplify hi comment, 4 y com ng them wha six shotgun blasts by two assail. Piography, The Stolen Years. He| Touhy was sentenced to 99| epson oP IWip-suging Jupiter ; the mob wants them to do. These ants. |contended statements in the book years in prison for the 1933 kid- id was Man glri oo Fo 3 : J people do noi need the officials He died on the operating tapigh cued him napping of Factor. He also was|flight here from Mount Hope i. for that purpose." in St. Anne's Hospital after tell. In an ambulance on the way|8!Ve™ a 19-year sentence for aninear Hamilton, a distance of uccess u ; . Wilson has sot contested Free. ing police he did not know theito the hospital, Touhy told police- €Scape with sev other prison-iahout 200 air miles | 2 : lil ; man's right to declare martial assassins. Police said they had "Tl be all t, I'm OK." 2. He was recaptured Airport officials here said the| ¢ : y : : law or call out the guard--only no leads immediately However, he had lost much? e_Iohihs later ; oy } y : Ln the closing of the plant which the 0 g ou ouny contended throughout EX-SERGEANT WOUNDED blo 9g Jom 2 Faping prow in his long years of imprisonment Belle River on Seriously wounded in the shoot- Other pellets from the shotguns that the kidnapping A ' : A So ing was Touhy's companion, alwounded him in the right Yeg be. Is 158 Successtul Ame : ; : ; : The violence began last week retired police sergeant. He said jow the knee sie Ba ly [ an x : : Ha after Wilson hired won - union dg bet ied Jue of me shooting occurred shortly ost model of the army's ; J Tolowing The strike dat began the gunmen before he collapsed pi ASE Saory and provincial police as well as x. » fehl : | Touhy, known as The Terrible 1.29 10 p.m. and Touhy died at t now," he said, "isthe United States Coast Guard) ike - Zeus 'missile was fired at : : the White Sands missile ra i i in th peace and a chance to rest, to/from Trenton, Mich., wer Ir, / . a ge a during his gangland reign in the | ere con" New Mexico, but the second stage 1920s, was shot as he was about SHOWED BADGE start 2 new life." 'ducting ground searches. fled. Tt ird ¢ tL mt Ea : fo enter the home of his sister, Miller told police that one of é 4 Jailed 3 wae fae Sujre Tool the Lau Dany ; ; ste : poorieel ad Lo Thir Autos Mrs. Ethel Alesia the killers was tall and the sec to be armed with a nuclear war-| (iia +0 hh ¥ ; a : With him was Walter Miller, 0nd short, He said that as he »-d of head and to interce; oll mg x i wd bu : 4 a ; 5 , ercept and destroy|§ CELE : edi 4 . 62, a retired police sergeant and Touhy walked up the front steps | missiles aimed at th i Baga x : i ihe A d t a principal defence witness as Of the home where Touhy has States. le United shies ho on i ; : A n CCl en Touhy's trial for the kidnapping been living since his parole, two | : 7 vl i 2 i 5 of John (Jake the Py men 2ppedred Miller said he | Er SUNOURCED he Jur : : : 4 4 a aT a fr, 3 onetime conience man, owed, hem he eirsa pce Quebec Government Sends Reply hrs ong ee ie 1a od ire no eres of accidents ne me aie oer" ii OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minister Diefenbaker today re. [56t Up for less than half its i 5% on slippery highways in the : i : The blast of shotguns followeq.| Scived the Quebec government's reply to his alternative pro. [MZXIMum range of 1,500 miles. | : : : ; vl Metropolitan Toronto area today. a lives : Beverly Touhy sluraped otgun d owed posal to the provinces for. federal aid to universities. Sources |, The Juptler. which soon will| ? A " : In a morning rush hour pile-up oo ith a Ther porch. The wounded Miller pe! here said they understand Premier Sauve plans fo make his [be deployed with NATO troops in 2 oo ; Meg i #lon the Queen Elizabeth Way east en hy. Told ng St lfore firing at the fleeing snr. letter public. Meanwhile, there was no indication here whe |Italy and Turkey, has been tested lu s PER : 4 [of the city 30 cars were dam- rg a killed *h told ny men, fell on top of ri g Eun. ther Mr. Diefenbaker's proposal was acceptable. Hdd i Wistanges to prove > : i 3 5 ' aged. veg am Yer i he po Mrs. Alesia and her ti and D H H rer satitY. avelled about 1,000] a g ; > ai § Fodestian Pitte Derchal, », : Hepry, rushed to the porch bu emonstrators Greet Belgian King {miles to the vicinity of Puerto| | . : J leg wii ne Ry i c EMERGENCY {said they did not see the slayers. STANLEYVILLE, Belgian Congo (Reuters) -- Police (Rico, then turned around and Hn ; I Soe) Woy Te ITY Miller told police a third man| used tear gas today to break up a crowd of native demon- [came back for a smooth landing| # & & i A : I "The s possibly was with the got] strators who greeted the arrival of Belgian King Baudouin (at the cape. The 4% - hour| , Vis : bor Rio up. on the Queen Eliza PHONE NUMBERS |and probably was near their cap, With demands for independence. [trom was guided. all the way|& s Ri hii han mamma wi inion vi A A | tories a mn trying to lin a nearby parking lot in the) . : : : rom a ground station here. avoid a car in the wrong lane. CE RA 5.7135 quiet residential district Israeli Cabinet Wins Confidence Vote | This was the third time this WELL DONE AND HOW! Police Teported that within mins POLICE 5- | Touhy and Miller were ret JERUSALEM (AP)--Premier David Ben-Gurion' Hisslle: covered the same course. ark ; 3 utes "cars were piled up all over FIRE DEPT. RA 35-6574 ing home after visiting with tive. party coalition rove Ali or Be Sugions new The purpose of the flights is to! ; Turkey and trimmings were | day night. Caught by the cam- | and William Holland superin- [the place. 8nd or ve "El. BRA 9-00 {Brennan, a Sun-Times r das oR ion government won vote of confidence recover an instrumentation pack-| the treat at the annual Christ- | era, helping to slice up a tur- | tendent of the Os a General |y it § | r un-limes reporter, today, 78 to 32. Immediately after the vote, the new Is |age in th ieve| dinner for the st f | key ; k Co it ae Dshawa (xoneral |vehicles slithered into each other. ~ py {and - t with uhy rapli dh ' ge in the missle and to retrieve] mas dinner for the staff of the | key, are from left: Jack Coros, | Hospital 2 bloc! HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 |i, - ps ioe bi Bn ba oi ot which each member is pledged to support | the rocket for future launchings| Oshawa General Hospital in | hospital chef; Gordon Miles. | » : THe wast Bosh] Lane Nat eked fography, cisions of the majority, was sworn info office, as money-saving factor. | the hospital eafeteria Wednes- | treasurer of the hospital board, ~Oshawa Times Photo 'Emifed. ' b ~ : 1 a A y