The Oshawa Times, 17 Dec 1959, p. 9

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| drink essary. She sald . Susan Lukecz Wed a urn ai 'need tol] THE OSHAWA TIMES, take a very firm step in this re-| » : Sree To Steve Szalay gard. She also spoke on the ob- fg __|servance of mixed marriages giv-| Wry The marriage of Susan Lukecz jo an example of an English = CREDIT JEWELLE 4) : » en -- \ 1 oC -- Zz and Steve Szalay, both of Osh-lj,qy minister and a cultured awa, was solemnized in St. Greg-| Chinese christian = gentleman et tip ent unys Jina Catholic Churchirom an unchristian family and recently by the Rev. Enjem Bo-ihoy very successful their mar- day of Toronto. The bride is the| jaze has been. She said as 4 hog | : : daughter of Mr. and Mrs Steve| Christians all should be more 3 4 yo | Lukecz, Oshawa, and the bride- tolerant and be ready to give a > 1/7 / y | B groom i: the son of Mrs. GyOr-|lift to those in need. 4 i 7' , 8 : gyne Szalay of Hungary. A social half hour was enjoyed . Pl J 54 spot) 27 The bride was given in mar- over a cup of tea served by the ' : p / ' # ® PY riage by her father. She wore a members of group 1, Mrs. Earl bouffant gown of white net over|Follest's group. The January de- taffeta with a fitted lace bodice, yotional and refreshments will be | Queen Anne collar. A crown of Scott's group. NECKLACES AND styled with long sleeves and alin charge of group 2, Mrs. John " 4 / i i ; nylon petals held her embroider-| i / 8/4, / A ed, fingertip veil and she carried Er / ; , EARRINGS a cascade houauet of red roses LODGES AND : Gala arroy of sparkling and pink carnations. | J ? J 4 me jewellery sets , . . Warmly received at 2 She was attended by Miss Jane A > 4 Stark in a pale green ballerinal SOCIETIES : Clwistimos ies gown and Miss Shirley Star' In of \ Se, light blue lace and silk on slim/ * BETA SIGMA PHI { , 3 2 : lines. They wore has to ma! (Nu Phi Nu) | 7 diss thelr dresses and carried pink The December meeting of the a \ carnations Nu Phi Nu Chapter of Beta Sig-| 3 . Mr, Frank Nagy was best man ma Phi took the form of a N and Mr, John Szarka .ushered. Christmas party at the Cadillac | (o] INTEREST OR The witnesses were Mr. Andy Hotel on Tuesday evening. After i s Nagy and Mr. Frank Grof. {dinner Miss Lynn Schuermann CARRYING CHARGES # A reception was held at the showed films of her trip to Ger- Hungarian Club, Albany street. many and Miss Joan Starr also The bride's mother, greeting the showed films. The next meeting guests, wore grey-blue taffeta will be held at the home of Miss and a corsage of pink carnations. Linda Wilson, Glencairn street,| Ay | A : Later the couple left on a wed-| January 5, 1960 | 3 A ' ; + A re ding trip to Oftawa, the bride ere re . ! \ ' ' y yo The JARRINGS travelling in a winter white suit TREAT FOR PANDA Pa ; . I 4 AR g a aif she | want . . & Mr. and Mrs. Szalay are mak-| _ i | : v4 Rd ¢ 7 4 1 & i » Sr | eautiful Ear- 1 00 ing their home in Oshawa Dirty panda bears -- and it ; Y} ' Sf rings. Gift Boxed ¥# ur ee tein la won't be long before that Christ- Imas gift is grubby -- may be, | cleaned by rubbing dry corn mea! Golden Links Group gle the dirty part and thes : : {brushing out. If at doesn't) hristmas Meeting {prove satisfactory then open a {down the back, take out the stuff- The Christmas meeting of the io and wash with soap and Golden Links group of Albert ater Street United Church WA, was|---- held in the lower hall of the . church with a large attendance RE-USABLE DOILIES . The president, Mre. William Stal-| For the party season, poly- Christmas Hbrass presided thene lace doilles are a boon to 3: "fh 'e devotional was in charge of {po busy hostess. They look just f 3 of | " : 3 J CUFF LINK SETS Mrs. S. C. H. Atkinson} who pre-| F | : | : a nes and | : as pretty as real lace 0 we A set for every occasion, the sented the Christmas message in| 1 the form of a candlelighting cere-|are very practical too. With a " : rfect gift for the man on your mony. She was assisted by Mrs. flick of a damp cloth they are by . } v ot "Vor Come in ond choose william Graham at the piano|ready for the next party. ' and Mrs. Lawson Parks, Mrs. s ay Earl Follest, Mrs. M. E. Turner| Dominion read a message of Christian fel- Pa alt a aol Giri th oh ' ift them with our and Mrs. Frank Sullivan each] read a message of Christian fel FOR CHRISTMAS % top quality lugg- lowship and when lighting the] 7 lo 3 + + €0%y fo candle Mrs. Graham and sang] FUR | T rry, easy to look The Holy City coke. sure to A short business meeting fol-| 84 VISIT please, lowed and business of the year| » OPEN AN was brought up to date. The se- Fashion ACCOUNT cret pal banquet was discussed . and set for December 29, at 6.30. 5 ur FEE . 4 i Birthday Greetings were sung to " 1 \ Mrs. Roy Cdérbman. SRA . > > The guest speaker, Miss Milli "FUR- SALON" i J 0r d ¢ S \ : Gift Worthy eent Luke, spoke on Christmas| 26 SIMCOE ST. §. Use Your Credit v9] RINGS meaning and stressed that as| go For Men and Women Christians at this season, total ere It Costs No More Ss Joey Chr amastionn five her 3 Birthstones, Initials, Onyx, abstainance from intoxicating! i and many, many more A -- dreams 0 enduring happiness together 150.00 | , 80 good for Christmas 'give All-Transistor - ous 7 brilliant B Pind Diaoand. ns. 19.95 . Pocket-Size . - Naw 8 She longs for a beautiful diamond 3 1.00 HOLDS th b RADIO WLR . « « from you. And when it's a e est f A Biuebird, she knows it's a fuarontesd Trans-Redie | . 2X )) perfect gem! (Registered) From ' and insured free Becutifully styled in the finest i y - )) too.) quality top-grain leatherette. Nn \ 'N ih Rich tone, room-filling volume. " Transistors guranteed for life, Pay As 1 A Little os Week DISHES WILL COME J N d : . Por Christmas, put new beauty & ' a en your toble . . . Service for - py 46 "4.8 aw from | A At BURNS . . . You'll find Fa ee | ai) o. the world's most famous ot prices to fit every budget. Mere It a gift that is a con- stant reminder of the feeling behind the gift, Waterproof® and self. J § 4 winding, tool A sports : i Top Quality watch handsome : Mens Leather enough for any occa. sion. 17 jewels, Self-winding, $50.90 water, dust and shock resistant, chrome top, ps 39 1] Jewels Each $35-00 Shown above is the glomorovs MADGE bodies wolch a 17 jewelled wolch In on exciting yellow cose, and the BAXTER for men with 17 Jewels, sweep second hand, flow watet-tite cose and match ! A wail lls coe oN ii i CANADIAN GIRL Sore Watches not exactly as DOWN-$1 'WEEKLY d Aaeiege Set ih a illustrated PAY 3) | % eautitully sculptured bracelet. Dover's have a wonderful selection of this year's most wanted gift for men Christmas Gift Headquarters Where You Can Get More SHAGGIES 1] A on Credit tho fo Cosh Em = | Kodak, Keystone BULKIES I Ba E i a (gn TIMBER, Oc IE Ws : y y RIB KNITS : Ue Give "Him" An ol cone 9 =o | Yashica and Mansfield CREW NECK ie 4 : : BORE NECK Or Ht a Pa ELECTRIC : o 3 f MOVIE AND STILL CAMERAS \ i J Complete assortment of photographic accessories V NECK ri RAZOR and supplies. CARDIGANS "he deserves A wide selection of Razors that Sets from . 4 COMOS the Finest as will leave your face feelin ry clean . say good-bye to g VESTS a t ] GHA: d o'clock shadows forever. . A ANNAN ; atl ima Toca on SES RE gl Bulova CREDIT JEWELLERS LIMITED IN WOOLS ORLONS AND BANLONS Featuring the newest Olive and Gold shades. Schick Remington Sunbeam \ Philishave Specials 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022 BOYS, | % Open Evenings Till 9 p.m. CLOTHES THAT ARE DIFFERENT FOR MEN AND | From 19. 5 ;

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