INFORMAL MOMENTS AT THE MOTORAMA A happy chance brought to- gether two outstanding person- alities of the Motorama, +'Colonel R. §S. McLaughlin, chairman of the board of Gen- eral Motors of Canada and Sally Ann Howes, star of the Pageant show. This the unending started its of Progress informal was taken following a minute rehearsal stage picture last- Biggest Party of the Year Hel 'For Opening of GM Motorama | |Collacutt, Mr, and Mrs. Cyri , The preview and formal open-|and Mrs. C. Churchill Mann; ing of General Motors Motorama Judge F. J. McRae and Mrs. Mc- the Automotive Building of Rae, Mr. tn and Mrs. P. H. Me- the Canadian National Exhibition Namara, Mrs. M. E. McEachren, was. attended by some 4000 Mr, and Mrs. F, W. Nicks, Mr. and before | line of guests progression along the receiving line, In the sec- 1 {eral ] i | Lovell Joiner Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 28, 1959 7 The cafeteria of Oshawa Gen- Hospital, gaily decorate! with holly and cedar, made ar excellent setting for the Festiva' of Gifts bazaar, arranged by the {Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. C. D. Russell, president, introduced Mrs. G. D. Conant who officially |opened the bazaar. | Under the general convener, Mrs. A. P, Fulton, the many weeks of planning resulted in the different tables being well-stock- ed and most attractive, The home baking table was convened by Mrs. M. L. Morris and Mrs, D, A. Jamieson, assisted by Mrs, Claire Elliott, Mrs. F. I. Gibson, Mrs. W. C. Ristow, Mrs. J, A. Marshall, Mrs. 8. C, Larmer, Mrs, J, D., Smart, Mrs, E. A. , Mrs. 8. J. Taylor. At the apron table were con- ; \venér Mrs, R. W, Bassett, assist- i lod by Mrs, Peter Simpson, Mrs. 4 Harry Taylor, Mrs, A. E, John- ! son, Mrs. H. O. Perry. The treas- ure tale, convened by Mrs, W. Armstrong, had as helpers : Mrs. Alex Ross, Mrs. W. W, Bald- | Sunshine Group Names Officers eon | Bt Christmas Supper Meeting reflects the pleasure everyone found in viewing the Cadillac used by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on this year's royal tour. --General Motors Photos The November meeting of the |of the nominating committee, re- sunshine group of the WA of Sim-|ported on the slate of new offi coe Street United Church wac|cers for the coming year. Mr. (held on Monday, November 23,| Moffat installed the new execu- vith the president, Mrs, Stanley tive: president, Mrs. Stanley Sar- Sargeant, presiding. The meeting was preceded by a Mrs. John Reid, Mr. and Mrs. 1lzer; vice- X s a, as 22 Ja on tables gaily Bees ted with|Perry; tre nie S, MI. ans MES a 3 |Christmas candles and floral ar-|i"oreman; grou caders, Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. J. rangements. Mrs. Robert Smith | Byron Worden, Mrs. Jack Mur- Grisdley, Mr. 220 Mrs. i and her group were thanked for|doch, Mrs. Roy Morris {Schofield [their effort in making this dinner| A gpecial high | ; . J. G. Gelkie, Mr, 50 enjoyable. ning was a dis; a re Selle and| At the opening of the business|decorations a Mrs. A. C. Morison, Mr. and|portion of the meeting, Mrs. ; Mrs. William Lloyc¢ DITIS. ht of the eve- ay of Christmas a argot, ormative A. OGH Auxiliary Gift Festival Results in Splendid Success A Christmas cake was won by Mirs. Reg. Pinder, Mary street, while Mrs, S. J. Hennick was the winner of a shopping 'bag. Afternoon tea was served and Mrs, Gordon Conant, Mrs. H. A. Washington, Mrs. F, J. Rundle and Mrs, T, L, Wilson poured tea at a lace covered tale centered with an arrangement of red and white small chrysanthemums, Mrs. 8. J. Nobin convened the tea room assisted by Mrs. N. C. Felt, Mrs. 8. A, Bone, Mrs. Wm, Bone, Mrs, N. C. Fraser, Mr Leo Gray, Mrs, Stewart Alger, Mrs. R. K. Miller, Mrs. Davi Beath, Mrs, Fred Fraser, Mrs. Harold Tonkins, Mrs, Clifford Paul Mrs. C vartz, Mrs. S. J. Hennick, es Eder, Miss Vera Moyse, Miss Marion Felt and {Miss May Storie. Mrs, B. {James acted as treasurer. | Mrs, Grant McInfosh was re- sponsible for the decorations, as |sisted by Jordan's Florists. | A clown wall hanging made and donated to the bazaar by i Mrs. Clifford McColm of Ottawa, | 4 |win, Mrs. E. L, Chant and Mrs.|dayghter of Mrs. J. Carnwith of | [R. 8. Neshitt. Mrs. C. W. Elliott prooklin, is being drawn for "at| Cousins, Mrs, J. G. Dancey, Mrs, (§ Posing for her picture is Susan Sophia, daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, | Drew street. Susan is two and a half years old. She is the anddaughter of Mrs, George hell, Porquis, Ontario. Photo by Horsby | convened the knitted goods with|the December meeting of the] Mrs, J. McCansh, Mrs. C. Camp-| auxiliary, which has been moved | {bell, Mrs. Roy White and Mrs. |J. L, Beaton. At the doll table were Mrs, J. G, Cartgr, Mrs, P. D. Thompson, and Mrs. A Austin, Mrs. Max Crozier who con- (vened the tickets for the draw [for the three beautiful dolls |donated by Mrs. Hayden Mac- forward a week to December 14 |from the regular date. All mem- bers were asked to kindly note {charge of tickets for the wall {hanging is Mrs. D, J. Rundle, Mrs. J. Lovell, Mrs. W. G. Grant and Mrs. G. B. Daugherty. Evening group members were | | The members of the Federa- E.|thig change, The committee inition des Femmes Canadiennés |Francaises held their annual | bazaar in Columbus Hall on Wed |nesday, November 25 and it was most successful both socially ane | finanetally, The card party in the |donald, had as an assistant Mrs./most helpful under the convener-| evening was also well patronized. |Gordon Miles, 'During the after- Hess, 111 Lauder road; and Mis :| Inga Trottner, 290 Mary street. had Mrs, M, Powell, Mrs, | CLUB CALENDAR al MONDAY Pleasant Mon, Aft. Club ship of Mrs. E. G. Suarez. Mrs. feant; past president, Mrs J30Y | noon the draw was made and the[D. A. Campbell, Mrs. William Christmas buffet supper served Bakker; secretary "Mrs "Philip qolls Were Won by Mollie Jollow, | Wells, Mrs, T. D. Greer and Mrs, dry i" sh Smoot bh Vadis 112 Cromwell avenue; Mrs. El'en|G, A. Rundle assisted at the bake table. A table of Christmas items Lunn, Mrs. James MacDonald, |Mrs. R, Murphy, Mrs. R. Werner land Mrs. N. C. Briggs. Mrs. D. |Sager and Mrs. James McLean {were at. the sewing table, Mrs Mortimer Brown assisted with Mrs, Hugh Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs, |Sargeant warmly welcomed they the doll . tickets and Mrs. guests of the cvening, Mrs. Rob- The Reverend N. J. Gignac, pastor of St. Mary of the People Roman Catholic Church, made lan appropriate opening address. |The booths and tea tables were R | beautifully decorated in red and |green with suitable flowers and (plants. Under the capable man- agement of Mrs, John Cardinal land Mrs, Alcide Leclerc, the |drat for the pretty hand-made J.|auilt was an important factor in the satisfactory results of the French-Canadian Women's Club Holds Well Patronized Bazaar Quenneville and Mrs. Ray Blane chard; wheel of fortune, Mrs, J. F. Vincent, Fish pond, Mrs, Alfred Scheigenflug and Mrs. Armand Paquette. The hostesses during the after noon were Mrs. Howard Gimblett and Mrs. Lucien Chamberland, assisted y Mrs, C. J. Rowe and Mrs, W. Martel, At the evening party, Mr. Heber Rochette was the winner of the uit. Arrangements for he ca games and refresh. ments were made by Mesdames: Howard Gimblett, Lucien Chame berland and Edgar Michaud. The record player was kindly loaned by Miss Teresa Bois. Mr [F, E, Conlin, Mr, and Mrs. Ro; talk and beauti igements pugs Me. c Day, Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy Ste. ert Holden and the Reverend and|gave many new ideas for home TURSDAY McLaughlin H-8 Mr. | vens, Mr. and Mrs. F, N. Mo. Mrs. J. K. Moffat. Mrs. Alle nidecorations this Christmas. Ree WA and | Callum, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Me. |Wilson, 8 new member, was also| The speaker was introduced by| Dr. C. F. Cannon H-S Gibbon, Mr, and Mrs, T. M,|We'comec. Mrs. Jelle Bakker and thanked| Queen Elizabeth H-S Mr (Moore. Mrs. George Pearce, assisted, wjss Margaret Haines. TOPS Club Lovell and Mrs. E, Kahn sold| tickets for the wall hanging, | while Mrs. J. Jenkins was at the knitted goods table, Mrs. Gordon|vener of the bazaar, Curley, president of the evening hooths were in the group also gave valued assistance, Mrs. Lucien Chamberland and Mrs. Lucien Vezina were in charge of publicity for both events, HUYCK"S Hair Styling Studie Welcomes BEN ABRAMOFF (Hair Stylist) TO THEIR STAFF For that new coiffure hair style during the yuletide season, Ben invites you and all his friends to visit him at this new location, 8% SIMCOE ST. NORTH guests Thursday with a great and Mrs. Norman Urquhart, many from Oshawa, St. Cathar- and Mrs. O. D. Vaughan, ines, Hamilton and London, On-'and Mrs, Edgar G. Burton, tario. and Mrs. Allan Burton, Mr. | The vast building was trans- Mrs. William McCutcheon, formed by the magic of mirrors, and Mrs. A, A, Lamport, Mr. day. Mrs. F. J. Fraser was the con- and the ble hands of the following: knitting, Mrs. Gilbert Bois and Mrs. Alclde Le- clerc; sewing, Mrs. I. H, Gilbert and Mrs. R. R. Lacroix; fancy work and Christmas cards, Mrs. V. St. Pierre, Mrs, James Le- blanc and Mrs. James Duguay. Home cooking, Mrs. Leo Bour- dages and Mrs. Paul Rochefort; white elephants, * Mrs, Leo Group Hears Talk On Formosa At Thankoffering The Fall Thank-offering meet- ing of the Arvilla McGregor Aux- illary of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the west hall of the church with the president, Miss Grace Kennedy, presiding. The meeting opened with devo- the glad tidings and try to teach better ways of living, Miss Hermanson's slides told vividly of her work and its prob- lems. During the meeting Mrs. Neil McDonald, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Joseph Kerr, sang two solos, Mrs. Robert McConnell ex- pressed thanks to the speaker |and the Reverend R. B. Milroy closed the meeting with the bene- diction. PHONE RA 3-2921 od A I THURSDAY 12th Scout Mothers' Aux. 50-50 Club Sunbeam Chapter, OES St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles' Club Pilot Club Calvary Baptist WMS Simcoe Street WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild St. George's Aft. WA Challenger Group King Street WMS FRIDAY Christ Church Aft. Aux. Simcoe St. WA (Group 3) The Fabric Doctor "What About Food Stains On My Party Dress?" --Miss C.R.T. Dear Miss C.R.T.2 Food stains on q@ party frock so often oceur on holi- days and weekends when it is impossible to contact your drycleaner, to be presentable, you must do something your~ self. used to bleach a stain on col- ored fabrics unless you are certain the fabric is color-fast to it. Do not use it on silks or wools, Do not use soap on beverage, fruit or nut stains, Heat opplied later may "'set" the alkali in the soap. Do not press stained fabrics, Heat of pressing may 'set' the stain permanently. Remove all stains as quickly as possible. Application of cool water, quickly, Is the best emergency treatment for most stains, but not on silk, satin or taffeta. {CANADA'S LARGEST SELLING VITAMIN=: om OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY TILL 6 P.M. Stains on washable fabrics, of course, may be removed at home more easily than on drycleangble fabrics. Test water or drycleaning fluid on fabric samples before you try to remove the stain. Carbon tetrachloride, non-flammable, is toxic and must be applied in a well-ventilated place. A heavy concentrate of the fumes can cause death. Hy- drogen peroxide should not be Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following \ members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE {ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS HARWOOD CLEANERS, AJAX PICKWICK 'CLEANERS & DYERS MODERN DRY CLEANERS BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE » ALDSWORTH CLEANERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS | + Mrs, pt n a i 2 t 3 . 3 er enormous freeform lighting fix. Mrs. W. A. Wecker, Mr. and Alderman Walter Branch and (by Mrs. Keith Buchanan, led the) "you vonition of "The Night| SA Home League rt Charlton, Mr. and Mrs, period. bv. Mts. Rovert. § her| WCTU d acres of grey broadloom, |Mrs. C. S. Band, Mr. and Mrs. be h y Mrs. Robert Smith and her| mr" ir eS Y of dtini.|C. Q. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs, D, H,|George Charlton, Mr. and Mrs The minutes of the October group. Kinette Club |Jupp, Mr. and Mrs, J. G. God. E. F. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs, meeting were read by the secre. Ever Ready Class aries and guests were greeted) se, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Gold. Ralph Hinds, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. (tary, Mrs, Philip Perry, and the Centre St, (West Group) by 0 old E 5 Ms Be Iring, Dr. 'and Mrs. C. F. Cannon English, Mrs. G. D, Conant, Mr. |treasurer, Mrs. William Fore- GROUPS CLUBS St. George's Guild SA Oe Mr. BIL and Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Good-'and Mrs. A. G. Storie, Mr. and man, gave her report. , , Alice Jackson Aux. ars kn rham, all of Toronto. "rs. E, G, Storle, Mr, and Mrs.| 1t wag decided that the grou 9th Scout Mothers' Aux. Walker, president and general erham, all of Toronto. as ot the group S Victoria Lodge, LTB i rr 1 wr o C. Ewart McLaughlin, Mr, and 2 woolen clothing to) Ictoria Lodge, L} manager, General Motors of Can-| Noticed also were Mr. J. P a collect warm n_clolhing to) 11th Group Committee las Mr. v i e sf Duni-- Mrs. Harold Pierson, Mr, andi; + to Sandy Lake. Mrs Soup om ada; Mr. E. J. Umphrey, vice-|Anderson, president of Dun"s yi. Harry Dona'd, Mr. and youd Brown fis to head this CHEERFUL GIVERS Daughters of England resident and director of sales; i Th | os, Auieren; Pai Mes. J. A, Mitchell, Mr. and y 8! The ral GIVERS el Holy Cross WA And Mr. W. GC Cannon, presi- YK eofe' i pres on Mrs. T. H. Coppin, Mr, and M-s Nee Cheerful Givers group "of King| Onward Group ' hem a MEE Pts, or Ma. Arkell . Jack Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, T. T. I yo Rey Bunko reported Oh Street United ( hurch was held on| 1574 Scout Momiers' Aw. . and Mr. E, J. Bareau, presl-/A. C. Ashforth; president of the G7 93 # M-. the flower fund. Mrs. Hugh Mac-|3 hited Le vas hel tent of McKinnon Industries Ltd.,| Dominion Bank, and Mrs, Ach. | Wilson, Me_ and Mee, I 1 "w.|Leod reported on the successful | Wednesday, November 25, with WEDNESDAY St. Catharines. (forth; Mr. T. J. Emmert, presi.|Laughiin, Mr. anc ATs. FF isale of the WA cook books and/Mrs. A. W. Brown presiding. | Lend-A-Hand Club oe Ee The theme "Pageant of Pro-|dent Massey Harris Ferguson,|Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. James Hc yo" alance to date. The presi- The roll call and secretary's] Northminster WA DE gress", of the glittering stage|and Mrs. Emmert; Mr. C. A. Cansh. 3 ed the: WA any | Queen Mary Lodge show starring Sally Ann Howes|Smith, Ypsilanti, Michigan, sales Mr. and Mrs. F. V, Skinner, cp ion g pot luck supper and Mrs. Almond Brint- All Doubles' Club Miss Kennedy welcomed guests of "My Fair Lady" fame was manager Detroit Transmission. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. B. Shortt, Mr. 5 comper 9 at 6.00 o'clock recorted on the group's fi.| Rundle Park Aux. from Ashburn, St. John's Ukrain. equally applicable to the stylish- OUT-OF-TOWNERS land Mrs. A. T. Cain Mr. and olden. ehairman|Fances. Mrs. .Norman Wirsching| Jomen Teachers' Assr ian Churen, St. Paul's and the 1 i | Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Cobourg; Mr.| Mrs. Donald Holden, chairman| "0% Ho5: (WAFSCHING! Harmony WA Afternoon WMS and 'introduced IN clad Nomen Auaing te od Tag ig £01 frith William Davidson, Whitby; M feminder the ip of the regu-| 10th Group Committee the speaker, Miss Hildur Herman . Fine fabrics, luxurious Mr. a rs. E. T. Griffith, LAR r meeting of the WMS a y corm) paker, Mis ; Hour ang ie little hats compli-|Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Von R.|and Mrs. W. E. McKinstry, Mr. LODGES AND ine 4 Lo te Ya pe 2d Group Conniitiee son of Formosa. mented the lines and craftsman- Kaufman, Merritton; Mr. and and Ma Wakely, L tle, president of Oshawa Shalt Siren Mh 3 Aux. Miss Hermanson is on the staff ship of the gleaming automo- Mrs. Louls L. Lang, Waterloo; Wr. a Mre GW. Read, Mr, m Presbytery will be the speaker, of the WMS supported hospital at biles. Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. Needles, Kit- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Read, Mr. SOCIETIES 1 wee decided to. seid B Taipeh, Formosa, and told of her DS > 5 oxes A departure from the peren-land Captain and Mrs, Joseph Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Nobbin, Mr. q trips to th igi i nial blacks 8 oS the le of Jeffery, London, Ontario; Me. |and Mrs. S. J. Scammell, Mr. | REBEKAH LODGE NO. 8 Clarence Scott presented the wor- Eis to he. Shovijine ies in soft green, grey and beige tones Mrs, H. G. Hilton, Hamilton; and |and Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, Mr.| fpe regular meeting of a Re-|Ship service and took as her are calculated in walking hours with, here and there, a splash of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harrison, and Mrs. W. A. Woodcock, Mr. hekah Lodge No. 3 was held in the|theme "Christmas", telling the in mi anoranc sti- ee A ei » oo Windaor and Mrs Charles Gifford and od Wetted He story of four popular Chris not in miles. Ignorance, supersti olly red and vivi ue. Brocade Windsor. s .odge room on Wednesday, No-|® * popular Christmas noted beneath silver blu and represented by General Motors| Following the preview many| gigior Ann Holt, noble grand,|sInging of these carols. is i. Jaca LR autumn-haze mink. Sable and personnel and prominent citi- | groups formed parties for Shae presided assisted by vice grand,| Mrs. Lawrence Allen read the head-hunters, she said. f chinchilla stoles topped sophi-|zens. Glimpsed amid the anl-|ing 2 GE aes Im. Sister Elsie Crawford. |Christmas scripture. "Dear Little The Presbyterian Church of} sticated black sheath styles.!mated throng were Lt.-Col. 3nd 008, tae ove ht tig abarel| mhe minutes of last meeting |Stranger" and "0 Holy Night" Canada WMS supports: a fine Every lady received a corsage Mrs. M. C. Finley, Lt.-Col. R. B. an g [ete read and the vice grand|were sung by Mrs. Bruce Shar- J § and as these girls graduate and] Seen greeting friends was the ston, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Granik, GREY DAYS AHEAD | , side by Mrs. Clarence Scoft and as aan | Minister of Transport, the Hon- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay, Mr.| Grey looks like the coming | ct; vaS deciled 8 ave ae It was pried d is t ore | £0, back > her iy Nikages » orable John Yaremko and Mrs,|and Mrs. Clifford Mills, Mr. and color for spring according to ad-|lar meeting. "would be no me ng there} Oul in other Vi Ages ey cay BUY Honaranie MS. WE ie, vance fashion reperts. Try star Sister Annie Frost and her com her Mrs SA), Pecein Leopold Macaulay and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bastedo, grey eye shadow and see how mittee will have charge of the |and Mrs. E. J. Luke's groups ert Macaulay; Major GenerallMrs. Neil C. Fraser, Mr. and black, blue, almost any color, |eXt meeting, LAST DAY MARTEN'S 52nd . Take advantage of this . outstanding offer now fures, golden silken draperies Mrs. H. E. Langford, Mr. and|Mrs. Branth, Mr. and Mrs, Wil-|group in a Christmas devotional Before Christmas" was enacted] Christ Church WA, ort Were: I Moe Devine Sinclair and Mrs. Barry Ostrom. PARADE OF FASHION chener; Mr, and Mrs. C. E, Isard|and Mrs, Neil Hezzlewood. J work at the hospital and en field to the shut-ins next month, Mrs. tion and disease abound. These| suits and jewel tone velvets were] Oshawa and district was well many others vember 25. |carols, the group took part in the . 3 ible school in Tai i of roses. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. John- gave the sick list report. rard accompanied at the piano Bible schoo) Jo Teipeh for girly: 1 | i Macaulay, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Mr. T. K. Creighton, Mr. and dramatic it looks with grey, served refreshments TODAY! « « « and save SPECIAL "BUY" : FOR MEN! af : | | SUPER PLENAMINS i To 11 ive you 9 impor- "ZERO" NGS : B12, plus 13 vajuables COAT | minerals including | iron, with true liver GREAT BIG MONEY- SAVER! -- Warmly lined | concentrate in a single tablet. coats of rubberized *'Fui- jette" (rayon) at a special NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ECONOMY SIZE « 144 tablets savings price! Choice of navy ond grey. Sizes 36'to 46. Durable! Weather- proof! , . . Just right for now and colder weather, DNNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 -- Ql -- Values up to RELI Rexall BVTTNN CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 5 CRIT | 530 SIMCOE ST..S i NEA 55245] (NTT A GE STS. 75 King St. East STORES IN 7 Lg Opposite Hotel Genosha AND WHITBY PLAZA SHOPPING CENTRE HO 226 STEVENSON RD. § . SAH PHONE RA 3.2209 ZELLER'S LIMITED BOWMANVILLE