The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1959, p. 8

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Golden Jubilee Chapter Reports| | Show Many Projects Assisted |bilee Chapter, IODE, held their|by Mrs. Edward Disney, immi-| The members of Golden Ju- ed by Mrs. A. R. Garrett and won annual meeting on Monday, No- gration and citizenship convener. vember 23 at Adelaide House. |1t was decided iy ie Chapter The regent, Mrs. John Hough-|Once again sper ) help ton, presided. The secretary, Miss two needy families at Christmas Betty Turner, read the minutes time. It was also decided that and correspondence. A letter .of|$5 be sent to help support "*Cana- resignation was regretfully ac- dian Scene" and that $5 be sent cepted from membership conven-|to headquarters for the special er, Mrs. G. J. Porier who is mov- representatives fund. ing out of town. Mrs. BR. W. Barr| Empire and world affairs con- |consented to carry on the duties vener, Mrs. Walter Libby, read of membershin convener until the an article on communism and it end of the term. {was decided to forward $5 to the 1 plans were being made for the] Chapter's annual bridge to be held in January. The Regent announced that the nominations committee had been formed with Mrs, Walter Famme as chairman. Those on this com- mittee are Mrs. Thomas White, W. D. Warren, Mrs. Wil Lock and Mrs. A, H. Mur- {liam | Square dance convener, Mrs. IR. F. Kelly announced that she {had reserved a place for. this event which will be held in March, 1960. A letter from the Prince Phillip Chapter dealing {with the annual convention held in Regina was read by the Re- gent. It was interesting to note that over $300 000.00 was spent by IODE a year on education The treasurer, Mrs. E. R. Mun-|IODE alert service fund. | |two students. |attended the official opening of alone. day, gave her report and an-| A Yeport o He Chaplens rum-| nounced that the $400. reserve Mage sale held In ober was § A fund had been given to Eiven by the convener, Mrs. Ed-| REFRESHING PINE {ward Disney, and a profit of $81.00) For a fresh woodsy scent was realized. Mos: Clare Mecu. throughout the house, use sprigs lough gave a financial report on| t ations. the annual dance held by the of pine for Christmas Yount; uns chapter last month and the re-/Spray the rooms occasionally Mrs. she Fducational secretary H. W. Neil announced that i vith! [the Vincent Massey School with sults were very gratifying. A short with pine-scented deodorizer or [the Regent who presented a pic- 1 discussion was held with regard burn pine-scented incense cap- ture of Her Majesty, Queen [Elizabeth. to the school, a gift|t next year's dance and all Sug-|g;jes on the mantel. If you haven't i 1 EVENING CHAPTER, OGH AUXILIARY, PLANS CHRISTMAS CAPERS A much social event dance day bile anticipated held on Wednes- at the Ju- the aus- to be December 9. Pavilion under pices of the evening chapter, | over the many details to make A BIRTHDAY KISS Mrs. Edwin Broom Honored By Family, Friends on Birthday "or Mrs. Edwin Broom, Floyd Saturday was a never- entertained with Celebrating ing. tten day. h birthday she was honor- i at a dinner party ty guests, family of Columbus hall Born in London, England, in "in 1907 and lived in Chat- Ontario, with her first hus-| ind Mr. F. J. Watson, who was Vorld War 1. She came awa in 1921 and in 1925 arried here to Mr. Edwin Broom is the mother of Foresters, was held recently Inltive Mrs. Frank Stevens. Mr. Fred Watson, the Orange Temple, Bruce street. children Mrs Toronto; James Chalmers Thelma t grandchildren. 7 dinner a letter of con-/members who were not able to received and actively participate but gave do- Mr. T. D. Thomas, nations to the bazaar were thank- and a bouquet of 24 pink ed by the Court gratulation read from was as presented from the 24 andchildren. om and birthday wishes|to hold their meetings amily and friends those present from out the annual Christmas and birth. -e Mr, and Mrs. Tho-/day party combined will be held and and an exchange of gifts will be Mrs, made and family. all of|/luck supver will be held and con- David Smith, (veners for this are Sisters Jose- Lindsay; Mr Fred McMillan, > Smith Mr and Holy Cross WA Annual Bazaar The Woman's Auxiliary of Holy Catholic Church successful bazaar Parish Hall last week th ed th The booths James Lyor Mrs. Donald Logan; candy, Mrs. James Sloan and Mrs. Harry Can: field: country store, Mrs. James {anson and "rs. Julian Vann; > table, Mrs, H. T. Anthony, stephen Coe and Mrs. Maur- nm; White Elephant, Mrs, Mrs. J. L. O'Boyle s on the bedpsread and cushion were taken care of by Mrs. John T. Mullins. as served by the Mrs. James >d in the "kitchen n Collins and Mrs. Christmas conveners for the Reid Reid, d plate Mrs. Hugh King, Chaput, Mrs. Don- Logan, Mrs. Leo Karnath and Mr Gordon Whyte, Mrs. Earl Mar hall, Mrs. J. G. Healey It R made the draw was won by M The bedspread A. B. Robinson, son by Mrs M yw Mrs. Clavion Mary Fitz pickles, Miss basket of gro- Leo Karnath, rs gerald isket 0 Mon Kennedy ceries, Mrs is the Christmas Capers | for over active arranged by her Lutheran Church and a friendly leaders every way they could. and held in the Knights sewing circle. Broom came to Can| | | Mrs, Harold! This meeting was most t), ; Mrs. with the assistance of Chaplain, ck (Gladys), Osha- Sister Florence Tippett. 1 Hamacher (Jes-|tant as proceeds from the an- Mrs. Michael Wil-|nual bazaar in aid of Cerebral Belleville. Palsy were presented and Court are 16 grandchildren and Charlene was able to donate $470] received many/ond Thursday of the month and -- Zelda were nicely decorat-|and Mrs streamers, [ives of Nova Scotia, celebrated) various | their 60th wedding anniversary were fancy work, Mrs, here. Mr. Parsons, thought to be Mrs. Peter Kroll, [the senior barrister on the Sask- i srend Philip Coffey] i it a successful event. From left to right: Mrs. W. J. Wells, committee convener, | ing chapter, Mrs, Sutherland, ticket | phy, Mrs. T. H. Greer, | oer, Dial RA 3-3474 Women's Auxiliary of the Osh- ; general convener, Mrs. Gordon awa General Hospital: Seen in the above picture are five of | prize the busy conveners talking | Mrs. Eric convener, R. J. Mur- reservations convener Oshawa Times Photo. Jo Aldwinckle, Womens Editor 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 26, 1959 Girl Guide Group Committee Installs New Officers The 17th Group Committee of A new member, Mrs |the Girl Guide Association held its Wilson, was enrolled. monthly meeting in the Salva- A new member, Mrs {tion Army Citadg! Wilson, was enrolled. The vice - president presided The group voted to buy the new The secretary read the minutes Guide hats for the two new lead- and the treasurer's report was ers. Plans were made for a "No given Bake Sale", also the Brownies Mrs. Major M. Rankin install- Christmas party Bled the new officers. She spoke on! The Décember meeting will be how much the Brownie's training in the form of a Christmas party, and the co-operation of the par- with the exchange of gifts. Mrs. ents in the home helps to mould Harold Kirtley won the door these young girls into trustworthy prize. and responsible young women ---- {more able to cope with the prob- lems and responsibilities of this fast moving world of today. Murray Murray HOUSEHOLD HINT When packing poultry, meat |Cathmoir, Tawny Owl's Mrs. Al- bert Hayes, Mrs. John McPhee and Mrs. Patrick O'Connor for After dinner the guests were their work and devotion to the novelty danc- Pack. She also thanked the mem- bers of the group committee for Mrs. Broom who is well and showing such an interest in their is a member of Grace daughters' training by helping the before sealing. The new officers are: Presl-| |dent, Mrs. Fred Smith; vice-presi-| {dent, Mrs. E. A. Atkinson; secre-| LODGES AND Jus. Mrs. John Bowers; assist-| {De Walker; treasurer, Mrs. Pat-| {rick; O'Connor; social convener, COURT CHARLENE L1750 i in : social convener, Mrs. William The regular meeting of Court gayhy: telephone convener, Specially formulated for SOCIETIES ant secretary, Mrs. Clarence Van| Mrs. Harold Kertley; assistant Charlene L1750 Canadian Lady john McPhee: LA | Curley, chairman of the even- or fish in plastic bags. for the| -- : | gestions were turned over to Mrs. | 4 of the Chapter. McCullough who will pass them 20 incense burner. use a foil A letter was read from the prin- nto the next convener. Mrs. tart shell set into a colored foil- cipal of the Georgina Island popert Sawyer reported thatiwrapped metal jar ring. School thanking the chapter for d " _ ---- sports equinment ete., sent to the| children. At the recent commence-| iment exercises held at OCVI four awards were precented to stu- dents. Mrs, H. A, Ward-Whate, 's at home pod ny er, thanked the members for |bringing in the sewing and kn ting as requested. It was decided |that the Chapter make the follow-| (ing donations to IODE headquar-| {ters projects: $£7% to the over-| seas relief fund; $10 to the Korean) nrojeets finds: 75 to the Nati J shioping fund; $25 to the Provin-| cial work room: $1 to the peace garden fund. Golden Ace Club convener Mrs. W. D. Burns, read a poem written for the members bv Mr.| Tooley, a member of the Golden Age Club. The list of workers for December announced and extra help was reanested for 'he Christmas party for the Golden Age members. The Regent announced that the nex' blood donors clinic to be held in Oshawa wonld be on December 3 and urged those members that could donate to do so as blood |was desperately needed In the absence of M w. Locke, representative to the Ca- nadian Association of Consnmers, the Regent announced that Mrs. | Locke would he attending the No-| vember 30 meeting of the Asso- ciation as the group's represen-! tative It was decided that 45 be to the IODE Provincia! film fund. | I'wo new members, Mrs. Hardy Jesperson and Mrs. Fred Jones,| were welcomed into the chap-| ter. Mrs. Edward Bind. read a letter from Provincial headquar-| ters dealing with the Common- wealth relations work with regard to scholarships to students of lother lands. It was decided that {$35 be sent to the fund. | The monthly draw was conduct | ser- \ was sent "I'M ONE YEAR OLD TODAY" ana Nes. hter of and Mr. Horrocks Sr., England. This happy young miss who | grandda is celebrating her first birthday | Brooker today is Tracy Ann, daughter of | Arthur Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Horrocks, London, Stacey avenue. Tracy is the | --Photo by Ireland f ALL NEW DEDUCE-EZE 4 "TWIN ZIPPER" GIRDLE '"Hip-Eze" "HOLD 'N' MOLD representa- fool | Mrs. SPuialy Soumwiiatud lot bolas! | Sister Elsie McCabe presided impor- to Cerebral Palsy this year. All The members voted to change their meeting nights to the sec- in the downstairs hall. On December 10 After this meeting a pot Westlake MacMillan Doris Yourth, and Margaret phine Smith Cards of thanks were read from members who received flowers, fruit or gifts during recent illness. Following the meeting a penny sale was held. WED 60 YEARS YORKTON, Sask. (CP) -- Mr. W A. Parsons, both na- | the look of opulence... The dress of shimmery crepe, bare shouldered and slim skirted . . . and for added drama, -the entrance and exit stole of crepe, edged in an abundance of floating ostrich feathers. atchewan list, was admitted to the bar here in 1898. HUYCK"S Hair Styling Studio Welcomes BEN ABRAMOFF (Hair Stylist) TO THEIR STAFF For that new coiffure hair style during the vyuletide season Ben invites you and all his friends to visit him at thi new location 82 SIMCOE ST. NORTH $45.00 ma OF CSHAWA | 64 SIMCOE ST. NORTH open Friday evening till 9 p.m. PHONE i RA 3-2921 3% RA 5-6682 - A Makes Inches Seem to Vanish" 2 for E-Z ON! Fol 2 for E-Z OFF! * DON'T STRUGGLE * DON'T TUG * DON'T STRAIN ~* DON'T PULL ZIP OPEN THE TOP ZIP OPEN THE BOTTOM Slide into your HIP- EZE Seeing is believing. Measure your waist , . tummy. , , hips . «+ . step into your Hip-Eze Deduce-Eze and in 2 seconds you appear 2 sizes slimmer. | Instantly you see a miraculous hange in your ance Imagine -- in 8 sizes! ...for 24" to 40" waists! 99 * Side-Opening zipper for easy "no strain" dressing! * Power elastic g-i-v-e-s as you sit, bend or stretch! ¢ Four-inch waistband with stay- up-stays, can't roll! BY FAMOUS DEDUCE-EZE Size Waist Hips xf xf anf axe 31.32]33-34 ps-36 [37.38 142] 43-44 fis46]47-48 small Ned) Larg 25-26]27.28]29-30 34-36 37.38 39-40 Name 2 Street City Zone wm State [J Check [J Money Order [J Charge to My Acet. I. COLLIS & SONS READY-TO-WEAR 54 KING ST. WEST RA 5-6311 SHOP=-- Woolworth's Uist Our NEW MODERN STORE ' Self-Service and Centrally Heated for Your Comfort and Convenience. New... 7 PLAIN AND DECORATED, IMPORTED STEMWARE GLASSES Only 39c¢ each New... 27-PIECE FUNCH SET With 12 Glass Punch Cups, Large Bowl and Ladle. Only 7.88 set New... SPECIAL -- CRYSTAL GLASS CAKE SERVER With Polished Aluminum Cover. 1.89 complete New... FIRE KING SERVING DISHES With Candle Warmer 3.98 complete Styled by "Fremco"'--LADIES MATCHING HALF SLIP AND PANTIE SET Nylon -- Sizes small, medium and large. 1.79 set New... CHILDREN'S SNOW BOOTS SIZES 5 TO 11 Wn is 1.98 SIZES6TOS ........... 2.98 aii 2.99 Fine assortment Christmas Cards, Wrappings and Package Decorations Now on Sale CHRISTMAS RECORD GREETING CARDS. * Plays Carols, on your record player 39c¢ each Uwat Cur NEW LUNCHEONETTE DELICATESSEN AND BAKERY COUNTER Serving you with wonderful food made from Woolworth's world-wide famous recipes. MARBLE CAKE REGULAR 43c -- SALE PRICE THIS WEEKEND 39c¢ each Our Famous APPLE PIE Reg. 45¢c, 39¢ each STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNES- DAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. FRIDAY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M.

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