The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1959, p. 31

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S0--<Articles for Sale S0--Articles for Sole 1 50--Articles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale 50--Articles for Sale Ho baby earriage. Phone _- PPLE MATERNITY dresses, skirts, tops, and cks, size 12. Phone RA 3-9376. 276c ONE into stove, coal and elec: tric, ome small jacket heater with pipes. RA 3-9420. ze train, "Marx", via and accessories; Jacket heat: skates, 4. 17 Rowe, RA sien. TWO-wheel trailer with rack and lights; small space heater, double bed with mattress and spring. Apply 375 Buena Vista Avenue. 26a ELECTRIC reingeralors, completely reconditiol 90-day tree warranty trom $69.50. Irvine Appl ances, 50 Bond East. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, | parts, atte guaran complete; plano accordion, v5 , Box 419, Port Perry. [box WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, 's Used ture Store, South. 2|IWO for one Serta mattress Buy one top CHESTEEFIELDS and bedroom suites, FOR CHRISTMAS home decorating, inside and out. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 26, 1959 317% spring 276¢ |supply! S80 hurry! Barons' Furnishings Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. BED ieee bed, pring and Ly and ma for quick 'sale. RA 8 three-| FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super- . Free 'and delivery. GE ORDERS taken or storm on Terms. RA - |BEIGE and brown Wilten rug, 9° x 9, [in gond condition. Call MO 8-3646. 276b case, Scandell, 120 teed rebul hi Rentals. i mae Cleaner gma Serv. { fee. R/ RA £1081 anytime. | and bass, like new. Call RA 8-6598. bers Precision tube Now: OPEN ~ Second-hand clothing stores' M-n's, ladies and children's. 140 Simcoe Street South. | |Tv |tester. Eico §* power supply, 100 iBz76X8 Box 265 Uxbridg UlLster 23790, free. | Meats, fruits, groceries. AWNINGS, plain, colors, or gay Free esti now for arty delivery Cleve Fox, 41. pressors "Brunner," § HP, Mod. an, also 1 HP, Mod. H3, sacri: market, Ritson South, open daily to 10 yours Free |B STAKE body for truck, 13' x TW'. RA 85-8627. ou {MIXED sizes, dresses, formals, skirts, coats, suits. Size 10 flower girl dresses, Terrific bargains. Man's 44 Mary Maxim sweater, 4 man's bicycle; wardrobe; liquor cab fined, Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. RA USED television sets, 17" and 21", com- fee for half price. T electric, from to inch, for all threads, with I set of dies, Hill- | Church Street, $175. , with au heaters, $135. ble » [UNPAINTED savings, Bookcases $0.99; Chests of drawers $17; Vanity dressing tables $26; Desks $14. Wilson Furni like new, yours and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon A|at Verdun Road. ly, Free 0-uay wan ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap Planes. 22 Bong Fas the spectacular new Buccaneers! } STEREO and monoraul tape recorder, [size 'The Dutch BLACK Persian lamb coat, full length, size 12-14, four Jean old, good eondt tion, $70. RA 5-3709. 2714 lowest prices. 171 Bond Street East, THE new German Stereo are here, and see them. The 171 Bond Street East. COLONIA HOME of ends. End tables, blond finish. Values to $19.95. Out they go, $4.99. Dresser with mirror, ho over from expensive sets, regular $79, slash- ed $40; Chest of drawers, regular $59, low out they go $29; Arborite students" desks, $19; Smooth-top spring-filled mattresses, regular $49.95--while they last, $28. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. ONE Empire Aristocrat typewriter, two girl's CCM bicycles. RA 8-0217. IMPROVEMENTS ATLAS sump pump, good condition, $22. Phone RA 5-8792. 2 CONTINENTAL 30.nch beds. roll-a- way bed. Apply 97 Albert RA $-6382. PORTABLE stereo record players as as $34.95. The Dutch |. erchant, 171 ond i 'Street East. PORTABLE tape recoraers ors $99.50, completely tra , The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond Street East. Hi-Fi sets| Street or Gaspe Avenue. RA 5-2873. 2120 OVER 100 books, cost $400, sell for other toys. ORGANS $129.95 = up. Free home demonstration. Phone RA 8-0516 or Ajax 1 271 REF! ATOR, stove, chine, bedreom suite, chrome et. 733 de $125. Also accordion RA 3.9768. 274c BOY'S two-wheel sidewalk bike, $20; also, large all steel crib, high chair, commode char and stroller. RA eI USED parts and repairs for all makes of ringer type washers, % HP motors $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, 5f| Hampton, CO 3-2241. RA 8-8571 134 Simcoe St. S. make, $39.00. 276¢ Connor condition, WASHING machine, thermo tub, good 8-6080. PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas trees. § feet in height. David Archer, Burke: ton, RR 3, Blackstock 82R13. Oshawa DOMESTIC FIRE ALARM - $7.95 installed $1.00 extra Clorobromomethane extinguishers from $5.95 As used by U.S. airforce and fire depts. Underwriter's laboratories listed FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS Fire can kill while you sleep To safe guard our customers we give a FIRE ALARM AND EXTINGUISHER with every "self-storing door AT $49.50 Installed with written guarantee for 20 years Buy COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS PRODUCTS RCA VICTOR television, 21", slightly used, beautiful console cabinet, one year warranty om picture tube, $149, WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard. ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624, Terms if desired. Meagher's, § King Street West. HOUSEHOLD furniture, garage 18 by 275¢| Average window $19.98 complete. railings ALUMINUM windows, doors, Can RA 5-7405 24, For more information phone RA 5- 5055. 274 USED (ir2s, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. ELECTRIC rangette, excellent con- glia $25, six dining room chairs, $18. A 8-0556 7 LARGE selection of _ re-conditioned| TV's at Parsway Television, 918 Sim.| coe Street North SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos stoves, etc. For top cash offer, eon tact 19 Prince Street. Phony RA 8-1131 4 PC CRIB OUTFIT - Only $76.66 This meivdes full size erib, spring mattress and bumper pads. Unbe lievable value! Barons' Home Furn ishings, 424 Simcoe St 8 B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, televi- sion. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5.4543. ALUMINUM windows and doors by Colonial. Demorstration and esti. mates with so obligation. RA 34989. MOFFAT electric range, 30", like new. Westinghouse refrigerator 7 cu. ft, Owner transferred. Phone RA 3.3128, 273¢ HIGHEST prices pald for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince 'Save and be safe. Street. Phone RA 8-1131. FULL length muskrat (backs) fur oon, Phone RA 5-8109 after § p.m. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, in a condition. RA 57145. 309 La sale | Avenue, 270f |THREE rooms of fine furniture deliv. ered to your home for only $25 do {This includes chesterfield, bedr | suite, complete with spring-filled mat. |tress, spring and pillows, kitchen set, |coffee and step tables, table lamps, |ete., "For the Best Firnuture at Low- est Prices" see Barons' Home Furnish- ings, 424 Simcoe Street South. FALL SALE We don't promise any bonus, we promise only number one self-storing aluminum doors installed, guaranteed, only $44.95. Aluminum double hung storm windows. Only $18.50 installed. Now try the best in town. Call us for quick service. RA 3-9851 Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. GOOD used Spanish Stewart guitar, $30 _electro-voice microphone and stand, $40; Phone RA 8.0516. 271f Elec Admiral, finest i PARKWAY T.V. 918 Simcoe North RA 3-3043 CLEARANCE SALE FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS WEYMOUTH CRUISERS MARINE SUPPLIES PAI shay SAWS UNS And AMMUNITION etc. AJAX MARINE No. 2 Highway at Ajax AJAX 1266 R.CA. Victor, Westinghouse, The T.V., hifi end Queen Press Staff Writer ONDON RoP--1t the Queen reads London newspapers, and she does, she scar- cely needs a doctor for her preg- . Reporters are doing fine. "The will arrive in the last week of January or the first week in February," announces one writer. "The birth . . . to take place at 3 a.m.," another. "The third baby is likely to be heavier than Princess Anne who weighed only six pounds," is a third prediction. TWINS FORECAST "Odds . , . are stil slightly In favor of a boy," says another re- porter. At this point there appears to be some doubts. is more likely decides 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO SHAPED SCotch Pine Christmas trees. Any quantity delivered or in forestry. {Fowler Rad Farms, 306 King West. RA 5-1685. 51--Swap and Barter GOOD, eight piece oak dining room suite, style, sell or swap for GATOR TRAILERS piano, tape recorder, dryer, freerer or ? OLiver 5-4930. 27 LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH. OL 5-3641 WHY RUN AROUND? HOLODY SALES SEE THEM ALL ALUMINUM DOOR, WIN- DOWS AWNINGS, PORCH RAILINGS. INSULATED SIDING. ALUMINUM AND STONE Nothing Down, Easy Terms 30 GRENFELL STREET Two Streets East of Shopping Centre 52--Legal Notices Tenders are requested for the supply of heating oil for the new Liquor Store, location at Richmond St. and Church St. Oshawa. Tenders are to be addressed to: LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO 55 LAKESHORE BLVD, E. TORONTO 2, ONTARIO Mark Tenders "Fuel Oil", to be in our hands not later than Dec. 2, 1959. 275c¢ USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED RA 5-2431 COLUMNS CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROSE NADOBNEY, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Married Woman, Deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named deceased, Rose Nadobney, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario who died on or about the 9th day of November, 1958 at the Town of Ren- frew, in the County of Ren- frew cre required to file proof of their claim with the undersigned on or before the 12 day of December, A.D. 9. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after that date the Estate will be distributed haying regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice, DATED ot Renfrew this 13th day of October, A.D. 1959. JAMES A. MALONEY, Q.C., Barrister, etc., P.O. Box 332, Renfrew, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. PAPERS KNOW ALL 's Baby Well Advised "The odds are higher that it might be twins," is the conflict ing report. But, this last dispatch is firmly fine.|dealt with by a Daily Express writer. "I can reveal that there is mo evidence that the Queen is going to have twins." The British press has been hav- ing a field day with the Queen's pregnancy, and the tempo shows no signs of slackening. Doctors, nurses and mid-wives have been interviewed about childbirth. Mothers -and fathers have been quoted on the problems of raising three-child families. Psychiatrists and psychologists have been con- sulted on rearing a baby nine years younger than the mext child. While most newspapers pers! tently nibble on the subject, ood Daily Express is the unchallenged champion of royal baby research. EVERY ANGLE By reading its articles one learns that the third birth is eas- jer than the first two, that the painful stage will last only six to eight hours, that post-natal exer- cises relieve backache and that the average mother gains a per- manent eight pounds with a third child. Even the qualifications of the Queen's obstetrician, John Peel, are duly discussed, along with his outlook on most subjects. In other newspapers one can learn what the baby is likely to receive in the line of gifts. One reporter spied an acquaint- ance of the Royal Family buying a tiny pair of Donald Duck slip- pers. It was a scoop. Statistics have been compiled to show what percentage of Brit. ish mothers have three children, what percentage give birth to triplets, and how much it costs to raise a three-child family, Mingled with this are such de- lightful observations as: "Isn't it nice that the Queen, like so many British mothers, is having her baby at home?" The Buckingham Palace op- Quarterback Ineligible For NFL PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Jack Kemp, signed by San Francisco '49ers as a substitute quarter- back, was ruled ineligible Wed- nesday to play in the National Football league because played this year in Canada. Austin Gunsel, acting NFL commissioner, said the league's constitution forbids the signing of a man who has been connected in any ity with C same calendar year. An exception would be a player who signs an NF contract and reports prior to the first re: larly scheduled game of the cI _Z. Kemp was signed by the '49. i . Gunsel said Kemp was. under contract to Calgary Stam---- peders of the Western Interpros® vincial Football Union until Sept... San Francisco, tied for the western division lead with Balti he!land form for quarterback. By report, Dick Moergle, Brodie's only replacement, hasn't been practising signal calls for Sunday's game. Y. A. Tittle ls professional football during the hurt, CROSSWORD PDZZLE ACROSS 1. Reigning beauty 6. Grayish 11 Shun 12, Estimate 13. Wong's dinner 14, Crowded 15, Transact 16. Statepark 30. Bors Jsiters nickname 17. Ch (poss.) 18. Elliptical 14. Kind of 19. American coffee Indian 16. Dots and 21. Always dashes 25. A setting 26, Push an forward grass to dry 28. Capital (Mass.) 29. Rip erating theatre takes second place to few hospitals. S14 1P]1 TORESIC IOIF IE] x [HOLL IO) A[S] EIS 1S IRIEISIOIRITIS Cu [RIEISHT DON'T MISS "THECE... He DURING Thi: IT BIG WEEK TTT ORT LADIES' NYLONS! Sale. dh (s L this Sale. ) | | A ) ! l 7 I m ) I 3 I | dll - Of Our 1st Hundreds of People are saving at The CIRCUS . . . the Occasion . . . our 1st Anniversary Here again we are offering Tremendous Values during the second BIG WEEK of Now is the time and here is the Place, to Save. Visit the CIRCUS, 22 King ANNIVERSARY GIRLS' CAR COATS Street West, Oshawa for some of the Greatest Wearable bargains ever for the entire fam- ily. You'll save many, Many Dollars. A complete newly arrived range of girls' jackets. Several styles and colors. All heavy quilted lining. All priced to sell ot one low price. Size 8-14. ONLY --_-- tr First quality, full fashions, seamed nylon hose. . Reinforced heel and toe. Latest shade. Sizes 9-11. Reg. 98¢. Pair Only LADIES' HALF SLIPS First quality nylon tricot Jace trim, Reduced to this very low price for our Anniversary sale. Buy thot Xmas gift now ond save. Pink, white or yellow. Reg. 98c. Only LADIES' JEWELLED FRONT CARDIGAN 100% Dupont Hi Bulk Orion easy to wash. Beautifully jewelled design fronts. Assort- ed colors, Sizes 14 Reg. to 5.95. 4.44 LADIES' PANTIES Nylon Tricot Lace Trim or plain, assorted colors ond designs. Sizes S, M, L. Reg. 98¢c. ONLY 29° BOYS' CAR COATS Latest twill cord and corduroy jackets. Heavy quilt lining. Split hood or knit collar. Zipper end button front. Size 8-14. Reg. to $8.95. ONLY PILLOWCASES Superior quality pillowcase. Fine woven cotton. Full cut size 42 x 36. White over oll. Reg. 98¢c. ONLY LADIES' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Easy to wash good quality flanneiette. Solid colors with decorated front. Boxer waist bottoms, Sizes M & L. Reg. $2.98. ONLY Men's PLAID SHIRTS Fine quality cotton flannel. Easy to wash, full-size cut. Smartly : styled. Buy on extra one at this low price for Christmas. Size S-M-L. Reg. to 2.98 Men's HYDRO PARKAS Sturdy quality gabardine Parke with separate hood. Heavy quilt lining with nylon insert back or famous 'Arctic' insula- Sony Heavy zipper closing. Size M-L-XL. Reg. to 14.95, { Men's CAR COATS Rubberized nylon. Guaranteed waterproof. Nicely styled. A very lar garment at a new low price. Size 40-46 Reg. 5.95. ONLY MEN'S Horsehide Windbreakers A terrific saving. All guaranteed. First quality. Plain colors end decorated designs. Knit cuff and collars or all-leather. Size 38-44. Reg. to 25.95 ONLY Men's CARDIGANS i» Heavy itolian check long sleeve styled to wear under o jacket for extra wormth. Size 38-42. Reg. 3.95. ONLY .. CHILDREN'S JEAN SETS Easy to wash flannel shirt and matching lined jeans with boxer style waist. Only for a short time we are able to offer low priced items, so buy wry. 1 Sizes 2, 3, 4. Reg. 2.98. ONLY . 98 i CHILDREN'S CAR COAT Rubberized Nylon, guaranteed waterproof. Quilt lining. Split hood. Button closing. A terrific jucket for the wet snow. Blue and red. Size 3-6x. Reg. to 4.95. ONLY > 3.14 CHILDREN'S SNOW SUIT 2.piece rubberized Nylon knit, cuff zipper closing. Quilted lining, boxer elastic waist. Cam be hand- washed.Size 2-4. Reg, 4 to 3.98. ONLY CHILDREN'S FLANNEL PYJAMAS Easy to wash, Good quality flannel, solid color with design front, boxer style bottom. Size 2-6. Reg. 2.49. ONLY KIDDIES' SLEEPERS One-piece easy-to-wash fleece-lined sleeper. Nylon reinforced binding. Easy accessible button - back Footed size 2, 3, 4. Reg. 1.29. CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS 100% Nylon, double zipper, 2-piece or split hood. Footed for the wee one, or Hi yin price, Size 18 months to 4 years, Rey. 12.95. NLY b. 66 BOYS' DUFFLE COAT AH-wool Jacket, split hood, full quilt lining. Storm cuff. end buckle closing. Size abn: Reg. to 10.95. ONLY Boys' THERMO JACKETS LATEST STYLE JACKET. 100% nylon coated with neop Guaranteed waterproof. Heavy quilt lining. Size 8-14. hon. to 14.95. ONLY 10 Boys' Flanneletie Pyjamas GOOD QUALITY, EASY TO WASH COTTON FLANNELETTW PYJAMAS. Full size cut boxer style waist, Oversll checks or stripes. Sizes 8-14. Reg. to 2.98. ONLY ................: BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS Popular check, good quality, color. P Stocl Sou Jor Christmas at this low price, Size 8- 14. Reg. 1 BOYS' LINED PANTS CORDUROY OR CHINO PANTS with heavy plaid flannel fining. Nicsly ay styled for comfort, Easy to wash, Size 8-14. Reg. to 4.98. INDIAN BLANKETS E d Indion bl Si cover that cold car seat. 540, 2 hah ream k up Men's DRESS PANTS These pants have been selling regularly for more than twice the price we are o" cng to 'you mow. Good quality gabardine, yom dved. Blue, grey, brown, Size 30-42. Reg. 7.95. ONLY cesses scian 1 1 J 4 2 3 & Mok Reg. to 3.98 22 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA

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