The Oshawa Times, 16 Nov 1959, p. 14

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the group will be responsible for Ingleton, assisted bv Mrs, Hunter; Tv : h i STAR MAR! the delicatessen table, and candy served refreshments. | HOLLYWOOD IARRIES Actor rs ed 2 "%, booth at the WA bazaar in De- TEA AND BAZAAR | Dale Robertson, star of televi-|of Victoria, Tex., Friday h cember. The Woman's Auxiliary of St.! 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 16, 1959 (32--Legel Notices .. Brooklin WA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ETHEL MAY nr. , WINCHESTER shot gun, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 50--Articles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale TV towers, all welded, rust proof, nol Low KELVINATOR refrigerator with wide freezer, rivets, special $49.95. means lowest prices Kelly TV. LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95. This is A best offer, Counter-high cabinet, arberite top; double bed, mattress and springs. MO 8-2806. 267¢ MUSHROOM broadloom rug and pad, 9 x 10%, almost mew, Apply 350 Vals ce ¢| Win Street. -|BERTINILUX, 120 base accordion, four treble couplers, one base, new con- dition. Phone RA 5-0303 267¢ SHAPED SCotch Pine Christmas trees. Any quantity delivered or in forestry. Fowler Forest Farms, 306 King West. RA 5-1685. USED TV's, washers, dryers, frigs., ranges, aerials, Kelly TV, at King West LARGE baby crib and mattress, in very good condition. Apply 328 Anna- polis. 267 NEW, girl's bicycle, outgrown, used one summer; 1% hp Clinton motor; rack, sits on %-ton truck; baby's crib. Bargains. RA 5-6027. 267¢ PRESSURE systems, $35; sump pumps, $20; three-piece bath sets, $70; sink and cabinets, $50; hot water tanks and laundry tubs, $15; plastic, steel, copper pipe and fittings. H. Chinn, Hill side and Park Road South. steel | weather coat, size LADY'S fall and winter coat, also all 16-18. Other articles all in good condition. Phone RA gy "|FOR sale -- 12' Paceship, new last spring, Dial RA 55065. 267¢ 30-30 CALIBRE Stevens rifle, bolt action, $40 including three cases of cartridges. Apply Bradley Furniture 299 Simcoe South. 263¢ KELLY TV, your authorized Con- sumers Gas appliance dealer, ranges, ers, space heaters, furnaces, ete. No money down, pay on your gas bill. Free service, lowest prices. Kelly TV. TV towers, all welded, rust proof, no rivets, special $49.95. Low overhead means lowest prices. Kelly TV. STEREO-Hi-fI automatic record play- ers, $99 up, Low overhead means low- est prices. $2 weekly. Kelly TV, 8 King West. WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard- ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. 30 USED wooden storms and screens, A-1 condition white, various sizes, Rea- sonable. Call RA 85181. 8641 DROP in and see the famous German 1960 Stereo Hi-Fi sets. The best deals in town, The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St East GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511 used furniture, ture Store, RA South. GF a COAT black Persian lamb, fit sizes Pair silk lamp shades. 3 263f BEST buys in town! Comfortable re- cliner chairs, ideal Christmas gifts for Pop, $48. Arborite student desk, draw- er and shelf, $19; kindergarten sets, $7.95; sofa bed suites, leather trim, air foam cushion, $144; wall to wall floor coverings 25 cents per foot. Wil- son Furniture, 20 Church Street. 263f ANNEX stove, white enamel, burns wood or coal, good condition. OLiver 5-3026. a 263¢ MIXED sizes, dresses, formals, skirts, coats, suits. Size 10 flower girl dresses. Terrific bargains. Man's 44 Mary Maxim sweater, beige and brown; man's bicycle; wardrobe; liquor cab- inet. Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. RA 5-1212. 3-3271, 444 Simcoe $200 FOR your old frig. on new frost- proof Frigidaire refrigerator. Dean Kelly Appliances aa PHILLIPS - Rogers 1960 TV, Stereo and Hi-Fi record players, tape recorders, shavers etc. Easy terms. Kelly TV. 81 King West. USED television sets, 17" and 21%, com- pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap- pliances, 50 Bond East. = ORDERS taken for storm sashes, mea- surements and estimates free. Terms. RA 3-4989. SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! 3 to 35 hp with two starting models Come in and chonse yours now. Trade and terms Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at Verdun Road USED (irs, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. AFRICAN violets, five colors, rose be- gonias, cacti, lvys, nephthytis, ferms, palms, philodendrons; other varieties too numerous to mention. 25¢c and up. Evenings and weekends, Mrs. Abrams, 26 Division Street, MArket 3-2843. 265f ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, completely reconditioned. 90-day free warranty. trom $69.50. Irvine Appl ances, 50 Bond East VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- fee. RA 8-1081 anytime. CABIN, 8x 10, suitable for small "construction office or hunting camp, wired, $100, RA 5-1520 evenings. 265f NINE-piece dining room suite, dark oak, reasonable. RA 5-6849. _ 266 12 GAUGE pump Beretta shot-gun, like new. Case, crating set and shells, $75. MO 8-5105. Also ladies golf clubs and bag, Campbell, two woods and four rons. Used once, $65. 264¢ automatic, like new. Also two car radios Apply 247 King Street West, Apartment 3. 267¢ -------------------------------- oh OPEN HOUSE Drop in or make an appoint- ment for after hours to see-- THE NEW 1960 GERMAN STEREO HI-FI SETS Sit down and enjoy the su- perb sound of those pieces of crafstmanship and style -- refreshments will be served. THE DUTCH MERCHANT 171 Bond St. East RA 8-6051 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS | Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 ee ---- : FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 o week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment For appointment no obliga- tion)}--phone RA 5-3709. ONE FREE SELF-STORING STORM WINDOW TO EVERYONE Who buys a self-stor- ing storm door this month. We make this offer to illus- trate 'our confidence in our wonderful products, SAVE OVER $20.00 BY CALLING COLONIAL HOME [IMPROVEMENTS 134 SIMCOE ST S. RA 8-8571 PIANO accordion-and case, 6598. 120 base like new, RA 8 L 7c Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse, The finest in T.V., hi-fi and service. PARKWAY T.V. 918 Simcoe North RA 3-3043 |52--Legal Notices TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voter's List, 1959, Municipality of Township HUNKING, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, | MARRIED WOMAN, DE- | CEASED. | NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having cloims against the Estate of ETHEL MAY HUNKING, late of the City of Oshawo, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 23rd day of October, A.D. 1959, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of November, A.D, 1959, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then hove had notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 30th doy of October, A.D. 1959, GEORGE S. HUNKING, Executor, By His Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C. 14%2 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Mrs. LeRoy Toll Addresses WA The regular monthly meeting of the WA of the United Church was held on Tuesday in the As- {L. F. Richardson, opened meeting with a poem "If You will", ciated the efforts of all those who helped in any way to make the bazaar such an outstanding su- of Whitby, County of Ontario Notice is hereby given that | have complied with Section 9 of The Voter's List Act and that | have posted up at my office at the Town- ship .of Whitby, Brooklin, on the 12th day of November, 1959, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections ond that such list remains there for inspection. And | hereby call upon. all voters to make immediate proceedings to have any er- rors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 26th day of November, 1959. Dated at Brooklin, Ontario this 12th day of November, 1959. Murray Robinson, Clerk, Township of Whitby. THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO Estreat of Bail : TO WIT: UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Certificate of Lien to me directed, issued out of the County Court of the County of Ontario, wherein HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN is Plaintiff and JOHN MEAGHER,SR., and GWEN- DOLINE MEAGHER are the Defendants, | have seized and taken under Execution, ond will offer for sale by Public Auction in my office on Monday, December 7, 1959, at two o'clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of re- demption of JOHN MEAG- HER, SR., and GWENDO- LINE MEAGHER, to, in, and out of the following lands, namely: All of Lot 161, Plan 305, for the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario. Arthur Welsh, Sheriff, Co. a Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN "THE ESTATE OF CHARLES McCAUSLAND, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of CHARLES McCAUSLAND, de- ceased, who died on or about the 9th day of September, 1959, are hereby notified to file proof of same with the undersigned Solicitors on or | before the 10th day of Dec- ember, 1959. After that date the Solicitors will pro- ceed to distribute the said estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall have had notice. DATED at Whitby this éth day of November, A.D, 1959. ALFRED M. WOOTTON & WOOTTON, 304 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator, WILLIAM DIVINE. Retired Diplomat 'Tells About China | TORONTO (CP) -- A retired {Canadian diplomat said Sunday night that Canada was only six weeks away from formally recog- {nizing the Chinese Communist government in 1950. |" Dr. Walter Riddell, former rep- resentative to the League of Na- tions, told a chtirch forum that the government cancelled its plans of recognition when China became embroiled in the Korean War. | | § CHILDREN SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO DO TONIGHT? LIVE JAZZ » + CRA. IV |cess. An executive meeting will | be held on Nov. 23 at 2.30 p.m. {in the church parlor with all {members requested to attend. Mrs, J. E. Whitehurst conduct- ed the worship service, taking "Peace" as her theme, Mrs. A. Archibald introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. LeRoy Toll, of To- ronto. Her topic was 'An open ticket to the Holy land." She |told about places and cuus {toms and referred to different in- stances giving the up-to-date in- formation on the Bible history. Her talk was both entertaining land informative. Mrs. A. Price moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. L. Toll. The meeting closed with prayer. The members of the Good esses. bands and friends of the WA Sun-| Stevenson to Mrs. McKinney and a group project, for the bazaar.| W. Weir were appointed a nom- ,, Remembrance was pr t | color slides of a trip to EuropelSociety. It was announced that | sembly Hall, The president, Mrs. | the | The bazaar committee appre- | Companions Group were tea host- * Under the direction of Mrs. H. y x Groups Meet McCool a meeting will be held| FI" mas' Anglican Church are 'at the home of Mrs. Norman Sponsoring a bazgar ana giter. |b and Mrs. McKinney. Alves Wednesday afternoon, Nov. Boon ry lig held Pn Sauigay, BROOKLIN -- Members, hus-| Thanks were extended by Mrs. 18, to make stuffed animals as'Masonic Hall, Mill street. Openi emoni Mrs. Norman Alves gave Alper ae Be De By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Dr. shine Group were gusts at a pot those ho assisted with the sup-| luck supper in the Christian edu-|per and program. {talk on her recent trip to the i i X 0 aff Among th cation hvilding Tusday. A brief FAITHFUL WORKERS |eastern provinces, illustrated |are A Sw le Business meting was conducted| Mrs, Ralph Hunter was hostess with color slids. |goods, and articles suitable id oy roaer ey end Stever-ion Wednesday to Faithful Work-| Mrs. Ralph Hunter moved the Christmas gifts, as well as a fish , . W 'ers Group of the WA. A sefvice vote of thanks, and Mrs. Ray/pond and other novelties. inating committee to present a|hy Mrs. Hunter. slate of officers at the December| "Mrs, H. McCool and Mrs. Gor-| meeting. {don Hunter were appointed con-| Mrs. J. H. McKinney showed veners to collect for the Bible | ORGAN MUSIC Colin Corbett, The Poet Of The Hammend Organ. e+» IT'S WHAT GOES ON WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF! APPEARING NIGHTLY AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL KIRK DOUGLAS-TONY CURTIS ERNEST BORGNINE-JANET LEIGH Adult Entertain nent Eastman COLOR + CINEMASCOPE "NOW PLAYING ; Features ot 1.45 -- 3.40 -- 5.35 -- 7.30 -- 9.30 P.M. in Foriion- Spun TECHNIRAMA "ne Magnticent TECHN! OR 1 i eames woe (IEJUNITED ARTISTS Plus: THIS SAVAGE GRIP JAMES CAGNEY : AF DON MuRRay SHAKE HANDS DANA WNTER BY Wirw THE [)EVIE GLYNIS JOHNS mo BILT MOR E{WYELTVIN IR Esl 3406009000 ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN MEMORIAL CHURCH CENTRE ST. AT BAGOT WOMEN'S GUILD Annual Christmas Bazaar | Home Baking . Tea Room Christmas Toys and Sewing THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th 2:30 P.M. ARTHUR MURRAY invites you to accept a "00" DANCE COUR in si - cos § nn DOUBLE SOCK...ROCK...and THRILL SHOW! Together on one program! FOR ONLY *14* LALA I IT ITTY) HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! ¢ 6 individual studio lessons ® An invitation to a student party ® One hour practice Visit your nearest Arthur Murray Studie Open daily 'til 10 p. m. OPEN SAT, 10 AM. - 5 P.M. Arthur Murray is making this special introductory offer so ny. can see how much you actually get when you enroll in an Arthur Murray Dance Course! Not only do you learn to dance quickly, easily his "Magic Step" way, but you get to join in the party fun and have lots of good times. Come in now and save. ARTHUR MURRAY 11%2 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1681 aad gy OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE presents "White Sheep of the Family" A COMEDY DIRECTED BY HARRIET RAPLEY AT McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE NOVEMBER 18, 19, 20, 21 8:30 P.M. SHARP Box Office At HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE MONDAY, TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 17 -- 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M. ON NIGHTS OF . PERFORMANCES AT THEATRE - 7 P.M. GENERAL ADMISSION 1.00 Dizzy Spins Q. How do ballet dancers end ice skaters spin around without getting dizzy? A. Rotation dizziness is due to the displacement or rocking of | fluid within the organ of balance, a structure located within the in- ner ear. Ballet dancers execute turns by reducing the time of fluid displacement to a mini- imum. They do this by whipping the head around in a start-stop fashion. They call it "spotting." Skaters spin much too fast to "spot" and apparently develop the ability to suppress or disre- aard disturbances set up within the balance oraan. Doctors have studied the reaction of dancers and skaters to spinning in in vestigoting certain diseases of |the middle ear which cause dizzi- | ness, | Q. Should a person with high {blood pressure drink whiskey, wine or beer?--Just a reader. A. A person who has high blood {pressure would do well to live | moderately in all things. What |we eat and drink can affect the {blood pressure. A moderate amount of alcohol can 'increase the blood pressure, regardless of whether the alcohol is in |form of whiskey, wine or beer. In many cases of high blood pressure the doctor will prescribe a low-salt (sodium) diet. Since beér contains some sodium, its 28 King St. ----------KARN'S edical Mirror (0 WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT Health Through ss heim: LA consumption would add to the body the very substance which the doctor is trying to reduce. Q. We are bombarded by claims that this or that pain reliever octs fast, fast, fast. Just how fast does aspirin work? A. Aspirin is the most wide used of all pain-relievers, ely 3,000 tons being produced each year in the. US. alone. When taken by mouth, it is absorbed for th most part u -' ged. The ... of aspirin ir "ie oody has been thoroughly studied. After taking aspirin, the highest bleod concentration of the drug is reached after thirty minutes, Thereafter the level falls, and after two hours only small amounts remain. These chemical findings tie in with well known fact that the pain-relieve ing action of aspirin reaches a peak within half an hour end tapers off within two hours. Questions directed to Science Edie tors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta, N.Y. 10, N.Y,, will be in- corporated in these columns when possible. N Kamm Drugs RA 3-4621 Oshawa Prices For This Engagement | MATINEE EVENING (ADULTS 60c ADULTS 5 [STUDENTS .. 40e STUDENTS . S0e . 2%¢ CHILDREN .. 2S¢ LOGES 10c EXTRA 7echrrcolo~® uo RY NORTHWE "HOLLYWOOD BOWL" NEW COLOR CARTOON Ey, FEATURE AT: 6:40 9:40 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE The Master of Suspense tells his greatest tale! MEM pres CARY OY GRANT "EVA MARIE SAINT JAMES MASON STARTS TODAY! i" ----_-- ER ---- a aoe

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