The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1959, p. 8

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A GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES Marion Fisher Joseph MacNeil FRIENDSHIP GROUP The regular meeting of the Friendship Group of King Street| United Church was held recently, with Mrs, Harold Bell presiding. The meeting opened with pray- er and a devotional period, led| by Mrs, Almond Brintnell and Mrs. H. N. Pascoe. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. C E. Scott and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Elmer Randall. It was decided to convene a banquet in December. Final arrangements were made |wrapped in (colors of black, the method of preparing and | ws lorange and white. | cooking is unknown to the moth- Exchange Vo The winners were Mrs. F. Holl-ler or the diabetic child. Many| The marriage of Marion Pat- |man, Mrs. H. Palmer, Miss Dor-| questions on diets is unknown to|ricia Fisher, daughter of Mr. and |othv Beamer, Mrs. F. Kalar,|the mother of the diabetic child. Mrs. Clarence Alfred Fisher, and Mrs. J. Boudreau, Mrs. E ric|Many questions on diets were an- Joseph Ernest MacNeil, son of orris, Mrs. R. Smales, Mrs. swered by Miss Knox and the/Mr, and Mrs. Francis MacNeil, |R. B. Lonsherry, Mrs. Harold| mothers gathered helpful hints|all of Oshawa, was solemnized re. |Anderson, Mrs. R. J. Clary, Mrs.|hoth from each other and from cently at St. Gregory's R Roy Terwillegar, Mrs. Grant recipes and pamphlets that were|Catholic Church. Eliord, Mrs. Walter Rusnell, Mrs. panded out. The Very Reverend Dean Paul Carl Eder, Mrs. Arthur Venn, Mrs, Jack Tane, Mrs, J. B. Rog The mothers enjoyed sampling Dwyer officiated. The wedding lers, Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. Ed- diabetic desserts which wer emusic was played by Mr. Jack brought by each mother and tea Driscoll and Mrs. W. E. Ki {ward Hyrcaruk, Mrs. Perry Barr, served by the hostess. sang, Mrs. N. Love, Mrs. H. Sproule, Mrs. Percy Cooper, Mrs. W. J. for the annual bazaar and tea to| The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bruce be held inthe Centennial Hall on November 18, There will be books for fancy work, knitting, dolls, children's wear, candies and home baking. Mrs. Hales Barker has consented to open the bazaar, and Mrs Frank James and Mrs. H. W Blakely will pour tea in the tearoom. The next group meeting will be held on November 17 when prep- arations will bazaar on the following day, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Almond Brintnell and her group. ASTRA GROUP The monthly meeting of the Astra Group of Simcoe United Church WA was held in the la- dies' parlor. Mrs. Bryce Smith read the minutes; Mrs. Walker Roe pre- sided and Mrs, Robert Currie gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Stanley Lambert's group was in charge of the devotional period, Final preparations were made| for the bazaar 'which is being held on Friday, November 6, at Simcoe United Church. An in- vitation was extended to Mrs. J. K, Moffat to open the bazaar which she accepted. Refreshments were served by be made for the Coleman, Mrs. Donald Sutton, Mrs. Edgar Horn, Mrs. A. McDonald, Mrs. Petdr Highley, Mrs. Ronald Duffy, Mrs. John Bilenduke. DIABETIC ASSN. (Mothers' Group) The Mothers' Group of the Oshawa and District Branch of| the Canadian Diabetic Associa-| Bright, 98 Riverside drive, north Oshawa. All mothers of diabetic children are welcome at these meetings. PMA CLUB Mrs. George V. Lee presided at this week's meeting of the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club. Mrs. R. G. Collison called the the home of Mrs, Clifford Burtch, (Including two children. Port Hope. The scripture lesson was read The president, Mrs. W. R.|[DY Mrs. George Whitbread. The Lean, presided for the business/secretary and treasurer reports and introduced the guest speak|Were given. er, Miss M. Knox, a dietitian| Birthday greetings were sung from Oshawa General Hospital. for Mrs. John Callison. Mem- Miss Knox spoke on ideas for|bers were reminded that there packing a lunch box or a picnic would be a special speaker at the lunch for the diabetic child and meeting on Monday, November how to choose the proper foods|9: from a restaurant menu. She| Refreshments were served by stressed the importance of avoid-|Mrs, Phillip Bell and Mrs. Ray- ing fried or greasy foods when!mond Dillabough. my tion held its monthly meeting at| Roll showing a large attendance| |Gerald Grennon. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a pri gown of white brocade. The bod- lice featured a sweetheart neck- line and long sleeves trimmed |with tiny pearls and the floor- {length skirt fell into a chapel train. A jewelled tiara held her fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of yellow Johanna Hill roses. Miss Patricia Bircham was maid-of-honor gowned in beige organza over dark brown taffeta. The bridesmaids were the Misses| Jeannie O'Donnell, Judy O'Don- nell and Marie Taylor in dar brown organza over beige taffeta. All the attendants wore band fo match their gowns and car- ried cascades of bronze and yel- low baby chrysanthemums. Mr. Frank MacNeil acted as best man. Ushering were Messrs. Alec MacNeil, John Fisher and The reception was held in St. Gregory's auditorium. To receive, the bride's mother wore mini green embroidered silk organza with beige and brown accessor- ies. The bridegroom's mother as-| sisting was in deep purple with sages of rosebud. As the couple left for a wed- ding trip to Niagara Falls the bride was wearing a green fitted Richmond street celebrated their 25th weddng anniversary recently while on a vacation in New York were entertained on their return at a party given by their immedi- ate family, Mrs. (Sheila) and Sharon and their liam Evans and Mr. Dennis Bon-| pink accessories. Both wore cor- 24M of | Robertson, Seen dancing were: --Mr. a suit with beige and dark brown Mrs. G. Suarez, Mr. Lew Terr; 2% % 2 7 % Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nathan, | son, Ronald. The couple were east, who | married in Toronto on October 1, 1934, and have lived in Osh awa for 11 years. The Honor- able Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr were among the many who sent messages of congra- their daughters, | tulations. Michael McCartney Photo by Ireland CHINESE SNACK The Chinese have grown and Refreshments were in charge sold the tasty lichi nut for thou- Mrs. R. G. Kent and Mrs. D. sands of years, nd Vy Margaret Mrs. Lambert's group, MARGARET HART GROUP The regular meeting of . the Hart Group of the accessories and a yellow pom|Mr. and Mrs. Art Elliott, Mr. pom corsage. The newly wedded|2nd Mrs. J. N. King, Mr. and pair will live in Oshawa. | Mrs. F. Fernley, Mr. and Mrs. | . ----|R. G. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. J. | Quick Help for Baby's Guild of St. George's Anglican Church was held in the Parish {Hall to the | The meetiig followed a suc- | cessful fall rummage sale. Mrs D. E. Fox presided aad the sec- retary and treasurer gave their D. Bonham, Mr. and Mrs. R.| T U ts |Eonset Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ummy pse Gorssline, Mr. and Mrs. H.| Don't ler those frequent litte tus RCAF Aux. Holds Hallowe'en Dance |Ramshaw, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cox, | upsets worry you or cause baby to become Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lloyd, Mr. feverish, fretty, fussy and restless. For quick The Ladies' Auxiliary of the and Mrs. Earl D. Youn M dependable relief from common t 2 i 5 . 5 y Mr. ull f eed fi correct Royal Canadian Air Force Asso- and Mrs. R. Mills, Mr. aig, Mrs. | 6ve Paby's Own Tablets, These Siete blew BAZAAR AND GIFT ITEMS Pin Cushion and a Slipper Pin | ten eents for handling, Cushion. All these articles will | Needlecraft Department of this be easily and quickly done. To re 7 tw th : paper, requesting BAZAAR | 2 asy crochet instruc- Sitale the Sas AND GIFT ITEMS, Leaflet no. Crochet these best sellers for your bazaar or for very spe- cial gifts. The patte n includes 3 the following items: a Carriage A tions, , simply send a stamped, | | self - addressed envelope, plus ' C-S-790. | Pillow, a Kitten Bib, Fringed Hangers, Handbag Cases, a |entered, they were with corsages. was provided by Ruth Debosky, a baton twirler, Heather the charleston, and Peggy Ring, |a Scotch dancer who was accom-{on December 4 at the home of] reports ~ |group is to serve tea at the reg- presented | ular meeting of the Guild in No- Entertainment| vember. McBain|vember 19 was discussed and Brenda Vermaen, who did|length. It was announced that the § The bazaar to be held on No- at The next meeting will be held| ciation (420 Wing) held their|p). Hallowe'en dance in the rooms on Saturday last, Linda Jeffer: . : | y, Mr. The hall was decorated in the |g : Mrs Bi 5 Bedi eto ES Evaus, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vince, dress costumes were colorful and| Mrs. B. Ballan, Mr. and Mrs, amusing. Swarbrick, Dr. Mr. George Suarez and his Miss T. Bowerman, Mr. and committee had a difficult task Mrs. T, H. Mucpu,, ..,. judging the costumes and the|Hawksshaw, Mr. and Mrs, B. prizes were awarded to Mrs. Wil-|Brownell and others ; Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben| club Field, Miss M. Dunkley, Miss Mr. and Mrs. D. Winn, Mr, and| tested, made especially for babies. | us vist bl gon . made just for baby , . . work qui and gently to relieve - the upset baby feel better fast. Especially hel, during teething time when this condition has baby feeling out-of-sorts, fussy, i colicky, fretty and sassy, Clinically and time Baby's Own Tablets are thoroughly stworthy, mild, gentle and act to bring pely, satisfying lief, elo 'octor about y's n Tablets, » ickage today at your druggist. » NEW! BABY'S OWN COUGH SYRUP quickly poet | panied by piper, Neil McRae./Mrs. J. E. Rundle. Comic "film strips were shown! 1 land after refreshments wer el Th WARE GROUP f served, dancing was enjoyed bY i ® 3 e United eh ends ni the pupils. Members of the asso-|; ing Street Uni urch he |its annual bridge recently in the |ciation who assisted at the Party contennial hall. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 |were Mrs. C. T. Hewer, con-|™my ion or cards was opened TO LIVE IN EDMONTON, ALBERTA Pictured at the reception fol- | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Os- | vener, Mrs. A, C. Christie, Mrs. by the convener, lowing their marriage recently Mrs. Robert| wald Cornish of Oshawa and the 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 4, 1959 E N. Pettus, Mrs. Fred PERSON "LS HR May | Elston. Colorful Hallowe'en deco- | |rations adorned the hall. Favors (were provided for the guests. The prizes were attractively in King Street United Church are Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Kerr. Formerly Miss Merle Ruth Cornish, the bride is the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr of Toron- to. --Photo by Ray Johnston LODGES AND a RT wa er ate SOCIETIES meeting and Hallowe'en dance 3-3474, local 18. | of the Couples Club of the church : di all SUNSHINE REBEKAH on Saturday night. Ballroom and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cardinall g,,chine Rebekah Lodge, No.| square dancing and a singsong and daughter, Mary Ann, Ritson 222, held its regular meeting in made for a lively evening. Prizes road north, Mrs. William|the lodge rooms on Monday eve-| for the best costumes went to/Cardinal, Jr., Christie avenue, ning, November 2, with the new- Mrs. J. N. Lothian as a Chinese npg Mrs. Melvina Hardie, Aber- ly installed officers in their re-| mandarin and Mr. Cliff Branton, geen street, motored to Buffalo spective chairs, a cave man. last weekend Noble Grand, Sister Mae Skea, | Miss Diana Dennis and Mrs.| o, . of . town guests at the Soudiered He Jusiness ik vice Esther Lane have returned from Nojl = Fishayr w were 5rand, Sister Greta Drinkle, re- Mop. MacNeil - Fisher wedding were ,,.4o4 on the members who were a two-week circular tour of Flor- yjicc Fila Leckie and Mr. Orval ; id (on the sick list. a Dodd, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. | Th d . d Mrs. Delbert Arkless, president James Kennelly, Mr. and Mrs. 2 Correspondence Was rea of the Parents' Council of the Chris Duffy and Susan A Cerebral Palsy Association will|Mrs. Samuel Fisher, Mrs. Fred open the bazaar arranged by Trevalle, Mr. James Fisher, Mr, Court Charlene, Canadian Order! Edward Fisher, all of Hamilton; of Foresters, to raise funds for Mr. Leo O'Donnell, Kingston; the association Mrs. John Fleury, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pitts, Brooklin; Mrs. Victoria Magee. | Special announcement was| made that the Sunshine Rebekah Lodge Degree Staff would go to Brougham to confer the Degree | at the Rebekah Lodge there on I Duffy,|by recording secretary, Sister \ | November 19 SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Joan Maric, only daughter of| Mrs. Harry Holmes of Brampton, formerly of Oshawa, and thc tou] Mr. Holmes, to Mr. James Fran-| cis Neil Lynde, son of Mr. and| Mrs. William E. Lynde of Osh- |awa. The marriage will take {place on Saturday, November 28 You are invited by the Social John Holland, New Brunswick. Department to send in any little 4 items of interest. News of teas,| Recently the Duke of Edin- surprise parties, showers, anni-|burgh Home and School Associa- versaries and comings and go-|tion held a party for the grad- ings are always very acceptable uating class of 1959. As the girls | t 4 o'clock in St. Paul's United] |Church, Brampton, Ontario. | ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Rene Thiebaud announce the engagement | (their daughter, Jacqueline Luci |enne, to Mr. Fred M. Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Woods, take place in Northminster Uni- ted Church on Saturday, Decem- ber 12, at 1.30 p.m. all of Oshawa. The marriage will | ,\ MITH OUR CROWD ALL ENJOY THESE REFRESHING SMITH BEVERAGES CHOOSE FROM 6 DELICIOUS FLAVORS Made and Bottled By BEVERAGES LTD. BOWMANVILLE Act now... before offer expires! Your babys picture on 15 beautiful Christmas cards! All for only $100 and 1 box top from any of the 7 Heinz Baby Cereals Most delightful Christmas cards you've ever sent! Two-year-old Elaine is . the | wath, Courtice. Elaine celebra- | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ad- | ted her second birthday on Sep- alpert Martens, Kawartha av- | tember 24 | enue, and granddaughter of | Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hor- | Photo by Mary's studio. Look What They've Done To The 60 Cars Compare them all, big, small, convertibles, station wagons. Read the impartial analysis in this week's Star Weekly. 2nd. ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS! ung. Moderns OSHAWA 162 BOND ST. EAST 3 DAYS ONLY -- NOV.5,6 and 7 10% Discount on All Winter Outer Wear JUMPERS REDUCED -- MANY EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS WHITBY 135 BROCK ST. SOUTH many weeks ahead. no smaller 1 od mm; d of for new negative. How to order your cards : Simply clip and fill in coupon. Send the NEGATIVE of a favourite snapshot of your baby --no larger than 4" x 5" and than 1° x 134 ". If picture is gative, add 25¢ IMPORTANT! OFFER LIMITED EXPIRES DEC. Ist! To make sure that you will receive your cards in good time for Christmas mailing, order now . . . as many sets as you wish. Surprise and impress your friends and relatives with these expensive-looking deckle-edged Christmas cards--custom- printed with your own baby's picture! More than a card, it's a gift they'll treasure forever! Heinz Baby Foods make these fine cards available to you for an amazingly low price. . . just $1.00 per set, with matching envelopes. Fif- teen to a set, and you may order as many sets as you like. Order soon and be preparéd for Christmas. It's not too BABY CEREALS fhe good they do now lasts a lifetime CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY EAST OF WINNIPEG Write to: Heinz Christmas P.0. Box 91, Station F, Toronto, Ontario. 1 am enclosing my NEGATIVE and box tops with §...... sets of greeting cards. If picture enclosed instead of negative add 25¢ for new negative. MAME. cosounsesronsons, vv asss sans So sinebasderianincion print bevdenivninci ADDRESS....cicuinnninniinnnanne (Powe print clearty) siesinine oo CITY. coateninns Please check : Greeting in English [] Greeting in French [J BF-3608 OFFER EXPIRES DEC. Ist, 1939 PLEASE NO C.0.D. ORDERS

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