8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Movember 3, 1959 Hampton Women's Institute Hom Grandmothers on Roll " Hampton Women's - Institute was organized on July 17, 1308, in the town hall, Hampton, by the district L. president, Law, assisted by Ms. cot Campbell, Goderich, and Miss @atherine Morgan, Toronto. Pres- ident elected was Mrs. M. B. Mat Sun secretary - was Mrs. C. J. Kerslake. Charter members number 26. Mrs. S. G. Niddery is our old- est life member having rendered long and useful service to the organization. The pattern set bv these early members is still followed with more or less diversion. The most important aetivities earried out at the present time ficlude as follows: --Attendance to the district convention. --A special institute meeting to honor all our grandmothers. 74 picnic which usually in- vol a bus trip to some Pleas- ant holiday spot. ~The pleasure of visiting and Shtertaining neighboring Insti- Buen, rously aie. "oy ~--Attendance to area econven- =-Also we find ploasute 48 qui ing, catering and tendering serv: ho family picnics held in the er present slate of officers is as follows: Past president, Mrs. J. A. MacNabb; president, Mrs. Wil- fred Smale; 1st vice - president, Mrs. J. Burrows; 2nd vice - presi- dent, Mrs. S. Kersey; secretary, Mrs. Narvin Mountjoy; treasur- er, Mrs. Charles Warren; assist. ant treasurer, Mrs. H. Smith; district' director, Mrs. S. Dewell; assistant district' director, Mrs. T. Chant; membership, Mrs. Hos- kin Smith; public relation's repre- sentative, Mrs. T. Mountjoy; flowers, Mrs. W. Chapman, Miss F. Werry; gifts, Mrs. L. Trull, Mrs. H. Trull; cards, Mrs. W. Smale; auditors, Mrs. Caverly, Mrs. T. Mountjoy; pianist, Miss Norah Horn. All Saints, Whitby Evening Guild The Evening Guild of All Saints Anglican Church, Whitby, was started in 1948 by Mrs. Gordon Channen (the rector's wife) with Mrs. C. E. Goode as first presi- dent. With the motto, Fellowship and Co-operation, the Guild was form- ed to enable the young women of the church to learn more about the church duties and to wel- eome new members into the par- ish One of the primary concerns of the Guild has been the as- sistance, financial and otherwise of the Secondary School. This year, this help has been directed toward furnishing the new Chris- tian Education Centre. To raise funds for their proj- ects, the Guild caters for lunch- eons of the Rotary Club and the newly formed Lions Club. The Guild also caters for wedding re- ceptions and banquets, in their pew hall. One of the year's annual proj- ects is the Garden Party for children, held in June. At the present time, the presi- dent is Mrs. F. J. Read; the secretary, Mrs. John Goddard; and the treasurer, Mrs. E. Probert. Whitby SA League Started in 1900 Firmly Established The Salvation Army Home League was first brought into be- ing by Mrs. Katherine Booth, wife of the Salvation Army foun- der, in order to help married women to become better .citi- zens and home-makers. As the Salvation Army spread from one continent to another so did the Home League, now it is a world wide organization presided over : by Mrs. General W. Kitchin. The Home League came into existence in Whitby about 1900 and through the years has been a source of interest and pleasure to it's members. It provides a progressive peacetime program for all women over sixteen re- gardless of sect or religion. Weekly meetings are held, the and | quilts ior sale, service to others at home and abroad. We believe the humblest home can become the 'Home Beautiful' if well ordered by a good mother. Our year for '59 began very well in April by the an hig of $10 from our Home League funds to The Home for unwed Mothers in France. Also with the attendance of many members to the First National Home League Congress held in Toronto's histor. fecal Massey Hall from the 23rd- 26th, four never-to-be-forgotten days by the 2,200 delegates who attended from all parts of Cana- da and Bermuda. It was decided that each sec- tion of the Whitby S.A. would years towards the building fund for the new citadel, and on May 21st. a supper was held by The -| and bicycles by women shoppers Y Denial, this being small sums of money saved by the members during the Salvation Army per- jod of Self Denial. In June a shower was held for Cadets Nan and Les Carr in tri- bute to their excellent work dur- ing their soldiership in Whitby and prior to their leaving for Of- ficers College in Toronto, Due to the ex ve heat the league recessed uring the months of July and August but resumed fellowship with gusto in September, and on September 10, made welcome the new Home League secretary Mrs. F. Locke and also retained the treasurer Mrs. Kentner, . Members are now working very hard for the coming sale of work which will be held in December, and any woman wish- ing to join the Home League may receive full 'particulars ' from Mrs. F. Locke, 332 Rosedale drive, or phone MO 8-3556 or OL. 5-4809. All are welcome. Blackstock WMS Meets Monthly In Members' Homes BLACKSTOCK WMS was or- ganized February, 1921, with Mrs. R. G. Carruthers as president and with 13 members to meet the second Wedaesday of each month. with a membership fee of 50 cents per year. At the first of the year group leaders and members of each group met and planned the programs for the months for which they are responsible. When their month comes around the convener usually acts as hostess in her own home and the other members assist with the program which each member answers. At this time she also reports books read and calls made and the same are recorded. Solos, short read- ings, films, papers and a chapter of the Study Book given. . We collect good used clothing and send bales for the needy. We share equally with the Woman's Association in sending cards 'o the sick and bereaved and fruit and flowers to the sick. We raise our money for allo- cation by systematic giving, do- nations, quilting quilts, phaking catering for dings and banquets. At the July meeting we enter- tain the Baby Band and Mothers, the Mission Band and the Explor- ers and they all put on the pro- The 1959 officers are: dent, Mrs. Cecil Hill; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Roy Taylor; secretary, Mrs. Russell Mountjoy; treasur- er, Mrs. Stuart Dorrell; ship secretary, Mrs. Gordon ; Christian " PARIS (Reuters) -- Paris eity buses now are carrying 15 per cent fewer passengers than im 19 with an even greater red reductin ia in central areas of the city. congestion in central streets ™= increased use of motor-scooters e.g. having a suitable roll call to} The Pilot Club Draws Together Juhior Executives The Oshawa ob is only young, being chartered in March 1928. Their objective is true friend<hiv, community service, better inter- tion to the senior citizens of Fair- view Lodge to and from the Golden Age Club and other ser- vices where possible. The mem: bers have a keen interest in the Safety Patrol dances, providing canteen facilities and sunervis- ion when necessary. They try to help in different ways with the Retarded Children and also the Cerebral Palsy victims. This year they hove to provide assistance to a child in the Chil- dren's Aid that shows a desire for special training, At Christ- mas time baskets were narked and delivered' to several needy familiies. The finances are raised by a night of cards, theatre party, rummage sales and dues. The officers for 1059-60 are: Presi- dent, Miss Lililan Beamish; past president, Mrs. Madge Lindsay; first vice-president, Mrs. Grace Clairmont; second vice-president Miss Muriel Wilson; Mrs. Mildred Flutter; treasurer, Miss Mary McLean; directors, Miss Beverley Storie and Mrs. Adele Cowan; chairmen--co-or- dinating ecomm., Mrs. Grace Clairmont; community service, Miss Muriel Wilson; club service, Miss Beverley Storie: club ae- tion, Miss Beth Miller; public affairs, Mrs. Agnes Gorrie; pub- licity, Mrs. Madge Lindsay. Ajax WI, Small But Busy Group Ajax Women's Institute was or- ganized in May 7, 1946, with 19 members in Ajax Community Centre on Cedar street. Activities of past year are: Visit to Har- lander's Pottery in Brooklin, Apron auction, pot luck supper, display of home-made Christmas gifts. cards for shut-ins, mystery parcel, papers on health rules and citizenship. Donations to local secretary, » | Mrs. Stephen Coe; Holy Cross Aux. Aids Church, School The Women's Auxiliary of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church 'ties of the past year have been: | cil £1 HH 'Many articles of clothing been packed and shipped to Mis. sions also much used ¢lothing is distributed locally. for the months of July and Au- gust a party was held in June. Officers for the 1959-60 term are: President, Mrs. Joseph Cal- lahan; first vice president, J. T. Mullen; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Reg Reid; third vice- president, Mrs. Maurice Taillon; secretary, Mrs: Patrick Mec- Avoy; treasurer, Miss Mary Fitzgerald; committee chairmen: Social, Mrs. James Hickey; wel- fare, Mrs. J. H. Lyons; sick, membership, Mrs. Lyman Beatty; press, Mrs. H. T. Anthony; visiting, Mrs. J. H. Lyons, Mrs. Don Logan. Mrs. Steve Bonfordi; phone con- veners, Mrs. Leo Kryhul, Mrs. Jas. Hanson, Mrs. Donald Lo- gan, Mrs. H. T. Anthony. hospital home for aged. Slate of officers for 1959-60: President, Mrs. John Woods; first vice-president, Mrs. Art{Mr Silk: second vice-president, Mrs. R. Pepper; secretary- Mrs. D. Devolin; District direc. tor, Mrs. D, McIntosh; alternate district director, Mrs. 'A. Bisson- nette; branch directors, Mrs. W. Griffith, Mrs. W. Lawson, Mrs. M. Chidlely; historical research and eurrent events, Mrs. P Boyle; home economics, Mrs. F. Bunting; agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mrs. J. Mack- ness; citizenship and education, Mrs. H. Hutchison;; public rela- tions, Mrs. J, McNevin;; audi- tors, Mrs. T. Bunting, Mrs. H. Hutchison; present membership was formed in 1952. The activi-| Co-operation is givea in way possible with the Headquarters such as A She Descssaly Sssistanes. from the auxiliaries for Apple Day quets and other tions. vides auxiliaries with literature, pins and other supplies and when invited the members of board will visit any of the auxiliaries. This year the Executive assisted the Rotary Club with its annual picnic for crippled chil- dren at Camp Samac. Donated toward the expenses of the Boy Scout who attended the World Jamboree in the Philippines this summer, The present slate of officers are: President, Mrs. G. N. Var- pum; vice president, Mrs. A. Bunker, Mrs. H. Schuermann; secretary, Mrs. F. La Salle; treasurer, Mrs. G. Fitches; eor- responding secretary, Mrs. L. Anderson; phone committee, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs, J. Calder, Mrs. C. Archer, Mrs. H. Wagar; press reporter, Mrs. Wm. Richardson; visiting. Mrs. G. Aason. 3 IRISH PUBS DUBLIN (AP) -- Proposed new liquor laws would permit pubs to open on St. Patrick's Day for the first time in the Irish Republic's history. The legislation now being considered also: would - extend drinking hours fo 11:30 on week- nights, instead of 10:30. Barmen however are objecting to extra hours without more pay. free estimates. have turned people away from buses; WRT EG | TE Decorator Fabrics etty Hlaydl INTERIOR DECORATOR Betty Haydl can give you the benefit of years of interior decorating experience acquired while working through- out Europe and the United States. Come in and choose your drapery material from modern and provincial prints in yard goods . . . or have them custom made by us . . . Visit our showroom and see our large selection of living room Furniture. . . Rugs... and Lamps Betty Hayd! INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 KING ST. EAST : OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. RA 5-2686 Ee PR