The Oshawa Times, 22 Oct 1959, p. 17

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JEAN SMITH ocvI SONIA KUPNICKI 0CVI The Oshawe Sines "SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1959 PAGE SEVENTEEN CAROLYN JOHNSON ocv1 Chest Gifts Rid Work SANDY SMITH JACKIE CAMERON oCVvI ocvI CATHY PUSKAS oCVI Of The CAS Last year the Children's Ald Society in Oshawa was able to help 1174 children with money J lit received from the Greater Oshawa Community Chest. The money made it possible for the children, who would have been given up by their parents, i [to remain in their own homes. B. M. Lewis, director of the Children's Aid Society in Osh- awa, said that the society is constantly approached by young # parents whose marriages are on DORIS LEES FRANCES MINACS 0CCI Donevan CI the point of breaking up. Their children aggravated the situa- tion because neither of the par- ted the resp y them. May Study One-Way Streets One-way streets in the down- town area were discussed Wed- " |nestlay night at the monthly i [meeting of the Traffic Advisory Adelaide McLaughlin Pupil Wins Contest Susan Huehnergard, a Grade § pupil at the Adelaide McLaughlin School finally pulled it off for the Huehnergard family Wednes- day night when she won the Jun- PARENTS ATTEND Hobbs, Albert street; Stephen Clark, Dr. C. F. Cannon; Bonnie Leavitt, Cedardale; Gail Flon- family whose house was burnt down. Susan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i |Council. It was decided that de- ~ | [tailed studies of the area, if i lundertaken, would receive the & [full support of the council. §| Traffic committee chairman, Ald. A. V. Walker, told the coun- cil the traffic congestion in the downtown area was, "not get- ting any better." Ald. Walker said that a one- wav street program was being such a scheme would have to be the traffic committee and that such a scheme would have o be developed on a King - Bond basis. Athol street was out, explained Ald." Walker, b of the abrupt change of direction just west of Centre street. 's the only solution to alle- midtown traffic prob- for Red Feather Public Speaking Contest in the auditorium of the McLaughlin Library. Susan, who is nine, has a brother Paul, 14, and a sister Carol, 12, who were finalists in Red 'Feather public speaking con- tests last year and the year be- fore. Paul was a senior finalist in the Red Feather public speaking contest in 1957 and 1958.. Carol was a junior finalist in 1958. The title of Susan's prize-win- ning address was A Night to R ber. In it she described how many of the welfare agen- cies sharing the Greater Osh- awa Community Chest helped a CAROL DAVIDSON Donevan CI Name Winner At Dance L. Huehnergard, 473 Bader street, Paul, Carol and her brother Randy, 13, were in the audience when B. Lewis, director of Chil- dren's Aid Society and master of cer at the test, an- nounced that she had won the Karn tropHy. There were 23 other finalists in Grade 6 and below from Osh- awa primary schools. TO ATTEND LUNCHEON On Monday the trophy will be presented to Susan at the com- bined Rotary - Kiwanis luncheon at Hotel Genosha. All finalists and their principals will be in- vited to the luncheon. The finalists were: Christine tdk, St. Christopher's; Paulette Gulenchvn, College Hill; Linda Lupel, Gertrude Colpus; Susan Peters, Conant; Patty Germond, Coronation; Kathy Keeler, Duke of Edinburgh; John Krantz, Har- mony; Michael Donnley, St. Jo- seph's; Wendy Wilson, E. A. Lovell; Ann Eyre, Mary street; Susan Huehnergard, Adelaide McLaughlin (the winner); Carol Turner, Vincent Massey; Paul Sutton, North Simcoe; Bob Cherry, St. Philips; Marshal Crotin, Queen Elizabeth; Sandra Gilkes, Ritson; Lydia Skoehko, South Simcoe; Sharon 'Besse, Westmount; Ann Louise Ross, Woodcrest and Sharon Gold- blatt, Sunset Heights. 'Saturday viate the lem," sald Walker. "We met with the Downtown B Men's Association last spring and suggested two alternatives: no parking for three blocks in every direction from the Four Corners; or one-way streets to speed the Miss Red Feather, 1959, will be chosen Saturday night at the Get-Together Club dance in the anditorium of the O'Neil Collegi- ate and Vocational Institute. Contestants from Oshawa's traffic flow. three BRAY hove Dave Ald. Cecil Bint told the council boa TI wn 1 pe|that such a proposal 'would en- d e na 'choice wi [tail thorough traffic surveys and made Satay by executive! much preliminary planning be- members ne on awa Riwanis| fore adoption of a one-way street Club members chaperone the = ZTaID: weekly Get . Together Club danc: CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Sandra Vickers, 1200 Som- erville street; Kenneth Wood, 70 Millan drive; Bill Hender- son, 450 Drew street; Tony Chernick, 90 Chadburn. street; Mrs. Mary Graham, 27 Wil- lowpark drive, The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of | -- KEEPING TAB ental and Thursday night] VANCOUVER (CP) -- The city reek wi 3 - |will employ a labor statistician to fis w wiimiels i ihe Junior), ip present the city's case in la- nd seitfor Public apes king Som por disputes. He will compile sta- i . in Tika. tistics and information on work- Sorin of Ye MoLaughlin Litre ling conditions and record all, la- To Open The management committee of the Community Recreation Asso- ciation of Oshawa is busy mak- ing final arrangements for the opening, at 8 p.m. next Monday, in the CRA building, of the East Central Ontario Art Exhibition. The committee has been for- tunate in securing Porfessor Barker Fairley, head of the Ger- man department, University of Art Exhibition Monday Mr. Finley took his master's degree in art and archaeology at the University of Toronto. He is represented in public collec tions in Sarnia and Toronto and in private collections in U.S.A., England, Scotland and Canada. He has been exhibiting regularly with the Ontario Society of Ar- tists and the Royal Canadian Academy. He is now on the staff of the department of art and He explained the attitude of these parents: "It means that the parent who is stuck with the children isn't as free to have a good time as the other ome." BEST WITH PARENTS "We don't take the children away unless we can possibly help it," he said. "We feel that children have their best chan~ with their own parents," and we make every effort to assist parents to look after their chil- dren." More could be done for parents Chairman agrees in principle that cross- Wednesday | walks are a definite advantage. "This is still in the early thinking stages. Much thought and investigation are still need- ed. We would not consider be- ginning such a program before next spring. "My committee has been con- sidering possible locations in which we feel this program might be instituted. We are at the point now where we are checking pedestrian counts at key crossings throughout the city." Trustee Mortimer Brown, rep- resénting the board of education, said he felt that a tremendous' Traffic Committee Ald. A. V. Walker night received unanimous appro- val from the Traffic Advisory Council to continue the gather- ing of data in regard to a cross- walk program in Oshawa. Ald. Walker's traffic commit- tee, working in conjunction with traffic engineer Robert Richard- son, has been acquiring valua- ble statistics and - information, mainly from Toronto traffic planners who instituted the first cross-walk program in Canada last year. "We have been thinking cross- walks for some time," said Ald. Walker. "The traffic ittee Committee Plans Cross-Walk Study Check Pedestrians At Key Crossings cross-walks," he said. FRENCH NATIVE SOUGHT HERE The matter of an inheri- tance is involved in the effort of a relative in France to find some trace in Canada of a Leonard Bauyerat. Mr. Bauyerat came to Canada from France between 1870 and -1880 but it is not known where he located. If any reader of this item knows of such a party or. has ever heard of him, .please The annual conference of the Bible Clubs of Oshawa and dis- trict will be held in Calvary Bap- tist Church Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23 and 24. The conference is open to all who are interested in seeing the Word of God being taught to.the write direct to Madame if the Society had the money to Theillard, Ahun, Creuse, offer temporary care to the chil- . ' France. dren during periods of extreme all workers among od young folk of the district. It af- Bible Clubs Plan Weekend Rally fore 'they get out into a life of sin. The iessons are taught by flannelgraph, songs are sung and memorization of the scripture is encouraged. The children take a great interesf in the meetings and respond by learning the scripture verses. In Oshawa 475 children are taught weekly, Many of these childrer do not attend Sunday School. fords a wonderful opportunity for young people stress in the family. If they can be removed for a few months, it|, gives the parents an opportunity to readjust themselves. At the moment, Mr. Lewis said, the Society can afford to give temporary care to children only when they were found ¢o be neglected by the Juvenile or Family Court. u Giving money directly to. par-|~ ; i ents who wanted to be rid of § | their children because of finan-|# cial reasons, did not solve their problems, Mr. Lewis said. SKILLED COUNSELLING 3 : | Skilled i s still too ready to have chil- for away from their it was to help the parents good job. "This is putting the cart be- more the horse," Mr. Ledis maintains. "A child needs tr» he brought up by its own parents. This is fundamental and it does them a lot of harm to take them away." The Society's family work was far less expensive than it would be if the children were boarded with foster parents, Mr. Lewis DAIRY CANVASSER William Hart, who has been appointed by the committee of the Greater Oshawa Commun- ity Chest to collect Chest do- nations from Oshawa dairies. H&S ASSOCIATION School teach- ers. . The opening service will be conducted by Rev. Alan King, the Canadian secretary of the; '|Bible Club Movement, Friday, at 7:30 p.m. The Saturday sessions will commence at 10 a.m. when Rev, Nivan Aitkin, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, will be the de- votional speaker. SPECIAL SPEAKERS The special speakers during the conference will be Miss B. Jordan, author of "Footsteps of 'aith", Miss Jordan is on the staff of the movement at the in- ternational headquarters in Phil- adelphia. She will be teaching methods of teaching and also the use of the flannelgraph. Miss Florence Tilley, of the Africa Inland Mission, working in- Tanganyika, Africa, will also be one of the speakers. She will be telling of the movement among the natives of Africa. Rev. Cecil Nelson, Oshawa gi- rector of the work in this dis- trict, will be taking part and will be teaching new songs. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock reports of the Bible clubs will be given. In Oshawa and district the Bible Club Movement has been growing at a tremendous rate. In the rural areas the school boards have opened their schools for classes which are taught by Rev. Cecil Nelson and Miss N, Moon. More than 1500 children are being taught. Much encour agement is given when one sees the change in the lives of many of these children and also the ef- fect it Has on many of their homes. The director and volunteer workers have a camp for two weeks in the summer. Each year the attendance has been growing and many applications for regis. tration in the camp have to be turned down because of the lack of space. . Parks Group To Meet At Peterborough A general meeting of the On. tario Parks Association will be bela in Peterborough Saturday, , 24. The meeting is to be held in the city hall with the registra. tions at 9 p.m. Business wiil be : & -------- Toronto, as the special speaker. Prof, Fairley is an accomplished artist being particularly interest- Many folk are becoming inter- ested in the teaching of the scrip- tures. Many parents tell of their their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a dealt with following the welcome by Ald. Boorman. The program will consist of two panel discus. ry. Last night the junior winner bor settlements. {por c archaeology, University of To- was chosen from 23 pupils in| NO .CONCESSION ronto. said. Last year the Society managed SUPPORTS 'DRYS' Grade Six and below from Osh-| VANCOUVER (CP) -- A re- awa primary schools. Tonight quest by city council for reduced the senior winner will be chosen, |fares for old-age pensioners dur- four - week period following the showing of "South Pa- cific". However, the free list ed in portraiture. His keen in- Mr. Hall is an artist, teacher,|to do not only its family work gratitude for this work especially sight and strong views made him a popular speaker in the field of art. illustrator 'and designer, He has lectured in fine arts and at the school of architecture, University have with the money provided by the Community Chest but also to care for 81 unmarried mothers AJAX (Staff)--The executive of the Parkside Home and School Association has gone on record among the young children. IN PRIVATE HOMES Twenty-four students in Grade|ing non-rush hours has been re- Seven and eight are competing|jected by the British Columbia for the title. Electric Railway. AIR CADET NEWS Wings Parade Next Tuesday By WINGLESS WILLIE brass and shoes as well as they|of up to $5,000 if they can make Thesday evening saw the be-|could. . |an initial payment of 25 per cent. has been suspended during the engagement of "South Pacific", Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. LOANS TO FARMERS. VICTORIA (CP) British Columbia loans to farmers for land-clearing will be extended to drainage projects, Agricul ture Minister Newton Stacy an- This being an open and select- ive show, interest has been very keen. Paintings have come in from as far away as Peterbor- ough, as well as Bowmanville and Oshawa. These are but a few of the many communities in the zone which have. submitted pictures. During the week three out- standing artists will select about 40 of the best pictures from around 200 entries received. The judges are Gerald Finley, MA; John Hall, OSA; Alexandra Luke - Painters 11, WC Society CGP. of Torontc since 1945. He has ex- hibited with the Ontario Society and put 69 children out for adop- tion. as being unanimously for the "Vote No" committee in its ef- of Artists, Royal Canadian Acad- emy, the Canadian Society of Graphic Art,-the National Gal- lery and many others. His paint- ings have been exhibited in the US.A., «the USSR. and in Brazil. His works have been pur- chased by the National Gallery of Canada, Art Gallery of To- ronto and the government of Brazil. Mrs. Luke studied with A. Y, Jacksog 2nd' J. W. G, MacDonald at Banff and at the Hans Hof- mann School of Fine Art in Prov- incet , Cape Cod. Mrs. Luke's ing after the classes called the|ly seen some of the Torofito Air "Class Seniors". Cadets Squadrons in the past This system puts one cadet a|year so let's show him that we night in charge of a class. The are as good. cadet in charge is responsible for the discipline of the class| NEW CADETS ginning of a new system of look-| W./C. Mirabelli has undoub Problems paintings have been in major group exhibitions across Canada including the first Canadian New York Biennial, Miami, Florida; Texas and Provincetown, Mass. There have been three one-man and he sees that the group is formed up and ready for classes. This new .system gives younger cadets a chance to run somet. for a change and we hope it will build a sense of re- sponsibility in each cadet. Every cadet will have a chance to look after his group for ene evening. PROMOTIONS Six LAC"s took a practical drill test Tuesday so the C.0., Fit./L. Gillbank and some of his ad- visors could pick three new cor- poral Ss. After the test three LAQ's were presented with a set of corporal hooks. We would like to congratulate Allan Doole, Paul Higgins, and Ted McRae on their promotions. WINGS PARADE Next Tuesday the squadron will have a wings parade and an inspection by Wing Comman- ficer Mirabelli, Commanding Of- view, Toronto. W./C. Mirahelli will be present-| ing wings to four of our cadets who took their flying scholarship the| |'This is quite a good number and =o iiTeis Of Mental Health shows: Picture Loan Gallery, To- ronto 1952; Eglington Gallery 1955; and the Park Gallery 1958. Mrs. Luke is a member of let's hope we can keep it up. CLEAN-UPS crests are on sale in the office for any cadets who want them. ities. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The Oshawa and Ontario Coun- ty branch of the Canadian Men- tal Health Association will hold Two new bulletin boards were(a conference at the YWCA, Ade- put up in the hall this week|jaid which makes it ny nobles when you are putting up notices. 24. much easier|in mental health, Saturday, Oct. Any cadet who wants a copy| This is the first big project, of the Roundel for this month undertaken by th may amie] for Wis oth ertaken by the branch, 'since ce. its recent inauguration. Its pur- pose is to arouse public interest, educate the public and find di- rection for future branch activ- Lapel pins and Air Cadet ; Toe tonfereuce hon be divided nto four discussion groups. A Why did W.0. 2 Gallagher not|special resource radar wil be ear his trench coat this week? present in each group to act as an advisor. Each resource leader BACK TO SCHOOL is a recognized expert in the VANCOUVER (CP) -- Adults/area of discussion his group is wi ime are going back to school here jn|concerned with. large numbers. Registration at FOUR PANELS evening classes is expected tol,, 1th [reach 28,000, compared with 25,.| Mental H in<iie Communit The four groups are titled: {000 regular students in high|ity", with Dr. H. W. Henderson, dustry", with Professor William Line, professor of psychology, University of Toronto, and "Maternity and Child Welfare", with Dr. Robert Miller and Dr. Painters Eleven, Canadian So- ciety of Painters in water color, and the Canadian Group of Painters. Alan Rundle, both of Osh " The conference will start with coffee and registration at 9.30 am. An opening session with Rev. Clinton D. Cross as chair- man will start at 10 a.m. At this session the resource leaders will outline briefly, the area of in- formation each discussion group will cover. The individual groups will start their workshop discussions at 11 a.m. Lunch break will be from 12.30 p.m. to 2 p.m., after which the workshops will resume until 4 pm. A plenary session will start at 4 pm. This is where all the groups present their individual findings. Dinner will be at 6 p.m. The } will be Dr. J. D. Duplicate Bridge Club Results The high scores for games played by members of the Osh- awa Duplicate Bridge Club, at Adelaide House Tuesday night, were: North and South -- Mrs. E. Culp and Mrs. G. A. Rundle, 85 points; Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. M. R. Clarke, 85 points; Mrs. F. Turney and Mrs. R. Schofield, 83% points; Miss R. Higgins and Mrs. N. Daniel, 65% points. East and West -- Mr. and Mrs. F. Frobel, 78% points; Mr. and schools and 35,000-in elementary 'M, director of y Mrs. T. Stone, 68% points; Bob forts to prevent further liquor outlets in the town at the present time. The vote on the four liquor Juestions will be' held November 1. DRIVING LESSONS VANCOUVER (CP)--The traf- fic and safety council is seekihg approval to introduce driver- training in 15 high schools here. In Oshawa many Bible clubs are held in several homes in dif- ferent districts of the city, after school hours. These clubs are un- denominational and the volunteer teachers are members of many churches. They seek to give the Gospel to the boys and girls be- sions--one on and the other on reports followed by a tour of all the city parks. The delegates will be guests of the City of Peterborough at a dinner at the Club Aragon. This is the first meeting of the Association since the annual con. vention that was held in Windsor last July, A large number of delegates are expected. budget guest Griffin, MD, general director of the Canadian Mental Health As- sociation. health, mental health division, department of health, as a re- source leader; "Mental Health in |schools. . Adult courses run from four weeks to 10 months, Harrison and W. Cox, 66 points; J. Buchanan and J. McLachlan, 64 points. training last summer This inspection and parade HAPPY RED FEATHER JUNIOR SPEAKING CONTEST WINNER are quite important so let's have a 200d pressain pants and mice, the Schools", with Mitchell Len- 8 good | STARTING RIGHT nox, BA, MED, administrative Beat ait Looking over the ca-| A healthy breakfast includes|assistant, child adjustment serv- ast week it appears that citrus fruit juice, cereal, bacon orice, of the board of education, Everyone is welcome at this conference. Registration fee will be $3. Anyone wishing to pur- chase lunch at Adelaide House some cadets are not shining their| egg, toast and a hot beverage. |Toronto; "Mental Health in In- I may do so. The lucky draw was won by Mrs. W. Salter. The next bridge will begin at 7.30 p.m, Susan Huehnergard, 11, was | pupil at the Adelaide McLaugh: the winner of the Red Feather | lin School. With Susan in the junior public speaking contest | picture are ¥. Ross (left), prin- Wednesday night. Susan is a | cipal of Queen Elizabeth School ! and Harold McNeill, director of Simcoe Hall, co-chairmen of the public speaking contest. There were 23 finalists in the junior section of the contest which was held in the auditor- ium of the McLaughlin Library. --Oshawa Times Photo

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