RKP [1]: IT or ITS A EES CARNIVAL! Garbage Cans Large size, extra strong, rust re- sistant. Two handles. Only 2.93 \e Diaper Pail With Lid uality polythene, neat So sanitary in appearance, acid resistant. Pink only. Only 1.68 ~~ sa rs TOMORROW !! Men's Flannel Shirts Good quality plaid flannel, guaranteed unconditionally washable, superior workmanship. Full cut. Size 14}4 te 16%. Reg. 2.49. ONLY 1.67 Blech SAFETY Men's Corduroy Sport Shirls Beautifully styled pinwale corduroy. Long sleeve. Guarenteed washable, ploin colors and designs. Sizes S, M, L. Reg. to 4.95. ONLY 3.77 MEN'S THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 22, 1959 75 HYDRO PARKAS 12-88 Men's Leather Windbreakers Step-On Can. Genuine sani-queen, step-on can. White only. Rust resistant insert. Onlv ONLY 1 5.44 238 Baby Bath Evaluated polythene, standard size, chip-proof, hygienic, easy to clean, Only 1.88 -S Men's Nylon Jackeis 16-95 Heavy quality gabardine "Arctic" insul- otion, separate hood, large pockets, rein- forced at points of wear. Sizes S, M, L. Reg. 15.95. Only. . Men's Sport Shirls : The most modern design in shirt making, permanent collar stays, ! fully guaranteed Sizes M, L. Reg. te 4.95. ONLY ..... Genuine leother, nicely teilared satin lining, knit cuffs and collars, plain or fancy designed jacket. Sizes 38-44. Reg, to 21.95. ONLY New styling, sturdy nylon with new lightweight "Bondicell" insulotion, Zipper and button closing, Sizes M, L, XL, Reg, 19.95, ONLY Special Friday 10 a.m, = 11 a.m. Ladies' Nylon Cardigans Good quality knit, assorted colors «. sizes 14-18. Reg. to $3.98, LY One hour enly ® 1 HOUR ONLY Special Friday 2 p,m.-3 p.m. Girls* Slim Jims Pinwele corduroy. Lined. Wash. eg, 01 able. Size 7-12. Reg. $3.98. 7 HOUR ONLY One hour only . Special Friday 8 p.m.-9 p.m. Prestone Brand Anti-Freeze 199 1 HOUR ONLY Special Saturday 10 a.m.-11 a,m, Boys' Duffle Coat Good quality lined poplin jacket, pt, Soe 2 ren) DD ~ 1 HOUR ONLY Special Saturday 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Curity Diapers ou - as 40". Reg, $4.75. 2M One Box To Customer 1 HOUR ONLY Boys' Lined Pants ' Good quolity gabardine dress pents. Plaid - flannel lining, Guaranteed washable. * Grey ond black colors + Reg. to 4.95. ONLY Boys' Plaid Shirt ------ , Fine quality plaid flannel, washable guer-, . anteed for expert tailoring and workmen- * ship. Sizes 8-14. 96¢ Reg. 1.49. ONLY -- | -- . Boys' Polo Shirt . Long sleeve. Superfine interlock, combed cotton, easy to wash, solid colors with con- trasting collor and pecket. Sizes 6-14. Reg. 1.98, 93¢ ONLY | | Boys' Flannel Pyjamas Good quality flannclette, easy to wash, full eut ail over design. Sizes 8-14. ONLY 2.49 J-- Boys' Lined Jeans "Buckeye" Brand, new 4-point denim, stronger. Long-weering, olorfast and Senforized with good quality flannel lin- ing. Boxer back waist. Sizes 8-12. ONLY . Hooded poplin jocket. trimmed, Children's Eskimo Coat guid ting" wi, Tog eal Tharmepi 6-95 Boys' Duffle Coat 8.95 Heavy melton cloth jacket, split hood, quilted ning, zipper and fastener closing. Size 4-6x. n in v Ps Boys' Duffle Coat Good quality Melton Cloth. Heavy quilted lining, split hood, zipper ond fastener closing. Sizes 8-14. 10 95 . Reg. to 14.95. ONLY ..... Fine pinwale corduroy, velvets plain colors and Children's Slim Jims Size 3-6x. Reg. to $2.98. Only x b | Boys' Corduroy Shit + Fine pinwale corduroy, easy to wash, e . designérs collection , . = 2-In-1 sw « JAC. Sizes 8-14. Reg. 2.98. 1.88 . . Boys' Orion Pullover V-neck, extre fine high bulk Orlon, check- ered designs, | leeve, Ses 8.14. ONLY 2.98 Children's Lined Jeans 1.98 Boxer waist style, Sanforized, striped Denim, good quality flanneletre lining. . Zipper fy. ize 3-6x. Only -------------------- A Girls' Car Coals Fine quality goberdine, knit cuff end collor, zipper closing with outside fastener. Quilted 5. 00 lining. Sizes 8-14. Reg. 9.95. ONLY ------ Girls' Velvet Slim-Jims "Young Fair Togs", continental originals beautifully tailored velvet slims, boxer style back, Side zipper opening, slit leg. Sixes 7-12. Reg 3.98. ONLY SR, Girls' Eskimo Coal Twill cord poplin, good all-weather fabric, nicely styled jacket, quilted flannel lining. Sizes 7-12. ONLY * Rayon knit, lace trim, elastic top. white, maize, turquoise. Reg. 98c. ONLY LADIES' HALF-SLIPS Pink 66 Sizes §, M, L Ladies' Mie Car-Coal Good Weight, All Wes! Jacket pliesh Subd, Heavy Quilt Lining. Girls' Pyjamas Good quelity flonnelette, oll over print, boxer waist, full cut. Sizes 8-12. Sizes hot Kiddies' Corduroy Crawlers Hand embroidered, easy to wash Pinwele Corduroy. Bib- front, strap shoulder, boxer back, dome fastener, open- ing type pant leg. Size 12 - 24 months, Reg. 2.98. ONLY 1.23 Ladies' Blouses Subs of better blouses, Nylons, Orlons end Cottons. Meany styles and colors to choose from. Sizes 12.20. ONLY Ladies' Nylons First quality, full fashioned, seamed nylon hose, reinforced heel and toe, latest shades. Oversize Nighigown Fine quality flannelette, solid color with contrast insert panel long sleeve. Oversize only Kiddies' Jean Shirt Seis Lined Denim or Corduroy, Boxer Jeans with matching flannel shist. Both easy to wash. Size 3 - 6. 2.44 Reg. 3.98. ONLY ig 9Va-11. Kiddies' Flannel Shirts Smartly styled, quality check: fit end workmanship. Washable. Sizes 4 - - 6X. 77¢ Reg. te 1.29. ONLY 4 3 Seamless YOUNG FAIR Tighis 100% nylon stretch for that leggy look. Size 3- 14x. Pair