12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 22, 1959 Legal Squabble Forcesi=izz<s] LET'S GO Recess In Gas Hearing® Drm Huntin | . WASHINGTON (AP) -- A legal squabble Wednesday forced a week-long recess in a power|yy " Wiad Gag C ", commission hearing on applica- , 0g ] ; 48 TH 'tions by two firms to provide . Lawrence's application is|Trans-Canada line at Cornwall, Tu d by the New York State : natural gas in the same Sawyer testified that Trans- 'New York area, Natural Gas Company, Pitts-{canada has the ability to supply|o8 their : BOND : Ri 8 | 56511 . It interrupted testimony by|burgh, Pa., which wants to sup- : ' Steve B. Sawyer, chiel engincer|ply gas tothe Niagara Mohawk a o 5 lawraices bodk £23 (for Trans - Canada Pipe Lines Power Corporation, Syracuse, from the Ontario Natural Gas x S I. W. Storage. Company on week days. It can make up this diversion TELEVISION LOG:Srritimeis Bool oon Ik TIRE STORES CHCH-IV Channel 11--Hamiltos CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronte ri WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Roch : WINCHESTER os MODEL 99EG WGR-TV Channel 2---Bnuffale WBEN-TV Channel ¢--Bufiale Lever action, 308 Col. Reg. 148.85. 0, » ¢ 4 i SAVAGE SALE ; { } LEVER ACTION 139.95 \Z ¢ | ; 30-30 Cal. Reg. 86.95. SALE 114.95 MODEL 94 WINCHESTER BiI°4 ov ac Corbines. 30-30 Col. Reg. 87.00, SALE : | mm ' MARLIN 69.95 | iy : . h ot EVER ACTION is MODEL 740 Yr i : » AN 72.00 REMINGTON NIG ", s on MODEL 340 200 aT TOLOADER 5. sant HAR. SAVAGE 139.95 2090 0 a oe, SALE MODEL 5 59.95 MODEL 760 JUNGLE CARBINES REMINGTON 303 CAL. Swiss Army Rifle PUMP 308 30-06 Cal. Reg. 124.50. SALE Special 24.95 30-30 Cal. Reg. 39.95. SALE 119.95 37.95 » - ? 5 THURSDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, fn-tay 'Theatre Living Worla I Friend Flicks ody Kort FRIDAY EVENING 5--Ding Dong 5:00 P.M, BR okey Hound 11--Family Theatre 6:00 P.M, 6--Tidewater Tramp 11.6--Metro_News ¢ 8--Play FRESH SIDE LEAN 9--Early Show 8 elf» S-Jeif's Collie Lite' Witp Father Neville are Fi SPARERIBS Ls 39° 6:30 oa - " 3 x 4 The Go 6 P. 11--Family Theatre 84 PRESSWOOD'S DINNER STYLE 22-33% og [-] Smoked Hams . 69 ¥ . 6:45 P. 5,3--Concentration = FRESH ONTARIO CHOICE . Tunis Neen WHOLE 49¢ |] Buss kB unny = LEGS 6-8 LB. 7--Gale Storm rete Pau ||, Prin "§ LAM $--Law of the Plainsman | T-Restless G 118 P.M. WHOLE si-prorica; Adee vs » . Tne FRONTS 68 1s. 32° LUCAS SUPER VALUE RINDLESS 8:00 P.M. Tomorrow 1-18. $3--Trouble Shooters LJ ra reaxiasi Dacon r«. "aan. From Black FP Special 4--Hotel de Pares 9:00 P.M, LUCAS OR PRESSWOOD'S SKINLESS WIENERS 279° or ; 1 : Js The Detectives of FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS GOOD SIZE -8--Manhurt oY Bet Your Life 114--Narsery Schoal Sports Ime -- On Bar House G f H wh on k:4 7--Gale Storm E [| OR PINK ia rapefrui ome 4--House Party 2-Thin Man 3:00 PML 118-P.M Party 11:00 P.M, NO. 1 SNOW WHITE 11:15 P.M. Dr. Malone 3 $:30 P.M, $---Viewpoint \4 11--Music For You : MUSHROOMS 18. 44 Late Show 7-Who Do You Trust 6-TBA 82--From Thess Roots 4--~The Verdict is Yours SENNYWORTH¢ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT AJAX MAIN STORE OPEN THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS TILLY P.M. OSHAWA STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY WINDBREAKERS | Girls', Boys' 2,3, 4 Years | mauowrmnawrasme | BOYS 4, 6, 6x YEARS | LADIES S1ZE 12 - 18 LADIES' SKIRTS roe, sores tua. tans] SNOW SUITS | COSTUMES | FLANNEL SHIRTS | ERCSIMS [snubs tent waist, collar end cuffs, 2 slash Twin zippers to ankles, water COMPLETE WIT 4 3 Brot ae hor au: yutere H MASK ATTRACTIVE BOLD CHECKS Fine quality, pin corduroy, side | bold check plaid. Sizes 10 to kets, stu front xi A poe rdy PPer| lay down collar. Rayon quilted Sizes 3 10 12. AND PLAID PATTERNS Roy 18. Reg. 4.95. AJ OSH AW A Reg. 3.98. wool lined. Reg. 6.95. REG. UP TO 2.29 REG. 99¢ REG. 3.98 21 BOND ST. W. 1.99 2.99 | 1.49 66¢ ; 1.99 1.77 HARWOOD NORTH BOYS' GIRLS' MEN'S PENNYWORTH'S CLEARANCE HOUSE IN AJAX, | HOUSEHOLD | INFANT'S | - LADIES' BOYS' 1st QUALITY NYLON ems au woo | mensemstouaury | ONT., OPEN THIS WEEKEND and every weekend EXTRA LARGE FULLY Plastic Panis LADIES' PURSES Gabardine Pants | Winter Goals | Sanforizeddeans | 1) s,1rday, Oct. 31, 1959, when it will be closed | FRYER & COOKER | ago sos, se Belted, zipper. Sizes 3-6x. he latest 1959 fashions. Rivet reinforced. Sizes 30-38. ' 1.19 | Reg. 9 Reg. 18.95. Fully 2. 6:00] ¢ k and re- d as PENNYWORTH'S | series Or one week and re-opened as A FLANNEL STRIPED BORDER LADIES' ORLON KITT SOFT SrLoN nts Bam TOYLAND with the largest selection of toys in CHROME FINISH Crib Blankets CARDIGANS Flannel Pyjamas Cardigans In _emored A Py 55 Oshawa, Ajax or Whitby at prices that will save | shor oem oa TERS, | et Rn mun 290 ACCESSORIES -- GUN CASES -- AMMUNITION - AMMO BELTS -- CAPS -- COATS -- ETC. - TERMS -- 10% DOWN -- 10.00 MONTH OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY -- BEST SELECTION OF GUNS IN TOWN EE ---------- Sizes $-M-L. tee. Reg. 3.95 Reo. 17.95 INFANTS' WHITE Reg. 3.98 dollars. crm oe om you collars LARGE SIZE CHENILLE Soft Boots Women's Skirts tm $00 GTB | butows serge, | 5 Seyret ove: sees 108 | Come to the CLEARANCE HOUSE this weekend Bedspreads iol TUM 987 | gabartne, Mabeurms nie Assorted colors. Reg. 5.95. From and save on merchandise that must be cleared | "sss ; HOODED TERRYCLOTH before the opening of PENNYWORTH"S LARGE SIZE Towel Seis LADIES' GIRLS' RUBBERIZED ® 2 'ter 300 TOYLAND. 3a Bath Towels | res Winter Coals Water-Repelient Finish . Ra 99¢ In 100% AN Wool Materials. MEN'S SAVE DOLLARS ON ALL Sizes 12 to 20. BO LikieD CAR COATS Parka Jackels | Pennyworth's CLEARANCE HOUSE located beside | oust se sizx emrz FIRST QUALITY JEANS ; Saw 3 to Sm de ME 2.99 | stoma veterroot -- Pennyworth's Department Store at Ajax, Ont. Comforters Diapers so 1.69 2* 00 Reg. 8.95 cine WW . ty. Dhiparere BOYS' MELBOURNE GIRLS' FLANNELETTE MEN'S 100% ALL WOOL Hou rs--Friday 10 a.m. to 8 P. m.; Saturday 10 Reg. 7.95 e 4.99 Raa SLIPS Flannel Suits PYJAMAS Suburban Coals am. to 5 p.m. No exchanges or refunds at the G.E. ELECTRIC 18 x 36. Rep. 3.59 Lace trimmed, washable rayon ti 3 gon gout. Sues 0-15. 17,88 | to. 1 pes 9,99 | Clearance House. . Element Kettle | soc Bodie. Reg. 198 LL Reg. 22.95 1-Yeor Fully ' ro gitly Susmess, Soll LADIES' FLANNEL BOYS' CHINO LINED MEN'S PACKAGED P th's Clearance House will re-open the Reg. 9.98 FLANNEL CAR COATS ennywor pen toh DRESS PANTS a Socks second week in January, 1960. ELECTRIC FRY PAN Nighties _ PYJAMAS . Sizes 8 to 16. 3 88 autre wool ine #4 colors. 99 Sizes 10%4-11%;. 3 99¢ Reg. 5.99 Vasu v Sizes 7 to 14. Reg. 10.95 Reg. 1.39 pr. Reg. 20.95 Reg. 698 ......vuvuninaiss Reg. 2.88