The Oshawa Times, 20 Oct 1959, p. 8

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7 |ing Mrs. Pat Hill, who merited NEWLYWEDS United in marriage recently at Eldad United Church were Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Johnston. The bride, the former Miss Donna Jane Vice, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vice of Solina and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of Tyrone The couple wil live at RR 1, Enniskillen --Photo by Ireland There Is No Trick in Arranging Teeners' Hallowe'en Party With holiday entertaining Just] Check the groceries! around the corner, year's party calendar. Hallow-|plenty of ice: cubes are a must. e'en, favorite night for witches'| Follow these simple party rules frolics, falls on a Saturday. It's/and, with your Hallowe'en tricks October has a list, and be sure there's plenty | turned up with a bonus on this|of everything. Don't forget that/Guide C: made to order for planning a teen|and treats table, you'll be party- party with a minimum of fuss and} a maximum of fun. Furthermore, it's a ready-made| opportunity for teen agers to try| giver of the year. You'll be 'haunted' by your friends, all right -- because they'll all want to know how soon you plan to their hand at entertaining "'on|have another one. their own'. No need to struggle over a color scheme; black and orange is it. No hunting about for| a party theme; witches and ghosts have made October 31 their spe-| cial property for hundreds of years. No struggle with special decorative effects, either -- de-| partment and variety stores are|y stacked to the walls with every.(; thing the most ambitious Hallow- coe Street United Church served omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 38-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 20, 1959 Port Perry Guides Pay Tribute To Retiring Captain, Mrs. Godley An event of special importance Z|and enjoyment for Guides and # Brownies and their mothers and " |leaders and friends was held re- cently in the Scout Hall at Port. Perry when they met to pay tribute to Captain Joan Godley, who is retiring as leader after ten years of faithful service in Guiding. A large number joined in pay- i |ing respect to her for her devo- tion and loyalty as a Guide lead- er, expressing regret at her re-| tirement, although she is remain-| ¢ ling as a division commissioner of Guides. i The president, Mrs. Jack | Witherspoon, welcomed all pres- lent, with special greetings to f [past and present leaders includ-| recognition for her untiring ef- forts as Brownie leader, but through illness could not be pres- ent. The Brownies of Mrs. Arnold Roach's pack presented a skit expressing their motto 'Lend a Hand". Mrs. Leonard Warriner Captain Godley expressed her gratitude and sincere apprecia- tion for the thoughtful gifts. The 1st Guide Company, with Guide Laurence Clark directing, presented a humorous skit, en- titled "This Is Your Guide Life", depicting numerous episodes of hikes and fun, with Captain God- ley as leader. Letters of greeting and appre- ciation were read from Mrs. Elgin Hutchinson, the founder of the Local Association, also from| Mrs. "J. Humphreys, former Brown Owl, and from Eleanor Hutchinson, of Ottawa, a Gold Cord Guide. There were seven ex-leaders, also four Guides of] the original company, present at the meeting. Second Company Guides, under the leadership of Mrs. Barry Howey and Mrs. Caroline Saun- ders, delighted with a cheery campfire sing-song including a special request from Captain Godley, "Tell Me Why!" Mrs. Kenneth Badour, a former % WEDD Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lesniewski are piciured following their marriage recently at St. Hed- wig's Roman Catholic Church, The bride, the former Miss Agnes Rejchak, is the daughter ING PRINCIPALS PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Melville Tracy, Gibbons street entertained at din- ner last evening for Mr. and Mrs, R. M. Hoskin, Fisher street, on the occasion of their 55th wed- ding anniversary. Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse-in- charge of the Oshawa Branch, Victorian Order of Nurses, and Miss Isobel Grassie, nurse-in- charge at Whitby, demonstrated the work of the Victorian Order at the Mediscope held last week in Toronto. Miss Catharine Mec- Carthy, a member of the VON national staff, Ottawa, was the commentator. Mrs. Douglas Coates, Reg. N., will be the guest speaker at the fall thankoffering meeting of the Jessie Panton Evening Auxiliary, St. Andrew's United Church, to be held next Tuesday evening, Oc- tober 27, and not this evening as stated in last night's paper. day where they attended wedding of their nephew, Mr. Jes e Corbett, to Miss Dorothy uttin, ava, will be the presiding officer @' the fall conference of the Fed- e ation of Women Teachers' As- ¢ sociation of Ontario at Dr. Pow- e's' School, Port Hope, next Satur-| of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rej- chak and the bridegroom is the gon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lesniewski, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Mary's Studio Brown Owl, presented Captain as a former Lieutenant, recalled the first Guide Company being formed. Mrs. Frank Hastings reminisced concerning a first Guide Camp on the Island, wit! Godley with a gold trefoil pin from former leaders. Other per- sonal gifts from former Guides | LODGES AND SOCIETIES were also presented. Captain Godley, relating many| Another important item during experiences. the evening was the recognition The presentation of a coveted|of the efficient assistance given "Thanks Badge" to Captain God-|Captain Godley during the past --- ley was mi. the president, |t Make|ley was made by the presiden | Williams. A gift of a three-tiered [ The ted Mrs. Witherspoon. 1959 wo years by Lieutenant Doris tray was presented to y pr her |with a colorful lamp. | picture, "Promise of Spring", by| |Franz Johnson was presented to {ner from the Ladies' Auxiliary {by Mrs. Donald Milne, past pres |ident. In this, two Guides wi |the longest service, Badour and Jeanne Williams, |assisted. Brownie Debbie Godley 1 Over 800 Served At Turkey Supper pr ted flowers to her mother. prepared Mrs. . A beautiful Mrs. Williams by the Ladies' Auxiliary secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. Mrs. Williams expressed er gratitude and added her per- .|sonal tribute to Captain Godley ith/and the Guides with whom she Marlene| Worked. While refreshments were being Frank Hastings ed the group in a jolly sing-song. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES The Fifty - Fifty Club of Sim- he largest attendance to date at ts annual turkey supper on Sat- 3RD GROUP COMMITTEE land 70 in hospital. Mrs. Herbert 3rd Group committee of the McLaughlin and her committee Girl Guide Association met at presented the devotional and pro- | | the home of the president Mrs. Joseph Hart, who presided. gram. The scripture was read by Mrs. R. L. Mowers and prayer PYTHIAN SISTERS The Pythian Sisters held their regular meeting recently with Sister Iva Cliff presiding. Manager, Ann Holt, escorted PSR Ada Gillard, PGC Jessie Goyne, Kay Ellibtt and Marie Lavender to the dais for intro- duction. adjustable crutches and two car cots be given the Cerebral Palsy Society. Sister Marjorie Carey is having a plaque demonstration at her home on October 28. The charter was draped for PSM Anna May Pittman. The children's Christmas party will be held December 15. Sister Mary Shields is convener. Sister Jean Fitches gave her report on friendship rally which was held recently at Welland On- tario. The degree staff and offi- cers had initiatory practice. COURT CHARLENE duced by means of a delightful] It was voted that a pair of|elected. Crotin, the new president, presid- ed. The new executive was intro-| little skit entitled "The New Ex-| ecutive'. A business meeting followed and ways and means for raising funds were discussed and captains to lead fund-raising teams were Mrs. Louis Sklar 'announced that her team would run a card night as its project. The next meeting will be held the first week in November. SPECIAL HOBBY REGINA (CP! -- Dr. V. Ron- deau of nearby Rouleau has been collecting birds' nests for 40 years. His prize specimen is a nest from the Philippines, made partly of spider webs. FINE SHAWLS dh ren K: the |Prizes were won by Mrs. Jean | Lawrence, Mrs, Miss Florence M. Hart, Osh- ay, October 24. A successful night of cards was held at Simcoe Hall under the auspices of the Pilot Club. Miss Lillian Beamish, president, wel- comed the guests and gave a brief talk on the aims of the club. P. Hermansen, Mrs, Maurice Winter, Mrs. G. Rae, Mrs. M. Coleman, Grace Wilson, Mrs. Ruth Farrow, Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mrs. 'Elsie Brown, Mrs. Harry Canfield, Mrs. Harold Sproule, Hilda Parker, Jennie Martin, Mrs. H. H. Wells, Mrs, R. R. Foster, Mrs. Donald Brown, Mrs. C. Marsh, Miss Mar- Jory Carter. The tote bags were won by Mrs, J. Powell and Mrs. M. Gulliver. The evening was convened by the Misses Beverly Storie and Mary MacLean. SENIOR CITIZENS BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP)-- Guests at a family party mark- ing the 99th birthday of Mrs. Thomas Murray at nearby Paris included her sister, Miss Minnie Fitzgerald, 97, of Brantford. \ CHILD READERS KITCHENER (CP, -- Kitchener iibrary's plan to take bookmobiles to children's summer playgrounds for pupils in graiice :. to 8, proved 50 pop that o'der brothers and shawls, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Corbett|# and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bone-|? ham were in Hespeler last Satur-| # + JOANNE ELEANOR This chubby young miss is | August 1. She is the grand. Joanne Eleanor, daughter of | daughter of Mrs. Anthony Den Mr, and Mrs. Arie Den Boef, | Boef and Mrs. John Kiuters, Gibbs street. Joanne cele- | Sliedrecht, Holland, by Ireland "Trick or Treat' Stems From Days When Witches Cast Evil Spells Old beliefs, like old soldiers, never really die. Nor do they fade away. As proof of this, on October 31, Canadians of all ages will 'unwittingly pay homage to a couple of ancient Celtic gods in what is at least the 2,200th annual observance of a pagan festival called Samhain. ing through 'the darkened streets on Hallowe'en night are direct de- scendants, symbolically at least, of a horde of pre-Christian 'Sam. hain spirits. Thus it is unquestionably from the Druids that we derive the be. lief that witches and ghosts walk abroad on Hallowe'en. Even the modern "trick or treat" custom Although Christianized as All Hallow's Eve or Hallowe'en, the last night of October still embod- ies many hangovers from rites observed in the days of the dread Druid gods Crom-Cruach, and Saman, who was Lord of the Dead. Among other things, the Druids believed that at Hallowe'en, Sa- man called together all the wicked souls that had been con- demned, within the past months, to inhabit the bodies of animals. Today those groups of ad stems from the practice of putting out food to placate evil spirits and protect the household, In olden days it was. believed that if you didn't pay off the spirits, your cow would die or your chickens would stop laying eggs. Today, if you don't placate the spirits with apples and treats, your windows will get soaped or your gate could end up on top 12 of a telephone pole. ANCIENT BAKERS There were more than 2850 bakesh in ancient Rome by about 100 B.C. den party giver might need. Ray night. over eight hundred As for refreshments, the sup- De So between four * pliers and manufacturers of food pe Sa specialties and soft drinks are| ine Reverend and Mrs. J. K. ; doing their part to make party Moffat were kept busy at the buf- g for teen agers easier fet table toward which guests than ever before. Thanks to trans-| Were directed by the president, i parent, moisture-proof plastic Mr. Roy Barrand and the gen- film, cold cuts and cheeses can eral conveners, Mr. and Mrs. be bought presliced, trimmed|d0yd Moody. ' and ready to serve. Manufactur-| The task of catering for such a ers of ginger sles, 1901 Fran great number was skilfully as- colas and other soft drink favor-|cajled by Mr. and Mrs. Fran ftes have come up with dozens gal or oll Mr. and ih alk of exciting new thirst quenchers. g 1 * : Ira *' $0 add zest to sandwiches and. avell and in charge of deco- snacks, rations and serving in the dining Wie two. pilmary. miles are Toms were di Sh Mrs. Rob- ert Smith and Mr. 7 plan shead and keep it simple. arthur Bathe. Directiog the cently at Albert Street United Here are some practical tips: (kitchen personnel were Mr. and Church with Mrs. Victor Phair + Check the music! -- Besure the|Nrs, George Pearce, Mrs, W. H.|Presiding. " phonograph, adio, or hi-fi set is| Hamley and Mrs. R. J. Manning.| hs. Fr oan ong in ing order. you're : : 5 {charge of e devotions. Mrs. rowing records, get them Dicky BIEN are ai Edward Holland sang a solo, "I + party time, and clear plenty of | arr and Mrs 'Alex Arkwright Know My Heavenly Father space for keeping them safe and|__ Wright. |gnows," accompanied at the ' sound. piano by Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire. Mrs. Wiltshire read a poem, "Thankful for What." Minutes of the previous meet- ing and roll call were read. Treasurer's and quilt committee reports were given. LOYAL WORKERS Mrs. C. C. Skuce, president of sisters asked for bools too. and sheeted youngsters scamper- WARD'S SAVE ON THESE HOMEMAKER SPECIALS--ALL THIS WEEK! offered by Mrs. Theodore Wil- kins. Two solos were sung by| Mrs. Howard Jenkins, "All| Praise to Thee, My God, This| Night" and "I Need Thee Every our." Reading was given by | Mrs. Wilkins entitled "Gratitude" and Mrs. Hugh Myers read "Blessings." Mrs. George Wilson and her committee will convene the No- vember meeting. CHRIST CHURCH EVE. GUILD The Evening Guild of Christ Memorial Church Hall held its regular meeting recently. The president, Mrs. A Jackson, opened the meeting with | prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Fred| Porter, read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. George Fitches gave the treasur- er's report. Mrs. Garnet White gave the Parish Council report. ! Visitation Sunday for the Parish will be on November 15. | Four new members have been | welcomed to the Guild this fall,| they are: Miss Doris Jackson, Mrs. M. B. Proctor, Mrs. C. E, Spicer and Mrs. John A. Barron. Work for the bazaar was given out by the conveners. Members were reminded to bring their "touch and Hale Feiicies 10 He next meeting. The bazaar will be the Loyal Workers group of King|held on Wednesday, December 2, Street United Church, read ajat 2.30. p.m. in the parish hall {poem on the theme "Thanksgiv-|with all groups participating. |ing," to begin the October meet-| The next meeting will be held in (ing. {the parish hall on Thursday, No- The secretary, Mrs. Bert How-| vember 5 at 8 o'clock. | lett, read the minutes of the last |meeting and called the roll. WEST COURTICE H and 8 Assn. Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Sills,| The West Courtice Home and {reported the financial standing of| School Association held its first {the group at the end. of the meeting of the season recently, three - quarter period and of the With the president, Mr. Eric Dun- |afternoon auxiliary. The report ham presiding. |was satisfactory and it is hoped] The minutes of the last annual with all the demands made for meeting and the secretarv's re- /the work of the church that the port were read by Mrs. Wilson |WMS would not fall short. Neil and Mrs. Donald Thompson '| It was announced that Mrs. |read the treasurer's annual report. | Ralph «Collins, recently from| It was announced that the tea | |Africa, would be the speaker for for the mothers of the Grade . ithe Presbyterial being held in|1 pupils will be held on Thursday | 4 [Columbus United Church, Octo- evening, October 22, at eight i |ber 27. . o'clock. | | Th ing auxiliary of St. An.| Members were reminded of the | ns Uatton Church hi Home and School Council meet- drew's United Church has invited [King Street WMS to share its|ing on October 27 at the E. A. thankoffering service on October| Lovell School. 27. Mrs. Douglas Coates of Fair-| Mr. Dunham read an article on/ view Lodge will speak. '"Mediscope" telling how t #| Mrs. Samuel Jude reported human body works. Two films| community calls on 129 homes were shown by Mr. K. McAllis- | ter. They were called "Answering | |the Children's 'Whys'," and "Shy- ness". [ Refreshments were served by | Mrs. Kenneth Greentree and com- | mittee. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please - write or telephone RA 3-3474, local 13. CARPETS From The Four Corners of THE WORLD finest in Asia, are woven from the soft under-wool of Tibetan goats. The secretary's report and treasurer's reports were read. Mrs. A. D. Morrison gave a report on the Local Association. Brown Owl has asked for mem- bers of the committee to volun- teer to assist her with the Brownie Pack. For the next regular meeting to be held on Thursday, Novem- ber 12, a tour of the Bell Tele- phone is planned as part of the evening's activities. Refreshments were served by| social convener, Mrs. A. D. Mor- CHALLENGER GROUP The Challenger Group met re- The regular meeting of Court Charlene L1750, Canadian Order of Foresters was held in the Orange Temple with Sister Elsie McCabe presiding. Final arrangements were made for the annual bazaar in aid of Cerebral Palsy, to be held No- vember 4 at 8 p.m. in the Orange Temple. Tentative plans were made for a rummage sale in the near future. Final arrangements were also made for the annual fall dance on November 14 at the Oshawa Airport. Court Charlene and Court Oshawa No. 501 are the sponsors of this event. Cards of thanks were read from members who were recipi ents of flowers or gifts sent from {the Court during recent illnesses. | An invitation was received from Court Snowdrop L1752, Dunbar- ton, to attend its open installation ceremonies at the Pickering Com- munity Hall October 27 at 8 Phone RA 5-1151 Simcoe St. at Athol THREE WAYS TO ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PARAMETTES PARAMETTES PARAMETTE uP Rayon Tablecloths Stull weight printed Toblecloths. Two attractive floral designs In each size, hand-printed on lustrous white rayon in fast color washable dyes. Main pate tern colors of aqua. grey, maize, green or pink. Aa, fm 1 99: 52" x 52", EACH ............ "Wabasso" Broadcloth This is our regulor Wabasso, quality knitted for its fine even weave, 33: During This Week Only! . . . washfust colors ond being "Sanforized" for minimum shrinkage. Timed to save you money on your Fall sewing for home and bazaars. Choose from 16 colors and white. 36" wide. Reg. 69¢c. YARD .. with the purchase of READY-TO-HANG DRAPERIES All our new patterns and materials are now on display of the new Ready-te- Hang Draperies . See them in all the latest fobrics, potterns and colors. As o special offering to introduce them during this Sale, we are offering @ proper size quality steel track, | with all hard: in- stallation with each pair sold . . . Come in and see our large displays. If you need draperies, 're sure to find something inet right end also save money with your "Free" drapery track gift. 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, AND TRACE ELEMENTS p.m. Sister Evelyn Clarke reported on the first and second meetings of the newly formed Kingsway District Council which consists of representatives from all eight Courts in the district for the pur- pose of organizing activities with- in the Courts. It was decided to hold a penny sale at the Novem- ber meeting. Forester Bingo was plaved by the members following the meet- ing. Check the furniture! -- Plastic WED 70 YEARS « film, either clear or in party col-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Mr. and ors, will protect table tops and Mrs. D. A. Collins, celebrating other surfaces from moisture their 70th wedding anniversary, .. rings, scratches, and other calam-|__ : Mies. Do. your part to help your said the recipe for happy married guests relax, and they'll do theirs life is: "Work together, have fun to avoid accidents. (Lots of coast-|together and travel together." He ers help). . lis 91 and she is 90. 52" x 72". EACH ... DRUGS Regular City-Wide Deliveries 28 King St. E. RA 3-462) PIYAH CHAPTER The regular meeting of Piyah Chapter of Hadassah was held as er meeting at the Hotel ® a recently. Mrs. David White Flannelette A good medium weight flannelette, suitable for diapers and other home sewing needs, About 27" wide YD... .. 10 YARDS FOR $3.00 ' © DECORATOR FABRICS BY New Fall lines in FORTISAN . . . plain and patterns. More than 10 color WRONG CANDY SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP)--Mystery surrounded the loss of weight of a 10-year-old flgirl at Balchawana umtil the 4|child's mother found an empty {|box which had contained special 4 "reducing" candy. "Homemakers" Factory Curtain Clearance TRULON PANELS -- A heavy boneli quality with Colors of brown, beige, pink, green, toast, gold, end white. Size 40" x 81" ecch. Reg. 6.98. EACH FIBREGLASS MARQUISETTE -- A fine marquisette ponel in choice of plain or floral flocked patterns. White only. Reg. 5.98. PAIR NYLON CURTAINS -- A appearing tailored marquisette eurtains with a of green, pink, gold or blue. Size 42" x 81". Reg. 5.98. PAR ranges. seca 2.909 mw «+ . and we will have your drapes made FREE Al tebe a gold th washable flocked patterns. ANGLICAN NUPTIALS Pictured after their weddinf , recently at St. George's Angli- | can Memorial Church are .ur. and Mrs. George Wilson Stark. F 'rmerly Miss Sylvia Joyce C, "rett, the bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Clifford Garrett of Oshawa and WIFE PRESERVE the bridegroom is the son of | A time-saver-in baby care is to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stark Stack the infant's clothes in piles of Courti Tr mn as he uses them -- Le., a diaper, of Courtice. he couple Will |chirt nightie, washcloth and blan- live in Courtice. |ket in each pile. Then you can gPhoto by Ireland grab them quickly at bath tithe. All shapes and sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mery St. RA 5.0433 Batty Haydl 15 KING ST. EAST RA 5-2686 Simcoe St. at Athol WARD'S Phone RA 5-115

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