The Oshawa Times, 20 Oct 1959, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY People who are well balanced don't throw their weight around. Fhe Osha Sone WEATHER REPORT Cloudy tonight, mainly susny Wednesday with cooler air, winds sou ther. therly, autumn wea VOL, 88--No. 244 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1959 Authorized as Second Cl Post Office Department, joss Mail Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES Fallout Topic Of Minister 'Addressing the Oshawa Ki- wanis Club at Hotel Genosha today, Hon. J, Waldo Monteith, Minister of National Health and Welfare made three major points| on radioactive fallout as it af-| © fects Canadians. Mr. Monteith said: "There is cause neither for panic nor com- placency about fallout. In particu. lar, there is no need for Cana- dians to curtail their consumption of milk or milk products." "The Dominion government", he said, "is giving the whole mat- ter high priority with a view to preventing Canadians or other peoples from drifting into danger unknowingly." "The people of Canada have been and will continue to be kep fully informed of the situation a it develops. The Dominion govern ment is not trying to hide any- thing and feels that Canadians are entitled to all the facts on this vital health matter," Mr. Monteith explained lucidly, step by step, the formation, cause - J. WALDO MONTEITH most widely publicized element in "Less than .2 of the total life- time radiation affecting the bone marrow is from fallout," he said, "and about .01 of the total radia- tion having a genetic effect re- sults from fallout." "What al this adds up to", Mr. Monteith said, "is that whe- ther you consider the somatic or genetic effects, fallout at the pres- ent time contributes only a small part of our total radiation expo- sure." Mr. Monteith spoke of the Do- minion program for measuring fallout, by means of a_ network of testing stations throughout the country. He pointed out that since milk is a chief dietary source of calcium, which resembles Stron- tium-90, the fallout picture is most clearly seen from milk sam- ples taken across the 'country. BELOW DANGER "So far", he said, 'the high- est concentration of Strontium-90 in milk is well below the accepted danger level." He said that the and effect of radioactive fallout. "Fallout", he said, "refers to the radioactive elements produced in the explosion of nuclear weapons. These elements are carried into the higher atmosphere, where they become widely dispersed, be- fore they are carried back to earth by wind currents and rain. fall." He explained that the do- sage is different in different areas, depending on atmospheric conditions. Strontium-90, he explained, the! fallout, is produced in large | ie5¢ average concentration fig- amounts by nuclear explosions. | ;1.o was 14.7 units, while the high- This element, he said, resembles oo parmissable concentration is calcium chemically, and concen-|gz nite trates in the bone, near the blood-| my ace figures, he said, allow a forming marrow. "It is possible", |e fey margin for so-called *hot he said, "that a high concentra- spots" where higher concentra- tion might result in bone Cancer | tiong are found. or leukemia in the individual ex-| ed' | | posed', To keep fallout in proper per- spective, he went on, it is neces. | sary to compare the fallout dos- |age with the natural dosage of "I might point out", Mr. Mon- teith said, "that the concept of maximum permissible concentra- tion has been likened to the speed limit on a highway. There is no guarantee that if you always stay fallout elements. within the limit you may not have Unemployment an occasional accident. On the other hand, it is also evident that some people can consistent- ly exceed the speed limit without accident. The point is that the maximum permissible concen- tration should not be considered as a firm line dividing safety from danger. Rather it is a gen- Tough Talk | | Forecast Over Tibet | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) Tough talk was expected in the United Nations today on Red China's suppression of Tibet--a| subject that's been boiling off-| stage, and on since the General Assembly began its 14th session a month ago. Ireland gnd Malaya were sche- duled to opén full-scale debate on| their Tibetan resolution, which is mildly worded but explosive in content just the same. | The resolution doesn't mention | Communist China, but the Irish-| 'Malayan team had a struggle to |get in onto the assembly agenda, | mestly because of bitter opposi- tion by the Soviet bloc. | Irish Foreign Minister Frank, Aiken reported early in his cam-| paign that the proposal also ran| into opposition by Western and neutralist elements too, because |of fears that the debate would worsen the cold war. | The resolution asks the assem- bly to state it is "gravely con- cerned" at reports, including offi- {cial statements of the Buddhist | god-king Dalai Lama, now in In-| dia, 'that the fundamental human In Canada Down OTTAWA (CP) -- Employment, cold weather season of hi; in Canada declined between Au-|employment. gust and September but so did| Offsetting the withdrawals from gher un- < unemployment, the" government repoted today, ; with jobs at 6,078,000, the b Co Be 5,888,999 a year earlier. For the same month, the estl. mate of those without jobs and| looking for work fell to from August's 239,000. The com- parative figure for September, 1958, was 271,000. The September unemployment, figure also was below that of! July's 228,000. { Persons on temporary layoff in| September also fell below the August figure, dropping to 12,000 from 18,000. The total was 14,000 in September of last year. Registrations for jobs with Na-| 0 | | tional Employment Service stood month amounted at 258,591 at Sept. 17, down 20,342 in the month and 68,421 over the | the wi bee, New. Brunswick and New- 213,000 foundiand. the labor force during the Aug- ust-September period, there were i in 1 + some mn from such develop- motor vehicles In Ontario and of relatively-heavy pulp- -cutting programs in Que- The 108,000 estimated drop In employment bétween August and September was caused, as usual, mainly by a fall-off in farm em- would be dedirable one proviso being that.a satistac- eral guide as to the maximum level which can be tolerated by practically everyone without ill- effect." Noting that.the chief source of fallout is from nuclear weapons rights and freedoms of the Ti- betan people have been forcibly denied. The assembly, in the words of the resolution, would call "for respect for the fundamental hu- MEMBERS OF the steel strike fact-finding board, un- able to work out a settlement are from left: Paul Lehoczky, Chai George Taylor and by mediation, arrive at the | an rights of the Tibetan peo- €. oo 'COOLING-OFF" tests, Mr, Monteith spoke on Can. ada's poliey regarding le: A To a fan view, it for nuclear weapons testing to be halted, our of Mi' tory system for verifying compli- ance with the obligation to stop testing be agreed on and estab- lished." ployment. | At 750,000, there were 74,000! fewer farm jobs. Farm employ-| ment also declined from 774,000| in September of last year, reflect- ing a long - term trend in this field. Non - farm emplovment last to 5,328,000, down 34,000 from August. How- ever, it was well up from 5,114, 12 months. 000 a year earlier. Konrad Adenauer To Visit London COLOGNE, Germany (Reuters) NOT COMPLETE COOKSVILLE (CP) -- Peo- Je make mistakes, said puty Reeve Robert Speck as he handed out Toronto Township voters' lists to council. Everybody should check to see his name is on the list. Township planner Max Ba- eon, sitting at the next table, chécked and learned Deputy Reeve Speck wasn't speculat- ing Mr. Bacon's name wasn't there. PITTSBURGH (AP) -- The United States government was set today ¢z try to put to an end, at least temporarily, to the long, costly steel strike. Acting under the Taft-Hartley Chancellor Konrad Ad said today he will visit London" be- tween Nov. 17 and 19 for talks with Prime Minister Macmillan. BACK TO SCHOOL The decline in emplo~ment be- tween August and September, the government said in a statement, was largely the result of the back- to-school movement of students who had taken summer jobs, a factor also partly accounting for the lessened number of those without jobs and seeking work. The labor force fell during the month to 6,291,000 from 6,425,000 in August but was 132,000 higher than September of last year, when Canada was heading into a U.S. Missile Boss To Retire HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (CP)--The commander of the United States' army ordnance missile command Maj.-Gen. John B. Medaris, Mon-| day night announced his intention| to retire, effective Jan. 31. | Medaris, who has publicly an-| nounced his displeasure with ef-| forts of the U.S. military and] space program, did not reveal his future olans. An arm announcement said Medaris w#ll retire after 38 years of military service, including 28 years on active duty. Under Medaris' command, the army launched the first U.S.! earth satellite, the first polar sat-| ellite and developed the Jupiter intermediate range (1,500 - mile) ballistic missile. CITY EMERGENCY PHOIE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 KISS FOR THE BRIDE Actor Charles Coburn, 82, and the former Mrs. Winifred Jean Clements Natzka, 41, kiss on their return to Los Angeles following their mar- riage in Las Vegas, Nevada. The two were married by a justice of the peace. Tt was the marriage for - each. Coburn's first wife died in 1937. The new Mrs. Coburn is the widow of New York opera basso Oscar Natzka who died eight years ago. a veal China Evacuates Indian Border | NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Chin-|ported stationed about two miles | |ese Communist troops have com-|south of the outpost after being pictely evacuated the disputéd driven out by the Chinese, |outpost of Longju on the Indo-| Chinese troops have occupied a| | Tibetan border after destroying/number of places on the border {Indian bunkers and burning down | gince last August, claiming they some huts, it was authoritatively ile within Chinese territory. {learned here today. | | The Longju outpost was seized REPORTS MOPPING UP | Meanwhile, a newspaper here from India in August. Chinese pa- : ltrols were Ru Oct. a t reported today that Chinese {have made a partial withdrawal, troops are engaged in final mop- although they were still in con- Ping up operations against the re- trol. |mains of rebellious forces in Ti- i bet. It said a steady trickle of | Indian troops have been re- miotan refugees, many of them {armed, have been crossing into India. At the same time Communist China appears to be launching a "peace censive" toward India after eight months of hostility, 'Rob Hospital the Hindustan Times reports. TORONTO (CP)--The- story of| The Peking regime, which long how two men took almost $40,000 expressed friendship for India, in cash and cheques from the turned cold when India began ac- vault of the Hospital for Sick cepting Tibetan refugees and pub- Children Sunday during the hos/li¢ opinion ia India denounced pital's visiting hours was re. Chinese action in Tibet. ed today by police. POSSIBILITIES The daring method used, detec.| The Hindustan Times says tives said, is believed to be the three recent developments might answer to 25 other safecrackings explain China's latest tactics: in the city this year in which loot| 1. The Chinese have achieved totalled $400,000. {their objective of assuming full A {control over Tibet and might like Wik edk two wien diotond Ju), consolidate their "victories" hospital 'on two separate days before thinking. of new . adven- posing as electricians called to in- : spect the lighting in the vault,|,,2, They might Rave Teallied They were admitted to the vault pre i gy. pale und allowed to remain inside un-|j.¢0 thei in Asia. altenced. 3. Russia may have exerted Police believe the men adjusted pressure on China to create a the vault's locking device and the locks of inner doors so they could | | Two Thieves for an early East-West summit | main," but that "if it is issued, labor law, President Eisenhower| Monday directed Attorney - Gen- eral William P. Rogers to seek a federal court injunction that would send the 500,000 striking American steel workers back to the mills for 80 days--the "'cool- ing-off" period provided by' the law. Plans were made to present the injunction petition today in federal district court here--head- quarters of the United Steel- workers Union. No definite time for the hearing was set. USW President David J. Me- Donald had said earlier that the union would fight an injunction proceeding "with might and we will live up to the law of our country." NO PACT POSSIBLE The presid acted day 3% hours after receiving a spe- cial fact-finding panel's report that it had been unable to medi- ate the contract dispute and saw "no prospect for an early cessa- been no agreement on "any| single issue of consequence" in the complicated dispute. The president's letter- directing tion of the strike." There had of the General Motor organiza- steel, John Perkins. --AP Wirephoto, Ordered By Ike Rogers to seek an Injunction § said: "America's hopes for a volun-|} tary responsible settlement have not been fulfilled. It is a sad day|{ for the nation." Senator Kenneth Keating (Rep. ; --N.Y.) told an audience in Utica, N.Y., that Congress is go- ing to have to "take a long, hard look at the emergency provisions of the Taft-Hartley act to deter- mine whether additional means need to be provided to end strikes which threaten the na- tional welfare and security." WON'T HELP GREATLY Industry across continues to be hard pressed by the 98-day strike, and the antici- pated court injunction isn't ex- pected to help much. Industry leaders have said it will*take six weeks or so for the mills\\to reach 90 per cent of capacity. This leaves little hbpe of quick relief. Hardest hit is the auto indus- try. More than 61,000 employees tion are jobless, and almost all GM car production is due to halt by Nov. 1 because of a lack of As a result of the long- continued steel strike in the Unit- ed States, passenger car and truck assembly operations at the Oshawa plants of General Motors will be suspended on or about Nov. 4, it was announced today in'a statement by the companv. Operations in GM's engine plant at Windsor probably can be maintained for a further week. Approximately 3000 hourly-rate employees at Oshawa will be re- tained after the partial shut-down in November, the GM state- ment said. Thé 3000 are people LACK OF STEEL FORCES GM SHUTDOWN NOV. 3000 Employees In Oshawa Stay These people will be at work for varying lengths of time,' the GM statement said, and in all cases for as long a period as possible. Some of them can ex pect 'to stay at their jobs, ine definitely, provided no .new ad- verse factors contribute to the major interruption brought about by the steel strike. Operations: at the GM plants have so far continued on normal fall production schedules in spite of the three-month steel strike which has alreadv had a eripp- ling effect on much other indus- try in North America. The sity for altering em- whose jobs are not i y affected by depletion of stocks of material needed for vehicle as- sembly. They include workers in the Oshawa parts warehouse as well as bers of maint § (inspection, cufting and sewing, tool and die, stamping plant, ma- terial handling and other manu- facturing departments. Missing Boy, 3 Found With Aunt LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Three- year-old Lyle Calvin Sawyer, ob- ject of an intensive police search Monday night, was found today at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Gladys Wonnacott. The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Sawyer, disappeared about 3 p.m. Monday. When he failed to return by 6 p.m. his mother 'Wonnacoft said the noon, had to a store. 2 a Wena yesterday after- She thought his parents dropped him off and gone ployment or production sched- ules has been averted thus far, the GM statement said, only by foresighted and persistent efforts by purchasing and production teams and by the fact that more than half of the steel used in Canadian-built GM cars amd trucks is produced in Canada. Dope Trial Witness Challenged MONTREAL (CP) -- The testi mony of a Miigets: in al. 85 " trial was to be er amer, de: (Pepl) Cotroni of a charge of trafficking in narcotics, an- nounced Monday he would ask that testimony taken at a secret . hearing in New York be barred. Mr. Lamer tola Judge Wilfrid Lazure he had only limited op- portunity to cross-examine Eddie Smith, 38-vear-old Montreal man who served as a special agent for the United States narcotics po- : lice. Smith was the only witness who appeared before a rogatory commission, a sort of travelling {court, that went to New York be- cause it was feared Smith's life would be endangered if he came to Montreal. Cotroni, 45, and Rene (Bob) Robert, 31 - 'year - old night club the country (waiter, are charged with traf ficking in narcotics and conspire acy to traffic. Only Cotroni has been called for trial. It took more than an hour Monday to select a jury of 13 French - speaking members and only four of 25 Crown witnesses testified before Mr. Justice La. zure adjourned the hearing. ' Crown prosecutor Jean - Paul Ste. Marie, in his opening ad- dress, said Cotroni and Robert were arrested July 8 after Cotroni had sold more than 15 pounds of raw heroin to Smith and to Patrick J. Biase, a U.S, treasury agent posing as a dope jobber. RCMP Sgt. Joseph G. A. Houle, testified that the heroin, if diluted with milk sugar as is usu ally done, would sell for $8,000, 000 on the illegal retail market, STEPHEN Oshawa Boy Killed In Accident A five-year-old Oshawa boy died following an ident at McCONNELL Gibb and Nassau streets late Monday afternoon. LATE NEWS FLASHES Russia Blasts UN Tibet tions debate on Tibet, opening ence in Chinese friendship between Red China surer Hugh E. Brown said th climate 'of peace in preparation be opened easily. meeting. ests. He is a native of Dutton, LONDON (AP)--Russia today claimed the United Na- affairs designed to break up growing $50,000,000 Ontario Bond Issue TORONTO (CP)--A $50,000,000 bond nounced by the Province of Ontario Monday. The 10 and 20- year bonds will bear interest at six per cent, a new high. Describing the issue as 'normal financing," Deputy Trea- highways and other capital works. Chamber of Commerce P TORONTO (CP)--H. Gordon Love of Calgary today was elected president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, succeeding A.¢C. Ashforth of Toronto. Mr, Love is president of the Voice of the Prairies Ltd., western radio operating firm, and head of several other western Canadian inter- 'Debate today, is an illegal interfer- and other Asian countries. issue was an- e money would be used for resident Peter ph McConnell, of 206 Nassau St., died of a frac- tured skull, after he was struck by a car driven by Lottie Me- Pherson, 70, of 976 Simcoe St. N., police say. The McConnell boy, accom- panied by Bobby Jones, 5, of 206 Gibb St., was apparently return- ing from a store when the acci- dent otcurred. He was treated bv Dr. R. S. Irwin at the Oshawa General Hospital. Stephen lived at the Nassau St. address with his mother, two sis- ters and two brothers. His mother is Mary McConnell. Others in the family are Laurel, 15, Catherine, 7, Martin, 7 and John, 8. Born in Oshawa Sept, 30. 1954, Stephen attended the Sunday School at the Salvation Army Citadel. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21. Major M. Rankin will con- duct the services. Interment will Duke Of Bedford May Be Divorced LONDON (AP)--The Duchess of Bedford apparently hid out with friends Monday after re: ports that she is seeking a vorce, The 42-year-old duke has been dating a French redhead. The staff of Woburn Abbey said the duchess had not come home from a weekend trip to London, Rumors of a breakup have buzzed around London recently. The Sunday Dispatch reported the duchess had consulted law- yers about filing for divorce. The duke took off last week on a two-months lecture tour of North America. He said in Toronto that he and his wife have previously dis cussed divorce. The Bedfords went their separ« ate ways during vacation this year. The duke toured the Con- tinent with a blonde French TV producer, 38-year-old Nicole Mil. Ont. be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. inair, | Give G enerously to Help 16 Participating Organizations In: Greater Oshawa Community Chest -- Starts October 28

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