|45--Real Estate tor Sale 46--Real Estate Wanted SOLID brick ranch style home, lary lot, landscaped, six rooms, bath. Locat |45--Real Estate For Sale $11,950, Two-bedroom with attached |8arage, new modern bark brick bunga- low, dou! street. 9 Freder ble on quiet r paved road. 435 Madi- hes yet Phone Bowmanville MA . fan, : son evenings. RA 5-6031 239¢ 4 $12,900 FULL price. Professional con- $2000 DOWN. Owner going into busi-| ness. Large owner-built ranch bunga- tractor's own home. Distinctively dif- low. NHA re-sale. Storm windows and ferent with a host of extras designed doors. TV rotor antenna. East Oshawa. for comfortable living. West Oshawa. Nick Lakas, RA 3-9635 or Joseph Bosco, Nick Lakas, RA 3-9635 or Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870. Realtor, RA 5-9870. |45--Real Estate For Sale HOUSE -- 10 rooms, good condition, central, Income home or large family. Full price $15,900. RA 5-1457. FOUR - room house and bathroom, for rent, with all Phone 244b MA 3-5026. NEW, six - room bungalow on large corner lot, paved streets, close to schools, buses. Pollard Subdivision, Courtice, RA 8-5579, |45--Real Estate ror Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale LLOYD AYE R S REAL ESTATE Maynooth area, approximately 1,700 ft. of lakeshore property with £0 acres of land (Salmon Trout lake), hardwood and soft- 45--Real Estate For Sale LOT for sale, 50 by 150 ft., north-east section, city water. Phone RA 3B, 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 20, 195% 44--For Rent |444--For Rent ER SO Ray RT information call 192 Ajax. 2434 p.m. : 242¢ | three-piece bath, hardwood tile floors, ONE room for lady or gentleman, TWO furnished rooms, newly decorated. |¥nolial blinds, valance boxes. 2A Cooking privileges, Phone RA 8-6800.|Sink, cupboards, frig, stove, twin beds. (or Ew 55 Adults. Phone RA 5-2251. 234 Dearborn w nin one 242f| cash or best nffer. RA 5-4060. 243¢ $8500 FOUR ROOM bungalow, oil heated TWO f rooms, children, air conditioning, food freezer. Phone RA 242¢| Elgin Street 'East. Apply 531 Mary Street. 5-5691. ROOM in private home, very central, | REAL bargain! $10,500 custom built spring matress: suit gentleman 102|three bedroom brick bungalow, over one year old. Large kitchen, double ONE single furnished light housekeep- ing room. Ideal for young lady or gen- entrance. RA 3.711 3 244i PURNISHED room, business girls or| ourses only, two may share, refrigera- tor, electric kettle, laundry privileges, RA tleman. Private 273 Jarvis close to hospital and downtown. 35-0238. LARGE housekeeping room, pantry, wash- ward- Suit working lady. Apply 478 Park Road| =" 244f {LARGE built-in cupboards, refrigerator, ing machine, rangette, clothes robe, heated, private entrance. South. THREE unfurnished rooms, private, three-piece bath. Abstainers. One child welcome. Apply 261 Bloor Street West. 8-5! 244c ROOMS s the | street from North GM. Phone RA 8-0818. 144; NEW three-room apartment, close bus, baby welcomed. RA 5-3952 or Byng Ave. FIVE east of Oshawa on Highway No. Phone MA. 3-5151. after 6 p.m. TWO furnished rooms on ground floor, 4 : one large upstairs room, suit gentle-|GOOD workers for your business may man, near bus and hospital. RA 3-9791.(be checking "Help, Wanted" in 240f "all con- re FOUR - ket and upper duplex, unfurnished, near shop- 244f - room apartment, four miles 244f FURNISHED three-room apartment, | private bath, stove, electric frig, cup- boards, laundry, TV hookup, hot water. Couple preferred, 904 Greirson Street TWO bedroom 244f November 1, floor apartment, $70; also two - furnished self . $60. Heat, lights, central. RA 3-9180. - 240f SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi- Little Britain 2. THREE - room, self - contained ground| YoU room | ATTR. contained apartment,|able in private home ys -------------- | windows and doors. Close to public and FOUR . room Snfurmislied Sparta mt, separate schools. 621 Crerar Avenue 1. on 241 evenings. RA 5-6031. 239¢ |$1900 DOWN payment -- six - room " on brick bungalow with recreation room. single men or ladies. Apply 66 Warren Storms and screens, landscaped, deco- |Avenue. rated, valance boxes, exhaust fan in |CLEAN bright furnished rooms, twin kitchen, Ceramic tiled bath. East Osh- beds, spring filled matfresses, central, awa. One block to schools and bus. close to shopping centre and bus line. Nick Lakas, RA 3-9635 or Joseph Bosco, RA 8-8402 239f | Realtor. RA 5-9870. ign cooking privileges. Apply 135 open private mortgage. Three-bedroom Celina Street. brick bungalow, loaded with extras. Tomi i light housekeeping Bus every 20 minutes, short walk to room. suitable for business couple, one High wid Dultie 1 Zl ossession or two ladies. Close to high school|3bout, December 1. Hs [and hospital. Abstainers please. RA UNUSUAL opportunity -- two bedroom 3-9348. Phone RA 5-4434. im 2 flTwo "single rooms for rent, suit two 241f apartment with large living room and NEE t with private dining area. Located on Simcece Street. THREE - room apartment with private|no ih Rent reasonable, lease available. bath, separate entrance, sink an oe Present tenant must vacat by'Novem- boards in Kitchen. No children. ber in order to take over home. Chil- gat. dren welcome. RA 54651. 262¢ NE and % storey brick veneer house h gara two bedrooms, Masson , $9500 total price. Reasonable Phone RA 5-5740 230F CORNER property, 160 ft. by 116 ft., f| room self-contained heated ping centre. Apply 3% Pine Averve: st |TWO - room apartment. [Private en. trance and bath, Close to hospital an L 5 two houses, extra lot, must be sold to OCI, RA 39870 afer 5: cin close estate. Apply 784 Oxford Street, |ONE lovely room for gentleman in pri-/south of CNR, after 4 p.m. 239¢ fvate Home. Phone RA $7070, PRIVATB sale in Greenwood, attrac- apartment, ranch bungalow with attached stove and six rooms, geod basement, oil |heated. 105 Craydon Road, Whitby. , four-piece bath, landscaped lot 100 x 200, $14,900 full price, $2400 Clas. down, cash to one mortgage, carries sified today. Dial RA 3-3192 to put $30 monthly. Phone Pickering wh attract them I him ------------------ 2 . Tursishes 30D: =. ATTRACTIVE commuter's farm, near furnished jeoms aya Lake Scugog, 100 productive acres; 26 i for r three-plex will exchange Le Poidevin, Fingerboard, available [tive frigidaire, go; fu North, 5 - 7 p.m. RA 8-867] home. L. FURNISHED bedroom on floor, suitable for working gentleman, Light Apply 216 Chadburn Street. lady GARAGE, good condition, suitable for|floor, private entrance storing boat and trailer. Phone RA|Vember 1. RA 5.6173, 193 Athol Str 230¢ | East. 5-3703. ground ness man in quiet home. Apply 38 Col TWO or |borne cooking privileges 240f and bathroom, plus laundry, LARGE newly decorated bedroom, in home . of quiet couple. Near and Simcoe bus. ROOM and board for gentlemen, home |NICE three-room apartme privileges. RA 5-7043. ROOMS for. gentlemen, close to town. Apply Elgin Street Phone RA 3-7814. -- |THREE . room apartment, with privoic furnished yh RA 8.1027. 2 business North Simcoe School Share bath - with laundry il } one gentleman. Phone RA 5-0145 239f sion. Apply 5 Bloor Street Eas! acres five-room three-bedroom buns all T] conveniences, double ge, trees and hedges, Taunten © Road near Simcoe et, extra frontage for another house. Asking only $14,000 with $3000 or 239 | hore down pe and make offer. Co-Op listing W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street RA 3-2512 Whitby MO 8-3231. 242f six room West well Street APARTMENT, low, kitchen ground Available 1 equipped ale private inum windows, TV Principal and in- $2300 down, Mov. FOUR room apartment, stove, fridge., s11900 facilities, immedia posses- | house 230f | aerial, ent tained, near shopping ce only. $65 monthly. RA 8-5179, down- | East. NOW renting, modern 1 and 2 bedroom Stove, outlets, and up telephone $90 monthly, TV and suites, fridge., ROOMS for gentlemen, surroundings, close Phone RA 8-6782, clean, quiet grapes. washer, dryer, fully decorated to North GM. several locat 5-65 J. d 4, John A Howe & ions. RA Ltd. Ritrs. THREE-room unfurnished apartment, 0 close to downtown, suitable for busi- fo. two ladies, Avail'| central. RA 8-0 Bond ness couple or couple with baby. able November 1. Apply 200 Street East after 6 p.m. ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and ant > bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha CUS Hotel EXCELLENT office space with private 24-hour switchboard tiled bathroom, service. RA 3-4641, Genosha Hotel. FOUR piece bath, electric stove, ing, heated, available Nov. 1. ers, no children. 68 McMillan RA 5-5524 TWO large unfurnished rooms, sink and parking or garage available. kitchen, Reasonable. Apply 65 Charles Stree! 239% | SINGLE furnished heated room, use - room apartment, with three- Apply 314 Elgin Street West after 4 heavy wir Abstain. [-- -- Drive, t. of phone, very central. Apply 180 Bruce Street after 5 p.m. light housekeeping room, suitabie lling to share, | ' 240 SEVEN - room house and gar as privilege to rent RA 3-3096 NEW six.room bungalow, near sou plant, Available November 4. Write t Box 644 Oshawa Times 240f | TWO rooms -- one willing to share, one with private entrance. Parking. Central == Millen 67 KING ST. E. RA 5-7732 EAST END Five-room brick bungalow in Newly de- and cut. Mod- with plenty of r table and chairs. Oil storms and screens. being transferred. | 240f Three-room apartment, all conveniences, $50 a month, occupancy Oct. 19. Apply 780 Simcoe Street South eat h Owner wood bush, lake about 2 miles long, good fishing and hunting area. Full price $5,300.00 with $2,000.00 down. Call Ozzie at RA 3-2254. Maynooth -- 100 acres, hardwood and softwood bush, good hunting area, no buildings. Asking $1,400.00 with $600.00 down. Call Ozzie. RA 3-2254. Maynooth -- 100 acres, about 35 acres workable land, small stream, 2 older type buildings, good for sheep or cattle, also good hunting. Full price $1,400.00 with $600.00 down. Call Ozzie RA 3-2254. * Maynooth -- 275 acres of land with 5-room frame house, good hunting area. Asking $3,900.00 full price with $1,000.00 down carries for $30.00 monthly. Call Ozzie RA 3-2254. EASTHAVEN ST. -- 3-bedroom ranch style bungalow, very central to all schools, heating is forced air oil heating, bright kitchen with loads of cupboards, double stainless steel sink, tiled bathroom, colored fixtures. Inspect this home today. Call Ozzie at RA 3-2254. GRETA ST. -- Completely modernized 7-room brick home, broad- loom on living-dining and hall, T.V. room or den 14 x 16 ft, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, forced air oil heating, extra 2-pc. wash- room in basement, garage. For an appointment call Ozzie, RA 3-2254, SIMCOE ST. N. -- 6é-room, 2-storey brick home on commercial property 75 x 124 ft. Oil heating, hardwood and tile floors, garage. To inspect call Ozzie RA 3-2254. $800 DOWN, five room rug brick bungalow, Mitchell Ave., large lot about 40 x 300 ft. Forced cir oil heating, three piece bath:- Garage, good value, $11,900 to inspect call Ozzie Addison RA 3-2254. 244q 9 SUITES 9 INVEST IN THE BEST Retire in luxury, by purchasing this new modern solid masonry buildiry. 7 2-bedrcom suites and 2 bacheloi, suites fully equip- ped with stoves, fridges, washer, dryer, T.V. outlets, fully dec- orated, and heated with hot water cii heating. Cross rentals over 39.800 yearly. This is a goed buy, asking $68,000 with $15,000 down. For more details call Eugene Putterson or Mr. Bolahood at RA 5-6544, ' JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE BALDWIN ST. -- ATTACHED GARAGE Only 2 years old in immaculate condition, this 3 bedroom ranch style bungalow is a gem. Loaded with extras, custom built for present owner. Must be seen to be appreciated. $3,000 down with terms to suit. Call Jack Sheriff at RA 5-6588; after hours RA 3-3775. YES! Would you like a 6 room ranch bungalow -- living room, dining room combination, natural stone fireplace. Full basement with finished recreation rocm. Lot 62 x 145. Handy to schools, transportation. Full price $14,900. Call Bill Norris at RA 5-6588; after hours RA 5-7983. $1,800 DOWN $1,800 Lovely 5 room bungalow off Park Road South. Completely de- TO CLOSE ESTATE $6900 or best cash offer buys lovely 4 room bungalow, 3 piece bath, fireplace sunroom. Gerald Barrow, broker. RA 5-3852. 244a SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 SELL SAY'S THE OWNER Doctors orders. You'll have to move to a dryer climate to relieve your Asthma, so I'm selling my cute 5 room bun- galow at a bargain price. It's on Grasmere Ave., 5 years old, white clupboard with at- tractive stone front, nicely landscaped, L-shaped living room and dining room with Twindow picture window, 'modern kitchen, 2 big bed- rooms, both 12 x 14, 4-pc. tiled bathroom, aluminum storms and screens. T.V. aerial, laundry chute and venetian blinds for the bed- rooms, I'll sell for $11 000 ond would like to get my equity as a down payment but will not refuse any reasonable offer, Come and see through with my real estate agent. No obligation, phone Jay Goyne, evenings, RA 5-5378. PRETTIEST HOME IN THE BLOCK -- 7 YEARS OLD 6 room bungalow with cement block garage, located on Cen- tral Park Blvd. S., close to King St. E. Comprised of 23' living room and dining room with arch between. Modern kitchen, 4-pc. bath, 3 bed- roecms, 2 of which are 14 x 11' in size and the third 11 x 10. The man of the house has taken great pride in the landscaping. Reason for sell- ing -- owner is moving from city. Please call Henry Stin- son, evenings, RA 5-0243, OFF KING STREET EAST 6 room 2 storey home, with 2 car garage. Home is com- prised of living room, dining room and large modern kit- chen.. 3 good size bedrooms, master bedroom with double closets is 16' long. Tiled bath. Ock floors and trim through- ALBERT STREET Asking price is $9,500. This cosy little 'brick home in- cludes five rooms, porch and garage. Principal, interest and taxes not exceeding $85.00. About 50° x 100°. $3,000 down. For further details call Mrs. Tierney at RA 5-5207. HOWE AND MILLEN 67 KING ST. E. RA 5-7732 LOOK! $845 DOWN 1 Mortgage, N.H.A. 69.00 MONTHLY Includes complete "aluminum storms and screens. Some with walkout bgsements. Truly big bungalows| --6 rooms. Only 4 left. Don't be too late. RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 244b HOUSE hunting? Keep your eyes on the unusual home values and prices in to- day's Oshawa Times Classified Ads. NEW country residence, features two fireplaces, built-in stove and oven, cir- cular drive, third acre lot, with many trees, ten minutes to Oshawa. Nick Lakas, RA 3-9635. panorama windows, one- Asking $14,600. " Soi All sath or your equity For quick sale cal Street, Oshawa. RA 3 NEED more business? Then advertise your business through fast-action, low- cost Oshawa Times Classified Ads. For results, dial RA 3-3492. W. McAuley Realt: ACRES land for sale, uth Oshawa, close to RA 5-1577, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. SOMEBODY'S WAITING for just what you want to sell. Offer it through Osh- awa Times Classified Marketplace. It's fast and low-cost, Dial RA 3-3492. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 169 Simcoe S. RA 5-6544 DOCTORS OR DENTISTS ! | OPPORTUNITY !! Large new brick and stone residence on Park Read S., just 2 blocks from King Street, This home is ideal for professional residence and of- fice. Don't delay call today for Mr, O'Donnell. $1,000 DOWN $1,000 Top location large lot, 5 rooms, all large, steps to (IMMEDIATE possession. brick house, garage, large garden, fruit trees, reasonable. Phone RA 5-4318. Seven-room Very 2391) close to school and bus. WELL bathrooms, location, down, Hurry for this one. W. McAuley Realtor, Whitby MO 8-323L START for Christmas! Sell the extra items you no longer need to buyers waiting with cash, Advertise in The Oshawa Times Classified section. Dial RA 3-3492, Neede Used homes are in great demand. We have buyers waiting. If you are thinking of selling now is the time to sell. For friendly sin- cere service, please call ~ SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 2394 furnished boarding house, two sparkling clean, central a going concern, only $3000 26 Prince Street. RA 3-2512 ROOMING OR NURSING HOME $10,000 c year business and modern home combined: Ideal location, fully equipped with all conveniences. Ready to go. Small down payment. PHONE RA 5-1168 NEW HOME GOOD LOCATION Asking only $13,500 with $2,300 down, balance of $11,200 N.H.A. 6% mort- gane carries for $72 interest and principal monthly. This is a well constructed home with large rooms, gleaming hardwoed and tile floors throughout with large stone fireplace and vanity in bath- room. Must 'be seen, for ap pointment call Eugene Pat- terson at RA 5-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHCOD LIMITED REALTCRS LLOYD REALTY | OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS ||47--Autombiles For Sale 5 RA ma 57 ma $16! RA 57 for me) 54 '50 58 1952 AUSTIN sedan, Phone RA 3-2770 after 7 p.m. tion tion, v dition, good condition. 2770 after 7 2448 FORD sedan, good motor and tires. 3-2120. 24de 1% FORDS, 'S5 Fords. Three to choose rom. $995 UP. Terms. Try "Stew" at Well. 243¢ Clearing these good ones from n's. RA 5.7981. . BUICK, four-door hardtop, auto- tic, two-tone, radio, clean, Clearing 95. Terms. Try "Stew" at Wellman's 5.7981. 243¢ . Two-tone. Local car. $1543. y "Stew" at Wellman's. RA 243¢ MERCURY sedan, clearing prige this clean car, $595. Terms, Try at Wellman's, RA 5-7981. 234c PONTIAC, will sacrifice. 430 Ridg- y Avenue evenings. 243¢ PLYMOUTH G-cylinder coach, CH radio. $100 or older car. Take over pay- nts, $54 monthly RA 8-1703, 243¢ BUICK Century, excellent condi- Whitby MO 8-2617. 24le AUSTIN sedan, cheap transporta- can be seen anytime at 15§ 242¢ Healey, excellent condi- tion. Must sacrifice car. Please make offer. MOhawk 8-2714 after 7. 242% CHRYSLER New Yorker, good con- new snow tires. RA 8-6785. 242¢ Phi 50 58 "8 A-1-'53 Olds 50 CHEV. $145, '51 Meteor, shape. 3-9861. for sale, one RA 5-9558 after 6, CHEV, two-door, Best offer. 282¢ custom ri 3 wheel discs, fender skirts, turn signals, new points, $275 or offer. RA 8-0558. BUICK sedan, automatic transmis- sion, power brakes, 13,000 miles, very good condition. RA 5-2937 after 4 p.m. 244a 95. Good Terms to reliable party. Try. tow" at Wellman's. RA 5.7981. 243c FORD li-fon truck. Good shape. 7 Bloor Street East. Phone RA 244a out, Oil heated. A very clean and well kept home in a good area. List price $12,500, please cadll Don Stradeski, evenings, RA 8-8423. CENTRALLY LOCATED Parkwood Manor | Apartments | Park Road & King St. particulars, call RA 5-3867. corated and landscaped, Colored fixtures in bath. Storms and screens. Nothing to do but move right in. Home is only 2 years old. Fer: further information call Dave Donald at RA 5-6588; after hours RA 5-8522. NORTH END -- TREMENDOUS VALUE Brick and stone, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, storms, screens divided For further Irene Brown, CADILLAC AVE. N. THREE - room apartment, upstairs, unfurnished, quiet district, child care| for working mother, if required. RA| 8-6034. 241% FOUR + room model apartment in apartment building, central. Possession November 1. $85 per month, adults pre. ferred. Phone RA 8-8876. 241 AND SATURDAYS FAMILY HOME Enjoy better living in this conveniently located hcme near G.M. Good size lot 45" x 160". Use of large wcoded school and shops. Hardwood and tile floors. Large modern kitchen, must be seen open to offer. Call Mr. Swarbrick aot RA 5-6544, OPEN EVENINGS condition, $1445. Terms. Try "Stew" at Wellman's. RA 5-7981. 243¢ /. Two-tone GM executive's . Terms. Try "Stew" at Well- 5-7981. 243¢ car, $14 man's. RA TWO '59 demonstrators at big redue- tion. Easy terms. '59 Rambler super, overdrive, custom radio etc. *59 Hillman natural fire- Oil heat- TWO rooms, downstairs, unfurnished, private bath and entrance, cooking in kitchen, for one or two, quiet home, reasonable rent. 452 Ridgeway Avenue off Gibbon. 2414 MODERN three-room apartment, large kitchen with sink and cupboards, laun- dry facilities, private bath and en- trance, adults. 356 Cadillac South. 241f ROOM in quiet home, for lady or la- dies; gentleman. Private room, or two might share. Kitchen privileges if de- sired. RA 13-4985. 240f SIX- room brick house, on Church RA 5-7272 156 000 FULL PRICE Street, $85 per month. Possession No- - / vember 15. Must take one year or more 9 lease. Phone RA 8-876. 241¢ --| CARRIES room anart.|49--Real Estate For Sale | o Stroet. «tl $65 MONTHLY | room bungalow, private beach [$8500 full price. four bedrooms, kit:| LOT 50 by 300 ft. |chen, large 23 by 11° 6" livingroom {with natural fireplace, two dining (rooms, three-piece RA 8-5123 Insurance Assoc. Ltd. REAL ESTATE work, fully experienced in preparing|MO 8-5600 244a| This spotlessly kept bungalow financial statements and income tax| - -- is ide located on uiet returns. Write Box 5'1 Oshawa Times,|FOR RENT Apartment 1 is Id cate q Whitby 244c November 1, to one or tw | Mcla in Blvd. Solid rug ih No. 2. Phone construction, forced air Villa Hotel. MO 8-3386 i ing privileges. Phone MO 4LEX D AENRY. General Contractor, apply 542 Mary East , Alterations, Ci t, Ci } Repair Sig ions, Cement. CATPEN' FOR RENT -- Two apartments aa . \C u . RA 5-8831 W. T.Lamson Real Estate Ltd. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary dyke, MO 8:4703. G. Newell Brok ED DISN EY way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, Brock Street South, Whitby b| . 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 82563 |- - ¥ Nov, 8. |BACHELOR apartment for rent--partly | i |HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good > 107 Byron Street South down payments W McAuley Realtor MO 8-5231 |MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 IE Aa | place, a. big dining room, ex- tra large kitchen and powder room on main floor, 4 spa- | cious bedrooms and '4-piece | er, RA 3.7244, or Ed. Disney, RA 8-6954, daytime RA 3-2333, Ed. Disney, BUNGALOW, also four - Very cen- 5 GOOD SIZED bathroom, large screened verandah h Why worry, we will rent your a close to highway heat, lifetime asphalt 48 . |1247 Dundas Street East, Whit |furnished if required. Oil heat, hydro, REALTOR--INSURANCE bath on second floor. Broad- lled living s, many extras. own with one mortgage Immediate possession. For further pare ticulars, call Jan Miller, RA 5-2993. Now Renting New 2-bedroom apbrtments, Stoves, refrigerators, etc. $100 ond $105 monthly. two b $2,500 2440 re v gages, of | FOR RENT | Suitable for business or of | fice. Will decorate to suit | tenant, central location | 24 Simcoe S. -- Call MRS. DUNCAN OLiver 5-4959 244b brick oil Apply FOR RENT -- 242c| suitable for couple. Palace Street Two room ag MO 8-233 scree three Lots and Thorn LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon a va- cancy. Only screened and re- liable tenants If You Can't Buy... : RENT Co op boats, canoes, shot- guns, rifles, decoys, sleep- ing bags, garden tillers, lawn | Lloyd Realty seeders, rollers and mowers, | 101 Sime skill saws, drills. For sale, RA §-5123 used boats, motors and trail- i WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. S. | WHITBY MO 8-3226 ment, heat, lights and water sucelied, |SIX room brick house, Cla * large storage basement, suitable for|gi ve refrigerator included. two cars. H. Chinn, 288 Hillside. 2404-01 "Would accept cash sale or terms |RA 5.0437 after 6. LOTS. 105° x 160°, \ YD REALTY streets. Approved for mor * |to schools. RA £-5579 OSHAWA'S FIRST Hg! RENTAL AGENCY Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd oom, | large ROOMS. EXCELLENT 101 Simcoe St. North [pie garage. 'ldeal for, swimming ana CONDITION. RIGHT small or big crafts. After 6 RA 5-6873 | |s5 Muskoka Avenue | IN OSHAWA. | | | CALL MRS. HANDSON property, to reliable tenants. We have a waiting list. W. T. LAMSON Call today-- DAYTIME- -RA 3-2265 W BRICK BUNGALOW . $1500 DOWN EMPLOYMENT WANTED -- Book-|LOST -- Grey blue point siamese cat 0 keeper accountant desires part time|Saturday. Reward. 400 Byron South $11,000 FULL PRICE NT--One 2-bedroom apartment, ering 482W3 immediate possession, $100 monthly e includes stove, frig, TV aerial hingles on roof, storms and 718 Dunlop West. ns for entire house, steel FOR RENT--One single room with run- - . venetion blinds, oak floors ning water, $7.50; one double roomy, EN Fart fornia 2 4 with running water. $12.50. Spruce FOR ZEN! oom Hum i d T.V. aerial, private drive, 24 hn landscaped lot, many extras. An excellent buy, in this ex- cellent area of Oshawa. Call FOR RENT -- Furnished bed sitting room, cooking facilities, modern bun-|$1200 DOWN, $14,500 full price. galow, central location. Call MO 38-3433. resale. Close to schools, Holl LLING. gardens, Jawns, A (chen, tiled four-piece bath hid Rhy rooms, storms and screens. phone Oshawa, RA 213% irentals wartted. R, Robinson, P hot water included. Convenient loca FOR C.I.L. PAINT |tion. MO 8.9065 evenings and weekends | | HE DREAM HOME | 242¢ call {FOR RENT -- Nice room in new home iti . gentleman preferred. 900 Centre Street you were waiting for : DODD & SOUTER | North. Phone MO 8.5043 238f : 2 | PLASTERER Fateh - A. beautiful 7-room 2-storey : |PLASTERER -- Patching a specialty, TT} raint & Wallpaper Store [no job too small, MO 8.5351, brick hcme, with extra lot, 1 > on Cadillac con:'sting of un- usual large living room with bay window and natural fire- es and many extras in the purchase $21,000. with only Owner moving price reduced bly. Open for offer. call 'Art Wein- (Oshawa) e St. North via, GRAVEL & FILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd For Delivery 29 ERIC BRANTO : MO 8-2660 S mcoe RA 3-2333 | | | | > storey home with | | basement, scdded lawns, oil furnace. North end location. What else do you want for $12,950.? Call D. W. Wilson Realtor. WILSON Realtor RA 5-6588 AY 244q Oshawa Shopping Centre OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURD RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS CUSTOM BUILT FOR OWNER Solidly constructed of red rug brick with stone trim, this three- bedroom bungolow had those few feet added to the original plan which make for exira bedroom roominess. In model home con- dition painted walls, aluminum storm sash, large, clear base- ment. paved drive and landscaped. St. Hedwig's School Dis- trict. Call Paul Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-8152 evenings. BEFORE YOU BUY . see this five and gq half room brick and stone bungalow. It's "just a little bit. better', has "just a little bit more to offer', than most homes on the market today. Flexible financing too! Call Hilda Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3£05 evenings., IN WHITBY Nice 'evel loi 100 ft. by 140 ft., can be divided ii..0 'two 50 ft. lots. Several young apple trees on property. For inspection call Mewt Hodgson at RA 5-3412 or RA 8-6408 evenings. BUILDERS SPECIAL | Approximately three acres of land adjoining BEAU VALLEY with ~ neat five-room bungalow and two-car garage, priced at $17,900. The bungalow is located at the extreme northerly part cf the lot, which would permit the subdividing of the re- maining lands into ten building lots. Yecur inspection is invited, so call Ray at RA 5-6165 LET'S TRADE Wanted 100-acre farm within commuting distance of Oshawa, on a geod road. For down payment the purchdser will trade an eight-room brick duplex with five rooms on the first floor for the owner and a three-rcom self-contained apartment upstairs. All interested persons call Ray at RA 5-3412. RA 5.6165 19 ATHOL ST. W. 1s RA 5-3421 OSHAWA 244a CO. LTD. 43 PARK ROAD SOUTH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Garage, Service Station ond dwelling, 4 bay garage, 2 gas pumps, paved drive, 6 room brick home, hot water with oil heating Peder kitchen, tiled bathroom, central location in good residential area, further particulars and appointment by callin Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. Po y g CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY STORE Store 'approximately 18 x 18 ft. with fixtures, plus modern kit- chen, living room, 2 bedrooms and bathroom, private drive and garage, $1500 down payment will handle, Cal Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. ® $1,500 DOWN $8,800 FULL PRICE -- 8 room 14 storey brick family home at Courtice, forced air with oil heating, 2 piece bath, electric hot water, attached garage, large lot with garden. For appointment call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810 $1,000 DOWN $7,9000 FULL PRICE -- 10 rooms, suitable for income, forced air with ail heating, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, tile floors, Va acre lot with barn, 6% mortgage, located north east of City. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162. FAIRBANKS ST. Duplex, 8 rooms, 2 story brick large ro ms, 2 modern kitchens, hot 'water with oil heating, 2 car gdrage; substantial cash re- | quired. Call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810, | 2440 Large 6 room, 134 storey home with attached garage, located on Central Park Blvd, S. 1% blocks off King St. E. living room with natural fire- place, 196" x 13', good size dining area and large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, master 20 x 13. Oil heating. Aluminum storms and screens. Substantial down payment required. Please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5.1726. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 244q LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM AN ARCHITECT'S DREAM OF PERFECTION EXECUTIVE HOME On o quiet residential street letting you enjoy suburban living almost downtown' on a large landscaped lot complete with shrubs. Double « garage and a walk-out basement affording two levels of mod- ern living. Living room with stone fireplace opens to a full length raised veranda giving a delightful view to the south. Kitchen planned for built-in equipment. Hot water baseboard heating by oil, and room for an office or den. For entertainment, parties or the children a panelled rec- reation room with indirect lighting and wall fireplace. Selling below construction cost with excellent financing. For appointment to see, call Lloyd Bolahood, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123. LIST WITH LLYOD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 244b MEMBERS OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 244a APPLEWOOD ACRES 'BEAUTIFUL IMMACULATE BRICK BUNGALOW HAS SIX LARGE TASTEFULLY DECORATED ROOMS. MANY, MANY EX- TRAS INCLUDING ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS, FORC- ED AIR OIL HEAT, LARGE FENCED LOT. CALL RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 244b NORTH END BUNGALOW McLaughlin Blvd. Beautiful solid rug brick bungalow, just a few houses from the golf course. This home is in spotless condi- tion throughout, oak floors, forced air oil heat, venetian blinds, living room drapes, storms and screens, decor- ated throughout in oil paint. , Roto T.V. cerial, large land- scaped lot completely fenced. Don't miss this excellent buy in this choice area. Full price $11.000. CALL MR. McMULLEN RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 244b 104 ACR CLOSE 10 Practically all workable. Barns painted. Water bowls and litter carrier, cement silo land in high state of cultivation. House has all conveniences, oil furnace, bathroom, hot and cold water on 5,000 bales of hay, large quantity of cut straw approx 3,000 bushels grair, silo tull of corn, also pit silo full, All this for only $35 000 with $15,000 down 115 ACRES 10 MILES FROM OSHAWA Barn '36 x 90. udditional barn 40 x 32, wate: bowls and new stabling, good water supply for buildings, duck pond and creek. House equipped with bathroom, laundry room in basement, hot and cold water, 6 rooms on 2 floors, reasonably priced at $18,500 with $8,000 down. MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN PHONE OLiver 5-3159 J. A. WILLOUGHBY IS LIMITED, REALTORS tap. Lovely grounds _ c E FARM OSHAWA This is good clay loam, area behind home. A natural playground for children. A home suited to the wife as it features large kitchen, bed- rooms, oil heat, tiled bath- room, eluminum storms ond screens, For the husband, a lovely garden with loads of rocm for expansion. As low as $2,500 down, $12,900 full price and one budget termed mortgage for the balance. Call Doug Gower, for more information, RA 8-5123, $9,500 AND $7,000 Two excellent buys in Osh- awa, all conveniences and oil heated, good size lots, close to schools and bus. Can be purchased for small down payment. Gocd term mort- gage. Save by caling Bill Mil- lar, RA 8-5123. N.H.A. RESALE REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT For this lovely clean, one year old home, situated on a well kept lot. Close to public and high school, bus service and shopping. This home has an extra large living room and kitchen with lots of cupboard space. Four piece tile bath with oil heat and private drive. Asking price $12,900. Call Dick Young at RA 8-5123 to see this home, OVERLOOKING THE CITY. This is the one you have been waiting for, Lovely ranch style type bungalow with at- tached garage. Large dining and living room, complete with fireplace, three large size bedrooms, roomy kitchen, with lots of cupboards, rec room has fireplace, oil heat- ing. Large lot 70" x 205", Taxes only $220.00 Reason- down payment. For full par- ticulars dial RA 8-5123 and ask for Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101. Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123. LIST WITH LLYOD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 244q 46--Real Estate Wanted a WANTED | HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED, ANY SIZE OR LOCATION, ALSO VACANT LAND. IF YOU CAN HELP -- CALL RA 3.2254 --. LLOYD AYERS, REAL- TOR. * 242¢| KELLY SAYS! If you want to seli or buy a home or business, give him a call a1 E nie Holmes Real 5-2363. Estate, 204 King East, RA cal at two-tone custom radio, rs with new guarantee. low mileage Try "Stew" Wellman's. RA 5-7981. 2430 SEE ITY TRY ITI! THE NEW 60 VOLVO At WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. RA 32 CLERGYMAN TRANSFERRED Selling 1956 Mercury, two- tone, automatic shift, two- door, hardtop, whitewall tires, new battery and muffler, good brakes (just relined), two suburban snow tires, only 34,000 miles, in excellent condition inside and out. One owner and one driver only. A real buy, $1595. Can be financed. Phone office: W. Ismond, RA 5-1197; resi- dence 3-4836. 243¢ 1960 Rambler "MOST IMITATED CAR" --ALSO-- 1960 HILLMAN Now On Display SHARPER LINES MORE POWER LARGER BRAKES AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (Optional on all models) $345 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY "Ride In Style For Less Per Mile" Better Used Cars Clearing All Used Cars at Substantial Savings Low Down Payment Easy Terms WELLMANS HILLMAN & RAMBLER NONQUON RD. RA 5-7981 Oper Till 9 P.M. MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY NAGY'S >CDY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 (Continued on Page 17)